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@庄凯 Tim IELTS Speaking Topic Practice Kit April 11, 2015

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  @庄凯 Tim 

  IELTS Speaking

Topic Practice Kit April 11, 2015

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Part 1

Name Accommodation Hometown Occupation Clothes Shopping

Weather Museum Concentration Week Color Nature

Teacher Shoes Friends Ad National Holiday Handwriting

Housework Collection Tree Sky Time Visitor

Reading TV Sleep Mail Break

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Part 2

1. Piece of advice you took

2. Experience when you invited your family or friends to have meal at your home or a restaurant

3. Situation when you experienced a long time traffic jam

4. Something you completed with a group

5. Time when you waited for someone

6. Occasion when you borrowed something from your family or friends

7. Handmade gift you gave to others

8. Interesting conversation

9. Homework or project you did

10. Something that wasted you a lot of time

11. Long trip you want to take again

12. Time when you had to be friendly to someone you didn’t like

13. Subject you didn’t like before but like now

14. Situation when others didn’t tell you the whole truth

15. Place you visited for a short time and would like to visit again

16. Happy family event when you were little

17. Time when you got lost

18. in a place you weren’t familiar with

19. Athlete who did well in a sports event

20. Surprise that made you happy

21. Time when you helped a stranger

1. Person you wanted to be similar to when you were growing up

2. Singer or band you like

Part 2 Experience

Part 2 People

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3. Someone beautiful or handsome you met

4. Old man you respect

5. Friend who’s a good leader

6. Family member you’d like to work with

7. Someone you know who’s a good cook

8. Your favorite famous person

1. Radio/TV program you like to talk about with your family or friends

2. One of your friend’s quality or habit that you want to develop

3. Important job in your country

4. Book you read recently/the last book you read

5. Good service you received from a company or shop

6. Prize you want to get

7. App you find useful

8. Something you do which is good for your health

9. Something you haven’t learnt now but want to learn in the future

10. Ambition you have not achieved yet

11. Good news from TV or the internet

12. Something interesting you learnt from the internet

13. Music or song you listened to when you were little that you remember well

14. Vehicle you want to have

15. Film you want to watch again

16. Exciting sport

17. Toy you played with when you were little that was very important to you

18. Something special you want to buy in the future

Part 2 Object

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1. Interesting historical place

2. Unusual building

3. Place you went to which was full of color

4. Place near water

Part 2 Space

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Full Part 1 Questions Name

1. What’s your full name?

2. How should I call you?

3. Who gave you your name?

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1. Do you live in a house or flat?

2. How long have you lived there?

3. What type of apartments do you like?

4. What facilities do you have nearby?

5. What kinds of shops do you have nearby?

6. Do you enjoy any of those facilities provided for the community?

7. Is there a market?

8. Do you live with your family?

9. Are the transport facilities to your home very good?

10. What’s your neighborhood like?

11. Is the air quality good?

12. Is it a good place for kids’ growth?

13. Do you know many people near you?

14. What kind of neighbors do you have?

15. What’s your favorite room?

16. Do you want to move?

17. Do you live in an apartment or in the dorm?

18. Do you enjoy living in a dorm?

19. What facilities do you have in your dorm?

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1. Where’s your hometown?

2. Do you like it?

3. Good and bad points of it?

4. Are there any tourist attractions?

5. Where do you recommend tourists to visit?

6. What’s it’s famous for?

7. Would you like to live there in the future?

8. Are there a lot of visitors to your city?

9. In which season do they usually come?

10. What will you prepare if they come to your city?

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1. Do you work or study?

2. What work do you do?

3. What specific things do you do on your job?

4. Why did you choose that job?

5. Would you recommend that job to others?

6. What did you do on the first day of your job?

7. What’s your major?

8. Why do you choose that major?

9. Is it hard?

10. Is it interesting?

11. Where do you study?

12. Why did you choose that school?

13. How long have you been studying in that school?

14. Do you like it there?

15. What do you plan to do after you finish your study?

16. Why do you choose to go abroad?

17. Which job do you want to do in the future?

18. Do you prefer studying in the morning or in the afternoon?

19. Who do you think are better at learning, older student or younger student?

20. What’s your favorite subject?

21. Which subject will be most useful in the future?

22. Will you stay in touch with your classmates in the future?

23. How’s your first day in school?

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1. Do you have a lot of nice clothes?

2. What kinds of clothes do you usually wear?

3. Are clothes expensive in your country?

4. Is there anything you used to wear in the past but don’t wear now?

5. Do you choose different clothes now from the past?

6. Do you like shopping for clothes?

7. Do you plan to buy any designer clothes?

8. Do you think people pay too much attention to fashion?

9. What do you like to wear in school?

10. Do you change clothes when you get home from school?

11. Do you think people spend too much money on clothes?

12. Do you wear special clothes when you celebrate things?

13. Will you wear different kinds of clothes when you get old?

14. What color do you usually wear?

15. Do you wear different things on different occasions?

16. Do you wear different clothes on weekends and during the week?

17. How often do you change clothes in a week?

18. Will you buy many clothes in the same color?

19. What different clothes do old and young people wear?

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1. Do you like shopping?

2. Would you like to work in a shop?

3. What do you usually buy?

4. Do you like shopping on the internet?

5. When do you usually go shopping?

6. Do you prefer shopping in big stores or small shops?

7. Which way of shopping do you not like?

8. What do you least like to buy?

9. When was the last time you went shopping?

10. Where did you go? And Why?

11. Do you like to shop alone or with friends?

12. Why do you think some people who don’t like shopping still go to the supermarket?

13. Why don’t some people like online shopping?

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1. Do you prefer hot or cold weather?

2. Do you think the weather in China has changed these years?

3. Do you always discuss weather with your classmates?

4. Do you want to visit a place with different weather?

5. Do you like to live in a place where the 4 seasons are very different?

6. Do you like places that are extremely hot or cold?

7. Which season do you like the most?

8. What kind of activities do you like to do in the four seasons?

9. How many seasons do you have in your country?

10. Do you prefer living in countries with 4 seasons or the ones with only one season?

11. Is weather important to your travel?

12. Will weather affect your mood?

13. What kind of weather do you usually hear on TV?

14. What’s your favorite weather?

15. Do you watch weather forecast on TV?

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1. Do you often go to museums?

2. Should school organize museum trips?

3. Have you had any interesting experience in a museum or gallery?

4. Do you think it’s important for kids to visit museums?

5. Do you usually go to the museum by yourself or with your friends?

6. What kind of museum do you like to visit?

7. Do you like to work in a museum?

8. What kind of people can work in a museum?

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1. Do you prefer silent or noisy environment when you study?

2. Is it easy for you to concentrate?

3. How can you concentrate when there’s distraction?

4. Was it easy for you to concentrate when you were little?

5. How can you concentrate for a long time?

6. What’s the perfect time for people to concentrate during a day, morning, afternoon or evening?

7. Have you been disturbed during work or study?

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1. Which day of a week do you like the most?

2. What day of a week do you like the least?

3. Do you do the same thing for each day of the week?

4. If there was one thing you didn’t need to do during a week, what would you like it to be?

5. Is doing the same thing every day good for you?

6. How can you avoid doing the same thing every day?

7. How do you spend weekend?

8. How did you spend the last weekend?

9. What’s your favorite weekend?

10. Which one is your busiest day of the week?

11. Is it important to plan your schedule beforehand?

12. Do you like weekend more than the weekdays?

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1. Which color do you like?

2. Do you prefer light color or dark color?

3. Which color did you like when you were little?

4. Did you wear bright colors when you were little?

5. What color do you prefer when you paint your wall?

6. Is color important when you buy a car?

7. Have you worn any clothes with shiny colors?

8. Do you think kids should wear shiny colors?

9. Is color an important factor you will consider when you choose things?

10. What kind of influence will different colors have on people?

11. Food in what color do people like?

12. Will color influence people’s choice when they shop?

13. Do you prefer single color or mixed color?

14. Will the color of the textbook influence students?

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1. Have you ever been to a mountain or a sea?

2. Have you camped there?

3. Do you like to live on the countryside? Good and bad points?

4. What’s the best way to blend into nature?

5. How can people learn about the nature?

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1. Do you like any teachers of yours?

2. Who is your favorite teacher in school?

3. What do others think of this teacher?

4. What you have you learnt from this teacher?

5. Have your teachers helped you?

6. Do you still keep in touch with your teachers?

7. Do you want to be a teacher?

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1. Are there any shoes you like?

2. When do you wear them?

3. What’s your favorite brand of shoes?

4. What’s the most important thing about shoes?

5. Do you prefer comfortable shoes or fashionable shoes?

6. How often do you buy shoes?

7. Will you buy shoes online?

8. Do you like to wear sneakers or high-heels?

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1. Do you prefer more general friends or just a few good friends?

2. What are the differences between best friend and other friends?

3. Who is your best friend? When did you meet him?

4. What do you usually do with your friends?

5. Do you like to make friends?

6. Do you usually spend a lot of time with your friends?

7. When did you make your first friend?

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1. Do you like watching advertisement?

2. What types of advertisements are there? Which one do you like?

3. What kind of advertisements are mostly common here in China?

4. Where can you usually see advertisement?

5. How can advertisements affect people?

6. Have you bought anything because of advertisement?

7. Will you look at the advertisement on the street?

8. Do you prefer ad on TV or on the internet?

9. Do you like TV program with ad or without?

10. What do you think of the advertisements during TV programs?

11. Do you wish there were no advertisements?

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National Holidays

1. Do you have many public holidays in China?

2. Can you give me some examples?

3. Which one do you prefer?

4. What’s the most important one?

5. Do you like more national holidays?

6. What do you usually do during those holidays?

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1. Do you like handwriting?

2. Do you prefer handwriting or typing?

3. How’s your handwriting? Why do you think it’s good/bad?

4. Is your handwriting easy to read?

5. Can you tell a person’s personality by his handwriting?

6. How would you feel if you received a handwritten letter?

7. Have you received a handwritten card?

8. Do you think handwriting can benefit children?

9. What do you usually use emails for?

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1. Do you do housework?

2. Do you like it?

3. Is it good to let robots do the housework? Why?

4. Did you help your parents with housework when you were little?

5. How can you get people interested in doing housework?

6. How can you make housework more fun?

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1. Do you like to collect things? Why?

2. What do you usually collect?

3. How do you collect things?

4. Where do you get these collections?

5. Do you like to collect CDs or stamps?

6. Why do people like to collect things?

7. What do Chinese people like to collect the most?

8. Are the things you collect now different from the past?

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1. Are there a lot of trees in your hometown?

2. Is it good to have a lot of trees?

3. What kind of special trees do you have in China?

4. Which tree do you like in China?

5. Have you planted a tree before?

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1. Do you like looking at the sky? Why?

2. When was the last time you looked at the stars in the sky?

3. What will you be thinking when you look at the sky?

4. What’s the best spot to watch the sky?

5. In which room of your home can you best see the sky?

6. Do you prefer sky during the day or night?

7. Did you learn anything about stars and planets in school?

8. Why do schools teach kids about that?

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1. Do you organize time?

2. Do usually make a plan?

3. How to organize time?

4. What do you use to organize time?

5. Are you good at organizing time?

6. What do you usually do in your free time?

7. How do you learn time management?

8. Who taught you?

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1. Do friends always visit your home?

2. How often do they visit you?

3. When do you have the most visitors?

4. What do you usually prepare before they come?

5. Do you often visit them? How often do you visit them?

6. Is it important to visit your friends?

7. What can you benefit from visiting others?

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1. Do you usually read books?

2. Where do you usually read?

3. What kind of places are good for reading?

4. Do you like to read alone or with friends?

5. Where can you not read books?

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1. Do you like watching TV?

2. How often do you watch TV?

3. How long do you spend on watching TV?

4. Is it good for kids if they watch too much TV?

5. What’s your favorite TV program?

6. What TV program did you like to watch when you were little?

7. Are the ways kids watch TV different from in the past?

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1. How long do you think people should sleep every day? Why?

2. How long do you sleep every day?

3. How long do you wish to sleep every day?

4. Is the length of sleep different for people in different ages?

5. Do you take naps in during lunchtime or in the afternoon?

6. What influence does nap during lunchtime have on your efficiency in the afternoon?

7. Do you sleep more now than when you were little?

8. Can reading books in bed help you fall sleep?

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1. Do you use letters or emails?

2. Do you like to write emails?

3. Do you often receive them?

4. What kind of letters is the most difficult to write?

5. Who will usually write to you?

6. Do you prefer phone calls or mails?

7. Do you like to receive letters or phone calls?

8. Do you think it’s difficult to write emails?

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1. Do you take breaks during work or study?

2. Is it important to have breaks during study?

3. How would you feel after the break?

4. Do you take breaks? What do you do during the break?

5. Do you take naps during the break?

6. How often do you take breaks?

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Part 2-3 Experience Advice

Part 3

1. Have you friends given your any advice?

2. Have you given your friends any advice?

3. Who will usually give you advice?

4. Whose advice should you accept?

5. Will you take people’s advice about your career?

6. What kind of people are good enough to give you advice?

7. Should students take advice from their teachers?

8. Who should be responsible for those fake ads?

9. In what way should you give advice that can make it easier for people to accept?

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Part 3

1. Compare eating at the restaurant and at home?

2. Why do people eat more at restaurant even though the food safety there is questionable?

3. Difference between everyday meals and meals during festivals?

4. Should school provide cooking trainings?

5. Do you think people will stop cooking at home in the future?

6. Do you only have dinner for celebration?

7. How to keep food hygiene?

8. What will people do if food poisoning happens?

9. Do people spend more time on house decoration or food preparation when there is a guest?

10. Do you think it’s a waste of money to eat outside?

11. Do you think food is a kind of culture?

12. Do you think the variety of food is important?

13. Some believe that people spend too much money on food during activities, do you agree?

14. Do you think people will still cook at home in the future?

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Traffic Jam

Part 3

1. When is the rush hour during a day?

2. On which day of the week is traffic the worst?

3. How long does it last?

4. Do you think the situation will be improved in the future?

5. Do people prefer bus or car?

6. Why do more and more people buy cars?

7. Will there be fewer cars in the future?

8. Are there traffic jams in all countries?

9. What should government do to solve it?

10. Would you feel differently between being in a bus and in a car when you run in to a traffic jam?

11. How can you kill the time with strangers on the bus when you are stuck in traffic?

12. Do you always have to spend a lot of time waiting for bus?

13. Is the traffic system good in your city?

14. Do you think government should build more transportation facilities?

15. Do you think the government is doing enough to solve the problem?

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Group Activity

Part 3

1. Is teamwork important?

2. Should parents spend more time with their children?

3. What can kids learn from playing with their peers?

4. Should boys and girls play together?

5. Do kids like to spend more time with parents?

6. What can we teach kids?

7. What influence do other people have on kids besides their parents?

8. How to work with others during work?

9. What kind of work needs to be completed by a team?

10. Is there any work that doesn’t need teamwork?

11. What can kids do with adults?

12. What can adults learn from kids?

13. What kind of jobs will require people to do the jobs alone?

14. Does a group need a leader?

15. What do kids like to do with their parents?

16. What can they learn from it?

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17. How can you help someone who’s very shy?

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Part 3

1. Does it feel different between waiting for a friend and waiting for some service, say in a bank?

2. Difference between waiting for someone familiar and strangers?

3. Will you get mad if somebody is late?

4. What do you think of people cutting the line?

5. Will Chinese criticize people who cut the line?

6. Are you patient?

7. What kind of people are patient?

8. Why are some people more patient than others?

9. Why are people getting less and less patient?

10. Why do you want to quickly receive something you have just bought?

11. How can technology make people receive products faster?

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Part 3

1. Is it good for borrow things?

2. What problems will it bring?

3. What kind of things do people usually borrow?

4. Have you rented a house?

5. Will you sell your house?

6. What can you do if somebody borrows something from you but don’t return it?

7. Will it be awkward when you need to take something back from your friend?

8. Is it a good idea to lend friends money?

9. Do you usually do housework?

10. When do people prefer borrowing things instead of buying them?

11. Why do people borrow money?

12. What do people usually borrow from their neighbors?

13. What would you do if someone borrowed your stuff and then broke it?

14. Will you tell people who borrowed your stuff to return it?

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Handmade Gift

Part 3

1. Which do you prefer, handmade gifts or gifts bought from shops?

2. What advantages do handmade gifts have?

3. Who do you think are better at making gifts, boys or girls?

4. Are girls more creative than boys?

5. Do you think learning is important for young people?

6. Do people make handicrafts now?

7. Is it important to develop people’s creativity?

8. Do people like to make gifts now?

9. Can crafting help kids with their imagination?

10. Can computer games do it?

11. Besides gift, what else can you make by hands?

12. What are the differences between handicrafts in China and from the west?

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Interesting Conversation

Part 3

1. Why do some people feel nervous when they give presentations?

2. Do you think it’s a good way to use pictures and graphics?

3. Do you think humor is suitable for all situations?

4. Do you like to talk face to face?

5. Difference between that and taking through phones?

6. Will you speak out when you have a different opinion from others?

7. When should you not say it?

8. Do men and women talk differently?

9. What different topics do men and women like to talk about? Why?

10. Is it polite to agree with other people?

11. Is it more important to tell the truth and hurt others’ feelings or be polite and humor them?

12. Why do men dominate the world?

13. What kind of topics do you like to talk about? Why?

14. What kind of topics do young people like to talk about?

15. Is PPT important in a presentation?

16. Do Chinese people not like to disagree with others?

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17. What are the key factors for a good speech?

18. Is humor important for a speech?

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School Project or Homework

Part 3

1. Why do some people like to homeschool their kids?

2. Are there many people doing this?

3. Do kids have a lot of homework?

4. Should they have a lot of homework?

5. What kind of homework should they do?

6. Do you think the situation will change in the future?

7. How should kids study?

8. Should we be given homework?

9. Do you prefer learning by yourself or going to the class?

10. Do you like to do projects?

11. What can you benefit from doing homework?

12. Do many parents send their kids to tutoring classes outside school? Why?

13. What will happen if kids don’t finish their homework?

14. How long will it usually take for them to finish their homework?

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Waste of Time

Part 3

1. Why do people waste time?

2. How to change it?

3. What do people usually waste time on?

4. What do you usually do during your break?

5. Do you like to sleep during break?

6. Is it important to learn how to spend time?

7. How to arrange your schedule?

8. What would it be like if we didn’t have cellphones?

9. Is it a waste of time to play games?

10. Is it a waste of time when you do nothing?

11. What’s the most popular way to kill time in your country?

12. Why do people need goals?

13. Do you think machines can help us become more efficient?

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Long Journey

Part 3

1. Difference between travelling alone and with other people?

2. What do you need to prepare before a long trip?

3. What problem will you have when you get outside the country?

4. Who do you want to travel with?

5. Why do some people not like traveling?

6. What are the benefits of travelling?

7. Bad things about long trips?

8. Do people think differently about oversea trips now than before?

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Friendly to Somebody You Didn’t Like

Part 3

1. When does that usually happen?

2. Is being polite the same as being nice?

3. When do you need to be nice and when do you need to be polite?

4. What kind of people will you be polite to but not be nice to?

5. What will happen if you tell them how you really feel?

6. Do Chinese people like to hide their true feelings?

7. How do you know if someone is pretending to be friendly?

8. Is it important to be nice to others?

9. What do you think of those people who speaks very directly which might hurt other people’s


10. What do you think of those people who are too nice and friendly?

11. Do you think we should be friendly to everybody?

12. How can you remain friendly to others after you become much more powerful than them?

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Subject You Didn’t Like But Like Now

Part 3

1. What subjects do you like and not like? Why?

2. Can fun ways of studying help students?

3. Is the fun way better than traditional strict way?

4. What can you do to get students who don’t like Math to like it?

5. Do you think teachers are important to students?

6. Which subject needs to be more fun?

7. Is it good to combine teaching with entertaining?

8. What qualities do you need to be a good teacher?

9. Will students be good at the subjects that they are interested in?

10. Is it good for students to use cellphone during class?

11. Should students study many subjects at once or just focus on one at a time?

12. What’s the advantage of learning online?

13. Which knowledge is more reliable, the ones you have gained from your personal experience or

the ones you read in the books?

14. Which way of doing things is more reliable, the old school way that has been passed down for

generations or the new one with advanced techonology?

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Part 3

1. Can you give more examples of those occasions?

2. When do people tell white lies?

3. Can lies make people feel less awkward?

4. Should people tell some lies during work?

5. Should a couple keep secrets from each other?

6. Will it hurt your relationship if you always tell the truth?

7. Can polygraph solve crimes?

8. What will happen if you tell a lie to others?

9. Is it a good idea to install surveillance camera in public? Can they prevent crimes?

10. Are you entitled to protect your privacy in public?

11. Why do criminals lie?

12. When do you have to lie?

13. Should couples tell white lies to each other?

14. Is the statement of a witness to a crime important and held as the truth?

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Short Journey

Part 3

1. What other destinations are popular besides this one?

2. Should people visit the places that are close to them first before they explore other places?

3. Can people get to know this place in a short time?

4. Will it disappoint you if you go there again?

5. Why do people like short trips?

6. Why do people like to go to places that are far away? What kind of people like to go to places far


7. Why would people visit a place they have been before?

8. Can you adapt to new places?

9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of long and short holidays?

10. Can you learn the culture of a place in a short time?

11. Can you recommend a place that’s good for a short trip?

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Happy Family Event in Childhood

Part 3

1. What’s the relationship like between parents and children?

2. How old do you have to be to be an adult?

3. What should kids learn?

4. Will teaching kids too much stuff give them too much pressure?

5. Do parents raise sons and daughters in different ways?

6. How should parents educate their kids to be good citizens?

7. What’s a typical family in your country like?

8. What are the roles of mother and father in your family?

9. What’s the biggest difference between adults and children?

10. Why are adults less happy?

11. Do you think kids now grow up faster? Why?

12. Are boys and girls treated equally in China?

13. What’s the best age to start working?

14. Why do so many families have 2 kids? Isn’t there the one child policy?

15. Do men and women look at money in the same way?

16. Do young people have a lot of pressure these days?

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Part 3

1. Do you like travelling?

2. Why do people like to travel to new places?

3. Is it important to check the information about the destination before you leave?

4. Do you know how to use map?

5. Is it important to know how to use map?

6. Do you think paper maps are still useful?

7. Are the abilities to use map different between boys and girls? If so, how? Why?

8. Do people rely on electronic devices too much?

9. Is it better to use maps or ask people for direction when you get lost?

10. Why are some people more likely to get lost than others? How can those people travel?

11. Why is the information from GPS inaccurate in China?

12. What problems will travelers run into?

13. What will you do if you get lost and you don’t have a map?

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Athlete on Fire

Part 3

1. Do children in your country like to become athletes?

2. Why are Chinese good at Ping-Pong and badminton?

3. What do you need to be a good athlete?

4. Is mental power important during a match?

5. Is it easy to win a competition during the sports event?

6. Do you think it’s beneficial to do different sports for children?

7. Do you think it’s important to do sports? What kind of sports are popular in China?

8. What’s the role of technology in sports?

9. Do people usually watch the sport or play it?

10. Can you benefit from playing a sport your whole life?

11. Which is more important, study or sport? Why?

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Pleasant Surprise

Part 3

1. How do people express their happiness nowadays?

2. Is it different in different places?

3. Is being happy good for your health?

4. Are people happy nowadays?

5. Is it important to be happy?

6. How to be happy?

7. Can you learn that? How?

8. Do you think people have the right attitude towards money?

9. Do you feel happy when you go shopping but don’t buy things?

10. Can you give me some examples in which things that are not good for our health will make us


11. How can attitudes change a person’s life?

12. Can people sometimes reach a happy ending despite an unhappy process?

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Helping Stranger

Part 3

1. What do you think of warm-hearted people?

2. People with what kind of jobs will usually help others?

3. What kind of people can do this job?

4. Do you think people who help others should get paid?

5. Will they lose patient if they don’t get paid?

6. Why do some people still help others even they don’t get paid?

7. What kind of influence will they bring to the society?

8. Do you think people should pay for the help they get?

9. When do people help others?

10. Do you think the place you live in will become a place where everybody helps one another?

11. How can you improve it?

12. Do you think the voices of young people should be heard regarding this?

13. How to be a volunteer?

14. How can volunteers help the community?

15. Jobs like nurse don’t pay a lot, but why do a lot of people still do it?

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16. Should jobs that help people like teacher and doctor pay more?

17. Why are teachers not well paid even when it’s an important job that helps people?

18. Why do you need patience to help others?

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Part 2-3 People Person You Wanted to be Similar to When You Were Little

Part 3

1. Are you like that person now?

2. Who will influence children’s growth?

3. Do you think the products represented by stars are good?

4. Will you represent products after you get famous?

5. Do you think Yao Ming and Jacky Chen have a big influence in China?

6. Do you think it’s good for children to admire somebody?

7. Do you think stars will influence young people?

8. What do you think of Jacky Chen’s son taking drugs?

9. Difference between regular people and celebrity?

10. What qualities do celebrities have?

11. Should companies use celebrities to attract young people?

12. Do you think kids should be independent? How can they be independent?

13. Do kids from the 80s and the 90s have different experiences when they grow up?

14. Why do parents spoil kids?

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15. What kind of famous people do children like?

16. What are the differences between education in the past and now?

17. Should famous people face more severe punishment if found guilty?

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Singer or Band

Part 3

1. What kind of music do people in China like?

2. Do you like singing?

3. Why do young people like pop music?

4. What kinds of music are good for both the young and the old to sing?

5. Who are better at singing, people from the North or the South?

6. Do you have any music club at school?

7. What makes a good song?

8. Can bad songs become popular?

9. What’s advantage for being good at singing?

10. Why are some songs very popular?

11. What do you think of the music industry in China?

12. How can a music company make a song popular?

13. Should they focus on profit first?

14. What will music companies be like in the future?

15. How do singers make money?

16. Is it important to have a good voice?

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17. Should everybody learnt to sing?

18. Do music companies prefer making money or making good music?

19. Do you have to be good looking to be famous?

20. Do your friends like this singer or band?

21. How to become a good singer?

22. What’s the most important thing for a good singer?

23. Can everybody become a singer?

24. What tools or devices do people use to listen to music?

25. What kind of music do you like to listen to when you read books?

26. Are popular music good music?

27. Do you like fast or slow songs?

28. Do you want to learn how to song?

29. Where will you learn it?

30. Will people practice in order to improve their singing?

31. What are some good ways to improve the singing skill?

32. Is it good for singers to promote their songs when they make music videos?

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Someone Beautiful or Handsome

Part 3

1. Is appearance important?

2. Why? Is it good for people to constantly pay attention to their appearances?

3. Fashion magazines like to use tall and thin models, do you think it’s good for young people?

4. What do you think of beautiful clothes?

5. Do you think beautiful models are important for the sales of those clothes?

6. Do you think they should let common people be the models?

7. Are there any beautiful places in China?

8. Why are those places beautiful?

9. What do think of the fact that most people in the world focus on the looks of a person?

10. Is it important for salesperson to be good looking?

11. Are the standards for beauty different today from the past?

12. Are clothes important for appearance?

13. Is it more important to be beautiful on the outside or the inside?

14. Which is the better way to express something beautiful, by showing a picture or describing with


15. Do clothes only look beautiful on models?

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16. Why do clothes look better on some people than others?

17. Are all beautiful things good?

18. Which do you think is more beautiful, modern cities or natural landscapes?

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Old Man You Respect

Part 3

1. What’s the life like for old people in China?

2. Is it different from the past?

3. Do you like to be with old people?

4. Is it better for old people to live with their family or in a nursing center?

5. Should old people look after kids?

6. What can old people teach to the young people?

7. What can old people learn from young people?

8. What do you need to take care of old people?

9. Are grandparents important for kids compared to parents?

10. Do you like the elderly staff in your company?

11. What can a company benefit from having elderly staff?

12. How will technology influence the old people?

13. What can grandparents and grandchildren each benefit when the grandparents take care of the


14. How can neighbors help old people?

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15. Is it good for old people to live alone?

16. Is it good for old people to live with young people?

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Friend Who’s a Leader

Part 3

1. Does your friend enjoy being a leader?

2. Who have bigger rights in China, men or women?

3. Who usually become the leaders in your culture?

4. Has it changed in recent years?

5. Do women earn more money now?

6. Does that mean they can become good leaders?

7. Who usually makes decision in a family in China? Is it the same for all families? Do kids listen?

8. Is it hard to make decisions in a family? What about in the families with only one child?

9. Should employees in a companies be involved in the decision making process?

10. Is a good leader important for a country’s success

11. Are you a good leader?

12. Who are more important in a company, the managers or the employees?

13. Is it easier to make decision in a small group?

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Family Member You Want to Work With

Part 3

1. Why do people like to work with family members in the family business?

2. How do family members work together?

3. Do you prefer working with family or with friends?

4. Why do some people not like to work with family?

5. Why do some young people not like to take over their family business?

6. Why do people like to work in big companies?

7. Should people stay in the same company for a long time?

8. Why can’t people stay in the same company for a long time?

9. Do a lot of people in your country start their own business?

10. What do they usually do?

11. What are the differences between working in a company and starting your own business?

12. Do people work harder in their own business?

13. Pros and cons of starting your own business?

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Good Cook

Part 3

1. Do many students go to cooking schools?

2. How do most people cook?

3. Who cook more, girls or boys?

4. Who should learn cooking more, men or women?

5. Should kids learn how to cook? How?

6. Is there any negative effect if we teach kids how to cook?

7. Should kids learn how food comes from? How?

8. Do families always eat together? Is it important? Do they eat together besides spring festivals?

9. Now people usually eat outside rather than at home, do you think it’s good?

10. Is it good for family members to sit around a big round table and eat dinners together?

11. Should schools teach kids how to cook?

12. Are you good at cooking?

13. Do you think young people will still eat outside after they get old?

14. How will people cook in the future?

15. Young people usually like to play with their cellphones during dinners with friends or family, do

you think it will change in the future?

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16. Should school always provide healthy food to students? Is it difficult?

17. Why do people prefer tasty food?

18. Should government take responsibility to provide healthy food to the public?

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Favorite Famous Person

Part 3

1. Do your parents like this person?

2. Why are people interested in the lives of famous people?

3. Pros and cons of becoming famous?

4. Do you want to be famous?

5. Who are famous in your city?

6. How can kids benefit or suffer from the fame of their celebrity parents?

7. Do people prefer the famous people on TV or when they are off TV?

8. Is it good for a kid to get famous?

9. What kind of people are famous in China?

10. Are the people who become famous different from time to time?

11. Why do people like to gossip about famous people? Is it because people want to see them go


12. Why do celebrities misbehave sometimes?

13. Do you think child stars and adult stars benefit the same things from their fame?

14. How would these famous people feel once they lost their fame?

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15. Are all famous people good people?

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Part 2-3 Object TV Program

Part 3

1. What kind of TV programs are there?

2. Which is the most popular?

3. Can watching TV help a person with his education?

4. Should violent scenes be restricted on TV?

5. Do most people prefer TV or radio?

6. Do old people prefer TV or radio? Which is better for education?

7. Who will listen to radio? Why?

8. Are those programs useful for study?

9. Should government control the content of the TV programs?

10. Is there too much violence on TV?

11. Why are game shows so popular?

12. What do people do on spring festival?

13. What’s the meaning of spring festival?

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Friend’s Quality

Part 3

1. What kinds of hobbies should kids have?

2. What habits did you have when you were little?

3. What habits do adults have?

4. Can adults’ habits be changed?

5. How can they adapt to the new change?

6. How can parents help their kids adopt good habits?

7. Why do children have had habits?

8. Where can they get those bad habits?

9. How to help them avoid it?

10. Why do adults have had habits?

11. How to change it?

12. Do you think a kid’s habit will change after he grows up?

13. Can money change everything?

14. What kind of good habits do old people have?

15. Are those habits good for their health?

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Important Job

Part 3

1. Is it hard to find jobs in your country? Why?

2. Do you think it’s appropriate for a 16-year-old to look for a job?

3. What kind of job do most people like?

4. What do job seekers care the most?

5. When do Chinese start working?

6. Are there any courses designed for works in Chinese universities?

7. Do you think university courses are useful during work?

8. Is the job environment better than before?

9. Are there a lot people who can’t find jobs?

10. What do young people need to pay attention to when they look for jobs?

11. How can employers help new employees?

12. Should everybody go to university?

13. Do students know what job they like?

14. Should high schools teach students how to choose job?

15. Is it better for students to start working early or late?

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Part 3

1. Is the way people read different now from the past?

2. Is it important for parents and teachers to guides kids to read books?

3. How can parents help kids with their reading?

4. Who will usually read with kids, father or mother?

5. Why do kids like to have their parents read stories to them before they go to bed?

6. Is it good for kids to read on iPad?

7. What kind of books should kids read?

8. Should adults read more books?

9. Should school force kids to read?

10. How to encourage kids to read more?

11. Should foreign books and local books be separated?

12. Do kids like cartoon books?

13. Why do adults read?

14. Do people read less than 10 years ago?

15. Will the current technology influence how often people read books?

16. Do you like to read on computer screens?

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Good Service

Part 3

1. Have you gone there again?

2. What kind of jobs will require you to speak publicly?

3. What qualities do you need to do that kind of job? Why?

4. What are some of the professions that are good for the society?

5. What qualities to people need to do those jobs?

6. Do you think companies will train their employees to get those qualities?

7. How would you treat your customers?

8. How would communicate with them?

9. Should company train new employees?

10. Will companies deal with unsatisfying products quickly?

11. How do deal with those products?

12. Why do some companies deal with it very slowly?

13. How to raise the quality of products or service?

14. Is waitress important in a restaurant?

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Prize You Want to Win

Part 3

1. What kinds of prizes will school give to students in China?

2. Advantage and disadvantage of parents giving kids rewards?

3. Is it better to award kids with toy or money?

4. Advantage and disadvantage of employers giving employees rewards?

5. Is it important for the employers to keep the employees happy?

6. Is ranking good?

7. What benefits can winning an award bring to young people?

8. What else can you get when you get an award?

9. Is it important to get award?

10. Is it good for parents to push their kids to get award?

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Part 3

1. What influence does technology have on our lives? Is it all good?

2. Do apps also waste us a lot of time?

3. Can everybody keep up with the new technology?

4. Why do some people like to keep up with the latest technology?

5. Will technology keep updating?

6. What would life be like without technology?

7. Why do people like the newest cellphones?

8. Have you found some apps that are not so useful?

9. What can parents do to keep their kids from relying too much on technology?

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Staying Healthy

Part 3

1. What benefits can exercise bring?

2. Why most people don’t exercise now?

3. What are some of the reasons why people don’t pay enough attention to their health?

4. Should we teach kids how to take care of their body since they are little?

5. How can we attract the public to do exercise?

6. What’s a healthy lifestyle?

7. What’s a healthy diet?

8. Is government responsible for people’s health?

9. What can government do to help citizens keep fit?

10. What’s the health care situation for old people in China?

11. Are there any education about health in school?

12. Why do people always have health problems now?

13. Is fast food good?

14. Should kids be taught about taking healthy food?

15. Do people now spend less time on exercising?

16. Will it affect their health?

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17. What should schools do to let children learn how to stay healthy?

18. Is there any subject in school that teaches kids how to be health?

19. Is kids’ health important for their parents and the school? How?

20. Who should be responsible for kids’ health, parents or school?

21. Who do you think should focus more on their health, men or women?

22. Why do many people not go to the gym after they get the membership?

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Something You Haven’t Learnt but Want to Learn

Part 3

1. Do you think kids act differently about study when they are at home and at school?

2. Is there anything kids can learn from home and not from school?

3. Should kids spend more time at home or outside?

4. Which is more important for kids’ study, parents or teachers?

5. Are parents better at teaching their kids than the teachers?

6. Can parents teach kids math and other subjects?

7. At what age do kids like to play computer the most?

8. Should parents or grandparents take care of children?

9. How can you learn skills faster?

10. Who will learn faster, old people or young people?

11. Why do children learn things faster than adults?

12. What can children learn at home?

13. How do people learn to use computer?

14. What kind of interesting things can you find in the computer?

15. Is it more important for kids to learn stuff at home or at school?

16. Do you like to learn new things?

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17. What can the parents do if they are too busy to take care of their kids?

18. Pros and cons of learning things from the internet?

19. What influence does technology have on education?

20. Some people think classmates and teachers will not be necessary in the future, what do you


21. Will you buy a new computer?

22. Will you take classes to learn computer?

23. Are computer programs easier or harder to learn than before?

24. Does everybody think computers are easy to learn?

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Part 3

1. Do you think children should have ambition?

2. What ambitions do children usually have?

3. Will their ambition change after they grow up?

4. Do you think children have these ambitions because they want to or because their parents want

them to?

5. Why do adults have ambition in their work?

6. Who are more ambitious, men or women?

7. Do you think people are too ambitious?

8. How to balance being ambitious and being realistic?

9. What is the difference between ambition and dream?

10. What do parents expect of their kids when they grow up?

11. What kind of ambitions do most people have in China?

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Good News

Part 3

1. Where can people get news?

2. What kind of news are people interested in?

3. Should kids read news?

4. How can you get kids interested in news?

5. Is it important to update information every day?

6. What different news do young and old people like?

7. What kind of people like to read the international news and what kind of people like to read local


8. Should people get too much information?

9. How can school make students more interested in reading news?

10. Who like reading news more, old people or young people?

11. People in what jobs will read news more often?

12. Do you think there will still be newspaper in the future?

13. What do you think of the news on the internet? Do you trust them?

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Interesting Thing You Learnt from the Internet

Part 3

1. Pros and cons of learning things from the internet?

2. Why don’t people read it on the books?

3. Why is microblog so popular?

4. Is the information you get from places like microblog more valuable than the information you get

from somewhere else?

5. Difference between the ways high school students and college students use the internet?

6. Do you prefer getting information from the internet or from the library?

7. Why do teachers not like their students to get info from the internet?

8. Why do people like to communicate through social media?

9. How can the internet help teenagers?

10. Will internet replace the library?

11. What’s good about making friends online?

12. What useful things have you learnt from the internet?

13. Why do young people prefer learning things from the internet than from the books?

14. What are the advantages of internet library?

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15. What do you think of social media websites like Facebook and weibo? Do you think it’s good for

people to keep their friendship?

16. Can you really find anything on the internet?

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Song or Music from Childhood

Part 3

1. What different kinds of music do people in different age like to listen to?

2. What kind of music do old people like?

3. What do kids like to listen to?

4. When will they listen to that?

5. Are there any occasions when old people like the pop music and young people like the traditional

music? If so, why?

6. Should kids learn music from a very young age?

7. Pros and cons of kids learning musical instrument?

8. How can you get kids interested in learning a musical instrument?

9. Can music help people concentrate?

10. Do you like the background music in the shops?

11. Do different shops play different kind of music? Why?

12. Why do shops play background music?

13. What can people learn from those songs?

14. Do you think music can cause noise pollution?

15. Can someone play music in public just because he or she likes it?

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16. Will people have difference taste for music as they grow older?

17. Do you still like this song now?

18. In what occasions can people hear different kinds of music?

19. Some people say music is a kind of noise, what do you think?

20. Is there a kind of music that’s popular across the world?

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Part 3

1. Do you think you can buy it in the future?

2. Why is the traffic so bad now? Do you think one of the reasons is that people don’t follow the


3. What’s the traffic condition like in the past?

4. What do you think the traffic will be like in the future?

5. How to improve the traffic conditions in the city?

6. What will vehicles be like in the future?

7. Difference between vehicles now and in the past?

8. What kind of vehicles do travelers prefer?

9. What’s the most common form of transportation?

10. Do many people in your hometown have cars?

11. Which kind of passenger vehicles do people prefer?

12. Do you think it’s good when there are a lot of cars?

13. Have you ever taken an SUV before? How did you feel about it?

14. Should we build more railway or highway?

15. What’s your opinion about building a road in a place with beautiful natural sceneries?

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Part 3

1. Do you always watch movies that you have watched before?

2. Why do people like to watch different kinds of movies when they are in different ages?

3. Do you read the subtitles when you watch movies?

4. Why do some Chinese movies also have Chinese subtitles?

5. Pros and cons of watching movies on computer and in cinema?

6. Do fewer people watch movies in cinemas now? Why?

7. Is it necessary to have famous actors in movies?

8. What’s the most important thing in a movie?

9. What influences do actors have on their movies?

10. Do you think 3D will become a trend?

11. Do you think people will be able to watch 3D movies at home in the future?

12. Do people prefer watching the movies or the original book version?

13. What kind of influence does movie have on children?

14. Pros and cons of watching movies in its original language?

15. What influence does new technology have on movies?

16. Should all the new movies use new technology?

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17. What influence will it have on the movie industry when people watch the movies on their

computer screens instead of going to the cinema?

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Exciting Sport

Part 3

1. Will you try it in the future?

2. What do you think of those dangerous extreme sports?

3. What qualities do you need to do these sports?

4. Should government ban young people from doing this?

5. Do you think people should do this kind of sports?

6. Why do some people like it even though it’s dangerous?

7. What kind of sports do Chinese like?

8. What kind of sports are usually shown on TV?

9. Do people do sports for money or for fun?

10. Difference between professional and amateur players?

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Important Toy

Part 3

1. Do you still play it now?

2. What toys do kids play now?

3. What toys were popular when you were little? Why?

4. What are the differences between toys now and in the past?

5. What different toys do boys and girls play?

6. Are playing toys good for kids’ health?

7. Is it good for their mental health?

8. Can playing with toys improves kids’ creativity?

9. What kind of toys are good for kids’ study?

10. Pros and cons of children playing video games?

11. Is it good for a kid to have a lot of toys?

12. Why do people play games on cellphones?

13. Should kids learn how to share toys?

14. Do any of your friends like animal toys?

15. Do you think a person’s character has anything to do with the toys they played when they were


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Something Special You Want to Buy

Part 3

1. Why do people go shopping?

2. Why do young people go shopping?

3. Where do young people usually shop?

4. Difference between Taobao and foreign shopping websites?

5. Difference between shopping in the shops and online?

6. Is it safe to shop on the internet?

7. Have people’s shopping habits changed?

8. Should young people spend a lot of time on shopping?

9. Do you think shopping is a waste of time?

10. What kind of advertisements are most popular in China?

11. What’s the most effective way of advertising?

12. Can business survive without ads?

13. How can consumption improve the economy?

14. What’s the negative effects that ads have on people?

15. Should government control ads?

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16. What’s the influence of shopping too much?

17. How to sustain the current growing consumerism?

18. Do you think companies should still invest a lot of money on advertising in the future?

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Part 2-3 Space Historical Place

Part 3

1. Why do people visit historical buildings?

2. Should those places be free?

3. What can they learn?

4. Who should pay for the maintenance of the old buildings?

5. Is it important for China people to learn history?

6. Do children in China pay enough attention to historical buildings?

7. Is it good to sell things in temples?

8. What’s the difference of seeing buildings in books and in reality?

9. Do kids like old buildings?

10. Why do people like to look at old buildings on the internet?

11. Do you think those buildings in the movies are real?

12. Where can people learn the culture of other countries?

13. How can people from the countryside learn history if there are no museums?

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14. When people shoot historical movies, should they follow what really happened or should they

change it to make it more exciting?

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Unusual Building

Part 3

1. What are the different building preferences for old and young people?

2. Why do some people like to live in old buildings?

3. Is it good to have the same building styles everywhere?

4. Are modern buildings beautiful? How can you improve them in the future?

5. Does government have restriction over the tall buildings in the city?

6. What kind of buildings do young people like?

7. Why are some old buildings very expensive?

8. Is it more important for a building to be practical or to be beautiful?

9. Do you like houses next to many trees?

10. Some people don’t like houses next to the streets, what do you think?

11. What do you think we should do about those abandoned factories?

12. What should families do to reduce air pollution?

13. Do college students prefer living on campus or off campus?

14. Many government buildings are very nice, what do you think of that?

15. Is urban planning important?

16. Should government have control over the number of office buildings and malls in the city?

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17. Why do people like to live inside buildings that look good on the outside?

18. What are the functions of empty buildings?

19. What would happen if all the cities looked the same?

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Place Full of Color

Part 3

1. What influences do different color have on people?

2. Will color influence our mood?

3. Why don’t office workers wear shiny or colorful clothes?

4. What colors are popular for buildings in China?

5. What colors do Chinese people use to decorate the different rooms at home?

6. What colors do people use in the office?

7. Do men and women have different views on colors?

8. Are colors used in different ways than in the past?

9. Are the colors used in public space important?

10. In what situations do colors matter?

11. It is necessary to include illustrations in the textbooks?

12. It is good for a city to have advertisements on the street?

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Place Near Water

Part 3

1. What kinds of water facilities are there in China?

2. Benefits of swimming?

3. Where does our daily water come from?

4. Why do people like to go to the beach?

5. Are the beaches very crowded?

6. Is it dangerous to play in the water?

7. Why is there less water in Northern China?

8. Does Chinese government do anything about water shortage?

9. What influence will water pollution bring to us?

10. Do people use more water in the rural areas than in the cities?

11. Should kids learn how to swim?

12. Do you think water shortage will become more and more serious?

13. What kind of influence do hydraulic projects have on water resource?

14. How is most water wasted?

15. What kind of swimming do you like?

16. Is it important to take water with you when you go outside?

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17. Difference between swimming in the pool and in the sea?

18. What kind of danger will you encounter when you swim in the sea?

19. How is water used in the city except for drinking?

20. Can you find clean water to drink in China? What about on the countryside?