ds6 astrogrid edinburgh john taylor brian walshe bob mann

DS6 AstroGrid Edinburgh John Taylor Brian Walshe Bob Mann

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Post on 13-Dec-2015




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DS6 AstroGrid Edinburgh

John TaylorBrian Walshe

Bob Mann

DS6 ProgressAstroGrid Edinburgh

● Basics● Visualisation tool interoperability● Data mining


Basics● Recruit Data miner/developer

DONE - Lorenzo Rimoldini to start as Astronomer/Data miner October (not VOTech)

DONE - Brian Walshe to start as Data miner/developer October

Viz Tool Interop - Plastic● VisIVO - Marco and Bjorn to visit IfA

VisIVO now sends and receives Plastic messages. ● Astroneural - Antonino to visit in IfA July

Didn't happen ● Others - GAIA, Mirage...want critical mass of

plasticized tools Good progress....

...Plastic (continued)● > 12 plastic apps● 9 talks at Victoria● No apps outside Europe

Edinburgh – Quick Plastic Demo● Workbench/Plastic – enabled web pages● Message “actions” - small mod to spec.

(proposed)● Prototypes!● http://eurovotech.org/wfau/tupperware/ShowApplet.html

Tool Interop - AR/CEA● Weka does MySpace access and Cone Search

through the Workbench/AstroRuntime● Weka algorithms through CEA (prototypes)● Running FLY on Edinburgh HPC through CEA● Launching FLY from VisIVO through WB.● Deployed AnomalyDetector through CEA (see


Scalable Data Mining● Run KDE estimation code using VOTech broker

Not done Meeting with Bob Nichol arranged for November Handover of VOTechBroker code by Garry

underway DS3 to take over maintenance of VOTechBroker?? DS6 to be an early adopter

Scalable Data Mining● Investigate scalability of Weka (MSc project)

DONE. Dissertation submitted. ● Look into offering kd-trees as a datacenter

service/API Under way – New hires Anomaly Detector now deployed (demo) http://wiki.eurovotech.org/twiki/bin/view/VOTech/



● Offers Help with plasticization Calling WB from javascript/html

● Requests STILTS help Re Anomaly Detection Applet Jar shrinking Plastic spec refinement and IVOA note Questions on SIAP

Edinburgh Plans● Concentrate on Datamining

Two new starts● Build on work done on Weka● Datamining algorithms in databases

Pilot the use of VOTechBroker● kd-trees and KDE● Build collaborations with U.Pitt and Portsmouth

● The Report