during the 1840’s & 50’s, why did the idea civil war in the us appear to be inevitable?

During the 1840’s & 50’s, Why did During the 1840’s & 50’s, Why did the idea civil war in the US appear the idea civil war in the US appear to be to be inevitable inevitable ? ?

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During the 1840’s & 50’s, Why did the idea During the 1840’s & 50’s, Why did the idea civil war in the US appear to be civil war in the US appear to be inevitableinevitable??

LINCOLN VS DOUGLASS 1858:LINCOLN VS DOUGLASS 1858: Lincoln-Douglas DebatesLincoln-Douglas Debates

In my opinion, it will not cease until a crisis shall have been reached and passed. "A house divided against itself can not stand." I believe this Government can not endure permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved--I do not expect the house to fall--

but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing, or all the other. Either the opponents of slavery will arrest the further spread of it, and place it where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in course of ultimate extinction; or its advocates will push it forward

till it shall become alike lawful in all the States, old as well as new, North as well as South.

Abraham Lincoln 1858

Lincoln’s view on slavery Lincoln’s view on slavery controversy:controversy:

Lincoln believed that:Lincoln believed that:– Slavery was an immoral labor system Slavery was an immoral labor system

based on greedbased on greed

– LegislationLegislation needed to be passed to stop needed to be passed to stop the spread of slavery (against the spread of slavery (against popular popular sovereigntysovereignty))

– The nation could not exist half free and The nation could not exist half free and half slavehalf slave

LINCOLN VS DOUGLASS 1858:LINCOLN VS DOUGLASS 1858: Lincoln-Douglas DebatesLincoln-Douglas Debates

"It is the true intent and meaning of this act (Kansas Nebraska Act) not to legislate slavery

into any State or Territory, or to exclude it there from, but to leave the people thereof perfectly free to form and regulate their domestic institutions in

their own way, subject only to the federal constitution.'‘

Stephen A. Douglass

Douglass’ view on slavery Douglass’ view on slavery controversy:controversy:

Douglas believed that:Douglas believed that:– That That popular sovereigntypopular sovereignty would be the best would be the best

way to stop the spread of slavery into the new way to stop the spread of slavery into the new territoriesterritories

– Slavery was a backward labor system, the Slavery was a backward labor system, the people understood this, and would reject it by people understood this, and would reject it by vote vote

– Douglas won the Senate seat, but Lincoln Douglas won the Senate seat, but Lincoln gained national attention & became the front gained national attention & became the front runner for the Republican Presidential runner for the Republican Presidential nomination in 1860nomination in 1860


Missouri CompromiseMissouri Compromise (1820) (1820) – Split territories at 36/30 line (north free/south Split territories at 36/30 line (north free/south

slave)slave)– Allowed slavery to continue as the nationAllowed slavery to continue as the nation

Compromise of 1850:Compromise of 1850: – California enters as a free stateCalifornia enters as a free state– Utah/New Mexico decide on their ownUtah/New Mexico decide on their own– Strict fugitive slave lawsStrict fugitive slave laws

Kansas-Nebraska Act:Kansas-Nebraska Act: – Senator Stephan Douglas sponsored the act Senator Stephan Douglas sponsored the act

in which the Nebraska territory would be in which the Nebraska territory would be divided in halfdivided in half

– Both territories would vote on the slavery Both territories would vote on the slavery issueissue

– When pro slavery & anti slavery forces moved When pro slavery & anti slavery forces moved to Kansas, violence between the groups to Kansas, violence between the groups escalatedescalated

– The term The term Bleeding KansasBleeding Kansas refers to this time refers to this time periodperiod

Violence in the Senate symbolizes the Violence in the Senate symbolizes the growing national problem. growing national problem.

Congressman Preston Brooks beats Senator Charles Sumner, after Sumner verbally attacked his uncle Senator Andrew Butler

for Sen. Butlers pro slavery position.


NorthNorth– Remained industrial, manufacturing base for Remained industrial, manufacturing base for

the US.the US.– Labor force was made up of low skilled, poorly Labor force was made up of low skilled, poorly

paid workers (immigrants)paid workers (immigrants)

SouthSouth– Remained agriculturalRemained agricultural– Plantation system relied on slave laborPlantation system relied on slave labor

COMBINED EFFECT OF DIVISIVE INFLUENCESCOMBINED EFFECT OF DIVISIVE INFLUENCES Dred Scott decision by Supreme CourtDred Scott decision by Supreme Court– Scott is declared property, not a citizen, the decision is celebrated in the Scott is declared property, not a citizen, the decision is celebrated in the

south, begins to polarize the north against slavery south, begins to polarize the north against slavery

New Political PartiesNew Political Parties – Free Soil Party, the Republican party attempt to keep slavery out of Free Soil Party, the Republican party attempt to keep slavery out of

territories territories

Poor Presidential Leadership Poor Presidential Leadership – President Taylor dies in office, unable to confront issues that fuel President Taylor dies in office, unable to confront issues that fuel

secessionsecession– Presidents Fillmore, Pierce, Buchanan provide poor leadership in the face Presidents Fillmore, Pierce, Buchanan provide poor leadership in the face

of growing tensions between the regionsof growing tensions between the regions

Lack of Leadership in the SenateLack of Leadership in the Senate – Senators involved in compromise movements (Webster/Clay, Calhoun) Senators involved in compromise movements (Webster/Clay, Calhoun)

died, or no longer in officedied, or no longer in office

Growth of Abolitionist MovementGrowth of Abolitionist Movement – Harriet Tubman-underground rail roadHarriet Tubman-underground rail road– John Brown-violent raids against slavery/Harper’s FerryJohn Brown-violent raids against slavery/Harper’s Ferry– Harriet Beecher Stowe-Uncle Tom’s Cabin/puts a human face on the Harriet Beecher Stowe-Uncle Tom’s Cabin/puts a human face on the

suffering of slaves suffering of slaves

The Election of 1860 The Election of 1860

The Election of 1860The Election of 1860– Lincoln nominated by RepublicansLincoln nominated by Republicans– Douglas nominated by Democrats (moderate on Douglas nominated by Democrats (moderate on

slavery)slavery)– Breckinridge 3rd candidate (from south)/Bell forms new Breckinridge 3rd candidate (from south)/Bell forms new

partyparty– Douglas/Breckinridge/Bell split vote--Lincoln emerges Douglas/Breckinridge/Bell split vote--Lincoln emerges

as winneras winner

South views Lincoln’s election as the worst South views Lincoln’s election as the worst possible outcomepossible outcome– Lincoln wins without the support of a single southern Lincoln wins without the support of a single southern

state/the south feels powerless state/the south feels powerless – 1 month after Lincoln’s election the south 1 month after Lincoln’s election the south secedes secedes

from the unionfrom the union..

"If you are as happy, my dear sir, on entering this houseas I am in leaving it and returning home,

you are the happiest man in this country.“

James Buchanan to Abraham Lincoln on Inauguration Day

During the 1840’s & 50’s, Why did the idea civil During the 1840’s & 50’s, Why did the idea civil war in the US appear to be war in the US appear to be inevitableinevitable??

Economic & cultural differences put North Economic & cultural differences put North & South on a collision course & South on a collision course

North viewed slavery as a North viewed slavery as a moral issuemoral issue

South believed strongly in states rights to South believed strongly in states rights to nullifynullify federal decisions federal decisions