drap regulations part ii final

 -:9:- SCHEDULE –II  [See regu lation (2)(1)(b )] CONDITIONS OF APPOINTMENT Method of Appointment S. No . Name of Po st RO Scale !al" f" cat" o# a# $ E%&e'" e#ce M" #"m!m a(e l" m" t Ma %"m!m A(e L"m"t ) * + , 1. Chief Executive Officer MP-I OR with t he approval of Policy oard mar!et "a#ed #alary #u"$ect to maximum of R#.1.% Million  per month . &ha ll "e appoint ed "y the 'ed era l (ove rnme nt on the reco mmen dati on of Policy oard) who#e *ualification# term# and condition# #hall "e followed Po#t+raduat e de+ree in Pharmacy or me dic ine ) wit h a min imu m of twen ty ye ar# ex pe ri ence in mana+eme nt of p harmaceu tical field or re+ulato ry affair#) in pu"lic # ector) or if no #uch per# on of afore#aid *ualification # i# availa"le in the pu"lic #ector) then a per#on po## e##i n+ a"ove *ualificatio n# a nd experienc e from the private #ector, % year# % year#

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 [See regulation (2)(1)(b)] 


Method of Appointment

S. No. Name of Post RO Scale !al"f"cat"o# a#$ E%&e'"e#ce M"#"m!m a(e l"m"t Ma%"m!m A(e L"m

) * + ,

1. Chief Executive Officer MP-I OR with the

approval of Policy oard

mar!et "a#ed

#alary #u"$ect tomaximum of 

R#.1.% Million per month.

&hall "e appointed "y the 'ederal

(overnment on the recommendation

of Policy oard) who#e *ualification#

term# and condition# #hall "e followed

Po#t+raduate de+ree in Pharmacy or 

medicine) with a minimum of 

twenty year# experience in

mana+ement of pharmaceutical field

or re+ulatory affair#) in pu"lic #ector)

or if no #uch per#on of afore#aid

*ualification# i# availa"le in the pu"lic

#ector) then a per#on po##e##in+

a"ove *ualification# and experience

from the private #ector,

% year# % year#

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Met2o$ of A&&o"#tme#t

 S. No. Name of


RO I#"t"al A&&o"#tme#t 34 P'omot"o#

) * + ,

1. /irector 1% Maximum A+e limit %0 year#

P2. D. "# P2a'mac4 o' P2a'mace!t"cs

o' "# 'elate$ f"el$ of P2a'mace!t"cal

Sc"e#ces 5P2a'macolo(46

P2a'mace!t"cal C2em"st'46

P2a'mace!t"cal M"c'o 3"olo(47 8"t2)/ 4ea's 'elate$ e%&e'"e#ce "#

&2a'mace!t"cal f"el$ o' Maste' M.

P2"l "# P2a'mace!t"cs

P2a'mace!t"cal C2em"st'4 8"t2 )+

4ea's 'elate$ e%&e'"e#ce "#

P2a'mace!t"cal f"el$

• 1 year# #ervice in P&-1 and a"ove or 

12 year# #ervice in P&-13 and a"ove

for initial recruit# in P&-13 or % year##ervice in P&-14 for initial recruit# in

P& 14.

• /RAP officer# would have to complete&MC 5for Civil employee#6 or 

cu#tomi7ed cour#e# a# approved "y the

Policy oard 5for /RAP Employee#6applica"le from 1#t 8uly) 021% for tho#e

who are nominated for #uch cour#e#)however) tho#e employee# who have

attained the a+e of %3 year# will "e

exempted from #uch cour#e#) a# per  pre#cri"ed rule#.

• 9avin+ "a#ic *ualification in Pharmacy

a# #pecified in column .

&u"$ect to the /R

Employee# Rule# 021%

 per &ection %.  Civil &ervant *uota)

/RAP employee# with

%2: a# promotion and for fre#h direct recruitm

0. Additional/irector 

1 Maximum A+e year#

P2. D. "# P2a'mac4 o' P2a'mace!t"cs

o' "# 'elate$ f"el$ of P2a'mace!t"cal

Sc"e#ces 5P2a'macolo(46

P2a'mace!t"cal C2em"st'46

P2a'mace!t"cal M"c'o 3"olo(47 8"t2

4ea's 'elate$ e%&e'"e#ce "#

&2a'mace!t"cal f"el$ o' Maste' M.

P2"l "# P2a'mace!t"cal C2em"st'4 8"t2

)/ 4ea's 'elate$ e%&e'"e#ce "#

P2a'mace!t"cal f"el$

• 10 year# #ervice in P&-1 and a"ove

and year# #ervice in P&-13 for initial

recruit# in P&-13.• /RAP officer# would have to complete

&MC 5for Civil employee#6 or 

cu#tomi7ed cour#e# a# approved "y thePolicy oard 5for /RAP Employee#6

applica"le from 1#t 8uly) 021% for tho#ewho are nominated for #uch cour#e#)

however) tho#e employee# who haveattained the a+e of %3 year# will "e

exempted from #uch cour#e#) a# per 

 pre#cri"ed rule#.

• 9avin+ "a#ic *ualification in Pharmacy

a# #pecified in column .

&u"$ect to the /REmployee# Rule# 021%

 per &ection %.  Civil &ervant *uota)

/RAP employee# with%2: a# promotion and

a# fre#h direct recruitme

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;. /eputy


1; Maximum a+e ;4 year#

P2. D. "# P2a'mac4 o' P2a'mace!t"cs

o' "# 'elate$ f"el$ of P2a'mace!t"cal

Sc"e#ces 5P2a'macolo(46

P2a'mace!t"cal C2em"st'46

P2a'mace!t"cal M"c'o 3"olo(47 8"t2 /,

4ea's 'elate$ e%&e'"e#ce "#

&2a'mace!t"cal f"el$ o' Maste' M. P2"l

"# O'(a#"c P2a'mace!t"cal C2em"st'4

8"t2 / 4ea's 'elate$ e%&e'"e#ce "#P2a'mace!t"cal f"el$ o' P2a'm. D6 3.

P2a'mac4 8"t2 /; 4ea's 'elate$

e%&e'"e#ce "# P2a'mace!t"cal f"el$.

< To e#s!'e a=a"la>"l"t4 of e%&e't"se "#

$"ffe'e#t f"el$s a ma%"m!m of */ ? of 

&os"t"o#s a=a"la>le fo' 'ec'!"tme#t s2all

>e f"lle$ >4 ot2e' @!al"f"cat"o#s t2a#

&2a'mac4 "# 'elate$ s&ec"al"e$ f"el$s.

Ca#$"$ates 2a="#( @!al"f"cat"o#s of 

s!>Bect s&ec"alt4 8"t2 >as"c

@!al"f"cat"o#s "# &2a'mac4 8"ll >e


3year# #ervice in P&-1

. A##i#tant/irector

10 Maximum a+e ;0 year#

P2a'm. D o' 3. P2a'mac4. Rele=a#t

&2a'mace!t"cal e%&e'"e#ce a#$

@!al"f"cat"o# 8"ll >e &'efe''e$.

< To e#s!'e a=a"la>"l"t4 of e%&e't"se "#

$"ffe'e#t f"el$s a ma%"m!m of */ ? of 

&os"t"o#s of $"'ect 'ec'!"tme#t s2all >e

f"lle$ >4 ot2e' >!t 'ele=a#t

@!al"f"cat"o#s t2a# &2a'mac4. 5L"e

me$"cal6 o'(a#"c c2em6 m"c'o>"olo(46

>"otec2#olo(4.7 Ca#$"$ates 2a="#(

@!al"f"cat"o#s of s!>Bect s&ec"alt4 8"t2

>as"c @!al"f"cat"o#s "# &2a'mac4 8"ll


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>e &'efe'a>le.


%. A##i#tant



10   • Maximum age 32 years

• Phram D or B Pharm

• Having additionalqualifcation / experience inclinical pharmacy or clinicalpharmacology

< To e#s!'e a=a"la>"l"t4 of e%&e't"se

"# $"ffe'e#t f"el$s a ma%"m!m of */? of &os"t"o#s a=a"la>le fo'

'ec'!"tme#t s2all >e f"lle$ >4 ot2e'

>!t 'ele=a#t @!al"f"cat"o#s t2a#

&2a'mac4. 5L"e me$"cal6 o'(a#"c

c2em6 m"c'o>"olo(46 >"otec2#olo(4.7

Ca#$"$ates 2a="#( @!al"f"cat"o#s of 

s!>Bect s&ec"alt4 8"t2 >as"c

@!al"f"cat"o#s "# &2a'mac4 s2all >e




1. /irector 1% Maximum A+e %0 year#

P2. D. "# P2a'mac4 o' P2a'mace!t"cs

o' "# 'elate$ f"el$ of P2a'mace!t"cal

Sc"e#ces 5P2a'macolo(46

P2a'mace!t"cal C2em"st'46

P2a'mace!t"cal M"c'o 3"olo(47 8"t2

)/ 4ea's 'elate$ e%&e'"e#ce "#

&2a'mace!t"cal f"el$ o' Maste' M.

P2"l "# P2a'mace!t"cs

P2a'mace!t"cal C2em"st'4 8"t2 )+

4ea's 'elate$ e%&e'"e#ce "#

P2a'mace!t"cal f"el$

• 1 year# #ervice in P&-1 and a"ove or 

12 year# #ervice in P&-13 and a"ove

for initial recruit# in P&-13 or % year##ervice in P&-14 for initial recruit# inP& 14.

• /RAP officer# would have to complete

&MC 5for Civil employee#6 or 

cu#tomi7ed cour#e# a# approved "y thePolicy oard 5for /RAP Employee#6

applica"le from 1#t 8uly) 021% for tho#ewho are nominated for #uch cour#e#)

however) tho#e employee# who have

attained the a+e of %3 year# will "eexempted from #uch cour#e#) a# per 

 pre#cri"ed rule#.

9avin+ "a#ic *ualification in Pharmacy a#

&u"$ect to the /R

Employee# Rule# 021%

 per &ection %.  Civil &ervant *uota)

/RAP employee# with%2: a# promotion and

for fre#h direct recruitm

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#pecified in column .


0. Additional/irector 

1 Maximum A+e year#

P2. D. "# P2a'mac4 o' P2a'mace!t"cs

o' "# 'elate$ f"el$ of P2a'mace!t"cal

Sc"e#ces 5P2a'macolo(46

P2a'mace!t"cal C2em"st'46

P2a'mace!t"cal M"c'o 3"olo(47 8"t2

4ea's 'elate$ e%&e'"e#ce "#

&2a'mace!t"cal f"el$ o' Maste' M.P2"l "# P2a'mace!t"cal C2em"st'4 8"t2

)/ 4ea's 'elate$ e%&e'"e#ce "#

P2a'mace!t"cal f"el$

• 1 year# #ervice in P&-1 and a"ove or 

year# #ervice in P&-13 for initial

recruit# in P&-13

• /RAP officer# would have to complete

&MC 5for Civil employee#6 or 

cu#tomi7ed cour#e# a# approved "y thePolicy oard 5for /RAP Employee#6

applica"le from 1#t 8uly) 021% for tho#e

who are nominated for #uch cour#e#)however) tho#e employee# who have

attained the a+e of %3 year# will "eexempted from #uch cour#e#) a# per 

 pre#cri"ed rule#.

• 9avin+ "a#ic *ualification in Pharmacy

a# #pecified in column .

&u"$ect to the /REmployee# Rule# 021%

 per &ection %.  Civil &ervant *uota)

/RAP employee# with

%2: a# promotion and for fre#h direct recruitm

;. /eputy


1; Maximum A+e ;4 year#

P2. D. "# P2a'mac4 o' P2a'mace!t"cs

o' "# 'elate$ f"el$ of P2a'mace!t"cal

Sc"e#ces 5P2a'macolo(46

P2a'mace!t"cal C2em"st'46

P2a'mace!t"cal M"c'o 3"olo(47 8"t2 /,4ea's 'elate$ e%&e'"e#ce "#

&2a'mace!t"cal f"el$ o' Maste' M. P2"l

"# O'(a#"c P2a'mace!t"cal C2em"st'4

8"t2 / 4ea's 'elate$ e%&e'"e#ce "#

P2a'mace!t"cal f"el$ o' P2a'm. D6 3.

P2a'mac4 8"t2 /; 4ea's 'elate$

e%&e'"e#ce "# P2a'mace!t"cal f"el$.

% year# #ervice in P&-1<

. A##i#tant/irector

10 Maximum A+e ;0 year#Pharm. /) or . Pharmacy. -

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1. /irector 1% Maximum A+e %0 year#

P2. D. "# P2a'mac4 o' P2a'mace!t"cs

o' "# 'elate$ f"el$ of P2a'mace!t"cal


C2em"st'4 o' P2a'mace!t"cal M"c'o

3"olo(4 8"t2 )/ 4ea's 'elate$

e%&e'"e#ce "# &2a'mace!t"cal f"el$ o'

Maste' M. P2"l "# P2a'mace!t"cs

M"c'o 3"olo(4 o' &ost ('a$!at"o# "#

2ealt2 &2a'mac4 )+ 4ea's 'elate$e%&e'"e#ce "# &2a'mace!t"cal f"el$s.

• 1 year# #ervice in P&-1 and a"ove or 12

year# #ervice in P&-13 and a"ove for 

initial recruit# in P&-13 or % year# #ervice

in P&-14 for initial recruit# in P& 14.

• /RAP officer# would have to complete

&MC 5for Civil employee#6 or cu#tomi7ed

cour#e# a# approved "y the Policy oard5for /RAP Employee#6 applica"le from 1#t

8uly) 021% for tho#e who are nominated for #uch cour#e#) however) tho#e employee#

who have attained the a+e of %3 year# will

 "e exempted from #uch cour#e#) a# per  pre#cri"ed rule#.

• 9avin+ "a#ic *ualification in Pharmacy a#

#pecified in column .

• 9avin+ "a#ic *ualification in Pharmacy a#

#pecified in column .

&u"$ect to the /R

Employee# Rule# 02a# per &ection %.

  Civil &ervant *uand /RAP employ


%2: a# promotion %2: for fre#h di


0. Additional

/irector 1 Maximum A+e year#

P2. D. "# P2a'mac4 o' P2a'mace!t"cs

o' "# 'elate$ f"el$ of P2a'mace!t"cal


C2em"st'4 o' P2a'mace!t"cal M"c'o

3"olo(4 8"t2 4ea's 'elate$ e%&e'"e#ce

"# &2a'mace!t"cal f"el$ o' Maste'

M. P2"l "# P2a'mace!t"cal A#al4t"cal

C2em"st'4 o' P2a'mace!t"cal M"c'o

3"olo(4 8"t2 )/ 4ea's 'elate$

e%&e'"e#ce "# P2a'mace!t"cal f"el$s.

• 1 year# #ervice in P&-1 and a"ove or

year# #ervice in P&-13 for initial recruit#

in P&-13.

• /RAP officer# would have to complete

&MC 5for Civil employee#6 or cu#tomi7ed

cour#e# a# approved "y the Policy oard5for /RAP Employee#6 applica"le from 1#t

8uly) 021% for tho#e who are nominated for #uch cour#e#) however) tho#e employee#

who have attained the a+e of %3 year# will "e exempted from #uch cour#e#) a# per 

 pre#cri"ed rule#.

• 9avin+ "a#ic *ualification in Pharmacy a#

#pecified in column .

&u"$ect to the /R

Employee# Rule# 02a# per &ection %.

  Civil &ervant *uand /RAP employwith

%2: a# promotion %2: for fre#h di


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;. /eputy


1; Maximum A+e ;4 year#

P2. D. "# P2a'mac4 o' P2a'mace!t"cso' "# 'elate$ f"el$ of A#al4t"cal o'

P2a'mace!t"cal C2em"st'4 o' M"c'o3"olo(4 8"t2 /* 4ea's 'elate$ e%&e'"e#ce "#

&2a'mace!t"cal f"el$ o' Maste's M.P2"l "#A#al4t"cal P2a'mace!t"cal C2em"st'4 o'

M"c'o 3"olo(4 8"t2 / 4ea's 'elate$

e%&e'"e#ce "# &2a'mace!t"cal f"el$s o'

P2a'm. D6 3. P2a'mac46 8"t2 / 4ea's'elate$ e%&e'"e#ce "# P2a'mace!t"cal f"el$.

< To e#s!'e a=a"la>"l"t4 of e%&e't"se "#

$"ffe'e#t f"el$s a ma%"m!m of */ ? of 

&os"t"o#s of $"'ect 'ec'!"tme#t s2all >e

f"lle$ >4 ot2e' @!al"f"cat"o#s t2a#

&2a'mac4 o#l4 "# la>o'ato'4 test"#(.

Ca#$"$ates 2a="#( @!al"f"cat"o#s of s!>Bect

s&ec"alt4 8"t2 >as"c @!al"f"cat"o#s "#

&2a'mac4 8"ll >e &'efe'a>le.

% year# #ervice in P&-1.

. A##i#tant

/irector10 Maximum A+e ;0 year#

P2a'm. D6 3. P2a'mac4. Relate$

P2a'mace!t"cal e%&e'"e#ce 8"ll >e


< To e#s!'e a=a"la>"l"t4 of e%&e't"se "#

$"ffe'e#t f"el$s a ma%"m!m of */ ? of 

&os"t"o#s of $"'ect 'ec'!"tme#t s2all >e

f"lle$ >4 ot2e' @!al"f"cat"o#s t2a#

&2a'mac4 o#l4 "# la>o'ato'4 test"#(.

Ca#$"$ates 2a="#( @!al"f"cat"o#s of s!>Bect

s&ec"alt4 8"t2 >as"c @!al"f"cat"o#s "#&2a'mac4 8"ll >e &'efe'a>le.

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1. /irector 1% Maximum A+e %0 year#

P2. D. "# P2a'mac4 o' P2a'mace!t"cs

o' "# 'elate$ f"el$ of 3"o Me$"cal

E#("#ee'"#(6 8"t2 )/ 4ea's 'elate$

e%&e'"e#ce "# P2a'mace!t"cal Me$"cal

De="ce f"el$ o' Maste' M.P2"l "#

P2a'mac46 3"o Me$"cal E#("#ee'"#(

8"t2 )+ 4ea's 'elate$ e%&e'"e#ce "#

P2a'mace!t"cal Me$"cal De="ce f"el$.

• 1 year# #ervice in P&-1 and a"ove or 12

year# #ervice in P&-13 and a"ove for 

initial recruit# in P&-13 or % year# #ervicein P&-14 for initial recruit# in P& 14.

• /RAP officer# would have to complete

&MC 5for Civil employee#6 or cu#tomi7edcour#e# a# approved "y the Policy oard

5for /RAP Employee#6 applica"le from 1#t

8uly) 021% for tho#e who are nominated for #uch cour#e#) however) tho#e employee#

who have attained the a+e of %3 year# will "e exempted from #uch cour#e#) a# per 

 pre#cri"ed rule#.

• 9avin+ "a#ic *ualification in Pharmacy a#

#pecified in column .

&u"$ect to the /REmployee# Rule# 02

a# per &ection %.

  Civil &ervant *uand /RAP employ

with%2: a# promotion

%2: for fre#h di


• 9avin+ "a#ic *ualification in Pharmacy a#

#pecified in column .

0. Additional/irector 

1 Maximum A+e year#

P2. D. "# P2a'mac4 o' P2a'mace!t"cs

o' "# 'elate$ f"el$ of 3"o Me$"calE#("#ee'"#( 8"t2 / 4ea's 'elate$

e%&e'"e#ce "# P2a'mace!t"cal Me$"cal

De="ce f"el$ o' Maste' M.P2"l "# 3"o

Me$"cal E#("#ee'"#( 8"t2 )/ 4ea's

'elate$ e%&e'"e#ce "# P2a'mace!t"cal

Me$"cal De="ce f"el$.

• 1 #ervice in P&-1 and a"ove or year#

#ervice in P&-13 for initial recruit# in


• /RAP officer# would have to complete

&MC 5for Civil employee#6 or cu#tomi7edcour#e# a# approved "y the Policy oard

5for /RAP Employee#6 applica"le from 1#t

8uly) 021% for tho#e who are nominated for 

#uch cour#e#) however) tho#e employee#

who have attained the a+e of %3 year# will "e exempted from #uch cour#e#) a# per 

 pre#cri"ed rule#.

• 9avin+ "a#ic *ualification in Pharmacy a#

#pecified in column .

&u"$ect to the /REmployee# Rule# 02

a# per &ection %.  Civil &ervant *u

and /RAP employ

with%2: a# promotion

%2: for fre#h direcruitment.

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;. /eputy


1; Maximum A+e ;4 year#

P2. D. "# P2a'mac4 o' P2a'mace!t"cso' "# 'elate$ f"el$ of 3"o Me$"cal

E#("#ee'"#( 8"t2 /, 4ea's 'elate$

e%&e'"e#ce "# P2a'mace!t"cal Me$"cal

De="ce f"el$ o' Maste' M.P2"l "# 3"oMe$"cal E#("#ee'"#( 8"t2 / 4ea's 'elate$

e%&e'"e#ce "# P2a'mace!t"cal Me$"calDe="ce f"el$ o' 3. P2a'mac4 o' P2a'm. D.6

8"t2 /;4ea's e%&e'"e#ce "#P2a'mace!t"cal Me$"cal De="ce f"el$.

% year# #ervice in P&-1.

< To e#s!'e a=a"la>"l"t4 of e%&e't"se "#$"ffe'e#t f"el$s a ma%"m!m of */ ? of

&os"t"o#s of $"'ect 'ec'!"tme#t s2all >e

f"lle$ >4 ot2e' @!al"f"cat"o#s t2a#

&2a'mac4. Ca#$"$ates 2a="#(

@!al"f"cat"o#s of s!>Bect s&ec"alt4 8"t2

>as"c @!al"f"cat"o#s "# &2a'mac4 8"ll >e


. A##i#tant

/irector10 Maximum A+e ;0 year#

3. P2a'mac4 o' P2a'm. D.

< To e#s!'e a=a"la>"l"t4 of e%&e't"se "#

$"ffe'e#t f"el$s a ma%"m!m of */ ? of 

&os"t"o#s of $"'ect 'ec'!"tme#t s2all >e

f"lle$ >4 ot2e' @!al"f"cat"o#s t2a#

&2a'mac4. Ca#$"$ates 2a="#(

@!al"f"cat"o#s of s!>Bect s&ec"alt4 8"t2

>as"c @!al"f"cat"o#s "# &2a'mac4 8"ll >e




1. /irector 1% Maximum A+e %0 year#P2. D. "# P2a'mac4 o' P2a'mace!t"cs

o' "# 'elate$ f"el$ of 3"olo("cal6 3"o-

Me$"cal o' 3"o-Tec2#olo(46 8"t2 )/

4ea's 'elate$ e%&e'"e#ce "# t2e

&2a'mace!t"cal f"el$ o' Maste' M.

P2"l "# P2a'mac46 3"olo("cal6 3"o-

Me$"cal o' 3"o-Tec2#olo(4 8"t2 )+

4ea's 'elate$ e%&e'"e#ce "# e=al!at"o#

o' test"#( of >"olo("cal $'!(s

• 1 year# #ervice in P&-1 and a"ove or 12

year# #ervice in P&-13 and a"ove for 

initial recruit# in P&-13 or % year# #ervice

in P&-14 for initial recruit# in P& 14.

&u"$ect to the /REmployee# Rule# 02

a# per &ection %.  Civil &ervant *u

and /RAP employ

with%2: a# promotand %2: for fr

direct recruitment.

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• /RAP officer# would have to complete

&MC 5for Civil employee#6 or cu#tomi7ed

cour#e# a# approved "y the Policy oard5for /RAP Employee#6 applica"le from 1#t

8uly) 021% for tho#e who are nominated for #uch cour#e#) however) tho#e employee#

who have attained the a+e of %3 year# will

 "e exempted from #uch cour#e#) a# per  pre#cri"ed rule#.

• 9avin+ "a#ic *ualification in Pharmacy a#

#pecified in column .

• 9avin+ "a#ic *ualification in Pharmacy a#

#pecified in column .

0. Additional

/irector 1 Maximum A+e year#

P2. D. "# P2a'mac4 o' P2a'mace!t"cs

o' "# 'elate$ f"el$ of 3"olo("cal6 3"o-

Me$"cal o' 3"o-Tec2#olo(46 8"t2 /

4ea's 'elate$ e%&e'"e#ce "# t2e

&2a'mace!t"cal f"el$ o' Maste' M.

P2"l "# P2a'mac46 3"olo("cal6 3"o-Me$"cal o' 3"o-Tec2#olo(4 8"t2 )/

4ea's 'elate$ e%&e'"e#ce "# e=al!at"o#

o' test"#( of >"olo("cal $'!(s.

• 1 year# #ervice in P&-1 and a"ove or

year# #ervice in P&-13 for initial recruit#in P&-13.

• /RAP officer# would have to complete

&MC 5for Civil employee#6 or cu#tomi7edcour#e# a# approved "y the Policy oard

5for /RAP Employee#6 applica"le from 1#t

8uly) 021% for tho#e who are nominated for 

#uch cour#e#) however) tho#e employee#who have attained the a+e of %3 year# will

 "e exempted from #uch cour#e#) a# per 

 pre#cri"ed rule#.

• 9avin+ "a#ic *ualification in Pharmacy a#

#pecified in column .

&u"$ect to the /R

Employee# Rule# 02a# per &ection %.

  Civil &ervant *u

and /RAP employwith

%2: a# promotion %2: for fre#h di


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;. /eputy


1; Maximum A+e ;4 year#

P2. D. "# P2a'mac4 o' P2a'mace!t"cso' "# 'elate$ f"el$ of 3"olo("cal6 Me$"cal o'

3"o Tec2#olo(46 8"t2 /* 4ea's 'elate$

e%&e'"e#ce "# t2e &2a'mace!t"cal f"el$ o'

Maste's M.P2"l "# 3"olo("cal6 Me$"cal o'3"o Tec2#olo(4 8"t2 / 4ea's 'elate$

e%&e'"e#ce "# e=al!at"o# o' test"#( of >"olo("cal $'!(s o' 3. P2a'mac4 o' P2a'm.

D.6 8"t2 / 4ea's 'elate$ e%&e'"e#ce "#e=al!at"o# o' test"#( of >"olo("cal $'!(s.

< To e#s!'e a=a"la>"l"t4 of e%&e't"se "#$"ffe'e#t f"el$s a ma%"m!m of */ ? of 

&os"t"o#s of $"'ect 'ec'!"tme#t s2all >ef"lle$ >4 ot2e' @!al"f"cat"o#s t2a#

&2a'mac4. Ca#$"$ates 2a="#(

@!al"f"cat"o#s of s!>Bect s&ec"alt4 8"t2

>as"c @!al"f"cat"o#s "# &2a'mac4 8"ll >e


3year# #ervice in P&-1.

. A##i#tant

/irector10 Maximum A+e ;0 year#

3. P2a'mac4 o' P2a'm. D. Relate$

e%&e'"e#ce "# e=al!at"o# o' test"#( of 

>"olo("cal $'!(s 8"ll >e &'efe''e$.

< To e#s!'e a=a"la>"l"t4 of e%&e't"se "#

$"ffe'e#t f"el$s a ma%"m!m of */ ? of 

&os"t"o#s of $"'ect 'ec'!"tme#t s2all >e

f"lle$ >4 ot2e' @!al"f"cat"o#s t2a#

&2a'mac4. Ca#$"$ates 2a="#(

@!al"f"cat"o#s of s!>Bect s&ec"alt4 8"t2

>as"c @!al"f"cat"o#s "# &2a'mac4 8"ll >e



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1. /irector 1% Maximum A+e %0 year#

P2. D. "# P2a'mac4 o' P2a'mace!t"cs

o' "# 'elate$ f"el$ of P2a'mace!t"cal

Sc"e#ces 5P2a'macolo(46

P2a'mace!t"cal C2em"st'4 a#$

P2a'mace!t"cal M"c'o 3"olo(47 8"t2 )/

4ea's 'elate$ e%&e'"e#ce "#

&2a'mace!t"cal f"el$ o' Maste' M.

P2"l "# P2a'mace!t"cs P2a'mace!t"cal

C2em"st'4 8"t2 )+ 4ea's 'elate$

e%&e'"e#ce "# P2a'mace!t"cal f"el$.

• 1 year# #ervice in P&-1 and a"ove or 12

year# #ervice in P&-13 and a"ove for 

initial recruit# in P&-13 or % year# #ervice

in P&-14 for initial recruit# in P& 14.

• 9avin+ "a#ic *ualification in Pharmacy a#

#pecified in column .

&u"$ect to the /R

Employee# Rule# 02a# per &ection %.

  Civil &ervant *u

and /RAP employwith

%2: a# promotion %2: for fre#h di


0. Additional/irector 

1 Maximum A+e year#

P2. D. "# P2a'mac4 o' P2a'mace!t"cs

o' "# 'elate$ f"el$ of P2a'mace!t"cal

Sc"e#ces 5P2a'macolo(46

P2a'mace!t"cal C2em"st'46

P2a'mace!t"cal M"c'o 3"olo(47 8"t2 /

4ea's 'elate$ e%&e'"e#ce "#

&2a'mace!t"cal f"el$ o' Maste' M.

P2"l "# P2a'mace!t"cs P2a'mace!t"cal

C2em"st'4 8"t2 )/ 4ea's 'elate$

e%&e'"e#ce "# P2a'mace!t"cal f"el$.

• 1 year# #ervice in P&-1 and a"ove or

year# #ervice in P&-13 for initial recruit# inP&-13.

• /RAP officer# would have to complete

&MC 5for Civil employee#6 or cu#tomi7edcour#e# a# approved "y the Policy oard

5for /RAP Employee#6 applica"le from 1#t

8uly) 021% for tho#e who are nominated for 

#uch cour#e#) however) tho#e employee#

who have attained the a+e of %3 year# will "e exempted from #uch cour#e#) a# per 

 pre#cri"ed rule#.

• 9avin+ "a#ic *ualification in Pharmacy a#

#pecified in column .

&u"$ect to the /REmployee# Rule# 02

a# per &ection %.

  Civil &ervant *uand /RAP employ

with%2: a# promotion

%2: for fre#h direcruitment.

;. /eputy


1; Maximum A+e ;4 year#

Ph. /. in any field of pharmaceutical

#cience# with 0 year# related experience or 

. Pharmacy or Pharm. /.) with % year#

experience in Pharmaceutical field or M.

Phil = Ma#ter# in with 2% year# experience.

% year# #ervice in P&-1

. A##i#tant/irector

10 Maximum A+e ;0 year#

. Pharmacy or Pharm. /.) with % year#

experience of Pharmaceutical field-

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1. /irector 1% Maximum A+e %0 year#

P2. D. "# P2a'mac4 o' P2a'mace!t"cs

o' "# 'elate$ f"el$ of P2a'mace!t"cal

Sc"e#ces 8"t2 )/ 4ea's 'elate$

e%&e'"e#ce "# &2a'mace!t"cal f"el$ o'

Maste' M. P2"l 8"t2 )+ 4ea's 'elate$


• 1 year# #ervice in P&-1 and a"ove or 12

year# #ervice in P&-13 and a"ove for initial recruit# in P&-13 or % year# #ervice

in P&-14 for initial recruit# in P& 14.

• /RAP officer# would have to complete

&MC 5for Civil employee#6 or cu#tomi7ed

cour#e# a# approved "y the Policy oard

5for /RAP Employee#6 applica"le from 1#t

8uly) 021% for tho#e who are nominated for 

#uch cour#e#) however) tho#e employee#who have attained the a+e of %3 year# will

 "e exempted from #uch cour#e#) a# per 

 pre#cri"ed rule#.

• 9avin+ "a#ic *ualification in Pharmacy a#

#pecified in column .

• 9avin+ "a#ic *ualification in Pharmacy a#

#pecified in column .

&u"$ect to the /R

Employee# Rule# 02

a# per &ection %.  Civil &ervant *u

and /RAP employwith

%2: a# promotion %2: for fre#h di


0. Additional/irector 

1 Maximum A+e year#

P2. D. "# P2a'mac4 o' P2a'mace!t"cs

o' "# 'elate$ f"el$ of P2a'mace!t"cal

Sc"e#ces 8"t2 / 4ea's 'elate$

e%&e'"e#ce "# &2a'mace!t"cal f"el$ o'

Maste' M. P2"l 8"t2 )/ 4ea's 'elate$


• 1 year# #ervice in P&-1 and a"ove or

year# #ervice in P&-13 for initial recruit# in


• /RAP officer# would have to complete

&MC 5for Civil employee#6 or cu#tomi7edcour#e# a# approved "y the Policy oard

5for /RAP Employee#6 applica"le from 1#t

8uly) 021% for tho#e who are nominated for 

#uch cour#e#) however) tho#e employee#

who have attained the a+e of %3 year# will "e exempted from #uch cour#e#) a# per 

 pre#cri"ed rule#.

• 9avin+ "a#ic *ualification in Pharmacy a#

#pecified in column .

&u"$ect to the /REmployee# Rule# 02

a# per &ection %.  Civil &ervant *u

and /RAP employwith

%2: a# promotion

%2: for fre#h direcruitment.

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;. /eputy


1; Maximum A+e ;4 year#

Ph. /. in any field of pharmaceutical #cience#

with 0 year# related experience or .

Pharmacy or Pharm. /.) with % year#

experience in Pharmaceutical field or M.

Phil = Ma#ter# in Pharmacy with 2% year#

experience in area# of ho#p and community)

retail pharmacy

% year# #ervice in P&-1.

. A##i#tant/irector

10 Maximum A+e ;0 year#

. Pharmacy or Pharm./ relevant experience

will "e preferred.-


1. /irector 1% Maximum A+e %0 year#

P2. D. "# P2a'mac4 o' P2a'mace!t"cs o'

"# 'elate$ f"el$ of P2a'mace!t"cal

Sc"e#ces 5P2a'macolo(46

P2a'mace!t"cal C2em"st'46

P2a'maco(#os4 5&'efe'a>le7 8"t2 )/

4ea's 'elate$ e%&e'"e#ce "#

&2a'mace!t"cal f"el$ o' Maste' M. P2"l

"# P2a'mace!t"cal Sc"e#ces

5P2a'macolo(46 P2a'mace!t"cal

C2em"st'46 P2a'maco(#os4 5&'efe'a>le7

8"t2 )+ 4ea's 'elate$ e%&e'"e#ce "#

P2a'mace!t"cal f"el$

• 1 year# #ervice in P&-1 and a"ove or 12

year# #ervice in P&-13 and a"ove for initialrecruit# in P&-13 or % year# #ervice in P&-14

for initial recruit# in P& 14.

• /RAP officer# would have to complete &MC

5for Civil employee#6 or cu#tomi7ed cour#e# a#approved "y the Policy oard 5for /RAP

Employee#6 applica"le from 1#t 8uly) 021% for tho#e who are nominated for #uch cour#e#)

however) tho#e employee# who have attainedthe a+e of %3 year# will "e exempted from #uch

cour#e#) a# per pre#cri"ed rule#.

• 9avin+ "a#ic *ualification in Pharmacy a#

#pecified in column .

&u"$ect to the /R

Employee# Ru021%) a# per &ect

%.  Civil &ervant *u

and /RAP employ

with%2: a# promo

and %2: for frdirect recruitment.

0. Additional

/irector 1 Maximum A+e year#

P2. D. "# P2a'mac4 o' P2a'mace!t"cs o'

"# 'elate$ f"el$ of P2a'mace!t"cal

Sc"e#ces 5P2a'macolo(46

P2a'mace!t"cal C2em"st'46

P2a'maco(#os4 5&'efe'a>le7 8"t2 /

4ea's 'elate$ e%&e'"e#ce "#

&2a'mace!t"cal f"el$ o' Maste' M. P2"l

"# P2a'mace!t"cal Sc"e#ces

5P2a'macolo(46 P2a'mace!t"cal

C2em"st'46 P2a'maco(#os4 5&'efe'a>le7

8"t2 )/ 4ea's 'elate$ e%&e'"e#ce "#

P2a'mace!t"cal f"el$

• 1 year# #ervice in P&-1 and a"ove or

year# #ervice in P&-13 for initial recruit# in


• /RAP officer# would have to complete &MC

5for Civil employee#6 or cu#tomi7ed cour#e# a#approved "y the Policy oard 5for /RAPEmployee#6 applica"le from 1#t 8uly) 021% for tho#e who are nominated for #uch cour#e#)however) tho#e employee# who have attainedthe a+e of %3 year# will "e exempted from #uch

cour#e#) a# per pre#cri"ed rule#.

• 9avin+ "a#ic *ualification in Pharmacy a#

#pecified in column .

&u"$ect to the /R

Employee# Ru021%) a# per &ect

%.  Civil &ervant *u

and /RAP employ

with%2: a# promo

and %2: for frdirect recruitment.

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;. /eputy


1; Maximum A+e ;4 year#

P2.D. "# P2a'mace!t"cal o' 3"olo("cal Sc"e#ces

o' P2a'maco(#os4 8"t2 /* 4ea's 'ele=a#t

e%&e'"e#ce o' 3-P2a'mac46 D- P2a'm 8"t2

3HMS6 3EMS 8"t2 / 4ea's e%&e'"e#ce "# t2e

'ele=a#t f"el$. Ho8e=e' cla'"f"cat"o# 'e(a'$"#(

E@!"=ale#ce of 3HMS a#$ 3EMS De('ees to >e

so!(2t f'om HEC &'"o' to co#s"$e'"#( 3HMS

to >e at &a' 8"t2 3EMS.

>o include >i"" a# well

< To e#s!'e a=a"la>"l"t4 of e%&e't"se "# $"ffe'e#t

f"el$s a ma%"m!m of */ ? of &os"t"o#s of $"'ect

'ec'!"tme#t s2all >e f"l le$ >4 ot2e'

@!al"f"cat"o#s t2a# &2a'mac4. Ca#$"$ates

2a="#( @!al"f"cat"o#s of s!>Bect

s&ec"alt4 8"t2 >as"c @!al"f"cat"o#s "#

&2a'mac4 8"ll >e &'efe'a>le.

% year# #ervice in P&-1

. A##i#tant

/irector10 Maximum A+e ;0 year#

3-P2a'mac46 D- P2a'm 8"t2 e%&e'"e#ce

8"ll >e &'efe''e$ 8"t2D3HMS6 3EMS

8"t2 / 4ea's e%&e'"e#ce "# t2e 'ele=a#t

f"el$. Ho8e=e' cla'"f"cat"o# 'e(a'$"#(

E@!"=ale#ce of 3HMS a#$ 3EMS De('ees

to >e so!(2t f'om HEC &'"o' to

co#s"$e'"#( 3HMS to >e at &a' 8"t2


To "#cl!$e T">>

< To e#s!'e a=a"la>"l"t4 of e%&e't"se "#

$"ffe'e#t f"el$s a ma%"m!m of */ ? of 

&os"t"o#s of $"'ect 'ec'!"tme#t s2all >e

f"lle$ >4 ot2e' @!al"f"cat"o#s t2a#

&2a'mac4. Ca#$"$ates 2a="#(

@!al"f"cat"o#s of s!>Bect s&ec"alt4 8"t2

>as"c @!al"f"cat"o#s "# &2a'mac4 8"ll >e



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1. /irector 1% Maximum A+e %0 year#Ph/ in Accountancy with 12 year# related

experience or Co#t and Mana+ement

Accountant or Chartered Accountant with po#t mem"er#hip 1; year# related

experience in analy#i# of pricin+ = co#tin+of pharmaceutical and health care

 product# or MA 5'inance6 with

experience in analy#i# of pricin+ = co#tin+of pharmaceutical# and health care


 ?ote@ ualification "ac!+round with "a#ic*ualification in Pharmacy would "e


• 1 year# #ervice in P&-1 and a"ove or 12

year# #ervice in P&-13 and a"ove for 

initial recruit# in P&-13 or % year# #ervicein P&-14 for initial recruit# in P& 14.

• /RAP officer# would have to complete

&MC 5for Civil employee#6 or cu#tomi7edcour#e# a# approved "y the Policy oard

5for /RAP Employee#6 applica"le from 1


8uly) 021% for tho#e who are nominated for 

#uch cour#e#) however) tho#e employee#who have attained the a+e of %3 year# will

 "e exempted from #uch cour#e#) a# per 

 pre#cri"ed rule#.

• 9avin+ "a#ic *ualification in Pharmacy a#

#pecified in column .

• 9avin+ "a#ic *ualification in a# #pecified

in column .

&u"$ect to the /REmployee# Rule# 02

a# per &ection %.

  Civil &ervant *uand /RAP employ

with%2: a# promotion

%2: for fre#h di


0. Additional/irector 

1 Maximum A+e year#

Ph/ in Accountancy with 2 year# relatedexperience or Co#t and Mana+ement

Accountant or Chartered Accountant with

 po#t mem"er#hip 12year# experience in

analy#i# of pricin+ = co#tin+ of health care

 product# or MA 5'inance6 with experience

in analy#i# of pricin+ = co#tin+ of pharma

health care product# with #u"$ectexperience.

• 1 year# #ervice in P&-1 and a"ove or

year# #ervice in P&-13 for initial recruit#

in P&-13.

• /RAP officer# would have to complete

&MC 5for Civil employee#6 or cu#tomi7edcour#e# a# approved "y the Policy oard

5for /RAP Employee#6 applica"le from 1#t

8uly) 021% for tho#e who are nominated for #uch cour#e#) however) tho#e employee#

who have attained the a+e of %3 year# will "e exempted from #uch cour#e#) a# per 

 pre#cri"ed rule#.

• 9avin+ "a#ic *ualification in Pharmacy a#

#pecified in column .

&u"$ect to the /REmployee# Rule# 02

a# per &ection %.  Civil &ervant *u

and /RAP employ

with%2: a# promotion

%2: for fre#h direcruitment.

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0. Additional

/irector 1 Maximum A+e year#

Ph / in Accountancy with 2 year#related experience or CharteredAccountant or Co#t Mana+ementAccountant with po#t mem"er#hip12 year# experience in "ud+etin+)financial plannin+ and account#


 ?ote@ ualification "ac!+round with

 "a#ic *ualification in Pharmacy would

 "e prefera"le.

• 1 year# #ervice in P&-1 and a"ove or

year# #ervice in P&-13 for initial recruit#

in P&-13.

• /RAP officer# would have to complete

&MC 5for Civil employee#6 or cu#tomi7ed

cour#e# a# approved "y the Policy oard5for /RAP Employee#6 applica"le from 1#t

8uly) 021% for tho#e who are nominated for #uch cour#e#) however) tho#e employee#

who have attained the a+e of %3 year# will

 "e exempted from #uch cour#e#) a# per  pre#cri"ed rule#.

• 9avin+ "a#ic *ualification in Pharmacy a#

#pecified in column .

&u"$ect to the /R

Employee# Rule# 02a# per &ection %.

  Civil &ervant *u

and /RAP employwith

%2: a# promotion %2: for fre#h di


;. /eputy


1; Maximum A+e ;4 year#

Chartered Accountant = Co#t andMana+ement Accountant with 2; year# po#t *ualification experience with#u"$ect experience

or PIP'A with po#t mem"er#hip 2%year# experience in "ud+etin+) financial

 plannin+ and account# with #u"$ectexperienceOr MA 5'inance6 = M.Com with 2%

year# po#t *ualification with #u"$ectexperience.

% year# #ervice in P&-1.

. A##i#tant

/irector10=1; Maximum A+e ;0 year#

MA 5'inance6 or M.Com with #u"$ect



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1. /irector 1% Maximum A+e %0 year#

Ph. /. in 9uman Re#ource Mana+ement

with 12year# experience or M& 59RM6or e*uivalent de+ree in 9uman re#ource

mana+ement with 1;year# experience or (raduation in 9ealth &cience# with

/iploma in 9uman Re#ource# with

1;year# experience.

• 1 year# #ervice in P&-1 and a"ove or 12

year# #ervice in P&-13 and a"ove for initial recruit# in P&-13 or % year# #ervice

in P&-14 for initial recruit# in P& 14.

• /RAP officer# would have to complete

&MC 5for Civil employee#6 or cu#tomi7ed

cour#e# a# approved "y the Policy oard

5for /RAP Employee#6 applica"le from 1#t

8uly) 021% for tho#e who are nominated for 

#uch cour#e#) however) tho#e employee#who have attained the a+e of %3 year# will

 "e exempted from #uch cour#e#) a# per  pre#cri"ed rule#.

• 9avin+ "a#ic *ualification in Pharmacy a#

#pecified in column .

&u"$ect to the /REmployee# Rule# 02

a# per &ection %.

  Civil &ervant *uand /RAP employ

with%2: a# promotion

%2: for fre#h di


0. Additional/irector 

1 Maximum A+e year#Ph. /. in 9uman Re#ource Mana+ement

with 2year# experience or M& 59RM6

or e*uivalent de+ree in 9uman re#ourcemana+ement with 12 year# experience

or (raduation in 9ealth &cience# with/iploma in 9uman Re#ource# with 12

year# experience.

• 1 year# #ervice in P&-1 and a"ove or

year# #ervice in P&-13 for initial recruit#

in P&-13.

• /RAP officer# would have to complete

&MC 5for Civil employee#6 or cu#tomi7edcour#e# a# approved "y the Policy oard

5for /RAP Employee#6 applica"le from 1#t

8uly) 021% for tho#e who are nominated for #uch cour#e#) however) tho#e employee#

who have attained the a+e of %3 year# will "e exempted from #uch cour#e#) a# per 

 pre#cri"ed rule#.

• 9avin+ "a#ic *ualification in Pharmacy a#

#pecified in column .

&u"$ect to the /REmployee# Rule# 02

a# per &ection %.

  Civil &ervant *uand /RAP employ

with%2: a# promotion

%2: for fre#h di


;. /eputy


1; Maximum A+e ;4 year#

Ma#terB# de+ree in human re#ource

mana+ement or e*uivalent with ; year#with #u"$ect experience.

% year# #ervice in P&-1.

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. A##i#tant

/irector10 Maximum A+e ;0 year#

Ma#terB# /e+ree in human re#ourcemana+ement or e*uivalent with #u"$ect


%year# #ervice a# &uperintendent in



1. /irector 1% Maximum A+e %0 year#Ph / in law or related field# of le+alAffair# with 12 year# related experienceor M or ar-at-aw) and enrolled a#

advocate of 9i+h Court with 1; year#

 pharmaceutical related experience

 ?ote@ ualification "ac!+round with

 "a#ic *ualification in Pharmacy would

 "e prefera"le.

• 1 year# #ervice in P&-1 and a"ove or 12

year# #ervice in P&-13 and a"ove for 

initial recruit# in P&-13 or % year# #ervicein P&-14 for initial recruit# in P& 14.

• /RAP officer# would have to complete

&MC 5for Civil employee#6 or cu#tomi7edcour#e# a# approved "y the Policy oard

5for /RAP Employee#6 applica"le from 1#t

8uly) 021% for tho#e who are nominated for 

#uch cour#e#) however) tho#e employee#

who have attained the a+e of %3 year# will "e exempted from #uch cour#e#) a# per 

 pre#cri"ed rule#.

• 9avin+ "a#ic *ualification in Pharmacy a#

#pecified in column .

&u"$ect to the /REmployee# Rule# 02

a# per &ection %.

  Civil &ervant *uand /RAP employ


%2: a# promotion %2: for fre#h direcruitment.

0. Additional/irector 

1 Maximum A+e year#Ph / in law or related field# of le+alAffair# with 2 year# related experienceor M or ar-at-aw) and enrolled a#

advocate of 9i+h Court with 12 year# pharmaceutical related experience

• 1 year# #ervice in P&-1 and a"ove or

year# #ervice in P&-13 for initial recruit#

in P&-13.

• /RAP officer# would have to complete&MC 5for Civil employee#6 or cu#tomi7edcour#e# a# approved "y the Policy oard

5for /RAP Employee#6 applica"le from 1#t

8uly) 021% for tho#e who are nominated for 

#uch cour#e#) however) tho#e employee#who have attained the a+e of %3 year# will

 "e exempted from #uch cour#e#) a# per 

 pre#cri"ed rule#.

• 9avin+ "a#ic *ualification in Pharmacy a#

#pecified in column .

&u"$ect to the /REmployee# Rule# 02

a# per &ection %.  Civil &ervant *u

and /RAP employwith

%2: a# promotion

%2: for fre#h direcruitment.

;. /eputy


1; Maximum A+e ;4 year# with mem"er#hip of ar  A##ociation with three year# with #u"$ect


% year# #ervice in P&-1.

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. A##i#tant/irector

10 Maximum A+e ;0 year# with mem"er#hip of arA##ociation with #u"$ect experience.


%. A##i#tant

/irector 59ealth



10 Maximum A+e ;0 year#

Ma#ter in Pu"lic 9ealth. withmem"er#hip of ar A##ociation with

#u"$ect experience.


1. /irector 1% Maximum A+e %0 year#

Ph./. in Mana+ement Information

&y#tem# or in Computer &cience or ioinformatic# or e*uivalent with12year# experience or M& in MI& or 

Computer &cience# with 1;year#experience prefera"ly in pharmaceutical

related field#.

• 1 year# #ervice in P&-1 and a"ove or 12

year# #ervice in P&-13 and a"ove for 

initial recruit# in P&-13 or % year# #ervicein P&-14 for initial recruit# in P& 14.

• /RAP officer# would have to complete

&MC 5for Civil employee#6 or cu#tomi7ed

cour#e# a# approved "y the Policy oard5for /RAP Employee#6 applica"le from 1#t

8uly) 021% for tho#e who are nominated for #uch cour#e#) however) tho#e employee#

who have attained the a+e of %3 year# will

 "e exempted from #uch cour#e#) a# per  pre#cri"ed rule#.

• 9avin+ "a#ic *ualification in Pharmacy a#

#pecified in column .

&u"$ect to the /R

Employee# Rule# 02

a# per &ection %.  Civil &ervant *uand /RAP employ

with%2: a# promotion

%2: for fre#h di


0. Additional/irector 

1 Maximum A+e year#Ph./. in Mana+ement Information

&y#tem# or in Computer &cience or ioinformatic# or e*uivalent with

2year# experience or M& in MI& or Computer &cience# with 12 year#

experience prefera"ly in pharmaceutical

related field#.

• 1 year# #ervice in P&-1 and a"ove or year# #ervice in P&-13 for initial recruit#

in P&-13.

• /RAP officer# would have to complete

&MC 5for Civil employee#6 or cu#tomi7ed

cour#e# a# approved "y the Policy oard5for /RAP Employee#6 applica"le from 1#t

8uly) 021% for tho#e who are nominated for #uch cour#e#) however) tho#e employee#

who have attained the a+e of %3 year# will "e exempted from #uch cour#e#) a# per 

 pre#cri"ed rule#.

• 9avin+ "a#ic *ualification in Pharmacy a#

#pecified in column .

&u"$ect to the /REmployee# Rule# 02

a# per &ection %.  Civil &ervant *u

and /RAP employwith

%2: a# promotion

%2: for fre#h direcruitment.

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;. /eputy


1; Maximum A+e ;4 year#

M & i# computer #cience or M& inioinformatic# or e*uivalent with five

year# experience.

% year# #ervice in P&-1.

.  ?etwor! 



10 Maximum A+e ;0 year#

M&=M.&C in any field of computer &cience of ioinformatic#.

% year# #ervice in P&-1 a# Computer 


%. 9ardware


10 Maximum A+e ;0 year#

M&=M.&C in any field of computer &cience of ioinformatic#.


. &oftware



10 Maximum A+e ;0 year#M&=M.&C in any field of computer 

&cience of ioinformatic#.


. Computer 


12 Maximum A+e 0% year#

(raduate with diploma in field of computer #cience# or "ioinformatic#

; year# #ervice in P&-10 a# /ata Entry


/ata Entry


24 Maximum A+e 0% year#

Intermediate with certificate in any fieldof computer #cience#


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SCHEDULE-III (a)[See regulation (3) (3)] 

  ). 1e#e'al Ca$'e.

Met2o$ of A&&o"#tme#t

 S. No. Name of Post RO D"'ect 34



I#"t"al A&&o"#tme#t 34 P'omot"o#

) * + , ;

1. Admini#trative


10 %2: %2: Maximum A+e 03 year#M.A.) M.&c.) MA with %year# admini#trativeexperience.

2% year# in &-1 a#


0. A##i#tant

/irector 5Pu"lic



10 122: - Maximum A+e 03 year#

Ma#ter de+ree in 8ournali#m or any other #ocial #cience#. 0

year# experience of 8ournali#min the relevant or+ani7ation


;. Pu"lication


10 122: - Maximum A+e 03 year#Ma#terB# de+ree in 8ournali#m

or any other #ocial #cience#. 0

year# experience of 8ournali#min the relevant or+ani7ation


.  &uperintendent 11 %2: %2: y promotion 2; year# #ervice a# A##i#tant


2% year# #ervice a# A##i#tant

%. >ran#port


11 122: - Maximum A+e 03 year#

2; Dear# /iploma of A##ociateEn+ineerin+ in Mechanical or

e*uivalent from a reco+ni7ed



. A##i#tant

Procurement=&tore Officer

11 122: - Maximum A+e 03 year#

(raduate with #toremana+ement experience


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. A##i#tantEn+ineer E=M

11 122: - Maximum A+e 03 year#2; year# /iploma of A##ociate

En+ineerin+ in Electric and

Mechanical field


3. A##i#tant


11 %2: %2: Maximum A+e 03 year#

(raduate with #hort handtrainin+ with computer expo#ure.

2; year# #ervice a# &tenotypi#t


4. A##i#tantInchar+e

12 %2: %2: - 2; year# #ervice a# A##i#tant5&-16

12. A##i#tant = 9eadCler! 

12 %2: %2: Maximum A+e 03 year#


2; year# #ervice# a# /C 5&-246.

11. &teno typi#t 12 32: 02: Maximum A+e 0%

'A='.&c with #hort hand and

typin+ #!ill#


10. &tore


12 122: - Maximum A+e 0% year#

Intermediate with #tore

mana+ement experience


1;. &u"-En+ineer  


12 122: - Maximum A+e 03 year#

2; year# /iploma of A##ociateEn+ineerin+ 5E=M6 from a

reco+ni7ed in#titute.


1. /C 2 %2: %2: Maximum A+e 0% year#


2; year# #ervice a# /C 5&-26

1%. 9ou#e Feeper 2 122: - Maximum A+e 0% year#Intermediate or e*uivalent

from a reco+ni7ed in#titute.

Experience will "e preferred.


1. /C


42: 12: Maximum A+e 0% year#


• Employee# holdin+ po#t#

 "elow &-2%.

• Matric with a minimum

typin+ #peed of ;2 w.p.m.

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1. Electrician 2% 122: - Maximum A+e 0% year#Matric with Certificate in

Electric field


13. /i#patch Rider


2 122: - Maximum A+e 0% year#

Matric with Motorcycleicen#e.


14. /river G 2 122: - Maximum A+e % year#Matric with >H=9>H licen#e


02. /uplicatin+



operator G

2 %2: %2: Maximum A+e 0% year#

• Middle

• Fnowled+e of operatin+

duplication = Photocopier


2; year# #ervice in P& -20

Fnowled+e of operatin+duplication = Photocopier machine#.

01. /aftary G 20 %2: %2: Maximum A+e 0% year#


2; year# #ervice in P& -21

00. ?ai"a#id G 21 122: - Maximum A+e 0% year#



0;. Mali 21 122: - Maximum A+e 0%



0. Chow!idar 21 122: - Maximum A+e 0%



0%. &anitary wor!er 21 122: - Maximum A+e 0%



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SCHEDULE-III (b)[See regulation (3) (3)] 


Met2o$ of A&&o"#tme#t

 S. No. Name of Post RO D"'ect 34


I#"t"al A&&o"#tme#t 34 P'omot"o#

) * + , ;

1. Account Officer   1; %2: %2: Maximum A+e 03<<<

.Com. or e*uivalent withexperience of +overnment account#.

2% year# experience a#A##i#tant Account#

Officer = A##i#tant AuditOfficer

0. A##i#tant


10 122: - Maximum A+e 03<<<



;.A##i#tant Audit


10 122: - Maximum A+e 03



. Ca#hier   12 122: - Maximum A+e 03(raduate. Experience for ca#h

handlin+ will "e preferred.


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SCHEDULE-III (c)[See regulation (3) (3)] 


Met2o$ of A&&o"#tme#t

 S. No. Name of Post RO D"'ect 34


I#"t"al A&&o"#tme#t 34 P'omot"o#

) * + , ;

1. Account Officer   1; 122: - Maximum A+e 03 year#

M.Com. or e*uivalent with experienceof +overnment account#


0. A##i#tant

Chemi#t11 %2: %2: Maximum A+e 0% year#

&econd Cla## or (rade CJ Ma#terB#

de+ree in Chemi#try = Pharmaceutical =

io Chemi#try= or . Pharmacy.<<<


• &econd Cla## or (rade CJ .&.c

Chemi#try = io Chemi#try.

• 2; year# practical experience in

*uality control and dru+# re#earch.

2; year# #ervice a#

>echnical & -11

.&.c with Chemi#try =io chemi#try

2; year# #ervice# a#>echnical A##i#tant 5&-


;. A##i#tant

acteriolo+i#t11 122: - Maximum A+e 0% year#

.&c 5Micro"iolo+y or e*uivalent6with three year# experience.


. >echnicalA##i#tant 12G 122: - Maximum A+e 0% year#.&c 59on#6 or .&c M> with two

year# relevant la"oratory wor!



%. a"oratory

>echnician2G %2: %2: Maximum A+e 0% year#

Matric with &cience with /iploma inMedical a"oratory >echnolo+y.

2% year# #ervice a#


. &r. >echnician 2 G %2: %2: Maximum A+e 0% year#i. Intermediate with &cience.

ii. >wo year# experience of a".Kor! or Matric &cience with

&cience with /iploma = certificatefrom &chool pf Medical


2year# #ervice a#a"oratory


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. a"oratory>echnician

2% %2: %2: Maximum A+e 0% year#Matric with &cience with20 year#

experience of a". Kor!.

2;year# #ervice a#a"oratory A##i#tant


3. a"oratory

A##i#tant2% G 122: - Maximum A+e 0% year#

Matric with #cience


4. a"oratory

Attendant20G 122: - Maximum A+e 0% year#

• Primary Pa##

• Experience in the related field



12. a"oratoryAnimal


21 G 122: - Maximum A+e 0% year#

• Primary Pa##

Experience in the related field



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SCHEDULE-IVComposition of Dpa!tmnta" S"ction #oa!$s of D%&'

[See regulation 2(1) (b)] 

o! t posts of Composition &ppointin* &+to!it,

Directors(BPS -20) / Additional

Directors (BPS-19)

1. CEO DRAP.2. Representaties o! Esta"lis#$ent

Diision and %a& Diision not"elo& BPS ' 20.

. S (Ad$n) *+SR,C. DS () *+SR,C. Director (+RD) DRAP as secretar. One ec#nical Director o! DRAP

C#air$an3e$"er 3e$"er 

3e$"er 3e$"er 3e$"er 

3e$"er / Secretar

Secretar *+SRC/C#air$an Polic Board

 Additional Director / Dep4tDirector (BPS 15)

1. S (Ad$n)/ Additional Secretar*+SR,C.

2. DS *+SR,C. Director o! t#e concerned Diision

o! DRAP. Director +RD

C#air$an3e$"er 3e$"er 3e$"er 

3e$"er / Secretar

+ead o! A4t#orit/ CEO.

 Assistant Directors (BPS- 16)and post o! BPS -1

1. Director +RD.2. DS *+SR,C. Director o! t#e concerned Diision

o! DRAP. Assistant Director (Ad$n) DRAP

C#air$an3e$"er 3e$"er 3e$"er 

3e$"er / Secretar

+ead o! A4t#orit/ CEO.

Post !ro$ BPS 1-1 1. Director +RD2. DS *+SR,C. Assistant Director (Ad$n) DRAP

C#air$an3e$"er 3e$"er 

3e$"er / Secretar

+ead o! A4t#orit/ CEO.

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