dulux colour inspirations 2013


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M y  D u  l u  x Co l o u  r s


This year, it is an indigo shade of blue - Inspired

Violet – that embodies the richness of nature and all

its mysteries, as well as an understated strength that

offers peace of mind in our increasingly fast-paced and

connected lives. All at once, it is modern and cur rent,

regal and chic, serene and calming. In a word, Inspired

Violet is real. Its versatility allows for pairings - with

bright colours, shades and warm neutrals – that connect

all the different parts of the home, creating a sense of

completeness and stability. Find out more about it and

how you can make magic with this generous hue on

page 10 & page 11.

Please refer to page 37 for accurate colour. The above is only a 

colour indication.



Yor DxCoor Jorney

 Use  t he  Du lu x  boo k

 mar k 

 to  he lp  you  keep  tra

c k o f 

 your pa in t co lours c

 ho ices 

as  you crea te  your d

rea m 

 ho me.  We  w is h  you an 

e xc i t ing co lour  jour

ne y! 

Be longs  to

Pa in t ing Con trac tor

 Des igner ’s  Na me

Welcome to your personal Dulux

uide to a beautiful home, lled

with modernity, nostalgia and

verything that is you. This book

will help you through your Dulux

olour journey, providing you with

olour and design ideas, product

uggestions and options for our

rofessional painting services.

Get inspiration from our widerange of interior decorationideas from our Dulux Preferred


Choose Your Colours

step 1


step 2

We have products to suityour every need, interioror exterior.

Choose YourProducts


step 3

Be inspired by ideas and tips

in this book, and let our Duluxteam of colour and professionalpainting experts help you

transform your home.

Create YourDream Home


More inspirations onlinewww.facebook.com/dulux.sgwww.dulux.com.sg

ti  p s 


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Dulux Weathershield is developed with

advanced technology for unsurpassedassurance. Equipped with Keep CoolTM

formulation to provide a cooler interior

with energy saving solutions.

Ultimate protection,whatever the weather.


Dulux Pure is formulated with air

cleansing properties. It neutralises

formaldehyde, a common indoor airpollutant, to transform your home into

a refreshing environment.

Indoor is the new outdoor.

Dulux Light & Space with LumitecTM 

technology reects up to twice as muchlight than normal emulsion wall paint.

It enhances the perception of a brighter

and larger space.

Even the smallest roomlooks spacious!

Dulux All is the complete multi-function

solution with everything you need to

keep homes looking great.

It’s ALL that you need!

Dulux Pentalite is a high quality

matt nish paint that hides wallsimperfection beautifully; with long

lasting colour to give your home a

freshly painted look.

Walls look more beautifulfor longer.

Dulux Wash & Wear has high scrub

resistance so stains can be removed

without affecting your walls’ vibrantcolour. It gives you peace of mind and a

home that is always fresh and happy.

Gives your family the freedom toexplore, learn and play at home.

 I  w a  n t  t o  e n c o u  r a  g e  fr e e d o m 

 t o l e a  rn  a  n d p l a  y

 I  w a  n t b ri g h t e r  a  n d  sp a  c i o u  s- lo o k i n g  ro o m s  I  w a  n t  b e a  u  t if  u  l a  n d  s m o o t


 m a  t t  w a  l ls I  w a  n t t h e  b e s t p r o te c t io n 

 a  g a  i n st  t h e  w e a  t h e r

 I  w a  n t  a  n  a  ll- in- o n e  s o l u  t io n

Select from our range of quality paints that suit your needs Our experts will help you nd the ideal coloursand products for your home

 pg. 46

 pg. 48

 pg. 38

 pg. 50

 pg. 42

 pg. 58


a photo of the room(s) you

wish to paint.


step 1

your dream home with the colour schemeimages from Dulux Colour Consultants.


step 3

[email protected]

and tell us what your preferred colours/ 

shades or themes are.

Remember to leave us your name and contact details (Email size should not exceed 10MB)


step 2


step 4before 

scheme 1

scheme 2 

Dulux AllLimelight AL 23002

Dulux AllPine AL 23804

Dulux AllMarine Blue AL 21004

Dulux Wash & WearIce Age WW 21007L

 I w a  n t  t o  b r i n g  t h e o u  t d o o r s,  i n d o o r

it yourself or if you prefer, call us toarrange a professional painting

service* at your convenience. Call us at6265 0677 or visit www.dulux.com.sgfor more information.

*Refer to page 65 for more information.


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  R e d

  O  r a   n

 g  e

  G  r e e  n

  B  l  u e

  V  i o  l e  t

  W a   r  m

   N e  u  t  r a   l

  C o o  l   N e

  u  t  r a   l

  Y e  l  l o


  O  f  f   W  h  i  t


Our Colour Experts at AkzoNobel’s Aesthetic

Center conduct research that keeps us ahead of

social, economic and design trends. Each year, we

consult with the best in the design, architectural

and fashion arenas to get their insights on what

moves the world, inspiring our choice for the

Colour of the Year and key trends.

For more information, visit www.colourfutures.com

To add more inspiration to your colour and design

 journey, we present our colour palettes through

real-life offerings as put together by our team of

outstanding Dulux Preferred Designers. We hope

that the following pages will inspire you to realise

your dream home.

 Get sta rted he re.

Transform your home withDulux Preferred Designers

 Be Inspired by


7*Source: Coatings World Top Companies Report July 2011 (Annual Sales Turnover)

Heleen, Louise 

and Willeke 

from AkzoNobel 

Aesthetic Center in 

Amsterdam, part of 

the team responsible 

for ColourFutures™ Dulux is a brand from AkzoNobel, the World’s No. 1

Paints & Coatings Company*.

Our mission is to ‘Add colour to people’s lives’. We

believe in the power of colour and how it can uplift

and inspire you.

Every year, we present colour and design ideas that

will beautify your homes and transform your lives.

Let us help you fall in love again with your home!

  C o  l o  u

  r  o  f 

  t  h e   Y e

 a  r 

  2  0  1  3


  I  n s  p  i  r

 e d

  V  i o  l e  t

ColourFutures™ 2013

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This is an indigo shade of blue that is so simple and

deep that it makes you feel safe; like resting your

head on a soft pillow.

There is also something magical about Inspired

Violet, a quality that takes you back to the happy

seaside. As a paint, this colour adds a surprising and

elegant strength to its environment. Never a boring

colour, Inspired Violet is a versatile hue. It pairs very

well with a citrus tone like yellow, as well as with otherblues, purples and greens.

CONNECTIONSModern life is all about‘Connections’

The main theme for ColourFutures™ 2013 is “Connections” -

connecting with the world around us: people, places, things. In our

modern-day lives, we value technologies that help us to connect with

one another. Equally important to us is having a sense of space,

quiet and beauty. This theme of Connections comes to life in the

Colour of the Year 2013, and the ideas in this book explore how you

can incorporate this inspiring hue in your home.



Soothing Honest Relaxing Inspiring 

Please refer to page 37 for accurate colour. The above is only for colour indication.


COlOur Of ThE YEar 2013


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a harmONYOf COlOurS

This is a truly versatile colour, and one that adds sophistication,

nesse and modernity to any living space. These images give

you an idea of how you can include Inspired Violet to your home.

Colours shown on page 10 and page 11 are only available

in tinting.

Complement Inspired

 Violet’s versatility with the

multi-functional Dulux All 

on your interior walls for

that all-round awless nish

throughout your home.

Inspired Violet90BB 09/186

Ribbon Yellow50YY 80/455

Inspired Violet90BB 09/186

Sapling50YY 51/519

Inspired Violet90BB 09/186

Sensual Senses50RB 52/107

Inspired Violet90BB 09/186

Inspired Violet90BB 09/186

Strawberry Blonde00YY 83/069

Pacific Coast18BG 47/282

t i  p 

Picture courtesy of Free Space Intent

Picture courtesy of Kranki Kraft Picture courtesy of Metaphor Studio

Picture courtesy of D5 Studio Image

Picture courtesy of Zidane Design Associates



Colours shown in all images may vary from actual paint colour due to lighting in photographs and printing.

Please refer to Dulux Colour Palettes from page 37 for more accurate colours.

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Glory AL 24800Dulux All

red Wit reds, yo’e beking bondies o convention togt nd getting

out of your comfort zone. At the same time, the dierent shades allow your

sweeter, softer side to shine through.

 Da  r i ng  S wee t  Po we r f  u l

Cherry WW 24703LDulux Wash & Wear

Misty Rose WW 24005LDulux Wash & Wear

S p i c y Sa l sa  P L  2 4 41 4 D u l u x  Pen ta l i


Picture courtesy of LS2 Design & Construction

Picture courtesy of Red Designers

 P ic t u re co u r tes y o f  2 Fo r m  I n te r io r

  Des ig n

Picture courtesy of Studio Arc

 Fo r  bea  u t i f  u l a  nd 

s moo t h  wa  l ls,  t r y  D u l u x 

 Pe n ta l i te S p ic y S

a  lsa  

 P L2 4 41 4.  T he s moo t h 

 ma  t t  f n is h  h ides 

 wa  l l ’s 

 na  t u ra  l  i m pe r f ec t io ns 

 bea  u t i f  u l l y.


t i  p s 

Colours shown in all images may vary from actual paint colour due to lighting in photographs and printing.Please refer to Dulux Colour Palettes from page 40 to page 56 for more accurate colours.


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Onge Warm



Picture courtesy of The Orange Cube

Picture courtesy of Sky Creation


Picture courtesy of Collective Design

Picture courtesy of Yonder

Sungod AL 26471Dulux All

Fiesta Orange AL 27801

Dessert Orange PL 27086

Apricot WW 22505L

Lily White WW 25282L

Dulux All

Dulux Pentalite

Dulux Wash & Wear

Dulux Wash & Wear

Sunkiss WW 27001LDulux Wash & Wear

Give your family the

freedom to learn

and develop without

inhibition, use

Dulux Wash & Wear  

Sunkiss WW27001L.

Have fun with our range of Oranges this year! They are sizzling and waiting to jump out to

energise your space! If working on a single room, mixing dierent shades will give the room

an updated yet mellow feel.

t i  p s 

Colours shown in all images may vary from actual paint colour due to lighting in photographs and printing.Please refer to Dulux Colour Palettes from page 40 to page 56 for more accurate colours.


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Picture courtesy of Ingenious Design

Picture courtesy of Bixente Design

 P ic t u re co u r tes y o f  Ca  me ro n  Woo  Des ig n

 Zes t y 

 Fa s h io na  b le 

 E xc i t i ng

Sweet Corn30YY 58/423

Lime Tint WW 22209LDulux Wash & Wear

G inger A le 

40 Y Y 63 /4 73

Yellows make everyone feel alive. They have an energy

that is both active and calm. This year’s palette has the

ability to make a living space look upbeat and relaxed at

te se tie.

 D u l u x  Was h &  Wea r 

 L i me  T i n t  W W 22209 L co u ld 

 wo r k  i n a   we l l- used s pa ce 

 w he re c rea  t i v i t y a  bo u nd


 E x pa  nd  yo u r co lo u r  ho r izo

 n  w i t h  t i n t i ng. 

 F i nd o u t  mo re o n  pa ge 61.


 P ic t u re co u r tes y o f  

Co l lec t i ve  Des ig n C h i c  Ye l lo w  6

0 Y Y  80 / 2 8 8 D u lu x  P ure

t i  p s 

Colours shown in all images may vary from actual paint colour due to lighting in photographs and printing.Please refer to Dulux Colour Palettes from page 40 to page 56 for more accurate colours.



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Green will always be associated with nature – fresh air, walks in the

park, ower gardens. But its laid-back character also makes it very

versatile. The Greens this year are both fun and spirited, as well as

c nd soot.




Picture courtesy of TDC & Associates

Picture courtesy of 2Form Interior Design

Picture courtesy of Red Designers

 P ic t u re co u r tes y

 o f   U n i ma  x  C rea  t i ve

English Apple90YY 48/500

Green Grape WW 23004LDulux Wash & Wear

 M i r r o r  L a k e  3 0 G Y  8 3

 /1 5 0 D u l u x  P u r e

Seaweed AL 23001Dulux All

 D u l u x  P u r e

  M i r ro r  La  ke 

3 0 G Y 83 /15 0  w i l l  l i f  t  yo u r 

s p i r i ts!  Fo r m u la  ted  w i t h 

a  i r c lea  ns i ng  p ro pe r t ies,  i t 

 ne u t ra  l ises  f o r ma  lde h yde, a  

co m mo n  i ndoo r a  i r  po l l u ta  n t, 

 to  re f  res h  yo u r e n v i ro n me n t.

t i  p s

Colours shown in all images may vary from actual paint colour due to lighting in photographs and printing.Please refer to Dulux Colour Palettes from page 40 to page 56 for more accurate colours.


   E x pa  nd  yo u r co lo u r  ho r i zo n  w i t h  t i n t i ng. 

 F i nd o u t  mo re o n  pa ge 61.

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 B l u e  n e v e r  fa i l s  t o

  ta k e  u s 

 ba c k  t o  o u r  c h i l d

 h o o d  w h e r e 

 fa i r y  ta l e s  i n  u e n

 c e d  o u r 

 i ma g i na t i o n s.  T h i s 

 y ea r ’ s  B l u e s 

 r e m i n d  u s  t ha t  t h

 e r e  i s a l wa y s 

 t i m e  f o r  d r ea m i

 n g. 

 Ma g ica  l 

 Ca  l m i ng 

 D rea  m y

A s h le y  B l ue  P L  21 3 9 6

 D u l u x  Pe n ta l i te

 Fo re ve r  B l ue  P L  215 75 D u l u x  Pe n ta l

 i te

Picture courtesy of KNQ Associates

 P ic t u re co u r tes y o

 f   Z ida  ne  Des ig n  A 

ssoc ia  tes

Picture courtesy of Zidane Design Associates


 W i n t e r s c a p e  3 0 B G  7 6

 /1 0 7 D u l u x  P u r e

Marina Blue AL 21004Dulux All

 W i n d y  H i l l

1 0 B G  6 3 /1 8 9

BluePacific Coast18BG 47/282

 P ic t u re co u r tes y o f   D5 S t ud io  I ma ge

Bring the outdoor

freshness indoor

 with Dulux Pure 


30BG 76/107 and

refresh your living 

space and dream


t i  p s 

Colours shown in all images may vary from actual paint colour due to lighting in photographs and printing.Please refer to Dulux Colour Palettes from page 40 to page 56 for more accurate colours.


Expand your colour horizon

 with tinting. Find out more

on page 61.

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Tis ye’s coection o Vioets is consistenty deicios coss

shades. They eortlessly add sophistication to any living space with

richness and depth, and they work well with a variety of colours.

Rich Silky Royal

VioetPicture courtesy of The Line i.d

Picture courtesy of Red Designers

Picture courtesy of Edgeline Planners

Picture courtesy of La Bonne Vie Design & Contracts

Grape Surprise50RB 20/199

Lavender Mist AL 22052Dulux All


The adaptable Violet

collection delivers

perfectly in the


Dulux All and will

add nesse to all parts

of your home. It’s Allthat you need.

Amethyst Reflection70RB 18/117

Wild Violet PL 24397Dulux Pentalite

t i  p s 

Colours shown in all images may vary from actual paint colour due to lighting in photographs and printing.Please refer to Dulux Colour Palettes from page 40 to page 56 for more accurate colours.


Expand your colour

horizon with tinting.

Find out more on

page 61.

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a t u r a  l 

Mu l t i - t a  s k i n


o f t


There’s no straightforward way of describing exactly what

colour a Warm Neutral is. These wonderful shades are more

easily recognised when dened as a thing or sensation:

an eco-friendly jute shopping bag, a light breeze whistling

through a shing village, the bark of a coconut tree. This

extraordinary quality makes working with Warm Neutrals

easy and stress-free.

Picture courtesy of Haire Living 

 P ic t u re co u r te

s y o f  Ho me  Co nce

 p ts  I n te r io r &  D

es ig n

 P ic t u re co u r te

s y o f  B& E  G ro u


 M o n s o o n  R i v e r 

A L  2 2 0 5 3 D u l u x A l


Turret Brown80YR 17/129

Bisque AL 22803Dulux All

Lily White AL 26001Dulux All


Picture courtesy of Kranki Kraft

Colours shown in all images may vary from actual paint colour due to lighting in photographs and printing.Please refer to Dulux Colour Palettes from page 40 to page 56 for more accurate colours.


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Colours shown in all images may vary from actual paint colour due to lighting in photographs and printing.Please refer to Dulux Colour Palettes from page 40 to page 56 for more accurate colours.


 P ic t u re co u r tes y

 o f   Me ta  p ho r S t ud io

Picture courtesy of Inform Design

Picture courtesy of Free Space Intent

Lime Tint WW 22209LDulux Wash & Wear

Sno w f ie l d  W W  200 8 3 D u l u x  Wa s h &  Wear

A ge d S t u c co 

 70 Y Y  4 6 /05 3

Clamshell AL 20801Dulux All


Picture courtesy of Sky Creation

Use Warm Neutrals

in Dulux All such as

Clamshell AL 20801 on

 your interior walls for

an overall earthy and

polished look.

Stone Cave PL 20086Dulux Pentalite

t i  p s 


Expand your colour

horizon with tinting.

Find out more on

page 61.

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Picture courtesy of Home Guide Design & Contracts P ic t u re c

o u r tes y o f   T he  L i v i ng  A ge

 P ic t u re co u r tes y o f   M i x  Bo x  I n te r io r

 F res h 

 P re t t y 

Soo t h i ng

 a  f ter   long  t ir ing d y 

ou t, g z ing  t  Coo l  N

eu tr l 

on an y o f  your  wa l l s  w

 i l l  he lp  to me l t  t ho se  te

n s ion s 

a wa y.  E ven  t he dar ker

  s hade s  w i l l pu t  you a

 t ea se. 

For chic and classy look that

your guest will admire, try 

Cool Neutrals in Dulux All 

such as Grey Star AL 20813

and Granite AL 20809 for

your key living and

entertainment spaces.


Grey Star AL 20813Dulux All

Grey Star AL 20813Dulux All

Granite AL 20809Dulux All

 G r e a t  G r e y 

 5 0 B G 1 4 / 0 3 6

 D u s k y  W h i te  P L  2 01 0 2 D u lu x  Pe n ta l i te

 M o sa i c  G re y A L  2 0 8 0 4 D u l u x A l l


Mosaic Grey AL 20804Dulux All

t i  p s 

Colours shown in all images may vary from actual paint colour due to lighting in photographs and printing.Please refer to Dulux Colour Palettes from page 40 to page 56 for more accurate colours.


Picture courtesy of Bixente Design

Expand your colour horizon

 with tinting. Find out more

on page 61.

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Picture courtesy of Cameron Woo Design

 P ic t u re co u r tes y o

 f   La   Bo n ne  V ie  De

s ig n & Co n t ra c ts

Picture courtesy of KNQ Associates

Picture courtesy of Arc Dene


Smoke Pearl PL 20088Dulux Pentalite


 M o s a i c  G r e y A L  2 0 8 0 4 D u l u x A l l

White AL 25057Granite AL 20809Dulux AllDulux All

Grey Star AL 20813Dulux All

Colours shown in all images may vary from actual paint colour due to lighting in photographs and printing.Please refer to Dulux Colour Palettes from page 40 to page 56 for more accurate colours.


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Sail White AL 25816Dulux All

Frosted Dawn LS 22276Dulux Light & Space

Colours shown in all images may vary from actual paint colour due to lighting in photographs and printing.Please refer to Dulux Colour Palettes from page 40 to page 56 for more accurate colours.

Elegant Simple Encouraging COLOURINSPIRATION

Picture courtesy of Meng Design & Build

 P ic t u re co u r tes y o

 f   E xod us 31  Des ig n

 P ic t u re co u r tes y o

 f   M use u m


 W h i te  L S  25 7 65 D u l u x  L i g h t &  S pa ce

O Whites inuence a lightness of thought and spi rit. They

heighten the sensation of space, which benets smaller living

areas. These shades make transitioning through spaces easy,

subtly connecting all the dierent parts and energy levels of

yo oe.

Lilac White AL 20807Dulux All

Picture courtesy of Spacious Planners


Off Whites are an ideal

choice for small spaces. In

Dulux Light & Space, with

its Lumitec ™ technology,

the combination will

visually brighten and

enlarge your rooms.

t i  p s 

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Mendelssohn Concerto50BG 76/068

Faithul 09BB 77/019

Baby Blue 06BB 71/091

Sensual 30BB 54/120

Lakemont Blue 70BG 11/257

Image Blue 50BB 18/276

Vienna Lake 10BG 72/057

Cameo Green 90GY 83/098

Windy Hill 10BG 63/189

Mayower Blue 70BG 41/201

Bluebird’s Song 93BG 32/374

Ribbon Dance 52BB 15/410

Silver Ree  50YR 45/014

Aged Stucco 70YY 46/053

Sea Level 50GY 32/046

Chelsea Fog 10GG 72/022

Song Porcelain 00NN 83/000

Pelican 30YY 72/018

Strawberry Blonde00YY 83/069

Sensual Senses 50RB 52/107

Pacic Coast 18BG 47/282

June Bud 90YY 78/334

Lime Twist 89YY 78/269

Windsurer 10GY 74/325

Grand Highland 90GY 33/408

Malabar 30GG 33/453

Thai Teal 53GG 50/360

Fretwork 90YR 57/070

Kennett Square 90YR 55/051

Sand Moti  00YY 38/123

Warm Peach  10YY 77/125

China White 45YY 74/073

Bellcourt Castle 45YY 53/151

Tuscan Tan  20YY 53/238

Roman Holiday 40YY 53/218

Forest Black 30YY 10/038

Desert Floor 20YY 69/120

Alencon Lace 20YY 60/104

Burmese Biege 40YY 51/084

Naturally Calm 10YY 44/215

Turret Brown 80YR 17/129

Stockbridge Brown10YY 06/100

Castle Rock 10YY 41/083

Tomorrow’s Taupe90YR 29/096

Hale Village 20YY 22/129

Napa Valley 90YY 35/304

English Apple 90YY 48/500

Ribbon Yellow 50YY 80/455

Sapling 50YY 51/519

Lotus Blossom 50YR 55/201

Salmon Pink  60YR 59/261

Cinnabar 50YR 32/460

Apricot Nectar  36YY 66/349

Orangery 70YR 30/651

Flamingo 30YR 29/421

Celestial Sun  54YY 85/291

Orion  40YY 75/216

Ginger Ale 40YY 63/473

Cheers  48YY 77/529

Sweet Corn 30YY 58/423

Egyptian Sun 04YY 51/583

Yesterday 90RB 74/044

Quiet Stillness 30RR 73/033

Viola 42RB 53/176

Grape Surprise 50RB 20/199

Amethyst Reection70RB 18/117

Roman Purple 50RB 09/087

Canadian Sky 30BG 49/047

Boudoir 50GY 83/060

Seaside Village 90GY 46/061

Pepper Tree 10GG 38/038

Icon Grey 00NN 31/000

Great Grey 50BG 14/036

Florida Pink 90RR 43/290

Ater The Rain 10YR 73/038

Strawberry Crush 74RR 28/432

Barberry Rose  70RR 30/216

Magnicance 90RR 21/418

Red Feather 70RR 13/233

For the Love oFCoLour

CoLour oFthe YeAr 2013

Inspired Violet 90BB 09/186

expand y cl izns wi tINtING!Find out about tinting on page 61.

Cl NalsWam Nals Cmplmnay clswi Cl f Ya 2013

Wehavereproduced paintcoloursasaithully asmodern printingtechniquesallow. Pleasenotethattheshape, sizeand lightingoa suracecan inuencetheappearanceothefnalcolour.We have reproduced paint colours as aithully as modern printing techniques allow. Please note that the shape, size and lighting o a surace can inuence the appearance o the fnal colour. *Dulux tinting services is available or Dulux Weathershield, Dulux Wash & Wear, Dulux All, Dulux Pentalite, Dulux Gloss and Dulux Satinwood.

Inspid by ClFstM 2013, w psn y an amazing aay f spciallyslcd cls a willadd dazzl and magic y m!

ts cls a s and ndis as psnd in ClFstM 2013.And y a ys a in pain pdcs*.

Cl Pw!

37Coloursshown on page34topage37 areonly availablein tinting.

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Blush AL 24006 Majestic Yellow AL 26004

Scarlet AL 24801 Sunshine AL 26805

Luxury AL 24007 Sungod AL 26471

Tea Dance AL 24018 Golden Rays AL 27000

Glory AL 24800 Fiesta Orange AL 27801

Sot Petal AL 24008 Candlelight AL 26005

Monsoon River AL 22053 Mosaic Grey AL 20804 Lilac White AL 20807Forever Blue AL 21000 Barely Pink AL 24001

Bisque AL 22803 Silvermink AL 20802 Tulip White AL 25056Marina Blue AL 21004 Barely Green AL 23000

Clamshell AL 20801 Granite AL 20809 Lily White AL 26001Blue Topaz AL 21001 Barely Peach AL 22325

Treasure Trove AL 22667 Carbon Grey AL 20810 Rose White AL 26002Pacic Blue AL 21005 Barely Grey AL 26000

Heritage AL 22064 Noble Grey AL 20811 Sail White AL 25816Breeze AL 21006 Barely White AL 25059

Sea Shell AL 22073 Grey Star AL 20813 Pacic Mist AL 20808Orchid White AL 26003Sot Sky AL 21612 Barely Purple AL 24000

Latte AL 22054 Orchid Rise AL 24002

Champagne AL 22801 Mysterious AL 24003

Mocha Delight AL 26346 Lavender Mist AL 22052

Sand Castle AL 22063 Amethyst AL 24011

Choco Pie AL 22061 Roman Purple AL 24012

Culture Pearl AL 22051 Evening Tide AL 21713 Picket White AL 25817

e total 

lution forerior walls

Dlx All Dlx All Sads f WiThe total solutio for iterior walls The total solutio for iterior walls

Wehavereproduced paintcoloursasaithully asmodern printingtechniquesallow. Pleasenotethattheshape, sizeand lightingoa suracecan inuencetheappearanceothefnalcolour.

Superior toughness

Excellent coverage

Covers hairline cracks

Outstanding washability

Mould resistance/ Anti-bacterial

Low odour, even when freshly painted

Environmentally preferred paint




Aspen Lea  AL 23579

Cool Lime AL 23580

Spring Blossom AL 26009

Celery Lea  AL 23801

Seaweed AL 23001

Pine AL 23804

41Coloursareavailablein tinting

Dulux All

AmethystAL 24011

Dulux All

PacicBlueAL 21005

Dulux All

Carbon Grey AL 20810

W e h a ve re p rod u ced p a intco lo u rs a s a ith u lly a s mo d ern p rin tin g te chn iq u es a llo w. Ple a se n o te th atth e s h a pe , s ize a nd l ig h tin g o a s u r a ce can in u en ce th e a pp e a ra n ce o the fn a lco lo u r. W e h a ve re p rod u ce d p a in tco lo u rs a s aith ul ly a s mo d e rn p rin tin g te ch n iq ue s a llow. Ple a se n o te tha tth e s h ap e , s ize a n d l ig htin g o a s ur a ce can in u en ce th e a pp e a ran ce o th e fna lco lou r.

Dulux All

SotSky AL 21612

Dulux All

Barely WhiteAL 25059

Also Available:White AL25057

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Keeps yourhome freshand happy

Dlx Was & WaThe most washable pait

ease refer to page 4 to nd out which paint is best for you.

Results may vary depending on type & duration

of stains and cleaning materials used.

Misty Rose WW 24005L Magnolia WW 22214L Lime Tint WW 22209L Natural Cane WW 22617L North Woods WW 23003L Ice Age WW 21007L

Candy Pink WW 24004L Caravan WW 22504L Lemon Ice WW 26211L Natural Linen WW 22618L Green Grape WW 23004L Atlantic WW 21008L

Lollipop WW 24702L Apricot WW 22505L Primrose Yellow WW 26512L Hazelnut WW 22266L Lime Fizz WW 23567L Boat Race WW 21317L

Cherry WW 24703L Sun Kiss WW 27001L Meadow Gold WW 26511L Castle Rock WW 22065L Tree House WW 26006L Blue Sparks WW 21727L

Pure Pink WW 24019L Chalk WW 22502L Morning Dew WW 25748L White Pearl WW 25058L White Ice WW 23244L Tracey WW 21316L



Outstanding washability

& high scrub resistance

Keeps colours looking fresh for longer

Low odour, even when freshly painted

Environmentally preferred paint

43Coloursareavailable in tinting Wehavereproduced paintcoloursas aithully asmodern printingtechniquesallow. Pleasenotethatthe shape, sizeand lightingo asurace can inuencetheappearanceo thefnalcolour.

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Ballerina WW 24014L Lily White WW 25282L Apple White WW 25262LGrey Squirrel WW 20814L

Fascination WW 21315L Rose White WW 25281L Dune White WW 25819LFog WW 20084L

Fairy Dust WW 24015L Orchid White WW 25260L Angel WW 24016LSmoke Grey WW 20815L

Harmonious Purple WW 24395L Bluebell Classic WW 23343L Bluebell White WW 25261LDark Secret WW 20816L

Silver Blue WW 21312L Barley White WW 25283L Lilac White WW 25422LSnoweld WW 20083L

Dlx Was & WaThe most washable pait



Sads f Wi


Dulux Wash & Wear

Fascination WW21315L

Dulux Wash & Wear

SilverBlueWW 21312L

Coloursareavailable in tinting Wehavereproduced paintcoloursas aithully asmodern printingtechniquesallow. Pleasenotethatthe shape, sizeand lightingo asurace can inuencetheappearanceo thefnalcolour.

Dulux Wash & Wear

AppleWhiteWW 25262L

Dulux Wash & Wear

RoseWhiteWW 25281L

Also Available:

White WW 25258L

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Dlx PFor iterior air cleasig

Fine Lace 10RR 83/026 Orange Blossom 05YY 72/254 Crisp Linen 61YY 89/040 Winterscape 30BG 76/107 Baby Blue 06BB 71/091 White on White 30GY 88/014

Garden Pink 01RR 77/091 Wood Lily 40YY 83/129 Tusk Tusk 30YY 79/070 Mirror Lake 30GY 83/150 Simple 90BB 83/011 Cloud Nine 30BG 72/034

Frosted 95RB 71/132 Starlet 45YY 83/187 Antique Linen 30YY 70/120 Early Frost 50GY 83/160 Snow Lilac 30RB 74/038 Limoges Blue 30BG 56/045

Icy Peach 28YY 86/106 Champagne Sparkle 35YY 81/174 Chic Yellow 60YY 80/288 Glass Green 50GY 77/195 Purple Clouds 30RB 68/084 Potter’s Purple 90BB 59/097

Peach Sorbet 06YY 75/218 Daisy Yellow 60YY 83/219 Yellow Rose 45YY 73/519 Margarita 30GY 58/375 Lavender’s White 90BB 67/069 Pure Orchid 90BB 36/188

Rose Mallow 13RR 72/121 Apricot Nectar 36YY 66/349 Vanilla Latte 29YY 84/067 Little Boy Blue 40BG 70/146 Everclear 01BB 69/098 Moonlight Sonata 30BB 83/013

Valentine Pink 14RR 48/276 Only Peach 90YR 77/115 North Star 67YY 89/124 Fresh Cut 30GY 83/086 Moonglow 10BG 55/223 Romance 10BB 83/020

Vassar Rose 90RR 52/214 Peach Goddess 90YR 64/166 Halo 70YY 83/112 Green Satin 30GY 83/107 Vista Marine 10BG 39/244 Horizons 10BB 73/039

For interiorair cleansing

Also Available in White

ease refer to page 4 to nd out which paint is best for you.



Air cleansing properties(Neutralises formaldehyde*)

Mould & fungus resistance/ 


Low odour, even when freshly painted

Environmentally preferred paint

47Wehavereproduced paintcolours asaithully asmodern printingtechniquesallow. Pleasenotethat theshape, sizeand lightingoa suracecan inuencetheappearanceo thefnalcolour.

rce: Complies with JC/T 1071-2008catory performance test method of coatings on air purication’

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Brightensand enhancesspace visually

Dlx Lig & SpacReects up to twice as much light*

French Vanilla LS 26487 Skylight LS 21741

Peach Cloud LS 22279 Spearmint LS 23607Peach Chion LS 22278

Petal Pink LS 24708 Buttercream LS 26496 Sunny Lime LS 23608

Pearl Shell LS 26488 Angel Blue LS 21743

Spring Blush LS 22275

Desert Wind LS 22274

Amber Spirit LS 22277Powder Pu  LS 24706

Fairylight LS 24707

Dream Yellow LS 26489 Crystal Blue LS 21742

Purple Dream LS 21744

Frosted Dawn LS 22276

Lilac Lace LS 21746

ease refer to page 4 to nd out which paint is best for you.



Reects up to twice as much light*

Low odour, even when freshly painted

Environmentally preferred paint

mpared to normal emulsion paints.

w ith Dulux Light & Space

with normal emulsion paint


Also Available:

White LS 25765

 This range o colours is available in tinting.

Wehavereproduced paintcolours asaithully asmodern printingtechniquesallow. Pleasenotethat theshape, sizeand lightingoa suracecan inuencetheappearanceo thefnalcolour.

Dulux Light& Space

FrostedDawn LS 22276

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Smooth matt nish

Rose Petal PL 2209 Almond PL 22055 White Ice PL 23577 Twillight PL 2197 Designer Grey PL 22060 Smoke Pearl PL 20088

Ginger Peachy PL 27085 Debutant PL 2207 Misty PL 2173 Skyline Pl 21003 Barley White PL 2202 Daisy White PL 20103

Goldust PL 2212 Candlelight PL 26288 Greystone PL 22056 Mulberry PL 21432 Lilac White PL 25426 Dusky White PL 20102

Dessert Orange PL 27086 Corneld PL 26469 Sandstone PL 26349 Romance Pl 21002 Rose White PL 2190 Swansdown PL 20334

Spicy Salsa PL 24414 Popcorn PL 2193 Chocolate PL 22014 Wild Violet PL 24397 Orchid White PL 2189 Morning Dew PL 2194

Barely Pink PL 24470 Magnolia PL 1733 Sherbet PL 2206 Forever Blue PL 21575 Stone Cave PL 20086

Royal Pink PL 2180 Ivory PL 1502 Just Jade PL 23188 Mistral PL 2210

French Manicure PL 24496 Lime Tint PL 2158 Cool Lime PL 23341 Ashley Blue PL 21396 Lily White PL 2192 Apple White PL 2191

Smooth matt nish

Easy to apply

Low odour, even when freshly painted

Environmentally preferred paint

ease refer to page 4 to nd out which paint is best for you.

Sads f Wi



Dlx PnaliHidesimperfectionson wallsbeautifully


Also Available:Black PL 1556

Wehavereproduced paintcolours asaithully asmodern printingtechniquesallow. Pleasenotethat theshape, sizeand lightingoa suracecan inuencetheappearanceo thefnalcolour.

Also Available:

White PL 1501,

Brilliant White PL 2290

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Also Available:White 15172

Black 10266

Dlx timbnInterior transparent wood nish

Dlx SainwdLuxury satin nish

Barely Green 86YY 85/174 Winter Rain 50BG 76/056 Grey Star 30GY 65/020 Cotton Field 90YR 83/070


WOOD WOOD & METALRevolutionaryanti-mould formulation

Dulu x Pen tali te 

MouldguardSpeciall y  formula ted  for ceilings

Effective against most species of mould

Low odour, even when freshly painted

Environmentally preferred paint

Mould facts(a type o ungus) can grow when

spores come into contact with moisture.

It is most common in areas o poor

ventilation and dampness like ceilings,

kitchens, bathrooms and around air-

conditioners. Let unchecked, mould

can spread.

INterIor WooD

WooD & MetAL

Highlights the beauty

of natural wood

Ideal for new or previously

varnished interior wood surfaces

No added lead and mercury

Provides long lasting protection

No added lead and mercury


Available in:

White PL 25664

Wehavereproduced paintcolours asaithully asmodern printingtechniquesallow. Pleasenotethat theshape, sizeand lightingoa suracecan inuencetheappearanceo thefnalcolour.

Mahogany 12092Antique Red 14126Rosewood 14049

     O    n     R    a    m     i    n

Honeypine 16059

     O    n     M    e    r    a    n    t     i

Clear Glossy 18017

     O    n     T    e    a     k     P     l    y

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Dlx Glss FinisHigh gloss nish

Evening Delight GL 21398 Divine GL 22668 Magnolia GL 633 Swatch GL 21243 Blue Dahlia GL 21434 Sky Boat GL 21400

Flamingo GL 2063 Papyrus GL 2056 Golden Brown GL 22781 Spruce GL 426

Orange Peel GL 27181 Sundae GL 26138 Copper Teak GL 22783 Iguana GL 23606 Dove White GL 10270 Rose White GL 14176

Ember Glow GL 27180 Slicker GL 26215 Rustic GL 2038 Suede GL 116 Lily White GL 16207 Apple White GL 13254

Signal Red GL 437 Yellow Ribbon GL 26139 Rosewood GL 22782 Leather GL 2037 Barley White GL 16208 Lavender White GL 11214

Cinderella GL 24497 Genie GL 2061 Honeycomb GL 2058 Sot Fern GL 23454 Neptune GL 2031 Regal Blue GL 613

Almost Pink GL 25488 Ivory GL 32 Nutmeg GL 461 Mirage GL 2060 Rafes GL 20331 Executive Grey GL 104

Carnation GL 25338 Sot Yellow GL 26290 Golden Honey GL 727 Gem GL 23185 Pure Grey GL 20667 Charcoal Grey GL 20090

Highgloss fnish

r optimal paint performance, apply 1 coat of lux Speed Undercoat, overcoat with 2 coats Dulux Gloss Finish.

Excellent protection and gloss retention

Spreads smoothly and easily

Excellent durability

Sads f Wi




Also Available:Black GL 122

Also Available:

White GL 101,Brilliant White GL 290

Whilestockslast Wehavereproduced paintcolours asaithully asmodern printingtechniquesallow. Pleasenotethat theshape, sizeand lightingoa suracecan inuencetheappearanceo thefnalcolour.

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Dulu Weathershield ad Dulu Weathershield Roof come

with Keep CoolTM heat reective technology, to reduce surface

temperature by up to 5oC*.

• Savingsofupto15%#ontheenergyusedtocoolyourhome


• Hotcoloursgetcooler!

Not just light colours, even dark colours oer the same

performance due to the revolutionary Keep CoolTM technology.

FulltestreportconductedbyBSD(BuildingSystem&DiagnosticsPteLtd).*The amount of heat reecting is colour dependent. Lighter colours will always deliver cooler eect.

The lighter the shade the higher the amount of heat reection, the lower the exterior surface temperature.Dulux Weathershield is proven to be more eective in heat reection and lowering surface temperature than conventional paints.

#The test was carried out on computer simulation for a typical 2-storey bungalow using both Dulux Weathershield and Dulux Weathershield Roof.

Colours stated above are taken from Dulux Weathershield range.

Total Solar Reectance (%) refers to the total solar radiation that is being reected away from the surface.

wiDlx Wasild

Dulu WeathershieldFor eterior walls

Dulu Weathershield RoofFor roof tiles

56 57



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Dlx Wasild All weather protectio with Keep CoolTM energy saving solution

Galaxy WS 12334 Buttermilk WS 12140

Vistasik Brown WS 12655 Purple Lint WS 11083Choco Malt WS 17123 Kenyan Leaves WS 13599Crème Brulee WS 17141 French Linen WS 16535

Carmel WS 16533 Burmese Beige WS 16729Terra Cotta WS 12199 Wira Blue WS 11221Orange Lantern WS 17105 Summer Daisy WS 16454

Mocha Woods WS 12658 McClendon WS 12926Southern Alps WS 14565 Whestone WS 10987Apple Cider WS 16603 Pure Gold WS 16453

Rocky Mountain WS 12670 Ominous WS 10989Boutique WS 12136 Dawn Grey WS 10747

Bone WS 22294 Pebbles WS 16345 Maldivian Cloud WS 11684 Ocean White WS 11610Calypso WS 14255 Wheat WS 22299

White Pepper WS 22619 Sandstone WS 12653 Tungsten WS 10412 Waterall WS 13416Sand Dune WS 14371 Vanilla WS 26285

Apricot WS 12135 Mandarin Fields WS 16565 Dolphin WS 20278 Zambezi Rocks WS 16566

UltimateProtection whateverhe weather

ms and Conditions apply.e refer to Dulux Weathershield Warranty Agreement.

Heat reective property, reduces

surface temperature up to 5oC#

Protects against colour fading

caused by UV

Fungus & algae resistance

Low odour, even when freshly painted

Environmentally preferred paint



pared to conventional exterior paint.eport conducted by BSD (Building System & Diagnostic Pte Ltd).


Also Available:White WS 15004

Black WS 10207

Whilestockslast Wehavereproduced paintcolours asaithully asmodern printingtechniquesallow. Pleasenotethat theshape, sizeand lightingoa suracecan inuencetheappearanceo thefnalcolour.

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Choo Lip Paints Trading Co

Blk 932, Yishun Central 1, #01-93, S(760291), Tel: 67582762

Chye Seng Paints & Hardware Co

Blk 452, Ang Mo Kio Ave 10, #01-1767, S(560452),

 Tel: 64548424

CMY Home Solution Pte Ltd

Blk 603, Ang Mo Kio Ave 5, #01-2657, S(560603),

 Tel: 64585500

Colorland Paint Centre Pte Ltd (Serangoon)

Blk 261, Serangoon Central Dr, #01-09, S(550261),

 Tel: 62813051

Deshon Trading Co

Blk 23, Sin Ming Road, #01-21/23, S(570023), Tel: 64523138

Han Hwa Departmental Store

Blk 101, Yishun Ave 5, #01-33, S(760101), Tel: 62577438

Hwa Soon Paints Pte Ltd

Blk 1, Deu Lane 10, #01-541/545, S(539182), Tel: 62879998

Hwa Tat Pte Ltd

796/798 Upper Serangoon Road, S(534668), Tel: 62870916

Power-J Trading Pte ltd

Blk 1, Yishun St. 23, #01-11/12/13, YS-ONE Building,

S(768441), Tel: 68518484

 Team 76 International Pte Ltd

Blk 316B, Ang Mo Kio St 31, #01-04, S(563316),

 Tel: 63467667

Weili Paints & Hardware Trading

Blk 157, Ang Mo Kio Ave 4, #01-568, S(560157),

 Tel: 64594695

Yong Heng Hardware

Blk 18, Marsiling Lane, #01-259/275, S(730018),

 Tel: 63675517


Colorland Paint Centre Pte Ltd (East Coast)

No. 189, East Coast Road, S(428895), Tel: 64408643

Colorland Paint Centre Pte Ltd (Bedok)

Blk 202, Bedok North St. 1, #01-487, S(460202),

 Tel: 64430523

Everglow Paints & Trading

No. 287, Changi Road, S(419766), Tel: 67420324

Friendly Paints & Trading

Blk 551, Bedok North Ave 1, #01-548, S(460551),

 Tel: 64498133

Guan Chuan Heng Co

Blk 412, Bedok North Ave 2, #01-136, S(460412),

 Tel: 64442771

Lye Trading Pte Ltd

Blk 825, Tampines ST 81, #01-76, S(520825),

 Tel: 67824466

Meng Soon Paints & Hardware Trading

Blk 3024, Ubi Road 3, #01-85, S(408652), Tel: 67437423

Painters’Choice Pte Ltd

488/ 490, Sims Avenue, S(387562), Tel: 67487790

 Tat Fong Paint Pte Ltd

No 492, Geylang Road, Lor 26, S(389450),

 Tel: 67469133

New Zenli Enterprise

No.123, Geylang Road, #01-01, S(389223), Tel: 68460080


Aik Huat Paints & Building Materials

No. 804, Upper Bukit Timah Road, S(678142), Tel: 67691897

Chong Brother Hardware Supply

No. 204/204A, Choa Chu Kang Ave 1, S(689471), Tel:


Fong Wang Chia Household Utensils and Hardware Shop

Blk 445, Fajar Road, #01-554, S(670445), Tel: 67644719

Highest Paints Pte Ltd

No. 82, Jalan Jurong Kechil, S(598590), Tel: 64684270

Keat Hong Hardware Trading

No.192A, Choa Chu Kang Ave 1, S(689467), Tel: 67603152

Sun Hee Hardware Paints & Electrical DIY Shop Pte Ltd

Blk 354, Clementi Ave 2, #01-237/239, S(120354),

 Tel: 67771788

CENTRALAikly Paints & Chemical Pte Ltd

No. 393, Jalan Besar, S(209005), Tel: 63922289

Bangkok Coatings Pte Ltd

No 9 Siang Kuang Ave, S(347927), Tel: 67469555

Civic Paints & Hardware Pte Ltd

Blk 2, Jalan Bukit Merah, #01-5168, S(150002),

 Tel: 62733383

Hiap Soon Heng & Co

Blk 2, Balestier Road, #01-643, S(320002), Tel: 62509468

Painter’s Muticolour Centre

Blk 41, Holland Drive, #01-09, S(270041), Tel: 67793002

Sin Soon Aik Paints Pte Ltd

No. 568, Balestier Road, S(329885), Tel: 63543911

Soon Huat Paints (1949) Pte Ltd

Blk 5, Banda Street, #01-74, S(050005), Tel: 62205644

Winly Paints Pte Ltd

No. 91, Lavender Street, S(338719), Tel: 62985211

Ebony 10484 Gold Bar 16601 Arabian Dust 12701 Maple Brownie 12702

Rosewood 14337 Antique 14338 Mahogany 12493 Honeypine 16325 Walnut 14331

Crayon 17144

Oriental 14566

Sahara 12652 Matahari 12651

Impian Red 12521

Idaman Grey 10524

Casa Blue 11445

Ash Grey 10526

Redwood 12241

Cane 16348

Rustic 12243

Riverbed 12242

Mission Brown 12239

Dlx Wasild rf

Dlx Slascn

Dlx timbcl

Premium roof paint, with energysaving solution

Transparent exterior wood nish

 Acrylic exterior wood nish

rf tils

eXterIor WooD

eXterIor WooD

Long lasting pigmented varnish

Enhances the natural grain of wood Filters out UV rays, thereby minimisescracking, aking and peeling No added lead & mercury

Contains UV resisting colour pigmentsprotect against colour fading Fungus & algae resistance

No added lead & mercury

Expand yourcolour horizons

with Dulux.

Ever wanted that one colour for both the inside and

outside of your home, but were constrained by colour

availability in the different products?

You can now easily achieve that with Dulux colour

tinting services.

In 3 easy steps!

Choosefm cl pal

Decidey pfd Dlx pain yp

Order  pains fm ails

1 2 3

• Dulux Wash & Wear

• Dulux All

• Dulux Pure

• Dulux Pentalite• Dulux Satinwood

• Dulux Gloss

• Dulux Weathershield

90BB 09/186

Dulux Tinting Services is available at:

Heat reective property, reduces surfacetemperatures by up to 5oC*

Protects against colour fading caused by UV

Fungus & algae resistance

*Compared to conventional roopaint. Report conducted by BSD(BuildingSystem & Diagnostic PteLtd).



Wehavereproduced paintcoloursas aithully asmodern printingtechniquesallow. Pleasenotethatthe shape, sizeand lightingo asurace can inuencetheappearanceo thefnalcolour.

Coloursare availablein tinting

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Interior/ Exterior Exterior

Woodand Metal Walls Roo tiles Wood

D ul ux G lo ss D ul ux S at in wo od D ul ux W ea th er sh ie ld D ul ux W ea th er sh ie ld R oo f D ul ux S ol ar sc re en D ul ux T im be rc ol ou r

Hi gh gl os s ni sh L ux ur y sa tin ni sh Al l we at he rp ro tec tio n Pre mi um r oo p ai nt Tr an spa re nt ex ter io rwo od ni sh Ac ry li cex te rio rw oo d ni sh

A365 A345 A915 A968 A339 A926

Excellentprotection andglossretention

Pr ov ideslonglastingprotect ion KeepCoolTM heatreectiveproperty,reducessuracetemperatureupto 5oC3 

KeepCool TM heatreectiveproperty,reducessuracetemperatureupto 5oC3 

Longlastingpigmentedv ar nish ContainsU V r es ist ingcolourpigmentsprotectagainst colourading

Spreadssmoothly andeasily Savingsup to 15%4 on theenergyusedto cool yourhome

Savingsupto 15%4 on theenergyusedto cool yourhome

Enhancesthenatural grain o wood Fungus& algaeresistance

Excellent durability Colourlock technology, protectsagainstcolour adingcausedby UV

Colourlocktechnology,protectsagainstcolourading causedby UV

Filtersout UVrays,thereby minimisecracking,akingand peeling

Ideal orexteriorwooden suraceslikeencesand balconies

Hard wearing Fungus & algae resistance Fungus& algaeresistance Longlasting protection

Long lasting colour 5 years weather protection5 Alkaliguard Waterresistance



Low odour,even when reshly painted6

Environmentally preerredpaint

No addedleadand mercury

High gloss Semi-gloss Low sheen Low sheen High gloss Low sheen

1 and 5 Litres 1 and 5 Litres 5 Litres

Pdcs a a glancFind the best product that suits you.


arefully prepare your surfaces with the appropriate treatment before painting.

aint lasts longer and looks better on clean surfaces.



All living areas Ceilings Wood


Dulux AllDulux

Wash & WearDulux Pure

DuluxLight& Space

Dulux PentaliteDulux Pentalite

MouldguardDulux Timbertone

The total solution orinteriorwalls

Keepsyour homereshandhappy

Forinterioraircleansing Brightensandenhancesspacevisually


Revolutionary anti-mouldormulation


A966 A902 A907 A995 A921 A933 A398

Product features

Superiortoughness(againstday-to-day dentsandlow impactknocks)

Outstandingwashability &high scrubresistance


LumitecTMtechnology,reectsupto twiceasmuch light2

Smooth mattnish E ect iv eprotect ion againstmostspecies o mould

Highlightsthebeautyo natural wood

E xcellentcov erage Colourguar dtechnology,keepscolourlo okingresh,longer

Mould& ungusresistance Increasesbrightnesso room

Ea sy to app ly I de al o rare as o po orventilation anddampness

Ideal ornew orpreviously varnishedinteriorwood suraces

C ov er s ha ir li ne c ra ck s C ov er s ha ir li ne c ra ck s A nt i– ba ct er ia l E nh an ce s sp ac e v is ua ll y L on g l as ti ng c o lo ur

Outstanding washability Strong hiding power Long lasting col our Good coverage

M ou ld r es is ta nc e E xc el le nt c ov er ag e S up er io r wa sh ab il it y

Anti-bacterial Covers hairline cracks

Long lasting colour Outstanding hiding power

Strong hiding power Excellent coverage

Low odour,even when reshly painted6 Environmentally preerredpaint6 

No addedlead andmercury

Finish Low sheen Low sheen Low sheen Matt Matt Matt High gloss

Available in 1 and 5 Litres 5 Litres 1 and 5 Litres

Surface preparation products - Primers and Sealers

Recommended surfaces For cleaning Interior and Exterior Wall Metal Wood and Metal


Dulux FungicidalWashDulux Weathershield

Acrylic Alkali ResistingWallPrimerSealer

Dulux Weathershield AlkaliResistingWallPrimerSealer

D ul ux E co P ri me r D ul ux S pe ed U nd er co at

Aqueous chemical wash Water-based sealer Solvent-based sealer Solvent-based, anti corrosiveprotectiveprimer


A980-19260 A931-1050 A579-15054 A500-20711 A543-101

Product features

Eliminatesandpreventsgrowth o algaeand ungus.

Forinteriorand exteriormasonrysuracesuch asbrickwork,plaster,cementandtextured walls.

Forinterior andexteriormasonrysuraceboth new andpreviouslypaintedsuch asbrickwork,plasterandcement.

Ideal orinterior andexterior errousmetal workincludingnew andweatheredmildmetal.

Perectcomplimentas an undercoatorgloss enamel

Doesnot aectadhesion andcolouro subsequentpaintcoats.

I mp ro ves adh es io n B in ds th ec ha lky pa int lmandrmsitup

L ea d an d c hr om at e- r ee I mp ro ve a dh es io n b et we en p r im erandtopcoat

Non staining Alkali resistance Improves adhesion

Biologically degradable Low VOC Alkali resistance


Available in 5 Litres 5 and 20 Litres 5 and 20 Litres 5 Litres 1 and 5 Litres

1. Source: Complies with JC/T 1071-2008 ‘Puricatory perormance test method o coatings on air purication’.

2. Compared to normal emulsion paints.

3. Compared to conventional exterior paint. Report conducted by BSD (Building System Diagnostic Pte Ltd).

4. The test was carried out on computer simulation or a typical 2-storey bungalow using both Dulux Weathershield and Dulux Weathershield Roo.

5. Terms and conditions apply. Please reer to Dulux Weathershield Warranty Agreement.

6. Applicable to selected colour.

 Not su re which produ ct to u se?

Call 6265 0677(Weekdays 815am – 445pm)

or nd us online : www.dulux.com.sg


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Paint system Exterior

Surface Walls Roof Tiles Wood


Suraces must be sound, clean and dry out completely. Remove all loose paint or powdery residue bybrushing/scrapping with a sti bre brush or high pressure water jet.

 Treat areas aected by mould, lichens, algae and moss withDulux Fungicidal Wash.

Surace imperections, misalignment and protrusions must be levelled, patched and completelyushed to surrounding suraces.

Note:Do not apply paint during wet weather.

No primer required


Sealer (1 coat)

For new and repainting on powdery suraces:Dulux Weathershield Alkali Resisting Wall Primer Sealer(Solvent-Based)

For new walls:Dulux Weathershield Acrylic Alkali Resisting Wall PrimerSealer (Water-Based)

Sealer (1 coat)

Dulux Weathershield AlkaliResisting Wall Primer Sealer(Solvent-Based)

Step 2:Paint

 Top coat (2 coats)

Dulux Weathershield

 Top coat (2 coats)

Dulux Weathershield Roof 

 Top coat

DuluxTimbercolour (2 coats)

Varnish:Dulux Solarscreen(3 coats)

Drying time 2 – 3 hours 4 hours

TheoreticalCoverageDulux All 13 m2 / ltrDulux Wash & Wear 13 m2 / ltrDulux Pure 12 m2 / ltrDulux Light & Space 9 – 10 m2 / ltrDulux Pentalite 10 – 11 m2 / ltrDulux Pentalite Mouldguard 9 – 10 m2 / ltrDulux Timbertone 19 m2 / ltr

Dulux Satinwood 15 m2 / ltrDulux Gloss Finish 16 – 18 m2 / ltrDulux Weathershield 12 – 13 m2 / ltrDulux Rooshield 5 m2 / ltrDulux Solarscreen 19 m2 / ltrDulux Timbercolour 10 – 11 m2 / ltr

Paint volume estimator

Surace area to be painted

(Height x Length)

 Theoretical coverage perlitre per coat in metres


 Total paintvolume

required percoat in litres


Dryingtime between coatsis dependanton temperatureand humidity 

Paint system Interior Interior/ Exterior

Surface Walls and ceilings Wood Wood Metal

Step 1:Prime


Seals poroussuraces

 Helps nish coatadhere better

Protects againstcorrosion or metalsuraces

Sealer (1 coat)

For new plastered surace andrepainting powdery suraces:Dulux Weathershield AlkaliResisting Wall Primer Sealer(Solvent-based)

For new walls:Dulux Weathershield AcrylicAlkali Resisting Wall PrimerSealer(Water-based)

No primer required Primer (1 coat)

Dulux AluminiumWood Primer Sealer

Primer not requiredor previously paintedwood suraces.

Primer (1 coat)

Dulux Eco-Primer*

*Not applicableor

galvanised,aluminium and

stainless steel suraces.

Undercoat (1 coat)Dulux Speed Undercoat

Drying time1 – 2 Hours (Water-based)4 – 5 Hours (Solvent-based)

24 hours 16 hours

Step 2:Paint

 Top coat (2 Coats)

Dulux AllDulux Wash & WearDulux PureDulux Light & SpaceDulux PentaliteDulux Pentalite Mouldguard

 Top coat (3 coats)

Dulux Timbertone 

 Top coat (2 coats)

Dulux Gloss FinishDulux Satinwood

Drying time 2 hours 6 hours 6 hours 6 hours

For a great fnishPrepare your surface with the appropriate treatment before painting. Paint lasts longer and looks better on clean surfaces. Need help

with paiNtiNg??

 D u  l u  x  P a  i n t i n g 

 S e r v  i c e s

For more information on

painting packages, call

6265 0677(weekdays 8.15-4.45pm) or nd us online:www.dulux.com.sg

www.facebook.com/ dulux.sg

 We ha ve pain ting packages 

a t a f fordable prices  to sui t 

dif feren t pain ting needs. 

No more stress with painting. We offer professional painting services

through our network of reliable and experienced contractors to help you.

*Lead time required for colour scheme is between 3-5 working days and subject to schedule availability.

**Terms and conditions apply.

 Wha t’s more, our produc ts are en vironmen tall y- friendl y. 

So, con tac t us  toda y  for a  fuss- free pain ting e xperience 

and  trans form  your home!



   P re- pa i n t 

Si te inspec tion

 P ro f ess io na l ad v ice

From a Dulu x pro fessional pain ting con trac tor

 F ree co lo u r co ns u l ta t io n 

B y Dulu x Colour Consul tan ts*

 U t mos t ca re ass u red 

For  your furni ture and belongings

O ne  yea r  wa r ra n t y 

For pain t de fec ts**

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Product Code Indexde Product Line Colour Nameo.

Code Product Line Colour NameNo.

Code Product Line Colour NameNo.

Code Product Line Colour NameNo.

Code Product Line Colour NameNo.

Code Product Line Colour NameNo.

While stocks last 67

Dulux Gloss Finish Ivory

1 Dulux Gloss Finish White

4 Dulux Gloss Finish Executive Grey

6 Dulux Gloss Finish Suede

2 Dulux Gloss Finish Black 

0 Dulux Gloss Finish Brilliant White

6 Dulux Gloss Finish Spruce

7 Dulux Gloss Finish Signal Red

1 Dulux Gloss Finish Nutmeg

3 Dulux Gloss Finish Regal Blue

3 Dulux Gloss Finish Magnolia

7 Dulux Gloss Finish Golden Honey

01 Dulux Pentalite White

02 Dulux Pentalite Ivory

56 Dulux Pentalite Black 

33 Dulux Pentalite Magnolia

31 Dulux Gloss Finish Neptune37 Dulux Gloss Finish Leather

38 Dulux Gloss Finish Rustic

56 Dulux Gloss Finish Papyrus

58 Dulux Gloss Finish Honeycomb

60 Dulux Gloss Finish Mirage

61 Dulux Gloss Finish Genie

63 Dulux Gloss Finish Flamingo

58 Dulux Pentalite Lime Tint

73 Dulux Pentalite Misty

80 Dulux Pentalite Royal Pink 

89 Dulux Pentalite Orchid White

90 Dulux Pentalite Rose White

91 Dulux Pentalite Apple White

92 Dulux Pentalite Lily White

93 Dulux Pentalite Popcorn

94 Dulux Pentalite Morning Dew

97 Dulux Pentalite Twilight

02 Dulux Pentalite Barley White

06 Dulux Pentalite Sherbet

07 Dulux Pentalite Debutant

09 Dulux Pentalite Rosepetal

10 Dulux Pentalite Mistral

12 Dulux Pentalite Goldust

90 Dulux Pentalite Brilliant White

207 Dulux Weathershield Black 

266 Dulux Satinwood Black 270 Dulux Gloss Finish Dove White

412 Dulux Weathershield Tungsten

484 Dulux Solarscreen Ebony

524 Dulux Rooshield Idaman Grey

526 Dulux Timbercolour Ash Grey

747 Dulux Weathershield Dawn Grey

987 Dulux Weathershield Whetstone

989 Dulux Weathershield Ominous

083 Dulux Weathershield Purple Lint

214 Dulux Gloss Finish Lavender White

221 Dulux Weathershield Wira Blue

445 Dulux Rooshield Casa Blue

610 Dulux Weathershield Ocean White

684 Dulux Weathershield Maldivian Cloud

092 Dulux Timbertone Mahogany

135 Dulux Weathershield Apricot

136 Dulux Weathershield Boutique

12140 Dulux Weathershield Buttermilk 

12199 Dulux Weathershield Terra Cotta

12239 Dulux Timbercolour Mission Brown

12241 Dulux Timbercolour Redwood

12242 Dulux Timbercolour Riverbed

12243 Dulux Timbercolour Rustic

12334 Dulux Weathershield Galaxy

12493 Dulux Solarscreen Mahogany

12521 Dulux Rooshield Impian Red

12651 Dulux Rooshield Matahari

12652 Dulux Rooshield Sahara

12653 Dulux Weathershield Sandstone

12655 Dulux Weathershield Vistasik Brown

12658 Dulux Weathershield Mocha Woods

12670 Dulux Weathershield Rocky Mountain

12701 Dulux Solarscreen Arabian Dust

12702 Dulux Solarscreen Maple Brownie12926 Dulux Weathershield McClendon

13254 Dulux Gloss Finish Apple White

13416 Dulux Weathershield Waterall

13599 Dulux Weathershield Kenyan Leaves

14049 Dulux Timbertone Rosewood

14126 Dulux Timbertone Antique Red

14176 Dulux Gloss Finish Rose White

14255 Dulux Weathershield Calypso

14331 Dulux Solarscreen Walnut

14337 Dulux Solarscreen Rosewood

14338 Dulux Solarscreen Antique

14371 Dulux Weathershield Sand Dune

14565 Dulux Weathershield Southern Alps

14566 Dulux Rooshield Oriental

15004 Dulux Weathershield White

15172 Dulux Satinwood White

16059 Dulux Timbertone Honeypine

16207 Dulux Gloss Finish Lily White

16208 Dulux Gloss Finish Barley White

16325 Dulux Solarscreen Honeypine

16345 Dulux Weathershield Pebbles

16348 Dulux Timbercolour Cane

16453 Dulux Weathershield Pure Gold16454 Dulux Weathershield Summer Daisy

16533 Dulux Weathershield Carmel

16535 Dulux Weathershield French Linen

16565 Dulux Weathershield Mandarine Fields

16566 Dulux Weathershield Zambezi Rocks

16601 Dulux Solarscreen Gold Bar

16603 Dulux Weathershield Apple Cider

16729 Dulux Weathershield Burmese Beige

17105 Dulux Weathershield Orange Lantern

17123 Dulux Weathershield Choco Malt

17141 Dulux Weathershield Crème Brulee

17144 Dulux Rooshield Crayon

18017 Dulux Timbertone Clear Glossy

20083 Dulux Wash & Wear Snoweld

20084 Dulux Wash & Wear Fog

20086 Dulux Pentalite Stone Cave

20088 Dulux Pentalite Smoke Pearl

20090 Dulux Gloss Finish Charcoal Grey

20102 Dulux Pentalite Dusky White

20103 Dulux Pentalite Daisy White

20278 Dulux Weathershield Dolphin

20331 Dulux Gloss Finish Rafes

20334 Dulux Pentalite Swansdown

20667 Dulux Gloss Finish Pure Grey

20801 Dulux All Clamshell

20802 Dulux All Silvermink 

20804 Dulux All Mosaic Grey

20807 Dulux All Lilac White

20808 Dulux All Pacic Mist

20809 Dulux All Granite

20810 Dulux All Carbon Grey

20811 Dulux All Noble Grey

20813 Dulux All Grey Star20814 Dulux Wash & Wear Grey Squirrel

20815 Dulux Wash & Wear Smoke Grey

20816 Dulux Wash & Wear Dark Secret

21000 Dulux All Forever Blue

21001 Dulux All Blue Topaz

21002 Dulux Pentalite Romance

21003 Dulux Pentalite Skyline

21004 Dulux All Marina Blue

21005 Dulux All Pacic Blue

21006 Dulux All Breeze

21007 Dulux Wash & Wear Ice Age

21008 Dulux Wash & Wear Atlantic

21243 Dulux Gloss Finish Swatch

21312 Dulux Wash & Wear Silver Blue

21315 Dulux Wash & Wear Fascination

21316 Dulux Wash & Wear Tracey

21317 Dulux Wash & Wear Boat Race

21396 Dulux Pentalite Ashley Blue

21398 Dulux Gloss Finish Evening Delight

21400 Dulux Gloss Finish Sky Boat

21432 Dulux Pentalite Mulberry

21434 Dulux Gloss Finish Blue Dahlia

21575 Dulux Pentalite Forever Blue

21612 Dulux All Sot Sky

21713 Dulux All Evening Tide

21727 Dulux Wash & Wear Blue Sparks21741 Dulux Light & Space Skylight

21742 Dulux Light & Space Crystal Blue

21743 Dulux Light & Space Angel Blue

21744 Dulux Light & Space Purple Dream

21746 Dulux Light & Space Lilac Lace

22014 Dulux Pentalite Chocolate

22051 Dulux All Culture Pearl

22052 Dulux All Lavender Mist

22053 Dulux All Monsoon River

22054 Dulux All Latte

22055 Dulux Pentalite Almond

22056 Dulux Pentalite Greystone

22060 Dulux Pentalite Designer Grey

22061 Dulux All Choco Pie

22063 Dulux All Sand Castle

22064 Dulux All Heritage

22065 Dulux Wash & Wear Castle Rock 

22073 Dulux All Sea Shell

22209 Dulux Wash & Wear Lime Tint

22214 Dulux Wash & Wear Magnolia

22266 Dulux Wash & Wear Hazelnut

22274 Dulux Light & Space Desert Wind

22275 Dulux Light & Space Spring Blush

22276 Dulux Light & Space Frosted Dawn

22277 Dulux Light & Space Amber Spirit

22278 Dulux Light & Space Peach Chion

22279 Dulux Light & Space Peach Cloud

22294 Dulux Weathershield Bone

22299 Dulux Weathershield Wheat

22325 Dulux All Barely Peach

22502 Dulux Wash & Wear Chalk 

22504 Dulux Wash & Wear Caravan

22505 Dulux Wash & Wear Apricot

22617 Dulux Wash & Wear Natural Cane

22618 Dulux Wash & Wear Natural Linen22619 Dulux Weathershield White Pepper

22667 Dulux All Treasure Trove

22668 Dulux Gloss Finish Divine

22781 Dulux Gloss Finish Golden Brown

22782 Dulux Gloss Finish Rosewood

22783 Dulux Gloss Finish Copper Teak 

22801 Dulux All Champagne

22803 Dulux All Bisque

23000 Dulux All Barely Green

23001 Dulux All Seaweed

23003 Dulux Wash & Wear North Woods

23004 Dulux Wash & Wear Green Grape

23185 Dulux Gloss Finish Gem

23188 Dulux Pentalite Just Jade

23244 Dulux Wash & Wear White Ice

23341 Dulux Pentalite Cool Lime

23343 Dulux Wash & Wear Bluebell Classic

23454 Dulux Gloss Finish Sot Fern

23567 Dulux Wash & Wear Lime Fizz

23577 Dulux Pentalite White Ice

23579 Dulux All Aspen Lea 

23580 Dulux All Cool Lime

23606 Dulux Gloss Finish Iguana

23607 Dulux Light & Space Spearmint

23608 Dulux Light & Space Sunny Lime

23801 Dulux All Celery Lea 23804 Dulux All Pine

24000 Dulux All Barely Purple

24001 Dulux All Barely Pink 

24002 Dulux All Orchid Rise

24003 Dulux All Mysterious

24004 Dulux Wash & Wear Candy Pink 

24005 Dulux Wash & Wear Misty Rose

24006 Dulux All Blush

24007 Dulux All Luxury

24008 Dulux All Sot Petal

24011 Dulux All Amethyst

24012 Dulux All Roman Purple

24014 Dulux Wash & Wear Ballerina

24015 Dulux Wash & Wear Fairy Dust

24016 Dulux Wash & Wear Angel

24018 Dulux All Tea Dance

24019 Dulux Wash & Wear Pure Pink 

24395 Dulux Wash & Wear HarmoniousPurple

24397 Dulux Pentalite Wild Violet

24414 Dulux Pentalite Spicy Salsa

24470 Dulux Pentalite Barely Pink 

24496 Dulux Pentalite French Manicure

24497 Dulux Gloss Finish Cinderella

24702 Dulux Wash & Wear Lollipop

24703 Dulux Wash & Wear Cherry

24706 Dulux Light & Space Powder Pu 

24707 Dulux Light & Space Fairylight

24708 Dulux Light & Space Petal Pink 

24800 Dulux All Glory

24801 Dulux All Scarlet

25056 Dulux All Tulip White

25057 Dulux All White

25058 Dulux Wash & Wear White Pearl

25059 Dulux All Barely White

25258 Dulux Wash & Wear White

25260 Dulux Wash & Wear Orchid White

25261 Dulux Wash & Wear Bluebell White

25262 Dulux Wash & Wear Apple White

25281 Dulux Wash & Wear Rose White

25282 Dulux Wash & Wear Lily White

25283 Dulux Wash & Wear Barley White

25338 Dulux Gloss Finish Carnation

25422 Dulux Wash & Wear Lilac White

25426 Dulux Pentalite Lilac White

25488 Dulux Gloss Finish Almost Pink 

25664 Dulux Pentalite White


25748 Dulux Wash & Wear Morning Dew

25765 Dulux Light & Space White

25816 Dulux All Sail White

25817 Dulux All Picket White

25819 Dulux Wash & Wear Dune White

26000 Dulux All Barely Grey

26001 Dulux All Lily White

26002 Dulux All Rose White

26003 Dulux All Orchid White

26004 Dulux All Majestic Yellow

26005 Dulux All Candlelight

26006 Dulux Wash & Wear Tree House

26009 Dulux All Spring Blossom

26138 Dulux Gloss Finish Sundae

26139 Dulux Gloss Finish Yellow Ribbon

26211 Dulux Wash & Wear Lemon Ice

26215 Dulux Gloss Finish Slicker

26285 Dulux Weathershield Vanilla

26288 Dulux Pentalite Candlelight

26290 Dulux Gloss Finish Sot Yellow

26346 Dulux All Mocha Delight

26349 Dulux Pentalite Sandstone

26469 Dulux Pentalite Corneld

26471 Dulux All Sungod

26487 Dulux Light & Space French Vanilla

26488 Dulux Light & Space Pearl Shell

26489 Dulux Light & Space Dream Yellow

26496 Dulux Light & Space Buttercream

26511 Dulux Wash & Wear Meadow Gold

26512 Dulux Wash & Wear Primrose Yellow

26805 Dulux All Sunshine

27000 Dulux All Golden Rays

27001 Dulux Wash & Wear Sun Kiss

27085 Dulux Pentalite Ginger Peachy

27086 Dulux Pentalite Dessert Orange

27180 Dulux Gloss Finish Ember Glow

27181 Dulux Gloss Finish Orange Peel

27801 Dulux All Fiesta Orange

10RR 83/026 Dulux Pure Fine Lace

13RR 72/121 Dulux Pure Rose Mallow

14RR 48/276 Dulux Pure Valentine Pink 

90RR 52/214 Dulux Pure Vassar Rose

01RR 77/091 Dulux Pure Garden Pink 

95RB 71/132 Dulux Pure Frosted

28YY 86/106 Dulux Pure Icy Peach06YY 75/218 Dulux Pure Peach Sorbet

05YY 72/254 Dulux Pure OrangeBlossom

36YY 66/349 Dulux Pure Apricot Nectar

90YR 77/115 Dulux Pure Only Peach

90YR 64/166 Dulux Pure Peach Goddess

40YY 83/129 Dulux Pure Wood Lily

45YY 83/187 Dulux Pure Starlet

35YY 81/174 Dulux Pure ChampagneSparkle

60YY 83/129 Dulux Pure Daisy Yellow

60YY 80/288 Dulux Pure Chic Yellow

45YY 73/519 Dulux Pure Yellow Rose

61YY 89/040 Dulux Pure Crisp Linen

29YY 84/067 Dulux Pure Vanilla Latte

67YY 89/124 Dulux Pure North Star

70YY 83/112 Dulux Pure Halo

30GY 88/014 Dulux Pure White on White

30BB 83/013 Dulux Pure MoonlightSonata

30GY 83/086 Dulux Pure Fresh Cut

30GY 83/107 Dulux Pure Green Satin

30GY 83/150 Dulux Pure Mirror Lake

50GY 83/160 Dulux Pure Early Frost

50GY 77/195 Dulux Pure Glass Green

30GY 58/375 Dulux Pure Margarita

30BG 76/107 Dulux Pure Winterscape

40BG 70/146 Dulux Pure Little Boy Blue06BB 71/091 Dulux Pure Baby Blue

01BB 69/098 Dulux Pure Everclear

10BG 55/223 Dulux Pure Moonglow

10BG 39/244 Dulux Pure Vista Marine

90BB 83/011 Dulux Pure Simple

30RB 74/038 Dulux Pure Snow Lilac

30RB 68/084 Dulux Pure Purple Clouds

90BB 67/069 Dulux Pure Lavender’sWhite

90BB 59/097 Dulux Pure Potter’s Purple

90BB 36/188 Dulux Pure Pure Orchid

10BB 83/020 Dulux Pure Romance

10BB 73/039 Dulux Pure Horizons

30BG 72/034 Dulux Pure Cloud Nine

30BG 56/045 Dulux Pure Limoges Blue

30YY 79/070 Dulux Pure Tusk Tusk 

30YY 70/120 Dulux Pure Antique Linen

Page 33: Dulux Colour Inspirations 2013

7/14/2019 Dulux Colour Inspirations 2013

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