drupal 8 in action, the route to the method

Drupal 8 in action, the route to the method @juanolalla #DrupalCampEs

Post on 21-Oct-2014




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Drupal 8 in action,the route to the method

@juanolalla #DrupalCampEs

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Juan Olallaweb developer focused on drupalat @ideup (@gowex)

MotivationI’ve recently been contributing to Drupal 8 coreand I want to share with you what I've learned

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Wellcome to

Drupal 8 Routing

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Goodbye tohook_menu()

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Goodbye to hook_menu() for routingand for everything else...

Routing Routes defined in routing.yml and controllers

Menu links Defined in hook_default_menu_links()

Local actions Plugins defined in local_actions.yml

Local tasks Plugins defined in local_tasks.yml

Contextual links Plugins defined in contextual_links.yml

Breadcrumbs Implementing BreadcrumbBuilder plugins

Links can be related regardless of the path, managed by machine names.

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Drupal 8 uses Symfony2 Routingcomponent

And also uses Symfony CMFRoutingBundle for dynamic routing

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What is a route?

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A route is an object defined by

1. Path

2. Default values

3. Requirements

4. Options

5. Host

6. Schemes

7. Methods

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use Symfony\Component\Routing\Route;

$route = new Route(

'/archive/{month}', // path

array('controller' => 'showArchive'), // default values


'month' => '[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}',

'subdomain' => 'www|m',

), // requirements

array(), // options

'{subdomain}.example.com', // host

array(), // schemes

array() // methods


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The Routing component gets routes from

• PHP code:

• a RouteCollection object

• closures

• class annotations

• External files:




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Drupal 8 uses YAML to define routesfoo.archive:

path: '/archive/{month}'





month: '[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}'

subdomain: 'www|m'

host: '{subdomain}.example.com'

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Let’s start with a plain “hello world”

using a /hello-world path

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Defining the route in YAML



path: '/hello-world'





_access: 'TRUE'

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Creating the controller


namespace Drupal\foo\Controller;

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

class FooController {

public function helloWorld() {

$response = new Response('Hello World!');

$response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/plain');

return $response;



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Hello World!

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Drupal 8 will use PSR-4 for module classes insteadof PSR-0

/modules/foo/lib/Controller/FooController.phpinstead of/modules/foo/lib/Drupal/foo/Controller/FooController.php

drupal.org issue: https://drupal.org/node/1971198

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Returning a JSON responsenamespace Drupal\foo\Controller;

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse

class FooController {

public function helloWorld() {

return new JsonResponse(

array('greeting' => 'Hello World!')




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{"greeting":"Hello World!"}

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Returning "hello world" insideDrupal content

using a /hello-world path

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Defining the route in YAMLfoo.hello_world:

path: '/hello-world'




_title: 'Greeting'


_permission: 'access content'

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Returning a render arraynamespace Drupal\foo\Controller;

use Drupal\Core\Controller\ControllerBase;

class FooController extends ControllerBase {

public function helloWorld() {

$build = array();

$build['#markup'] = $this->t('Hello World!');

return $build;



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What about dynamic page titles?

drupal_set_title() is being removed

Use _title_callback in the route defaultsdefaults:



Or return it as part of the main render array$build['#title'] = ...

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Returning a "hello world"greeting configuration format /admin/config/people/greeting

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Defining the route in YAML


path: '/admin/config/people/greeting'


_form: '\Drupal\foo\Form\FooForm'


_permission: 'administer greeting'

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use Drupal\Core\Form\ConfigFormBase;

class FooForm extends ConfigFormBase {

public function getFormId() { return 'foo_form'; }

public function buildForm(array $form, array &$form_state) {

$form['foo_greeting'] = array(

'#type' => 'textfield',

'#title' => $this->t('Greeting'),

'#default_value' => 'Hellow World!',


return parent::buildForm($form, $form_state);



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FormBase implements FormInterfacenamespace Drupal\Core\Form;

interface FormInterface {

public function getFormId();

public function buildForm(array $form, array &$form_state);

public function validateForm(array &$form, array &$form_state);

public function submitForm(array &$form, array &$form_state);


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Advanced Routing

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# Control the full response apart from Drupal extra content

_controller: '\Drupal\book\Controller\BookController::bookExport'

# Put content in the main region and let Drupal do the rest

_content: '\Drupal\book\Controller\BookController::bookRender'

# Get the buildForm method of a class extending a Drupal Form

_form: '\Drupal\book\Form\BookSettingsForm'

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Entity defaults


# Call buildForm for the action entity add operation Form

_entity_form: 'action.add'

# Display a list of taxonomy_vocabulary entity objects

_entity_list: 'taxonomy_vocabulary'

# Show the full view mode of a user entity object

_entity_view: 'user.full'

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Passing parameters to the controller method# Parameter defined in the path

path: '/comment/{comment}/approve'

# Default parameter

path: '/admin/structure/types'


entity_type: 'node_type'

# Optional (both in the path and with a default value)

path: '/admin/config/search/path/{keys}'


keys: NULL

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path: '/admin/structure/types'




entity_type: 'node_type'

_title: 'Content types'

class EntityListController extends ControllerBase {

public function listing($entity_type) {

return $this->entityManager()





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Parameters are upcasted to entities by entity type idcontact.personal_page

path: '/user/{user}/contact'


path: '/contact/{contact_category}'

class ContactController {

public function contactPersonalPage(UserInterface $user) {...}

public function contactSitePage(

CategoryInterface $contact_category = NULL) {...}


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Explicitly converting parameters into entitiesfoo.hello_user:

path: '/{foo_user}/hello/{user}'

# e.g. /1/hello/2


_content: '\...\FooController::helloUser'




type: 'entity:user'

# {foo_user} will also be passed as a user entity

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Regular expressions requirements for parameters# {op} parameter can only be 'enable' or 'disable'


path: '/admin/structure/views/view/{view}/{op}'


op: 'enable|disable'

# {user} parameter can only be a number


path: '/user/{user}'


user: \d+

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Access Check_you_shall_not_pass: TRUE

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Drupal 8 doesn't implement Symfony2 Securitycomponent, and manages access from routing

Symfony uses a separate Security component for controlling route accessthat is too complex to integrate in Drupal 8.

Drupal 8 implements access checkers services, which will ignore, allow ordeny the access based on a requirement on the route.

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Checking Permissionsnode.overview_types:

path: '/admin/structure/types'




entity_type: 'node_type'

_title: 'Content types'


_permission: 'administer content types'

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Still setting permissions in hook_permission()function node_permission() {

return array(

'administer content types' => array(

'title' => t('Administer content types'),

'restrict access' => TRUE,




I asked for hook_permission() in IRC #drupal-contribute<timplunkett> juanolalla: no plans to replace that AFAIK

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Common access checkers provided by Drupal core# Always pass, or 'FALSE' to always fail and block access


_access: 'TRUE'

# Role IDs separated by "," (any role) or "+" (all roles)


_role: 'authenticated,admin'

# Passes if the user is logged in


_user_is_logged_in: 'TRUE'

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Other useful access checkers provided# Checks if any/all (,/+) the specified modules are enabled


_module_dependencies: 'node + search'

# Checks access to the specified entity_type.operation


_entity_access: 'node.edit'

# Checks access to the specified entity_type:entity_bundle


_entity_create_access: 'taxonomy_term:{taxonomy_vocabulary}'

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Declaring your own custom access checker

Declare your requirement checker in .routing.ymlrequirements:

_you_shall_not_pass: 'TRUE'

Register an access checker class as a service (in .services.yml)services:


class: Drupal\foo\Access\GandalfAccessCheck


- { name: access_check }

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Writting your own custom access checker classclass GandalfAccessCheck implements StaticAccessCheckInterface {

public function appliesTo() {

return array('_you_shall_not_pass');


public function access(Route $route, Request $request) {

$requirement = $route->getRequirement('_you_shall_not_pass');

if (!in_array('https', $route->getSchemes())

&& $requirement == 'TRUE') {

return static::DENY; // or return static::ALLOW

} // No return means other checkers will decide



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Access mode options, checking any or all requirementsnode.add_page:

path: '/node/add'


_title: 'Add page'

_content: '\Drupal\node\Controller\NodeController::addPage'


_access_mode: 'ANY'


_permission: 'administer content types'

_node_add_access: 'node'

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Building Dynamic RoutesImplement a route subscriber class

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/core/modules/system/Routing/RouteSubscriber.phpnamespace Drupal\system\Routing;

use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteSubscriberBase;

use Symfony\Component\Routing\Route;

use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection;


* Provides dynamic routes for theme administration.


class RouteSubscriber extends RouteSubscriberBase {

protected function routes(RouteCollection $collection) {...}


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protected function routes(RouteCollection $collection) {

foreach (list_themes() as $theme) {

$route = new Route(

'admin/appearance/settings/' . $theme->name,


'_form' => '\Drupal\system\Form\ThemeSettingsForm',

'theme_name' => $theme->name


array('_permission' => 'administer themes'),



'system.theme_settings_' . $theme->name, $route);



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Dependency injectionKeep your controllers clean and thin

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Our classes shouldn't have hard-coded dependenciesclass SongController {

public function getRandomSong() {

// db_query() is a hard-coded dependency

$songs = db_query('SELECT name FROM {songs}')->fetchCol();

$song = $songs[rand(0, count($songs) - 1)];

return new JsonResponse(

array('song' => $song)




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Decoupling the dependency

protected $database; // Drupal\Core\Database\Connection;

public function getRandomSong() {

$songs = $this->database

->query('SELECT name FROM {songs}')->fetchCol();

return $songs[rand(0, count($songs) - 1)];


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Getting the dependency injecteduse Drupal\Core\Database\Connection;

use Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\ContainerInjectionInterface;

use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;

class SongController implements ContainerInjectionInterface {

protected $database;

public function __construct(Connection $database) {

$this->database = $database;


public static function create(ContainerInterface $container) {

// Instantiate the controller with a database object

return new static($container->get('database'));


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Thank you!