dr. william allan kritsonis, phd-sexual harassment employee-on-employee ppt

8/20/2019 Dr. William Allan Kritsonis, Phd-sexual Harassment Employee-On-employee Ppt http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/dr-william-allan-kritsonis-phd-sexual-harassment-employee-on-employee-ppt 1/15 Sexual Harassment: Sexual Harassment: Employee on Employee Employee on Employee Public School Law Public School Law Lecture Notes Lecture Notes Will Will iam Allan Kritsonis, PhD iam Allan Kritsonis, PhD

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Page 1: Dr. William Allan Kritsonis, Phd-sexual Harassment Employee-On-employee Ppt

8/20/2019 Dr. William Allan Kritsonis, Phd-sexual Harassment Employee-On-employee Ppt

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Sexual Harassment:Sexual Harassment:

Employee on EmployeeEmployee on EmployeePublic School LawPublic School Law

Lecture NotesLecture Notes

WillWilliam Allan Kritsonis, PhDiam Allan Kritsonis, PhD

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Sexual harassment is defned asSexual harassment is defned as


sexual advances, requests or sexualsexual advances, requests or sexual


or other verbal, visual, or h!sical conductor other verbal, visual, or h!sical conduct

o a sexual nature made b! one erson too a sexual nature made b! one erson to


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Two Kinds of Sexual HarassmentTwo Kinds of Sexual Harassment

#uid ro quo occurs when a#uid ro quo occurs when a

erson in authorit! such aserson in authorit! such as

a mana$er, suervisor ora mana$er, suervisor or

acult! member ma%es anacult! member ma%es an

unwelcome sexual advanceunwelcome sexual advanceor request or a sexual avoror request or a sexual avor

to an emlo!ee or studentto an emlo!ee or student

and submission to orand submission to or

re&ection o the advance is are&ection o the advance is acondition o emlo!ment orcondition o emlo!ment or

academic standin$"academic standin$"

'ostile environment'ostile environment

harassment consists o harassment consists o 

unwelcome sexualunwelcome sexual

misconduct thatmisconduct that

substantiall! intereressubstantiall! interereswithwith

wor% or academicwor% or academic

erormance or creates aerormance or creates a

hostile wor%in$ orhostile wor%in$ orlearnin$learnin$


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Forms of Sexual HarassmentForms of Sexual Harassment




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Physical FormPhysical Form

 )ouchin$ )ouchin$ unwanted massa$esunwanted massa$es

attin$, caressin$, or ondlin$attin$, caressin$, or ondlin$ imedin$ or bloc%in$ movementimedin$ or bloc%in$ movement standin$ closer than aroriate orstandin$ closer than aroriate or

necessar! or the wor% bein$ done,necessar! or the wor% bein$ done,touchin$ or rubbin$ onesel sexuall!touchin$ or rubbin$ onesel sexuall!around or in view o another erson,around or in view o another erson,or assault"or assault"

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Verbal FormVerbal Form

tar$etin$ a erson with sexual comments, slurs, &o%es,tar$etin$ a erson with sexual comments, slurs, &o%es,or rumorsor rumors

verbal sexual advances, threats or roositionsverbal sexual advances, threats or roositions verbal abuse o a sexual natureverbal abuse o a sexual nature

ma%in$ sexual comments about a erson*s clothin$,ma%in$ sexual comments about a erson*s clothin$,bod!, or loo%sbod!, or loo%s sexuall! de$radin$ words used to describe ansexuall! de$radin$ words used to describe an

individualindividual su$$estive or obscene letters, notes, or invitationssu$$estive or obscene letters, notes, or invitations turnin$ wor% or academic discussions into sexualturnin$ wor% or academic discussions into sexual

discussionsdiscussions as%in$ about sexual antasies, reerences, or histor!,as%in$ about sexual antasies, reerences, or histor!,

andand as%in$ ersonal questions about social or sexual lieas%in$ ersonal questions about social or sexual lie

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Visual FormVisual Form

leerin$ +loo%in$ at someone in sleerin$ +loo%in$ at someone in s

sexuall! su$$estive mannersexuall! su$$estive manner

ma%in$ su$$estive $esturesma%in$ su$$estive $estures

disla!in$ orno$rah!, sexuall!disla!in$ orno$rah!, sexuall!

su$$estive ictures, cartoons,su$$estive ictures, cartoons,

osters or literatureosters or literature

havin$ sexuall! su$$estive sotwarehavin$ sexuall! su$$estive sotware

on a wor% or academic comuter"on a wor% or academic comuter"

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hen !eportin" Sexualhen !eportin" Sexual


-eorts can be oral or in writin$" )he reort must-eorts can be oral or in writin$" )he reort must

include several thin$s.include several thin$s.

+/+/ name o the alle$ed harassername o the alle$ed harasser

+0+0 detailed descrition o harassin$ actsdetailed descrition o harassin$ acts

+1+1 names o an! ossible witnessesnames o an! ossible witnesses+2+2 time eriod o harassin$ actstime eriod o harassin$ acts

+3+3 whether an! tan$ible &ob action has occurredwhether an! tan$ible &ob action has occurred+demotion, termination, missed romotion,+demotion, termination, missed romotion,

undesirable &ob assi$nment"undesirable &ob assi$nment"

444)he comlainant will not be required to conront444)he comlainant will not be required to conrontthe alle$ed harasser as art o the reortin$ orthe alle$ed harasser as art o the reortin$ orinvesti$ator! rocess"investi$ator! rocess"

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$u%man &' Harlandale ('S'D)$u%man &' Harlandale ('S'D)

A male teacher reeatedl! bothered two emale collea$uesA male teacher reeatedl! bothered two emale collea$ues

with unsolicited comments o a5ection, and was terminated or hiswith unsolicited comments o a5ection, and was terminated or his

immoralit!" 6mmoralit! was defned b! the )exas 7ommission o immoralit!" 6mmoralit! was defned b! the )exas 7ommission o 

8ducation to mean willul, 9a$rant, or shameless behavior that shows a8ducation to mean willul, 9a$rant, or shameless behavior that shows a

moral indi5erence to the oinion o the $ood and resectable membersmoral indi5erence to the oinion o the $ood and resectable members

o the communit! in which the behavior occurs" :u;man had madeo the communit! in which the behavior occurs" :u;man had made

such su$$estions that the! should $o awa! or the wee%end, and thatsuch su$$estions that the! should $o awa! or the wee%end, and that

he wanted to be her u! so that she would ta%e him home and ta%ehe wanted to be her u! so that she would ta%e him home and ta%e

care o him" )he commissioner stated that :u;man<s unsuccessul andcare o him" )he commissioner stated that :u;man<s unsuccessul and

borin$ attemts to win the a5ection o the teachers did not amount toborin$ attemts to win the a5ection o the teachers did not amount to

the aorementioned defnition o immoralit!" )he commissionerthe aorementioned defnition o immoralit!" )he commissioner

ordered the teacher to be reinstated"ordered the teacher to be reinstated"

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*asson &' School +oard of Dade #ounty*asson &' School +oard of Dade #ounty

=asson alle$es that she was sub&ected to a=asson alle$es that she was sub&ected to a

hostile wor% environment based on the exlicithostile wor% environment based on the exlicit

remar%s o >ohn Le!va, the rincial and herremar%s o >ohn Le!va, the rincial and her

immediate suervisor" =asson also alle$ed thatimmediate suervisor" =asson also alle$ed thatLe!va has a attern and ractice o sexuall!Le!va has a attern and ractice o sexuall!

harassin$ his other subordinate emaleharassin$ his other subordinate emaleemlo!ees"emlo!ees"

 )he courts ound that the school board was not )he courts ound that the school board was notliable or sexual harassment o a emale teacherliable or sexual harassment o a emale teacher


a male rincial"a male rincial"

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#lar, #ounty School District &' +reeden#lar, #ounty School District &' +reeden

6n /??2, the resondent<s male suervisor met6n /??2, the resondent<s male suervisor met

with the resondent and another male emlo!ee towith the resondent and another male emlo!ee toreviewreview

evaluation reorts o our &ob alicants" Durin$ thisevaluation reorts o our &ob alicants" Durin$ this

meetin$, a reort disclosed that the alicant had oncemeetin$, a reort disclosed that the alicant had oncemade and inaroriate comment to a co@wor%er" )hemade and inaroriate comment to a co@wor%er" )he

resondent claims that she was unished or comlainin$resondent claims that she was unished or comlainin$

to the etitioner<s ersonnel about the alle$ed sexualto the etitioner<s ersonnel about the alle$ed sexual

harassment" 6n 00, the courts ruled that a sin$leharassment" 6n 00, the courts ruled that a sin$le

incident o alle$ed sexual harassment does not violateincident o alle$ed sexual harassment does not violate )itle )itle

(66 o the 7ivil -i$hts act o /?B2"(66 o the 7ivil -i$hts act o /?B2"

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Develo an anti@harassment olic! to$ether withDevelo an anti@harassment olic! to$ether withemlo!ees, mana$ers, and union reresentatives"emlo!ees, mana$ers, and union reresentatives"

7ommunicate the olic! to all emlo!ees7ommunicate the olic! to all emlo!ees =a%e sure that all mana$ers and suervisors=a%e sure that all mana$ers and suervisors

understand their resonsibilit! to rovide aunderstand their resonsibilit! to rovide aharassment@ree wor% environment"harassment@ree wor% environment"

8nsure that all emlo!ees understand the olic!8nsure that all emlo!ees understand the olic!and rocedures or dealin$ with harassment @ newand rocedures or dealin$ with harassment @ new

and lon$@term emlo!ees ali%e @ this involvesand lon$@term emlo!ees ali%e @ this involvestrainin$, inormation and education"trainin$, inormation and education" Show !ou mean it @ ma%e sure the olic! aliesShow !ou mean it @ ma%e sure the olic! alies

to ever!one, includin$ mana$ers and suervisors"to ever!one, includin$ mana$ers and suervisors"

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Pre&ention) continuedPre&ention) continued

Promtl! investi$ate and deal with all comlaintsPromtl! investi$ate and deal with all comlaintso harassment"o harassment"

Aroriatel! disciline emlo!ees who harassAroriatel! disciline emlo!ees who harassother emlo!ees"other emlo!ees"

Provide rotection and suort or the emlo!eesProvide rotection and suort or the emlo!eeswho eel the! are bein$ harassed"who eel the! are bein$ harassed"

 )a%e action to eliminate discriminator! &o%es, )a%e action to eliminate discriminator! &o%es,osters, $raCti, e@mails and hotos at the wor%osters, $raCti, e@mails and hotos at the wor%site"site"

=onitor and revise the olic! and=onitor and revise the olic! andeducationinormation ro$rams on a re$ular basiseducationinormation ro$rams on a re$ular basisto ensure that it is still e5ective or !our wor%lace"to ensure that it is still e5ective or !our wor%lace"

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Presented b!Presented b!William Allan Kritsonis, PhDWilliam Allan Kritsonis, PhD