dsr-2014 in ms excel.xlsx

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  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx

    1/644Estimate prepared with dbSoft-2014 Estimate Code :DSR-2014


    Name of the work :

    S.H. No. Description of Sub-Head

    01. Earth Work :

    02. Concrete Work :

    03. Reinforced Cement Concrete :

    04. Brick Work :

    05. Stone Work :

    06. ar!"e # $ranite Work :

    0%. Wood and &'C Work :

    0(. Stee" Work :

    0). *"oorin+ :

    10. Roofin+ :11. *ini,hin+ :

    12. Re-air, to Bi"din+, :

    13. /i,mant"in+ and /emo"i,hin+ :

    14. Road Work :

    15. Sanitar n,ta""ation, :

    16. Water S--" :

    1%. /raina+e :

    1(. &i"e Work :

    1). "minim Work :

    20. Water &roofin+ :

    21. Rain Water are,tin+ :

    22. Con,eration of erita+e Bi"din+, :

    23. Strctra" $"ain+ and C& &ane" :

    ota" : :

    Add contingencies @ ! on "A# :

    $rand %ota&


  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx

    2/644Estimate prepared with dbSoft-2014 Estimate Code :DSR-2014

    Amount (Rs)


























    Rs. !""#!#$$%-

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    SCH&D'& OF 'ANT*T*&S

    Name of the work :

    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

      Sub-Head , &art or/ 


     a# A&& .inds of soi& 100*00 S/m 044*1


     a# A&& .inds of soi& 1*00 Cm ((*10


     a# A&& .inds of soi& 1*00 Cm 241*,0

    4 1*00 Cm -(*00

    1*00 Cm -1+*

    Earth wor. in srface eca3ation not eceeding

    (0 cm in depth bt eceeding 1* m in width aswe&& as 10 s/m on p&an inc&ding disposa& ofeca3ated earth pto 0 m and &ift p to 1* mdisposed soi& to be &e3e&&ed and neat&' dressed :

    Earth wor. in rogh eca3ation ban.ingeca3ated earth in &a'ers not eceeding 20 cmin depth brea.ing c&ods watering ro&&ing each

    &a'er with 5 tonne ro&&er or wooden or stee&rammers and ro&&ing e3er' (rd and top-most&a'er with power ro&&er of minimm tonnesand dressing p in emban.ments for roads6ood ban.s margina& ban.s and gide ban.s or7&&ing p grond depressions &ead p to 0 mand &ift p to 1* m :

    8an.ing eca3ated earth in &a'ers noteceeding 20 cm in depth brea.ing c&odswatering ro&&ing each &a'er with 5 tonne ro&&eror wooden or stee& rammers and ro&&ing e3er'(rd and top-most &a'er with power ro&&er ofminimm tonnes and dressing p inemban.ments for roads 6ood ban.s margina&ban.s and gide ban.s etc* &ead p to 0 mand &ift p to 1* m :

    Dedct for not ro&&ing with power ro&&er ofminimm tonnes for ban.ing eca3ated earthin &a'ers not eceeding 20 cm in depth*

    Dedct for not watering the eca3ated earth forban.ing

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    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)


     a# A&& .inds of soi& 1*00 Cm 1*+0


     a# 9rdinar' roc. 1*00 Cm 244*+0

     b# ard roc. "re/iring b&asting# 1*00Cm 41*1

     c# ard roc. "b&asting prohibited# 1*00Cm +1*10

     a# A&& .inds of soi&* 1*00 Cm 1,*0


    Earth wor. in eca3ation b' mechanica& means"'dra&ic eca3ator# ; mana& means o3erareas "eceeding (0cm in depth 1*m in widthas we&& as 10 s/m on p&an# inc&ding disposa& of

    eca3ated earth &ead p to 0m and &ift p to1*m disposed earth to be &e3e&&ed and neat&'dressed*

    Earth wor. in eca3ation b' mechanica& means"'dra&ic eca3ator# ; mana& means o3erareas "eceeding (0 cm in depth 1*m in widthas we&& as 10 s/m on p&an# inc&ding disposa& of

    eca3ated earth &ead p to 0 m and &ift p to1*m disposed earth to be &e3e&&ed and neat&'dressed*

    Earth wor. in eca3ation b' mechanica& means"'dra&ic eca3ator# ; mana& means infondation trenches or drains "not eceeding1* m in width or 10 s/m on p&an# inc&dingdressing of sides and ramming of bottoms &iftp to 1* m inc&ding getting ot the eca3atedsoi& and disposa& of srp&s eca3ated soi& asdirected within a &ead of 0 m*

    Eca3ation wor. b' mechanica& means"'dra&ic eca3ator#; mana& means infondation trenches or drains "not eceeding1*m in width or 10 s/m on p&an# inc&dingdressing of sides and ramming of bottoms &iftp to 1* m inc&ding getting ot the eca3atedsoi& and disposa& of srp&s eca3ated soi&s asdirected within a &ead of 0m*

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    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

     a# 9rdinar' roc. 1*00 Cm 2+(*0

     b# ard roc. "re/iring b&asting# 1*00Cm 44*(

     c# ard roc. "b&asting prohibited# 1*00Cm +20*


     a# A&& .inds of soi&

    "i# ipes cab&es etc not eceeding 0 mm dia* 1*00m 12,*

      "ii# 1*00 m 20*(0

      "iii# 1*00 m (2*20


     a# 9rdinar' roc. :

    "i# ipes cab&es etc* not eceeding 0 mm dia* 1*00m 11*

      "ii# 1*00 m 40*(0

    Eca3ating trenches of re/ired width for pipescab&es etc inc&ding eca3ation for soc.ets anddressing of sides ramming of bottoms depth pto 1* m inc&ding getting ot the eca3atedsoi& and then retrning the soi& as re/iredin&a'ers not eceeding 20 cm in depthinc&ding conso&idating each deposited &a'er b'ramming watering etc* and disposing ofsrp&s eca3ated soi& as directed within a &ead

    of 0 m :

    ipes cab&es etc* eceeding 0 mm dia* bt noteceeding (00 mm dia

    ipes cab&es etc* eceeding (00 mm dia bt noteceeding +00 mm*

    Eca3ating trenches of re/ired width for pipescab&es etc inc&ding eca3ation for soc.etsdepth p to 1* m inc&ding getting ot theeca3ated materia&s retrning the soi& asre/ired in &a'ers not eceeding 20 cm in depthinc&ding conso&idating each deposited &a'ers b'ramming watering etc* stac.ing ser3iceab&emateria& for measrements and disposa& ofnser3iceab&e materia& as directed within a &eadof 0m :

    ipes cab&es etc* eceeding 0 mm dia bt noteceeding (00 mm dia*

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  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

     c# Depth eceeding ( m bt not eceeding 4* m* 1*00S/m 1(*(


     a# Depth not eceeding 1* m* 1*00S/m )+*10

     b# Depth eceeding 1* m bt not eceeding ( m* 1*00S/m 10(*0

     c# Depth eceeding ( m bt not eceeding 4* m* 1*00S/m 110*0

    1 1*00 S/m 1(4*


     a# Depth not eceeding 1* m* 1*00S/m *0

     b# Depth eceeding 1* m bt not eceeding ( m* 1*00S/m )*

     c# Depth eceeding ( m bt not eceeding 4* m* 1*00S/m +*+0


     a# Depth not eceeding 1* m* 1*00S/m 4*

     b# Depth eceeding 1* m bt not eceeding ( m* 1*00S/m 4*4

     c# Depth eceeding ( m bt not eceeding 4* m* 1*00S/m +2*1


     a# Depth not eceeding 1* m* 1*00S/m ((*2

    C&ose timbering o3er areas inc&ding strttingshoring and pac.ing ca3ities "where3er

    re/ired# etc* comp&ete* "

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  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)


     a# A&& .inds of soi&* 1*00 ?o* 0*0

     b# 9rdinar' roc. 1*00 ?o* 1*

     c# ard roc. "re/iring b&asting# 1*00?o* 1()*10

     d# ard roc. "b&asting prohibited# 1*00?o* 1*)

    2+ 1*00 S/m +42*00

    2, 1*00 S/m (2*+0


     a# 1*00 ?o* 1)+*,0

     b# 1*00 ?o* ,1*10

     c# 1*00 ?o* 402)*0

     d# Abo3e 240 cm girth 1*00 ?o* 00*4


     a# 1*00 tr 1*)


    Eca3ating ho&es more than 0*10 cm p to0* cm inc&ding getting ot the eca3atedsoi& then retrning the soi& as re/ired in &a'ersnot eceeding 20 cm in depth inc&ding

    conso&idating each deposited &a'er b' rammingwatering etc disposing of srp&s eca3atedsoi& as directed within a &ead of 0 m and &iftpto1* m*

    C&earing Bng&e inc&ding prooting of ran.

    3egetation grass brsh wood trees andsap&ings of girth p to (0 cm measred at aheight of 1 m abo3e grond &e3e& and remo3a&of rbbish p to a distance of 0m otside theperipher' of the area c&eared*

    C&earing grass and remo3a& of the rbbish p toa distance of 0 m otside the peripher' of thearea c&eared*

    =e&&ing trees of the girth "measred at a height

    of 1 m abo3e grond &e3e inc&ding ctting oftrn.s and branches remo3ing the roots andstac.ing of ser3iceab&e materia& and disposa& ofnser3iceab&e materia&*

    8e'ond (0 cm girth p to and inc&ding +0 cmgirth

    8e'ond +0 cm girth p to and inc&ding 120 cmgirth

    8e'ond 120 cm girth p to and inc&ding 240cm girth

    Spp&'ing chemica& em&sion in sea&edcontainers inc&ding de&i3er' as speci7ed*

    Ch&orp'riphos; indane em&si7ab&e concentrateof 20!

    Di&ting and inBecting chemica& em&sion for9S%-C9?S%RC%9?A anti- termite treatment"ec&ding the cost of chemica& em&sion# :

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)


      "i# 1*00 m 1*40


      "i# 1*00 m 22*,0


      "i# 1*00 S/m 11*)0


      "i# 1*00 m 1,*0

     e# 1*00 m 200*,0

    (1 1*00 Cm -((*)

    A&ong eterna& wa&& where the apron is notpro3ided sing chemica& em&sion @ ,* &itres ;s/m of the 3ertica& srface of the sbstrctreto a depth of (00 mm inc&ding eca3ation

    channe& a&ong the wa&& rodding etc* comp&ete:

    ith Ch&orp'riphos; indane E*C* 20! with 1!concentration*

    A&ong the eterna& wa&& be&ow concrete ormasonr' apron sing chemica& em&sion @ 2*2&itres per &inear metre inc&ding dri&&ing andp&gging ho&es etc*

    ith Ch&orp'riphos; indane E*C* 20! with 1!


     %reatment of soi& nder eisting 6oors singchemica& em&sion @ one &itre per ho&e (00 mmapart inc&ding dri&&ing 12 mm diameter ho&esand p&gging with cement mortar 1 :2 "1cement : 2 Coarse sand# to match the eisting6oor :

    ith Ch&orp'riphos;indane E*C* 20! with 1!concentration*

     %reatment of eisting masonr' sing chemica&em&sion @ one &itre per ho&e at (00 mminter3a& inc&ding dri&&ing ho&es at 4 degree andp&gging them with cement mortar 1:2 "1cement : 2 coarse sand# to the f&& depth of theho&e :

    ith Ch&orp'riphos;indane E*C* 20! with 1!concentration*

     %reatment at points of contact of wood wor. b'chemica& em&sion Ch&orp'riphos; indane "in oi&or .erosene based so&tion# @ 0* &itres per ho&eb' dri&&ing + mm dia ho&es at downward ang&e of4 degree at 10 mm centre to centre andsea&ing the same*

    Dedct for disposed soi& not &e3e&&ed and neat&'dressed*

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

    (2 1*00 Cm 1(2*)

    (( 1*00 Cm 112*40

    Total of the Sub-H

    Sub-Head , Concrete or/ 


     a# 1*00 Cm ,(0*(

     b# 1*00 Cm ),0*+0

     c# 1*00 Cm 4++*(0

     d# 1*00 Cm ((*2

     e# 1*00 Cm 4(4*(0

     f# 1*00 Cm 4+,2*0

     g# 1*00 Cm 4())*

     h# 1*00 Cm 4(01*1

     i# 1*00 Cm 402*1

    Spp&' and stac.ing of =&' ash conforming toRC- at site inc&ding carriage &oading n&oading stac.ing p to an' &ead "measredstac.s wi&& be redced b' 20! for pa'ment#*

    =i&&ing with a3ai&ab&e 6' ash and earth"ec&ding roc.# in trenches or emban.ment in&a'ers "each &a'er sho&d not eceed 1 cm#with intermediate &a'er of compacted earth "Soi&densit' of )!# after e3er' for &a'ers ofcompacted depth of 6' ash sides top &a'er of7&&ing sha&& be done with earth ha3ing tota&minimm compacted thic.ness (0 cm or asdecided b' Engineer -in- charge inc&dingcompacting each &a'er b' ro&&ing; ramming and

    watering a&& comp&ete as per drawing anddirection of Engineer -in - charge*

    ro3iding and &a'ing in position cementconcrete of speci7ed grade ec&ding the cost ofcentering and shttering - A&& wor. p to p&inth

    &e3e& :

    1:1:2 "1 Cement : 1 coarse sand : 2 gradedstone aggregate 20 mm nomina& siFe#

    1:15:( "1 Cement: 15 coarse sand : ( gradedstone aggregate 20 mm nomina& siFe#*

    1:2:4 "1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 gradedstone aggregate 20 mm nomina& siFe#

    1:2:4 "1 Cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 gradedstone aggregate 40 mm nomina& siFe#*

    1:(:+ "1 Cement : ( coarse sand : + gradedstone aggregate 20 mm nomina& siFe#*

    1:(:+ "1 Cement : ( coarse sand : + gradedstone aggregate 40 mm nomina& siFe#*

    1:(:+ "1 Cement : ( 7ne sand : + graded stoneaggregate 40 mm nomina& siFe#*

    1:4: "1 Cement : 4 coarse sand : gradedstone aggregate 40 mm nomina& siFe#*

    1:4: "1 cement : 4 7ne sand : graded stoneaggregate 40 mm nomina& siFe#

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

     B# 1*00 Cm 4004*00

     .# 1*00 Cm (,21*+

      1*00 Cm 41,*)0

     m# 1*00 Cm ((+*(0


     a# 1*00 Cm 14*0

     b# 1*00 Cm +)4*(0

     c# 1*00 Cm +40*00

     d# 1*00 Cm +(1*)

     e# 1*00 Cm 1*00

     f# 1*00 Cm ++*20

     g# 1*00 Cm ((*2

     h# 1*00 Cm 4)1*,


     a# =ondations footings bases for co&mns* 1*00S/m 1)+*4

    1::10 "1 cement : coarse sand : 10 gradedstone aggregate 40 mm nomina& siFe#

    1::10 "1 cement : 7ne sand : 10 graded stone

    aggregate 40 mm nomina& siFe#1:2:(5:) "1 ordinar' port&and cement : 2 =&' ash: (5 coarse sand : ) graded stone aggregate 40mm nomina& siFe#*

    1:25:4:11 "1 ordinar' port&and cement : 25 6'ash : 4 coarse sand : 11 graded stone aggregate40 mm nomina& siFe#

    ro3iding and &a'ing cement concrete inretaining wa&&s retrn wa&&s wa&&s "an'thic.ness# inc&ding attached pi&asters

    co&mns piers abtments pi&&ars posts strtsbttresses string or &acing corses parapetscoping bed b&oc.s anchor b&oc.s p&ain windowsi&&s 7&&ets sn.en 6oor etc* p to 6oor 73e&e3e& ec&ding the cost of centering shtteringand 7nishing :

    1:1:2 "1 cement : 1 coarse sand : 2 gradedstone aggregate 20 mm nomina& siFe#

    1:15:( "1 cement : 15 coarse sand : ( graded

    stone aggregate 20 mm nomina& siFe#*

    1:2:4 "1 Cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 gradedstone aggregate 20 mm nomina& siFe#

    1:2:4 "1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 gradedstone aggregate 40 mm nomina& siFe#*

    1:(:+ "1 cement : ( coarse sand : + gradedstone aggregate 20 mm nomina& siFe#*

    1:(:+ "1 cement : ( coarse sand : + gradedstone aggregate 40 mm nomina& siFe#*

    1:(:+ "1 cement : ( 7ne sand : + graded stoneaggregate 40 mm nomina& siFe#*

    1::10 "1 cement : coarse sand : 10 gradedstone aggregate 40 mm nomina& siFe#*

    Centering and shttering inc&ding strttingpropping etc* and remo3a& of form wor. for :

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

     b# 1*00 S/m (+0*0

     c# 1*00 S/m 4(*(


     a# 1*00 Cm 4++*(0

     b# 1*00 Cm 4(4*(0


     a# 1*00 Cm +,,4*0

     b# 1*00 Cm +2+)*0

     c# 1*00 Cm +(,*0


     a# 1*00 Cm ,14*)


    Retaining wa&&s retrn wa&&s wa&&s "an'thic.ness# inc&ding attached pi&astersbttresses p&inth and string corses 7&&ets.erbs and steps etc**

    Co&mns piers abtments pi&&ars posts andstrts*

    ro3iding and &a'ing cement concrete in .erbssteps and the &i.e at or near grond &e3e&ec&ding the cost of centering shttering and7nishing*

    1:2:4 "1 Cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 gradedstone aggregate 20 mm nomina& siFe#*

    1:(:+ "1 cement : ( coarse sand : + gradedstone aggregate 20 mm nomina& siFe#*

    ro3iding and 7ing p to 6oor 73e &e3e& precastcement concrete string or &acing corsescopings bed p&ates anchor b&oc.s p&ainwindow si&&s she&3es &o3ers steps stair casesetc* inc&ding hoisting and setting in positionwith cement mortar 1:( "1 Cement : (coarsesand# cost of re/ired centering comp&ete*

    1:1*:( "1 cement : 1* coarse sand : ( graded

    stone aggregate 20mm nomina& siFe#*

    1:2:4 "1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 gradedstone aggregate 20mm nomina& siFe#*

    1:(:+ "1 cement : ( coarse sand : + gradedstone aggregate 20mm nomina& siFe#*

    ro3iding and 7ing at or near grond &e3e&precast cement concrete in .erbs edgings etc*as per appro3ed pattern and setting in positionwith cement mortar 1:( "1 Cement : ( coarse

    sand# inc&ding the cost of re/ired centeringshttering comp&ete*

    1:2:4 " 1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 gradedstone aggregate 20mm nomina& siFe#*

    ro3iding and 7ing p to 6oor 73e &e3e& precastcement concrete so&id b&oc. inc&ding hoistingand setting in position with cement mortar 1:("1 cement : ( coarse sand# cost of re/iredcentering shttering comp&ete :

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

     a# 1*00 Cm )((4*0

     b# 1*00 Cm ,02*0


     a# 1*00 Cm ,12*0

     b# 1*00 Cm +(*20

    42 1*00 ?o* 4+*+

    4( 1*00 S/m 2,*0

    44 1*00 S/m (14*

    4 1*00 nits 4*1

    1:2:4 "1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 gradedstone aggregate 20mm nomina& siFe#*

    1:(:+ "1 cement : ( coarse sand : + gradedstone aggregate 20mm nomina& siFe#*

    ro3iding and 7ing p to 6oor 73e &e3e& precastcement concrete ho&&ow b&oc. inc&ding hoistingand setting in position with cement mortar 1:("1 cement : ( coarse sand# cost of re/iredcentering shttering comp&ete*

    1:2:4 "1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 gradedstone aggregate 20mm nomina& siFe#*

    1:(:+ "1 Cement : ( coarse sand : + gradedstone aggregate 20mm nomina& siFe#*

    recasting and p&acing in position 12 mm dia8o&&ards +00 mm high of re/ired shapeinc&ding pro3iding

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

    4+ 1*00 S/m 1(2*00

    4, 1*00 Cm ,(*20


    1*00 nits 42+*1

    4) 1*00 Cm 1,2*20

    0 1*00 S/m 41)*(0

    1 1*00 nits (*00

    App&'ing a coat of resida& petro&em bitmenof grade of H$-10 of appro3ed /a&it' sing1*,.g per s/are metre on damp proof corseafter c&eaning the srface with brshes and

    7na&&' with apiece of c&oth &ight&' soa.ed in.erosene oi&*

    Etra for concrete wor. in sperstrctre abo3e6oor H &e3e& for each for 6oors or part thereof*

    Etra for &a'ing concrete in or nder waterand;or &i/id md inc&ding cost of pmping orbai&ing ot water and remo3ing s&sh etc*comp&ete*

    ?ote : %he /antit' wi&& be ca&c&ated b'm&tip&'ing the depth measred from the sb-soi&

    Etra for &a'ing concrete in or nder fo&positions*

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    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)


     a# A&& wor.s p to p&inth &e3e&:

    "i# 1*00 Cm ,2*)0

      "ii# 1*00 Cm ,1)*)0

     b# A&& wor.s abo3e p&inth and p to 6oor H &e3e&:

    "i# 1*00 Cm +41,*0

      "ii# 1*00 Cm +2+4*10

    ro3iding and &a'ing in position read' miedp&ain cement concrete sing 6' ash andcement content as per appro3ed design mi andmanfactred in f&&' atomatic batching p&ant

    and transported to site of wor. in transit mierfor a&& &eads ha3ing continos agitated miermanfactred as per mi design of speci7edgrade for p&ain cement concrete wor. inc&dingpmping of R*

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    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)


     a# A&& wor.s p to p&inth &e3e&:

    "i# 1*00 Cm ))+*,0

      "ii# 1*00 Cm 4(*,

     b# A&& wor.s abo3e p&inth and p to 6oor H &e3e&:

    "i# 1*00 Cm +40*)0

      "ii# 1*00 Cm +(,*)

    Total of the Sub-Hea

    Sub-Head , Reinforced Cement Concrete


    ro3iding and &a'ing in position read' miedp&ain cement concrete with cement content asper appro3ed design mi and manfactred inf&&' atomatic batching p&ant and transported

    to site of wor. in transit mier for a&& &eadsha3ing continos agitated miermanfactred as per mi design of speci7edgrade for p&ain cement concrete wor. inc&dingpmping of R*

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

     a# 1*00 Cm ,,)*)

     b# 1*00 Cm +2(0*20

     c# 1*00 Cm ,2*)0

     a# 1*00 Cm +(4*0

     b# 1*00 Cm ,0,4*(0

     c# 1*00 Cm +,0*00

    + 1*00 Cm +,,*20

    , 1*00 Cm +(+2*

    1:1:2 "1 cement : 1 coarse sand : 2 gradedstone aggregate 20 mm nomina& siFe#*

    1:1*:( "1 cement : 1* coarse sand : ( gradedstone aggregate 20 mm nomina& siFe#

    1:2:4 "1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 gradedstone aggregate 20 mm nomina& siFe#

    Reinforced cement concrete wor. in wa&&s "an'thic.ness# inc&ding attached pi&astersbttresses p&inth and string corses 7&&etsco&mns pi&&ars piers abtments posts andstrts etc* p to 6oor 73e &e3e& ec&ding costof centering shttering 7nishing andreinforcement :

    1:1:2 "1 cement : 1 coarse sand : 2 gradedstone aggregate 20 mm nomina& siFe#

    1:1*:( "1 cement : 1* coarse sand : ( gradedstone aggregate 20 mm nomina& siFe#

    1:2:4 "1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 gradedstone aggregate 20 mm nomina& siFe#*

    Reinforced cement concrete wor. in beamssspended 6oors roofs ha3ing s&ope p to 1K

    &andings ba&conies she&3es chaBBas &inte&sbands p&ain window si&&s staircases and spira&stair cases p to 6oor 73e &e3e& ec&ding thecost of centering shttering 7nishing andreinforcement with 1:2:4 "1 cement : 2 coarsesand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mmnomina& siFe#*

    ro3iding and &a'ing p to 6oor 73e &e3e&reinforced cement concrete in .erbs steps and

    the &i.e ec&ding the cost of centeringshttering 7nishing and reinforcement with1:2:4 "1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4graded stoneaggregate 20 mm nomina& siFe#*

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    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

    1*00 Cm ,04,*2

    ) 1*00 Cm +++)*(

    +0 1*00 Cm 4)+*

    +1 1*00 Cm ++)0*0


     a# 1*00 S/m 1)+*4

     b# 1*00 S/m (+0*0

     c# 1*00 S/m 401*+

     d# She&3es "Cast in sit#* 1*00S/m 401*+

     e# 1*00 S/m ((2*1

     f# 1*00 S/m 4(*(

    Reinforced cement concrete wor. in archesarchribs domes 3a&ts she&&s fo&ded p&ate androofs ha3ing s&ope more than 1K p to 6oor 73e&e3e& ec&ding the cost of centering

    shttering 7nishing and reinforcement with1:2:4 "1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 gradedstone aggregate 20 mm nomina& siFe#*

    Reinforced cement concrete wor. in chimne'sshafts p to 6oor 73e &e3e& ec&ding the costof centering shttering 7nishing andreinforcement with 1:2:4 "1 cement : 2 coarsesand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mmnomina& siFe#*

    Reinforced cement concrete wor. in we&&-steining ec&ding the cost of centeringshttering 7nishing and reinforcement with1:2:4 "1 cement :2 coarse sand : 4 graded stoneaggregate 20 mm nomina& siFe#*

    Reinforced cement concrete wor. in 3ertica& andhoriFonta& 7ns indi3ida&&' or forming bo&o3ers facias and ea3es boards p to 6oor 73e

    &e3e& ec&ding the cost of centeringshttering 7nishing and reinforcement with1:15:( "1 cement : 15 coarse sand : ( gradedstone aggregate 20mm nomina& siFe#*

    Centering and shttering inc&ding strttingpropping etc* and remo3a& of form for :

    =ondations footings bases of co&mns etc* formass concrete*

    a&&s "an' thic.ness# inc&ding attachedpi&asters btteresses p&inth and string corsesetc*

    Sspended 6oors roofs &andings ba&conies andaccess p&atform*

    inte&s beams p&inth beams girdersbressmers and canti&e3ers*

    Co&mns i&&ars iers Abtments osts andStrts*

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    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

     g# 1*00 S/m ()*+

     h# Spira& staircases "inc&ding &anding#* 1*00S/m (+(*+

     i# Arches domes 3a&ts p to + m span* 1*00S/m 10++*(0

     B# 1*00 S/m 44+*+

     .# Chimne's and shafts* 1*00 S/m (+0*0

      e&& steining* 1*00 S/m 214*

     m# 1*00 S/m ,*(

     n# 1*00 S/m 1)+*4

     o# Edges of s&abs and brea.s in 6oors and wa&&s*

    "i# nder 20 cm wide 1*00 m 11+*40

      "ii# Abo3e 20 cm wide 1*00S/m 0*

     p# Cornices and mo&dings 1*00S/m 4)*20

     /# 1*00 S/m 4(*,0

     r# 1*00 S/m 4)2*(

     s# 1*00 S/m 4)(*

     t# 1*00 S/m 42(*+


     a# 12 mm dia* 100 mm &ength* 1*00sets 140*40

     b# 12 mm dia* 10 mm &ength* 1*00sets 12*0

     c# 20 mm dia* 10 mm &ength* 1*00sets 1+)*4

    Stairs "ec&ding &andings# ecept spira&-staircases*

    Etra for arches domes 3a&ts eceeding + mspan*

    Hertica& and horiFonta& 7ns indi3ida&&' orforming bo &o3ers band facias and ea3es


    Sma&& &inte&s not eceeding 1*m c&ear spanmo&ding as in cornices window si&&s stringcorses bands copings bed p&ates anchorb&oc.s and the &i.e*

    Sma&& srfaces sch as canti&e3er ends brac.etsand ends of steps caps and bases to pi&astersand co&mns and the &i.e*

    eather shade ChaBBas corbe&s etc* inc&dingedges*

    Sspended 6oors roofs &andings ba&conies andaccess p&atform* with water proof p&' 12mm


    inte&s beams p&inth beams girdersbressmers and canti&e3ers* with water proofp&' 12mm thic.*

    ro3iding and 7ing tie bo&t spring coi& andp&astic cone in wa&& shttering comp&ete as perthe direction of Engineer-in-charge*

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    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

     d# 20 mm dia* 22 mm &ength* 1*00sets 1+*)0


     a# 1*00 S/m 1)*0

    + 1*00 Cm +44,*)

    ++ 1*00 Cm ,),*0

    +, 1*00 Cm ))4*(

    Etra for additiona& height in centeringshttering where e3er re/ired with ade/atebracing propping etc* inc&ding cost of de-

    shttering and decentering at a&& &e3e&s o3er aheight of (* m for e3er' additiona& height of 1metre or part thereof "&an area to bemeasred#

    Sspended 6oors roofs &anding beams andba&conies "&an area to be measred#*

    ro3iding hoisting and 7ing p to 6oor 73e&e3e& precast reinforced cement concrete wor.in string corses bands copings bed p&ates

    anchor b&oc.s p&ain window si&&s and the &i.einc&ding the cost of re/ired centeringshttering bt ec&ding cost of reinforcementwith1:2:4 "1 cement: 2 coarse sand: 4 gradedstone aggregate 20mmnomina& siFe#*

    ro3iding hoisting and 7ing p to 6oor 73e&e3e& precast reinforced cement concrete insma&& &inte&s not eceeding 1*m c&ear span p

    to 6oor 73e &e3e& inc&ding the cost of re/iredcentering shttering bt ec&ding the cost ofreinforcement with 1:2:4 "1 cement : 2 coarsesand: 4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nomina&siFe#*

    ro3iding hoisting and 7ing p to 6oor 73e&e3e& precast reinforced cement concrete inmo&dings as in cornices windows si&&s etcinc&ding setting in cement mortar 1:( "1

    cement : ( coarse sand# cost of re/iredcentering shttering bt ec&ding the cost ofreinforcement with 1:2:4"1 cement : 2 coarsesand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mmnomina& siFe#*

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

    + 1*00 Cm 1)1*40

    +) 1*00 Cm 121,4*,0

    ,0 1*00 Cm ,1,,*


     a# 0 mm thic. 1*00 S/m ,2)*)

     b# 40 mm thic. 1*00 S/m +(*)0

     c# 2 mm thic. 1*00 S/m +04*0

    ro3iding hoisting and 7ing p to 6oor 73e&e3e& precast reinforced cement concrete in&inte&s beams and bressmers inc&ding settingin cement mortar 1:( "1 cement : ( coarse

    sand# cost of re/ired centering and shtteringbt ec&ding the cost of reinforcement with1:2:4 "1cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stoneaggregate 20 mm nomina& siFe#*

    ro3iding hoisting and 7ing p to 6oor 73e&e3e& precast reinforced cement concrete inshe&3es inc&ding setting in cement mortar 1:("1cement : ( coarse sand# cost of re/iredcentering shttering and 7nishing with neat

    cement pnning on eposed srfaces bt ec&ding the cost of reinforcement with 1:2:4"1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4graded stoneaggregate 12* mm nomina& siFe#*

    ro3iding hoisting and 7ing p to 6oor 73e&e3e& precast reinforced cement concrete in3ertica& horiFonta& 7ns indi3ida&&' or formingbo &o3ers setting in cement mortar 1:2 "1

    cement : 2 coarse sand# inc&ding the cost ofre/ired centering shttering bt ec&dingthe cost of reinforcement with 1:2:4 "1 cement :2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nomina& siFe#*

    ro3iding precast cement concrete >a&i 1:2:4 "1cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stoneaggregate +mm nomina& siFe# reinforced with1*+ mm dia mi&d stee& wire inc&ding centering

    and shttering roghening c&eaning 7ing and7nishing in cement mortar 1:( "1 cement: ( 7nesand# etc* comp&ete ec&ding p&astering of the

     Bambs si&&s and soLts*

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

    ,2 1*00 Cm )(*+

    ,( 1*00 Cm +024*0

    ,4 1*00 S/m ()(*+



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    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

     d# ot ro&&ed deformed bars 1*00Jg +*10

     e# ard drawn stee& wire fabric 1*00Jg ,+*

     f# %hermo-

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

      "ii# 200mm wide* 1*00m 4+0*+0

    4 1*00 m (0*,

    1*00Cm 42+*1

    + 1*00 Cm 1,2*20


     a# A&& wor.s p to p&inth &e3e&* 1*00Cm +2)+*1

    Add for p&aster drip corse; groo3e in p&asteredsrface or mo&ding to R*C*C* proBections*

    Etra for &a'ing reinforced cement concrete in ornder water and; or &i/id md inc&ding cost ofpmping or bai&ing ot water and remo3ings&sh etc* comp&ete*

    ?ote :- %he /antit' wi&& be ca&c&ated b'm&tip&'ing the depth measred from thesbsoi& water &e3e& p to the centre of gra3it' ofthe R*C*C* nder sbsoi& water with the /antit'of R*C*C* in cbic metre eected nder sbsoi&

    water* %he depth of centre of gra3it' sha&& berec.oned correct to 0*1 m* 0*0 m or more sha&&be ta.en as 0*1 m and &ess than 0*0 m ignored*?o etra pa'ment sha&& be made for p&acingreinforcement or centering shttering ndersb - soi& water conditions*

    Etra for &a'ing reinforced cement concrete in ornder fo& positions*

    ro3iding and &a'ing in position machinebatched and machine mied design mi

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

     b# A&& wor.s abo3e p&inth &e3e& p to 6oor H &e3e&* 1*00Cm ,014*

     a# 1*00 Cm ,+*0

     b# 1*00 Cm 12*)

     c# 1*00 Cm 22)*4

    ) 1*00 Mt& ,42*,

    )0 1*00 Cm 1,2)2*,

    Etra for pro3iding richer mies at a&& 6oor&e3e&s* ?ote:- Ecess;&ess cement o3er the

    speci7ed cement content sed is pa'ab&e;reco3erab&e separate&'*


  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)


     a# A&& wor.s pto p&inth &e3e& 1*00cm ++44*+0

     b# A&& wor.s abo3e p&inth &e3e& pto 6oor H &e3e& 1*00cm ,(+(*00

    )2 1*00 cm 1,4*20

    ro3iding and &a'ing in position read' mied

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    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)


     a# A&& wor.s p to &inth &e3e&* 1*00cm ++1*20

     b# A&& wor.s abo3e p&inth p to 6oor H &e3e&* 1*00cm ,2,)*+0


     a# ?on pigmented wet cring compond 1*00s/m 10+*,

     b# igmented wet cring compond 1*00s/m 120*,0

    ro3iding and &a'ing in position read' mied

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    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)


     a# Cop&er for 1+ mm diameter reinforcement bar 1*00?o* 122*(

     b# Cop&er for 20 mm diameter reinforcement bar 1*00?o* 1++*4

     c# Cop&er for 2 mm diameter reinforcement bar 1*00?o* 2(0*20

     d# Cop&er for 2 mm diameter reinforcement bar 1*00?o* (1+*)0

     e# Cop&er for (2 mm diameter reinforcement bar 1*00?o* (+,*+


     a# 200 mm wide* 1*00 metre ,,*4

     b# (00 mm wide* 1*00 metre ((*00

    ro3iding and 7ing tapered ; para&&e& threadedcop&ers conforming to S code onOReinforcement Cop&ers for

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)


     a# =&oor >oint of 100 mm gap 1*00m +(*

     b# =&oor >oint of 10 mm gap 1*00m +)2*

     c# =&oor >oint of 200 mm gap 1*00 m ,4)1*00

    ro3iding and 7ing of epansion Boint s'stemre&ated with 6oor &ocation as per drawings anddirection of Engineer-n-Charge* %he Bointss'stem wi&& be of etrded a&minm base

    members se&f a&igning ; se&f centeringarrangement and spport p&ates etc* as perAS%< 8221-02* %he s'stem sha&& be sch that itpro3ides 6oor to 6oor ;6oor to wa&& epansioncontro& s'stem for 3arios 3ertica& &ocation in&oad app&ication areas that accommodates m&tidirectiona& seismic mo3ement withot stress toitQs components* S'stem sha&& consist of meta&pro7&es with a ni3ersa& a&minm basemember designed to accommodate 3ariosproBect conditions and 7nish 6oor treatments*

     %he co3er p&ate sha&& be designed of width andthic.ness re/ired to satisf' proBects mo3ementand &oading re/irements and secred to basemembers b' ti&iFing manfactrerGs pre-engineered se&f-centering arrangement thatfree&' rotates ; mo3es in a&& directions* %he Se&f centering arrangement sha&& ehibit circ&arsphere ends that &oc. and s&ide inside thecorresponding a&minm etrsion ca3it' toa&&ow freedom of mo3ement and 6ere in a&&directions inc&ding 3ertica& disp&acement*ro3ision of

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)


     a# a&& >oint of 100 mm gap 1*00m 00*)0

     b# a&& >oint of 10 mm gap 1*00m 4,2*)0

     c# a&& >oint of 200 mm gap 1*00 m +4*)0

    ro3iding and 7ing of epansion Boint s'stemre&ated with wa&& Boint "interna&;eterna&ocation as per drawings and direction ofEngineer-n- Charge* %he Boints sha&& be of

    etrded a&minm base members se&f a&igning; centering arrangement and spport p&ates asper AS%< 8221-02* %he materia& sha&& be schthat it pro3ides an Epansion >oints S'stemsitab&e for 3ertica& wa&& to wa&&; wa&& to cornerapp&ication both new and eisting constrctionin oLce 8i&dings comp&ees with no s&ippingdown tendenc' amongst the components of the

     >oint S'stem* %he >oint S'stem sha&& ti&iFe &ightweight a&minm pro7&es ehibiting minima&eposed a&minm srfaces mechanica&&' snap&oc.ing the m&ti- ce&&&ar to faci&itate

    mo3ement* "

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)


     a# Roof >oint of 100 mm gap 1*00 m +(*

     b# Roof >oint of 10 mm gap 1*00m +,0*

     c# Roof >oint of 200 mm gap 1*00 m ,02+*40

    ro3iding and 7ing of epansion Boint s'stem ofappro3ed ma.e and manfactres for 3ariosroof &ocations as per appro3ed drawings anddirection of Engineer-n-Charge* %he Boints sha&&

    be of etrded a&minm base members withse&f a&igning and se&f centering arrangementspport p&ates as per AS%< 8221-02* %hes'stem sha&& be sch that it pro3ides watertightroof to roof;roof to corner Boint co3er epansioncontro& s'stem that is capab&e ofaccommodating m&tidirectiona& seismicmo3ement withot stress to its components*S'stem sha&& consist of meta& pro7&e thatincorporates a ni3ersa& a&minm basemember designed to accommodate 3ariosproBect conditions and roof treatments* %he

    co3er p&ate sha&& be designed of width andthic.ness re/ired to satisf' mo3ement and&oading re/irements and secred to basemembers b' ti&iFing manfactrerGs pre-engineered se&f-centering arrangement thatfree&' rotates ; mo3es in a&& directions*

     %he Se&f centering arrangement sha&& ehibitcirc&ar sphere ends that &oc. and s&ide insidethe corresponding a&minm etrsion ca3it' toa&&ow freedom of mo3ement and 6ere in a&&directions inc&ding 3ertica& disp&acement* %he

     >oint S'stem sha&& resists damage ordeterioration from the impact of fa&&ing iceeposre to H airborne contaminants andoccasiona& foot traLc from maintenance

    personne&* ro3ision of

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)


     a# Door frame 12 mm +0 mm 1*00 m 44*)

     b# Door frame 100 mm +0 mm 1*00 m 40)*2

     c# Door frame mm+0 mm 1*00 m ()*)0


    ro3iding and 7ing in position factor' madeprecast RCC

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    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

     a# Reinforced Cement Concrete -

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

    1*00cm 1()++*,

    Total of the Sub-Head - Reinforced

    Sub-Head , Bric/ or/ 


     a# Cement mortar 1:4 "1 cement : 4 coarse sand# 1*00Cm 4)1*+

     b# Cement mortar 1:+ "1 cement : + coarse sand# 1*00Cm 4+,,*2


     a# Cement mortar 1:4 "1 cement : 4 coarse sand# 1*00Cm 4,(*4

     b# Cement

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    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)


     a# ith =**S*"non mod&ar# bric.s* 1*00Cm 4(*

     b# ith

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

    111 1*00 Cm 4+*20

    112 1*00 Cm 101*

    11( 1*00 S/m 44+*+


     a# Cement mortar 1:( "1 cement : ( coarse sand# 1*00S/m +11*0

     b# Cement mortar 1:4 "1 cement : 4 coarse sand# 1*00S/m 4*,


     a# Cement mortar 1:( "1 cement :( coarse sand# 1*00S/m +)2*0

     b# Cement mortar 1:4 "1 cement :4 coarse sand# 1*00S/m ++*0

    11+ 1*00 S/m 2*+0

    11, 1*00 S/m +)*0

    8ric. wor. in p&ain arches in sperstrctreabo3e p&inth &e3e& and p to 6oor 73e &e3e&inc&ding centering and shttering comp&ete forspan p to + metres with common brnt c&a'

    =**S* "non mod&ar# bric.s of c&ass designation,* in cement mortar 1:( "1 cement : ( coarsesand#*

    8ric. wor. in gaged arches in sperstrctreabo3e p&inth &e3e& and pto 6oor 73e &e3e& incement mortar 1:( "1 cement : ( coarse sand#inc&ding centering and shttering comp&ete forspan p to + meters with common brnt c&a'=**S* "non mod&ar# bric.s of c&ass designation,**

    Etra for additiona& cost of centering for archeseceeding +m span inc&ding a&& shtteringbo&ting wedging and remo3a& "Area of the soLtto be measred#*

    a&f bric. masonr' with common brnt c&a'=**S* "non mod&ar# bric.s of c&ass designation,* in fondations and p&inth in*

    a&f bric. masonr' with common brnt c&a'=**S* "non mod&ar# bric.s of c&ass designation,* in sperstrctre abo3e p&inth &e3e& p to6oor H &e3e&*

    Etra for ha&f bric. masonr' in sperstrctreabo3e 6oor H &e3e& for e3er' for 6oors or partthereof b' mechanica& means*

    Etra for pro3iding and p&acing in position 2?os* +mm dia*

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)


     a# Cement mortar 1:4 "1 cement : 4 coarse sand# 1*00Cm 14*(

     b# Cement mortar 1:+ "1 cement : + coarse sand#* 1*00Cm ,,)*10

    11) 1*00 Cm ,04*2

    120 1*00 Cm (*)0

    121 1*00 Cm 1100*20

    122 1*00 Cm 1(0*4

    12( 1*00 S/m 0*10

     %i&e bric. masonr' with common brnt c&a' =**S*"non mod&ar# ti&e bric.s of c&ass designation 10in fondation and p&inth in:

     %i&e bric. masonr' with common brnt c&a'machine mo&ded ti&e bric.s of c&ass designation12* conforming to S : 2+)0 "art # infondation and p&inth in cement mortar 1:+ "1cement : + coarse sand#*

     %i&e bric. masonr' with common brnt c&a' =**S*"non mod&ar# ti&e bric.s of c&ass designation 10in sperstrctre abo3e p&inth &e3e& p to 6oor H&e3e& in cement mortar 1:+ "1 cement : + coarsesand#*

     %i&e bric. masonr' with common brnt c&a' =**S*"non mod&ar# ti&e bric.s of c&ass designation 10in p&ain arch wor. in sperstrctre abo3e p&inthand p to 6oor 73e &e3e& in cement mortar 1:4

    "1 cement : 4 coarse sand# inc&ding centeringand shttering comp&ete*

     %i&e bric. masonr' with common brnt c&a' =**S*"non mod&ar# ti&e bric.s of c&ass designation 10in gaged arch wor. in sperstrctre abo3ep&inth and p to 6oor 73e &e3e& in cementmortar 1:4 "1 cement : 4 coarse sand# inc&dingcentering and shttering comp&ete*

     %i&e bric. masonr' wor. cm thic. withcommon brnt c&a' =**S* "non mod&ar# ti&ebric.s of c&ass designation 10 in cement mortar1:( "1cement : ( coarse sand# in sperstrctreabo3e p&inth and pto 6oor 73e &e3e&*

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

    124 1*00 S/m 4((*0

    12 1*00 nits 42+*1

    12+ 1*00 Cm 1,2*20


     a# =rom grond &e3e& pto p&inth &e3e&* 1*00Cm 4,,2*20

     b# Abo3e p&inth &e3e& pto 6oor H &e3e&* 1*00Cm )*(


     a# =rom grond &e3e& pto p&inth &e3e&* 1*00Cm 4+)*2

     b# Abo3e p&inth &e3e& pto 6oor H &e3e&* 1*00Cm (1*1


     a# =rom grond &e3e& pto p&inth &e3e&* 1*00Cm 4)(+*)0

     b# Abo3e p&inth &e3e& pto 6oor H &e3e&* 1*00Cm +*

    one'-comb bric. wor. 10;11*4 cm thic. withcommon brnt c&a' bric.s of c&ass designation,* in sper strctre abo3e p&inth &e3e& pto6oor H &e3e& with cement mortar 1:4 "1 cement :

    4 coarse sand#*

    Etra for &a'ing bric. wor. in or nder waterand;or &i/id md inc&ding cost of pmping orbai&ing ot water and remo3ing s&sh etc*comp&ete*

    Etra for &a'ing bric. wor. in or nder fo&position*

    8ric. wor. with common brnt c&a' se&ected=**S* "non mod&ar# bric.s of c&ass designation

    ,* in eposed bric. wor. inc&ding ma.inghoriFonta& and 3ertica& groo3es 10 mm wide 12mm deep comp&ete in cement mortar 1:+ "1cement : + coarse sand#

    8ric. wor. with common brnt c&a' mod&ar

    bric.s of c&ass designation ,* in eposed bric.wor. inc&ding ma.ing horiFonta& and 3ertica&groo3es 10mm wide 12 mm deep comp&ete incement mortar 1:+ "1 cement : + coarse sand#*

    8ric. wor. with common brnt c&a' machinemo&ded mod&ar bric.s of c&ass designation12* in eposed bric. wor. inc&ding ma.inghoriFonta& and 3ertica& groo3es 10mm wide12mm deep comp&ete in cement mortar 1:+ "1cement : + coarse sand#*

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)


     a# =rom grond &e3e& pto p&inth &e3e&* 1*00Cm 4))2*(

     b# Abo3e p&inth &e3e& pto 6oor H &e3e&* 1*00Cm ,12*20


     a# =rom grond &e3e& pto p&inth &e3e&* 1*00Cm 4,+2*

     b# Abo3e p&inth &e3e& pto 6oor H &e3e&* 1*00Cm 11*,


     a# =rom grond &e3e& pto p&inth &e3e&* 1*00Cm 42*0

     b# Abo3e p&inth &e3e& pto 6oor H &e3e&* 1*00Cm +01*00


     a# Cement mortar 1:4 "1 cement : 4 coarse sand# 1*00Cm +),*2

     b# Cement mortar 1:+ "1 cement : + coarse sand# 1*00Cm 4*

    8ric. wor. with common brnt c&a' machinemo&ded =**S* "non mod&ar# bric.s of c&assdesignation 12* in eposed bric. wor.inc&ding ma.ing horiFonta& and 3ertica& groo3es

    10 mm wide 12 mm deep comp&ete in cementmortar 1:+ "1 cement : + coarse sand#*

    8ric. wor. with common brnt c&a' machinemo&ded perforated =**S* "non mod&ar# bric.sof c&ass designation 12* conforming S : 2222

    in eposed bric. wor. inc&ding ma.inghoriFonta& and 3ertica& groo3es 10mm wide 12mm deep comp&ete in cement mortar 1:+ "1cement : + coarse sand#*

    8ric. wor. with common brnt c&a' machine

    mo&ded perforated mod&ar bric.s of c&assdesignation 12* conforming to S : 2222 ineposed bric. wor. inc&ding ma.ing horiFonta&and 3ertica& groo3es 10 mm wide 12mm deepcomp&ete in cement mortar 1:+ "1 cement : +coarse sand#*

    8ric. wor. with c&a' 6' ash =**S* "non mod&ar#bric. of c&ass designation ,* in sperstrctreabo3e p&inth &e3e& p to 6oor 73e &e3e& in :

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    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)


     a# Cement mortar 1:4 "1 cement : 4 coarse sand# 1*00Cm +21*+0

     b# Cement mortar 1:+ "1 cement : + Coarse sand# 1*00Cm +00+*20


     a# Cement mortar 1:4 "1 cement : 4 coarse sand# 1*00Cm +1+2*0

     b# Cement mortar 1:+ "1 cement : + Coarse sand# 1*00Cm )4)*+0


     a# Cement

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    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

    1() 1*00 S/m ,(*0

    140 1*00 S/m ++*10

    141 1*00 metre (*1


     a# Cement mortar 1 : ( "1 cement : ( coarse sand# 1*00S/m ,,*1

     b# Cement mortar 1 : 4 "1 cement : 4 coarse sand# 1*00S/m ,1*10

    Total of the Sub-

    Sub-Head , Stone or/ 


     a# Cement mortar 1:+ "1 cement : + coarse sand#* 1*00Cm ()1*10


    ro3iding and &a'ing $'psm pane& partitions100mm thic. with water proof $'psm pane&sof siFe +++00100mm made of ca&citephosphor $'psm 7ed with tonge and

    groo3e Bointed with bonding p&aster as permanfactrers speci7cations in sperstrreabo3e p&inth &e3e& p to 6oor H &e3e&* $'psmb&oc.s wi&& ha3e a minimm compressi3estrength of )*( .g;cm2

    Etra for $'psm pane& artitions insperstrctre abo3e 6oor H &e3e& for e3er' for6oors or part thereof*

    8ric. edging ,cm wide 11*4cm* deep to p&inth

    protection with common brnt c&a' =**S* "nonmod&ar# bric.s of c&ass designation ,*inc&ding groting with cement mortar 1:4 "1cement : 4 7ne sand#*

    a&f bric. masonr' with non mod&ar 6' ashbric.s of c&ass designation 10 conforming to S :12)4 in sper strctre abo3e p&inth and pto6oor H &e3e&*

    Random rbb&e masonr' with hard stone infondation and p&inth inc&ding &e3e&&ing p withcement concrete 1:+:12 "1 cement : + coarsesand : 12 graded stone aggregate 20mm

    nomina& siFe# pto p&inth &e3e& with :

    Random rbb&e masonr' with hard stone insperstrctre abo3e p&inth &e3e& and pto 6oor73e &e3e& inc&ding &e3e&ing p with cementconcrete 1:+:12 "1 cement : + coarse sand : 12graded stone aggregate 20mm nomina& siFe# atwindow si&&s cei&ing &e3e& and the &i.e*

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    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

     a# Cement mortar 1:+ "1 cement : + coarse sand#* 1*00Cm 4++4*


     a# S/are or rectang&ar pi&&ars 1*00Cm (,1*)

     b# Circ&ar pi&&ars* 1*00 Cm 11(,*20

    14+ 1*00 Cm 44+*,


     a# Cement mortar 1:+ "1 cement : + coarse sand# 1*00Cm 42,*


     a# Cement mortar 1:+ "1 cement : + coarse sand# 1*00Cm 422)*,0


     a# 1*00 Cm 2+(*+0

     b# 1*00 Cm 4)+*,


     a# S/are or rectang&ar pi&&ars 1*00Cm 41(*,0

     b# Circ&ar pi&&ars* 1*00 Cm 12*,

    11 1*00 Cm 4+*4


    Etra for random rbb&e masonr' with hardstone in :

    Etra for random rbb&e masonr' with hardstone cr3ed on p&an for a mean radis noteceeding + m*

    Corsed rbb&e masonr' "7rst sort# with hardstone in fondation and p&inth with :

    Corsed rbb&e masonr' "second sort# with hardstone in fondation p&inth with :

    Corsed rbb&e masonr' with hard stone "7rst orsecond sort# in sperstrctre abo3e p&inth &e3e&and pto 6oor 73e &e3e&*

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    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

     a# 9ne face dressed*

    "i# Red sand stone 1*00Cm 2,4*00

      "ii# hite sand stone 1*00Cm 2+21*00

     b# 8oth face dressed*

    "i# Red sand stone* 1*00Cm (++0+*00

      "ii# hite sand stone 1*00Cm (,(0*00


     a# 9ne face dressed

    "i# Red sand stone 1*00Cm (2(10*00

      "ii# hite sand stone 1*00Cm ((04*00

     b# 8oth face dressed

    "i# Red sand stone 1*00Cm 410+)*00

      "ii# hite sand stone 1*00Cm 4142*00


     a# 9ne face dressed

    "i# Red sand stone 1*00Cm 4)(40*00

      "ii# hite sand stone 1*00Cm 0112*00

     b# 8oth face dressed

    "i# Red sand stone 1*00Cm ,10+)*00

    Stone wor. p&ain ash&ar in arches in sperstrctre pto 6oor H &e3e& in cement mortar 1:("1 cement : ( coarse sand# inc&ding centringshttering and pointing with white cement

    mortar 1:2 "1 white cement : 2 stone dst# withan admitre of pigment matching the stoneshade*

    Stone wor. p&ain ash&ar in domes in sperstrctre pto 6oor H &e3e& in cement mortar 1:("1 cement : ( coarse sand# inc&ding centringshttering and pointing with white cementmortar 1:2 "1 white cement : 2 stone dst# withan admitre of pigment matching the stone


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    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

      "ii# hite sand stone 1*00Cm ,14(*00


     a# 9ne face nched

    "i# Red sand stone* 1*00Cm 2+04*00

      "ii# hite sand stone* 1*00Cm 2,2,*00

     b# 8oth faced pnched

    "i# Red sand stone* 1*00Cm (()1*00

      "ii# hite sand stone* 1*00Cm (4+)2*00

    1+ 1*00 Cm ,+*00

    1, Etra for p&ain ash&ar or ash&ar pnched in :

    a# S/are or rectang&ar pi&&ars 1*00Cm 1*00

    1 1*00 Cm 12)0*00

    1) 1*00 S/m 44+*+


     a# Red sand stone 1*00 Cm ()2(*00

     b# hite sand stone 1*00 Cm ()+),*00

    Stone wor. ash&ar pnched "ordinar'# insperstrctre pto 6oor 73e &e3e& in cement

    mortar 1:+ "1 white cement : + coarse sand#inc&ding pointing with cement mortar 1:2 "1white cement : 2 stone dst# with an admitreof pigment matching the stone shade*

    Etra for stone wor. random rbb&e ; corsedrbb&e masonr' ; ash&ar masonr' abo3e 6oor H&e3e& for e3er' for 6oors or part thereof*

    Etra for stone wor. p&ain ash&ar or ash&arpnched cr3ed on p&an with a mean radis noteceeding + m*

    Etra for additiona& cost of centering for archeseceeding +m span inc&ding a&& strttingbo&ting wedging etc* and remo3a& "area of soLtto be measred#*

    Stone wor. ash&ar sn. or mo&ded or sn. andmo&ded pto 6oor 73e &e3e& in cement mortar1:+ "1 cement : + coarse sand# inc&dingpointing with white cement mortar 1:2 "1 whitecement : 2 stone dst# with an admitre ofpigment matching the stone shade :

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    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)


     a# %riang&ar or S/are or rectang&ar pi&&ars 1*00Cm 2420*00

     b# Circ&ar or po&'gona& pi&&ars 1*00Cm +4*00

    1+2 1*00 nits 2(*0



      "i# ,0 mm thic.* 1*00 S/m 2*20

      "ii# +0 mm thic.* 1*00S/m 244*1

      "iii# 0 mm thic.* 1*00S/m 2(0*(

      "i3# 40 mm thic.* 1*00S/m 22,+*10

      "3# (0 mm thic.* 1*00S/m 21,2*00


      "i# ,0 mm thic. 1*00 S/m (42*

      "ii# +0 mm thic. 1*00S/m ((4*0

      "iii# 0 mm thic. 1*00S/m (24*00

      "i3# 40 mm thic. 1*00S/m (140*,

      "3# (0 mm thic. 1*00S/m (0(+*+0

    Etra for stone wor. ash&ar sn. or mo&ded orsn. and mo&ded or car3ed in :

    Etra for stone wor. ash&ar sn. or mo&ded incornices*

    Stone wor. "machine ct edges# for wa&& &iningetc* "3eneer wor.# pto 10 metre heightbac.ing 7&&ed with a grot of a3erage 12 mmthic. cement mortar 1:( "1 cement : ( coarsesand# inc&ding pointing in white cement mortar

    1:2 "1 white cement : 2 stone dst# with anadmitre of pigment matching the stone shade: "%o be secred to the bac.ing and the sides b'means of cramps and pins which sha&& be paidfor separate&'# :

    Red sand stone - eposed face 7ne dressed withrogh bac.ing*

    Red sand stone - Eposed face machine ct andtab&e rbbed with rogh bac.ing*

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    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)


      "i# ,0 mm thic.* 1*00 S/m 2+42*40

      "ii# +0 mm thic.* 1*00S/m 2(0*+0

      "iii# 0 mm thic.* 1*00S/m 241)*0

      "i3# 40 mm thic.* 1*00S/m 2(0+*0

      "3# (0 mm thic.* 1*00S/m 21)*20


      "i# ,0 mm thic.* 1*00 S/m (0,*0

      "ii# +0 mm thic.* 1*00S/m (()*2

      "iii# 0 mm thic.* 1*00S/m (2(*,0

      "i3# 40 mm thic.* 1*00S/m (1,1*4

      "3# (0 mm thic.* 1*00S/m (0)*

    1+4 1*00 Cm 1*00

    1+ 1*00 Jg ,4*+

    1++ 1*00 ?o* (+*,

    1+, 1*00 ?o* (1*,

    hite sand stone - eposed face 7ne dressedwith rogh bac.ing *

    hite sand stone - Eposed face machine ctand tab&e rbbed with rogh bac.ing*

    Etra for stone wor. "3eneer wor.# cr3ed onp&an with a mean radis not eceeding + m*

    ro3iding and 7ing stain&ess stee& cramps ofre/ired siFe and shape for anchoring stone wa&&&ining to the bac.ing or secring adBacentstones in stone wa&& &ining in cement mortar 1:2"1 cement : 2 coarse sand# inc&ding ma.ing thenecessar' chases in stone and ho&es in wa&&swhere3er re/ired*

    ro3iding and 7ing stone dowe&s 102*0 cmct to dob&e wedge shape as per design incement mortar 1:2 "1 cement : 2 coarse sand#inc&ding ma.ing the necessar' chases*

    ro3iding and 7ing copper pins ,* cm &ong +mm diameter for secring adBacent stones instone wa&& &ining in cement mortar 1:2 "1cement: 2 coarse sand# inc&ding ma.ing the necessar'


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    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)


     a# Red sand stone:

    "i# 1*00 S/m 12),*40

     b# hite sand stone:

    "i# 1*00 S/m 1(2)*(


     a# Red sand stone 1*00 S/m ,),*+0

     b# hite sand stone 1*00 S/m 2*4

    1,0 1*00 S/m ),)*)

    1,1 1*00 ?o* 2)0*(

    ro3iding and 7ing s&oping chaBBa of stone 40mm thic. and pto 0 cm wide be'ond the wa&&as measred a&ong the s&ope in cement mortar1:4 "1 cement : 4 coarse sand# with 12mm

    diameter anchoring stee& bar 4 cm &ong 7edin each stone and spported on and inc&dingwith bric.s co3e in cement mortar 1:4 "1cement : 4 coarse sand# inc&ding pointing incement mortar 1:2 "1 white cement : 2 stonedst# with an admitre of pigment matchingthe stone shade:

    ith common brnt c&a' =**S*"non mod&ar#bric.s of c&ass designation ,*

    ith common brnt c&a' =**S*"non mod&ar#bric.s of c&ass designation ,*

    ro3iding and 7ing horiFonta& chaBBa of stone40 mm thic. and pto 0 cm proBection incement mortar 1:4 "1 cement : 4 coarse sand#inc&ding pointing in white cement mortar 1:2 "1white cement : 2 stone dst# with an admitre

    of pigment matching the stone shade: :

    (0mm red sand stone sn-shade "chise&-dressed# spported on red sand stone brac.ets7ed in wa&&s with cement mortar 1:4 "1

    cement : 4 coarse sand# inc&ding 7nishingcomp&ete*

    ro3iding and 7ing red sand stone brac.ets22*4cm sn. and mo&ded inc&dingpro3iding and 7ing with 4 ?os* gn meta&cramp 2+mm (0 cm &ong and dowe& bars ,*cm &ong + mm dia as per design*

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    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)


     a# Red sand stone 1*00 Cm (24)*)0

     b# hite sand stone 1*00 Cm ()022*20


     a# Red sand stone 1*00 S/m )22*,0

     b# hite sand stone 1*00 S/m )4*2

    1,4 1*00 nits 42+*1

    1, 1*00 Cm 1,2*20

    Stone wor. p&ain in copings cornices stringcorses and p&inth corses pto , mm thic. inCement mortar 1:+ "1 cement : + coarse sand#inc&ding pointing with white cement mortar 1:2

    "1 white cement : 2 stone dst# with anadmitre of pigment matching the stoneshade*

    ro3iding and 7ing stone Ba&i 40mm thic.throghot in cement mortar 1:( "1 cement : (coarse sand# inc&ding pointing in white cement

    mortar 1:2 "1 white cement : 2 stone dst# withan admitre of pigment matching the stoneshade Ba&i s&ab withot an' chamfers etc*

    Etra for &a'ing stone wor. in or nder water

    and;or &i/id md inc&ding cost of pmping orbai&ing ot water and remo3ing s&sh etc*comp&ete* "?9%E:-%he /antit' wi&& beca&c&ated b' m&tip&'ing the depth measredfrom sb-soi& water &e3e& pto the centre ofgra3it' of stone wor. nder sb-water with the/anit' of stone wor. in cm eected nderthe sb-soi& water* %he depth of centre ofgra3it' sha&& be rec.oned correct to 0*1m 0*0mor more sha&& be ta.en as 0*1m and &ess than0*0m ignored#*

    Etra for &a'ing stone wor. in or nder fo&position*

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    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

    1,+ 1*00 S/m 12)*+0



      "i# 2 mm thic.* 1*00 S/m 1+,)*10



      "i# $ranite stone of an' co&or and shade* 1*00S/m 1,2*00

      "ii# 1*00 S/m 14+*)0

    1,) 1*00 S/m (*(

    a&& &ining btch wor. pto 10m height withDho&pr stone 40 mm thic. rogh facing on theeposed srface with stone strips of minimm&ength (00 mm and re/ired width inc&ding

    embedding e3er' tenth &a'er and bottom most&a'er in masonr' or concrete after ma.ingnecessar' chases of siFe ,,mm and b'pro3iding &a'er of ,mmthic. strips i;c 12mmthic. bed of cement mortar 1:( "1 Cement : (coarse sand# i;c r&ed pointing in cement mortar1:2 "1 white cement : 2 stone dst# with anadmitre of pigment to match the shade ofstone comp&ete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge*

    Stone wor. " machine ct edges 3eneer wor.#for wa&& &ining pto 10 m height bac.ing 7&&edwith a grot of 12mm thic. cement mortar 1:("1 Cement : ( coarse sand# and Bointed withCement mortar 1:2 "1 cement : 2 stone dst#inc&ding rbbing and po&ishing comp&ete* "%o besecred to the bac.ing and the sides b' meansof cramps and pins which sha&& be paid forseparate&'#

    Jota stone s&abs eposed face dressed andrbbed*

    Stone ti&e wor. for wa&& &ining pto 10 m heightwith specia& adhesi3e o3er 12mm thic. bed ofcement mortar 1:( "1 cement : ( coarse sand#inc&ding pointing in white cement with anadmitre of pigment to match the stone shade*

    mm thic. "mirror po&ished and machine ctedge#

    RaB ?agar p&ain white marb&e; daipr greenmarb&e; Tebra b&ac. marb&e*

    Etra for stone wor. for wa&& &ining on eteriorwa&&s of height more than 10 m from grond&e3e& for e3er' additiona& height of ( m or part


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    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)


     a# Red sand stone* 1*00 S/m 24+*(0

     b# hite sand stone 1*00 S/m 220*00

    11 1*00 Jg 14(*

    ro3iding and 7ing dr' c&adding pto 10 metreheights with (0mm thic. gang saw ct stonewith "machine ct edges# of niform co&or andsiFe pto 1m1m 7ed to strctra& stee& frame

    wor. and; or with the he&p of cramps pins etc*and sea&ing the Boints with appro3ed weathersea&ant as per Architectra& drawing anddirection of Engineer-in-charge* "%he stee& framewor. stain&ess stee& cramps and pins etc* sha&&be paid for separate&'*#

    ro3iding and 7ing strctra& stee& frame "fordr' c&adding with (0 mm thic. gang saw ctwith machine ct edges sand stone# on wa&&s ata&& heights sing

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

    12 1*00 ?o* 20+*1

    Total of the Sub-H

    Sub-Head , 0arb1e 2 3ranite or/ 



      "i# Area of s&ab pto 0*0 s/m 1*00 S/ar 2,2*+

      "ii# Area of s&ab o3er 0*0 s/m 1*00 S/ar 2)14*2



    ro3iding and 7ing adBstab&e stain&ess stee&cramps of appro3ed /a&it' re/ired shape andsiFe adBstab&e with stain&ess stee& nts bo&tsand washer "tota& weight not &ess than 2+0

    gms# for dr' stone c&adding 7ed on framewor. at sitab&e &ocation inc&ding ma.ingnecessar' recesses in stone s&ab dri&&ingre/ired ho&es etc comp&ete as per direction ofthe Engineer-in-charge*

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

      "i# Area of s&ab pto 0*0 s/m* 1*00 S/ar 2(41*

      "ii# Area of s&ab o3er 0*0 s/m* 1*00 S/ar 24+(*

     b# $ranite of an' co&or and shade"i# Area of s&ab pto 0*0 s/m 1*00 S/ar (++*00

      "ii# Area of s&ab o3er 0*0 s/m* 1*00 S/ar ()0,*40



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    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

     b# Stain&ess stee& cramps* 1*00Jg ,4*+


     a# edge epansion t'pe

    "i# =astener with threaded dia + mm 1*00?o* 2+*

      "ii# =astener with threaded dia 10 mm* 1*00 ?o* 2*(

      "iii# =astener with threaded dia 12 mm* 1*00 ?o* 4(*0


     a# mm thic.*

    "i# 1*00 S/ar 1+4*,0

      "ii# $ranite of an' co&or and shade* 1*00 S/ar 1)21*


     a# hite Agaria

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)


    1*00S/ar ,022*+0


    1*00S/ar (244*(

    Total of the Sub-Head - Marbl

    Sub-Head , ood and 45C or/ 


    ro3iding and 7ing machine ct mirror ;eggshe&& po&ished

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    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

     a# Second c&ass tea. wood 1*00Cm )14)+*)

     b# Sa& wood 1*00 Cm ,*+0

     c# 1*00 Cm (+)*+0

    1)+ 1*00 Cm ),1(*+0


     a# Sa& wood 1*00 Cm ,00*)0

     b# 1*00 Cm 44*40


     a# Second c&ass tea. wood 1*00Cm )14)*4

     b# Sa& wood 1*00 Cm ,*

     c# 1*00 Cm (+)*4


     a# Second c&ass tea. wood

    "i# ( mm thic. shtters 1*00S/m 2+)*0

      "ii# (0 mm thic. shtters 1*00S/m 240+*(0


    Ji&n seasoned and chemica&&' treated ho&&oc.wood*

    ro3iding &aminated 3eneer &mber conformingto S:14+1+ and %AD -1: 2001" art 8# infactor' made frames of doors windowsc&erestor' windows and other frames wroghtframed and 7ing in position with ho&d fast &gsor with dash fasteners of re/ired dia &ength" ho&d fast &gs or dash fastener sha&& be paid forseparate&'#*

    ro3iding wood wor. in frames of fa&se cei&ingpartitions etc* sawn and 7ed in position :

    Ji&n seasoned and chemica&&' treated ho&&oc.wood*

    Etra for circ&ar wor.s sch as in frames of fan&ight :

    Ji&n seasoned and chemica&&' treated ho&&oc.wood*

    ro3iding and 7ing pane&&ed or pane&&ed andg&aFed shtters for doors windows andc&erestor' windows inc&ding S mar.ed

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

      "i# ( mm thic. shtters 1*00S/m 1,(1*0

      "ii# (0 mm thic. shtters 1*00S/m 11*00


      "i# ( mm thic. shtters 1*00S/m 24(*40

      "ii# (0 mm thic. shtters 1*00S/m 21,2*0


     a# 1*00 S/m 24(*00

     b# 1*00 S/m 2+*(0

     c# 1*00 S/m 2+2,*2

    Ji&n seasoned se&ected p&an.s of sheeshamwood*

    ro3iding and 7ing ( mm thic. factor' made&aminated 3eneer &mber door shtterconforming to S : 14+1+ and %ADS 1:2001"art 8# inc&ding S mar.ed

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)


     a# Second c&ass tea. wood 1*00S/m 21*+0

     b# 1*00 S/m 1((*0

     c# &' wood p&' ) mm thic. :

    "i# 1*00 S/m 1)(4*20

      "ii# 1*00 S/m 1+2*+0

     d# &' wood , p&' ) mm thic. :

    "i# 1*00 S/m 1,)(*40

     e# artic&e 8oard 12 mm thic.

    "i# 1*00 S/m )20*0

      "ii# 1*00 S/m 11*00

      "iii# 1*00 S/m 111*0

      "i3# 1*00 S/m 1+*1

     f# Coir Heneer 8oard "conforming to S 1442#

    "i# 12 mm thic. 1*00 S/m 1441*40

    ro3iding and 7ing pane&&ing or pane&&ing andg&aFing in pane&&ed or pane&&ed and g&aFedshtters for doors windows and c&erestor'windows "Area of opening for pane& inserts

    ec&ding portion inside groo3es or rebates tobe measred#* ane&&ing for pane&&ed or pane&&edand g&aFed shtters 2 mm to40 mm thic. :

    Ji&n seasoned and chemica&&' treated ho&&oc.wood*

    Decorati3e p&'wood both side decorati3e 3eneer"%'pe - # conforming to S 1(2 8R t'pe*

    Decorati3e p&'wood one side decorati3e 3eneerand commercia& 3eneer on other face "%'pe 1#conforming to S1(2 8R %'pe

    Decorati3e p&'wood one side decorati3e 3eneerand commercia& 3eneer on other face "%'pe 1#

    conforming to S1(2 8R %'pe

    &ain partic&e board 6at pressed ( &a'er orgraded wood partic&e board medim densit'$rade S : (0, mar.ed*

    Heneered 6at pressed three &a'er or gradedwood partic&e board with commercia& 3eneeringon both sides conforming toS:(0), grade *

    re-&aminated partic&e board with decorati3e&amination on one side and ba&ancing &aminationon other side $rade %'pe S: 122(mar.ed*

    re-&aminated partic&e board with decorati3e&amination on both sides $rade %'pe S:122( mar.ed*

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

     g# =&oat g&ass panes

    "i# 4 mm thic. g&ass pane 1*00S/m 111*,0

      "ii# * mm thic. g&ass panes 1*00S/m 140+*,

     h# 1*00 S/m 1+02*40


     a# Second c&ass tea. wood

    "i# ( mm thic. 1*00 S/m (2+2*)0

      "ii# (0 mm thic. 1*00S/m 2)()*,


      "i# ( mm thic. 1*00 S/m 21,2*2

      "ii# (0 mm thic. 1*00S/m 2000*,0


      "i# ( mm thic. 1*00 S/m 2),4*40

      "ii# (0 mm thic. 1*00S/m 2+)1*0


     a# (0 mm thic. shtters 1*00 S/m 22,*0

    =&' proof stain&ess stee& grade (04 wire gagewith 0* mm dia* ire and 1*4 mm wideapertre with matching wood beading

    ro3iding and 7ing g&aFed shtters for doorswindows and c&erestor' windows sing 4 mmthic. 6oat g&ass panes inc&ding S mar.ed

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)


     a# * mm thic. instead of 4 mm thic.* 1*00S/m 20(*2

    20 1*00 S/m *0

    20+ 1*00 S/m -2)*0

    20, 1*00 S/m 2(*0



      "i# 1*00 S/m -(0(*2


      "i# 1*00 S/m -4)*,


     a# ane&&ed or pane&&ed g&aFed shtters :

    "i# 1*00 S/m 2,+0*2

    Etra for pro3iding hea3' sheet 6oat g&asspanes instead of ordinar' 6oat g&ass in g&aFeddoors windows and c&erestor' window shtters*"Area of opening for g&ass panes ec&ding

    portion inside rebate sha&& be measred#

    Etra for pro3iding frosted g&ass panes 4 mmthic. instead of ordinar' 6oat g&ass panes 4 mmthic. in doors windows and c&erestor' windowshtters*"Area of opening for g&ass panesec&ding portion inside rebate sha&& bemeasred#*

    Dedct for pro3iding pin headed g&ass panesinstead of ordinar' 6oat g&ass panes 4 mm thic.in doors windows and c&erestor' windowsshtters "Area of opening for g&ass panesec&ding portion inside rebate sha&& bemeasred#*

    Etra for pro3iding S mar.ed Stain&ess Stee&btt hinges instead of

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

      "ii# 1*00 S/m 2,))*+0

     b# $&aFed shtters :

    "i# 1*00 S/m 2,4+*10

      "ii# 1*00 S/m 2,20*


     a# 12 mm thic. 1*00 S/m 2*+0

     b# 1 mm thic. 1*00 S/m ++4*


     a# 1 mm thic. 1*00 S/m 1202*00

     b# 2 mm thic. 1*00 S/m 12)0*


    Second c&ass tea. wood inc&ding S mar.ednic.e& p&ated bright 7nished

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

     a# 1*00 S/m 2+0+*4

     b# 1*00 S/m 2(,4*1

     c# 1*00 S/m 210)*(


     a# 1*00 S/m 1)0)*

     b# 1*00 S/m 1,(*(

     c# 1*00 S/m 142*1


     a# 9n one side on&'* 1*00 S/m ()4*)0

    21 1*00 S/m (+*


     a# Rectang&ar or s/are* 1*00S/m 1()*40

    ( mm thic. inc&ding S mar.ed Stain&essStee& btt hinges with necessar' screws*

    (0 mm thic. inc&ding S mar.ed Stain&ess

    Stee& btt hinges with necessar' screws*

    2 mm thic. "for cpboard# inc&ding S mar.ednic.e& p&ated bright 7nished

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

     b# Circ&ar* 1*00 S/m 22+*0


     a# Decorati3e t'pe door* 1*00S/m (,,*0

    21 1*00 S/m 104*


     a# ( mm thic. shtters*

    "i# 1*00 S/m (0+(*0

      "ii# 1*00 S/m 20),*(

      "iii# 1*00 S/m 20,*40

      "i3# 1*00 S/m ((1+*

      "3# 1*00 S/m 2(0*

      "3i# 1*00 S/m (0+0*)0

     b# (0 mm thic. shtters*

    "i# 1*00 S/m 2,0)*2

    Etra if &o3ers "not eceeding 0*2 s/m# arepro3ided in 6sh door shtters "o3era&& area of

    door shtters to be measred#*

    Etra for ctting rebate in 6sh door shtters"%ota& area of the shtter to be measred#*

    ro3iding and 7ing wire gage shtters singga&3aniFed

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

      "ii# 1*00 S/m 1(*)

      "iii# 1*00 S/m 24)0*40

      "i3# 1*00 S/m 2)+2*,

      "3# 1*00 S/m 21(,*(0

      "3i# 1*00 S/m 2,4(*)0


     a# ( mm thic. shtters 1*00 S/m 22,*0

     b# (0 mm thic. shtters 1*00S/m 204+*0

    221 1*00 ?o* 20*+


     a# 2 mm &ong 1*00 ?o* 1*)0

    with S mar.ed

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

     b# (2 mm &ong 1*00 ?o* 1*1

     c# 40 mm &ong 1*00 ?o* 21*+

     d# 0 mm &ong 1*00 ?o* 22*0


     a# 40 mm thic.* 1*00 S/m 4)((*)

     b# 2 mm thic.* 1*00 S/m (20+*0

     c# 20 mm thic. 1*00 S/m 2)(*4

     d# 12 mm thic. 1*00 S/m 1+,2*(0


     a# 12 mm thic. 1*00 S/m 11,,*40

     b# 1 mm thic. 1*00 S/m 1(1,*)

     c# 2 mm thic. 1*00 S/m 140,*(


     a# 1*00 Cm )+,(*,0


     a# 1*00 S/m 11+*20

    ro3iding and 7ing 2nd c&ass tea. wood p&ain

    &ining tonged and groo3ed inc&ding woodenp&gs comp&ete with necessar' screws andpriming coat on neposed srface*

    ro3iding and 7ing in wa&& &ining 6at pressedthree &a'er "medim densit'# partic&e board orgraded wood re-&aminated one side decorati3e&amination on other side ba&ancing &amination$rade %'pe S : 122( mar.ed inc&dingpriming coat on neposed srface withnecessar' 7ing arrangement and screws etc*comp&ete :

    ro3iding and 7ing speci7ed wood frame wor.consisting of battens 02 mm 7ed with raw&p&g and dri&&ing necessar' ho&es for raw& p&g

    etc* inc&ding priming coat comp&ete*

    Ji&n seasoned and chemica&&' treated ho&&oc.wood*

    ro3iding and 7ing p&'wood 4 mm thic. oneside decorati3e 3eneer conforming to S: 1(2"t'pe-1# for p&ain &ining ; c&adding withnecessar' screws inc&ding priming coat onneposed srface with:

    Decorati3e 3eneer facings of appro3edmanfactre*

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

    22, 1*00 S/m ),*00


     a# 1 mm thic. 1*00 S/m 10)*

     b# 2 mm thic. 1*00 S/m 1))*00


     a# 2nd c&ass tea. wood

    "i# 012 mm 1*00 m 11,*)

      "ii# 0 20 mm 1*00 m 1+*


      "i# 012 mm 1*00 m )0*(

      "ii# 020 mm 1*00 m 110*


     a# Second c&ass tea. wood* 1*00S/m 1,)(*+0

    ro3iding and 7ing 4mm thic. coir 3eneerboard S mar.ed S : 1442 p&ain &ining withnecessar' screws priming coat on neposedsrface etc* comp&ete*

    ro3iding and 7ing s.irting with re-&aminated"one side decorati3e and other side ba&ancing&amination# 6at pressed ( &a'er or gradedpartic&e board "medim densit'# $rade %'pe S :122( mar.ed with necessar' 7ingarrangements and screws inc&ding dri&&ingnecessar' ho&es for raw& p&gs etc* and primingcoat on neposed srface comp&ete :

    ro3iding and 7ing wooden mo&ded beadingto door and window frames with iron screwsp&gs and priming coat on neposed srfaceetc* comp&ete :

    Ji&n seasoned and chemica&&' treated ho&&oc.wood*

    ro3iding and 7ing p&ain BaIri of (10 mm&aths p&aced ( mm apart "frames to be paidseparate&'# inc&ding 7ing 012 mm beadingcomp&ete with :

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

    2(1 1*00 m (,2*,

    2(2 1*00 m 4,*2


     a# ?on decorati3e 3eneer on both sides* 1*00m ((*4

     b# 1*00 m )2*)0

    2(4 1*00 m 4)*00


    ro3iding and 7ing 1 mm thic. 10 mm widepe&met of 6at pressed ( &a'er or graded woodpartic&e board medim densit' grade S : (0,mar.ed inc&ding top co3er of + mm

    commercia& p&' wood conforming to S: (0( 8Rgrade nic.e& p&ated

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

     a# 12 mm dia* 1*00 m 2,1*(0

     b# 20 mm dia* 1*00 m (41*00

     c# 2 mm dia* 1*00 m 4+*,


     a# 20 mm dia "hea3' t'pe# 1*00 m 12+*+0

     b# 2 mm dia "hea3' t'pe# 1*00 m 1(*20


     a# =ied to stee& windows b' we&ding* 1*00Jg 10)*00

     b# 1*00 Jg 11+*)0

    2( 1*00 S/m )4)*2

    2() 1*00 S/m 111*10

    ro3iding and 7ing nic.e& p&ated

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)


     a# ith 2nd c&ass tea. wood beading +2U1) mm* 1*00S/m +1*+

     b# ith 12 mm mi&d stee& beading* 1*00S/m ,*(0

    241 1*00 S/m -110*(

    242 1*00 ?o* 11,*(


     a# Sa& wood* 1*00 Cm +)0,*40

     b# o&&oc. wood* 1*00 Cm 4+,(*1


     a# 12+2*12 mm 1*00 ?o* ((*+

     b# 1001*)0 mm 1*00 ?o* 2*0

     c# ,4,1*,0 mm 1*00 ?o* 20*0

     d# 0(,1*0 mm 1*00 ?o* 11*,


     a# 12)04*00 mm 1*00 ?o* ,*4

     b# 100,(*0 mm 1*00 ?o* (*

     c# ,+0(*10 mm 1*00 ?o* 24*

     d# 0402*0 mm 1*00 ?o* 1*

    ro3iding and 7ing 6' proof ga&3aniFed

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)


     a# 12+2*12 mm 1*00 ?o* (*

     b# 1001*)0 mm 1*00 ?o* 2,* c# ,4,1*,0 mm 1*00 ?o* 21*)0

     d# 0(,1*0 mm 1*00 ?o* 12*+


     a# 10122,2*0 mm 1*00 ?o* )*10

     b# 12122,2*0 mm 1*00 ?o* +*20

     c# 100122,2*0 mm 1*00 ?o* 4+*(0

     d# ,100202*24 mm 1*00 ?o* 41*4


     a# 10 mm 1*00 ?o* 1,(*

     b# 12 mm 1*00 ?o* 1+1*)

     c# 100 mm 1*00 ?o* 1(,*(0


     a# 10 mm 1*00 ?o* 1+,*,

     b# 12 mm 1*00 ?o* 1,(*

     c# 100 mm 1*00 ?o* 14(*1


     a# 93era&& width ( mm* 1*00 m 1,4*(

     b# 93era&& width 0 mm* 1*00 m 1+*0

     c# 93era&& width + mm* 1*00 m 10*1


     a# (001+ mm 1*00 ?o* 1,(*20

     b# 201+ mm 1*00 ?o* 1++*20

    ro3iding and 7ing S mar.ed oidised

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)


     a# 2010 mm 1*00 ?o* ++*)

     b# 20010 mm 1*00 ?o* *+ c# 1010 mm 1*00 ?o* 4*

     d# 10010 mm 1*00 ?o* ()*10

    2( 1*00 ?o* ,+*0


     a# (0020+ mm 1*00 ?o* +)*+0

     b# 2020+ mm 1*00 ?o* +0*(0


     a# 12 mm 1*00 ?o* 2*)0

     b# 100 mm 1*00 ?o* 2+*40

     c# , mm 1*00?o* 24*0


     a# 10 mm 1*00 ?o* 2(*

     b# 11 mm 1*00 ?o* 20*)

     c# )0 mm 1*00?o* 1,*4


     a# (00 mm weighing not &ess than 200 gms* 1*00?o* (+*20

     b# 20 mm weighing not &ess than 10 gms* 1*00?o* (2*,0

     c# 200 mm weighing not &ess than 120 gms* 1*00?o* (0*40

    2 1*00 ?o* ,*00


     a# 12+41*)0 mm 1*00 ?o* 112*4

     b# 100UU1*)0 mm 1*00 ?o* )*0

     c# ,4,1*0 mm 1*00 ?o* *+0

     d# 0(,1*0 mm 1*00 ?o* ((*00

    ro3iding and 7ing S mar.ed oidised

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)


     a# 12+42*0 mm 1*00 ?o* 140*( b# 100+02*0 mm 1*00 ?o* 10)*)

     c# ,02*0 mm 1*00 ?o* ,,*10


     a# 12* mm "hea3' t'pe# 1*00?o* 420*0

     b# 12,04 mm "ordinar' t'pe# 1*00?o* 1(,*10

     c# 100* mm "hea3' t'pe# 1*00?o* (2*0

     d# 100,04 mm "ordinar' t'pe# 1*00?o* 110*)0

     e# ,+4 mm "hea3' t'pe# 1*00?o* 1(,*(

     f# ,402* mm "ordinar' t'pe# 1*00?o* ,(*0

     g# 0402* mm "ordinar' t'pe# 1*00?o* (2*0


     a# 10122, mm 1*00 ?o* (,1*4

     b# 12122, mm 1*00 ?o* ((0*,

     c# 100122, mm 1*00 ?o* (0,*

     d# ,10020(*2 mm 1*00 ?o* 2(1*0


     a# 2010 mm 1*00 ?o* (01*00

     b# 20010 mm 1*00 ?o* 2()*(0

     c# 1010 mm 1*00 ?o* 1)2*

     d# 10010 mm 1*00 ?o* 1(1*0


     a# (001+ mm 1*00 ?o* 22+*(

     b# 201+ mm 1*00 ?o* 214*,

    2+ 1*00 ?o* 4+*40

    ro3iding and 7ing S : 121, mar.ed stain&essstee& btt hinges "hea3' weight# with stain&essstee& screws etc* comp&ete :

    ro3iding and 7ing bright 7nished brass btthinges with necessar' screws etc* comp&ete :

    ro3iding and 7ing bright 7nished brasspar&iamentar' hinges with necessar' screws etc*comp&ete :

    ro3iding and 7ing bright 7nished brass towerbo&ts "barre& t'pe# with necessar' screws etc*comp&ete :

    ro3iding and 7ing bright 7nished brass door&atch with necessar' screws etc* comp&ete :

    ro3iding and 7ing bright 7nished brass 100mm mortise &atch and &oc. with + &e3ers and apair of &e3er hand&es of appro3ed /a&it' withnecessar' screws etc* comp&ete*

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

    2++ 1*00 ?o* 4,+*,0

    2+, 1*00 ?o* +,4*1


     a# 40 mm 1*00 ?o* 1,4*,0

     b# 0 mm 1*00 ?o* 1+*(

     c# + mm 1*00 ?o* 1)2*1

     d# , mm 1*00 ?o* 20)*

    2+) 1*00 ?o* 4*(0


     a# 12 mm 1*00 ?o* 12*4

     b# 100 mm 1*00 ?o* 1,0*0

     c# , mm 1*00 ?o* 1(*+

    2,1 1*00 ?o* *,0

    2,2 1*00 ?o* ,(*,

    2,( 1*00 ?o* 104(*+0

    ro3iding and 7ing bright 7nished brass 100mm mortice &atch with one dead bo&t and a pairof &e3er hand&es of appro3ed /a&it' withnecessar' screws etc* comp&ete*

    ro3iding and 7ing bright 7nished brass night&atch of appro3ed /a&it' with necessar' screwsetc* comp&ete*

    ro3iding and 7ing specia& /a&it' bright7nished brass cpboard or ward robe &oc.s withfor &e3ers of appro3ed /a&it' with necessar'screws etc* comp&ete*

    ro3iding and 7ing 0 mm bright 7nished brasscp board or wardrobe .nob of appro3ed /a&it'with necessar' screws etc* comp&ete*

    ro3iding and 7ing bright 7nished brasshand&es with screws etc* comp&ete :

    ro3iding and 7ing bright 7nished brasshanging t'pe 6oor door stopper with necessar'screws etc* comp&ete*

    ro3iding and 7ing a&minim die cast bod'tb&ar t'pe ni3ersa& h'dra&ic door c&oser"ha3ing brand &ogo with S S : (+4 embossedon the bod' door weight pto ( .g and doorwidth pto ,00 mm# with necessar' accessoriesand screws etc* comp&ete*

    ro3iding and 7ing a&minim etrded sectionbod' tb&ar t'pe ni3ersa& h'dra&ic doorc&oser "ha3ing brand &ogo with S S : (+4embossed on the bod' door weight pto (+ .gto 0 .g and door width from ,01 mm to1000mm# with dob&e speed adBstment withnecessar' accessories and screws etc*comp&ete*

  • 8/18/2019 DSR-2014 IN MS EXCEL.xlsx


    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)

    2,4 1*00 ?o* ,)*+0


     a# (00 mm weighing not &ess than ((0 gms 1*00?o* 10*1

     b# 20 mm weighing not &ess than 20 gms 1*00?o* 14)*2

     c# 200 mm weighing not &ess than 240 gms 1*00?o* 1(,*+


     a# 10 mm 1*00 ?o* 10+*+

     b# 11 mm 1*00 ?o* )*)

     c# )0 mm 1*00?o* ,*(

    2,, 1*00 ?o* ,)0*(0

    2, 1*00 ?o* ,(2*2


     a# SiFe 40 mm 1*00 ?o* 1,4*,0

     b# SiFe 0 mm 1*00 ?o* 1+*(

     c# SiFe + mm 1*00 ?o* 1),*)

     d# SiFe , mm 1*00 ?o* 22,*00

    20 1*00 ?o* +*,0


     a# 12 mm 1*00 ?o* 240*

     b# 100 mm 1*00 ?o* 211*1

     c# , mm 1*00 ?o* 12*10

    22 1*00 ?o* 12,*20

    ro3iding and 7ing bright 7nished brasscasement window fastener with necessar'screws etc* comp&ete*

    ro3iding and 7ing bright 7nished brass

    casement sta's "straight peg t'pe# withnecessar' screws etc* comp&ete :

    ro3iding and 7ing bright 7nished brass haspand stap&e "safet' t'pe# with necessar' screwsetc* comp&ete:

    ro3iding and 7ing chromim p&ated brass 100mm mortice &atch and &oc. with + &e3ers and apair of &e3er hand&es of appro3ed /a&it' withnecessar' screws etc* comp&ete*

    ro3iding and 7ing chromim p&ated brassnight &atch of appro3ed /a&it' with necessar'screws etc* comp&ete*

    ro3iding and 7ing specia& /a&it' chromim

    p&ated brass cpboard &oc.s with si &e3ers ofappro3ed /a&it' with necessar' screws etc*comp&ete*

    ro3iding and 7ing chromim p&ated brass 0mm cpboard or wardrobe .nobs with ntscomp&ete*

    ro3iding and 7ing chromim p&ated brasshand&es with necessar' screws etc* comp&ete:

    ro3iding and 7ing chromim p&ated brasscasement window fastener with necessar'screws etc* comp&ete*

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    *.No. Description of *tem uantit+ Rate (Rs)


     a# (00 mm weighing not &ess than ((0 gms 1*00?o* 20*0

     b# 20 mm weighing not &ess than 20 gms 1*00?o* 1,(*+ c# 200 mm weighing not &ess than 240 gms 1*00?o* 1+*2


     a# 12,4 mm 1*00 ?o* 10*

     b# 12+(4 mm 1*00 ?o* 10(*00

     c# 100,4 mm 1*00 ?o* )(*10

     d# 100+(4 mm 1*00 ?o* )1*)0

     e# 100+((*2 mm 1*00 ?o* )1*)0

     f# ,+(4 mm 1*00 ?o* 1*(0

     g# ,+((*2 mm 1*00 ?o* ,*)

     h# ,4(*2 mm 1*00 ?o* +*0


     a# (001+ mm 1*00 ?o* 22)*+

     b# 201+ mm 1*00 ?o* 1)*00


     a# (0010 mm 1*00 ?o* 112*10

     b# 2010 mm 1*00 ?o* )*2

     c# 20010 mm 1*00 ?o* ,)*