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Draft Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 1 References ABBREVIATIONS A The Architect ABN Architect & Building News AJ Architects’ Journal B The Builder, from 1966 Building Bailey 1980 Keith Bailey, Battersea New Town: A Study of local building development 1790–1870 (Wandsworth Historical Society, Wandsworth Paper 5), 1980 Bailey 1995 Keith Alan Bailey, ‘The Metamorphosis of Battersea 1800–1914: A Building History’, unpublished PhD Thesis (Open University), 1995 Bailey 2005 Keith Bailey, House building and builders in Wandsworth c1850-1915 (Wandsworth Historical Society, Wandsworth Paper 13), 2005 Bailey 2008 Keith Bailey, The Streets of Battersea. Their Names and Origins (Wandsworth Historical Society, Wandsworth Paper 17), 2008 Bailey 2010 Keith Bailey, Aspects of Battersea History 1770–1910 (Wandsworth Historical Society, Wandsworth Paper 18), 2010 Bailey unpub. Keith Bailey, ‘The Development of Building Estates in Battersea 1780– 1914’, unpublished paper Barker and Robbins T. C. Barker and Michael Robbins, A History of London Transport, 1963 (vol. 1) & 1974 (vol. 2) Batten Key and Companion to the Plan of Clapham, with its Common and Environs, printed and sold by H. N. Batten, 1827 BBC Battersea Borough Council (records in Wandsworth Heritage Service) BDA Battersea Drainage Applications, Wandsworth Heritage Service and Wandsworth Borough Council, Department of Conservation, Design & Development BDCE Biographical Dictionary of Civil Engineers

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A The Architect

ABN Architect & Building News

AJ Architects’ Journal

B The Builder, from 1966 Building

Bailey 1980 Keith Bailey, Battersea New Town: A Study of local building development

1790–1870 (Wandsworth Historical Society, Wandsworth Paper 5),


Bailey 1995 Keith Alan Bailey, ‘The Metamorphosis of Battersea 1800–1914: A

Building History’, unpublished PhD Thesis (Open University), 1995

Bailey 2005 Keith Bailey, House building and builders in Wandsworth c1850-1915

(Wandsworth Historical Society, Wandsworth Paper 13), 2005

Bailey 2008 Keith Bailey, The Streets of Battersea. Their Names and Origins

(Wandsworth Historical Society, Wandsworth Paper 17), 2008

Bailey 2010 Keith Bailey, Aspects of Battersea History 1770–1910 (Wandsworth

Historical Society, Wandsworth Paper 18), 2010

Bailey unpub. Keith Bailey, ‘The Development of Building Estates in Battersea 1780–

1914’, unpublished paper

Barker and Robbins T. C. Barker and Michael Robbins, A History of London Transport, 1963

(vol. 1) & 1974 (vol. 2)

Batten Key and Companion to the Plan of Clapham, with its Common and Environs,

printed and sold by H. N. Batten, 1827

BBC Battersea Borough Council (records in Wandsworth Heritage Service)

BDA Battersea Drainage Applications, Wandsworth Heritage Service and

Wandsworth Borough Council, Department of Conservation, Design

& Development

BDCE Biographical Dictionary of Civil Engineers


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 2

Besant Walter Besant, London South of the Thames, 1912

BL British Library

BN Building News

Booth Charles Booth, Life & Labour of the People in London, 1902–3 edn

Booth collection Original notebooks for Charles Booth’s survey, Archives Division of

the Library of the London School of Economics and Political Science

BPM Battersea Parish Magazine

Buildings of Clapham The Buildings of Clapham, ed. Alyson Wilson (Clapham Society), 2nd

edn, 2000

Burgess The Chronicles of Clapham ... being a selection from the reminiscences of

Thomas Parsons ... with ... an introduction & sundry additions ... by J. H.

Michael Burgess, 1929

BV Battersea Vestry (records in Wandsworth Heritage Service)

CASOS Clapham Antiquarian Society, Occasional Sheets

CERC Church of England Record Centre

Colvin Howard Colvin, A Biographical Dictionary of British Architects 1600–

1840, 3rd edn, 1995

Corris John Corris, ‘A Plan of Battersea Parish in the County of Surry’, 1787

(a ‘Correct Copy’ by William Ward in British Library, Add. Ms 78149,


CSPD Calendar of State Papers, Domestic

DBB Dictionary of Business Biography, ed. David J. Jeremy, 5 vols, 1984–6

DSR District Surveyors’ Returns in London Metropolitan Archives

Edwards James Edwards, A Companion from London to Brighthelmston, in Sussex,


EH English Heritage

GEC The Complete Peerage, ed. G.E.C., 1910–59

GL Guildhall Library

GLC Greater London Council

Goad Goad Fire Insurance Plans of London in possession of the Survey of

London and at WHS

ILEA Inner London Education Authority


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 3

ICE Institution of Civil Engineers

ILN Illustrated London News

LA Lambeth Archives, Minet Library

LCC London County Council

LMA London Metropolitan Archives

Loobey 2002 Patrick Loobey (ed.), Battersea Past, 2002

Loobey 2004 Patrick Loobey, Cinemas and Theatres of Wandsworth & Battersea, 2004

LPL Lambeth Palace Library

LT Land Tax assessments, Surrey History Centre

Lysons Daniel Lysons, Environs of London, 4 vols, 1792–6

MBW Metropolitan Board of Works

Metcalf Priscilla Metcalf, The Park Town Estate and the Battersea Triangle

(London Topographical Society Publication No. 121), 1978

NMR National Monuments Record

ODNB Oxford Dictionary of National Biography

OS Ordnance Survey maps of London, 1:1056

PA Parliamentary Archives

Parish map Undated ms map of part of Battersea parish, c.1760 (in British Library,

Crace Maps, Portfolio XVI, no. 71)

POD Post Office and other directories

PP Parliamentary Papers

PPR Principal Probate Registry

Ramsey Sherwood Ramsey, Historic Battersea Topographical Biographical, 1913

RB Battersea ratebooks, Wandsworth Heritage Service

RIBA Royal Institute of British Architects

RO Record Office

Rocque John Rocque, Survey of London, Westminster, and Southwark and the

Country near Ten Miles Round, 1746

Roebuck Janet Roebuck, Urban Development in 19th-Century London: Lambeth,

Battersea and Wandsworth 1838–1888, 1979

SBL School Board for London

SHC Surrey History Centre, Woking


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 4

Simmonds Henry S. Simmonds, All About Battersea, 1882 edn

SLP South London Press

SMB St Mary’s, Battersea

Smith Eric E. F. Smith, Clapham, 1976

SOX Northants Record Office, Spencer boxes

SWS South Western Star

Taylor J. G. Taylor, Our Lady of Batersey, 1925

Tithe Tithe map and apportionment for Battersea parish, 1838 (in The

National Archives, IR29/34/9, IR30/34/9)

TNA The National Archives

VCH The Victoria History of the Counties of England

WAC City of Westminster Archives Centre

WAM Westminster Abbey Muniments

WBC Wandsworth Borough Council (records in Wandsworth Heritage


WBN Wandsworth Borough News

WDBW Wandsworth District Board of Works (records in Wandsworth

Heritage Service)

WH Wandsworth Historian

WHS Wandsworth Heritage Service, Battersea Library, Lavender Hill

WP Wandsworth Planning & Building Control records, online and at

Wandsworth Borough Council, Department of Conservation, Design

& Development


(pp. x-xx)

1. J. E. B. Gover, A. Mawer, & F. M. Stenton (eds), ‘The Place Names of Surrey’, in Journal of

the English Place-Name Society, vol.11, 1934, p.12

2. I. M. Stead, The Battersea Shield, 1985, pp.9, 47


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 5

3. Cartularium Saxonicum, ed. W. de G. Birch, vol.1, 1885, p.116: Codex Diplomaticus Aevi

Saxonici, ed. J. M. Kemble, vol.1, 1839, p.43

4. Battersea’s early boundaries are discussed in Pamela Taylor, ‘Domesday Mortlake’, in

Anglo-Norman Studies, ed. C. P. Lewis, no.32, 2010, pp.212–17

5. Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum: the Acta of William I, 1066-1087, ed. David Bates, 1998,

p.874: A. G. Browning & R. E. G. Kirk, ‘The Early History of Battersea’, Surrey Archaeological

Collections, vol.10, 1891, p.226: Taylor, pp.5–6, 20

6. R. Fleming, ‘Monastic Lands and England’s Defence in the Viking Age’, in English

Historical Review, vol.100, 1985, pp.261–2: VCH Surrey, vol.1, pp.305–6

7. WAM, Westm. Dom., ff.4v.–5: Westminster Abbey Charters, 1066–c.1214, ed. E. Mason

(London Record Society, vol.25, 1988), nos 169, 231

8. Cambridge University Library, Department of Manuscripts, Kk.5.29, f.44

9. WAM, 27496–501, 27503–6, 27510–11

10. Ibid., 19906, 19923, 27513

11. TNA, SC6/HENVIII/6090; E315/215, f.45b: WAM, 1810

12. Surrey Taxation Returns, Surrey Record Society, vol.11, 1932, pp.83–4

13. WAM, Reg. Bk I, f.135; 1826A

14. Ibid., Reg. Bk I, f. 135

15. Kemble, vol.4, no.813, p.154

16. TNA, CP25/1/225/1, nos.13, 29

17. BL, Add. Ch. 8139: WAM, 27494: CUL, Kk.5.29

18. Cambridge University Library, Department of Manuscripts, Kk.5.29, marginal

annotations: WAM, 27511, 27514

19. Cambridge University Library, Department of Manuscripts, Kk.5.29, f.46

20. Gover, Mawer & Stenton, p.14

21. WH, no.59, Winter 1990, pp.4–13

22. TNA, CP25/1/225/2, no.12: G. Rosser, Medieval Westminster 1200–1540, 1989, pp.20, 328

23. Pipe Roll 31 Hen II, 238; Curia Regis Rolls, V, pp.5, 201, 292–3; VII, p.239: Tim Tatton-

Brown, ‘Reigate Stone at Battersea’, London Archaeologist, vol.9, no.6, Autumn 2000, p.160;

idem, ‘The Quarrying and Distribution of Reigate Stone in the Middle Ages’, Medieval

Archaeology, vol.45, 2001, pp.193–7


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 6

24. The Early Charters of the Augustinian Canons of Waltham Abbey, Essex, 1062–1230, ed. R.

Ransford, 1989, pp.432–3

25. Curia Regis Rolls, V, pp.292–3; VII, p.320

26. TNA, JUST1/863, m.2: BL, Add. Ch. 8139

27. SHC, More & Molyneux of Loseley MSS, LM/334/2: TNA, CP 25/1/225/2, nos 13, 50

28. Rosser, pp.328, 330: VCH Surrey, vol.3, p.6

29. WAM, 23460, 23463

30. Calendar of Patent Rolls, 1391–6, 133

31. Barbara Harvey, Westminster Abbey and its Estates in the Middle Ages, 1977, p.206

32. BL, Add. Ch. 8139

33. WAM, Westm. Dom., f.167: TNA, CP25/1/226/13, no.339; CP25/1/229/47, no 33;

CP25/1/230/52, no.15; CP25/1/230/53, no.54; CP25/1/230/54, no.89; CP25/1/231/62,


34. WAM, 27494

35. Taylor, pp.45–7, who corrects the mistake (since repeated in ODNB sub Oliver St John),

that Joan Roydon’s first husband was Sir William Holcroft

36. ODNB

37. Lucy Hutchinson, Memoirs of the Life of Colonel Hutchinson, 1973 edition (ed. James

Sutherland), p.284

38. Taylor, pp.69–81

39. The Auto-biography of Symon Patrick, Bishop of Ely, 1839, pp.27–41: ODNB

40. Taylor, pp.83–4

41. BV Mins, 22 Feb 1766

42. VCH Surrey, vol.4, 1912, p.8

43. Taylor, p.221: notes by Frank Smallwood on his copy of Taylor in LMA, ACC/2181/081,

p.221, argue that he had often double-counted

44. Taylor, pp.62, 66, 214: SOX 270, lease of 1716

45. SHC, Z/378/2/39 (transcript from TNA, PROB 5/4762): Allegations for Marriage Licences

issued by the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, 1558–1669

46. Taylor, p.89

47. Sir Charles Petrie, Bolingbroke, 1937, p.104

48. Taylor, p.91


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 7

49. The Correspondence of Alexander Pope, ed. George Sherburn, vol.4, 1956, p.483: Reginald

Berry, A Pope Chronology, 1988, pp.179-82

50. ODNB, sub Lady Diana Beauclerk: Taylor, p.92: GEC

51. SOX 270, leases of 1720–5

52. Rocque: Daily Advertiser, 18 Feb 1752

53. Joseph Friedman, Spencer House: Chronicle of a Great London Mansion, 1993, pp.31–3

54. Frances Harris, A Passion for Government: The Life of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, 1991,


55. Friedman, p.188

56. Dorian Gerhold, Wandsworth, 1998, p.29

57. Richard Milward, The Spencers at Wimbledon: 1744–1994, 1996, pp.21–2

58. SOX 231, deed of 23 April 1763

59. SOX 347: BL, Add. MS 75750: LMA, E/BOL/1, 2

60. BL, Add. MS 75750: SOX 347, deed of 3 June 1763

61. SOX 514, deed of Dec 1762

62. SOX 240, 514: BL, Add. MS 75750: LMA, E/BOL/5–10

63. Friedman, pp.344–5

64. BV Mins, 22 Feb 1766, 8 June 1767

65. WHS, D72/1, 5, 14

66. Milward, pp.50ff.

67. BL, Add. MS 75952, Joseph Allen to Lord Spencer, 17 Oct 1811

68. SOX 24, notice of 16 Feb 1792; SOX 216, law report of Nov 1796

69. SOX 514, letter of Thomas Harrison, 15 May 1794

70. The Correspondence of Jeremy Bentham, ed. Alexander Taylor Milne, 1981, vol.5, p.218

71. Gerhold, p.30

72. SOX 261/1, deeds of 1814: York Minister Archives, W/k/p153

73. SOX 255, notes on Thomas Dyke’s proposals for St John’s Place

74. SOX 255, bundle on Ford’s premises

75. BL, Add. MSS 75952–3

76. George Macaulay Trevelyan, Lord Grey of the Reform Bill, 1920, p.214

77. Ellis Archer Wasson, Whig Renaissance: Lord Althorp and the Whig Party 1782–1845, 1987

78. Boyd Hilton, The Age of Atonement, 1988, p.239


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 8

79. Wasson, pp.328–9

80. F. M. G. Wilson, A Strong Supporting Cast: The Shaw Lefevres 1789–1936, 1993, p.64

81. SOX 261/2: see also PA, SLF/11/8

82. The Times, 22 Sept 1827, p.3; 21 Dec 1827, p.2; 22 March 1828, p.1; 27 March 1828, p.2

83. PA, SLF/11/21, March 1835

84. SOX 261/2, papers of 1835–6

85. WHS, D72/2

86. Milward, p.74

87. Ibid., pp.74–8

88. Taylor, p.221

89. Bailey 1980, p.6

90. Barker & Robbins, vol.1, pp.391–2: Simmonds, p.38

91. SOX 270, leases of 1716 and 1720: Taylor, p.410

92. 4 Geo I, c.4 (private)

93. Taylor, pp.96, 315

94. Daily Advertiser, 18 Feb 1752: London Evening Post, 25–27 Sept 1760: London Chronicle, 30

Sept–2 Oct 1760

95. ODNB

96. WHS, D72/40/7

97. LMA, B/PBB/1: WHS, D72

98. WHS, D72

99. LMA, BC/B/18

100. B, 16 Nov 1844, p.575

101. 9 & 10 Vic, c.39: PA, HC/CL/PB/2/31/28, evidence of Charles Lee

102. B, 13 June 1857, p.342

103. Daily News, 13 Aug 1857

104. B, 7 May 1870, p.372

105. MBW Mins, 30 May 1879, p.757: David Owen, The Government of Victorian London 1855–

1889, 1982, pp.121–2: Simmonds, pp.71–4

106. 27 & 28 Vic, c.235

107. Simmonds, p.69

108. Charles S. Dunbar, Tramways in Wandsworth and Battersea, [1971]: Simmonds, pp.180–1


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 9

109. SOX 261/2

110. Taylor, p.197: LMA, DW/S/019, 022

111. CSP Dom, Charles I, 1639–40, p.2

112. WAM, 27503, 27505: TNA, SC6/1010/21

113. Taylor, pp.93, 221–2

114. W. Carew Hazlitt, English Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases, 1869, p.143

115. ODNB: Elizabeth Lane Furdell, The Royal Doctors, 1485–1714, 2001, p.90

116. The Spectator, 11 Aug 1712: Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica, vol.2, 1787, p.227

117. Michael McGarvie & John Harvey, ‘The Revd George Harbin and his Memoirs of

Gardening 1716–1723’, in Gardening History, vol.11, no.1, Spring 1983, pp.21, 25

118. POD: Taylor, p.199

119. Richard Bradley, New Improvements of Planting and Gardening, 5th edn, 1726, pp.149, 280,

294, 407

120. John Timbs, ‘Curiosities of Battersea’, The Leisure Hour, 1 June 1868, p.110

121. The World, 23 May 1794

122. Samuel Foote, The Mayor of Garratt, Act II

123. Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica, Vol.2, 1787, p.227

124. Lysons, vol.1, p.xx: Taylor, p.93

125. William Stevenson, General View of the Agriculture of the County of Surrey, 1813 edn, p.417

126. William, James & Jacob Malcolm, General View of the Agriculture of the County of Surrey,

1794, p.53

127. Owen Manning & William Bray, The History and Antiquities of the County of Surrey, vol.3,

1814, p.328

128. BL, Add. MS 75953, Aug 1813

129. Timbs, p.110: Edward Wedlake Brayley, A Topographical History of Surrey, vol.3, 1850,


130. Poupart Post, Centenary Issue, Summer 1995: Railway Magazine, March–April 1944,

pp.110, 117–8

131. www.oldbaileyonline, 24 Oct 1787

132. Malcolm, pp.31–2, 35

133. A. G. Parton, ‘The 1801 Crop Returns for the County of Surrey’, Surrey Archaeological

Collections, vol.64, 1967, p.121


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 10

134. LMA, E/BOL/17: WH, no.13, Dec 1975, pp.12–13

135. Charles L. Graves, The Life and Letters of Sir George Grove, C.B., 1903, p.5

136. Malcolm, pp.48–9

137. SOX 261/2, note on Battersea tithes

138. PA, HCCL/PB/2/21/54, evidence of Francis Fuller, 26 May 1853

139. LMA, SKCS 919 (Reports relating to the Sewage with Reference to the Observations of the Poor

Law Commissioners, 1843, pp.41–2): MBW Mins, 2 Nov 1877, pp.475–6

140. http://carlyleletters.dukejournals.org, Carlyle to John Stirling, 23 Feb 1843

141. SOX 24, note from Thomas Harrison, 1792

142. LMA, SKCS 47

143. BV Mins, 22 Feb 1766, 8 & 22 June 1767: SOX 255, 20 Nov 1767

144. BV Mins, 24 & 30 April 1810: Peter Jefferson Smith, Transactions of the Newcomen Society,

vol.74, 2004, pp.131–46

145. LMA, SKCS 919, pp.41–2; also SKCS 71 and PR/4

146. BV Mins, 9 Dec 1852

147. MBW Mins, 12 Sept 1856, p.463; 14 Feb 1862, pp.132–3

148. BN, 10 July 1857, p.711; 17 July 1857, p.747; 1 Oct 1858, p.974; 15 Oct 1858, pp.1033–4

149. MBW Mins, passim, e.g. 1 Aug 1856, pp.381–2; 12 June 1857, p.455

150. The Times, 5 Sept 1865, p.8

151. MBW Mins, 9 June 1865, pp.687–8; 4 Aug 1865, p.939; 3 Nov 1865, pp.1189–90; 23 March

1866, p.384; 4 Oct 1867, p.1160

152. BV Mins: Taylor, p.270: Roebuck, pp.12–13

153. Harold Griffin, Forty Years of Local Government in Battersea, 1856 to 1896, n.d., p.3

154. 50 & 51 Vic, c.17: Griffin, pp.4, 14, 17–19

155. Sean Creighton, ‘From Exclusion to Political Control: Radical and Working Class

Organisation in Battersea, 1830s–1918’, History & Social Action Publications, PDF

Monograph Series, no.7, 2004: SWS, 24 March 1894, p.8

156. William Kent, John Burns: Labour’s Lost Leader, 1950, p.259: Census, 1871

157. The Idler, vol.2, 1892–3, p.670: Kent, p.6

158. BL, Add. MS 46288

159. BL, Add. MS 46310

160. William Stephen Sanders, Early Socialist Days, 1927, pp.14–15


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 11

161. The Times, 21 Jan 1887, p.10

162. Chris Wrigley, ‘Liberals and the Desire for Working-Class Representatives in Battersea,

1886–1922’, in Kenneth D. Brown (ed.), Essays in Anti-Labour History, 1974, pp.126–58

163. Booth collection, B64

164. Kent, p.363

165. SWS, 5 Feb 1926, p.4

166. Sanders, pp.71–2: Griffin, p.22

167. Mike Squire, Saklatvala: A Political Biography, 1990, p.62

168. Wrigley, pp.140–1

169. Social Democrat, vol.4, 1900, pp.364–7; vol.5, 1901, p.53

170. Chris Wrigley, Changes in the Battersea Labour Movement 1914–1919, Department of

Economics, Loughborough University, 1977

171. Squire, pp.68–97: Marc Wadsworth, Comrade Sak, A Political Biography, 1998, pp.32–51:

Barry Kosmin, ‘Political Identity in Battersea’, in Sandra Wallman (ed.), Living in South

London: Perspectives on Battersea 1871–1981, 1982, p.29

172. Douglas Jay, Change and Fortune, 1980, pp.154–9

CHAPTER 1 (pp. xxx-xxx)

Public Buildings

1. BV Mins, 25 Nov 1777, 8 April 1841, 24 May 1859, 11 Aug 1863: Census

2. BV Mins, 25 March 1841, 8 April 1841, 25 March 1845

3. Roebuck, pp.52–3

4. BV Mins, 27 April 1886

5. WHS, WDBW/1/2/1; WDBW, Annual Report, 1885–6, p.36: Municipal Journal, 25 May

1906, p.562

6. 50 & 51 Vic, c.17

7. Contract Journal, 9 May 1906, supplement

8. BV Mins, 8 Nov 1886


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 12

9. BV Mins, 21 Jan 1896; BV, Annual Report, 1896, p.91

10. BV, Annual Report, 1896, pp 92-3; BV Mins, passim: Contract Journal, 30 May 1906,


11. BV, Annual Report, 1896, pp.90–1

12. BV, Annual Reports, 1898–1900: Contract Journal, 30 May 1906, supplement

13. Builders' Journal and Architectural Record, 2 Feb 1898, p.552

14. TNA, HLG1/46/9

15. The Times, 18 Sept 1902, p.12, 26 Sept 1902, p.10

16. WBC Mins, 10 Oct 1972, 15 July 1975, 8 Feb 1978, 13 May 1980 & 4 Dec 1985

17. WDBW Mins, 1855–6: WDBW, Annual Report, 1885

18. WDBW Mins, 5 & 12 May 1858; WDBW, Annual Report, 1859

19. WDBW Mins, 10 Nov 1858: Census: POD: RB

20. WDBW Mins, 1873–6: WDBW, Annual Reports, 1871–6: WHS, Battersea extra building

plans, 732A; BP/6/5/1166, 1277, 1311, 1406

21. BV Mins, 13 March 1888, 25 July 1889, 9 Nov 1892

22. BV, Annual Report, 1896, p.107

23. http://www.regal-network.com/chm/files/pdf/british_holiness_movement.pdf:

Loobey 2004, pp.58–9: POD

24. BV Mins, 30 Sept 1853: 14 & 15 Vic, c.77

25. BV Mins, 26 Jan 1854 etc

26. BV Mins, 3 Feb 1854, 7 Aug 1857

27. TNA, WORK1/55: WHS, Lammas Hall Minute Book, 3 & 31 Aug 1858: Tithe

28. WHS, Lammas Hall Minute Book, 1858–9

29. LMA, SC/PHL/01/034; GLC/AR/BR/14: WHS, Lammas Hall Minute Book, 1 Feb, 29

March 1859

30. WHS, Lammas Hall records, BP/5/1, 22-26, 49-56, 58, 64, 67–72, 126

31. WHS, Lammas Hall Minute Book, 28 June, 16 Aug 1859; BV Mins, 27 Oct 1863; BP/5/71

32. WHS, BP/5/1: B, 15 July 1871, p.555

33. LMA, P70/MIC/111

34. BV Mins, 25 Oct & 4 Dec 1880, 14 Sept 1882, 12 July & 13 Dec 1883: Battersea

Churchwardens and Overseers mins, BP/1/5/6–8: B, 1 March 1884, p.323

35. BV Mins, 26 Sept 1878


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 13

36. BV Mins, 6 March & 3 April 1879: B, 15 March 1879, p.291

37. BV Mins, 8 & 15 April 1879

38. WHS, BP/6/5/610, 774, 788

39. BV Mins, 13 Dec 1879, 26 Sept 1880

40. TNA, BT31/2996/16862; C26/50

41. B, 30 Sept 1882, p.447, 25 Nov 1882, p.701, 17 Mar 1883, p.359

42. WP

43. B, 25 Nov 1882, p.701; 17 March 1883, p.359

44. TNA, C26/50: B, 19 April 1884, p.562

45. The Times, 25 Jan 1888, p.13

46. WHS, Town Hall Committee Mins, 22 June, 13 July & 11 Sept 1888: BV Mins, 21 Nov 1888

47. WHS, Parochial Offices Committee Mins, 5 & 19 June 1891

48. WHS, BP/6/5/1177; Parochial Offices Committee Mins, 5, 19 & 26 June 1891

49. BV Mins, 8 July 1891

50. WHS, Parochial Offices Committee Mins, 24 July, 4 Sept 1891

51. WHS, Parochial Offices Committee Mins, 26 June, 24 July, 4 Sept & 30 Oct 1891

52. Roger H. Harper, Victorian Architectural Competitions, 1983, p.131

53. WBN, 14 Feb 1908, p.3: Harper, p.106: London’s Town Halls: The Architecture of Local

Government from 1840 to the Present, 1999, pp.18, 21, 23, 56–7

54. WHS, Parochial Offices Committee Mins, 16 Nov 1891: BN, 13 Nov 1891, p.703, 11 Dec

1891, pp.817–18

55. BN, 11 Dec 1891, pp.817–8, 18 Dec 1891, p. 865

56. B, 19 Dec 1891, p.489

57. WHS, PLANS/90

58. WHS, BP/6/5/1178

59. WHS, Parochial Offices Committee Mins, 10 Feb 1892

60. BV, Annual Report, 1892, p.102: Contract Journal, 16 May 1906, supplement

61. BV, Annual Report, 1892, p.104

62. WHS, Parochial Offices Committee Mins, 4 Dec 1891

63. Ibid., 18 Dec 1891, 4 March & 22 April 1892

64. BV Mins, 23 Sept 1891: WHS, Parochial Offices Committee Mins, 30 Oct 1891

65. BV Mins, 14 Nov 1894: BV, Annual Report, 1894, p.78


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 14

66. Harold Griffin, Forty Years of Local Government in Battersea, 1856 to 1896, pp.17–18, 20

67. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/19/23/37-39: WHS, Parochial Offices Committee Mins, 15 Nov & 9

Dec 1892, 3 & 17 Feb 1893; BV Mins, 31 Oct 1894: B, 25 Nov 1893, p.393: Academy Architecture

1893, p.18

68. BV, Annual Reports, 1894, p.80; ‘Inauguration of Municipal Buildings’, opening

programme, 1893, pp.12–26

69. BV, Annual Reports, 1894, p 81: WHS, Parochial Offices Committee Mins, 19 May, 23

June, 18, 21 & 27 July, 9 & 11 Aug 1893, and Subcommittee Mins, 23 Aug, 13 & 21 Sept 1893

70. WHS, Parochial Offices Committee Mins, 22 July, 23 Sept & 7 Oct 1892, 22 March 1893;

BV Mins, 31 Oct 1894; BV, Annual Report, 1894, pp.78, 80–1

71. WHS, Parochial Offices Committee Mins, 15 Nov & 9 Dec 1892, 2 May, 23 June & 13 Oct


72. BV Mins, 13 Jan 1897: LMA, GLC/AR/BR/19/23; LCC/MIN/10775

73. Census, 1891

74. The Times, 17 Jan 1938, p.14

75. http://www.oxfordartonline.com/subscriber/article/grove/art/T059340: information

supplied by Dr Catherine Moriarty

76. B, 25 Nov 1893, p.402: BA, 17 Nov 1893, p.346

77. The Times, 16 Nov 1893 p.5: WHS, Parochial Offices Committee Mins, 19 May 1893

78. WHS, Parochial Offices Committee Mins, 22 Sept 1893; BV, Annual Report, 1894, pp.79,

84: BA, 17 Nov 1893, pp.345–53

79. BV Mins

80. BV Mins, 30 May 1893, 25 April & 14 Nov 1894: The Times, 19 Dec 1894 p.6, 17 May 1897,

p.11: Metropolitan Borough of Battersea, Official Guide, 1938 edn

81. BV, Annual Report, 1896, p 104: BV Mins, 10 April & 23 Oct 1895: DSR

82. WHS, Parochial Offices Committee Mins, 3 Nov 1893, 9 Oct 1897, and Subcommittee

Mins, 13 Sep 1893; BV Mins, 21 June & 10 Aug 1897

83. Griffin, p.20

84. BBC Mins, 27 June 1900

85. BV Mins, 2 June, 10 Aug 1897: WHS, BP/6/5/1655: LMA, GLC/AR/BR/07/23;

GLC/AR/BR/ 9/23/51–55; LCC/MIN/10775

86. BV, Annual Report, 1900, p.66


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 15

87. WHS, PLANS/91

88. WHS, Parochial Offices Committee Mins, 22 Sept 1893

89. BV Mins, 13 June & 12 Dec 1900: BBC Mins, 28 Nov 1900, 11 Sept 1901: LMA,


90. Haworth Tompkins Architects, Conservation Management Plan: Battersea Arts Centre, June

2012: Galpin Society Journal, vol.50, March 1997, pp.301–2

91. LMA, LCC/MIN/10775

92. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/19/23/28–31, 57–59, 61; GLC/AR/BR/07/23

93. BBC Mins, 28 Jan 1959

94. WBC Mins 12 July 1980: LMA, LMA/ 4460/01/67/001, June–Oct 1967: Haworth

Tompkins Architects, Conservation Management Statement: Battersea Arts Centre, June 2012,


95. LMA, LMA/4460/01/67/001 (H.G. Bickers to John Betjeman, 15 July 1967): The Times, 3

Oct 1960, p.6

96. The Times, 18 Sep 1968, p.1

97. WBC Mins, 15 Dec 1970, 21 Dec 1971, 10 Oct 1972

98. WP: information from Julian Bicknell

99. WBC Mins, 15 July 1980

100. WP

101. Haworth Tompkins Architects, Conservation Management Statement: Battersea Arts Centre,

June 2012, p.8: WP

102. POD: BBC Mins, 28 Jan, 23 Sept 1959, 20 July 1960, 5 May 1961

103. WP

104. BV Mins, 9 Nov 1882: WHS, Churchwardens and Overseers Mins, 23 July, 11 Oct 1883;


105. MBW Mins, 25 Feb 1887, p.317: WHS, BP/1/13/1

106. WHS, Battersea Commissioners for Public Libraries and Museum, Annual Report, 1887–


107. SWS, 12 Jan 1889, p.3

108. B, 10 Nov 1888, p.333: BN, 9 Nov 1888, pp. 599-600: WHS, BP/1/13/1.2

109. B, 10 Nov 1888, p.333


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 16

110. BN, 9 Nov 1888, p.599: WHS, Battersea Commissioners for Public Libraries and

Museum, Annual Report, 1888–9

111. B, 8 Dec 1888, p.414

112. SWS, 4 May 1889, p.5: The Times, 27 March 1890, p.6: SWS, 29 March 1890, p.3: WHS,


113. WHS, Battersea Commissioners for Public Libraries and Museum, Annual Reports: Pall

Mall Gazette, 14 April & 30 May 1890

114. WHS, BP/1/1/25–29, 6/5/1439, 2245; MBB/1/1-6; PLANS/8; Battersea Public

Libraries, Annual Reports, 1896–7 & 1900–1: Contract Journal, 23 May 1906, pp.1138–9

115. WHS, plans: LMA, 4278/01/1/47: WBN, 18 Sept 1992, p.1, 25 March 1994, p.10, 13 June

1997, p.2

116. TNA, ED64/126: WHS, PLANS/8: W.A. Briscoe, Library Planning, 1929, pp.30–1, 118

117. EH Archives Centre, Pat Bailey, ‘Battersea Reference Library: A History and

Architectural Appreciation’, typescript, c.1985: WHS, PLANS/8: BBC Mins, 19 Dec 1923, 23

Jan 1924; The Tribunal (reprint of the journal of the No-Conscription Fellowship, 1916-20),

New York, 1970, p. 24: Concise Encyclopedia of the Original Literature of Esperanto, ed. Geoffrey

Sutton, 2008, p. 66

118. WHS, MBB/2/14/3

119. WHS, Battersea Commissioners for Public Libraries and Museum, Annual Report, 1895–

6: B, 10 Nov 1922, p.699, 29 Dec 1922, pp.989, 995, 998-9, 1001, 4 July 1924, p.17

120. WHS, Battersea Commissioners for Public Libraries and Museum, Annual Reports,

1887–8, 1888–9, 1896–7; BV Mins, 22 Sept 1897: LMA, MBW/BA/39315; GLC/AR/BR/14/8:

Contract Journal, 23 May 1906, p.1138

121. TNA, ED64/126: LMA, LMA4728/01/1/47

122. WP

123. TNA, WORK16/13/19

124. BN, 19 June 1891, p.839: WHS, Battersea Commissioners for Public Libraries and

Museum, Annual Reports, 1889–90, 1890–1 & 1898–9

125. WHS, Battersea Public Libraries, Annual Report, 1902, p.7

126. WP: WBC Mins, 25 July & 14 Nov 1972, 13 Feb 1973

127. WP


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 17

128. WHS, Battersea Libraries, Annual Reports, 1901–7; PLANS/84; BBC Mins, 1901–2:

Lloyd’s Weekly News, 2 Sept 1902: Daily Chronicle, 9 March 1904: Wandsworth and Battersea

District Times, 13 Jan 1905

129. WHS, Battersea Libraries, Annual Report, 1906–7: The Tribune, 29 September 1906

130. Municipal Journal, 5 Oct 1906, pp 1053–4: London Argus, 6 October 1906

131. Daily Graphic, 19 October 1906

132. WHS, Cuttings Book 1, passim; Battersea Libraries, Annual Report, 1906–7: Pall Mall

Gazette, 4 Oct 1906, p.121: Daily Mail, 15 Oct 1906, 14 Feb 1907

133. WHS, Battersea Libraries, Annual Report, 1910–11

134. WBN, 7 June 1968, p. 5

135. BV, Annual Report, 1899, p.xx; SWS, 6 Feb 1948; LMA, LMA/4278/01/147

136. WHS, plans

137. Ibid.

138. WP

139. BBC Mins, 29 Jan & 16 July 1958: WHS, Cuttings Book 1, p.22: SWS, 8 Nov 1963, p.13, 1

Jan 1964, pp.2, 5: SLP, 16 Oct 1964, p.1: The Guardian, 18 Aug 2006, obituary of Ian Walters

140. WP

141. BBC Mins, 30 Oct 1964: WBC Mins, 24 March 1981

142. WBC Mins, 21 March, 2 May, 30 Sept & 10 Oct 1972: WP

143. WP: WBC Mins, 24 Oct 1978, 9 Feb 1982

144. WP

145. BV Mins, 11 April 1872: Ian Gordon and Simon Inglis, Great Lengths: The Historic Indoor

Swimming Pools of Britain, 2009, pp.62–3

146. BV Mins, 25 Oct 1877

147. B, 23 Jan 1875, p.79, 24 Jan 1880, p.113

148. WHS, BV, Baths and Washhouses Committee Mins, 1879–90; BV Churchwardens and

Overseers Committee Mins, 20 July 1881, 4 Jan & 12 April 1882, July–Sept 1883; BV Mins, 9 &

23 March, 9 & 16 Nov 1882; HOW/66; WDBW/3/207: B, 22 Oct 1881, p.529, 8 April 1882,

p.433, 6 May 1882, p.562

149. B, 26 Nov 1887, p.758, 3 Dec 1887, p.792

150. BV Mins, 1889–91, passim: Contract Journal, 26 May 1906, p.1139: LMA,



Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 18

151. B, 14 April 1888, p. 272; L.T.C. Rolt, Holloways of Millbank: The First Seventy-Five Years,

1958, p. 5

152. WHS, 725.74

153. WHS, BP/1/12/2; BV Mins, 18 Dec 1889, 23 Nov 1898, 11 Jan 1899; BV, Annual Report,

1900, pp.89–90: Metropolitan Borough of Battersea, Official Guide, 1929 edn

154. TNA, HLG1/46/9: BV Mins, 27 Dec 1893, 26 Sept 1894, 12 June 1895, 10 June 1896, 13

Jan 1897: Contract Journal, 26 May 1906, p 1139

155. WHS, BP/1/12/6; BV Mins, 8 Dec 1897; BV, Annual Report, 1899, pp.103–4: Contract

Journal, 26 May 1906, p.1137

156. WHS, MBB/2/2/5, 6, 7

157. Contract Journal, 26 May 1906, p.1139: LMA, GLC/AR/BR/07/1299

158. Contract Journal, 30 May 1906, supplement: WP

159. LMA, LMA/4278/01/147

160. WHS, Latchmere Baths, official opening brochure: WBC Mins, 24 March & 20 July 1981,

8 Dec 1982: The Guardian, 18 May 1983, p.18: WP

161. WP

162. BV Mins, 13 Feb 1895

163. TNA, HLG1/46/9

164. BV, Baths and Washhouses Committee Mins, 1897–8, passim

165. Builders’ Journal and Architectural Record, 12 Jan 1898, p.485: B, 8 Jan 1898, p.35

166. Harper, p.305: Gordon and Inglis, pp.55, 59, 60, 76

167. B, 8 Jan 1898, p.35: BN, 22 April 1898, p.563

168. Contract Journal, 26 May 1906, p.1139: LMA, GLC/AR/BR/07/1232

169. Contract Journal, 26 May 1906, p.1139

170. Builders’ Journal and Architectural Record, 12 Jan 1898, p 485

171. B, 8 Jan 1898, p.35: BN, 22 April 1898, p.563: LMA, GLC/AR/BR/07/1232

172. BV, Annual Report, 1900, p.90: BV Mins

173. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/19/0232

174. Builders’ Journal and Architectural Record, 12 January 1898, p 485

175. BV, Annual Report, 1899, pp.107–8: Contract Journal, 26 May 1906, p.1139: Michael

Copeman, ‘The Public Baths and Wash-houses of London: 1840-1914’, MSc thesis, Heriot-

Watt University, Edinburgh, 1994


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 19

176. BV, Annual Report, 1900, pp.92–3

177. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/07/0232

178. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/07/0232; GLC/AR/BR/07/0232/19/0232: WHS, MBB/2/2/5, 19

179. WHS, MBB/2/2/23

180. SWS, 12 March 1971; LMA, SC/PHL/02/0536-49

181. LMA, DW/OP/70/5: WHS, DEEDS/1019, 1021: B, 8 Nov 1873, p.896; 21 Nov 1874,

p.964: DSR

182. LMA, LCC/PC/COR/003/02: LCC Mins, 2 Oct 1894, p.971

183. BV, Annual Report, 1891, p.85

184. LMA, LCC/PC/COR/003/02: BV, Annual Report, 1895, p.70: LCC Mins, 2 Oct 1894,


185. BV, Annual Report, 1899, p.32: LMA, LCC/PC/COR/003/02, 03; LCC/MIN/12624;

LCC Mins, 11 March 1902, p.402, 29 April 1902, p.608

186. Contract Journal, 16 & 30 May 1906, supplements

187. The Lancet, 18 Nov 1933, p.1189

188. LMA, LCC/PC/COR/003/03

189. Ibid.

190. Clare Graham, Ordering Law: The Architectural and Social History of the English Law Court,

2003, p.384: WP

191. LMA, 4278/01/138: London Gazette, 20 Nov 1900, cols.7161–2

192. WHS, BP/1/25-27; BV Mins, 1896–1900; BV, Annual Report, 1899, Appendix 14; BBC

Mins, 1900–1: LMA, 4278/01/136, 142: Leslie Hannah, Electricity Before Nationalisation, 1979,


193. Contract Journal, 23 May 1906, pp.1138–9: LMA, 4278/01/136, 142

194. LMA, 4278/01/142, 144: WHS, MBB/2/8/10: B, 5 Oct 1901, p.290: Contract Journal, 23

May 1906, pp.1138–9

195. LMA, 4278/01/142, 144: WHS, MBB/2/8/14, 16, 17: Institution of Engineering and

Technology Archives, NAEST 047/108, 133: TNA, POWE12/287

196. Institution of Engineering and Technology Archives, NAEST 047/170

197. SWS, 31 March 1972, p.5

198. WP

199. WHS, MBB/2/8/14: LMA, 4278/01/141


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 20

200. LMA, 4278/01/141, 142

201. LMA, 4278/01/141

202. LMA, 4278/01/147

203. WP

204. WHS, BP/6/5/214, 412, 433, 433, 467, 474, 727, 991, 1494: DSR: LMA, SC/PHL/01/034:


205. WHS, BP/6/4/2, 6/5/771, 958, 977, 988, 1002, 1243, 1245, 1262, 1530: DSR: Contract

Journal, 16 & 23 May 1906, supplements: Municipal Journal, 25 May 1906, p.562

206. WBC Mins, 25 March 1975, 23 March 1976, 27 June 1978, 24 March 1981

207. BV, Annual Reports, 1890–99: WHS, BP/6/5/727: LMA, GLC/AR/BR/17/46369:

Metropolitan Borough of Battersea, Official Guide, 1929 edn: Contract Journal, 30 May 1906,

supplement, p. 4: WP

208. WHS, PLANS/77

209. Contract Journal, 30 May 1906, supplement

210. WHS, PLANS/72, 73: BBC Mins, 23 Jan, 13 Feb, 13 March 1901, 12 February 1902;

Contract Journal, 23 May 1906, p.1139

211. WHS, PLANS/72, 73; BBC Mins, 27 Feb 1924, 27 Jan 1926, 23 Feb 1927: WP

212. BV, Annual Report, 1896, p.67

213. Contract Journal, 30 May 1906, supplement

214. BV Mins, 8 Nov 1859

215. MBW Mins, 12 June 1868, p.767, 8 April 1870, pp.377–8

216. LMA, MBW 914, 915

217. LMA, MBW 916, 917

218. LMA, MBW 2828

219. BV Mins, 13 Dec 1883, 14 Feb 1884

220. LMA, LCC/MIN/5977–84; GLC/AR/PL1/1/3: LCC Mins, 17 May 1892, p.439

221. LMA, LCC/MIN/5982

222. LMA, LCC/CL/FB/01/052: WP

223. LMA, LCC/CL/FB/01/052 and 053

224. LMA, LCC/CL/FB/01/053; LCC/MIN/5977–84

225. LMA, LCC/CL/FB/01/053; LCC/MIN/5980, 5984

226. LMA, LCC/CL/FB/01/053; GLC/PL1/1/2/22–39


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 21

227. Sally Holloway, London’s Noble Fire Brigades, 1833–1904, 1973, p.155

228. LMA, LCC/CL/FB/01/053; LCC/MIN/5988–90

229. LMA, LCC/CL/FB/01/052

230. LMA, LCC/CL/FB/01/053

231. LCC Mins, 27 Nov 1962, p.965: GLC Mins, 23 Sept 1975, p.578: WP

232. LMA, LCC/MIN/5977, 5979–80: TNA, WORK16/7/5

233. WP

234. LMA, LCC/MIN/5977, 5982–3, 5985: WHS, BP/6/5/1311

235. LMA, LCC/MIN/5989–90

236. LCC Mins, 23 March 1920, pp.603–4

237. LCC Mins, 26 April 1921, p.632; 1 Aug 1922, p 338; 24 April 1923, p.601: Metropolitan

Borough of Battersea, Official Guide, 1929 edn, p.42

238. LMA, LCC/FB/01/052

239. The Times, 5 Oct 1938, p.11

240. LCC Mins, 5 Feb 1957, p.54; 8 March 1960, pp.164–5; 20 Dec 1960, p.777

241. MBW Mins, 12 July 1878, p.65; 3 Oct 1879, p.410: LCC Mins, 26 July 1904, pp.1735–6; 31

Oct 1905, p.1469; 26 May 1908, pp.1247–8

242. LCC Mins, 16 Dec 1958, pp.809–10; 20 June 1961, p.404; 3 July 1961, pp.459–60

243. Taylor, pp. 73, 75, 235, 254-61: Corris

244. Graham, pp.390, 391, 403-4: TNA, T1/13250, 15548

245. Hansard, HC Deb 24 July 1882 vol 272 cc1619-61

246. BV, Annual Reports, 1891, pp.87–9, 1893, p.98: BN, 1 July 1892, p.9: TNA,


247. WBN, 17 March 1939, p.3, 21 August 1959, p.10

248. TNA, MEPO5/52 (201): WHS, WDBW/1/2/1

249. TNA, MEPO2/578: B, 15 June 1867, p.438

250. TNA, MEPO2/578

251. Ibid.

252. Metropolitan Police Archives, MEPO 9/8 (plans): TNA, MEPO2/578

253. WP: TNA, MEPO14/27

254. TNA, MEPO2/192, 578

255. TNA, MEPO2/192, 578: BV, Annual Report, 1895, p. 51


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 22

256. TNA, MEPO2/192

257. TNA, MEPO2/192, 578

258. TNA, MEPO2/578

259. Information from Nicholas Long

260. Lloyd’s Weekly Newspaper, 25 March 1866

261. Census

262. WHS, BP/6/5/2011

263. WP: http://www.met.police.uk/dogsupport/index.htm

264. St Martin’s Le Grand, vol.8, 1898, pp.108–9: The Times, 25 March 1846, p.12: The Era, 14

Nov 1875

265. Royal Mail Archive, POST 30/2742A

266. BV, Annual Report, 1895, p.52

267. Royal Mail Archive, POST 30/2013A

268. TNA, WORK 13/554: Royal Mail Archive, POST 30/2742A

269. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/07/2316

270. OS: WHS, BP/6/5/2088; B388 FAL: EH Archive, Aerofilms, R1318 (L73), 57000 (L20),

57004 (L20)

271. Post Office Annual Report and Accounts, 1962, p.89: Royal Mail Archive, POST

30/2742A: WP

272. WP

273. BT Archives, TPF/2/13/9/2, TPF/2/13/10, f71: WHS, WDBW/3/181; BP/6/5/1477,

1708, 1741: POD: National Telephone Journal, June 1911, p.53: Post Office Engineering

Department Techicnal Pamphlets for Workmen. Subject: C.B. Exchanges, 1926

274. National Telephone Journal, Feb 1910, p.238, July 1911, p.72

275. WP: Investors Chronicle, 2004, p.49

276. WP: POD: BT Archives, POST 33/2961C; TCB 417/E11711: E. T. Crutchley, G.P.O., 1938,

p. 114; F. G. C. Baldwin, The History of the Telephone in the United Kingdom, 1925, p.688

CHAPTER 2 (pp. xxx-xxx)


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 23

Buildings for Health and Welfare

1. Taylor, p.83n

2. York Minster Archives, W/j/f.117

3. BV, Churchwardens’ accounts book, 1796–1860: Tithe Map

4. LMA, WaBG/1, p.8

5. TNA, PROB11/1849

6. Dovedale Cottages, copy of Rules of Management from 1869: Simmonds, p.145: WHS,

misc. file 362.5: EH, London historians’ file, WW118

7. WP

8. BV, ‘Poor Relief 1723–1732’, pp.331, 333

9. BV, Workhouse Expenditure 1733–1744’

10. Ibid.

11. BV Mins, 16 April 1754

12. Ibid., 3 Feb–3 March 1791

13. Ibid., 5 Nov 1791

14. Ibid., 24 Nov, 10 & 31 Dec 1791; 5 Jan 1792; 16 Feb 1793

15. BV, Workhouse Committee Minutes 1791–8: LMA, WaBG/1, p.7

16. BV Mins, 30 Jan, 21 Feb 1818

17. WHS, D10/4

18. LMA, H01/ST/SJ: TNA, MH 66/144

19. LMA, WaBG/1, p.27

20. Ibid., pp.181, 193, 348, 399

21. Ibid., p.409

22. LMA, WaBG/2, pp.136, 184; WaBG/3, p.3

23. LMA, WaBG/3, pp.54, 60, 61

24. LMA, WaBG/9, pp.361–2: B, 19 May 1849, p.238: POD

25. LMA, WaBG/22, p.232

26. A, 16 July 1870, p.33

27. LMA, WaBG/41

28. The Hospital, 7 Oct 1899, pp.18-19


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 24

29. B, 22 Feb 1902, p.198; 22 March 1902, p.305

30. WBN, 22 Jan 1993, p.6

31. WP, 92/C/0354

32. BD, 16 Feb. 2007, pp.12–17

33. LMA, SC/PPS/93/5

34. Ibid.

35. LMA, A/KE/245/09

36. The Hospital, 30 Nov 1901, p.155: British Medical Journal, 1902, vol. 1, p.121

37. BPM, Sept 1908, p.15

38. LMA, SC/PPS/93/5

39. ABN, 5 Aug 1927, pp.221-3

40. ABN, 5 Aug 1927, pp.221–3

41. LMA, SC/PPS/93/5

42. Ibid.

43. WHS, Bolingbroke Hospital Centenary programme, pp. 9-10

44. BD, 18 March 2005, p.7: Evening Standard, 11 March 2005, p.10

45. www.arkbolingbrokeacademy.org

46. TNA, WORK 16/18/2

47. TNA, WORK 16/12/1

48. TNA, TS27/1083

49. LMA, A/KE/245/4

50. The Hospital, 26 July 1902, p.296

51. LMA, A/KE/260 (1)

52. TNA, TS 27/1083: WHS, The National Anti-Vivisection Hospital Annual Report, 1912:

LMA, HO6/BG/A/1/2/1

53. LMA, HO6/BG/A/1/2/1; A KE/260 (1): BN, 2 July 1909, p.8

54. LMA, HO6/BG/A/1/2/1; A/KE/260 (1): TNA, TS 27/1083

55. LMA, A/KE/260 (1)

56. TNA, TS 27/1083

57. SLP, 22 July 1977, p.2, 8 Oct 1982, p.7, 7 June 1985, p.13: WBN, 3 April 1987, p.7

58. WAC, Mins of Governors and Directors of the Poor of St James’s Parish, Westminster,

vol.34, p.186


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 25

59. WAC, D1743a

60. WAC, Mins of Governors and Directors of the Poor, vol.34, p.461; D1743a: B, 19 April

1851, p.249: www.workhouses.org.uk/StJames

61. WAC, D1743a

62. LMA, WaBG/60/1

63. LMA, WaBG/61/1, 62/1

64. LMA, WaBG/64/1, 65/1

65. BN, 9 Dec 1910, p.829: B, 9 Jan 1909, p.45; 27 Feb 1914, pp.249-51

66. LMA, LCC/AR/CB/3/5

67. The Guardian, 10 April 2001, p.20, obituary of Wain-Hobson

68. WBN, 15 Jan 1960, p.5

69. WHS, St James’ Hospital, Balham, pamphlet 1964

70. WHS, St James’s Estate Brochure: WP

71. BV Mins, 31 Oct 1844

72. WHS, 362.126 BAT

73. BN, 20 Aug 1886, p.270: B, 30 Oct 1886, p.649

74. TNA, MH52/145

75. WHS, Battersea Dispensary Annual Report, 1912

76. Janet Grierson, Isabella Gilmore, 1962, pp.122–3

77. LCC Mins, 15 Nov 1904, p.2675

78. The Times, 26 June 1905, p.8

79. BDA, Battersea High Street, Box 55 Misc

80. Christ’s College, Cambridge, archives, Katherine Low Settlement 1924–1944 (leaflet)

81. This account is based largely on correspondence, minutes and other papers relating to

Christ’s College Boys’ Club in Christ’s College archives, inc. 1924–1944 Katherine Low

Settlement (leaflet)

82. William C. Lipke, David Bomberg: a critical study of his life and work, 1967, p.xxx

83. Christ’s College, Cambridge, archives, annual report of Christ’s College Boys’ Club,


84. Christ’s College, Cambridge, archives, Christ’s College Boys’ Club Minute Book, vol. 2,

19 Feb 1953

85. WP: www.egerarchitects.com/community/battersea-surestart


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 26

86. Nigel Scotland, Squires in the Slums, 2007, p.82

87. Caius College, Cambridge, archives, PPC/ESR

88. Ibid.

89. Ibid.: WHS, BP/6/5/1807, 1809

90. The Times, 14 March 1914, p.12: SWS, 13 March 1914, p.8

91. Wandsworth Guardian, 12 April 2012

92. Bailey, 2010, pp.5–14

93. 19 Geo III, c.74

94. WHS, Wandsworth Notes & Queries, VI, 1889, p.118, note of Wandsworth vestry

meetings, June 1781

95. Pierre de la Ruffinière du Prey, John Soane, The Making of an Architect, 1982, pp.197–218:


96. Bailey 2010, p.10: SOX 216

97. Janet Semple, Bentham’s Prison: a Study of the Panopticon Penitentiary, 1993, pp.108–9

98. SOX 240

99. SOX 216, 240

100. Semple, p.188

101. The Correspondence of Jeremy Bentham, ed. Alexander Taylor Milne, 1981, vol.4, pp.440–

68, 473–81; vol.5, pp.4, 195–7, 202, 205, 210–12, 214–23, 228–9, 232, 246–7

102. Ibid., vol.4, pp.454, 457, 458

103. Ibid., vol.5, pp.228, 246

104. Ibid., vol.5, p.247

105. Battersea Dogs’ and Cats’ Home, General Minutes, 1860–77

106. Survey of London, vol.29, 1960, p.283

107. Battersea Dogs’ and Cats’ Home, General Minutes, 1860–77

108. Reynolds’s Newspaper, 4 April 1886, p.4

109. WHS, BP/6/5/353

110. St James’s Budget, 10 Feb 1899, pp.18-19

111. The Story of the Temporary Home for Lost and Starving Dogs, c.1908, pp.12, 14, 16

112. Daily News, 17 Feb 1896, p.6

113. Battersea Dogs’ and Cats’ Home, General Minutes, 1903–10, p.186

114. Clough Williams-Ellis, Architect Errant, 1971, p.67


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 27

115. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/17/030299: Battersea Dogs’ and Cats’ Home, General Minutes,

1903–10, p.209

116. Battersea Dogs’ and Cats’ Home, Annual Report, 1978, pp.27–8

117. Ibid.

118. Battersea Dogs’ and Cats’ Home, General Minutes, 1903–10, p.331; Final Report of

Building Sub-Committee, 1905–7

119. The Times, 17 Dec 1910, p.12

120. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/17/030299: The Times, 5 May 1965, p.6

121. Battersea Dogs’ and Cats’ Home, Annual Report, 1972, pp.11-12

122. Battersea Dogs’ and Cats’ Home, Annual Report, 1989, pp.18-19: AJ, 28 Feb 1990, p.12:

WBN, 1 March 1991, p.1: The Times, 22 Feb 1990, p.40

123. Battersea Dogs’ and Cats’ Home, Annual Report, 1993, pp.12, 22, 24

124. Brick Bulletin, Summer 1998, pp.12-19

125. BCDH Archives, Annual Report, 1995, p.22

126. BCDH Archives, General Minutes, 27 March 1906, p.168

127. AJ, 28 Oct 2010: www.charlesknowles.com: www.battersea.org.uk

CHAPTER 3 (pp. xxx-xxx)

Churches and Chapels

1. Taylor, pp.398–408

2. Gazetteer & Daily Advertiser, 1 Aug, 7 Sept, 21 Oct, 3 Nov, 6, 16, 18 & 21 Dec 1780

3. BL, Add. MSS 75952–3: Ellis Archer Wasson, Whig Renaissance; Lord Althorp and the Whig

Party 1782–1845, 1987, pp.10–11

4. BL, Add. MS 75953, 31 Jan 1831

5. BL, Add. MS 45730, fols.81ff.

6. Arthur Newton, Recollections and Reflections, 1940, p.29

7. BL, Add MS 77134, 12 Nov 1861


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 28

8. Graham Fuller, biography of Erskine Clarke, unpublished typescript, c.2008, kindly made

available by the author

9. BPM, March 1920

10. BL, Add. MS 77122

11. Gill Hunter, William White: Pioneer Victorian Architect, 2010

12. WHS, BP/6/5/1789

13. R. Mudie-Smith, The Religious Life of London, 1904, pp.194, 253–5

14. Wesleyan Methodist Church Queen’s Road, Jubilee Souvenir and Programme 1882–1932, p.22

15. Christ Church vestry, Battersea Ruridecanal Chapter Minutes, 1939–48

16. CERC, CARE 37/283

17. Taylor, pp.20–1, 27. Full references to original sources given in Taylor are not cited for

the account of the church before 1775

18. Ibid., pp.29–31

19. Ibid., pp.33, 35, 37

20. Ibid., pp.49–50

21. Ibid., p.55

22. Ibid., pp.62–6

23. Arnold Taylor, ‘The seventeenth-century church towers of Battersea (1639), Staines

(1631), Crondall (1659) and Leighton Bromswold (?c.1640)’, Architectural History, vol.27,

1984, p.282

24. Taylor, p.71

25. Arnold Taylor, pp.282–5

26. Ibid., pp.283–4

27. Taylor, p.85

28. SOX 252, lease plan of 1774

29. BV Mins, 21 Dec 1771, 21 April 1772: SOX 252, lease plan of 1774: LMA,

DW/OP/1778/4/B: London Evening Post, 12–14 Sept 1738: Taylor, pp.97–8

30. BV Mins, 7 Dec 1769

31. George Oliver, The History of Exeter, 1861 edn, pp.168–72

32. Daily Advertiser, 10 Feb 1778: Gazetteer & New Daily Advertiser, 18 Nov 1779: The World, 7

April 1787

33. BV Mins, 21 April 1772


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 29

34. WHS, BP/1/8/1, 20 Nov 1779

35. London Evening Post, 22–24 Sept 1774

36. BV Mins, 1770–3: SMB, brief for rebuilding church, 30 June 1773

37. 14 Geo III, c.95

38. WHS, BP/1/8/1, 18 & 27 June 1774

39. RIBA Drawings Collection, SC114/10/1–9: RIBA Archives, NeW/1/9/2–3: British

Museum, Prints & Drawings, AN278404001

40. WHS, BP/1/8/1, 25 July 1774

41. Ibid., 3 Nov 1774

42. Ibid., 21 Jan 1775

43. Ibid., 18 & 25 Feb 1775

44. Ibid., 25 March, 2 May & 24 July 1775: SMB, articles for building, 2 May 1775

45. WHS, BP/1/8/1, 10 July 1775

46. Ibid., 24 June & 8 July 1776

47. Ibid., 6 March, 5 & 13 April 1776

48. Ibid., 1777 passim

49. Ibid., 13 Dec 1777

50. WHS, BP/4/1/5: Taylor, pp 284–5

51. BV Mins, 31 July 1823, 15 March 1824

52. LA, I/11313

53. Ibid.: Taylor, pp.281–2

54. WHS, BP/5/1, 19 May 1871: BPM, Nov 1876

55. BL, Add. MS 77122, 23 Jan 1872

56. Ibid., 26 March 1873

57. BPM, March 1875

58. SMB, St Mary Battersea, District of St Mary-le-Park Year Book 1895–1896, p.6

59. Taylor, p.278: BPM, April 1876

60. BPM, May 1876: WHS, The Re-arrangement and Re-seating of S.Mary’s Church, Battersea

61. LMA, DW/OP/70/5: BPM, Nov & Dec 1876

62. BPM, March 1877– May 1878, Jan 1879: BN, 8 March 1878, p.251: Taylor, pp.200, 296–9

63. Taylor, pp.299–302

64. Taylor, pp.301–2: CERC, ECE 7/1/19951


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 30

65. LMA, P70/MRY2/144: WHS, D125/4: information from Peter Campion

66. LPL, ICBS 12406

67. SLP, 23 Oct 1979

68. SMB, misc. papers

69. London Magazine, 1 Dec 2005

70. Taylor, p.275

71. Public Advertiser¸ 13 Aug 1782

72. The Times, 15 Nov 1878, p.6, 16 Nov 1878, p.10: BPM, Dec 1878

73. BPM, Aug 1876: Taylor, p.275

74. Taylor, p.274

75. Taylor, pp.136–69: SMB, misc papers

76. SMB, misc papers

77. Read’s Weekly Journal, 22 Sept 1753

78. London Evening Post, 7–10 Oct 1738

79. LMA, DW/OP/70/6

80. Taylor, p.275

81. SMB, misc papers

82. CERC, ECE 7/1/15991

83. TNA, PROB11/1701

84. CERC, ECE 7/1/15991

85. WHS, BP/4/1/6 (1828–9): SOX 255: BL, Add. MS 75953

86. CERC, ECE 7/1/15991

87. Gentleman’s Magazine, Aug 1828, pp.105-7: Victoria & Albert Museum, Prints &

Drawings, 8751/1–14: CERC, ECE 7/1/15991

88. BL, Add. MS 75953, 31 Jan 1831

89. BV Mins, 1 May 1828, 30 March 1832

90. CERC, ECE 7/1/29248: LMA, DW/OP/70/3

91. CERC, ECE 7/1/430

92. Simmonds, p.96

93. BL, Add. MS 77122

94. LPL, ICBS 7741: LMA, DW/OP/70/3: B, 15 Aug 1874, p.697: Simmonds, p.96

95. The Rock, undated press cutting, c.May 1896


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 31

96. St George’s with St Andrew’s, papers, faculty of 2 May 1895: LMA, DR/CP/5: The Rock,

undated press cutting, c.May 1896

97. LPL, ICBS 11166: CERC, ECE 7/1/15591

98. Edward Ezard, Battersea Boy, 1979, p.41

99. D. I. Williams, St George’s Through the Years, 1970: LMA, P70/GEO/65: St Saviour’s

Church, file on St George’s site: Colin Allen, Transplanting the Garden, 1998, p.72

100. CERC, ECE 7/1/50592

101. Simmonds, p.96: MBW Mins, 13 Dec 1878, p.809

102. CERC, ECE 7/1/50592

103. CERC, ECE 7/1/50592: LPL, ICBS 8883: Basil F. L. Clarke, Parish Churches of London,

1966, p.199

104. SOX 212

105. CERC, ECE 7/1/50592: LPL, ICBS 8883: Booth collection, B292, pp.13–30

106. LPL, ICBS 12525

107. LMA, DS/F/1927/36: CERC, ECE 7/1/50592

108. ABN, 20 Dec 1956, p.816

109. LMA, P70/GEO/65: B, 3 Nov 1953, p.23

110. ABN, 20 Dec 1956, p.816

111. St George’s with St Andrew’s, papers at church

112. CERC, ECE 7/1/15137

113. ILN, 10 Feb 1849, p.96

114. Taylor, p.292

115. CERC, ECE 7/1/15137, 23355: B, 5 June 1847, p.271: ILN, 8 Sep 1849, p.165: Taylor, p.292

116. WHS, 726.58

117. CERC, ECE 7/1/15137

118. B, 11 Aug 1849, p.382: ILN, 10 Feb 1849, p.96; 8 Sep 1849, p.165

119. CERC, ECE 7/1/15138

120. LMA, DW/OP/70/2

121. Simmonds, p.99: MBW Mins, 7 Oct 1870, p.443

122. CERC, ECE 7/1/15137: Christ Church Battersea, Vestry minute book, 1930–6

123. CERC, CD 23355, 26278: LMA, DR/OP/5

124. CERC, ECE 7/1/15137


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 32

125. Christ Church Battersea, Parochial Church Council minutes, 6 Dec 1944

126. Christ Church Battersea, misc papers

127. The New Christ Church Battersea (pamphlet for opening ceremony, 1959): cutting from

Daily Telegraph, c.14 April 1959: papers furnished by Canon Peter Clark

128. WP

129. ILN, 9 May 1863, p.503

130. CERC, ECE 7/1/ 34176

131. BL, Add. MS 77134

132. CERC, ECE 7/1/ 27573

133. CERC, ECE 7/1/ 27573: LPL, ICBS 5925

134. B, 5 April 1862, p.249; 9 Aug 1862, p.566

135. B, 9 Aug 1862, p.566: Simmonds, p.101: SWS, 28 April 1894, p.2

136. B, 9 Aug 1862, p.566

137. CERC, ECE 7/1/ 27573, 28241: LPL, ICBS 5925: SWS, 28 April 1894, p.2

138. CERC, ECE 7/1/ 27573, 34176: Simmonds, p.102: B, 17 Feb 1866, p.128

139. Simmonds, p.102

140. CERC, ECE 7/1/ 27573

141. Clapham Gazette, March 1865, p.39

142. CERC, ECE 7/1/36405

143. MBW Mins, 18 Jan 1867, p.85

144. MBW Mins, 17 April 1868, p.562: CERC, ECE 7/1/36405: St John the Baptist,

Wimbledon, leaflet on church history

145. CERC, ECE 7/1/36405

146. Chad Varah, Before I Die Again, 1992, pp.131, 141, 149

147. LMA, P70/PET/81

148. CERC, CARE 37/283

149. LMA, DS/F/5

150. Metcalf, pp.30, 55 & Plate 5

151. CERC, ECE 7/1/ 40160: LPL, ICBS 6950

152. The History of the Church and Parish of St Philip Queen’s Road Battersea from 1869 to 1961,


153. Metcalf, pp.33, 55: B, 6 March 1869, p.196


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 33

154. The History … of St Philip, p.15

155. LPL, ICBS 6950: LMA, DW/OP/70/9

156. CERC, ECE 7/1/ 40160: BL, Add. MS 77122

157. CERC, ECE 7/1/ 48829: BL, Add. MS 77122

158. Metcalf, p.55: SLP, 16 July 1870, p.4

159. Metcalf, p.36

160. LPL, ICBS 6950

161. The History … of St Philip, p.141

162. Simmonds, p.103

163. LMA, DR/F/1884/3; 1885/7

164. CERC, ECE 7/1/ 40160: The History … of St Philip, p.26

165. CERC, CARE 37/283

166. The History … of St Philip, p.126

167. The History … of St Philip, p.141: LPL, ICBS 12261

168. CERC, CARE 37/283; Advisory Board for Redundant Churches file

169. CERC, ECE 7/1/ 40160: BBP 2146

170. B, 22 Feb 1873, p.156

171. CERC, ECE 7/1/ 40160

172. CERC, ECE 7/1/40813/1

173. LPL, ICBS 8417: BN, 6 May 1870, p.346

174. CERC, ECE 7/1/40813 /1: LMA, DW/OP/70/10

175. B, 10 July 1869, p.554

176. LPL, ICBS 7028

177. ILN, 8 Jan 1870, p.35

178. CERC, ECE 7/1/40813 /1

179. LMA, P70/SAV/62

180. CERC, ECE 7/1/45368: Simmonds, p.106

181. LMA, P70/SAV/62

182. BN, 6 May 1870, p.346

183. CERC, ECE 7/1/44198

184. LPL, ICBS 9932


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 34

185. LMA, P70/SAV/63; DW/OP/70/10; DR/F/1896/5; DS/FO/1906/29: LPL, ICBS 9932:

St Saviour’s Diamond Jubilee Handbook, 1931: St Saviour’s Battersea Park 1871-1971

186. LMA, P70/SAV/66: CERC, ECE 7/1/40813, Part 3

187. CERC, ECE 7/1/40813/3

188. CERC, ECE 7/1/40813/2: LMA, DW/OP/70/10; DR/OP/13/B

189. LMA, P70/SAV/86: St Saviour’s Church, files

190. St Saviour’s Church, files

191. Ibid.

192. BL, Add. MS 77134

193. LMA, DW/OP/70/5

194. B, 9 Feb 1867, p.100

195. WHS, St Luke’s, Battersea, parish magazine, Sept 1909

196. BL, Add. MS 77134

197. MBW Mins, 29 May 1868, p.752: POD

198. History of St. Mark’s Church 1873–1933, p.10

199. LPL, ICBS 7658: BPM, Sept 1873: A, 16 Jan 1875, p.39

200. BL, Add. MS 77122

201. BPM, Sept 1873

202. St Mark’s Church, appeal leaflet

203. MBW Mins, 19 June 1868, pp.814–5; 31 Oct 1873, p.391; 5 Dec 1873, p.578

204. LPL, ICBS 7658

205. BN, 10 July 1874, pp.73–4

206. A, 16 Jan 1875, p.40

207. CERC, ECE 7/1/ 57235: St Mark’s Church, report by Russell Hanslip Associates, March


208. A, 16 Jan 1875, p.42: St Mark’s Church, appeal leaflet

209. A, 16 Jan 1875, pp.40–1

210. WHS, St Luke’s, Battersea, parish magazine, Sept 1909

211. History of St. Mark’s Church 1873–1933, p.13: St Mark’s Church, papers: BPM, Oct 1874:

BN, 10 July 1874, pp.73–4: British Architect, 20 Nov 1874, p.324

212. BPM, April 1875

213. BPM, Oct 1876: BN, 1 Dec 1876, p.559


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 35

214. BPM, Jan 1879; April 1880; Nov 1880; Nov 1886

215. Ibid., Sept 1883

216. Ibid., May 1880

217. BPM, Sept 1883: CERC, ECE 7/1/ 57235

218. LMA, P70/MRK/55: History of St. Mark’s Church 1873–1933, p.17: British Architect, 17 Jan

1890, p.39

219. History of St. Mark’s Church 1873–1933, p.18

220. History of St. Mark’s Church 1873–1933, p.20: St Mark’s, parish magazines, 1925, 1928–9

221. St Mark’s, parish magazines, Feb 1941

222. LMA, DS/F/1946/2

223. St Mark’s Church, report by Russell Hanslip Associates, March 1990: EH, London

Region file, ABN5181

224. EH, London Region file, LRS 005186/00 pt 2

225. BL, Add. MS 77122

226. CERC, ECE 7/1/30935, 48709

227. CERC, ECE 7/1/48709: LMA, DW/OP/70/8

228. B, 29 Aug 1874, p.738: LMA, P70/PET/78: DSR

229. LMA, P70/PET/78

230. Church Bells, 29 April 1876, p.254

231. B, 22 July 1876, pp.720–1

232. LPL, ICBS 7897

233. Clarke, p.195

234. LPL, ICBS 7897

235. CERC, ECE 7/1/48709

236. www.kgarch.co.uk/projects/stpeters/photos1

237. B, 22 July 1876, pp.720–1

238. CERC, ECE 7/1/48709: LMA, DP/OP/12: BN, 18 July 1879, p.79: DSR

239. LMA, P70/PET/63

240. LPL, ICBS 7897: CERC, ECE 7/1/48709

241. LMA, P70/PET/80

242. CERC, ECE 7/1/48709

243. WBC Mins, 18 Dec 1963, p.211


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 36

244. LMA, P70/PET/34, 80: Evening Standard, 6 Nov 1970: CERC, CARE 37/282

245. LMA, DS/F/5; P70/PET/34, 80

246. CERC, ECE 7/1/40160, 48829

247. Pamphlet for ‘Proposed New Church, Schools, and Parsonage, Lavender Hill, Battersea

Rise, S.W.’

248. BL, Add. MS 77122

249. Hampshire Record Office, 123M71, Bishop Browne to Erskine Clarke, Feb–March 1874

250. BL, Add. MS 77122

251. CERC, ECE 7/1/ 48829

252. CERC, ECE 7/1/ 48829: LMA, DW/OP/70/1

253. Census

254. WHS, Ascension, parish magazine, July & Nov 1918

255. CERC, CD 22817; CB 6039: LMA, DR/OP/3A

256. WHS, BP/6/5/ 821

257. BN, 29 Jan 1875, p.120

258. Ibid., 31 March 1876, p.318

259. Ibid., 2 June 1876, p.544

260. GL, MS 17860/19

261. Clarke, p.195

262. LPL, ICBS 9694, letter of J. T. Micklethwaite, Nov 1892

263. CERC, ECE 7/1/ 48829

264. LPL, ICBS 11526

265. Specification of works for nave at Ascension, copy at English Heritage: CERC, ECE

7/1/ 48829

266. WHS, Ascension, parish magazine, Sept 1912

267. LMA, DR/F/1884/12: GL, MS 17860/19

268. CERC, ECE 7/1/ 48829

269. LPL, ICBS 9694: GL, MS 17860/19: specifications for works at Ascension, 1893 and 1898,

copies at English Heritage

270. WHS, Ascension, parish magazine, 1910–16: DSR

271. WHS, Ascension, parish magazine, 1920–1

272. CERC, ECE 7/1/ 48829: LPL, ICBS 11526


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 37

273. CERC, CARE 37/288

274. Clapham & Lambeth News, 20 April 1979

275. WHS, Ascension, parish magazine, Dec 1915 etc

276. Ibid., Dec 1912–13

277. Ibid., 1910–14: DSR

278. WHS, Ascension, parish magazine, 1915 and Nov 1918

279. Ibid., 1915 and Nov 1918

280. Ibid., Jan 1916

281. MBW Mins, 17 April 1874, p.47; 1 May 1874, p.521

282. Survey of London, vol.26, 1956, p.176

283. CERC, ECE 7/1/52601

284. LMA, P70/BAN/198: Fuller, Ch. 12

285. WHS, St Luke’s, Battersea, parish magazine, Dec 1909

286. BPM, Sept 1876: CERC, ECE 7/1/52601: Charles H. Drew, The Story of St. Matthew’s:

Diamond Jubilee Souvenir, 1937

287. BN, 1 Dec 1876, p.559: B, 2 June 1877, p.568: BPM, May 1877

288. Drew, The Story of St. Matthew’s

289. LMA, P70/BAN/198, 200, 201/2: BPM, Feb 1883

290. CERC, ECE 7/1/52601

291. BPM, Oct 1887: Drew, The Story of St. Matthew’s

292. Notes by the Rev. B. F. L. Clarke, Council for the Care of Churches

293. BL, Add. MS 77122

294. BPM, March 1875

295. CERC, ECE 7/1/55267

296. St Mary’s Battersea, District of St Mary-le-Park, Year Book 1895–1896

297. TNA, WORK16/9/1

298. WHS, D101/1: LMA, P70/MRY/1

299. SMB, archives

300. The Times, 11 March 1937, p.12

301. CERC, ECE 7/1/55267

302. SMB, archives: B, 10 May 1879, p.528

303. SMB archives, letter of Bell & Freame to Clarke, Jan 1880


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 38

304. TNA, WORK16/9/1

305. CERC, ECE 7/1/55267

306. CERC, ECE 7/1/55267: LMA, P70/MRY/1, 67: Fuller, Ch. 12

307. BN, 18 May 1883, p.687

308. Fuller, Ch. 12

309. TNA, WORK16/9/1: SMB, St Mary’s Battersea, District of St Mary-le-Park, Year Book


310. SMB, St Mary’s Battersea, District of St Mary-le-Park, Year Book 1895–1896

311. LPL, ICBS 9874: The Times, 11 March 1937, p.12

312. SMB, St Mary’s Battersea, District of St Mary-le-Park, Year Book 1895–1896

313. SMB, St Mary’s Battersea, District of St Mary-le-Park, Year Book 1898–1899: LPL, ICBS 9874

314. SMB, St Mary’s Battersea, District of St Mary-le-Park, Year Book 1900–1901

315. BPM, June 1919–Feb 1920

316. CERC, ECE 7/1/55267: The Times, 11 March 1937, p.12

317. Clarke, p.196

318. SMB, archives

319. LMA, P70/MRY1/68

320. BPM, Aug 1921; Jan 1922

321. CERC, CARE 37/280

322. SWS, 20 Oct 1967, p.1; 19 June 1970, p.7

323. CERC, CARE 37/280

324. TNA, WORK16/9/2: MBW Mins, 4 April 1879, p.535, 9 April 1879, p.561

325. LPL, ICBS 8417

326. Simmonds, p.111: WHS, D101, Box 1: CERC, ECE 7/1/64850: TNA, WORK16/9/2

327. BL, Add. MS 77122

328. BPM, May 1879

329. LMA, P70/PET/63, Aug 1882: BPM, Sept 1882

330. LPL, ICBS 8417

331. LMA, P70/PET/63, Sept 1882

332. CERC, ECE 7/1/64850: BPM, Sept & Dec 1882, Jan 1883: BN, 9 Nov 1883, p.744

333. Clarke, p.196

334. LPL, ICBS 11711


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 39

335. WBC Mins, 12 Feb 1973, pp.27–31

336. CERC, ECE 7/1/64850: TNA, WORK16/9/2

337. BPM, April 1872

338. MBW Mins, 7 June 1872, p.789

339. LMA, DR/CP/9: BPM, Feb 1880: Church Bells, 4 June 1881, p.427

340. BPM, Aug 1877

341. LMA, P70/MIC/47

342. LMA, DR/CP/9

343. BPM, Nov 1879

344. LMA, P70/MIC/47/9

345. LMA, P70/MIC/48, 56

346. BN, 11 March 1881, p.259

347. LMA, P70/MIC/48/10

348. BPM, July 1880, Oct 1881

349. Church Bells, 4 June 1881, p.427: BPM, Oct 1881; B, 8 Oct 1881, p.470: Simmonds, pp.109–


350. LMA, DR/CP/7: CERC, ECE 7/1/63986

351. LMA, P70/MIC/48/3, 4

352. BPM, Oct 1881; Simmonds, p.110: B, 8 Oct 1881, p.470

353. BPM, Nov 1881

354. LMA, P70/MIC/48/6, 8

355. LMA, P70/MIC/49/3

356. LMA, P70/MIC/48/8, 9

357. LMA, P70/MIC/44, 55/2, 63–5: LMA, DS/F/1921/11: Mid Surrey Gazette, 17 Sep 1881:

BPM, Nov 1883: B, 17 Nov 1883, p.671: St Michael’s Church Wandsworth Common, Jubilee,


358. St Michael’s Church, papers in vestry: Council for the Care of Churches, report on St

Michael’s, Wandsworth Common, and St Luke’s, Battersea, May 1972

359. MBW Mins, 9 March 1883, p.482; 21 March 1883, p.561

360. LMA, P70/MIC/101–2: LPL, EC 63986: BPM, Sep 1886

361. LMA, P70/MIC/103

362. Ibid.


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 40

363. LMA, P70/MIC/51: BPM, Aug 1887

364. LMA, P70/MIC/103

365. BL, Add. MS 77122

366. LMA, DR/OP/7

367. Gordon Heulin, St Luke’s Battersea: A Short History of the Church and Parish, 1979 edn,


368. BPM, Sept–Nov 1874: MBW Mins, 25 Sept 1874, p.297

369. Simmonds, p.105: WHS, St Luke’s, Battersea, parish magazine, Dec 1908

370. BPM, May–Aug 1882

371. BPM, Nov 1883–Dec 1884: B, 24 Nov 1883, p.710

372. MBW Mins, 8 Aug 1884, p.335; 13 April 1888, p.628 : SMB, St Mary’s Battersea, District of

St Luke’s, Year Book 1895–1896 & 1898–1899

373. CERC, ECE 7/1/71561: LMA, DR/OP/6

374. BPM, Nov 1885, Jan 1886

375. The Times, 14 Nov 1881, p.12

376. BPM, Aug 1882

377. Heulin, p.11: Common News, Sept 1976

378. Heulin, pp.11, 13: Common News, Sept 1976: WHS, St Luke’s, Battersea, parish magazine,

Nov 1904, Nov 1905: Clarke, p.197

379. Heulin, p.11

380. SMB, St Mary’s Battersea, District of St Luke’s, Year Book 1895–1896

381. Heulin, p.13: Common News, Sept 1976

382. Heulin, p.13

383. Common News, Sept 1976

384. Church Bells, 28 May 1897: Clarke, p.197

385. SMB, St Mary’s Battersea, District of St Luke’s, Year Books

386. Ibid., 1904–1905

387. LMA, DS/F/1925/30: RIBA Drawings Collection, PB34/TRAV/141: Heulin, pp.14-15

388. Heulin, p.13

389. Common News, Sept 1976

390. Ibid.

391. RIBA Drawings Collection, PB34/TRAV/141


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 41

392. SMB, St Mary’s Battersea, District of St Luke’s, Year Book 1898–1899

393. Heulin, p.14

394. SOX 212

395. BL, Add. MS 77122

396. Papers at St Luke’s

397. Council for the Care of Churches, report on St Luke’s and St Michael’s, Wandsworth

Common, May 1972

398. BPM, Nov & Dec 1885, Jan 1886

399. Heulin, p.11

400. Plaque in hall

401. CERC, ECE 7/1/71561

402. LMA, DR/OP/13/A; P70/STE/51, 52

403. Simmonds, p.112: DSR

404. CERC, ECE 7/1/66836

405. WHS, D101: CERC, ECE 7/1/66836: TNA, WORK16/9/4: DSR

406. LPL, ICBS file 9047: CERC, ECE 7/1/66836

407. B, 27 Nov 1886, p.788

408. BN, 19 Nov 1886, p.784: Church Builder, 1887, pp.8–9

409. TNA, WORK16/9/4

410. BN, 19 Nov 1886, p.784: Church Bells, 19 Nov 1886, p.1217

411. St Stephen’s, parish magazines (at Christ Church, Battersea), 1887–9: LMA, P70/STE/39

412. CERC, ECE 7/1/66836

413. LMA, P70/STE/39, 44–48: RIBA Drawings Collection, PB102/4

414. CERC, CARE 37/283

415. The Record, 5 April 1895

416. St Barnabas’s Church, appeal leaflet, c.1895

417. St Barnabas’s Church, conveyances of the Shrubbery, 15 Dec 1885, 13 & 14 Sep 1887:

LMA, DR/CP/3A; DR/OP/15/B: WHS, St Luke’s, Battersea, Parish Magazine, Dec 1909

418. CERC, ECE 7/1/52601

419. St Barnabas’s Church, account of work of Rev. G. M. Claris

420. The Rock, 5 Feb 1897, p.92

421. St Barnabas’s Church, appeal leaflet, 1897


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 42

422. LCC Mins, 23 March 1897, p.332; 18 May 1897, p.541

423. St Barnabas’s Church, contract drawings and misc. papers

424. GL, MS 17860/18

425. St Barnabas’s Church, contract drawings and misc. papers

426. Builder’s Journal, 13 Dec 1899, p.283

427. St Barnabas’s Church Clapham Common, 50th Anniversary Handbook 1898–1948: St Barnabas’

Church, misc papers

428. Council for the Care of Churches, report by Donald Findlay, 1990

429. St Barnabas’s Church, misc papers

430. Council for the Care of Churches, report by Donald Findlay, 1990: St Barnabas’s

Church, misc papers

431. CERC, ECE 7/1/70333

432. DSR

433. LPL, ICBS 10022

434. CERC, ECE 7/1/70333

435. LMA, Y/SP/70/8: TNA, ED4/44; 103/111/7

436. Simmonds, pp.111–2

437. CERC, ECE 7/1/15591

438. Diocesan Archives, RC Archdiocese of Southwark, Battersea Park box. These and the

archives of the British Province of the Sisters of Notre-Dame de Namur, Woolton Road,

Liverpool, are the sources used in the following account, except where noted

439. Survey of London, vol.25, 1955, p.75

440. Sister Mary of St Francis, ed. Dom Bede Camm, 1913

441. BN, 27 June 1879, p.764

442. Our Lady of Mount Carmel and St Joseph, Battersea Park, 1868–1968

443. Simmonds, p.113

444. RIBA Drawings Collection, PA 1172/2/3, PB 1485/4/1–6

445. Ibid., PA 1172/2/1–2

446. The Foundations of the Sisters of Notre Dame in England and Scotland from 1845 to 1895,

1895, p.124: Convents of Notre Dame, Illustrated by an Unique Collection of Permanent

Photographs, c.1895

447. TNA, ED21/11227


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 43

448. Simmonds, p.113

449. WP

450. Diocesan Archives, RC Archdiocese of Southwark, Battersea West box. Further

information and quotations are from this source unless otherwise referenced

451. William John Dickson, ‘The Foundation and Development of the Salesians in England’,

Ph.D., University of Durham, 1988, pp.93–8

452. MBW Mins, 29 Jan 1875, p.139

453. Diocesan Archives, RC Archdiocese of Southwark, Battersea Park box, Drinkwater to

Bishop Danell, 20 Jan 1875

454. Dickson, p.96

455. Ibid., pp.104–16

456. Ibid., p.122

457. Ibid., pp.129, 140

458. RIBA Drawings Collection, PA 1170/1/1–3, 8

459. Ibid., PA 1170/1/9, 10

460. Dickson, pp.164–6

461. Ibid.,, p.167

462. BN, 12 Aug 1892, p.232; 27 Oct 1893, p.561

463. Alexander Rottmann, London’s Catholic Churches, 1926, p.292

464. Rottmann, pp.292–3

465. RIBA Drawings Collection, PA 1170/1/13–34

466. Rottmann, p.295

467. Ibid., pp.294–5

468. Denis Evinson, Catholic Churches of London, 1998, p.245

469. [Lawrence P. Seglias], Our Parish:: The Story of St Vincent de Paul’s Clapham Common

London, [1984], pp.8–9, 13

470. Diocesan Archives, RC Archdiocese of Southwark, Clapham Common box

471. Seglias, pp.13–14

472. Ibid., p.16: Evinson, p.248

473. John Walsh, The Falling Angels, 1999, p.97

474. Seglias, p.15


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 44

475. Frank T. Smallwood, ‘Conventicle and School in the Vicarage’, in Baptist Quarterly,

vol.24, Jan 1972, pp.205–8: Baptist Times, 26 June 1947

476. Daily Post, 9 May 1728

477. SOX 252, lease of 18 Jan 1771: Frank Holderness Gale, Battersea Chapel 1797–1897: A

Centenary Record, 1897, p.8

478. Battersea Chapel, records, narratives of Joseph Hughes, Thomas Singler and Henry


479. ODNB

480. Gale, pp.28–31, 52

481. Henry Morris, The Founders and the First Three Presidents of the Bible Society, n.d., pp.25–


482. J. E. Ryland, The Life and Correspondence of John Foster, vol.1, 1846, pp.69–70: Battersea

Chapel, records, narrative of Thomas Singler

483. Battersea Chapel, records

484. Battersea Chapel, Church Book, 1842–3: Gale, pp.44–6, 52: H. G. Callingham, Watchers of

a Beacon, the Story of Battersea Chapel [1947], p.28

485. Battersea Chapel, Church Book, 1868–70

486. Gale, pp.52–6: BN, 25 March 1870, p.228

487. Callingham, pp.18–25

488. WBN, 13 Oct 1972, p.5; 22 June 1973, p.8

489. A, Jan 1973, p.42: B, 21 Feb 1975, pp.79–81

490. TNA, WORK16/7/1: Simmonds, p.117: SLP, 13 Oct 1883, p.4

491. SLP, 13 Oct 1883, p.4

492. Les Partridge, Northcote Road Baptist Church, 1860–2003

493. Simmonds, p.119

494. Partridge: deeds at church

495. BN, 10 Feb 1888, pp.235–6: Putney & Wandsworth Borough News, 18 Feb 1888, p.3

496. Drawings at church

497. WHS, BP/6/5/1878

498. WHS, illustrations: Simmonds, p.116: MBW Mins, 13 May 1870, p.540; 17 Oct 1879,


499. MBW Mins, 9 April 1875, p.432: B, 31 July 1875, p.698: Simmonds, p.118


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 45

500. Edward E. Cleal, The Story of Congregationalism in Surrey, 1908, pp.314–7

501. TNA, WORK16/15/8: Clapham Gazette, Oct 1866, pp.138–9: Simmonds, pp.122–3: Cleal,

pp.314–7: DSR

502. LMA, N/LCU/1/24/11; LMA/4303/D/4 (1–9): RIBA Drawings Collection,


503. LMA, N/LCU/1/24/12

504. Bedfordshire & Luton Archives and Records Service, SL6/10/1: LMA, ACC/2998/20:

Simmonds, pp.123–4: Cleal, pp.329–31

505. LMA, ACC/2998/20: B, 7 April 1883, p.464; 19 May 1883, p.691

506. DSR

507. LMA, ACC/2998/8

508. LMA, N/LCU/1/24/12

509. LMA, Acc/2998/53

510. WHS, BP/6/5/1832: SWS, 29 March 1935, p.9; 2 March 1984, p.43

511. BDP 5527: B, 20 June 1885, p.889

512. F. Leon Hill, ‘God’s Gas Man’, typescript memoir in WHS, n.d.

513. Simmonds, pp.126–7

514. B, 18 Jan 1845, p.36: Andrew Trimen, Church and Chapel Architecture, 1849 edn, p.151:

Simmonds, pp.124–5: DSR

515. Wesleyan Methodist Church Queen’s Road, Jubilee Souvenir and Programme 1882–1932:

Simmonds, p.128: B, 15 Feb 1879, p.189; 12 March 1881, p.304; 16 April 1881, p.494

516. DSR

517. Wesleyan Methodist Church Queen’s Road, Jubilee Souvenir and Programme 1882–1932, p.15

518. Loobey, p.69

519. SLP, 16 Jan 1981, p.46

520. Pat Ashworth, Forward With Christ: The Story of Battersea Central Mission, 1992, p.7

521. Ibid., pp.9, 10

522. Ibid.: WP

523. WP

524. Simmonds, p.119

525. A, 22 May 1869, p.275: B, 16 Sept 1871, p.735: Simmonds, pp.119–20

526. MBW Mins, 6 Jan 1871, p.25; 20 Jan 1871, p.122: Simmonds, p.121: DSR


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 46

527. B, 1 July 1876, p.651: Simmonds, p.121

528. B, 11 May 1878, p.498: Simmonds, pp.120–1

529. MBW Mins, 4 March 1878, p.401; 21 June 1878, p.946: BEBP 33: B, 27 Nov 1886, p.794

530. LMA, LMA/4387/A/1

531. St Andrew’s United Reformed Church, Battersea Rise, 1894–1994: BJ, 25 April 1900, p.212:

LMA, LMA/4303/D/2; LMA/4387/A/1: DSR

532. St Andrew’s United Reformed Church, Battersea Rise, 1894–1994

533. WP

534. St Jude’s FCE Church, papers: St Jude’s Church, Sarsfeld Road, Balham, Centenary 1887–

1987 [1987]

535. WHS, St Luke’s parish magazine, May 1909

536. Information from Mr Hywel Thomas

537. WHS, BP/6/5/2059

538. Information from Mr Hywel Thomas

539. BDA, 3312, 5532, 5536

540. John Stuart, Mr John Kirk:: The Children’s Friend, 1907, p.59: Booth collection, B294,

pp.65–80: WHS, local enquiry files

541. WBC Mins, 6 Oct 1965, pp.79–80

542. LMA, AR/TH/01/022: MBW Mins, 5 Oct 1883, p.461: SWS, 13 April 1889, p.2, 4 May

1889, p 5

543. G. N. Fewkes, ‘Richard Reader Harris 1847–1909: An Assessment of the Life and

Influence of a Leader of the Holiness Movement’, M.A., Nazarene Theological College,

Manchester, 1995: Mary Reader Hooker, Adventures of an Agnostic, 1957, pp.102, 106–10

544. Booth, 3rd series, Religious Influences, vol.5, pp.171–2

545. F. Leon Hill, ‘God’s Gas Man’, typescript memoir in WHS, n.d.

546. Information from Rev. & Mrs Joe Bentham

CHAPTER 4 (pp. xxx-xxx)

Schools and Colleges


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 47

1. Journal of the Society of Arts, 13 Aug 1870, supplement, pp.i–xiii

2. Frank T. Smallwood, ‘Conventicle and School in the Vicarage’, Baptist Quarterly, vol.24,

1972, pp.205–8

3. TNA, PROB3/49/39; 11/782 (Powell): Frank T. Smallwood, A History of Sir Walter St

John’s School Battersea 1700–1986, 1998, pp.33–5

4. Bodleian Library, Plan of the Academy at Battersea, in Surry, kept by the Rev. John Gardnor,


5. London Courant and Westminster Chronicle, 20 July 1780; Morning Post and Daily Advertiser,

19 July 1786: True Briton, 29 June 1798

6. The World, 14 Jan 1790

7. WHS, note on schooling in Battersea

8. BPM, Aug 1877

9. TNA, ED4/44; ED103/111/7

10. Albert Mansbridge, The Trodden Road, 1940, pp.3, 11–24, 235–6

11. LCC Mins, 14–15 June 1910, pp.1256–60

12. TNA, ED21/11215; ED21/34453: LCC Mins, 6 Feb 1912, pp.220–1; 25 Feb 1913, pp.424–5;

29 June 1913, pp.1456–7; 17 March 1914, pp.655, 707

13. TNA, ED21/11212: B, 23 Oct 1914, pp.379–80; 6 Nov 1914, pp.425–6: BN, 23 Oct 1914,

pp.515–17, 524: LCC Mins, 13 March 1913, pp. 668–9; 22 April 1913, pp.857–8; 17 Feb 1914,


14. LCC Mins, 30 July 1907, p.410; 12 May 1908, p.1043–4; 21 July 1908, p.182; 22 June 1909,

p.1513; 19 Oct 1909, p.660

15. WHS, Wandsworth Education Committee Mins, 10 Nov 1992

16. WHS, Wandsworth School Organisation Committee, papers for 7 Sept 1999

17. LMA, ACC/2321/1: Frank Smallwood, A History of Sir Walter St John’s School, Battersea

1700–1986, 1998, Ch. 3

18. LMA, ACC/2181/1, quoting TNA, C24/1378/67: Smallwood, History, Ch.3

19. BL, Add. MS 25112, p.17: Smallwood, History, p.25

20. Smallwood, History, pp.29, 280

21. SOX 255: LMA, ACC/2181/4

22. Hampshire Record Office, 21M65/J2/6/1

23. SOX 255: Smallwood, History, pp.40–2


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 48

24. Charles C. F. Greville, A Journal of the Reign of Queen Victoria from 1837 to 1852, 1885, vol.1,

pp.131, 151

25. Smallwood, History, pp.44–5: LMA, ACC/2181/24

26. Henry Moseley, Report on the Training and Village Schools at Battersea, in LMA,

ACC/2181/5: Smallwood, History, pp.51–2

27. Smallwood, History, pp.56–69

28. LMA, ACC/2321/21: TNA, ED 27/2727

29. LMA, ACC/2181/6; ACC/2321/21, 51: TNA, ED 27/2727

30. LMA, ACC/2321/51: Smallwood, History, pp.73–5

31. TNA, ED27/2727, 2728

32. LMA, ACC/2321/51

33. TNA, ED27/2733: B, 7 June 1873, p.442: Frank T. Smallwood, The Founding of Battersea

Grammar School, n.d.

34. BL, Add. MS 77122, 10 June 1873

35. TNA, ED27/2733

36. LMA, ACC/2321/53, 28 June 1894

37. TNA, ED29/103: LMA, ACC/2181/24, 33, 48; ACC/2321/13: Smallwood, History, pp.81–


38. LCC Mins, 22 Feb 1910, p.317; 26/27 Sept 1910, p.363; 30 July 1912, pp.532–3: A, 9 April

1915, p.315: F. T. Smallwood in The Sinjun, Aug 1975, p.45: LMA, ACC/2181/8: Smallwood,

History, pp.101–2

39. LMA, ACC/2181/8: F. T. Smallwood in The Sinjun, Aug 1975, p.47: WBN, 2 July 1926:

Smallwood, History, pp.122–3

40. LMA, ACC/2321/223: Smallwood, History, pp.147–8

41. Smallwood, History, pp.174–5

42. LMA, ACC/ 2321/224: Smallwood, History, p.186

43. Smallwood, History, pp.188–9

44. Ibid., pp.202–8: ILEA Education Committee Mins, 10 Dec 1974, p.618; 28 Oct 1975,

pp.206–7: WHS, Sir Walter St John’s Educational Charity, Report 2003–4

45. Information from Thomas’s, Battersea

46. TNA, ED27/2733: B, 7 June 1873, p.442: Frank T. Smallwood, The Founding of Battersea

Grammar School, n.d.


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 49

47. TNA, ED27/2733: LMA, ACC/2321/6

48. TNA, ED27/2732, 2733

49. TNA, ED27/2732, 2733; 29/101: LMA, ACC/2321/53, letter of 28 June 1894

50. LMA, ACC/2321/13: Contract Journal, 3 May 1906

51. TNA, ED27/2733: BL, Add. MS 77122, 15 Sept 1887, 22 May 1904

52. LCC Mins, 11 May 1909, p.1135; 22 Feb 1910, pp. 314–5, 317; 26–27 Sept 1910, p.363; 8–9

Nov 1910, p.930; 2–3 April 1912, pp.874–5; 30 July 1912, pp.532–3

53. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battersea_Grammar_School

54. Lorna Cowburn, Polished Cornerstones: A History of the Royal Masonic School for Girls 1788–

2000, 2001

55. ODNB: Survey of London, vol. 25, 1955, p.68

56. G. M. Handfield-Jones, The History of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls 1788–1974,

1974, p.46

57. Ibid., pp.44–50

58. B, 18 Sept 1858, p.633

59. All The Year Round, 14 July 1866, p.16

60. Handfield-Jones, pp.53–5

61. Ibid., pp.57–8: B, 8 July 1876, p.670; 14 Oct 1876, pp.1001, 1003: DSR

62. Handfield-Jones, pp.68–9: B, 4 April 1891, p.277; 16 May 1891, p.392

63. Handfield-Jones, pp.59–60, 78–80: B, 11 Feb 1888, p.111: DSR

64. Handfield-Jones, pp.90–107: Clapham Observer, 14 Sept 1934

65. Royal Commission of the Patriotic Fund, Executive & Finance Committee Mins and

Annual Reports, 1857–63

66. Royal Commission of the Patriotic Fund, Executive & Finance Committee Mins and

Annual Reports, 1862–71: B, 18 Feb 1871, p.135; 1 April 1871, p.254; 22 June 1872, p.485

67. B, 22 June 1872, p.485: A, 30 May 1874, p.306: H. Saxon Snell, Charitable and Parochial

Establishments, 1881, p.36

68. TNA, PIN96/29

69. The Times, 15 Sept 1874, p.3; 23 Sept 1874, p.7

70. TNA, PIN96/29: The Times, 23 Aug 1880, p.3; 26 Feb 1881, p.9; 1 Aug 1881, p.11

71. Henry P. Maskell, Recollections of Emanuel School, 1904, pp.36–43

72. TNA, ED27/3381: Maskell, pp.46–8


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 50

73. Maskell, p.51

74. TNA, ED27/3381: B, 16 Sept 1882, p.386

75. LMA, Technical Education Board Mins, 21 Feb 1898, pp.92–3: Maskell, pp.53–4

76. Nigel Watson, Emanuel School, An Illustrated History, 2008, p.34

77. Ibid., pp.37-51

78. Roger Marjoribanks, Emanuel at Wandsworth 1883–1983, [1983], p.27: Watson, pp.66–8

79. Watson, pp.82–3

80. Information from Tony Jones

81. Watson, pp.104–8

82. Ibid., pp.124–5

83. Paul Hetherington, ‘The altarpiece for Wren's church of St Benet Fink’, in Apollo, July

1995, pp.44–6: Wilfrid Scott-Giles & Bernard V. Slater, The History of Emanuel School 1594–

1964, 1966, p.98

84. B, 2 Feb 1895, p.91; 28 Dec 1895, p.482

85. Scott-Giles & Slater, p.171

86. SOX 216: BV Mins, passim

87. LMA, Y/SP/10/70

88. BV Mins, 10 April 1855

89. BPM, March, July, Oct & Nov 1875: B, 20 Nov 1875, p.1046: Taylor, pp.198–9

90. LCC Mins, 30 May 1905, pp.1878–9; 20 Feb 1906, p.339; 9 Nov 1907, pp.930–1

91. D. I. Williams, St George’s Through the Years, 1970

92. BV Mins, 26 Jan 1854

93. CERC, ECE 7/1/28248: ILN, 9 May 1857, p.440: Ramsey, p.109

94. LMA, Y/SP/70/7: ILN, 9 May 1857, p.440: B, 11 July 1857, p.387

95. LMA, Y/SP/70/7

96. Ramsey, p.109: DSR: WHS, BP/6/5/ 1730

97. LCC Mins, 2 June 1964, pp.615–6: Wandsworth Council, drawings at Department of

Technical Services

98. LMA, Y/SP/70/5: deeds at Christ Church, Battersea: ILN, 28 April 1866, pp.416, 422: B, 3

June 1865, p.404: BN, 26 Jan 1872, p.68

99. SBL Mins, 1 Aug 1877, p.1078; 17 Oct 1877, p.1264; 27 March 1878, p.588; 25 Nov 1880,

p.830; 25 Jan 1883, pp.209–10: TNA, ED21/11205


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 51

100. LCC Mins, 30 May 1905, pp.1875–6: A, 18 Sept 1908, p.185

101. MBW Mins, 7 July 1865, p.840; 4 Aug 1865, pp.965–6: LMA, Y/SP/70/6

102. LMA, P70/SAV/126, 128: St Saviour’s Diamond Jubilee Handbook, 1931

103. LPL, ICBS 8417: TNA, ED21/11205

104. LMA, Y/SP/70/9: B, 17 Feb 1866, p.128

105. SBL Mins, 11 Oct 1871, p.284: London School Plan 1947, p.176: LCC Mins, 4 Dec 1951,

pp.730–1; 5 Feb 1963, p.120

106. Information from Roger Raymond Jones of Tomei & Mackley: Wandsworth Council,

drawings at Department of Technical Services

107. Diocesan Archives, RC Archdiocese of Southwark, Battersea West box: B, 4 May 1878,

p.471: WH, no.84, 2007, pp.6-10

108. RIBA Drawings Collection, PA 1170/1/1, 4: Daily Graphic, 14 Dec 1906: LCC Mins, 5

Nov 1907, pp.930–1

109. WP: www.lecoledebattersea.co.uk

110. ILEA Education Committee Mins, 5 June 1973, p.142

111. Sacred Heart School, papers

112. Information from Fr Mervyn Williams, Salesian Provincial Office

113. John Russell Taylor, Hitch: the Life and Work of Alfred Hitchcock, 1981 edn, p.7

114. ILEA, Contact Magazine, no. 31, 1976–7, pp.36–7

115. Salesian School Magazine, 1911–12

116. Salesian College, drawings

117. LCC Mins, 2 June 1959, p.341; 14 Nov 1961, p.745; 16 July 1963, pp.504–5

118. The Salesian, Summer 1966, pp.14–17

119. Salesian College, drawings

120. WHS, Wandsworth Education Committee Mins, 6 June 1995

121. www.salesiancollege.co.uk: WP: information from Mr Stephen McCann

122. LMA, Cubitt leasebooks (uncatalogued), no.3, pp.305–7; Y/SP/70/1: WHS, Grove

House School, minutes; Battersea Chapel envelope, appeal pamphlet, 1912

123. WHS, Grove House School, minutes: LCC Mins, 7 Dec 1909, pp.1262–3: Walter Besant,

London South of the Thames, 1912, p.166

124. LMA, Y/SP/70/2: Frank Holderness Gale, Battersea Chapel 1797–1897, 1897, p.70: F.

Holderness Gale, The Story of Our School: A Souvenir of the Centenary of Battersea Chapel


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 52

Sunday School, 1899: H. G. Callingham, Watchers of a Beacon: The Story of Battersea Chapel,

[1947], p.57

125. Battersea Chapel, records

126. WHS, Battersea Chapel envelope, appeal pamphlet, 1912: LCC Mins, 7 Dec 1909,

pp.1262–3: Architect and Builders’ Journal, 18 Jan 1911, p.60: Callingham, pp.57–8

127. LMA, SBL, School Management Committee Reports, 1873

128. TNA, ED21/11222

129. TNA, WORK16/14/3

130. B, 12 Aug 1871, p.624; 25 May 1872, p.403; 1 June 1872, p.422; 8 Feb 1873, p.104: BN, 24

May 1872, p.409; 19 Dec 1873, after p.674

131. B, 18 April 1874, p.322

132. TNA, WORK16/14/3; ED21/11220

133. TNA, ED21/11220

134. B, 23 June 1888, p.457

135. LCC Mins, 3 March 1959, p.116; 28 March 1961, pp.217–8

136. LMA, SBL 927B: B, 13 July 1872, p.544; 25 Jan 1873, p.73

137. B, 17 Jan 1874, p.55

138. BN, 19 Dec 1873, p.689

139. TNA, ED21/11204

140. LCC Mins, 17 Dec 1907, pp.1412–3; 3 March 1908, pp.480–1; 2 March 1909, p.455; 12 July

1910, p.105

141. TNA, ED21/11204

142. TNA, ED21/34441

143. WHS, Wandsworth School Organisation Committee Mins, 7 Sept 1999: WBN, 28 April


144. B, 13 July 1872, p.544; 25 Jan 1873, p.73

145. B, 17 Jan 1874, p.55

146. E. R. Robson, School Architecture, 1874, pp.310–4

147. BN, 24 July 1874, p.103

148. Robson, p.314

149. TNA, ED21/11234

150. LCC Mins, 23 Feb 1937, p.207; 16 May 1939, pp.441–2


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 53

151. TNA, ED21/11221: B, 15 March 1873, p.201; 2 Jan 1875, p.18: 17 Dec 1881, p.776: LCC

Mins, 14 June 1904, p.927; 13 Nov 1906, p.1156

152. ILEA Education Committee Mins, 1 March 1972, pp.356–7; 17 Sept 1974, p.573

153. TNA, ED21/11209; ED21/34449: LCC Mins, 7 March 1905, pp.750–1; 5 Dec 1905,

pp.1894–5: Contract Journal, 9 May 1906, supplement

154. TNA, ED21/11209: WBC Education Committee Mins, 24 Jan 1995

155. TNA, ED21/11210: B, 31 July 1875, p.693

156. TNA, ED21/11210

157. LCC Mins, 20 Dec 1904, p.3186: Contract Journal, 9 May 1906, supplement

158. B, 28 Jan 1888, p.73; 23 June 1888, p.457

159. TNA, ED21/11214: B, 31 July 1875, p.698: Contract Journal, 9 May 1906, supplement

160. TNA, ED21/11214: B, 29 Nov 1884, p.747; 25 July 1891, p.75: LCC Mins, 21 Feb 1911,


161. TNA, ED21/11214: LCC Mins, 22 June 1909, p.1514; 21 Feb 1911, p.347: 23 May 1911,

pp.1268–9; 13 Feb 1912, pp.282–3; 3 Dec 1912, p.1412; 17/18 Dec 1912, p.1629; 10 June 1913,

p.1317; 29 July 1913, p.379; 3 Feb 1914, p.224

162. WBC Education Committee Minutes, 10 Nov 1992

163. LMA, MS 19395/2, 22 Dec 1874

164. TNA, ED21/11233: B, 17 July 1875, p.650; 26 Feb 1876, p.201; 28 Dec 1878, p.1364

165. ILEA Education Committee Mins, 16 Oct 1968, pp.482–3:


166. WP

167. TNA, ED21/11216: B, 1 Sept 1877, p.893

168. TNA, ED21/11216

169. Ibid.: LCC Mins, 7 April 1914, p.919; 10 Feb 1920, p.189; 27 July 1920, p.280; 9 May 1922,

p.501: Wandsworth Council, drawings at Department of Technical Services

170. TNA, ED21/11214

171. Edward Ezard, Battersea Boy, 1979, p.101

172. TNA, ED21/34463: LCC Mins, 13 March 1923, p.392; 11 Dec 1923, p.811; 3 June 1924,

p.920; 8 July 1926, p.50

173. TNA, ED21/56777

174. London School Plan 1947, p.167


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 54

175. WP: www.newtonprep.com/school

176. TNA, ED21/11230: SBL Mins, 6 Oct 1881, p.534: B, 11 March 1882, p.301

177. WHS, Battersea Extra Building Plans, 1261/2

178. TNA, ED21/11230

179. EH, London historians’ files, WW78

180. B, 20 April 1889, p.298

181. B, 25 March 1882, p.375

182. TNA, ED21/11222: WBN, 20 Dec 1890, p.6: A, 16 Dec 1892, p.400

183. WBC Education Committee Mins, 10 Nov 1992, 20 Jan & 27 April 1993

184. EH, London historians’ files, WW123: WBN, 12 Aug 1994: Mail on Sunday, 1 July 1996,

p.62: AJ, 30 Jan 1997, pp.54–5

185. TNA, ED21/11203; 21/34440; 161/13344: B, 18 Nov 1882, p.671: LCC Mins, 28 March

1905, p.1107; 13 Nov 1906, p.1160; 12 Oct 1909, p.517; 7 Feb 1911, p.209

186. B, 21 Feb 1885, p.288: TNA, ED21/11232

187. TNA, ED21/11232

188. Richard Church, Over the Bridge, 1955, pp.58, 118–26

189. TNA, ED21/34442, 34448

190. LCC Mins, 6 Feb 1962, p.81: ILEA Education Committee Mins, 28 Oct 1975, pp.206–7

191. WBN, 7 Sept 1990

192. TNA, ED21/11218: B, 29 March 1884, p.465: LCC Mins, 24 Jan 1905, p.25; 1/2 Aug 1911,

p.523; 14 Nov 1911, p.1091; 19 Dec 1911, p.1492; 23 Jan 1912, pp.14–15; 20 Feb 1912, p.368; 3

Dec 1912, p.1417

193. TNA, ED21/11223: B, 11 May 1889, p.365

194. B, 1 Aug 1891, p.87: BN, 6 Nov 1891, p.644

195. TNA, ED21/11232

196. TNA, ED21/11211

197. TNA, ED21/11211: B, 22 Dec 1888, p.452: BN, 8 April 1892, p.518

198. LCC Mins, 14/15 June 1910, p.1257; 4 March 1913, p.503

199. WHS, local enquiry files

200. EH, London historians’ files, WW95

201. Mail on Sunday, 21 July 1996, p.62


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 55

202. TNA, ED21/11217: B, 16 May 1891, p.401: Wandsworth Council, drawings at

Department of Technical Services

203. TNA, ED21/11207; 21/34445

204. ILEA Education Committee Mins, 2 Nov 1966, p.638; 29 May 1968, p.423; 15 Oct 1969,


205. WHS, Wandsworth School Organisation Committee Mins, 7 Sept & 12 Oct 1999: WBN,

22 Sept 2000: www.school-index.co.uk/urn/101056.php

206. DSR

207. TNA, ED21/11206; 21/34444

208. TNA, ED21/34444

209. Michael de Larrabeiti, A Rose Beyond the Thames, 1978, pp.71–5

210. WBC Education Committee Mins, 10 Nov 1992, 15 June 1993:


211. LCC Mins, 20 Feb 1951, p.65; 23 Oct 1951, pp.604–5; 10 Dec 1952, p.645; 22 Jan 1957,

pp.9–10: LMA, 22.132 SIR

212. LCC Mins, 14 Dec 1937, pp.603–4; 14 March 1939, p.220

213. Ibid., 23 May 1950, pp.290–1; 20 Feb 1951, pp.66–7

214. Architectural Design, Dec 1953, pp.343–5: ABN, 7 Jan 1954, pp.11–15

215. TNA, ED161/13386

216. LCC Mins, 3 March 1959, p.116; 20 Oct 1959, pp.647–8; 28 March 1961, pp.217–8; 29 May

1962, p.460; 16 March 1965, p.1247: LMA, 22.132BAT

217. TNA, ED21/11213: DSR: LCC Mins, 6 Dec 1910, p.1310; 19–20 Dec 1911, pp.1544–5:

SWS, 23 June 1967

218. LCC Mins, 17 April 1962, p.340; 19 March 1963, p.208; 20 Oct 1964, pp.852–3: ILEA

Education Committee Mins, 17 Nov 1965, pp.322–3

219. ILEA Education Committee Mins, 4 March 1970, pp.309–10; 6 June 1973, p.145: WBC

Education Committee Mins, 15 June & 9 Nov 1993

220. TNA, ED21/11215: LCC Mins, 6 Feb 1912, pp.220–1; 29 June 1913, pp.1456–7; 29 July

1913, p.399

221. TNA, ED21/34453: LCC Mins, 17 July 1923, p.147; 22 Jan 1924, p.51; 19 May 1925, p.801;

13 Oct 1925, p.460

222. Chris Abbott, Springwell House, the Story of a London Open-Air School, 1986


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 56

223. LCC Mins, 18 March 1919, pp.297–8; 14 Oct 1919, p.1187; 4 Dec 1923, pp.771–2: English

Heritage, London historians’ files, WW52

224. Abbott, op. cit.: ILEA, Contact Magazine, July 1974, pp.30–2

225. ILEA Education Committee Mins, 14 June 1967, p.161; 6 March 1968, p.354; 15 Oct 1969,

p.190; 3 May 1972, p.413; 16 Nov 1976, p.530

226. LCC Mins, 29 Nov 1904, p.2849; 6 Dec 1904, p.2940; 20 March 1906, p.709; 20 Nov 1906,

pp.1211, 1213: B, 11 Dec 1909, pp.644–5: Clapham County School 1909–1959, in LMA,


227. Tipped into Clapham County School 1909–1959, in LMA, ACC/3708/9

228. Ibid.

229. ILEA Education Committee Mins, 9 Dec 1971, p.493; 25 June 1974, p.476; 3 June 1975,

p.127; 2 March 1976, p.314: WBC Mins, 9 Feb 1971, pp.4–5; 6 Aug 1974, pp.133–4

230. WBN, 9 Nov & 7 Dec 1990; 12 April, 26 & 28 June, 19 July 1991

231. WBN, 22 Jan, 26 Feb & 14 May 1993

232. Information from Thomas’s, Clapham

233. LCC Mins, 23 Oct 1956, p.553; 2 April 1957, pp.156–7; 1 July 1958, p.435; 5 May 1959,

p.302: The Surveyor, July 1957, pp.798–9: Architectural Design, June 1959, p.224: ABN, 2 Aug

1961, pp.171–6: WBN, 29 March & 1 Aug 1996

234. LCC Mins, 3 June 1913, p.1188

235. TNA, ED21/34442: LCC Mins, 30 July 1935, pp.193–4; 22 March 1938, p.535

236. London School Plan 1947, p.167

237. LCC Mins, 19 March 1963, p.206; 16 June 1964, pp.638–9: ILEA Mins, 6 Oct 1965, p.267:

Interior Design, Sept 1968, pp.58–9

238. WBN, 2 & 9 Nov 1990; 22 March & 26 April 1991: SLP, 24 Feb 1992

239. A. C. Stewart and W. P. McCann, The Educational Innovators 1750–1880, 1967, pp.179–83:

ODNB: Thomas Adkins, The History of St John’s College Battersea, 1906, pp.22–33

240. Frank Smith, The Life and Work of Sir James Kay-Shuttleworth, 1923, pp.93, 104

241. F. M. G. Willson, A Strong Supporting Cast: The Shaw Lefevres 1789–1936, 1993, pp.65, 156,


242. James Kay-Shuttleworth, Four Periods of Public Education, 1973 edn, p.309

243. Smith, p.105

244. Ibid., p.106


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 57

245. Adkins, pp.47–9, 59–60, 69–98: Life of John Hullah, 1886, pp.26–9

246. The Times, 14 June 1841, p.5

247. Cutting in LMA, SC/PZ/BT/03/026

248. Adkins, pp.102–4: Smith, pp.115–32: Kay-Shuttleworth, pp.423–30

249. Smith, pp.125–7

250. Adkins, pp.107, 111

251. University College of St Mary & St John (Marjon), Plymouth, archives of St John’s

College, Battersea, committee minutes, 1849–51: LMA, Y/SP/70/3, 4

252. SOX 216

253. The Ecclesiologist, vol.19, 1858, pp.340–1

254. A, 25 Feb 1910, p.129; 6 Nov 1914, p.394

255. University College of St Mary & St John (Marjon), Plymouth, archives of St John’s

College, Battersea, committee minutes, 1878–9

256. SOX 255: W. K. Lowther Clarke, A History of the SPCK, 1959, p.191

257. Adkins, pp.235–6: Builders’ Journal, 3 June 1896, p.265: A, 19 Nov 1897, after p.328

258. Adkins, pp.237–8, 243–4: A, 28 Dec 1906, p.420

259. Adkins, pp.231, 241–2

260. University College of St Mary & St John (Marjon), Plymouth, archives

261. BBC Mins, 26 Sept 1928, p.110; 28 Nov 1928, p.156; 29 Jan 1930, pp.209–10; 26 Feb 1930,

p.26; 23 Dec 1930, pp.202–3

262. Roehampton University, Southlands College archive, deeds: SOX 261(2): WHS,

Southlands Training College Battersea 1872–1928, n.d., p.7: The Standard, 7 Aug 1871, p.2

263. TNA, ED21/11231

264. Wesleyan Methodist Magazine, Jan 1907, pp.4–5: Eva Williams, The History of Southlands

College 1872–1972, n.d., p.12

265. B, 5 April 1873, p.276

266. DSR

267. WHS, Southlands Training College Battersea 1872–1928, n.d., pp.7–8: The Teacher, 5 May

1906, p.424

268. WHS, Southlands Training College Battersea 1872–1928, n.d.


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 58

269. H. Arrowsmith, Pioneering in Education for the Technologies: The Story of Battersea College of

Technology 1891–1962, 1966: Christopher Pick, Understanding the Real World: A Visual History

of the University of Surrey, 2002, Ch.4

270. The Times, 17 Jan 1888, p.8

271. University of Surrey Archives, C4/122B/01: TNA, WORK16/16/9

272. University of Surrey Archives, C4/122A/01: TNA, WORK16/16/9

273. University of Surrey Archives, C4/122D/06

274. Ibid., C4/122/03; 122A/02, 04, 05, 06; 122D/02: TNA, WORK16/16/9

275. TNA, WORK16/16/10: British Architect, 21 Feb 1890, pp.132–3

276. TNA, ED29/102

277. University of Surrey Archives, C4/122B/02

278. Ibid., C4/122/03

279. British Architect, 17 April 1891, pp.290–1

280. B, 18 April 1891, pp.303–4: British Architect, 10 April 1891, pp.275–6; 15 May 1891, p.380;

3 July 1891, p.6

281. BN, 17 April 1891, pp.528–9: British Architect, 17 April 1891, pp.290–1; 1 May 1891,


282. University of Surrey Archives, C4/122B/02

283. TNA, WORK32/297: B, 28 March 1891, p.250: BN, 27 March 1891, p.428, 3 April 1891,

p.488: British Architect, 1 May 1891, pp.336–7

284. The Times, 21 July 1891, p.11

285. University of Surrey Archives, GA/E/001/1/1: TNA, WORK16/16/10: ODNB, sub Sir

Henry Holloway

286. TNA, WORK16/16/10; 32/299

287. The Times, 26 Feb 1894, p.8

288. B, 23 July 1892, p.70

289. Australian Dictionary of Biography

290. A, 6, 13 & 20 July 1894, pp.9, 25, 41

291. Pick, p.173

292. Morning Leader, 24 Feb 1904: WHS, Battersea Polytechnic archives box

293. TNA, WORK 16/16/10


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 59

294. University of Surrey Archives, GA/E/001/1/1, 2: The Times, 4 Feb 1899, p.12; 9 June

1900, p.15: B, 18 Feb 1899, p.175

295. Arrowsmith, pp.12–13

296. BN, 4 Nov 1910, pp.653–4: A, 12 May 1911, p.300

297. Arrowsmith, pp.29–30: inscription in situ

298. Victor Belcher, The City Parochial Foundation 1891–1991, 1991, pp.139–40

299. B, 16 April 1954, pp.675–80: Arrowsmith, p.11

300. University of Surrey Archives, C4/122/05

301. Pick, pp.199–200

302. University of Surrey Archives, C4/122D/10

303. Ron Ringshall, Margaret Miles & Frank Kelsall, The Urban School, 1983, pp.102–4

304. www.stjameshomes.co.uk

CHAPTER 5 (pp. xxx-xxx)

Parks and Open Spaces

1. PP 1833 (448), XV. 337 Report of the Select Committee on Public Walks, pp.5–8: Hazel

Conway, People’s Parks: The Design and Development of Victorian Parks in Britain, 1991, pp.27–8

2. TNA, WORK6/99, p.145


4. LMA, F/JP/4

5. The Times, 13 Nov 1841, p.5

6. PP 1844 (15), XV. 1, Royal Commission to Inquire into and consider the most effectual means of

improving the Metropolis, Mins of Evidence, 9 August 1843, p.167.

7. TNA, WORK 6/102, p.141

8. Ibid., pp.285–6

9. TNA, WORK 6/103, pp.85–6


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 60

10. PP 1846 (682) XXIV.321, Royal Commission to Inquire into and consider the most effectual means

of improving the Metropolis, 5th Report (Battersea Fields), Mins of Evidence, 21 May 1845, pp.9–

13: LMA, F/JP/16

11. Geoffrey Tyack, James Pennethorne and the Making of Victorian London, 1992, pp.104–5

12. 9 & 10 Vic, c.38

13. LMA, MBW/OW/BP/1

14. Ibid.

15. TNA, CRES60/6, pp.12, 84

16. LMA, MBW/OW/BP/1

17. Ibid.

18. LMA, MBW/OW/BP/4: H. Hobhouse, Thomas Cubitt: Master Builder, 1971, p.438

19. LMA, MBW/OW/BP/4

20. TNA, WORK6/180, pp.51–2

21. LMA, MBW/OW/BP/4

22. 14 & 15 Vic, c.77

23. LMA, MBW/OW/BP/1

24. Ibid.

25. The Times, 24 May 1852, p.3

26. The Examiner, 3 April 1852, p.219

27. The Times, 17 Dec 1852, p.3

28. LMA, MBW/OW/BP/1

29. Ibid.

30. The Times, 28 May 1853, p.9

31. Ibid., 6 Aug 1853, p.4

32. Tyack, pp.105–8

33. LMA, MBW/OW/BP/2

34. PP 1857 (2), XLI. 130, Report on the present state of Metropolitan Improvements, p.18


36. BL, maps 3620 (10)

37. PP 1857 (2), XLI. 130, Report on the present state of Metropolitan Improvements

38. LMA, MBW/OW/BP/2

39. PP 1857 (2), XLI. 130, Report on the present state of Metropolitan Improvements


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 61

40. LMA, MBW/OW/BP/2

41. TNA, WORK1/55, p.43: Tyack, p.111

42. LMA, MBW/OW/BP/2

43. PP 1857 (2), XLI. 130, Report on the present state of Metropolitan Improvements, pp.15, 18–19

44. LMA, MBW/OW/BP/2

45. Ibid.

46. Ibid.

47. Journal of Horticulture, Cottage Gardener and Country Gentleman, 12 Sept 1864, pp.214–5

48. LMA, MBW/OW/BP/2

49. Ibid.

50. LMA, MBW/OW/BP/3 & 13

51. LMA, MBW/OW/BP/2

52. LMA, MBW/OW/BP/10

53. Ibid.

54. LCC Mins, 28 July 1896, p.959

55. LMA, MBW/OW/BP/3

56. BN, 13 Dec 1878, p.630: MBW Mins, 20 April 1888, p.676; 27 April 1888, p.727: LCC Mins,

28 Feb.1893, p.215

57. 50 & 51 Vic, c.34

58. LCC Mins, 15–16 Nov. 1910, p.1076; 28 Nov.1911, pp.1301, 1351; 14 May 1912, p.1234

59. LCC Mins, 15 Oct 1889, p.770: LMA, GLC/RA/D6/2/5, folder 1

60. LCC Mins, 7 July 1891, p.714

61. LCC Mins, 26 March 1901, p.388; 4 Feb 1902, p.162: Arthur Halcrow Verstage, Arts and

Crafts Architect 1875–1969, sale catalogue, Janette Ray Books [2005], p.35

62. J. Black, ‘The Real Thing: Eric Kennington’s 24th Infantry Division Memorial in Battersea

Park, London’, in Burlington Magazine, vol.145, Dec 2003, pp.854–9

63. Christian Miscellany, and Family Visitor, 1867, p.196

64. CERC, ECE 7/1/55267

65. LMA, MBW/OW/BP/2

66. Journal of Horticulture and Cottage Gardener, 12 Sept 1866, p.214

67. Farmer’s Magazine, vol.23, Jan–June 1863, p.41

68. LMA, MBW/OW/BP/2


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 62

69. LMA, MBW/OW/BP/12

70. LMA, MBW/OW/BP/13

71. LMA, GLC/RA/D6/2/5, folder 1: AR, July 1940, pp.6–7; ABN, 7 June 1940, p.191

72. LCC Mins, 26 Jan 1897, pp.63–4; 19 July 1898, p.934

73. LMA, MBW/OW/BP/12

74. Ibid.

75. LCC Mins, 28 Feb 1899, p.260.

76. EH, Parks and Gardens Register

77. LCC Mins, passim

78. LCC Mins, 5 Feb 1918, p.150: Chris Abbott, Springwell House, The Story of a London Open-

Air School, 1986, p.5

79. LMA, CL/PK/1/54, 26 July 1946

80. Ibid., Strauss to Powe, 15 May 1946

81. LMA, CL/PK/1/53, W. E. Jackson to Philip James, 3 April 1947

82. LMA, CL/PK/1/54, report from G. Mayer-Mason

83. Green Islands: the Parks Service of the London County Council, 1962, p.21: A. Forshaw & T.

Bergstrom, The Open Spaces of London, 1986, p.13

84. The Times, 7 June 1930, p.10: Robert Burstow, ‘Modern Sculpture in the Public Park’, in

Patrick Eyres & Fiona Russell (eds), Sculpture and the Garden, 2006, p.134

85. Margaret Garlake, ‘“A War of Taste”: The London County Council as Art Patron 1948–

1965’, in London Journal, vol.18 no.1, 1993, p.50

86. LMA, LCC/CL/PK/1/55, Hepworth to Lady Eleanor Nathan, 23 Dec 1947

87. Ibid, Epstein to Council, 28 Dec 1947; Strauss to Epstein, 23 Jan 1948

88. Ibid., Jasper Ridley to Strauss, 20 May 1948: Garlake, pp.50–1

89. Burstow, p.133

90. LMA, LCC/CL/PK/1/54

91. Burstow, p.136: Garlake, p.51

92. Garlake, p.51

93. LMA, LCC/CL/PK/1/53, Hepworth to Dalton, 27 May 1951; Dalton to Homes, 16 June


94. The Times, 19 May 1960, p.18

95. Ibid., 17 June 1964, p.13


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 63

96. www.tate.org

97. The Times, 20 May 1966, p.8

98. Country Life, 15 June 1951, p.1898

99. Guide Battersea Park Pleasure Gardens, 1951

100. The Times, 3 April 1951, p.4: Guide Battersea Park Pleasure Gardens, 1951, p.7

101. The Times, 3 April 1951, p.4; 15 May 1951, p.4; 29 May 1951, p.2

102. Michael de Larrabeiti, A Rose Beyond the Thames, 1978, p.125

103. The Times, 20 Oct 1951, p.8; 6 Feb 1952 p.2

104. Ibid., 20 Oct 1951, p.8; 29 Nov 1951, p.3

105. Ibid., 27 Sept 1952, p.3

106. Ibid., 25 Oct 1952, p.4; 15 May 1953, p.3

107. Ibid., 28 Jan 1954, p.5

108. Ibid., 30 Oct 1953, p.4

109. Concrete Quarterly, no.128, Jan–March 1981, pp.15–19

110. Building Design, 16 Nov 1984, p.14; 22 Feb 1985, p.10

111. The Times, 5 Nov 1984, p.32

112. Building Design 22 Feb 1985, p.10

113. Ibid., 16 Nov 1984, p.14

114. Gillian Sutch, ‘Brown Dog Statue’, in Battersea Park Review, no.57, Summer 2002: The

Times, 13 Dec 1985, p.5: Peter Mason, The Brown Dog Affair, 1997, pp.110–1

115. EH, Parks and Gardens Register

116. Virginia Liberatire, ‘Restoration of the Festival of Britain Pleasure Gardens, Battersea

Park’, in London Gardener, vol.7, 2001–2, pp.79, 82, 84

117. WP: AJ, 6 Sept 2001, pp.33–5; Building, 21 Sept 2001, pp.20–1

118. WHS, D/73/2

119. WHS, D/73/1

120. WHS, HOW/238

121. WHS, D/73/14: TNA, C24/1378/67

122. Clapham Society, The Story of Clapham Common, 1995, pp.14, 17

123. Survey of London, vol.26, 1956, pp.3–5: David Batten, Clapham with its Common and

Environs, 1841, p.49

124. Batten, pp.49–50


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 64

125. http://franklinpapers.org, vol. 29, 5 March 1779

126. Ibid., vol.20, 7 Nov 1773: Seymour Stanton Block, Benjamin Franklin, Genius of Kites,

Flights and Voting Rights, 2004, p.206: Charles Tanford, Ben Franklin Stilled the Waves: An

Informal History of Pouring Oil on Water, 1989, p.71

127. CASOS, no.232, May 1967: RB: SOX 240: Chatsworth House, Devonshire Collection,


128. Burgess, p.30

129. Lysons, vol.1, p.159

130. William, James & Jacob Malcolm, General View of the Agriculture of the County of Surrey,

1794, pp.20–1

131. Ibid.

132. LMA, P95/TRI1/139

133. Lysons, vol.4, p.161: LMA, P95/TRI1/6, p.316; P95.TRI1/139.

134. LMA, P95/TRI1/48: BV Mins, 30 April 1796

135. BV Mins, 17 Feb 1825

136. WHS, D73/2: LMA, P95/TRI1/8

137. PA, SLF/11/8

138. WHS, D73/4: David Batten, Clapham with its Common and Environs, 1841, p.49

139. Parsons, p.32

140. LMA, P95/TRI1/48

141. ODNB

142. SOX 261 (3), lease of 1849

143. LMA, P95/TRI1/79

144. Morning Chronicle, 27 Oct 1852, p.3: PA, HC/CC/PB/2/21/54, p.13

145. PP 1865, HC (390), VIII.259, Second Report from the Select Committee on Open Spaces

(Metropolis), Mins of Evidence, pp.64–9

146. J. J. Sexby, The Municipal Parks, Gardens, and Open Spaces of London, 1898, pp.95–6

147. Pall Mall Gazette, 9 July 1887, p.1

148. Kenneth D. Brown, John Burns, 1977, p.9

149. WBN, 6 Feb 1920, p.10

150. Sexby, p.95

151. Metropolitan Borough of Battersea, Official Guide, 1929 edn, pp.86–7


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 65

152. LMA, LCC/MIN/8798, 17 May 1889

153. Clapham Society, The Clapham Bandstand, 2007, p.8

154. www.djarchitects.co.uk: www.claphamcommon.org

155. LCC Mins, 28 March 1893, p.364; 26 Feb 1907, p.498; 18 Dec 1923, p.872

156. ODNB, sub Peter Piatkov (Peter the Painter): The Times, 6 Jan 1911, p.8; 8 Jan1911, p.7; 10

March 1911, p.4

157. Clapham Society, The Story of Clapham Common, 1995, pp.31–2

158. PA, SLF/11/8

159. BL, Add. MS 76534/6

160. Malcolm, p.20

161. Sexby, p.237

162. SOX 216, folder 7

163. Clapham Gazette, May 1866, p.80: LMA, BC/B/18: BV Mins, 23 April, 1825, 19 May 1825:


164. BV Mins, 5 June 1827: Thomas Milne, Land Use Map of London & Environs in 1800, 1801:

WAC, D1743a/49

165. WHS, D159/2: The Times, 3 Sept 1863, p.8

166. SOX 261 (1–2)

167. PP 1865, HC (390), VIII.259, Second Report from the Select Committee on Open Spaces

(Metropolis), Mins of Evidence, pp.2–5

168. 29 & 30 Vic, c.122

169. J. C. Buckley, A Village Politician, 1897

170. WHS, D159/2: House of Commons Select Committee on the Wandsworth Common Bill,

21 April 1871, p.2: Clapham Gazette, Sept 1867, p.124: Roger Logan, Between the Commons,

2007, p.23

171. Buckley, pp.328–9: TNA, C16/485/D3

172. The Times, 16 July 1870, p.10

173. 34 & 35 Vic,.c.clxxxi: LMA, OS/W/1; OS/W/5/1

174. LMA, OS/W/5/1: Sexby, pp.237–8

175. LMA, OS/W/5/1

176. LMA, OW/5/11

177. The Times, 13 Nov 1885, p.9; 16 Nov 1886, p.6: Census


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 66

178. MBW Mins, 30 July 1886, pp.206–7

179. WHS, BP/6/5/1244: LCC Mins, 28 March 1893, pp.364–5

180. LCC Mins, 18 June 1912, pp.1503–4; 24 June 1913, p.1487; 4 Nov 1913, p.905; 2 Feb 1914,


181. BV Mins, 22 Sept 1832: WHS, volume of Parliamentary Papers on Latchmere

Allotments, evidence on LCC General Powers Bill, 1900, p.3

182. The Standard, 16 May & 20 June 1836: Morning Post, 16 May 1836, 15 June 1837, 12 July


183. WHS, Latchmere Allotments volume

184. WHS, Latchmere Allotments volume, evidence on LCC General Powers Bill, 1900, pp.3–

7, 23–30; Report on the Health of the Metropolitan Borough of Battersea for 1903

185. BBC Mins, 23 Sept 1903; 23 Nov 1904, ?no ref for the opening.

186. BBC Mins, p.160 [date ref]

187. TNA, MEPO2/1129

188. Ibid.

189. LMA, DW/CP/1

190. LMA, DR/CP/8

191. WHS, letter of 1854 in D111/1/1, 23 Oct 1855

192. Roger Logan, Between the Commons: South Battersea’s Formative Years (Wandsworth

Historical Society, Wandsworth Paper 15), 2007, p.11: The Times, 14 June 1858, p.15; 13 July

1858, p.1

193. WHS, D111/1/1, 2 Aug 1859: LMA, DW CP/1

194. WHS, D111/1/1, 16 Aug 1859

195. Ibid., 3 Oct 1860

196. LMA, MS 21670/5: CERC, CD 23355, 26278: LMA, DR/OP/5

197. The Times, 30 May 1885, p.8

198. CERC, ECE 7/1/15137; CD 26278

199. Loobey, p.75: BBC Mins, 2 Oct 1946; 27 Nov 1946; 29 Sept 1948; 1 March 1950; 26 May

1950; 29 Nov 1950; 14 July 1951: WBC, Christchurch Gardens Park management Plan 2008-2013

200. LMA, MS 21670/28: BV Mins, 11 Oct 1893; 27 Nov 1895: WHS, BP/6/5/1440

201. Administrative County of London Development Plan 1951, p.221

202. LMA, CL/PK/1/9: WP: WBN, 2 April 1982, p.1


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 67

203. LMA, CL/PK/1/9

204. LCC Mins, 16 June 1964, pp.643–4: GLC Mins, 21 June 1966, p.308

205. WBC Mins, 13 July 1976, pp.101–2; 7 Dec 1976, pp.14–15

206. LMA, GLC/DG/AR/6/124

207. WBC Mins 12 Feb 1973, pp5–6; 30 April 1974, pp.4–5; 6 August 1974, p.3

208. WBC Mins, 9 Feb 1971, pp.8–9; 27 July 1971, pp.7–8: WBN, 29 Sept 1972, p.16

CHAPTER 6 (pp. xxx-xxx)


1. Taylor, pp.104, 105, 106, 265

2. The Post-Boy, 5–8 July 1701: Daily Post, 27 March 1739: London Evening Post, 25–28 Aug

1750: London Chronicle, 26-28 May 1761: Gazetteer and New Daily Advertiser, 7 April 1766:

Gazetteer and New Daily Advertiser, 20 March 1770, Daily Advertiser, 16 Feb, 2 March 1775

3. WHS, Battersea Churchwardens’ Accounts and Overseers’ Accounts, BP/4/1/4-6: Taylor,

pp.104, 235: SOX 347: SHC, QS2/6/1723/Mid/59

4. SOX 198

5. Loobey 2002, p.24: Corris: Friendly Societies’ Journal, 1856, p.95: Chemist and Druggist,

vol.42, 1893, p.643: R. Michael Gordon, The Thames Torso Murders, 2002, p.137: LMA,


6. Daily Advertiser, 17 April 1772; 23 May 1774

7. SOX 198: RB: Parish map: General Advertiser, 13 Feb 1750: Whitehall Evening Post, 28–31 July

1750: Daily Advertiser, 5 March 1752: Derby Mercury, 9 March 1753, p.2: Gentleman's Magazine,

vol.25, 1755, p. 280: Public Advertiser, 6 June 1755: St James's Chronicle, 1-4 Jan 1763: Randolph

Trumbach, Sex and the Gender Revolution, 1998, pp.371–2

8. SOX 212: Country Journal or The Craftsman, 22 Nov 1740: Ramsey, p.70

9. St James’s Chronicle, 7–9 July 1791

10. Daily Advertiser, 3 July 1773

11. Ramsey, p.28


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 68

12. General Advertiser, 30 July 1745

13. Ramsey, p.28

14. Caledonian Mercury, 30 Dec 1865

15. Bentley’s Miscellany, vol.1, 1837, pp.178–86: Pierce Egan, The Life of an Actor, 1825, p.218,

and The Pilgrims of the Thames, 1838, p.97: Simon Trussler, Cambridge Illustrated History of

British Theatre, 1994, p.154: H. W. Whanslaw, ‘Pedlars of Pleasure V: Spectacular Shows and

Travelling Theatres’, in Chatterbox, 1927, pp.133–4

16. John Latimer, Maria Marten, or The Murder in The Red Barn… a Traditional Acting Version…

by Montagu Slater, London, 1928: Swansea, University of Wales Archives, will of John

Latimer, 1858, GTJ62528: Jacky Bratton & Ann Featherstone, The Victorian Clown, 2006,


17. Morning Post, 31 July 1845, p.6: The Observer, 11 August 1845, p.4

18. Morning Post, 29 July 1845, p.5

19. Report from the Select Committee on Criminal and Destitute Juveniles, 1852, pp.78–9

20. Aberdeen Journal, 30 June 1852

21. Simmonds, p.79

22. J. Thomson & Adolphe Smith, Street Life in London, 1877, p.34

23. Horwood: Monthly Magazine and British Register, 1 Nov 1822, p.371: Leigh’s New Picture of

London, 1830, supplement, p.18

24. Gardener’s Magazine, vol.11, 1835, p.490: WHS, Spencer sales, 23 June 1835: Census:

Simmonds, p.77

25. The Era, 22 Sept 1844, 9 Aug 1846, 16 Jan 1848: Ramsey, p.29

26. The Times, 19 Oct 1843, p.7

27. Harry R, ‘Familiar Epistles from London, No. III’, Dublin University Magazine, Aug 1833,

p.157: John James Sexby, The Municipal Parks, Gardens and Open Spaces of London, 1905, p.72:

London Society, vol.40, 1881, p.96

28. William Hone, The Every-Day Book, vol.2, 18 June 1825, p.810

29. Daily Journal, 22 Aug 1723

30. Whitehall Evening Post, 10–12 Jan, 1749: BV Mins, 21 July 1764: R. G. Crouch, The Coat: The

Origin and Time of Doggett’s Famous Wager, 2005, pp.177–9: Daniel O’Quinn, Entertaining

Crisis in the Atlantic Imperium, 1770–1790, 2010, p.387


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 69

31. Lloyd’s Evening Post, 26 Nov 1760: Morning Chronicle, 1 Aug 1817, 5 Sept 1818: The Times,

24 Aug 1819, p.1; 10 Aug 1830, p.3: Excursions in the Vicinity of London, 1844, p.55

32. The Good-Fellow’s Almanack and Calendar of Perpetual Jocularity, 1826, pp.225-6

33. Memoirs of William Hickey, ed. Peter Quennell, 1975, vol.2, p.146

34. Morning Post and Daily Advertiser, 11 Jan 1776: Pierce Egan, Book of Sports, and Mirror of

Life, 1832, pp.378-9: The Era, 1847–51 passim

35. Egan, Book of Sports, pp.378-9

36. BV Mins, 16 April 1805

37. The Museum of Foreign Literature, Science and Art, vol.13, 1828, p.86

38. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement and Instruction, 23 Dec 1843, p.406

39. Simmonds, pp.77–8

40. The Times, 19 July 1794, p.4

41. Simmonds, p.77: Warwick Wroth, The London Pleasure Gardens of the Eighteenth Century,

1896, pp.200, 202, 302: WHS, illustrations of the Red House

42. WHS, Spencer sales, 23 June 1835: The Times, 12 May 1835, p.7

43. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement and Instruction, 23 Dec 1843, pp.405–6: The Living Age,

no.84, 1864, p.276

44. WH, no.12, 1975, p 3

45. LMA, LMA/4608, leasebook no.3, pp.304–5

46. Daily News, 30 Nov 1853; John Timbs, Curiosities of London, 1855, p.782

47. POD: Loobey 2002, p.105

48. Lloyd’s Weekly Newspaper, 18 Feb 1872

49. Diana Howard, London Theatres and Music Halls, 1850–1950, 1970, pp.53, 103: Loobey

2004, pp.34, 47

50. Howard, p.148: Census

51. The Era, 10 Dec 1871: Charles Douglas Stuart & A. J. Park, The Variety Stage, 1895, pp.91,


52. The Era, 19 Jan 1873: Roy Busby, British Music Hall, 1976, p.23

53. Howard, pp.59, 104, 189: DSR

54. The Times, 2 Oct 1909, p.13

55. The Era, 23 Oct, 13 Nov 1886

56. Ibid., 22 Oct 1876; 22 Oct 1877


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 70

57. The Era, 13 Nov 1886

58. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/19/21

59. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/17/58149 & 19/21

60. The Era, 2 Nov 1889: Daily News, 6 Oct 1892: ODNB

61. Archibald Henderson, George Bernard Shaw: His Life and Works, a Critical Biography, 1911,

p.142: George Bernard Shaw: The Diaries 1885–1897, vol.2, 1986, pp.906, 978, 1009

62. The Times, 11 Nov 1902, p.14: The Era and LCC Mins, passim: Howard, p.19

63. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/07/021: Manchester Guardian, 18 Feb 1922, p.8: The Times, 15 Feb

1922, p.8

64. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/07/021, 17/58149: information kindly supplied by Blanche Hinton,

Alex Bloom’s daughter

65. LMA, CLC/B/173/MS19415/1, 19418; GLC/AR/BR/14/019: Census: POD

66. LMA, CLC/B/173/MS19415/1, 19418: Census

67. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/52/019

68. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/52/019; CLC/B/173/MS19415/1: Pall Mall Gazette, 23 June 1886:

SWS, 23 Oct 1886, p.12

69. The Era, 9 April 1887: SWS, 2 Feb 1889, p.5

70. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/14/019: Census: information from Tony Virgo

71. Theatre Museum, production file: Trinity College of Music, Mander & Mitchenson

collection, GB2649-MM-TG-BAP: The Era 25 March, 29 July, 27 Nov 1893 & 29 Sept 1894:

LMA, GLC/AR/BR/14/019: TNA, J77/597/18242

72. www.its-behind-you.com/melvilles: The Era, 8 Aug 1896, p 12: LMA,

GLC/AR/BR/14/019 & 52/019

73. SWS, 6 March 1896, p.8

74. Reynolds’s Newspaper, 5 April 1896: LMA, GLC/AR/BR/14/019

75. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/14/019; CLC/B/173/MS19418

76. DSR; POD: LMA, CLC/B/173/MS19418

77. Loobey 2004, p.54: WP: POD: www.douglasandking.com

78. The Sketch, Nov 1896

79. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/07/0330: The Era, 18 Jan 1890; 6 June 1891; 6 Feb 1892; 28 Aug & 30

Oct 1897: Reynolds’s Newspaper, 8 July 1894


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 71

80. LMA , GLC/AR/BR/07/0330 & 19/0330: The Era, 30 Oct 1897: BV, Annual Report, 1896,

pp.66–7: Census

81. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/07/0330 & 19/0330: B, 27 June 1896, p.563: The Era, 30 Oct 1897

82. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/07/0330: BN, 27 Dec 1895, p.940: B, 27 June 1896, p.563: The Era, 27

June 1896, 22 Aug 1896: Theatre Museum, production file, cutting of 25 November 1896

83. B, 27 June 1896, p 563: The Era, 27 June 1896

84. SWS, 20 Nov 1896, p.6: The Era, 1 Oct 1896: LMA, GLC/AR/BR/19/0330

85. Glasgow Herald, 3 Jan 1898: Theatre Museum, production file, programme, 26 Dec 1899:

The Era, 26 Aug 1899

86. The Era, 26 Feb 1898

87. Trinity College of Music, Mander & Mitchenson collection, TG2649-MM-TG-SHK:

Theatre Museum, production file, programmes 1899, 1901, 1903: LMA, LCC/MIN/10862

88. LMA, LCC/MIN/10862, 10905; GLC/AR/BR/07/0330, 19/0330: Theatre Museum,

production file

89. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/13/170453

90. LMA , GLC/AR/BR/19/0330: WP

91. Plans dated May 1890 in possession of Malcom Munt: ‘Munts Hall – Grand Hall of

Varieties – Imperial Picture Theatre, Clapham Junction’, Cinema Theatre Association Bulletin,

vol.4, no.6, Nov–Dec 1970, pp.33-6

92. LCC Mins, 29 Jan 1891, p.65; 12 May 1891, p.534; 29 Sept 1891, p.909; 25 July 1893, p.798:

Daily News, 17 Jan 1891: The Era, 17 Jan 1891: TNA, BT31/5952/41937

93. Census: The Era, 1 May 1897: BL, MSS Evan. 486, 508: The Era, 2 March 1889: Reynolds’s

Newspaper, 17 March 1889: www.oldbaileyonline

94. The Era, 20 & 27 Oct 1894

95. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/17/67961: Loobey 2004, p.49

96. LMA, LCC/MIN/10862: TNA, BT31/5952/41937: The Era, 1894–9, passim

97. The Era, 28 Oct 1900

98. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/07/1350

99. The Times, 11 Nov 1902, p.14, 29 Nov 1902, p.14

100. Cinema Theatre Association Bulletin, loc. cit.

101. Loobey 2004, p.49: LMA, GLC/AR/BR/7/1350, 17/67961: DSR

102. Cinema Theatre Association Bulletin, loc. cit.


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 72

103. Loobey 2004, p.51

104. WP

105. Ibid.

106. TNA, BT31/16321/64687: The Era, 27 July 1895, 8 July 1898, 8 July 1899, 27 Oct 1900

107. RIBA Library, biographical file

108. LMA, LCC/MIN/10862; GLC/AR/BR/19/229

109. The Era, 1 Dec 1900

110. B, 1 Dec 1900, pp.495–6

111. RIBA Library, biographical file

112. B, 2 June 1900, p.548: The Era, 19 May, 1 Dec 1900

113. The Era, 5 & 19 May 1900

114. LMA, LCC/MIN/10862; GLC/AR/BR/19/229: LCC Mins, 9 Nov 1909, p 961: The Era, 1

Dec, 1900

115. LMA, LCC/MIN/10862

116. Ibid.: ODNB: R. A. Baker, British Music Hall, 2005, p.81: Chris Woodward, The London

Palladium, 2009, pp 52, 79: Luke McKernan (ed.), A Yank in Britain: The Lost Memoirs of Charles

Urban, Film Pioneer, 1999, pp 56-9

117. LMA, LCC/MIN/10862: TNA, MEPO 3/942: Theatre Museum, Grand Theatre

production file, passim

118. LMA, LCC/MIN/10862; GLC/AR/BR/19/229: TNA, BT31/16321/64687

119. www.arthurlloyd.co.uk/Clapham.htm

120. LMA, LCC/MIN/10862; GLC/AR/BR/19/229

121. Loobey 2004, p.43: SWS, 16 June 1950, p.1

122. Terry Cook, quoted in www.arthurlloyd.co.uk/Clapham.htm

123. SWS, 11 Oct 1963: WP: Theatre Museum, production file

124. WP

125. Ibid.

126. The Independent, 19 Dec 1991, p.14: Time Out, 4–11 Dec 1991: Theatre Museum,

production file

127. The Independent, 19 Dec 1991, p.14: Designers’ Journal, March 1992, pp.46–9

128. WP: Context, vol.57, March 1998, p.11

129. WP: www.nexo-sa.com/asp/news/newspage.asp?id=73


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 73

130. WP: Trinity College of Music, Mander & Mitchenson collection, GB2649-MM-TG-BRI

131. WP: Trinity College of Music, Mander & Mitchenson collection, GB2649-MM-TG-LAT

132. WP

133. www.guardian.co.uk/stage/2009/nov/17/jongleurs-comedy-clubs-standup

134. B, 31 Jan 1863, pp.80-1; 22 April 1865, pp.279–81; 22 May 1865, pp.345–6

135. TNA, T1/13159: The Standard, 5 Aug 1882

136. The Times, 10 Aug 1882, p.13: TNA, WORK31/3338/19839; WORK/16/5/4

137. The Times, 11 July 1884, p.13: TNA, WORK31/3338/19839

138. TNA, T1/13159

139. B, 1 March 1884, p.317; 13 June 1885, p.852

140. The Engineer, 23 May 1884, p.386

141. B, 13 June 1885, p.852

142. ILN, 13 June 1885, p.616

143. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/032: The Times, 26 Nov 1883, p.4; 18 Oct 1884, p.12; 11 Jan 1911,

p.11: B, 1 March 1884, pp.316–7; 2 May 1885, p.634; 13 June 1885, p.852: BN, 29 Feb 1884,

pp.344–5; 1 May 1885, pp.680–1: WH, no.45, June 1985, pp.1-7

144. The Times, 27 April 1885, p.9: B, 2 May 1885, p.634: C.W. Pearce, Notes on Old City

Churches: Their Organs, Organists and Musical Associations, 1909, p.191

145. TNA, WORK16/5/5: LMA, O/522/001: The Graphic, 13 June 1885, p. 592

146. The Times, 11 July 1884, p.13; 26 Aug 1884, p.9: ILN, 28 June 1884, p. 638: Morning Post, 3

Aug, 1886, p.3

147. ILN, 11 April 1885, p.369: Musical Times, 1 Dec 1897, p.842

148. Joany Hichberger, ‘Democratising Glory? The Victoria Cross Paintings of Louis

Desanges’, in Oxford Art Journal, vol.7, no.2, 1984, pp.42–51: The Observer, 31 May 1885, p.6

149. The Standard, 1 Nov 1892, p.2

150. Saloni Mathur, ‘Living Ethnological Exhibits: The Case of 1886’, Cultural Anthropology,

vol.15, no.4, Nov 2000, pp.492–524: The Times, 27 Oct 1885, p.6

151. Theatre Museum, Albert Palace file: The Times, 24 April 1886, p.5; 15 Nov 1886, p.7; 10

Feb 1887, p.9

152. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/14/032: B, 16 April 1892, p.302: TNA, BT31/3338/19839


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 74

153. The Times, 27 June 1892, p.17; 11 Oct 1892, p.4; 24 Dec 1892, p.11; 5 Oct 1893, p.2; 6 Jan

1894, p.11; 17 Jan 1894, p.14: BN, 24 Oct 1892, p.620: Penny Illustrated Paper, 29 Oct 1892, p.


154. The Times, 12 Aug 1893, p.10

155. Musical Times, 1 Sept 1893, p.550: The Times, 25 Aug 1893, p.8; 30 Aug 1893, p.10: WHS,

Parochial Offices Committee Mins, 22 Sept 1893

156. David Oswald Hunter Blair, In Victorian Days and Other Papers, 1939, pp.226–8

157. Bernard Shaw’s Book Reviews, ed. Brian Tyson, vol. 2, 1996, p.481

158. The Times, 30 May 1894, p.10; 31 May 1894, p.10

159. TNA, WORK16/12/6, 7; 16/13/2

160. This account of Dream City is based unless otherwise stated on LMA,

GLC/AR/BR/19/0272; LCC/AR/TH/01/040; GLC/AR/BR/22/BA/062781: TNA,


161. General Catalogue of Officers and Students, 1837–1901, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1902 : obit. in

New York Times, 1 Sept 1943

162. The Times, 13 Nov 1907, p. 14: David Goodman and Colin Chant, The European Cities and

Technology Reader, 1999, p. 164

163. The Times, 13 Nov 1907, p.14: Theodore Andrea Cooke, The Fourth Olympiad, being the

Official Report: The Olympic Games of 1908, 1909, pp. 26, 45, 388–93

164. ‘Lucerna: the Magic Lantern Web Resource’, www.slides.uni-trier.de/index.php:

Sunday School Chronicle, 20 October 1876, p.248; 24 Oct 1901, p.738; 11 Feb 1904, p.150: Church

Army Gazette, 15 March 1893, p.6: LMA, LCC/MIN/10775

165. Census: Robert W. Paul, ‘Kinematograph experiences’, [1936] in Raymond Fielding, ed.,

A Technological History of Motion Pictures and Television, 1967, p.44: The Era, 28 March 1896:


166. Census

167. Loobey 2004, p. 54: Merry-Go-Round, vol.12, no.2, March 1959, quoted in


168. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/07/578

169. TNA, BT31/19297/08138

170. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/07/466, 467: Jon Burrows, ‘Penny Pleasures: Film Exhibition in

London during the Nickelodeon Era, 1906–1914', in Film History, no.16/1, Spring 2004,


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 75

pp.60–91, and ‘Penny Pleasures II: Indecency, Anarchy and Junk Film in London’s

“Nickleodeons”, 1906-14’, in Film History, no.16/2, Summer 2004, pp.172–97

171. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/07/466 & 467, 19/467

172. Loobey 2004, pp. 30, 37–8

173. Ibid., pp.37–8

174. Loobey 2004, p.33: LMA, GLC/AR/BR/17/34226 & 17/67529

175. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/07/0738: TNA, BT31/19549/10540

176. Margaret Dickinson and Sarah Street, Cinema and State: Film Industry and the British

Government, 1927-84, 1985

177. Loobey 2004, p.53: LMA, GLC/AR/BR/07/2316

178. TNA, BT31/19954/115105

179. Theatre Museum, London, buildings file THM.2.45: LMA, GLC/AR/BR/07/2316

180. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/07/529

181. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/07/0726: The Times, 17 Oct 1942, p.2

182. WP: LMA, GLC/AR/BR/17/61673, GLC/AR/BR/07/529

183. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/07/2604: Allan Eyles, Odeon Cinemas 1: Oscar Deutsch Entertains

Our Nation, 2002, p.202

184. Allan Eyles, The Granada Theatres, 1998, pp.93–8: LMA, GLC/AR/BR/07/2604,


185. ODNB: Richard Gray, ‘Theodore Komisarjevsky, man of the theatre – and cinema

interior designer’, in Picture House, no.33, 2008, pp.3–20

186. Loobey 2004, pp.44–6

187. WP

188. Gray, p.20: Loobey 2004, pp.45–6: WP

189. WP: Daily Telegraph, 18 Oct 2007: www.assael.co.uk

190. WP: information from David Andrews of Wandsworth Council, and Mark Thompson of


191. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/07/2316

192. Trinity College of Music, Mander & Mitchenson collection, GB2649-MM-TG-WTV

193. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/07/4016

194. POD: DSR: www.thesnookerforum.com/board/archive/index.php/t-24578.html

195. English Mechanic & World of Science, vol.52, 1891, p.481


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 76

196. Goad: POD: DSR: LMA, GLC/AR/BR/07/4016

197. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/19/4016: WP

198. POD

199. WP: www.naganjohnson.co.uk

200. WHS, BP 6/5/1892: POD: EH, London Historians’ file (building types)

201. POD: WP

202. WP

203. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/17/07/170961

204. TNA, MEPO3/767

205. The Times, 17 Oct 1942, p.2

CHAPTER 7 (pp. xxx-xxx)

The Railways

1. PA, HL/PO/JO/10/8/1077, 5 June 1834: R. A. Williams, The London & South Western

Railway, vol.1, 1968, p.14

2. John Howard Turner, The London Brighton & South Coast Railway, vol.1, 1977, pp.66–7, 77,

111: PA, HL/PO/JO/10/8/1077, 27 June 1834

3. PA, HL/PO/JO/10/8/1077, 2 June 1834

4. TNA, RAIL412/1

5. Arthur Freeling, The London and Southampton Railway Companion, 1839, pp.24–5

6. PA, HL/PO/JO/10/8/1077

7. BV Mins, Jan 1834–Sept 1835: PA, HL/PO/JO/10/8/1077, 5 June 1834

8. The Times, 31 May 1838, p.6

9. The Times, 29 Aug 1843, p.5

10. Williams, vol.1, pp.158–69

11. J. R. Piggott, Palace of the People: The Crystal Palace at Sydenham 1854–1936, 2004, pp.34–5

12. TNA, RAIL729/3, 2 Aug & 6 Oct 1853

13. Edwin Course, London Railways, 1962, p.94


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 77

14. The Times, 1 Oct 1852, p.3

15. PA, HC/CL/PB/2/21/54

16. TNA, WORK16/8/1/11–12

17. TNA, RAIL 729/8; WORK16/8/1: PA, HC/CL/PB/2/21/54

18. TNA, RAIL729/3, 22 Feb 1854, 7 June 1855, Feb 1858: The Times, 1 Oct 1852, p.3

19. ODNB

20. The Times, 1 Oct 1852, p.3: TNA, WORK16/8/1; WORK1066/1680, evidence of R. Jacomb

Hood, 2 May 1864: John G. Cox, Samuel Morton Peto (1809–1889), 2008, pp.51–2

21. The Times, 20 June 1856, p.5; 6 July 1857, p.12: TNA, RAIL414/437; 729/8

22. TNA, RAIL729/3, 13 June & 3 July 1857; 729/8; 797/153: J. E. Connor, London’s Disused

Stations, vol.6, 2002, pp.57–9

23. C. F. Dendy Marshall and R. W. Kidner, A History of the Southern Railway, vol. 1, 1963,


24. Metcalf, p.10

25. LMA, MR/U/P/0532

26. Tim Sherwood, Change at Clapham Junction, 1994, p.11

27. Adrian Gray, The London, Chatham & Dover Railway, 1984, pp.76–7

28. BN, 12 Feb 1864, p.108

29. TNA, RAIL415/1

30. Gray, pp.12, 76

31. ICE Proceedings, vol.27, 1867–8, pp.68–81

32. PA, HL/PO/PB/5/30/6; W27, 1864: TNA, WORK16/18/10

33. PA, HC/CL/PB/2/30/43 & 2/31/28: TNA, WORK1066/1680, evidence of Fox, 28 April


34. D. L. Bradley, The Locomotive History of the London, Chatham & Dover Railway, 1979, p.6

35. B, 20 Jan 1877, p.66; 28 April 1877, p.423; 4 June 1887, p.856: Williams, vol.2, 1973, p.76

36. J. N. Faulkner and R. A. Williams, The London & South Western Railway in the 20th Century,

1988, pp.46–54

37. Turner, vol.3, 1979, pp.81–6, 137, 141–2

38. www.kentrail.co.uk/Stewarts%20Lane.htm

39. TNA, RAIL253/717

40. Ibid.


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 78

41. Percy J. Edwards, History of London Street Improvements 1855–1897, 1898, p.189: B, 5 July

1890, p.19

42. SWS, 28 April 1894, p.2

43. Booth, 1st series, Poverty, vol.1, p.295; 3rd series, Religious Influences, vol.5, p.162

44. LMA, MS 19421/6, 30 April 1883

45. Clapham Gazette, May 1866, p.80

46. B, 8 May 1869, p.375

47. The Times, 15 Jan 1889, p.9

48. Booth, 1st series, Poverty, vol.1, p.313

49. CERC, ECE 7/1/48709

50. Ibid., ECE 7/1/50592, Part 2

51. Census

52. Ibid.

53. J. Derrick, ‘Nine Elms Station in 1839’, The London Railway Record, Oct 1998, pp.137–8:

Connor, vol. 5, 2005, pp.16–23

54. Carroll L. V. Meeks, The Railroad Station, 1956, pp.29–32

55. Gordon Biddle, ‘Sir William Tite and Railways’, Back-Track, vol.22, 2008, p.532

56. TNA, RAIL412/1, Oct 1837–March 1839

57. Colvin, p.1044: Hamilton Ellis, The South Western Railway, 1956, p.38

58. Williams, vol.1, p. 37

59. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement and Instruction, 14 Sept 1839, quoted in Derrick, p.138

60. B, 2 Oct 1942, p.282

61. EH, Archives Centre, MD55/6–17

62. TNA, RAIL411/399

63. The Times, 12 April 1864, p.12B: Connor, vol.5, p.19

64. B, 2 Oct 1942, p.281

65. John Betjeman, First and Last Loves, 1960 edn, p.84

66. The Times, 18 Jan 1951, p.3; 19 Jan 1951, pp.5 & 10; 24 Aug 1951, p.2; 5 Aug 1960, p.5

67. Connor, vol.5, p.38, quoting South Western Gazette, 7 Dec 1889

68. Derrick, p.138

69. Connor, vol.5, p.38, quoting South Western Gazette, Jan 1890

70. BDCE, vol.2, p.493


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 79

71. Peter F. Winding, ‘Historic Locomotive Depots: Nine Elms’, Railway World, Nov 1980,

pp.574–6: Simmonds, p.6: Connor, vol.5, pp.18-19

72. PA, HC/CL/PB/2/30/42, LSWR Additional Powers Bill, evidence of J. S. Stratton, 4

March 1862

73. The Engineer, 21 Aug 1868, pp.132–3

74. Winding, Nov 1980, pp.575–7

75. Faulkner & Williams, pp.183–4

76. Penny Illustrated Paper, 6 Oct 1894, p.218

77. Faulkner & Williams, pp.183–4: Winding, Nov 1980, pp.578–9

78. Railway Magazine, Jan 1900, pp.72–8: The Times, 14 Aug 1930, p.14

79. B, 2 Oct 1942, p.283: Survey of London, vol.26, 1956, pp.76–8

80. Railway Magazine, Jan 1900, p.77

81. ABN, 19 March 1937, pp.352–5: AR, Jan 1937, pp.29–30

82. TNA, RAIL415/1: Kidner, p.13: WHS, misc. deeds, box X54 (Gonsalva Road): Metcalf,


83. Kidner, p.6

84. TNA, RAIL415/1: Peter F. Winding, Railway World, Oct 1960, pp.296–300, & Feb 1980,


85. Kidner, p.13: O. S. Nock, The South Eastern and Chatham Railway, 1961, p.75

86. Course, p.115

87. TNA, RAIL415/1

88. Simmonds, p.90: TNA, RAIL415/92; 415/100/1, 2; 415/102/3: Winding, Oct 1960 & Feb


89. TNA, RAIL415/1

90. John and Robert Tatchell, ‘A Visit to Longhedge Works, S.E. & C.R., in 1903’, Archive, nos

15, Sept 1997, pp.3–15, and 16, Dec 1997, pp.31–41

91. Simmonds, pp.87, 89

92. Mechanical World, 13 & 20 Aug 1886, pp.29–32

93. TNA, RAIL415/42: Simmonds, p.87

94. Simmonds, p.90: Mechanical World, 13 & 20 Aug 1886, pp.29–32

95. National Rail Plan Room, unnumbered microfiches for Longhedge site: LCDR letter

books, Jan–March 1887, communicated by Malcolm Parker


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 80

96. TNA, RAIL415/93

97. Simmonds, p.91: Mechanical World, 13 & 20 Aug 1886, pp.29–32

98. Course, p.115

99. Sherwood, p.93

100. This list is based on the following sources: TNA, RAIL415/1; 415/44; 415/91; 92, 93:

415/100/1; 415/101/2, 4, 9, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 22, 23, 25; 415/102/3: National Rail Plan Room

225867, 229843, 251002, 251006, 275836 276842, 801584, 902470, & unnumbered plans of 1886

for carriage cleaning shed: B, 4 Aug 1877, p.798: Simmonds, pp.87–90: Winding, p.64

101. Connor, vol.6, p. 59

102. Simmonds, p.87

103. Sherwood, p.92: TNA, ZLIB4/181; RAIL1057/3215/1, 2

104. P. F. Winding, ‘Historic Locomotive Depots: Battersea Park’, Railway World, Oct 1980,


105. National Rail Plan Room, drawings 204906–21, 204934–5

106. Information from John Minnis

107. National Rail Plan Room, drawings 204931–3, 204936

108. Simmonds, p.85

109. Sherwood, p.26

110. Ibid.

111. Ibid., pp.10–13: Clapham Gazette, March 1866, p.69

112. All the Year Round, 14 July 1866, p.16

113. B, 3 Jan 1874, p.7

114. Sherwood, p.15: B, 3 Jan 1874, pp.7–8

115. B, 13 June 1874, p.499

116. Sherwood, pp.15–16

117. Simmonds, p.151

118. Richard Ellmann, Oscar Wilde, 1987, p.465

119. Railway Times, 13 April 1907, pp.377–8: Sherwood, pp.18–19

120. TNA, MT6/1492/2

121. DSR: Daily Telegraph, 10 Jan 1908: Daily Graphic, 11 Sept 1909: Evening News, 26 Aug

1910: Sherwood, pp.19–21

122. LCC Mins, 1–2 Aug 1911, p.593; 30 Jan 1912, pp.137–8


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 81

123. Sherwood, pp.25–6; WHS, Area Plans Box, South Battersea and Clapham Junction

124. Evening Standard, 29 June 2010: www.theheartofbattersea.co.uk: www.osborne.co.uk:




125. TNA, MT6/171/2: Simmonds, p.151: Sherwood, p.25

126. Tony Atkins, GWR Goods Services Part 2A: Goods Depots and their Operations, 2007,


127. Tony Atkins & David Hyde, GWR Goods Services: An Introduction, 2000, p.85

128. Course, p.112

129. DSR

130. TNA, AN169/860: BBC Mins, 18 Dec 1963, pp.210–11; 25 March 1964, p.311

131. Course, p.113

132. TNA, AN169/860

133. Daily News, 29 March 1858: Morning Post, 27 March 1858, p.4

134. TNA, RAIL797/153: Connor, vol.6, pp.57–9

135. National Rail Plan Room, drawing 210122

136. TNA, MT6/47/3: Connor, vol.6, pp.5–7

137. Information from John Minnis

138. National Rail Plan Room, drawing 210118

139. Ibid., drawing 260707

140. Sherwood, p.64

141. A, 16 Oct 1869, p.190

142. Dendy Marshall & Kidner, vol.2, Appendix 6

143. Wandsworth Advertiser, 15 March 1984

144. National Rail Plan Room, drawings 204309–18

145. Connor, vol.6, pp.4–7

146. Ibid., vol.6, p.68

147. B, 20 Jan 1877, p.66

148. Connor, vol.5, pp.64–70

149. Clapham Gazette, Dec 1863, pp.17–19

150. Ibid.


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 82

151. Connor, vol.5, p.6

152. National Rail Plan room, drawing 280485: Connor, vol.6, p.45

153. Connor, vol.6, p.68

154. Information from John Minnis

CHAPTER 8 (pp. xxx-xxx)


1. WDBW Sanitary Department, Report for 1866, p.29

2. Corris: Parish map

3. Taylor, p.95: K. G. Farries and M. T. Mason, The Windmills of Surrey and Inner London, 1966,

pp.48–9: RB

4. TNA, C24/956/45: GL, MS 8674/50/62305–6: WH, no. 71, Spring 2000, p.8

5. Taylor, pp.5–6, 95–6, 221–2: Parish map

6. The Connoisseur, Oct 1918, pp.83–4: Burlington Magazine, May 1990, p.333: WHS, local

enquiry file

7. Birmingham Central Library, Boulton & Watt Archive and Matthew Boulton Papers, MS

3147/3/371, items 34–7: ODNB

8. L. F. Haber, The Chemical Industry during the Nineteenth Century, 1958, p.14: RB: POD

9. RB: WHS, local enquiry files: Judy Slinn, A History of May & Baker 1834–1984, 1984, pp.15–

16, 19–20

10. ODNB: POD: The Times, 3 Dec 1823, p.3; 3 Jan 1835, p.2: ILN, 20 March 1847, p.178; 6 Nov

1852, p.375: Morning Chronicle, 5 Feb 1862: Ramsey, pp.76–7

11. RB: LMA, MS 11936/513/1076016: ILN, 22 April 1854, p.369

12. National Maritime Museum, Caird Library, MS LBK/54, p.4

13. Corris: Bailey 2010, pp.15, 17

14. SLP, 12 July 1884, p.4: Garton Sons & Company, Gartons of Battersea (brochure), 1960:

information from Chris Ellmers

15. TNA, IR58/88170/202, 207; IR58/88169/199: POD


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 83

16. BN, 8 Jan 1875, p.38: TNA, BT 356/8606, 8657, 8973, 9391, 9404, 9763, 10359, 11793

17. LMA, B/WHF/4

18. The Complete Launderer, ed. Ancliffe Prince, 1938, pp.17–19: Ancliffe Prince, The Craft of

Laundering, 1970 edn, p.18

19. Margot Jeffreys, Mobility in the Labour Market. Employment Changes in Battersea and

Dagenham, 1954, pp.17–19: POD

20. Jeffreys, pp.17–18: Slinn, pp.112–15: LMA, B/WHF/245

21. Jeffreys, p.18

22. SLP, 22 Feb 1974

23. Census: Booth, 1st series, Poverty, vol.1, pp.296–7: Booth collection, B93, p.9

24. Booth collection, B60, pp.151, 152; B116, p.54: WH, no.76, Spring 2003, pp.2–3

25. Booth collection, B60, p.151: Victorian Studies, vol.24, no.4, Summer 1989, p.446

26. Slinn, pp.86–7: Daily Herald, 30 Sept 1913; 1 & 17 Oct 1913: Jo Stanley and Bronwen

Griffiths, For Love & Shillings. Wandsworth Women’s Working Lives, 1990, pp.137, 139

27. Simmonds, p.42: ILN, 2 Dec 1854, p.53; 16 Nov 1861, p.503

28. Booth, 1st series, Poverty, vol.1, pp.292–4

29. Stanley and Griffiths, pp.129, 132: TNA, MH 66/303

30. Deyan Sudjic in The Observer on Sunday, 18 May 2003, Features and Reviews, p.6

31. RB: Farries and Mason, p.49: Michael Short, Windmills in Lambeth, 1971, p.45

32. SOX 514: Public Advertiser, 3 June 1860: Gazetteer and London Daily Advertiser, 17 Aug 1762:

London Evening Post, 2–4 Aug 1763: Farries and Mason, p.49: Edwards, pt 1, p.21

33. This paragraph is based largely on A. J. Francis, The Cement Industry 1796–1914, 1978 edn,


34. POD: TNA, IR58/88169, 88170: WP

35. LMA, MBW/OW/CB/6, no.26; LMA/4335/B: Lynn F. Pearson, British Breweries, 1999,


36. RB: POD: TNA, IR58/88169, 88170

37. RB: POD: BDA 5349; TNA, IR58/88170/201–2

38. LMA, B/LGLC/4, 1855–62; B/LGLC/11, 1856–65: E. G. Stewart, Historical Index of

Gasworks past and present in the area now served by the North Thames Gas Board 1806–1957, 1957,

p.68: Simmonds, p.105


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 84

39. LMA, B/LGLC/4, 2 Jan, 2 April 1856, 18 Nov 1857; B/LGLC/11, 15 Feb 1860, 6 Feb 1861;

B/LGLC/12, pp.31, 144: ILN, 11 Nov 1865, pp.463, 465: The Times, 2 Nov 1865, p.12

40. WH, no.1, Feb 1971, pp.9–10: Stewart, p.65: Andro Linklater, An Unhusbanded Life, 1980,


41. WH, no.63, 1991, p.22: LMA, B/LGLC/12, p.342; B/LGLC/6, p.96;

LMA/4223/02/02/113: The Gas Light and Coke Company, 1912, pp.45, 63

42. King’s Treatise, ed. Thomas Newbigging and W. T. Fewtrell, vol.1, 1878, pp.367, 369–70:

Simmonds, pp.20–1: Stirling Everard, The History of the Gas Light and Coke Company 1812–

1949, 1949, pp.281, 298: LMA, LMA/4223/02/02/113, p.3: Trevor I. Williams, A History of the

British Gas Industry, 1981, pp.72–3, 129

43. LMA, B/GLCC/120, 13 Nov & 11 Dec 1891; B/GLCC/121, 6 Jan 1893: information

kindly supplied by Malcolm Tucker

44. LMA, LMA/4223/02/02/113; LMA/4223/02/04/031; GLC/AR/OS/01/000013:

Stewart, pp.68–9

45. Malcolm Falkus, Always under Pressure: A History of North Thames Gas since 1949, 1988,

pp.15, 32–3: Everard, p.368: LMA, LMA/4223/02/02/114: The Times, 21 May 1952, p.7; 22

May 1952, p.8

46. Falkus, pp.160, 199

47. London Architect, Jan 1982, pp.1–5

48. Construction, Spring 1982, pp.12–14: Bridget Cherry and Nikolaus Pevsner, The Buildings

of England, London 2: South, 1983, p.677: TNA, STAT14/4311

49. SLP, 13 Dec 1983, p.6: WP

50. BDA 3005, 3480, 3538, 3615: TNA, IR58/88169/183: ABN, 16 Aug 1956, pp.226–32: WP

51. POD: LMA, GLC/AR/BR/17/017156: WH, no. 85, Autumn 2007, pp.14–16

52. WP

53. 4 & 5 William IV, c. lxxix, local: LMA, ACC/2558/MW/C/15/195: H. W. Dickinson,

Water Supply of Greater London, 1954, pp.80–4

54. BDCE, vol.1, 2002, p.16: GLIAS, ‘Battersea Water Works’, draft report by Malcolm Tucker

and Tim Smith, 1992/3

55. LMA, MBW/OW/BP/1/7–8; ACC/2558/SV/1/10/1, pp.13–14, 33, 38

56. LMA, ACC/2558/SV/1/10/1, pp.169–70: Dickinson, p.82

57. LMA, ACC/2558/SV/1/10/1, pp.116–17, 170, 195


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 85

58. Ibid., pp.171–2: 8 & 9 Vic, c.lxix

59. LMA, ACC/2558/SV/1/10/1, p.453; ACC/2558/SV/1/11B/1, pp. 2–3, 26, 10, 18–19, 25,

104: PP 1850 (1281–4), Report on Supply of Water to the Metropolis, 1850, p.21

60. LMA, ACC/2558/SV/1/11B/1, pp.3, 37, 132

61. Ibid., pp.44, 149; LMA, ACC/2558/MW/C/15/195: Report on Supply of to the Metropolis,

1850, pp.21–3

62. 15 & 16 Vic, c.84: 15 & 16 Vic, c.clviii: LMA, ACC/2558/SV/1/11B/1, pp.450, 504, 532;

ACC/2558/SV/1/12/1, pp.1, 118, 164, 168

63. LMA, ACC/2558/SV/1/12/1, pp.218–9

64. Henry Mayhew and John Binny, 1862, quoted in SWS, 23 Sept 1983: Norman Macleod,

‘The Water Supply of London’, in Good Words, 1864 (information kindly supplied by Bryce


65. LMA, ACC/2558/SV/1/12/1, pp.266ff

66. www.capsu.org/history/pneumatic_despatch.html

67. LMA, ACC/2558/SV/1/13/1, pp.97, 113, 189, 198, 358, 406, 410: Zerah Colburn and

William H. Maw, The Waterworks of London, 1867, p.62

68. ILN, 19 July 1884, p.59: Richard Sisley, The London Water Supply: A Retrospect and Survey,

1899, p.140: The Times, 10 June 1903, p.5

69. LMA, ACC/2558/MW/1/97/1, pp.201–2, 228–30; ACC/2558/MW/1/102, pp.108–9:

WHS, MBB/1/14, p.306

70. Jon Lowe, ‘Pumphouse and former Battersea Waterworks structures, Cringle Street,

Battersea’ (CgMs Consulting Historic Building Record), June 2005: AJ, 1 March 2001: Private

Eye, 7 March 1997: WP

71. DSR

72. British Architect, 1 Sept 1882, p.421: B, 26 July 1884, p.148: WP

73. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/10/BA/0426/C/BA: POD: Sea Breezes: The Shiplovers’ Digest, 1969

74. Tithe: OS, 1st edn, 1870

75. TNA, WORK16/15/1; IR58/88217/105: B, 18 July 1863, p.522; 14 Oct 1876, pp.996–8:

Museum of English Rural Life (Reading), TR SCM P2/B548

76. SLP, 12 July 1884, p.4: B, 12 July 1884, p.72

77. WHS, local enquiry file: TNA, IR58/88217/166–9

78. TNA, IR58/88217/105: POD: WP


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 86

79. DSR: Ramsey, p.76: POD: LA, IV/134/1, reports for 1888–92, 1893–4

80. BDA 5589: The Times, 9 Feb 1901, p.5: LMA, ACC/1297/BUS/37/1, 2: Barker & Robbins,

vol.2, pp.165–6: TNA, IR58/88217/111–12

81. Booth collection, B390, pp.63–9: Social Gazette, 19 Nov 1898, p.3

82. TNA, IR58/88217/110–11: POD: Stanley and Griffiths, p.130: NMR photo AA73/1434

83. WHS, local enquiry file: SLP, 22 July 1876: POD: WH, no. 90, Autumn 2010, pp.1–6: Slinn,


84. Colin Thom, ‘Fine veneers, army boots and tinfoil: new light on Marc Isambard Brunel’s

activities in Battersea’, in Construction History, vol. 25, 2010, pp.53–67

85. Science Museum Library (Swindon), Goodrich Papers, Journals and Memorandums Book

10, 15 Aug, 2 Sept and 12 & 15 Oct 1805; Book 12, 15 Oct 1805; Book 13, 13 May 1806; Book

14, 14 June and 20 July 1806: Richard Beamish, Memoir of the life of Sir Marc Isambard Brunel,

1862, p.37

86. RB: National Maritime Museum, Caird Library, MS LBK/54, pp.4–5: ODNB

87. National Maritime Museum, Caird Library, MS LBK/54, p.17

88. TNA, ADM140/98–9; MPHH 1/245: Beamish, p.101: Harold Bagust, The Greater Genius?

A Biography of Marc Isambard Brunel, 2006, pp.36-7: Survey of London, vol.48, 2012, p.??

89. National Maritime Museum, Caird Library, MS LBK/54, passim: POD: Beamish, p.128:

Bagust, pp.36–7: Survey of London, vol.4, 1913, p.40

90. Science Museum Library & Archives (Swindon), Goodrich Papers, Journals and

Memorandums Book 17, 30 Jan 1807, pp.3–8

91. Sir Richard Phillips, A Morning’s Walk from London to Kew, 1810 edn, p.46: Penny

Magazine, July 1840, p.262: Paul Clements, Marc Isambard Brunel, 1970, p.39: Beamish, p.104

92. Bagust, p.38: Beamish, pp.104, 128, 165

93. RB: Bagust, p.51: Mudge Memoirs, ed. Stamford Raffles Flint, 1883, p.61

94. RB

95. BL, Add. MS 76117

96. Ibid.: Beamish, pp.133, 135: Bagust, p.44: Clements, p.54

97. BL, Add. MS 76117: Bagust, pp.45–6

98. The Times, 5 Sept 1815, p.3: Bagust, p.46

99. Bagust, pp.46, 51: Clements, p.63

100. Clements, pp.63, 68–9


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 87

101. POD: TNA, PROB11/1701

102. Beamish, pp.144–6: Clements, pp.68–9: Science Museum Library (Swindon), MSS 346/1,


103. Clements, pp.70, 74, 80: RB

104. POD

105. K. Vaughan Morgan, Battersea Works. Being Extracts from A Lecture given on the 23rd

February, 1923 (copy in WHS), p.16: Barker & Robbins, vol.1, pp.165–6: ILN, 14 Aug 1852

106. WHS, Morgan Crucible Deeds Box 1: Frank Burtt, Paddle Steamers of the Thames and

Medway, 1949, pp.42–3

107. Barker & Robbins, vol.2, p.331: Morgan, p.16

108. This and the following paragraphs are based largely on: Sir Austin Hudson, The Brothers

Morgan, 1953: K. Vaughan Morgan, Battersea Works. Being extracts from a lecture given on the

23rd February, 1923 (copy in WHS): Richard L. Bennett, Battersea Works 1856–1956, 1956:

Uncommon Clay, 1954: WHS, Morgan Crucible deeds boxes

109. WHS, misc. deeds, box X66

110. DSR: MBW Mins, 19 Oct 1866, p.1294; 5 Aug 1870, p.228; 3 May 1872, p.637: A, 22 April

1871, pp.209–10: BN, 15 Dec 1871, p.451

111. Simmonds, pp.155–6: DSR: MBW Mins, 13 Dec 1872, pp.687–8: B, 24 March 1888,

pp.206, 210

112. DSR: WH, no.9, Dec 1973, p.5: Simmonds, pp.155–6

113. WH, no.9, Dec 1973, p.5: Goad fire insurance plans, 1925

114. WH, no.9, Dec 1973, p.6: LCC Mins, 6 March 1934, p.471; 16 Oct 1934, p.346: Concrete &

Constructional Engineering, March 1936, pp.177–82

115. SLP, 7 Feb 1969; 5 March 1974, p.2; 27 May 1977; 21 Feb 1978: SWS, 9 Oct 1970, p.1: The

Times, 12 Feb 1969, p.24; 24 Oct 1978, p.6

116. Lysons, p.31: Henry Hunter, The History of London and its Environs, vol.2, 1811, p.124:

David Hughson, London, vol.5, 1813, p.397

117. Mechanics’ Magazine, 19 Nov 1825, pp.67–9: Rex Wailes, ‘Horizontal Windmills’, in

Transactions of the Newcomen Society, vol.40, 1967–8, pp.135–6, 143–5: Bennet Woodcroft (ed.),

Alphabetical Index of Patentees of Inventions, 1854, sub Hooper: TNA, PROB11/1536

118. Rees’s Manufacturing Industry (1819–20), ed. Neil Cossons, vol.5, 1972, p.412: G. Gregory,

A Dictionary of Arts & Sciences, vol.2, 1807, p.909


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 88

119. Hughson, ibid.: William, James, and Jacob Malcolm, General View of the Agriculture of the

County of Surrey, 1794, p.32

120. Malcolm, p.31: Rees’s Manufacturing Industry, ibid.: Birmingham Central Library, Boulton

& Watt Archive and Matthew Boulton Papers, MS 3147/3/412/45–7: The Times, 26 Sept

1827, p.3

121. WHS, cuttings: DBB, p.175: EH, London historians’ files, WW80

122. Booth collection, B116, p.52

123. DBB, pp.825, 831, 833: Hurford Jones (for Joseph Rank Ltd), The Master Millers. The Story

of the House of Rank, 1955, pp.48, 51: The Times, 12 July 1939, p.16

124. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/17/023078: LCC Mins, 18 Feb 1930, p.325: BDA: WP

125. WP: Cooke, pp.129–30

126. WBN, 11 May 1990, p.8; 14 Oct 1994, p.5; 4 Aug 1995, p.5: Cooke, p.130

127. LMA, B/WHF/4, 245: DBB, pp.763–5

128. WDBW Mins, 15 April 1874: POD

129. Simmonds, p.159: POD: TNA, IR58/88344/2798

130. Metropolitan Borough of Battersea, Official Guide, 1929 edn, pp.64, 66: Electrical News, 13

July 1928, pp.56–8: WP

131. WP: Financial Times, 3 March 1958, p.8

132. POD: WP: Victor S. Wigmore, Memoirs of a Concrete Consultant, 1979

133. Financial Times, 30 Dec 1965, p.10; 30 June 1969, p.28: Investors’ Chronicle and Stock

Exchange Gazette, vol.15, 1971, p.504

134. Tim Tatton-Brown, ‘Reigate Stone at Battersea’, in London Archaeologist, vol.9, no.6,

Autumn 2000, p.160; idem, ‘The Quarrying and Distribution of Reigate Stone in the Middle

Ages’, Medieval Archaeology, vol.45, 2001, pp.193–7

135. Duncan Hawkins et al, ‘The Archbishop of York’s Battersea Mansion’, in London

Archaeologist, vol.9, no.5, Summer 2000, pp.129–36: Christopher Phillpotts, ‘York House,

Battersea (Price’s Candle Factory)’, Documentary Research Assessment (Appendix 2) in Karl

Hülka, ‘Assessment of an Archaeological Excavation at the former Price’s Patent Candle

Factory, York Place, London Borough of Wandsworth, SW11’, Pre-Construct Archaeology

report, May 2002

136. WH, no.75, Autumn 2002, pp.12–14: Hawkins et al, p.130: RB: Evans, pp.13, 14:

Malcolm, p.35


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 89

137. Phillpotts, p.96: LMA, Acc/2079/F1/3

138. In addition to the sources listed hereafter, much of this account is based on Erika Speel,

‘English pictorial enamels: Battersea and Bilston enamels and their successors’, in Antiques,

vol.17, no.6, June 2007, pp.88–95: Therle Hughes and Bernard Hughes, English Painted

Enamels, 1951: Egan Mew, Battersea Enamels, 1926

139. Public Advertiser, 9 June 1756

140. Cyril Cook, ‘A Pioneer in Porcelain Decoration’, Country Life, 26 Jan 1951, pp.250–1

141. ODNB: W. B. Honey, ‘Royal Portraits in Pottery and Porcelain’, in Burlington Magazine,

May 1937, p.229

142. A. J. Toppin, ‘The will of Henry Delamain, the Dublin potter’, in Transactions of the

English Ceramic Circle, vol.2, no.8, 1942, pp.158–9: Public Advertiser, 14 Nov 1753; 16 Feb 1754

143. ODNB: Mew, pp.1–2: Honey, p.229: Public Advertiser, 23 Jan 1756: C. Cook, The Life and

Work of Robert Hancock, 1948: Burlington Magazine, Jan 1915, pp.155–6

144. Public Advertiser, 28 Feb, 13 May & 9 June 1756

145. ODNB: Country Life, 23 April 1932, p.xxxviii

146. Public Advertiser, 28 Feb 1756; 13 May 1756; 9 June 1756

147. RB: Hawkins et al, p.131

148. Samuel Parkes, Chemical Essays, 1823, p.481: William Thomas Brande, A Manual of

Chemistry, 1830, p.xxvii: Archibald Clow and Nan Clow, The Chemical Revolution, 1952, p.144:

Phillpotts, p.97

149. Parkes, pp.481–2: Daily Advertiser, 16 Jan 1773: York Minster Archives, W/k/p37: RB:

Parkes, p.482

150. RB: London Gazette, 30 May 1834: Tithe: The Examiner, 19 Jan 1840

151. Evans, p.14: RB

152. This and the following paragraphs are based largely on: George Wilson, The Old Days of

Price’s Patent Candle Company, 1876, pp.1–7: Jon Newman, Battersea’s Global Reach. The Story of

Price’s Candles, 2009

153. Still the Candle Burns, 1947 edn, p.22

154. RB: ILN, 8 Dec 1849, p.382

155. TNA, BT41/575/3144: Historical Memoir of Price’s Patent Candle Company, 1904, p.7:



Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 90

156. Historical Memoir of Price’s Patent Candle Company, 1904, pp.26–7: A Brief History of Price’s

Patent Candle Company Limited, 1891, pp.6–7, 9: ILN, 8 Dec 1849, p.382

157. ILN, 2 Dec 1854. pp.553–4; 16 Nov 1861, p.503: BV Mins, 3 June 1857: London

Archaeologist, Summer 2000, p.133

158. A Brief History of Price’s Patent Candle Company Limited, 1891, p.13: Simmonds, p.62

159. ILN, 2 Dec 1854, pp.553–4: Survey of London, vol.44, 1994, p.44

160. Newman, pp.27–9: BDA

161. Newman, pp.27–9, 33–5: WP

162. BDA: WP

163. Leeds Mercury, 20 May 1820: Newcastle Courant, 28 April 1821. This and the following

paragraph are otherwise based on SOX 212, 225, 240, 357, 514

164. SOX 212, 514: RB: POD

165. Mary Olive James, ‘The Glovemakers of Battersea, with particular reference to the

glovers of the Fownes Glove Company, 1777–1900’, M.Phil. (Kingston Univ.), 2004: WH,

no.76, Spring 2003, pp.1–4: DSR

166. Gartons’ of Battersea, 1960: BDA: TNA, IR58/88348/3121

167. John L. Garbutt, Manbré and Garton Limited, 1855–1955. A Hundred Years of Progress, 1955,

p.29: Gartons’ of Battersea

168. SLP, 28 Sept 1973; 5 April 1974; 15 Sept 1974; 9 Sept 1977; 11 April 1978; 14 Aug 1979

169. SLP, 28 Nov 1980; 2 Dec 1980; 30 July 1982: Hansard, House of Commons Debates, 26

March 1981, vol.1, c.1112

170. Simmonds, pp.157–9: The Scotsman, 18 July 1846, p.1: ICE Proceedings, vol.176, 1909,

pp.325–6: William Evill, Rambling Records of a Long and Busy Life, 1904, pp.65–6

171. Ramsey, p.84: WHS, auction particulars: TNA, IR58/88352/3552: RB: POD: WP

172. Malcolm T. Tucker, ‘London Gasholders Survey. The Development of the Gasholder in

London in the Later Nineteenth Century’, A Report for English Heritage, September 2000,

Part A, pp.24, 25; Part B, pp.130–1

173. LMA, B/LGLC/5, 5, 12 July, 20 Dec 1871; B/LGLC/12, pp. 31, 195, 281, 298–6

174. Tucker, Part A, pp.45–6

175. LMA, B/LGLC/6, p.345; B/LGLC/13, pp.148, 150, 236

176. Tucker, Part A, pp.25, 56; Part B, pp.124, 127–9, 131

177. LMA, B/LGLC/13, pp.172–3


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 91

178. E. G. Stewart, Historical Index of Gasworks past and present in the area now served by the

North Thames Gas Board 1806–1957, 1957, p.68

179. Information from North Thames gasholder record sheet, kindly supplied by Malcolm


180. Tucker, Part A, p.31; Part B, pp.125,129–30: The Times, 8 Feb 1930, p.18; 7 Feb 1931, p.18:

Falkus, p.199

181. Information from North Thames gasholder record sheet, kindly provided by Malcolm

Tucker: Tucker, Part B, p.125

182. WP: Evening Standard, 6 July 2011, p.30

183. Unless otherwise stated, this section is based largely on Patrick Loobey, Flights of Fancy.

Early Aviation in Battersea and Wandsworth, 1981: WH, no.7, Feb 1973, pp.9–10

184. ODNB

185. OS, 1st & 2nd edns: TNA, BT31/4302/27925; BT31/7856/56244: information kindly

supplied by David Ainsworth

186. The Times, 27 Jan 1902, p.13; 16 July 1946, p.9; 28 May 1964, p.20; 22 Aug 1964, p.11

187. LCC Mins, 3 Nov 1953, p.545; 18 May 1954, p.320

188. WP

189. WBC Mins, 23 March 1976, pp.27–32, 17 May 1977, p.iii: London Architect, Jan 1982,

pp.3–5: WP

190. WP

191. LMA, CLC/B/173/MS19394, sale particulars

192. WAC, 2258/1: LCC Mins, 18 June 1901, p.770

193. L. G. Mouchel & Partners Ltd, Mouchel-Hennebique Ferro-Concrete. List of Works Executed

in the United Kingdom 1897–1919, 1920, p.17: WAC, 2258/1: WP

194. BDA 3602: DSR: WP

195. LMA, MS 19415/1: BDA 2723, 3554: LMA, SC/GL/PTE/B55–7: DSR

196. This account is based largely on WH, no.61, Autumn 1990, pp.1–8, 22; no.64, Summer

1992, pp.1–4; no.68, Autumn 1997, pp.1–7: Survey of London, vol.26, 1956, p.69

197. WP

198. TNA, WORK32/293; WORK16/17/11: BDA 89

199. Simmonds, pp.159–60: BDA 3698, 3833, 4121: Jo Stanley and Bronwen Griffiths, For Love

and Shillings. Wandsworth Women’s Working Lives, 1990, p.67


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 92

200. POD: WP

201. Plaque on building: TNA, WORK32/292: BDA 91

202. BDA 430: WP

203. Simmonds, p.161: Bristol Mercury and Daily Post, 20 Nov 1880

204. SLP, 23 Oct 1886, p.4

205. B, 2 Oct 1880, pp.426–7: BN, 18 Nov 1881, p.658: SLP, 2 Oct 1880, p.6: Sunday Times, 1

May 1966: WP

206. Illustrated London, n.d., p.240: WH, no.90, Autumn 2010, pp.1–6

207. WHS, misc. and local enquiry files: BDA, 1457–8

208. B, 28 Feb 1891, p.179: BDA

209. WHS, BP/6/5/1824

210. POD: WP: RIBA Journal, Aug 1991, pp.38–43: AJ, 6 March 1991, p.12

211. WP

212. B, 27 April 1878, p.443: DSR: POD: B, 27 April 1878, p.443:

www.surreycommunity.info/effinghamparishcouncil/local-history: TNA, IR58/88340, no.


213. POD: Financial Times, 3 May 1957, p.15; 11 June 1957, p.10; 4 Dec 1959, p.14

214. Financial Times, 18 July 1962

215. LMA, GLC/AR/HB/02/0530

216. Financial Times, 16 March 1970

217. WHS, MS60: information kindly supplied by Keith Bailey: Morning Chronicle, 10 Aug

1855: London Gazette, 14 Oct 1856: Essex Standard, 20 July 1859: Bristol Mercury, 4 July 1863:


218. BDA 3797, 3854: DSR

219. Booth collection, A17, p.9; B102, pp.33–8

220. DSR

221. WP: WHS, Arding & Hobbs Ltd. A Retrospect 1876–1976

222. DSR: Census: The Times, 28 Dec 1872, p.12: WHS, BP/6/5/399

223. WHS, BP/6/8/2: BDA: ODNB: Roger Logan, Between the Commons: South Battersea’s

Formative Years (Wandsworth Historical Society, Wandsworth Paper 15), 2007, pp.17–18: WP

224. Loobey, Flights of Fancy, pp.18–21


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 93

CHAPTER 9 (pp. xxx-xxx)

Battersea Power Station

1. Evening Standard, 30 Sept 2003, p.41

2. Chauncy D. Harris, ‘Electricity Generation in London, England’, Geographical Review, Jan

1941, pp.127–34

3. LCC Mins, 14 Nov 1905, pp.1625–8; 12 Dec 1905, pp.1975–80; 11 Dec 1906, pp.1474–5; 7

May 1907, pp.958–9; 2 July 1907, pp.22–4: The Times, 11 Dec 1905, p.4; 2 May 1906, p.3: B, 26

May 1906, p.578

4. LMA, LMA/4278/01/731, pp.7–11

5. Engineering, 3 May 1929, p.555: LMA, LMA/4278/01/731: Concrete and Constructional

Engineering, March 1930, p.178

6. TNA, POWE12/231: LCC Mins, 26 Jan 1925, p.144; 27–28 April 1926, p.766: LMA,

Acc/2558/MW/1/113/1, pp.22–3

7. TNA, POWE12/160, 161: The Times, 29 Nov 1927, p.12; 10 Dec 1928, p.10; 23 May 1929,

p.11: TNA, POWE12/140

8. TNA, POWE12/140

9. Engineering, 3 May 1929, p.554: The Times, 9 April 1929, p.17; 12 April 1929, p.10

10. TNA, PREM1/69; POWE12/140

11. Gavin Stamp and Glynn Boyd Harte, Temples of Power, 1979: C. S. Peach, ‘Notes on the

Design and Construction of Buildings ... known as Central Stations’, in RIBA Journal, 2 April

1904, p.279

12. ODNB: Henry Newmarch Allott and Standen Leonard Pearce, The Barton Power Station of

the Manchester Corporation, and the Transmission System in Connection Therewith, 1924:

Manchester Guardian, 15 Feb 1934, p.7

13. LMA, LMA/4278/01/732; GLC/AR/BR/22/062781: TNA, POWE12/140;

POWE12/205: Manchester Guardian, 15 Feb 1934, p.7: ICE Proceedings, vol.240, 1937, pp.37–74

14. ICE Proceedings, vol.240, 1937, p.69: TNA, POWE12/232: LMA,

GLC/AR/BR/22/062781: Manchester Guardian, 15 Feb 1934, p.7


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 94

15. ICE Proceedings, vol.240, 1937, p.69: Manchester Guardian, 15 Feb 1934, p.7

16. RIBA Drawings Collection, Scott Halliday & Agate drawings, PA1732/1 (2–5, 17)

17. The Times, 15 Jan 1934, p.8; 8 Feb 1930, p.18

18. ODNB: Gavin Stamp, ‘Giles Gilbert Scott: the problem of Modernism’, in Britain in the

Thirties, AD Profile 24 (Architectural Design), ed. Gavin Stamp, 1979, pp.72–83

19. Manchester Guardian, 15 Feb 1934, p.7: RIBA Drawings Collection, Scott Halliday &

Agate drawings, PA1732/1 (11, 16)

20. RIBA Drawings Collection, Scott Halliday & Agate drawings, PA1732/1 (10, 12, 13, 16,

17, 19)

21. The Times, 2 April 1931, p.14; 11 April 1931, p.6

22. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/22/062781: ICE Proceedings, vol.240, 1937, pp.61, 63: Engineering, 27

Jan 1933, p.89: Concrete & Constructional Engineering, April 1933, p.238: Manchester Guardian,

15 Feb 1934, p.7

23. Scott to Howard Robertson, 17 Oct 1947, quoted in Stamp and Boyd Harte

24. Scott to W. N. C. Clinch of the Northmet Power Co., 7 Jan 1947, quoted in Stamp and

Boyd Harte

25. ICE Proceedings, vol.240, 1937, pp.37–74: The Times, 13 Nov 1930, p.11

26. ICE Proceedings, vol.240, 1937, pp.38–56

27. ICE Proceedings, vol.240, 1937, p.38: Engineering, 27 Jan 1933, p.89

28. LMA, LMA/4278/01/731: Wonders of World Engineering, no.5, 1937, pp.164–5

29. LMA, LMA/4278/01/731: ABN, 13 Jan 1933, pp.35–6: Engineering, 27 Jan 1933, pp.89–92:

Wonders of World Engineering, no.5, 1937, p.159

30. LMA, LCC/CL/HIG/1/14: Rob Cochrane, Landmark of London: The story of Battersea

Power Station, c.1984, p.27

31. Wonders of World Engineering, no.5, 1937, p.163

32. Morris Singer commissions 1926 to 1950 at www.msaf.co.uk/ms1926-1950.htm.

33. Wonders of World Engineering, no.5, 1937, p.161–2: Engineering, 27 Jan 1933, p.89

34. LMA, LMA/4278/01/731, p.13

35. Cochrane, p.18: ICE Proceedings, vol.240, 1937, p.45: LMA, LMA/4278/01/730

36. Cochrane, pp.27, 39–40, 45: ICE archive photos

37. The Times, 1 Feb 1938, p.11


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 95

38. Information supplied by Dr John Roberts of Jacobs Engineering UK Ltd: ICE, Proceedings

of the Joint Engineering Conference, 1951, p.156: The Electrical Review, vol.154, 1954, p.261

39. Cochrane, p.41: AJ, 31 Oct 1946, pp.323–4: The Times, 16 Aug 1950, p.4

40. Cochrane, p.56: SLP, 7 Sept 1979, pp.16, 45

41. The Times, 15 Oct 1980, p.4; 18 Oct 1980, p.13: SAVE Britain’s Heritage, The Colossus of

Battersea, 1982: ILN, 26 Dec 1981, pp.88–9: Marcus Binney in The Times, 24 Dec 2011, p.78.

42. Wandsworth Borough Council, ‘Battersea Power Station Development Brief’, 1983, pp.3,

8, 15–16: information kindly supplied by Keith Garner

43. Hansard, House of Lords, 13 March 1995, col.631: The Times, 4 July 1984, p.2: AJ, 11 July

1984, p.33: B, 6 July 1984, p.11: Architectural Record, Oct 1984, p.115: WP

44. The Times, 9 June 1988, p.?: ‘The Battersea London’, Issue No.1, June 1988

45. The Independent, 27 Nov 1991, p.17: London Magazine, Feb 1993, p.111

46. WBN, 16 Feb 1996, p.3: The Guardian, 17 Aug 1996, p.6; 20 June 1997, p.12; 8 Nov 2002:

The Times, 29 Nov 1996, p.9

47. The Times, 18 Jan 1999, p.7: The Guardian, 1 Sept 2000: Evening Standard, 4 Feb 2005, p.26

48. AJ, 20 Feb 2003: The Independent, 7 Nov 2006, p.7

49. Keith Garner, ‘Battersea Power Station. An Account of the Proposed Demolition and

Rebuilding of the Chimneys’, in Journal of Architectural Conservation, vol.14, no.2, July 2008,


50. ES Magazine, 3 Nov 2006, p.31: The Guardian, 8 Nov 2002; 22 March 2007

51. The Guardian, 22 March 2007: Sunday Times, 1 April 2007; 24 June 2007.

52. The Guardian, 21 June 2008: AJ, 26 June 2008, p.9: promotional material from Treasury

Holdings Ltd

53. Evening Standard, 6 Jan 2009: Financial Times, 26 Feb 2009, p.4

54. Promotional material from Treasury Holdings Ltd: Evening Standard, 19 Oct 2009; 12

Nov 2010, p.9: AJ, 28 Aug 2009; 7 July 2011, p.16; 13 Sept 2012, p.22: The Guardian, 28 Aug

2009; 13 Nov 2010, p.46; The Telegraph, 31 Aug 2009; 7 Sept 2012: International Herald Tribune,

5 Jan 2010, p.14

55. AJ, 26 June 2008, p.9

56. The Times, 19 Oct 1929, p.13

57. AJ, 2 Nov 1933, p.556

58. The Times, 18 Oct 1980, p.13


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 96

59. The Star, 7 Sept 1933: Daily Herald, March 1934: Nottingham Evening Post, 3 May 1937, p.7

60. The Times, 4 March 1931, p.18: Daily Telegraph, 19 Sept 1933

61. RIBA Journal, 11 Nov 1933, p.12: The Times, 5 Dec 1933, p.11

62. The Star, 15 Aug 1934; The People, 17 Nov 1935; The Sphere, 3 June 1933, pp.371–3

63. Stamp 1979, p.80: Sphere, 3 June 1933, pp.371–3: Daily Herald, Nov 1933

64. ABN, 13 Jan 1933, p.34: The Listener, 26 July 1933, p.122: Bridget Cherry and Nikolaus

Pevsner, The Buildings of England, London 2: South, 1983, p.672

65. AJ, 25 May 1939, (‘Scorecard’)

66. Stamp and Boyde Hart: Architectural Review, April 1953, pp.227–34; June 1960, p.34

67. Quoted in Cochrane, p.27

68. Stamp 1979: Stamp and Boyd Harte: Gavin Stamp, ‘Battersea Power Station’, in Thirties

Society Journal, no.1, 1980, pp.3–8: The Times, 16 April 1983, p.6

69. The Guardian, 15 Oct 1980: The Times, 15 Oct 1980, p.4; 18 Oct 1980, p.13: ILN, 26 Dec

1981, p.88: Battersea Power Station—50 Years of Service—A Short History, CEGB booklet, 1983

70. SLP, 5 Sept 1978

71. The Independent, 27 Nov 1991, p.17: Evening Standard, 30 Sept 2003, p.41: ICON, Spring

2004, p.27

72. Times2, 15 Aug 2006, p.14

73. Evening Standard, 29 Nov 2002, p.13

74. The Guardian, 20 June 1997, p.12: Evening Standard, 30 Sept 2003, p.41

75. The Times, 25 June 2008, p.7

76. Quoted in The Guardian, 28 Aug 2009

CHAPTER 10 (pp. xxx-xxx)

The Shops of Clapham Junction

1. Richard Church, Over the Bridge, 1955, pp.68–9

2. WBC, Town Centre Survey, 2004: Clapham Junction

3. WHS, BP/6/5/834, 898, 910, 913–5, 1053: B, 13 Feb 1886, p.250


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 97

4. WHS, BP/6/5/785

5. TNA, MEPO2/192

6. B, 16 March 1889, p.213: MBW Mins, 2 April 1889, p.131

7. WHS, BP/6/5/1188

8. SWS, 5 Jan 1889, p.5

9. WHS, BP/6/5/1838

10. POD: Census

11. WHS, BP/6/5/1581: LMA, GLC/AR/BR/17/015819

12. POD

13. Sean O'Connell, Credit and Community: Working-class Debt in the UK since 1880, 2009,


14. George Robb, White Collar Crime in Modern England: Financial Fraud and Business Morality,

Cambridge 2002, pp.76–9, 127, 157

15. WHS, DEEDS/2704: RIBA Drawings Collection, PA504/12/1–3: WHS, BP/6/5/2289

16. BV Mins, 3 April 1879: The Suburban Homes of London, 1881, p.319

17. The Standard, 15 Jan 1892, p.2

18. SWS, 4 Jan 1890, p.2; 6 Sept 1890, p.8: WHS, BP/6/5/1512, 1534–5, 1751

19. WBN, 13 Oct 1911

20. WBN, 11 Dec 1936, p.8

21. SWS, 5 April 1890, p.5; 20 Sept 1890, p.6

22. MBW Mins, 10 July 1874, p.83; 7 Aug 1874, p.256: DSR: WHS, BP/6/5/ 399

23. POD

24. WHS, BP/6/5/1757

25. WP

26. WHS, Battersea Society, New Life for the Junction, Battersea Central Area Redevelopment

Study, 1972

27. SWS, 14 April 1978, p.3: SLP, 27 March 1981, p.8

28. WHS, WBC Planning Committee Report, 13 March 1973; Clapham Junction: A

Comprehensive Planning Approach, 1973; A Draft Plan for Clapham Junction, 1975; Clapham

Junction, Draft Development Brief, Area 4 [1979]: WBC Mins, 23 March 1971, pp.59–62; 27

March 1973, pp.75–7; 6 Nov 1973, pp.23–6


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 98

29. SLP, 28 Sep 1984; 3 April 1987, p.9: WBC, Planning News, Nov 1984, April 1985, April

1986: WP

30. Clapham Junction Action Group, website

31. POD

32. Evening Standard, 27 Jan 1975, p.9: WHS, cutting from Common News, 1975: Alec Forshaw,

Markets of London, 1983, pp.80–1: Wandsworth Society Newsletter, 1993, no.5, pp.24–5: Space, 25

May 2000, pp.12–16

33. SLP, 7 April 2000, p.48

34. SW Magazine, July 2009

35. Ibid., Feb 2009

36. Wandsworth Guardian, 16 Jun 2009, 28 July 2011

37. SW Magazine, Oct 2004

38. B, 19 April 1884, p.562: BN, 15 May 1885, p.764

39. SWS, 4 Oct 1918, p.3: WBN, 5 Dec 1910, p.8; 17 Jan 1936, p.3: The Times, 3 Oct 1918, p.5

40. WHS, Excelsior Association Gazette, July 1924

41. Illustrated London, n.d., p.239

42. B, 9 Aug 1884, p.214; 20 Feb 1886, p.323; 31 Jan 1891, p.98: DSR: BDA, 2971–2

43. Census: POD

44. Illustrated London, n.d., p.240

45. Goad

46. Illustrated London, n.d., p.239

47. DSR

48. WBN, 17 Jan 1936, p.3

49. LMA, LCC/FB/GEN/2/99: WHS, Battersea scrapbooks: The Times, 21 Dec 1909, p.10; 22

Dec 1909, p.8; 5 Jan 1910, p.5: Builders’ Journal, 19 Jan 1910, pp.56–9

50. B, 19 Feb 1910, p.210: WBN, 17 Jan 1936, p.3: Loobey 2004, p.35

51. WHS, Memorandum of Association of Arding & Hobbs Ltd, February 1912

52. WBN, 5 Dec 1910, p.8

53. WHS, Arding & Hobbs Ltd: A Retrospect 1876–1976

54. B, 20 Oct 1911, pp.449–53

55. WHS, Arding & Hobbs Ltd: A Retrospect 1876–1976

56. Drapers’ Record, 10 Dec 1910, pp.676–8


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 99

57. WBN, 5 Dec 1910, p.8: WHS, A Retrospect 1876–1910: Arding & Hobbs, Clapham, Junction,


58. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/7/3301; GLC/AR/BR/19/3301: WHS, Arding & Hobbs Ltd: A

Retrospect 1876–1976: WBN, 1 Jan 1932, p.4; 17 Jan 1936, p.3

59. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/17/35109: WHS, Arding & Hobbs 1876 to 1961

60. WP

61. WHS, Arding & Hobbs 1876 to 1961

62. WHS, Allders Department Stores Ltd, publicity document, 1988

63. WBN, 11 March 1988, p.1: WP

64. SWS, 18 May 1889, p.5; 2 Aug 1918, p.3: SLP, 2 Aug 1918, p.5

65. BDA 3444, 3502: SWS, 18 May 1889, p.5: B, 12 May 1888, p.347, 2 June 1888, p.403: Census

66. WBN, 16 Jan 1931, p.11

67. WBN, 11 Dec 1936, p.8: POD

68. WBN, 6 Nov 1936, p.13; 11 Dec 1936, p.8

69. Information from Malcolm Munt

70. DSR

71. WHS, BP/6/5/903–5: MBW Mins, 22 Jan 1886, pp.88–90; 8 Oct 1886, p.477

72. B, 24 Nov 1888, p.385

73. BDA 5590: WBN, 6 Sept 1890, p.6

74. C. T. Davis, The Industries of Wandsworth Past and Present, 1898, p.31: Music, Nov.1900


75. WHS, Arding & Hobbs Ltd: A Retrospect 1876–1976: Loobey 2004, p.49: information from

Malcolm Munt

CHAPTER 11 (pp. xxx-xxx)

New Covent Garden Market

1. 9 & 10 Eliz II, c.49


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 100

2. Survey of London, vol.36, 1970, pp.145–7: Colin Allen, Transplanting the Garden, 1998,


3. TNA, MAF301/42, 44; Allen, pp.25–30: information from Prof. Marcel De Meirleir

4. TNA, MAF301/42, 43, 44: Allen, pp.31–7

5. TNA, MAF301/42, 43; HLG71/2455

6. TNA, MAF301/44

7. TNA, MAF301/43, 44: Allen, pp.36–7

8. TNA, MAF301/43, 44

9. TNA, MAF301/43, 44, 45, 55: ABN, 27 May 1964, p.927: Official Architecture & Planning,

June 1964, pp.673–5: Allen, pp.38–41

10. TNA, MAF301/45: AJ, 21 July 1965, pp. 123–5: ABN, 4 Aug 1965, pp.202–3: Allen, pp.44–


11. TNA, MAF301/45: Allen, pp.55–60: B, 25 June 1971, pp.59–64: Helen Tangires, Public

Markets, 2008, p.280

12. TNA, MAF301/45, 46, 74: Allen, pp.60–72

13. TNA, MAF301/74: Allen, pp.87–119, 146–7

14. TNA, AN169/921; MT124/1457: Allen, pp.172–7

15. TNA, MAF301/104, 105, 106, 138: Allen, pp.146–7, 154–7, 160

16. Information from Covent Garden Market Authority

17. Allen, pp.159–60

18. TNA, MAF301/46

19. TNA, MAF301/74: Allen, pp.94, 104

CHAPTER 12 (pp. xxx-xxx)


1. Helicopter Association of Great Britain, Examination of the Case for a London Heliport, 1958:

Flight, 27 March 1959, p.440: Ministry of Aviation, Report of the Committee on the Planning of

Helicopter Stations in the London Area, 1961, paras.7–10


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 101

2. LCC Mins, 4 March 1958, p.125, 20 May 1958, pp.334–5: The Times, 9 May 1958, p.9, 26 June

1958, p.10

3. World Helicopter and Vertical Flight, March 1959, pp.46–7: Interbuild, March 1959, p.14

4. LCC Mins, 17 Feb 1959, pp.71, 98; 22 July 1959, pp.538–40: The Times, 5 June 1959, p.14; 9

Sept 1959, p.6

5. TNA, HLG71/2455: Ministry of Aviation, Report of the Committee on the Planning of

Helicopter Stations in the London Area, 1961, paras 77, 79 & 80

6. TNA, MAF301/42: The Times, 2 March 1962, p.10

7. The Times, 27 June 1958, p.12: Helicopter Association of Great Britain, Examination of the

Case for a London Heliport, 1958

8. LMA, GLC/AR/BR/10/BA/0341/J/BA: Flight, 25 March 1959, pp.440, 446, 10 April 1959,

p.504, 1 May 1959, p.601: Surveyor and Municipal & County Engineer, 25 April 1959, pp.467–8

9. The Times, 26 June 1958, p.10; 24 April 1959, p.7

10. GKN Westland London Heliport, brochure, c.1997: Evening Standard, 16 Oct 2006

CHAPTER 13 (pp. xxx-xxx)

The Reconstruction of Nine Elms

1. London Architect, Jan 1982, pp.1–5

2. Greater London Authority, London Plan 2008, para 5.141 & table 5E.1

3. The Guardian, 12 April 2011

4. Financial Times, 22/23 Nov 2008

5. Talks at a New London Architecture forum on Nine Elms, 1 March 2011: Evening

Standard, 2 Nov 2011: websites

6. Building Design, 15 July 2011, p.3

7. Building Design, 10 Oct 2008, p.6: Architect (Washington), March 2010, p.14: Architectural

Record, April 2010, p.22

8. AJ, 25 Feb 2010, pp.28–39


Survey of London © English Heritage 2013 102

9. The Guardian, 24 Feb 2010: Architect (Washington), 24 Feb 2010: New York Review of Books,

27 March 2010: Evening Standard, 26 May 2010

10. AJ, 26 July 2012, p.20

11. B, 9 July 2010, p.15: websites

12. Evening Standard, 6 July 2011: AJ, 8 July 2011: websites

13. Property Week, 23 Feb 2007: Estates Gazette, 14 May 2011: WP

14. B, 13 May 2011, p.13: websites

15. Websites

16. AJ, 25 Oct 2011: WP: websites