dune akasha log

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  • 7/31/2019 Dune Akasha Log


    dune-akasha - Sonntag, September 11, 2011, 1:13------------------------------------------------

    You are still on the northern part of the main road. The cabins are tothe east and the west, and the building to the north end of the road isslightly more visible. You can see a rusty old gate next to it, and youwander where it is for. Well, there's only one way to find out. To theeast there is a cabin with a sign that reads 'Pub'. To the west thereseems to be some sort of restaurant.

    Four obvious exits: north, south, west and east.>-[ Northern Main Road ]-You follow the main road. The building to the north seems less threatheningnow that you can see that it has windows. But still, there are heavy metalbars before those windows and a shiver runs down your spine. You assume thatit's probably a school where the Bene Gesserit train their students to becomeworthful members of the Sisterhood. East and west, there are some more shops.

    Four obvious exits: north, south, west and east.>-[ Northern Main Road ]-You are just one step away from the building, and you find that yoursenses didn't cheat on you: there's a big sign here reading 'North to theBene Gesserit training school'. There seems to live a smith west of here.But that's the last cabin that lays on this road. There is a small path

    leading to the east.

    Four obvious exits: north, south, west and east.>-[ In front of the school ]-You are in the small park that surrounds the green building of the BGschool. The trees are quite dense here, it's actually a tiny little forestwhere the school is situated. It stands majestically on the side of asmall clearing between the trees. There is a small path to the northwestand to the northeast.

    Four obvious exits: northeast, northwest, north and south.>-[ Bene Gesserit Territory ]-This is a small clearing, with tall trees surrounding it on all but one

    side. In the non-foliaged side lies a fairly large building, labeled'School' above the doorway, to the north. A stone wall west of hereopens into a gate, which seems to be permanently open, from hundreds ofyears worth of rust. The ground is well packed dirt, which picks uponly marginal amounts of dust. The only lighting is natural, the sun ofWallach IX.

    Three obvious exits: north, south and enter.>-[ A staircase leading upwards ]-The beginning of a long corridor. A door leading out of thebuilding is to your south, and the corridor continues northerlyThe light is almost brighter than it should be, creating largeglare marks on the highly polished floor. The walls are covered

    with books and portraits of famous Reverend Mothers and Bashars.

    Two obvious exits: north and south.Bene Gesserit Patrol Guard>-[ Bene Gesserit Territory ]-This is a small clearing, with tall trees surrounding it on all but oneside. In the non-foliaged side lies a fairly large building, labeled'School' above the doorway, to the north. A stone wall west of hereopens into a gate, which seems to be permanently open, from hundreds ofyears worth of rust. The ground is well packed dirt, which picks up

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    only marginal amounts of dust. The only lighting is natural, the sun ofWallach IX.

    Three obvious exits: north, south and enter.>-[ Entrance to an orchard ]-You are standing on a dirt path. The path continues aheadof you to the north, but it becomes surrounded by tall trees.On your left and right, similar paths continue, bordering the orchard.High, stone walls follow the perimeter paths around the grove.

    Four obvious exits: north, west, east and out.>-[ North of the orchard entrance ]-After entering the eternal shadows caste by the giant treesthe soft sounds of bird calls filter into your ears. The hugetrunks on either side are three times the width of your bodyand the tops are completely obscured from view. The pathcontinues north, and south back to the entrance.

    Four obvious exits: north, south, west and east.>-[ Entrance to an orchard ]-You are standing on a dirt path. The path continues aheadof you to the north, but it becomes surrounded by tall trees.On your left and right, similar paths continue, bordering the orchard.High, stone walls follow the perimeter paths around the grove.

    Four obvious exits: north, west, east and out.>-[ Gravel Pathway ]-You are standing on a well trodden gravel path. It isobvious that a fair amount of foot traffic goes by hereeach day. There is a stone wall parralleling the path,and you can see an opening in it to the east. The pathcontinues east and west, and a dense orchard is north of you.

    Two obvious exits: east and west.>-[ Gravel Pathway ]-You are standing on a well trodden gravel path. It isobvious that a fair amount of foot traffic goes by here

    each day. There is a stone wall parralleling the path,and you can see an opening in it to the east. The pathcontinues north.

    Two obvious exits: north and east.>There is no exit leading west...>-[ Gravel Pathway ]-You are standing on a well trodden gravel path. It isobvious that a fair amount of foot traffic goes by hereeach day. There is a stone wall parralleling the path,and you can see an opening in it to the east. The pathcontinues east and west, and a dense orchard is north of you.

    Two obvious exits: east and west.>-[ Entrance to an orchard ]-You are standing on a dirt path. The path continues aheadof you to the north, but it becomes surrounded by tall trees.On your left and right, similar paths continue, bordering the orchard.High, stone walls follow the perimeter paths around the grove.

    Four obvious exits: north, west, east and out.>-[ Gravel Pathway ]-You are standing on a well trodden gravel path. It is

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    obvious that a fair amount of foot traffic goes by hereeach day. There is a stone wall parralleling the path,and you can see an opening in it to the east. The pathcontinues east and west, and a dense orchard is north of you.

    Two obvious exits: west and east.>-[ Gravel Pathway ]-You are standing on a well trodden gravel path. It isobvious that a fair amount of foot traffic goes by hereeach day. There is a stone wall parralleling the path,and you can see an opening in it to the east. The pathcontinues north.

    Two obvious exits: north and west.>There is no exit leading east...>There is no exit leading east...>-[ North of the orchard entrance ]-In the center of the eternal shadows caste by the giant treesthe soft sounds of bird calls filter into your ears. The hugetrunks on either side are three times the width of your bodyand the tops are completely obscured from view. The pathcontinues north, and south to the previous section of the path.Far to the north, you can see a large gate.

    Three obvious exits: north, south and west.>-[ North of the orchard entrance ]-In the center of the eternal shadows caste by the giant treesthe soft sounds of bird calls filter into your ears. The hugetrunks on either side are three times the width of your bodyand the tops are completely obscured from view. The pathcontinues north, and south to the previous section of the path.Far to the north, you can see a large gate.

    Three obvious exits: south, north and west.Tleilaxu Scientist>What ?>Wimpy mode 50% at 105 hps.

    >Scientist absorbs the brunt of your assault.You killed Scientist.Scientist died.Scientist died.>You get 75 solaris.You get 75 solaris from Corpse of Scientist.>You carefully set fire to the corpse, it burns into ashes.>-[ Bene Gesserit Orchard ]-You are surrounded by tall trees on all sides. They resemble appletrees of the old Earth, yet on a much grander scale ... you can senseBene Gesserit breeding as the roots of this. This small path betweenrows of trees runs east-west.

    Two obvious exits: east and west.Tleilaxu Scientist>Scientist fails to dodge your attack.You shin kick Scientist's stomach cracking the bone with your left foot.You attack Scientist>Scientist grunts, feeling the shock of your blow.You killed Scientist.Scientist died.Scientist died.You get 100 solaris.

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    You get 100 solaris from Corpse of Scientist.You get A magenta token from Corpse of Scientist.You get A rare cyan token from Corpse of Scientist.You get A magenta token from Corpse of Scientist.>You carefully set fire to the corpse, it burns into ashes.>You are now briefing all monster combat messages.>You are now in Very Brief Combat mode.>You are now in dodge defense mode.>You block everyone to follow and lead.>You are now aiming at head.>-[ North of the orchard entrance ]-After entering the eternal shadows caste by the giant treesthe soft sounds of bird calls filter into your ears. The hugetrunks on either side are three times the width of your bodyand the tops are completely obscured from view. The pathcontinues north, and south back to the entrance.

    Four obvious exits: north, south, west and east.>-[ Bene Gesserit Orchard ]-You are surrounded by tall trees on all sides. They resemble appletrees of the old Earth, yet on a much grander scale ... you can senseBene Gesserit breeding as the roots of this. This small path betweenrows of trees runs east-west.

    Two obvious exits: east and west.Laborer>You attack Laborer>You are fighting LaborerYou killed Laborer.Laborer died.Laborer died.You get 60 solaris.You get 60 solaris from Corpse of Laborer.>You carefully set fire to the corpse, it burns into ashes.>-[ Bene Gesserit Orchard ]-You are surrounded by tall trees on all sides. They resemble appletrees of the old Earth, yet on a much grander scale ... you can sense

    Bene Gesserit breeding as the roots of this. This small path betweenrows of trees runs east-west.

    Two obvious exits: east and west.>-[ North of the orchard entrance ]-In the center of the eternal shadows caste by the giant treesthe soft sounds of bird calls filter into your ears. The hugetrunks on either side are three times the width of your bodyand the tops are completely obscured from view. The pathcontinues north, and south to the previous section of the path.Far to the north, you can see a large gate.

    Three obvious exits: north, south and east.

    >There is no exit leading west...>-[ North of the orchard entrance ]-In the center of the eternal shadows caste by the giant treesthe soft sounds of bird calls filter into your ears. The hugetrunks on either side are three times the width of your bodyand the tops are completely obscured from view. The pathcontinues north, and south to the previous section of the path.Far to the north, you can see a large gate.

    Three obvious exits: south, north and east.

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    Huge fly>You attack Fly>You are fighting FlyHP: 211/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 26% Youare fighting FlyYou killed Fly.Fly died.Fly died.You get 100 solaris.You get 100 solaris from Corpse of Fly.>You carefully set fire to the corpse, it burns into ashes.>Your concentration falters and you slip out of a battlerage.-[ North of the orchard entrance ]-In the center of the eternal shadows caste by the giant treesthe soft sounds of bird calls filter into your ears. The hugetrunks on either side are three times the width of your bodyand the tops are completely obscured from view. The pathcontinues north, and south to the previous section of the path.Far to the north, you can see a large gate.

    Three obvious exits: south, north and east.>There is no exit leading west...>-[ Bene Gesserit Orchard ]-You are surrounded by tall trees on all sides. They resemble apple

    trees of the old Earth, yet on a much grander scale ... you can senseBene Gesserit breeding as the roots of this. This small path betweenrows of trees runs east-west.

    Two obvious exits: east and west.Tleilaxu ScientistLaborer>-[ North of the orchard entrance ]-In the center of the eternal shadows caste by the giant treesthe soft sounds of bird calls filter into your ears. The hugetrunks on either side are three times the width of your bodyand the tops are completely obscured from view. The pathcontinues north, and south to the previous section of the path.

    Far the the north, you can see a group of buildings.

    Four obvious exits: north, south, west and east.Gesserit Gardener>You killed Gardener.Gardener died.Gardener died.>You get 126 solaris.You get 126 solaris from Corpse of Gardener.>You carefully set fire to the corpse, it burns into ashes.>-[ Bene Gesserit Orchard ]-You are surrounded by tall trees on all sides. They resemble appletrees of the old Earth, yet on a much grander scale ... you can sense

    Bene Gesserit breeding as the roots of this. This small path betweenrows of trees runs east-west.

    Two obvious exits: east and west.Tleilaxu ScientistLaborer>You attack LaborerYou attack Scientist>You are fighting ScientistYou killed Scientist.

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    Scientist died.Scientist died.You turn to attack Laborer.HP: 211/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 26%You get 75 solaris.You get 75 solaris from Corpse of Scientist.>You carefully set fire to the corpse, it burns into ashes.>What ?>You are fighting LaborerYou killed Laborer.Laborer died.Laborer died.You get 80 solaris.You get 80 solaris from Corpse of Laborer.>You carefully set fire to the corpse, it burns into ashes.>-[ Bene Gesserit Orchard ]-You are surrounded by tall trees on all sides. They resemble appletrees of the old Earth, yet on a much grander scale ... you can senseBene Gesserit breeding as the roots of this. This small path betweenrows of trees runs east-west.

    Two obvious exits: east and west.>-[ North of the orchard entrance ]-In the center of the eternal shadows caste by the giant trees

    the soft sounds of bird calls filter into your ears. The hugetrunks on either side are three times the width of your bodyand the tops are completely obscured from view. The pathcontinues north, and south to the previous section of the path.Far to the north, you can see a large gate.

    Three obvious exits: south, north and east.>There is no exit leading west...>-[ Bene Gesserit Orchard ]-You are surrounded by tall trees on all sides. They resemble appletrees of the old Earth, yet on a much grander scale ... you can senseBene Gesserit breeding as the roots of this. This small path betweenrows of trees runs east-west.

    Two obvious exits: east and west.>-[ North of the orchard entrance ]-In the center of the eternal shadows caste by the giant treesthe soft sounds of bird calls filter into your ears. The hugetrunks on either side are three times the width of your bodyand the tops are completely obscured from view. The pathcontinues north, and south to the previous section of the path.Far the the north, you can see a group of buildings.

    Four obvious exits: north, south, west and east.>-[ Bene Gesserit Orchard ]-You are surrounded by tall trees on all sides. They resemble apple

    trees of the old Earth, yet on a much grander scale ... you can senseBene Gesserit breeding as the roots of this. This small path betweenrows of trees runs east-west.

    Two obvious exits: east and west.Laborer>You killed Laborer.Laborer died.Laborer died.>You get 20 solaris.

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    You get 20 solaris from Corpse of Laborer.>You carefully set fire to the corpse, it burns into ashes.>-[ North of the orchard entrance ]-In the center of the eternal shadows caste by the giant treesthe soft sounds of bird calls filter into your ears. The hugetrunks on either side are three times the width of your bodyand the tops are completely obscured from view. The pathcontinues north, and south to the previous section of the path.Far to the north, you can see a large gate.

    Three obvious exits: south, north and west.>>There is no exit leading east...>There is no exit leading east...>-[ North of the orchard entrance ]-Nearing the end of the eternal shadows caste by the giant treesthe soft sounds of bird calls filter into your ears. The hugetrunks on either side are three times the width of your bodyand the tops are completely obscured from view. The pathcontinues north, and south to the previous section of the path.Just up north, you can see a group of buildings.

    Three obvious exits: south, north and west.>-[ Bene Gesserit Orchard ]-You are surrounded by tall trees on all sides. They resemble apple

    trees of the old Earth, yet on a much grander scale ... you can senseBene Gesserit breeding as the roots of this. This small path betweenrows of trees runs east-west.

    Two obvious exits: east and west.Laborer>-[ North of the orchard entrance ]-Nearing the end of the eternal shadows caste by the giant treesthe soft sounds of bird calls filter into your ears. The hugetrunks on either side are three times the width of your bodyand the tops are completely obscured from view. The pathcontinues north, and south to the previous section of the path.Just up north, you can see a group of buildings.

    Four obvious exits: north, south, west and east.>-[ Bene Gesserit Orchard ]-You are surrounded by tall trees on all sides. They resemble appletrees of the old Earth, yet on a much grander scale ... you can senseBene Gesserit breeding as the roots of this. This small path betweenrows of trees runs east-west.

    Two obvious exits: east and west.Laborer>You killed Laborer.Laborer died.Laborer died.

    >You get 20 solaris.You get 20 solaris from Corpse of Laborer.>You carefully set fire to the corpse, it burns into ashes.>-[ North of the orchard entrance ]-Nearing the end of the eternal shadows caste by the giant treesthe soft sounds of bird calls filter into your ears. The hugetrunks on either side are three times the width of your bodyand the tops are completely obscured from view. The pathcontinues north, and south to the previous section of the path.Just up north, you can see a group of buildings.

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    Four obvious exits: north, south, west and east.>-[ Bene Gesserit Orchard ]-You are surrounded by tall trees on all sides. They resemble appletrees of the old Earth, yet on a much grander scale ... you can senseBene Gesserit breeding as the roots of this. This small path betweenrows of trees runs east-west.

    Two obvious exits: east and west.>-[ North of the orchard entrance ]-Nearing the end of the eternal shadows caste by the giant treesthe soft sounds of bird calls filter into your ears. The hugetrunks on either side are three times the width of your bodyand the tops are completely obscured from view. The pathcontinues north, and south to the previous section of the path.Just up north, you can see a group of buildings.

    Three obvious exits: south, north and east.Laborer>You attack Laborer>You are fighting LaborerHP: 211/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 5%What ?>You are fighting Laborer

    You killed Laborer.Laborer died.Laborer died.You get 20 solaris.You get 20 solaris from Corpse of Laborer.>You carefully set fire to the corpse, it burns into ashes.>There is no exit leading west...>-[ Gravel Pathway ]-You are standing on a well trodden gravel path. It isobvious that a fair amount of foot traffic goes by hereeach day. There is a stone wall parralleling the path,but there is an open gate in this section. Above the gatethere is an old, rusted sign.

    Three obvious exits: south, east and gate.>-[ Gravel Pathway ]-You are standing on a well trodden gravel path. It isobvious that a fair amount of foot traffic goes by hereeach day. There is a stone wall parralleling the path,and you can see an opening in it to the west. To the southyou see a dense orchard, with no clearly visible way to enter.

    Two obvious exits: west and east.>-[ Courtyard at end of orchard ]-It takes you a few moments for your eyes to adjust to this newbrightness. After the blur fades to solid objects, you see

    that you are surrounded by a semi-circle of buildings ahead of youand the orchard to your rear. Paths stretch to the east and west.

    Six obvious exits: northeast, northwest, north, south, west and east.>-[ Gravel Pathway ]-You are standing on a well trodden gravel path. It isobvious that a fair amount of foot traffic goes by hereeach day. There is a stone wall parralleling the path,and you can see an opening in it to the east. To the southyou see a dense orchard, with no clearly visible way to enter.

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    Three obvious exits: south, north and east.>-[ North of the orchard entrance ]-In the center of the eternal shadows caste by the giant treesthe soft sounds of bird calls filter into your ears. The hugetrunks on either side are three times the width of your bodyand the tops are completely obscured from view. The pathcontinues north, and south to the previous section of the path.Far to the north, you can see a large gate.

    Three obvious exits: north, south and east.>-[ Gravel Pathway ]-You are standing on a well trodden gravel path. It isobvious that a fair amount of foot traffic goes by hereeach day. There is a stone wall parralleling the path,and you can see an opening in it to the east. The pathcontinues north.

    Two obvious exits: north and east.>There is no exit leading south...>-[ Gravel Pathway ]-You are standing on a well trodden gravel path. It isobvious that a fair amount of foot traffic goes by hereeach day. There is a stone wall parralleling the path,and you can see an opening in it to the east. The path

    continues east and west, and a dense orchard is north of you.

    Two obvious exits: east and west.>-[ Entrance to an orchard ]-You are standing on a dirt path. The path continues aheadof you to the north, but it becomes surrounded by tall trees.On your left and right, similar paths continue, bordering the orchard.High, stone walls follow the perimeter paths around the grove.

    Four obvious exits: north, west, east and out.>There is no exit leading south...>There is no exit leading south...>There is no exit leading south...

    >-[ Bene Gesserit Territory ]-This is a small clearing, with tall trees surrounding it on all but oneside. In the non-foliaged side lies a fairly large building, labeled'School' above the doorway, to the north. A stone wall west of hereopens into a gate, which seems to be permanently open, from hundreds ofyears worth of rust. The ground is well packed dirt, which picks uponly marginal amounts of dust. The only lighting is natural, the sun ofWallach IX.

    Three obvious exits: north, south and enter.>-[ In front of the school ]-You are in the small park that surrounds the green building of the BGschool. The trees are quite dense here, it's actually a tiny little forest

    where the school is situated. It stands majestically on the side of asmall clearing between the trees. There is a small path to the northwestand to the northeast.

    Four obvious exits: northeast, northwest, north and south.>-[ Northern Main Road ]-You are just one step away from the building, and you find that yoursenses didn't cheat on you: there's a big sign here reading 'North to theBene Gesserit training school'. There seems to live a smith west of here.But that's the last cabin that lays on this road. There is a small path

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    leading to the east.

    Four obvious exits: north, south, west and east.>-[ Northern Main Road ]-You follow the main road. The building to the north seems less threatheningnow that you can see that it has windows. But still, there are heavy metalbars before those windows and a shiver runs down your spine. You assume thatit's probably a school where the Bene Gesserit train their students to becomeworthful members of the Sisterhood. East and west, there are some more shops.

    Four obvious exits: north, south, west and east.>-[ Northern Main Road ]-You are still on the northern part of the main road. The cabins are tothe east and the west, and the building to the north end of the road isslightly more visible. You can see a rusty old gate next to it, and youwander where it is for. Well, there's only one way to find out. To theeast there is a cabin with a sign that reads 'Pub'. To the west thereseems to be some sort of restaurant.

    Four obvious exits: north, south, west and east.>-[ Northern Main Road ]-

    This is the main road, north of Wallach Astroport.Wallach IX is a planet rich in wildlife, and obviousattempts have been made to keep it that way. The air is

    clean and fresh, not yet tainted by the smells of the city.To the north, you see a large building that you may wish toexplore. To the south is the Astroport.

    Five obvious exits: north, south, west, east and enter.>-[ Wallach IX Astro Port ]-Wallach Spacing Guild Astroport. You stand at a huge landing pad.Behind the low buildings around the pad you notice the shimmeringshape of mountain tops. There are ships arriving and taking off atat rapid speed, as it is very crowded here. A lot of people are waitingfor their ships to arrive. There is a display terminal near the exitof the astroport. There is a road leading to the north, south and west,and a smaller, shadowy path to the east.

    Four obvious exits: north, south, west and east.An automatic bank teller machineIllya, the Bene Gesserit>------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Akasha the Fremen's worst nightmareHeight : very tall Guild : Harkonnen Handedness : left handedLevel : 12 Score : Rank : Wimpy : 50% Ghola : None------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hit Points : 211/210 Command Points : 130/126Total Experience : 1602997/3500000 Solaris : 705/0

    STATS - Base(Bonus)/TotalStrength Constitution Intelligence13( 0)/13 13( 0)/13 12( 0)/12

    Wisdom Dexterity Quickness11( 0)/11 12( 0)/12 11( 0)/11

    Carry Load : Minimal ( 3 %) Exp Multiplier : 1.250You are aiming : Head Your defense is : Dodge

    Total Kills : 3444 Total Deaths : 3

  • 7/31/2019 Dune Akasha Log


    Quest Points : 14 Explorer Rating : Novice TravellerIntox: ( 0 %) Drank: ( 0 %)Spice: ( 0 %) Eaten: ( 0 %)------------------------------------------------------------------------------>-[ Southern Main Road ]-You are on the main road, south from Wallach Astroport. Some of thecobblestones seem to be broken and loose, watch out that you don'ttrip over them. There is a dead bird lying here, but apart from that,no trash is to be found. Wallach really is a planet where nature canroam freely. There are a few wooden huts near the road.

    Four obvious exits: north, south, west and east.>-[ Southern Main Road ]-You are on the main road, south from Wallach Astroport. The cobblestonesseem a little firmer attached to the ground here. There are still woodenhuts flanking the road. The sun is shining brightly upon your head, andyou feel quite at ease here.

    Four obvious exits: north, south, west and east.>-[ Southern Main Road ]-You are on the main road, south from Wallach Astroport. There is not muchto see here, just the stone road to the north and further south. East andwest from the road are small buildings. The sun is still shining upon you,and you look around for some shade. The road continues to the south.

    Four obvious exits: north, south, west and east.>-[ Southern Main Road ]-You are on the main road, south from Wallach Astroport. The huts are gettingthinner here, and it seems like you've almost reached the end of this village.The cobblestones are rare, it's more a sand road. There are still twohuts flanking the road, but it seems like they're the last ones. South is somekind of ornithopter base, which doesn't fit this quiet village.

    Four obvious exits: north, south, west and east.>-[ Orni base ]-You are at the ornithopter base. Here you can rent an orni to travelto another part of the planet. A large landing pad is surrounded by

    a few small buildings. There are orni's arriving and taking off at arapid speed. You notice a sign, obviously placed to help you.The stone road surrounding the town is south from here. There isalso a small, bushy path leading east and west.

    Four obvious exits: north, south, west and east.>You board the orni that's about to take off to the Bene Gesserit school.>------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Akasha the Fremen's worst nightmareHeight : very tall Guild : Harkonnen Handedness : left handedLevel : 12 Score : Rank : Wimpy : 50% Ghola : None------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Hit Points : 211/210 Command Points : 130/126Total Experience : 1602997/3500000 Solaris : 585/0

    STATS - Base(Bonus)/TotalStrength Constitution Intelligence13( 0)/13 13( 0)/13 12( 0)/12

    Wisdom Dexterity Quickness11( 0)/11 12( 0)/12 11( 0)/11

    Carry Load : Minimal ( 3 %) Exp Multiplier : 1.250

  • 7/31/2019 Dune Akasha Log


    You are aiming : Head Your defense is : Dodge

    Total Kills : 3444 Total Deaths : 3Quest Points : 14 Explorer Rating : Novice TravellerIntox: ( 0 %) Drank: ( 0 %)Spice: ( 0 %) Eaten: ( 0 %)------------------------------------------------------------------------------>The orni slowly takes off.You feel more rested and ready to go into a battlerage again.It heads on to the Bene Gesserit school.You see the forests and fields of Wallach below you.After a while, you feel the orni slowing down.You land at Bene Gesserit school.You step out of the orni.-[ Orni base, BG school ]-You are at the ornithopter base near the BG school. Here you can rentan orni to travel to another part of the planet. A large landing pad issurrounded by a few small buildings. There are orni's arriving and takingoff at a rapid speed. You notice a sign, obviously placed to help you.There is a path going east. West is to the forest.

    Two obvious exits: west and east.-[ The beginning of the path to the BG school ]-You have arrived at a trail head. Large trees begin to sprout up around you

    and the sweet sound of bird songs waft past your ears. The trail is a winding pathheading in a general northly direction. In the distance, you can see a sign alongsidethe path. Far past that, a large building rises out of the forest.

    Two obvious exits: north and west.>-[ Path to the BG school ]-You are surrounded by tall trees now, and the sound of singing birds is very clear.The path is beginning to widen here, opening up onto a large white building,nestled in the trees. You wonder what the building might contain. There is a sign

    imbedded in the ground, just ahead of you.

    Two obvious exits: north and south.>What ?>-[ Doorway to BG school ]-You have arrived at a large building. There are 2 doorways, one markedELEMENTARY and the second marked ADVANCED. The only other obvious exit is backto the path. A large window, straight above you is inviting. You notice a smallbox on your right.

    Five obvious exits: south, west, east, door2 and door1.A Bene Gesserit academy board [49 messages, last dated: Nov 24 04:12, 2006]>-[ Entrance to BG school newbie area ]-

    You have entered the office of the BG elementary school. Onyour right you can see a doorway, with a sign on it marked'Principal'. While on your left is a blank wall. This roomseems to be for attendance purposes. A long wooden deskstretches across the far wall, with a door behind it.

    Three obvious exits: north, east and out.A NEWBIE dispenser>-[ Hallway1 of BG elementary school ]-After passing through the office, you arrive at the main

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    hallway of the elementary school. You can see the first signsof the Bene Gesserit nature of this building, through therelics and books of the Sisterhood filling the shelves onthe walls. To the west you can see a small classroom witha few young girls listening attentively to an elderly womanin an aba. On your right, there is a small storage room.

    Four obvious exits: south, north, east and west.>-[ Classroom1 of BG elementary school ]-This is the first classroom of the school. All of the girlsseem to be very young, and inexperienced in the ways of theBene Gesserit. The sides of the room are covered in cutelittle drawings the girls made. There is a podium up infront of the rooms, and desks for the little girls to sitin dispersed throughout the room.

    One obvious exit: east.Old Bene Gesserit teacherThree times 'Young Bene Gesserit student'>-[ Hallway1 of BG elementary school ]-After passing through the office, you arrive at the mainhallway of the elementary school. You can see the first signsof the Bene Gesserit nature of this building, through therelics and books of the Sisterhood filling the shelves on

    the walls. To the west you can see a small classroom witha few young girls listening attentively to an elderly womanin an aba. On your right, there is a small storage room.

    Four obvious exits: south, north, east and west.>-[ Entrance to BG school newbie area ]-You have entered the office of the BG elementary school. Onyour right you can see a doorway, with a sign on it marked'Principal'. While on your left is a blank wall. This roomseems to be for attendance purposes. A long wooden deskstretches across the far wall, with a door behind it.

    Three obvious exits: north, east and out.

    A NEWBIE dispenser>There is no exit leading west...>-[ The office of the principal of the BG elementary school ]-You have come to a fair sized room right off the main entrance.It looks fairly cozy, with a large overstuffed leather sofa onyour left, and a small fireplace on your right. Straight aheadof you a middle-aged woman, in an aba, sits in a black leatheroffice chair. In front of the woman, there is a rectangularwooden desk, with a small sign on it. You notice the sign says'PRINCIPAL'.

    One obvious exit: west.Principal

    >-[ Entrance to BG school newbie area ]-You have entered the office of the BG elementary school. Onyour right you can see a doorway, with a sign on it marked'Principal'. While on your left is a blank wall. This roomseems to be for attendance purposes. A long wooden deskstretches across the far wall, with a door behind it.

    Three obvious exits: north, east and out.A NEWBIE dispenser>-[ Hallway1 of BG elementary school ]-

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    After passing through the office, you arrive at the mainhallway of the elementary school. You can see the first signsof the Bene Gesserit nature of this building, through therelics and books of the Sisterhood filling the shelves onthe walls. To the west you can see a small classroom witha few young girls listening attentively to an elderly womanin an aba. On your right, there is a small storage room.

    Four obvious exits: south, north, east and west.>-[ Entrance to BG school newbie area ]-You have entered the office of the BG elementary school. Onyour right you can see a doorway, with a sign on it marked'Principal'. While on your left is a blank wall. This roomseems to be for attendance purposes. A long wooden deskstretches across the far wall, with a door behind it.

    Three obvious exits: north, east and out.A NEWBIE dispenser>There is no exit leading south...>-[ Doorway to BG school ]-You have arrived at a large building. There are 2 doorways, one markedELEMENTARY and the second marked ADVANCED. The only other obvious exit is backto the path. A large window, straight above you is inviting. You notice a smallbox on your right.

    Five obvious exits: south, west, east, door2 and door1.A Bene Gesserit academy board [49 messages, last dated: Nov 24 04:12, 2006]>-[ Entrance to BG school newbie area ]-You have entered the office of the BG elementary school. Onyour right you can see a doorway, with a sign on it marked'Principal'. While on your left is a blank wall. This roomseems to be for attendance purposes. A long wooden deskstretches across the far wall, with a door behind it.

    Three obvious exits: north, east and out.A NEWBIE dispenser>What ?

    >-[ Doorway to BG school ]-You have arrived at a large building. There are 2 doorways, one markedELEMENTARY and the second marked ADVANCED. The only other obvious exit is backto the path. A large window, straight above you is inviting. You notice a smallbox on your right.

    Five obvious exits: south, west, east, door2 and door1.A Bene Gesserit academy board [49 messages, last dated: Nov 24 04:12, 2006]>-[ Entrance to the advanced BG training school ]-You have entered the office of the advanced BG trainingschool. It is staffed by training Reverend Mothers.They have gone through all the basic training of theBene Gesserit. The room itself is fairly sparce. It

    contains only a single desk, with a chair behind it,and a small sign next to the entrance. On your left yousee a small hallway, and straight ahead of you, to thenorth, a larger hallway begins.

    Three obvious exits: north, west and out.Secretary Acolyte [scratched]Corpse of Akasha>You get Corpse of Akasha from Entrance to the advanced BG training school.>You get 3939 solaris.

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    You get 3939 solaris from Corpse of Akasha.You get A rose from Corpse of Akasha.You get A rose from Corpse of Akasha.You get Fine aba (small) from Corpse of Akasha.You get Fine aba (large) from Corpse of Akasha.>You are not wielding anything.

    You are wearing :A Harkonnen Battlesuit (extra large)

    And carrying :A roseA roseA golden wedding band (worn)Fine aba (small)Fine aba (large)A trash compactorCorpse of AkashaA rare cyan tokenA high-technology watchTwo times 'magenta token'Kbl's experience tag.A system type clock

    >What ?

    >There are no corpses here to torch.>You drop your corpse.>You carefully set fire to the corpse, it burns into ashes.>-[ Entrance to the advanced BG training school ]-You have entered the office of the advanced BG trainingschool. It is staffed by training Reverend Mothers.They have gone through all the basic training of theBene Gesserit. The room itself is fairly sparce. Itcontains only a single desk, with a chair behind it,and a small sign next to the entrance. On your left yousee a small hallway, and straight ahead of you, to thenorth, a larger hallway begins.

    Three obvious exits: north, west and out.Secretary Acolyte [scratched]>You let loose with a bloodthirsty roar as you loose your rage.>You can safely bodyslam again.You can safely punch again.You can safely kick again.You can safely knee again.You can safely elbow again.You can safely smash again.You can safely bearhug again.You can safely necksnap again.You attack Acolyte>You are fighting Acolyte

    HP: 211/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 79%You bodyslam Acolyte weakly.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 211/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 77%You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 211/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 76%You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.>You are fighting AcolyteSaving Guild Information

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    Save completed.HP: 211/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 75%You dodge.You bodyslam Acolyte weakly.>You are now using briefed rage.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 211/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 73%You dodge.You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 211/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 71%You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 211/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 70%You bodyslam Acolyte.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 211/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 68%You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 211/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 67%You dodge.You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 211/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 66%

    You dodge.You bodyslam Acolyte.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 211/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 64%You dodge.You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 211/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 63%You dodge.You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 211/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 62%You bodyslam Acolyte.

    >You are fighting AcolyteHP: 211/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 60%You dodge.You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 211/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 58%You dodge.You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 211/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 57%You dodge.You dodge.You bodyslam Acolyte.

    >You are fighting AcolyteHP: 211/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 55%Acolyte smashes you in the face with a vicious headbutt !!!You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.>HP: 201/210 CP: 130/126You are fighting AcolyteHP: 201/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 54%You dodge.You bind your wounds.>You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.

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    >HP: 210/210 CP: 130/126You are fighting AcolyteHP: 210/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 53%You dodge.You bodyslam Acolyte.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 210/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 51%You dodge.You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 210/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 50%You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 210/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 49%You dodge.You bodyslam Acolyte.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 210/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 47%You dodge.You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 210/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 46%You dodge.You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.

    >You are fighting AcolyteHP: 210/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 45%You bodyslam Acolyte.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 210/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 43%You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.>------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Akasha the Fremen's worst nightmareHeight : very tall Guild : Harkonnen Handedness : left handedLevel : 12 Score : Rank : Wimpy : 50% Ghola : None------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hit Points : 210/210 Command Points : 130/126

    Total Experience : 1602997/3500000 Solaris : 4537/0

    STATS - Base(Bonus)/TotalStrength Constitution Intelligence13(+ 1)/14 13( 0)/13 12( 0)/12

    Wisdom Dexterity Quickness11( 0)/11 12(+ 1)/13 11(+ 1)/12

    Carry Load : Small ( 21%) Exp Multiplier : 1.250You are aiming : Head Your defense is : Dodge

    Total Kills : 3444 Total Deaths : 3Quest Points : 14 Explorer Rating : Novice Traveller

    Intox: ( 0 %) Drank: ( 0 %)Spice: ( 0 %) Eaten: ( 0 %)------------------------------------------------------------------------------>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 210/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 42%You dodge.You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 210/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 40%You bodyslam Acolyte.

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    >You are fighting AcolyteHP: 210/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 39%You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 210/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 37%You dodge.You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 210/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 36%You bodyslam Acolyte.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 210/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 34%You dodge.You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 210/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 33%You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 210/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 32%You dodge.You bodyslam Acolyte.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 210/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 30%You dodge.

    You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 210/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 29%History tell :[Sun Jan 23 18:55]: Dieux replies: heh[Sun Jan 23 18:56]: Dieux replies: mai cresti[Sun Jan 23 18:57]: You reply to Dieux: But Bartender doesn't have a solaris tosteal. lol[Sun Jan 23 18:59]: Dieux replies: solarisi nu poti[Sun Jan 23 18:59]: Dieux replies: numa eq[Sun Jan 23 18:59]: You reply to Dieux: pacat, ma reprofilam pe vreun ap[Sun Jan 23 19:00]: You reply to Dieux: si merge si pe playeri sau numa in pk?[Sun Jan 23 19:00]: Dieux replies: de la playeri poti da nime nu umbla cu averi

    [Sun Jan 23 19:04]: Dieux replies: no bine[Sun Jan 23 19:04]: Dieux replies: nu stiu cat e ceasu la tine da aici e 2 dim[Sun Jan 23 19:04]: Dieux replies: asa ca somn[Sun Jan 23 19:04]: You reply to Dieux: oh, somn usor[Sun Jan 23 19:04]: Dieux replies: chiar asa de pe unde bagi ?[Sun Jan 23 19:04]: You reply to Dieux: din germania[Sun Jan 23 19:05]: Dieux replies: ahh doi rom din germania shi amandoi fs . FAIN[Sun Jan 23 19:05]: You reply to Dieux: cine cine?[Sun Jan 23 19:05]: Dieux replies: krawl[Sun Jan 23 19:05]: You reply to Dieux: nu cunosc[Sun Jan 23 19:05]: Dieux replies: no ne vedem dimineatza daca intri[Sun Jan 23 19:05]: You reply to Dieux: era un ixian parca

    [Sun Jan 23 19:06]: You reply to Dieux: ok man, somn usor[Sun Jan 23 19:06]: Dieux replies: thor = krawl[Sun Jan 23 19:06]: You reply to Dieux: oh, cool[Mon Jan 24 16:16]: Dieux tells you: hai da un pray[Mon Jan 24 16:17]: You reply to Dieux: gp ap[Mon Jan 24 16:17]: Dieux replies: aici is[Mon Jan 24 16:17]: Dieux replies: mersi[Mon Jan 24 16:17]: You reply to Dieux: np[Mon Aug 22 18:45]: Bosco tells you: fancy hooking me up with som exp?[Sat Sep 10 19:11]: You tell Botzy: man potzi sa-mi dai ceva solarasi daca te ro

  • 7/31/2019 Dune Akasha Log


    g frumooooos de tot?>You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 210/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 28%You dodge.You bodyslam Acolyte.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 210/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 25%You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 210/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 24%You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 210/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 23%You bodyslam Acolyte.>HP: 105/210 CP: 130/126You are fighting AcolyteHP: 105/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: off Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 21%You will have to wait for fresh bandages.>-[ Hallway to the principal's office ]-You have come to a small room, acting as a hallway. It hasa small desk, presumably for the principal's secretary. Italso has a bench for people waiting for appointments withthe principal to sit in. Further down the hall, you can

    see the door to the actual office of the principal whichis slightly ajar. The floor is covered, all the waythrough the office, with a thick and exceptionally clean carpet.

    Two obvious exits: west and east.Secretary AcolyteReverend MotherYou are now hunted by Acolyte.>You cannot attack someone that is not here.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 108/210 CP: 130/126You can safely bodyslam again.HP: 111/210 CP: 130/126

    You have gathered enough bandages for another bind.You bind your wounds.>HP: 125/210 CP: 130/126HP: 128/210 CP: 130/126======================== [ Stats ] ========================Time: Sat Sep 10 19:20:40 2011Reboot in -> Not in a while.Name: AkashaLevel: 12Guild Level: 1Guild Rank: PrivateGuild Exp: 592Next Glvl: 1000

    Needed Gexp: 408PK Stat Points: 0Solaris available: 4537Solaris in bank: 0Next level's exp: 0Available Exp: 1602997You are currently in a state of rage!

    Harkonnen Skills:Skill Name Difficulty Level Solaris Experience

  • 7/31/2019 Dune Akasha Log


    Rage 2 39 5850 5850Poison 4 1 300 300Terrorize 4 1 300 300Drain 3 1 225 225Disarm 2 1 150 150Appraise 1 10 750 750Bind 1 16 1200 1200Parry 3 15 3375 3375===========================================================>HP: 131/210 CP: 130/126Your concentration falters and you slip out of a battlerage.HP: 134/210 CP: 130/126HP: 137/210 CP: 130/126You have gathered enough bandages for another bind.You bind your wounds.>HP: 153/210 CP: 130/126======================== [ Stats ] ========================Time: Sat Sep 10 19:21:34 2011Reboot in -> Not in a while.Name: AkashaLevel: 12Guild Level: 1Guild Rank: PrivateGuild Exp: 592

    Next Glvl: 1000Needed Gexp: 408PK Stat Points: 0Solaris available: 4537Solaris in bank: 0Next level's exp: 0Available Exp: 1602997

    Harkonnen Skills:Skill Name Difficulty Level Solaris ExperienceRage 2 39 5850 5850Poison 4 1 300 300Terrorize 4 1 300 300

    Drain 3 1 225 225Disarm 2 1 150 150Appraise 1 10 750 750Bind 1 16 1200 1200Parry 3 15 3375 3375===========================================================>HP: 156/210 CP: 130/126HP: 159/210 CP: 130/126You feel more rested and ready to go into a battlerage again.-[ Hallway to the principal's office ]-You have come to a small room, acting as a hallway. It hasa small desk, presumably for the principal's secretary. Italso has a bench for people waiting for appointments with

    the principal to sit in. Further down the hall, you cansee the door to the actual office of the principal whichis slightly ajar. The floor is covered, all the waythrough the office, with a thick and exceptionally clean carpet.

    Two obvious exits: west and east.Secretary AcolyteReverend Mother>======================== [ Stats ] ========================Time: Sat Sep 10 19:22:26 2011

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    Reboot in -> Not in a while.Name: AkashaLevel: 12Guild Level: 1Guild Rank: PrivateGuild Exp: 592Next Glvl: 1000Needed Gexp: 408PK Stat Points: 0Solaris available: 4537Solaris in bank: 0Next level's exp: 0Available Exp: 1602997

    Harkonnen Skills:Skill Name Difficulty Level Solaris ExperienceRage 2 39 5850 5850Poison 4 1 300 300Terrorize 4 1 300 300Drain 3 1 225 225Disarm 2 1 150 150Appraise 1 10 750 750Bind 1 16 1200 1200Parry 3 15 3375 3375

    ===========================================================>HP: 159/210 (75%) and CP: 130/126 (103%)>HP: 162/210 CP: 130/126You will have to wait for fresh bandages.>You have gathered enough bandages for another bind.You bind your wounds.>HP: 179/210 CP: 130/126HP: 182/210 CP: 130/126HP: 185/210 CP: 130/126-[ Hallway to the principal's office ]-You have come to a small room, acting as a hallway. It hasa small desk, presumably for the principal's secretary. Italso has a bench for people waiting for appointments with

    the principal to sit in. Further down the hall, you cansee the door to the actual office of the principal whichis slightly ajar. The floor is covered, all the waythrough the office, with a thick and exceptionally clean carpet.

    Two obvious exits: west and east.Secretary AcolyteReverend Mother>======================== [ Stats ] ========================Time: Sat Sep 10 19:23:34 2011Reboot in -> Not in a while.Name: AkashaLevel: 12

    Guild Level: 1Guild Rank: PrivateGuild Exp: 592Next Glvl: 1000Needed Gexp: 408PK Stat Points: 0Solaris available: 4537Solaris in bank: 0Next level's exp: 0Available Exp: 1602997

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    Harkonnen Skills:Skill Name Difficulty Level Solaris ExperienceRage 2 39 5850 5850Poison 4 1 300 300Terrorize 4 1 300 300Drain 3 1 225 225Disarm 2 1 150 150Appraise 1 10 750 750Bind 1 16 1200 1200Parry 3 15 3375 3375===========================================================>-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[HARKONNENS]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Name---------Status------Glvl----------Rank-----------Level--Clutch P I B ** Domain Lord WizBowser P B ** Mentat 164Blashyrkh P I B ** General 95Akasha 1 Private 12

    Total: 4, Morale: 9-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=>HP: 188/210 CP: 130/126-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[HARKONNENS]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Name---------Status------Glvl----------Rank-----------Level--

    Clutch P I B ** Domain Lord WizBowser P B ** Mentat 164Blashyrkh P I B ** General 95Akasha 1 Private 12

    Total: 4, Morale: 9-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=>-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[HARKONNENS]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Name---------Status------Glvl----------Rank-----------Level--Clutch P I B ** Domain Lord WizBowser P B ** Mentat 164Blashyrkh P I B ** General 95Akasha 1 Private 12

    Total: 4, Morale: 9-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=>-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[HARKONNENS]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Name---------Status------Glvl----------Rank-----------Level--Clutch P I B ** Domain Lord WizBowser P B ** Mentat 164Blashyrkh P I B ** General 95Akasha 1 Private 12

    Total: 4, Morale: 9-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=>But there's no suit here.

    >You are not wielding anything.

    You are wearing :A Harkonnen Battlesuit (extra large)

    And carrying :A roseA trash compactorFine aba (large)A rare cyan token

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    A golden wedding band (worn)A roseFine aba (small)Two times 'magenta token'Kbl's experience tag.A high-technology watchA system type clock

    >This is a finely crafted and perfectly fitting suit of armour specially madefor you. It is made of a thick fiber material that turns aside all but themost powerful of blows. It is the source of power for all members of theHarkonnen Army. Type 'ghelp guild' for help on what you can do as a Harkonnen.It's in excellent condition.This armour doesn't have level requirements.>HP: 191/210 CP: 130/126You have gathered enough bandages for another bind.You bind your wounds.>Harkonnen Shock Trooper Commands and Skills

    The Harkonnen Shock Troopers are the elite troops in theHarkonnen army. Many times the shock troopers are deployedat the beginning of battles, crushing the resistance anddefenses of the enemy before the lesser troops mop them up.The Harkonnen Shock Troopers train under the Harkonnentrainer located east of the main guild room.

    'help commands' to see all commands that you can have.

    Other topics you can get help with:appraise autorage battlerage bind calmcommands death disarm drain drugsgexp gnaw grill gskills gwhogxp GM hblock hshout implantsinject monitor myhunger newbie parrypike poison rage refit sacrificeslave stats surgery switch terrorizetest pkwho uppercut

    >HP: 209/210 CP: 130/126

    The ability to enter a battlerage is the trademark ofthe Harkonnen Shock Troopers. While in a battlerage, thetrooper engages in hand-to-hand combat, as well as usingtheir weapons to inflict great damage.

    The more common moves are the punch, kick, ebow, kneeand bodyslam. True masters of these moves learn suchadvanced tactics as the smash, bearhug, and necksnap. Whilethese are devastating moves on their own, every HarkonnenShock Trooper is able to strike a critical hit, which willincrease their damage threefold.

    When fighting an enemy, Harkonnen Shock Troopers have

    always been known to play for keeps, and as a result, thelower your wimpy threshold, the more damage you inflict as aresult of your do-or-die attitude.

    >HP: 212/210 CP: 130/126Brave mode.>Syntax: autorageThis toggles autorage on and offAutorage automatically cycles your rage attacks for you every round, so you donthave to

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    >You have gathered enough bandages for another bind.You do not have a box to store bandages, so you throw this one away.>HP: 212/210 (100%) and CP: 130/126 (103%)>-[ Hallway to the principal's office ]-You have come to a small room, acting as a hallway. It hasa small desk, presumably for the principal's secretary. Italso has a bench for people waiting for appointments withthe principal to sit in. Further down the hall, you cansee the door to the actual office of the principal whichis slightly ajar. The floor is covered, all the waythrough the office, with a thick and exceptionally clean carpet.

    Two obvious exits: west and east.Secretary AcolyteReverend Mother>Turning autorage on.>-[ Entrance to the advanced BG training school ]-You have entered the office of the advanced BG trainingschool. It is staffed by training Reverend Mothers.They have gone through all the basic training of theBene Gesserit. The room itself is fairly sparce. Itcontains only a single desk, with a chair behind it,and a small sign next to the entrance. On your left you

    see a small hallway, and straight ahead of you, to thenorth, a larger hallway begins.

    Three obvious exits: north, west and out.Secretary Acolyte [almost dead]>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 212/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: on Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 20%What ?>You let loose with a bloodthirsty roar as you loose your rage.>You are fighting AcolyteYou bodyslam Acolyte.HP: 212/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: on Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 18%You dodge.

    You dodge.You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 212/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: on Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 18%You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 212/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: on Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 16%You dodge.You dodge.You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.>You are fighting AcolyteYou bodyslam Acolyte.HP: 212/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: on Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 14%

    You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 212/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: on Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 13%You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.>Autosave.You are fighting AcolyteHP: 212/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: on Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 11%======================== [ Stats ] ========================Time: Sat Sep 10 19:26:38 2011Reboot in -> Not in a while.

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    Name: AkashaLevel: 12Guild Level: 1Guild Rank: PrivateGuild Exp: 609Next Glvl: 1000Needed Gexp: 391PK Stat Points: 0Solaris available: 4537Solaris in bank: 0Next level's exp: 0Available Exp: 1602997You are currently in a state of rage!

    Harkonnen Skills:Skill Name Difficulty Level Solaris ExperienceRage 2 39 5850 5850Poison 4 1 300 300Terrorize 4 1 300 300Drain 3 1 225 225Disarm 2 1 150 150Appraise 1 10 750 750Bind 1 16 1200 1200Parry 3 15 3375 3375

    ===========================================================>You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.>You are fighting AcolyteSaving Guild InformationSave completed.You bodyslam Acolyte.HP: 212/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: on Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 10%You dodge.You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 212/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: on Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 9%You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.>You are fighting Acolyte

    HP: 212/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: on Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 7%You dodge.You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.>HP: 150/210 CP: 130/126You are fighting AcolyteYou bodyslam Acolyte.HP: 150/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: on Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 5%You bind your wounds.>You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.>HP: 65/210 CP: 130/126You are fighting AcolyteHP: 65/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: on Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 4%You will have to wait for fresh bandages.

    >-[ Hallway to the principal's office ]-You have come to a small room, acting as a hallway. It hasa small desk, presumably for the principal's secretary. Italso has a bench for people waiting for appointments withthe principal to sit in. Further down the hall, you cansee the door to the actual office of the principal whichis slightly ajar. The floor is covered, all the waythrough the office, with a thick and exceptionally clean carpet.

    Two obvious exits: west and east.

  • 7/31/2019 Dune Akasha Log


    Secretary AcolyteReverend Mother>You cannot attack someone that is not here.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 68/210 CP: 130/126You are not wielding anything.

    You are wearing :A Harkonnen Battlesuit (extra large)

    And carrying :Fine aba (large)Two times 'magenta token'Fine aba (small)A roseA roseA rare cyan tokenA trash compactorA golden wedding band (worn)Kbl's experience tag.A high-technology watchA system type clock

    >------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Akasha the Fremen's worst nightmare

    Height : very tall Guild : Harkonnen Handedness : left handedLevel : 12 Score : Rank : Wimpy : 0% Ghola : None------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hit Points : 68/210 Command Points : 130/126Total Experience : 1602997/3500000 Solaris : 4537/0

    STATS - Base(Bonus)/TotalStrength Constitution Intelligence13(+ 1)/14 13( 0)/13 12( 0)/12

    Wisdom Dexterity Quickness11( 0)/11 12(+ 1)/13 11(+ 1)/12

    Carry Load : Small ( 21%) Exp Multiplier : 1.250You are aiming : Head Your defense is : Dodge

    Total Kills : 3444 Total Deaths : 3Quest Points : 14 Explorer Rating : Novice TravellerIntox: ( 0 %) Drank: ( 0 %)Spice: ( 0 %) Eaten: ( 0 %)You are hunted by Acolyte.------------------------------------------------------------------------------>HP: 71/210 CP: 130/126The news hearer echoes:Dorgu has successfully completed the academy_graduation quest.HP: 74/210 CP: 130/126

    You will have to wait for fresh bandages.>-[ Hallway to the principal's office ]-You have come to a small room, acting as a hallway. It hasa small desk, presumably for the principal's secretary. Italso has a bench for people waiting for appointments withthe principal to sit in. Further down the hall, you cansee the door to the actual office of the principal whichis slightly ajar. The floor is covered, all the waythrough the office, with a thick and exceptionally clean carpet.

  • 7/31/2019 Dune Akasha Log


    Two obvious exits: west and east.Secretary AcolyteReverend Mother>You have gathered enough bandages for another bind.You bind your wounds.>HP: 97/210 CP: 130/126HP: 100/210 CP: 130/126HP: 103/210 CP: 130/126You will have to wait for fresh bandages.>You will have to wait for fresh bandages.>You will have to wait for fresh bandages.>You will have to wait for fresh bandages.>You will have to wait for fresh bandages.>You will have to wait for fresh bandages.>You will have to wait for fresh bandages.>You are not wielding anything.

    You are wearing :A Harkonnen Battlesuit (extra large)

    And carrying :A rare cyan tokenFine aba (large)Fine aba (small)

    Two times 'magenta token'A roseA trash compactorA roseKbl's experience tag.A high-technology watchA golden wedding band (worn)A system type clock

    >------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Akasha the Fremen's worst nightmareHeight : very tall Guild : Harkonnen Handedness : left handedLevel : 12 Score : Rank : Wimpy : 0% Ghola : None

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hit Points : 103/210 Command Points : 130/126Total Experience : 1602997/3500000 Solaris : 4537/0

    STATS - Base(Bonus)/TotalStrength Constitution Intelligence13(+ 1)/14 13( 0)/13 12( 0)/12

    Wisdom Dexterity Quickness11( 0)/11 12(+ 1)/13 11(+ 1)/12

    Carry Load : Small ( 21%) Exp Multiplier : 1.250You are aiming : Head Your defense is : Dodge

    Total Kills : 3444 Total Deaths : 3Quest Points : 14 Explorer Rating : Novice TravellerIntox: ( 0 %) Drank: ( 0 %)Spice: ( 0 %) Eaten: ( 0 %)You are hunted by Acolyte.------------------------------------------------------------------------------>HP: 106/210 CP: 130/126Your concentration falters and you slip out of a battlerage.You will have to wait for fresh bandages.>What ?

  • 7/31/2019 Dune Akasha Log


    >Harkonnen Shock Trooper Commands and Skills

    The Harkonnen Shock Troopers are the elite troops in theHarkonnen army. Many times the shock troopers are deployedat the beginning of battles, crushing the resistance anddefenses of the enemy before the lesser troops mop them up.The Harkonnen Shock Troopers train under the Harkonnentrainer located east of the main guild room.'help commands' to see all commands that you can have.

    Other topics you can get help with:appraise autorage battlerage bind calmcommands death disarm drain drugsgexp gnaw grill gskills gwhogxp GM hblock hshout implantsinject monitor myhunger newbie parrypike poison rage refit sacrificeslave stats surgery switch terrorizetest pkwho uppercut

    >HP: 109/210 CP: 130/126You have gathered enough bandages for another bind.

    Once upon a time, the 'myhunger' command did somethinguseful. Then, one day, Stryder told Mreh to combine the

    'vitality' command (don't bother trying it) with 'score'.So, it took him about ten minutes. And, when those tenminutes were up, the 'myhunger' command became old anduseless. As a result, it's suggested that you just type'score vit' instead. The 'myhunger' command will stillwork, of course, but all it does is "score vit". Have fun.

    >HP: 112/210 CP: 130/126Intox: ( 0 %) Drank: ( 0 %)Spice: ( 0 %) Eaten: ( 0 %)>HP: 115/210 CP: 130/126Intox: ( 0 %) Drank: ( 0 %)Spice: ( 0 %) Eaten: ( 0 %)

    >Brief overview of skills:

    Poison - Poisoning your weapon allows greater damage to be done.Rage - The legendary battlerage power of the Harkonnen shock troopersGrill - Nothing beats a grilled slice of your kill after a long battleDisarm - Allows you to make your opponent unwield its weaponBind - The ability to bind wounds in the field of battleAppraise - This allows you to appraise any object you come in contact withTerrorize- This allows you to scare your enemy, lowering their stats and attacks/rnd

    Skills can be raised at the Harkonnen Trainer and it will cost you somesolaris and experience.

    Another power is switch, you can recieve help on it by using help switch.You can receive help on each individual skill by using 'help '.

    >HP: 118/210 CP: 130/126You feel more rested and ready to go into a battlerage again.HP: 121/210 CP: 130/126There is no help file on that subject.If you think that there should be, please submit an "idea" to that effect.>Harkonnens thrive on pain and torture, and nothing is more mentally satisfying

  • 7/31/2019 Dune Akasha Log


    than self mutilation. By cutting yourself you can heal your mind, strange isn'tit?

    Syntax: switch(num) where num is the amount of hit points you want to take awaynote that you get 3 command points for every 2 hit points you sacrifice

    >HP: 124/210 CP: 130/126HP: 127/210 CP: 130/126HP: 130/210 CP: 130/126Harkonnen Shock Trooper Commands and Skills

    The Harkonnen Shock Troopers are the elite troops in theHarkonnen army. Many times the shock troopers are deployedat the beginning of battles, crushing the resistance anddefenses of the enemy before the lesser troops mop them up.The Harkonnen Shock Troopers train under the Harkonnentrainer located east of the main guild room.'help commands' to see all commands that you can have.

    Other topics you can get help with:appraise autorage battlerage bind calmcommands death disarm drain drugsgexp gnaw grill gskills gwhogxp GM hblock hshout implants

    inject monitor myhunger newbie parrypike poison rage refit sacrificeslave stats surgery switch terrorizetest pkwho uppercut

    >Experienced Harkonnen soldiers will be able to learn to calm themselves outof battlerage when there is no more need of it. To use this ability, youmust have achieved guild level 45 of higher.

    Syntax: calmRestrictions: Guild Level 45

    >HP: 133/210 CP: 130/126

    The manufacturer of the Harkonnen Battlesuits offersseveral top of the line implants you can buy in orderto maximize damage to your opponents while you are inbattlerage.

    Syntax: Implants

    The Implants are as follows:FPR Epoxy Implant: Thermoset plastic over a fiberglass frame, these

    implants have silicon carbide imbedded into their surface for extrarage damage.

    TX53 Aluminum Implants: These implants are thermally treated for stress

    relief and then artificially aged and cold worked for maximum strengthand durability in combat. Curled Aluminum saw teeth add a special"touch" to your rage attacks.

    Carbide Tipped Steel Implants: These Implants were forged by induction furnaceheating and lined with jagged carbide tips so you can let yourenemy know "Just how much you care."

    --MORE--(67%) HP: 136/210 CP: 130/126Platinum Polly-Alloy Implants: These mirror-polished hardened alloy

  • 7/31/2019 Dune Akasha Log


    implants are plated with zircon oxide to enhance durability andlined with ceramic ripping blades which tear your poor enemy totiny little shreds.

    Diamond Hyper-Alloy Implants: These diamond studded electric-arclight-hardened alloy implants have deep gullets designed to rip andshred every last scrap of flesh from your opponent. Be Afraid,Be Very Afraid.

    >HP: 139/210 CP: 130/126Implant Name: Implant Material: Implant Level:Elbow Spikes None 0Knuckles None 0Spurs None 0Knee Spikes None 0Body Spikes None 0Shredder Teeth None 0Parry plating None 0>[HARKO]: Private Dorgu has entered the game.

    The news hearer echoes:Anhur is now the Imperial Fire. [58]======================== [ Stats ] ========================Time: Sat Sep 10 19:33:19 2011

    Reboot in -> Not in a while.Name: AkashaLevel: 12Guild Level: 1Guild Rank: PrivateGuild Exp: 784Next Glvl: 1000Needed Gexp: 216PK Stat Points: 0Solaris available: 4537Solaris in bank: 0Next level's exp: 0Available Exp: 1602997

    Harkonnen Skills:Skill Name Difficulty Level Solaris ExperienceRage 2 39 5850 5850Poison 4 1 300 300Terrorize 4 1 300 300Drain 3 1 225 225Disarm 2 1 150 150Appraise 1 10 750 750Bind 1 16 1200 1200Parry 3 15 3375 3375===========================================================>-[ Hallway to the principal's office ]-

    You have come to a small room, acting as a hallway. It hasa small desk, presumably for the principal's secretary. Italso has a bench for people waiting for appointments withthe principal to sit in. Further down the hall, you cansee the door to the actual office of the principal whichis slightly ajar. The floor is covered, all the waythrough the office, with a thick and exceptionally clean carpet.

    Two obvious exits: west and east.Secretary Acolyte

  • 7/31/2019 Dune Akasha Log


    Reverend Mother>HP: 142/210 CP: 130/126HP: 142/210 (67%) and CP: 130/126 (103%)>You bind your wounds.>HP: 158/210 CP: 130/126-[ Hallway to the principal's office ]-You have come to a small room, acting as a hallway. It hasa small desk, presumably for the principal's secretary. Italso has a bench for people waiting for appointments withthe principal to sit in. Further down the hall, you cansee the door to the actual office of the principal whichis slightly ajar. The floor is covered, all the waythrough the office, with a thick and exceptionally clean carpet.

    Two obvious exits: west and east.Secretary AcolyteReverend Mother>HP: 161/210 CP: 130/126-[ Entrance to the advanced BG training school ]-You have entered the office of the advanced BG trainingschool. It is staffed by training Reverend Mothers.They have gone through all the basic training of theBene Gesserit. The room itself is fairly sparce. Itcontains only a single desk, with a chair behind it,

    and a small sign next to the entrance. On your left yousee a small hallway, and straight ahead of you, to thenorth, a larger hallway begins.

    Three obvious exits: north, west and out.Secretary Acolyte [walking corpse]>-[ Doorway to BG school ]-You have arrived at a large building. There are 2 doorways, one markedELEMENTARY and the second marked ADVANCED. The only other obvious exit is backto the path. A large window, straight above you is inviting. You notice a smallbox on your right.

    Five obvious exits: south, west, east, door2 and door1.

    A Bene Gesserit academy board [49 messages, last dated: Nov 24 04:12, 2006]>HP: 109/210 CP: 130/126You are fighting Acolyte-[ Entrance to BG school newbie area ]-You have entered the office of the BG elementary school. Onyour right you can see a doorway, with a sign on it marked'Principal'. While on your left is a blank wall. This roomseems to be for attendance purposes. A long wooden deskstretches across the far wall, with a door behind it.

    Three obvious exits: north, east and out.A NEWBIE dispenser>-[ Doorway to BG school ]-

    You have arrived at a large building. There are 2 doorways, one markedELEMENTARY and the second marked ADVANCED. The only other obvious exit is backto the path. A large window, straight above you is inviting. You notice a smallbox on your right.

    Five obvious exits: south, west, east, door2 and door1.A Bene Gesserit academy board [49 messages, last dated: Nov 24 04:12, 2006]>HP: 112/210 CP: 130/126-[ Entrance to BG school newbie area ]-You have entered the office of the BG elementary school. On

  • 7/31/2019 Dune Akasha Log


    your right you can see a doorway, with a sign on it marked'Principal'. While on your left is a blank wall. This roomseems to be for attendance purposes. A long wooden deskstretches across the far wall, with a door behind it.

    Three obvious exits: north, east and out.A NEWBIE dispenser>This is a NEWBIE dispenser.Here is the list of stuff you can get here:0) Newbie badge1) Newbie Sword (Short blade weapons)2) Newbie Longblade (Long blade weapons)3) Newbie Laser (Lasers)4) Newbie Axe (Axes and Maces)5) Newbie Rifle (Bullet weapons)6) Newbie Knife (Knives and Daggers)7) Newbie Kryss (Kryss)8) Newbie Frisbee (Thrown weapons)9) Newbie Armour.10) Full heal (You should pay 4 solaris for every hp/sp you heal)Just type 'push button ' to get what you want.For example, if you type 'push button 1' you get a Newbie Sword.>You are too high level.>-[ Doorway to BG school ]-

    You have arrived at a large building. There are 2 doorways, one markedELEMENTARY and the second marked ADVANCED. The only other obvious exit is backto the path. A large window, straight above you is inviting. You notice a smallbox on your right.

    Five obvious exits: south, west, east, door2 and door1.A Bene Gesserit academy board [49 messages, last dated: Nov 24 04:12, 2006]>HP: 115/210 CP: 130/126You will have to wait for fresh bandages.>You let loose with a bloodthirsty roar as you loose your rage.>-[ Entrance to the advanced BG training school ]-You have entered the office of the advanced BG trainingschool. It is staffed by training Reverend Mothers.

    They have gone through all the basic training of theBene Gesserit. The room itself is fairly sparce. Itcontains only a single desk, with a chair behind it,and a small sign next to the entrance. On your left yousee a small hallway, and straight ahead of you, to thenorth, a larger hallway begins.

    Three obvious exits: north, west and out.Secretary Acolyte [walking corpse]>You are fighting AcolyteYou bodyslam Acolyte.HP: 115/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: on Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 3%You will have to wait for fresh bandages.

    >You cannot run from combat that fast!>You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.>You are fighting AcolyteHP: 115/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: on Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 2%You have gathered enough bandages for another bind.You bind your wounds.>-[ Hallway to the principal's office ]-You have come to a small room, acting as a hallway. It hasa small desk, presumably for the principal's secretary. Italso has a bench for people waiting for appointments with

  • 7/31/2019 Dune Akasha Log


    the principal to sit in. Further down the hall, you cansee the door to the actual office of the principal whichis slightly ajar. The floor is covered, all the waythrough the office, with a thick and exceptionally clean carpet.

    Two obvious exits: west and east.Secretary AcolyteReverend Mother>You cannot attack someone that is not here.>HP: 130/210 CP: 130/126You are fighting AcolyteYou dodge.-[ Entrance to the advanced BG training school ]-You have entered the office of the advanced BG trainingschool. It is staffed by training Reverend Mothers.They have gone through all the basic training of theBene Gesserit. The room itself is fairly sparce. Itcontains only a single desk, with a chair behind it,and a small sign next to the entrance. On your left yousee a small hallway, and straight ahead of you, to thenorth, a larger hallway begins.

    Three obvious exits: north, west and out.Secretary Acolyte [walking corpse]

    >HP: 133/210 CP: 130/126You are fighting AcolyteYou bodyslam Acolyte.HP: 133/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: on Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 2%You will have to wait for fresh bandages.>You cannot run from combat that fast!>You are still recovering from the last time you used your bodyslam.>HP: 81/210 CP: 130/126You are fighting AcolyteHP: 81/210 CP: 130/126 Autorage: on Slices: 0 Satiation: 0% Enemy: 1%You will have to wait for fresh bandages.>You just died !Your Nemesis is now Acolyte at 1504 experience.

    As your head reaches the ground, you understand that you have just DIED !You feel your soul has been sucked out of your body.

    You awake in a tank, still terrified from your recent death at the hands of Acolyte. The fluid surrounding you is quickly drained away and you are gently pulledout and placed on a gurney. After a short recovery time you gut up from the gurney in the Ghola Regeneration Center's Lobby.

    Your guild and allies have pitched for a rough revival of your dead body in theform of a ghola, but because the Tleilaxu had no time to prepare a fresh ghola,your new body is an imperfect match and you feel quite a bit weaker...>You cannot attack someone that is not here.

    >HP: 210/210 CP: 130/113You are fighting AcolyteSaving Akasha.Saving Harkonnen Powers, Experience, and Level.Come back soon Akasha!!Saving Guild InformationSave completed.[HARKO]: Akasha has left the game.

    Experience at login : 1600486

  • 7/31/2019 Dune Akasha Log


    Experience at logout : 1282398Experience loss : -318088Done.You won't get rid of a such piece of technology, will you?

    Welcome to Dune.

    _/\_ Emperors: Genesis, Mreh, Iria_/ .'.\_

    _/ { | . \_ Dukes: Paradox, Benedict_/ } _/'\_ ; \_ Shai'hulud: Clutch, Bubbs

    _/ { _/;,.:`\_' \_ Barons: Pic_/ } _/.,`,.`,..\_` \_

    _/ ,./`,.,.`;,.;`,.\_.` \__/ .,`_/`,..;,`;.`,;`.;,.\_;` \_

    _/`.}{_/.,`;`.,;`,;`,;`,;.`,;\_"` \__/~;,._/`,`.;,`.;.`,.;,`;,`.;,,`,\_:` \_____

    _/ ; _/`,.;,`.,`;,.;,`;.,`.;,`.;`,;,\_.: .,. \____/ , . /;.,`;`,;,`.,`;.,`.;,`;.,`;`,.;,.;\ ,.`,.`.,.\__

    _____|___; |..______;.______;`.___,;.,._____ /___________` \___\ _____ \ |,;\ / \ / | \ | / |\ _____ |` ,. \___| | \ ||..,| | | | | \ | | | | | \| ,.,`.; \___| | | ||/\;| | | | /\ | \ \ | | /\ | |___/| ,;' ,,,.`,. \___| | | ||\/,| | | | \/ | |\ \ | | \/ | ____ | ,.;;.,... ` ` \

    | | | ||,.,| | | | | | \ \| | | | | \| ,.,,,,..,```` `___/| |____/ ||,.`| \____/ | | | \ | | | |_____/|.,.,.``````___//__________/ |,.`;\________/ /____\ \____\ |/__________|,.`` ___/

    |_ ; ., \_',`;'`;'';`';`';`'`;';`';`';',_/',';..',.,.`` ___/\_ ;.,\_,`;.`;,;`.,`.;`,;`.,`.;,.;_/;.,;.',,..`` ___/\_ , \_`.,;`,.`;,.`;.,`;.,`;._/,;.;;...,``___/

    \_ . , \_`;',.;`.;,`;.,`.;,_/ .,`.,`.,`__/\_ , \_`;.,;.`,.`;,;,_/ `..,_____// \_ . ; \_`.,;.`;.,`_/ ,` _/ \

    / \_ , \_`.;,.,_/ ` _/ \` | \_ ; \_`._/ ,, ,./ |`,.`` |,.,. \_ . \/ , ,_/ ,.,| `,.. | \,.,.,\_ ; , . _/,.,.,.,./ | ```

    ` , ` | \_ . _/ | `` ` ` `` ,. ` /,.,., \ _/ ,.,.,.\ ` ,., `` ` ,.., | \,.,.,.,.,,\/,.,.,.,.,.,./ | .. ,.. ` `` ,. .,.. / \ ,`.`,, ` `.,`.,,.`,.`,.`,`.,`.`,`.,`.,`.`,`.,`.,`.`,`.,`.`,`.,`.,`.,`.`,.`,`.,`.`,`.,`.,There are currently 21 users logged on :Clutch Paradox Incanus Oe ChibiaceRusina Olavi Botzy Bowser AbnormalErmak Dyyni Rudi Blashyrkh RipleyBosco Anhur Frostling Natalie SecoiyaDorgu

    Please enter your name:

    Welcome Akasha !Password:You have 14 of 14 unread Dune news. (news list)You have 0 of 0 unread Guild news. (news list guild)Type 'help news' for news help.Welcome, Private, to the world of Dune.[HARKO]: Private Akasha has entered the game.

    You wear A Harkonnen Battlesuit.Your metallic eyes focus sharply.

  • 7/31/2019 Dune Akasha Log


    >You get Pair of suede overalls (medium) from Harkonnen Guild.This pike is so disgusting, you do not have the stomach to touch it!A pike with Botzy's head on it! refuses to budge.This pike is so disgusting, you do not have the stomach to touch it!A pike with Gamgee's head on it! refuses to budge.You get Sand-etched serrated dagger in perfect condition (Knives and Daggers) from Harkonnen Guild.You get Sand-etched serrated dagger in perfect condition (Knives and Daggers) from Harkonnen Guild.This pike is so disgusting, you do not have the stomach to touch it!A pike with Josifa's smelly, rotting, maggot infested head on it. refuses to budge.This pike is so disgusting, you do not have the stomach to touch it!A pike with Josifa's smelly, rotting, maggot infested head on it. refuses to budge.This pike is so disgusting, you do not have the stomach to touch it!A pike with Gamgee's smelly, rotting, maggot infested head which large lumps ofskin are falling off. refuses to budge.A Harkonnen board [289 messages, last dated: Aug 01 14:26, 2011] refuses to budge.>HP: 210/209 CP: 130/113-[ Harkonnen Guild ]-This is the barracks of House Harkonnen and it is functionalwithout any luxuries. In another room you see the heavy infantry

    training vigorously in hand-to-hand fighting. A small counteris the only thing present in this room. Behind the counter sitsa smirking man in Harkonnen combat fatigues. A small digitaldisplay on the counter shows:Commands: advance[level, str, dex, int, con, wis, qui],

    cost, join, leave, guildinfo

    Seven obvious exits: southeast, up, down, north, south, west and east.A pike with Botzy's head on it!A pike with Gamgee's head on it!Two times 'Pike with josifa's smelly, rotting, maggot infested head on it.'A pike with Gamgee's smelly, rotting, maggot infested head which large lumps ofskin are falling off.

    A Harkonnen board [289 messages, last dated: Aug 01 14:26, 2011]Dorgu the New Harkonnen RecruitAnhur tells you: need help getting to your corpse?------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Akasha the Fremen's worst nightmareHeight : very tall Guild : Harkonnen Handedness : left handedLevel : 11 Score : Rank : Wimpy : 0% Ghola : None------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hit Points : 210/209 Command Points : 130/113Total Experience : 1282398/3500000 Solaris : 0/0

    STATS - Base(Bonus)/Total

    Strength Constitution Intelligence10( 0)/10 13( 0)/13 10( 0)/10

    Wisdom Dexterity Quickness11( 0)/11 11( 0)/11 9( 0)/9

    Carry Load : Small ( 24%) Exp Multiplier : 1.250You are aiming : Random Your defense is : Random

    Total Kills : 3444 Total Deaths : 4Quest Points : 14 Explorer Rating : Novice Traveller

  • 7/31/2019 Dune Akasha Log


    Intox: ( 0 %) Drank: ( 0 %)Spice: ( 0 %) Eaten: ( 0 %)------------------------------------------------------------------------------>Level 12 will cost you 24727 experience.Str: 16891 experience (9)Con: 21852 experience (6)Int: 16891 experience (6)Wis: 18545 experience (5)Dex: 18545 experience (7)Qui: 15060 experience (9)You may advance 2 additional stats at this level.>-[ Harkonnen Guild ]-This is the barracks of House Harkonnen and it is functionalwithout any luxuries. In another room you see the heavy infantrytraining vigorously in hand-to-hand fighting. A small counteris the only thing present in this room. Behind the counter sitsa smirking man in Harkonnen combat fatigues. A small digitaldisplay on the counter shows:Commands: advance[level, str, dex, int, con, wis, qui],

    cost, join, leave, guildinfo

    Seven obvious exits: southeast, up, down, north, south, west and east.Two times 'Pike with josifa's smelly, rotting, maggot infested head on it.'A pike with Gamgee's smelly, rotting, maggot infested head which large lumps of

    skin are falling off.A pike with Botzy's head on it!A pike with Gamgee's head on it!Dorgu the New Harkonnen RecruitA Harkonnen board [289 messages, last dated: Aug 01 14:26, 2011]>You are now briefing all monster combat messages.>You are now in Very Brief Combat mode.>You are now in dodge defense mode.>You block everyone to follow and lead.>You are now aiming at head.>Turning autorage on.>You are now using briefed rage.>-[ Harkonnen Guild ]-

    This is the barracks of House Harkonnen and it is functionalwithout any luxuries. In another room you see the heavy infantrytraining vigorously in hand-to-hand fighting. A small counteris the only thing present in this room. Behind the counter sitsa smirking man in Harkonnen combat fatigues. A small digitaldisplay on the counter shows:Commands: advance[level, str, dex, int, con, wis, qui],

    cost, join, leave, guildinfo

    Seven obvious exits: southeast, up, down, north, south, west and east.A pike with Gamgee's smelly, rotting, maggot infested head which large lumps ofskin are falling off.Two times 'Pike with josifa's smelly, rotting, maggot infested head on it.'

    A Harkonnen board [289 messages, last dated: Aug 01 14:26, 2011]Dorgu the New Harkonnen RecruitA pike with Gamgee's head on it!A pike with Botzy's head on it!>------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Akasha the Fremen's worst nightmareHeight : very tall Guild : Harkonnen Handedness : left handedLevel : 11 Score : Rank : Wimpy : 0% Ghola : None------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  • 7/31/2019 Dune Akasha Log


    Hit Points : 210/209 Command Points : 130/113Total Experience : 1282398/3500000 Solaris : 0/0

    STATS - Base(Bonus)/TotalStrength Constitution Intelligence10( 0)/10 13( 0)/13 10( 0)/10

    Wisdom Dexterity Quickness11( 0)/11 11( 0)/11 9( 0)/9

    Carry Load : Small ( 24%) Exp Multiplier : 1.250You are aiming : Head Your defense is : Dodge

    Total Kills : 3444 Total Deaths : 4Quest Points : 14 Explorer Rating : Novice TravellerIn