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Table of Contents Introduction-A Process of Discovery ........................ 6  

The Role of Inflammation and Disease ..................... 8  

What your doctor doesn't want you to know—and, what they might not even know themselves! ............................................................................... 8  

Food can change everything ....................................................................... 9  

Working to Avoid Inflammation .............................................................. 10  

Chronic inflammation means constant stress and damage ....................... 13  

Be an Educated Patient ............................................................................. 14  

Diet, Inflammation and Disease ............................................................... 15  

The Wrong Food Choices and Blood Sugar Levels ................................. 16  

Treating Leaky Gut .................................................. 17  

Avoiding Side Effects from Medication .................................................. 17  

What foods might be causing yoursymptoms? ........................................ 18  

Dietary Changes to Reduce Inflammation ............... 20  

Foods That Fight Inflammation ............................... 26  

The Benefits of Organic Eating ................................................................ 28  

18 Inflammation Fighting Foods that can work for you .......................... 28  

The 8 Significant Health Benefits of Garlic ............................................. 39  

It's Not Just All in Your Head .................................. 50  

Medical Studies Back Up the Power of Certain Foods to Fight Inflammation ............................................................................................. 50  

Switching Your Diet and Fighting Leaky Gut Syndrome-A Process ...... 51  

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Can Eating the Right Foods Really Make You Happier? ................................................................... 52  

Protein Choices and Inflammation ........................................................... 52  

Protein Choices and Leaky Gut Syndrome .............................................. 53  

The Health of Your Animal Protein Will Translate to Your Overall Health ........................................................................................................ 53  

Protein Choices, Leaky Gut Syndrome and Organic Animal Protein ..... 54  

The best protein choices ........................................................................... 55  

Foods that promote inflammation ............................................................ 60  

Inflammation, Leaky Gut Syndrome and Dysbiosis 63  

The Main Causes of Leaky Gut Syndrome .............................................. 66  

Gluten Sensitivity Issues and Leaky Gut Syndrome68  

Should anyone be eating gluten? .............................................................. 68  

Examining celiac disease .......................................................................... 69  

Irritable bowel syndrome .......................................................................... 70  

Alternative grains ...................................................................................... 74  

Stopping Your Leaky Gut Syndrome ...................... 78  

The Elimination Phase ............................................. 78  

Ok, then what CAN I eat? ......................................................................... 89  

The Reintroduction Phase ........................................ 91  

Questions to Ask Yourself during the Reintroduction Phase ................... 93  

The Evolution Phase ................................................ 95  

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Steps You'll Need to Take during the Evolution Phase ........................... 97  

Restoring Gut Health ............................................... 98  

Factors that will help you restore your gut health .................................... 98  

Prebiotics and Probiotics ........................................................................ 100  

The Importance of Digestive Enzymes .................................................. 107  

Optimal Cooking and Eating Habits ...................... 109  

The Sequential Diet, Food Order and Digestion .................................... 109  

Is a Detoxification (“Detox”) Diet the Right Move for You? ................................................................. 111  

A Healthy Approach to Removing Toxins from Your Body ................. 111  

The Critical Role of Purified Water ....................... 113  

Lifestyle Changes That Help Combat Inflammation117  

Sleep, Inflammation and Leaky Gut Syndrome .... 122  

This program will boost your immune system ....................................... 122  

Key Ways to Boost and Rebuild Your Immune System ........................ 123  

The diverse ways this program improves senior health ......................... 124  

Conclusion-Implementation, Healing and Growth 126  

References Cited .................................................... 128  

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Introduction-A Process of Discovery

Does the food you eat contribute to your health—or, to illness? This very basic and maybe obvious statement has slowly been making its way into the public consciousness. For decades, many people ate as though there was little link between the food that they consumed and how they felt, looked and even their longevity. Yet, the evidence is mounting that there is a profound link between what people eat and how long they live. Studies of the world's longest living individuals, such as those in Okinawa, Japan prove that food choices matter, especially over the long run. (1, 2) If choosing the right foods can help you live longer, then how else can food contribute to human health? Let's be blunt; there is lots more money to be made in pharmaceutically created drugs, hospitalizations, operations and medical care than there is in eating healthy food. If people started focusing on eating healthy food and avoiding the foods that are making them sick, then billions of dollars in pharmaceutical and medical industry profits would be lost every month. Sick people are a big, big business—and they are a “business” that keeps coming back for years!

Many of the chronic illnesses that people suffer from actually stem from their dietary choices. One bag of chips or cookies won't put you in the hospital, but over time, the food choices that you make add up. Those choices might just trim years or even decades off your life. Your body is designed to keep you healthy, but it needs help. That help comes in many forms, such as exercise and, of course, eating the right, nutrient dense foods. Food allergies, food sensitivities and toxins in food can cripple your health. If you are allergic or sensitive to a food, your body responds in an intense

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fashion because the food or toxin is essentially treated as a foreign substance that must be removed or neutralized. This means that your immune system jumps into action and that has a wide range of potentially negative implications. For example, if your body's immune system is constantly under stress, it is not rebuilding, repairing injuries or fighting off potential infections. A weakened immune system can lead to disease. Determining one's food sensitivities or allergies can do more than eliminate mysterious pain and suffering, as it can also help boost your immune system and, in the process, reduce the chance of developing any number of chronic diseases. One of the main disorders we’ll be discussing is called “Leaky Gut Syndrome” The name of this condition says a lot about it, and we’ll be talking about it in detail, but first, there are some things you need to know about inflammation in general.

 One of the key points in this book, a reoccurring theme is that inflammation is impacting your health. But, simply stating

that inflammation is impacting your health is one of the grandest understatements in

history! Read on and you'll see why.

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The Role of Inflammation and Disease

Could all of your leaky gut syndrome problems –and possible other chronic conditions be as simple as a food allergy or a food sensitivity? The simple answer is an absolute Yes! It could be! The role that food plays in our health is often overlooked. Many people see food as a source of pleasure or mere survival and forget all about the health, nutritional and healing aspects of food. One of the key purposes of this book is to encourage you to think more about what you eat, what it does to your body and how it may be playing a role in your leaky gut syndrome and in your overall health. By altering what you eat and your approach to food, it is possible to dramatically alter your health for the better. Stopping your leaky gut syndrome means changing your diet. While many people see it this way, food isn't just food. Often dietitians, doctors and other health care and medical professionals hear their patients tell them that food is really "essentially the same." Many people are committed to eating whatever they want without giving it any special consideration. They figure that if the foods are available and they taste good, why not eat them?

What your doctor doesn't want you to know—and, what they might not even know themselves! Inflammation is killing millions of people, and they just don't realize it. Inflammation, a normal process, plays an essential role in nearly every chronic disease because while it IS a normal process, when it goes out of control, as it does in chronic diseases, then it can affect every part of your

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body and your life. Yet, inflammation is rarely discussed and often given very little attention from the medical community. Stop and think for a moment, how often have you heard medical professionals discuss inflammation and disease? If you are like most people, the answer is "Never."

Doctors don't address inflammation because inflammation brings up a lot of complex issues. In general, doctors know very, very little about nutrition or how it affects us. Putting a "band-aid" on a problem is what most doctors have been trained to do. That band-aid is prescription drugs orsurgery—and while they help people in many ways, they are not addressing the cause of the inflammation. And, unless you address the cause, how can you possibly heal and get better?

It may be a harsh thing to say, but the majority of doctors just want to process you through as quickly as possible. Now, this is a very important point as a conversation about inflammation means talking about a wide range of complex variables. That isn't profitable when you're looking to boost your bottom line and see as many patients as possible in a day.

Food can change everything

Do you want stronger bones? Then your dietary choices can influence how strong your bones and teeth will be now and in the future. Every system of your body is strongly influenced by what you eat. With this fact in mind, it is no wonder that the food you eat can harm you. The truth is that food can literally change your destiny. The kinds of foods you eat can change how you look, how you feel, the diseases and conditions that you develop and even how you think. Scientific evidence

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continues to mount that food has the power to transform the body.(3, 4) It is well documented that poor food choices can contribute to cardiovascular disease, heart attacks, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure and cancer. (5) The number of people who experience these fatal conditions is constantly on the rise. Don't allow yourself to be among the number of people who end up a statistic!

Even if the highest quality organic fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds make up the bulk of your diet, your food could still be harming you. If you are allergic or sensitive to a given food, then your body most definitely reacts and can do so in significant ways. One of the ways that your body can react negatively to a food is in the form of the painful and life disrupting disorder— leaky gut syndrome.

Working to Avoid Inflammation

The food you eat provides the building blocks for your body, and if you are consuming food that your body is rejecting, you are essentially slowly poisoning your body. When your body takes in food that it is sensitive to,

Technically, a food allergy occurs when a specific sort of antibody—IgE—is produced. This can happen—and you get a typical allergic reaction. This might include hives, your throat swelling, asthma and other symptoms. A food sensitivity involves other types of antibodies—IgG and IgM. These antibodies tend to produce symptoms like fatigue, abdominal bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea, headaches, aching joints and others. True food allergies are relatively uncommon, but food sensitivities are much more common. Leaky gut syndrome is most often due to food sensitivities.

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you will naturally have a reaction. These types of reactions trigger inflammation, and once inflammation begins in the body, it begins a chain reaction. Inflammation that starts in the gut can spread and cause damage throughout your body. This process, if it goes on long enough, is often irreversible. If any condition, such as leaky gut syndrome, is causing inflammation in your body, there will be consequences. Inflammation will increase your chances for developing other diseases and will very likely decrease your overall lifespan. Here is why; if your body is constantly fighting inflammation, it is not handling other functions as well as it should because it is using too many calories to fight the inflammation. Calories are energy. Every calorie that your body expends dealing with and fighting inflammation is a calorie that it is not spending on another vital system. For example, if your body's energy is focused on fighting inflammation, it is not allocating energy towards repairing injuries, the daily wear and tear of life or bolstering the immune system. In other words, inflammation will contribute to slowly wearing you down in almost every way. Leaky gut syndrome adds more stress to your body because the nature of this ailment is such that it keeps your digestive system from functioning properly, meaning you can’t absorb the nutrients you need to stay healthy. This means fewer nutrients are absorbed, and this worsens the effects of inflammation and wears your body down even further. Clearly, taking steps to fight inflammation and address your leaky gut syndrome couldn't be any more important for your health and your happiness.

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The right kinds of food and knowing what foods you are sensitive to will increase your level of health, happiness and how much you enjoy life. The right foods won't lead you directly to a happy and fulfilling life, but they can play a role in creating the right conditions for improving your life. After all, who doesn't want a life free of inflammation, unnecessary daily pain and inflammation? This book will help you discover how to get just such a life!

It isn't just food sensitivities and food allergies that cause inflammation; if only life were that simple… Inflammation in the gut is triggered when we consume harmful substances. Unfortunately, there are many harmful substances out there just waiting to be introduced into our bodies. If you are eating the so- called "typical diet" high in processed food, then you are introducing a wide array of harmful agents into your body. Don't be fooled by marketing and rhetoric either, processed food and fast food are harming your body. Processed foods are low in nutrition but high in chemicals, artificial ingredients, cancer causing dyes, pesticides and more. These ingredients are causing damage to the bodies of countless people around the globe. There are many parts to curing your leaky gut syndrome and doing so without medication. Leaky gut syndrome can be influenced by factors beyond food. Environmental concerns play a role in the process, as they too can cause DNA damage, disease and inflammation. Air and water pollution also play a role in triggering inflammation as well. There are literally tens of thousands of chemicals that have been introduced into the air and water over the years. Those chemicals find their way into our food and water in diverse ways. These are not chemicals that our bodies would normally be exposed to and the end-result is inflammation. It is impossible

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to be healthy while constantly exposing yourself to various environmental toxins. Any steps that you can take to reduce your exposure to air and water pollution are steps that you should embrace. Later in this book, we will explore the role of water purification in staying healthy and reducing inflammation. There are easy and concrete steps that you can take to improve your air quality and taking those steps will lead to less air contaminant exposure and the DNA damage and inflammation that can accompany it. Keep in mind that the indoor air quality is, on average, several times more contaminated than outdoor air quality.

Chronic inflammation means constant stress and damage

If you are not taking steps to eat healthy food and purify your water, then you are likely exposed to high levels of these compounds. The end-result is that your body is under constant stress from a complex mixture of substances. Without ever getting a "break," it can do little to repair the damage. Chronic inflammation can mean constant pain, a weakened immune system and a range of potential other problems, such as the development of diseases like heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and cancer. This doesn't sound much like a way to live does it?

But this is exactly the life that all too many of us have slipped into and no longer question. The end-result of adopting this lifestyle built around instant and easy food is a chronic state of inflammation, pain and even a shortened lifespan. Those suffering from leaky gut syndrome will have to find the foods that they are sensitive to and shift their diets away from

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unhealthy food choices and towards a whole-foods diet. Of course, you can still develop leaky gut syndrome even if you are avoiding processed foods altogether. If you are eating foods that your body is rejecting, such as gluten, then you can have leaky gut syndrome. Like virtually all diseases and conditions in which inflammation plays a role, leaky gut syndrome is complicated, but that doesn't mean it cannot be healed. You can heal this issue permanently, and you can do it without the use of drugs.

Be an Educated Patient Educated patients are ones that may not only need their doctors less, but may also need the products of the pharmaceutical industry less. There is no profit in educating patients as to how they can improve their health and reduce inflammation. It is becoming increasingly common for doctors to discuss diet with the patients only when it comes to potential interference with the medicines they prescribe. Optimal health outcomes simply cannot ignore nutrition and yet doctors widely ignore the power of nutrition. In the defense of doctors, many realize that their patients are addicted to their food and the way that they eat and know that trying to pry their patients away from the double cheeseburger is probably a waste of time. However, if persistence and a focus on educating patients regarding the importance of proper nutrition and inflammation was a made a priority, more patients might drop their double cheeseburgers. Sadly, however, this is not where the money is. For now those looking to achieve optimal health, address inflammation and heal leaky gut syndrome will need to

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expand their view beyond the doctor's office.

Diet, Inflammation and Disease

There is a simple fact regarding inflammation, diet and disease that many people routinely overlook: if your body is under a constant state of inflammation, which is essentially an attack or sorts, then how it can it ever hope to repair existing injuries or new injuries when they occur? This is why so many people who are able to treat their chronic inflammation conditions successfully feel as though their lives and their health have been transformed. In short, there is a direct link between diet, inflammation and overall health and well-being. Do you want to have more energy? Healing your leaky gut syndrome can give you more energy! Keep in mind that unless your body is receiving all the nutrition that it needs, it is impossible for it to heal and stay healthy. Leaky gut syndrome robs your body of the nutrition that it needs each and every day. By following the plan outlined in this book, you can expect many things to happen. One major difference is that you can expect to have more vitality. Fighting inflammation takes a lot of energy, and not getting the nutrition that you need can further sap your ability to maintain your health or rebuild it. Leaky gut syndrome will steal energy from you. But luckily there are ways for you to stop your leaky gut syndrome and begin the process of healing!

There is no reason that you should continue feeling fatigued or sluggish. Healing your leaky gut syndrome means that your energy will return. However, if you opt for taking drugs that are designed to only treat the

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symptoms of leaky gut syndrome and do not address the actual causes of this syndrome, it is more likely that you will never truly restore your health. It is important to realize that you need to be eating the right kinds of foods!

Eating the wrong foods does more than make you feel sluggish or cause you pain, ranging from a headache to muscle pain. Eating unhealthy foods or foods that you are sensitive to will slowly decrease your overall health in almost every way. When it comes to your health, there is nothing that you can do that is more important and more worth your time than discovering your food sensitivities and then eliminating them.

The Wrong Food Choices and Blood Sugar Levels

What you eat affects your body in many, many ways. For example, every food that you eat changes your glucose (blood sugar) levels in some way or another. Some foods are turned into glucose at a faster rate than others. The end-result is a "spike" in blood sugar levels. Foods that are quickly converted to glucose don't give you sustained energy and the “sugar crash” afterwards can leave you feeling fatigued. In part this is why it is important to avoid foods that can cause sudden spikes in blood sugar levels. Not surprisingly, sugar is high up on this list. Even how you choose to mix foods together, such as protein and carbohydrates, can have an impact on your blood sugar levels and how you feel. Consuming a large amount of carbohydrates may give you a temporary boost of energy, but don't expect it to last for very long. Why is this important? Lots of spikes in your blood sugar levels will lead to potentially eating more of the foods that you are sensitive to, overeating

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and additional issues as well. Many of the foods that trigger these spikes in blood sugar levels are foods that you should be avoiding, as they also trigger inflammation. Foods such as trans fats, high fructose corn syrup and corn solids, food additives and chemicals will all cause spikes in your blood sugar level and contribute to inflammation.

Treating Leaky Gut

Your leaky gut syndrome is unlikely to go away on its own. It's time to take matters into your own hands. Leaky gut syndrome is one of the roughest things that your body can go through. Leaky gut syndrome can be very damaging to the body as the problem is chronic in nature, and chronic injuries can do a great deal of long term damage. This book is about healing leaky gut syndrome and doing so without the need for medication. Why is it essential to treat your leaky gut syndrome without medication?

Medication is not a cure but instead simply offers a temporary relief from pain or a temporary solution. The serious underlying problems are not addressed, and the symptoms of leaky gut syndrome will not go away until whatever is causing the problem is eliminated.

Avoiding Side Effects from Medication

Many people suffer from side effects from the medication they are taking and have no idea what is causing these issues! Don't fall into this trap. Every drug has side effects. Many are relatively benign and are just inconvenient—but many others can be serious and have serious

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consequences. Doesn’t it seem safer to change your diet, as opposed to taking a drug (or drugs) that can cause you serious harm?

Even over the counter anti-inflammatory medications, such as ibuprofen can have serious side effects. It is also important to know that drugs designed to treat inflammation do nothing to treat the underlying problem or problems that are creating the inflammation in the first place. Quite often, the side effects of drugs are not discovered until they've been in use and deemed "safe" for years. Discovering why you are experiencing leaky gut syndrome and then addressing that problem is the best course of action. Taking medications

for years and years is not a permanent solution to leaky gut syndrome and may, in fact, even cause permanent long term damage. That is why selecting a natural solution is essential.

What foods might be causing yoursymptoms?

The points we've outlined above underscore why it is essential to discover what food or foods your body is rejecting and begin eliminating them. Simply stated, if you want to get better, you need to go through a process of discovery in which you determine what food or foods are causing your leaky gut syndrome. It's essential that you figure all this out now! Don't delay another day. Each day that you're eating the wrong foods, you could potentially be causing long-term damage to your health. If you are sensitive to apples, and don't know it, and continue to eat apples (or even eat apples every day), then how can you expect to get better? Until you phase apples out of your diet, you will continue to experience

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issues. The medication that is prescribed for your leaky gut syndrome will only temporarily address the damage being caused by your immune system’s reaction and nothing more. Inflammation plays a role in most diseases, and leaky gut disease is no exception. In this book, we will explore the different ways that you can transform your health, discover what foods are causing your leaky gut syndrome and chart a new path forward. Leaky gut syndrome can be healed, and this can take place without drugs. The drug approach is one without real answers and without an end in sight. You shouldn't spend the rest of your life on drugs, and the bottom line is that you don't have to.

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Dietary Changes to Reduce Inflammation

Not only do doctors routinely ignore the power of nutrition and the role of inflammation, but they also ignore the fact that food sensitivities are at the heart of a range of illnesses and syndromes such as leaky gut syndrome. Again, patients who are armed with this information and act upon it are less likely to visit the doctor. Getting rid of the food sensitivities and allergies —and the foods that trigger inflammation can lead to a stronger and more robust immune system and fewer trips to the doctor's office. Perhaps the biggest misconception that the average person has regarding medicine is that it is the job of a doctor to heal patients. The truth is that for most doctors their job is to treat the symptoms of illnesses and not transform health and restore vitality. If you want health and vitality, you'll need a broader view, a much broader view!

There are dietary changes that you can make to reduce your levels of inflammation. Discovering what foods you are sensitive to is the priority, but there are dietary changes that you can make that are all but guaranteed to take a considerable amount of pressure off your body, your digestive system and your immune system. If you are currently eating processed food and fast food, you need to stop. Now, you may feel that this is too difficult of a process to undertake, but countless people before you have done it and you can do it as well. The key point to making the switch away from processed food and towards healthy, whole food is to realize that eliminating processed foods is, well, a process. Changing your diet so that you eliminate processed food isn't about

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switching to a different "diet plan" but instead involves having a plan for the food you consume. Eating foods that will protect your body from inflammation means selecting foods that are healthy and you are not, for whatever reason, sensitive to. Of course, we will first have to eliminate potentially harmful foods in the Elimination Phase. While foods such as nuts and seeds, for example, are fantastic for most people, if you have an allergy (which is common for nuts) or are sensitive to them they are of zero use to you. In this case, they will, in fact harm your health. Much of what follows in this next section is advice that will work for most people, but not for everyone. We will try to outline a path towards better health. The overall goal is to help you eliminate the foods that are harming you and replace them with healthy alternatives that will support your long term health and vitality, while at the same time help heal your leaky gut syndrome. Phrased another way, not every food will work for everyone, but by the time you finish reading, you will know how to find out what works for you.

Healthy Food Categories

1) Fruit 2) Vegetables

3) Gluten free carbohydrates

4) Healthy protein choices

5) Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids

6) Healthy fats

7) Nuts

8) Seeds The above are the "Big 8," and by eating more of the foods found in this

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group, you can be sure that you'll have less inflammation. Of course, the only exception to this rule is if there is a food on the above list that you are sensitive or allergic to. Nuts, for example, are a common food allergy. Gluten is a very common food sensitivity. These foods are easier to work into your diet then you might think. Here are some easy suggestions for day-to-day life that almost anyone can use regardless of your budget or how busy you might be.


1) Keep frozen fruits in the freezer. When you are craving something sweet, blend them together into a delicious refreshing fruit shake. If you aren't sensitive to dairy, you can add some yogurt or low-fat milk. Soymilk, rice milk and coconut milk also make an excellent addition to a fruit shake.

2) Keep a basket of fruit around at all times for snacks. 3) Also, consider snacking on dried fruit like raisins, dried apples,

prunes and dried bananas. Make sure they are not covered in sugar or treated with sulfites, though!


1) Make a big salad for lunch and dinners. If you aren't a salad lover, figure out how to customize it for your particular preferences. You can add in everything from dried cherries, almonds, dates and cheese to fresh salmon or chicken to make your salad more exciting—and even more nutritious! Eventually you will find a

combination you love. 2) Throw a bunch of vegetables in the oven to roast at 350o with some

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macadamia nut oil (or olive oil), herbs and a bit of sea salt and pepper. A wide range of vegetables including broccoli, peppers, cauliflower and beets are delicious when prepared in this way.

Gluten Free Carbohydrates

1) You can find gluten free breads and pizzas at your local health food store. If you are really craving bread, this will fulfill your needs without introducing gluten into your diet.

2) Potatoes are gluten free and often forgotten as a great food. Try a baked potato with add-ons like goat cheese, broccoli, red peppers, and yogurt. There are all sorts of potatoes out there—white, yellow and even purple! Try them all and see what you like.

Healthy Protein Choices

1) Wild Alaskan salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and excellent on its own with a marinade or added to a salad. Experiment with new recipes for this healthy fish. You might want to try roasting salmon on a traditional cedar plank.

2) If you are eating beef, choose organic and grass-fed. This will help you avoid pesticides, chemicals and hormones. Also, grass-fed beef and buffalo have high levels of omega-3 fatty acids. (Corn-fed beef has low omega-3 fatty acids and high omega-6 fatty acids—omega-6 fatty acids are the unhealthy fats.)

3) Try to select only organic and free-range chicken and eggs. Foods Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids

1) It is easy to buy eggs that are enriched with omega-3. 2) Add seeds and nuts whenever possible. Snack on nuts when you are

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hungry between meals. Also, you can toss nuts and seeds into salads and stir fries for an added crunch.

3) Start putting nut butter into your diet to get more omega 3 fats throughout the day. You can spread it on gluten-free bread or fruits, or even put some in your oatmeal. The possibilities are endless.

Healthy Fats

There are three main types of fats. Omega-3 fats are the healthy fats. These are found in high levels in fish such as salmon, sardines and mackerel and in avocados, flaxseeds, walnuts and broccoli. Omega-9 oils are healthy as well—olive oil is a common source. Omega-6 fats are the unhealthier fats—these are in corn (and products to which corn or corn oil is added) and many vegetable oils. There is nothing really “bad” about omega-6 fats—it’s the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fats that seems most important. But, because omega-6 fats are so common, we recommend increasing the amount of omega-3 fats in order to get a healthier ratio.

1) The avocado is one of the easiest to find and best healthy fats. Try making guacamole for a delicious treat. You can also add avocado to sandwiches, salads and even smoothies.

2) It's fine to eat organic butters and creams. They provide a good source of healthy fats and can be easily incorporated into your meals.

3) Many people enjoy eating olives and they are a great source of healthy fat (Omega-9). Add them into your salads or just on the side of your meals.

4) Don’t forget to add the nuts and seeds! Nuts and Seeds

1) Are you looking for more suggestions for adding nuts and seeds to your diet? Make a delicious pesto out of basil, pine nuts,

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garlic and macadamia nut oil. This can be added to gluten free pasta or bread.

2) Make gluten-free banana nut bread or a zucchini nut bread with healthy ingredients.

3) Eat organic granola for breakfast. 4) Toss some nuts into your green beans for more crunch and flavor. 5) Virtually all nuts and seeds can be added to shakes with and

smoothies with great results. So experiment! It won't be long before you find something you love.

The odds are slim that you will be sensitive to all the foods on our "Big 8" list. This means you can expect to find ways to use food to reduce inflammation and heal your leaky gut syndrome. Remember, leaky gut syndrome has placed your body under considerable stress, but there are steps that you can take to remedy this situation. Eating more of the "Big 8" foods, on most occasions and for most people, will be a big leap in the right direction. Free your body from inflammatory fast foods and processed foods, and you will see a difference in how you feel, how you look, how you think… and improve your leaky gut syndrome!

The idea that "food is food" is just not true. Food differs dramatically, and the health results that you can get by shifting your diet away from a processed diet and towards a whole foods-based diet is extraordinary. Leaky gut syndrome can be healed without medication, but it is absolutely essential that you give your body healthy nutrition in order to take the stress off.

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Foods That Fight Inflammation

If you suffer from leaky gut syndrome, you might be thinking that your pain is just a way of life and that there is nothing you can do about it. This is not true! In fact, one of the biggest steps you can take to heal your leaky gut syndrome without drugs is to transform your diet. On this point, there is an issue of mindset. Increasingly, the average persons’ mindset is that they must use drugs to treat whatever problem they may have. Every physical, mental or medical problem is viewed as one that must have a drug (usually some “miracle drug”) to treat it. This thinking is causing tremendous damage. Many drugs are essential and do, in fact, keep people alive and healthier than they would otherwise be. However the dependency, overuse, misuse and the “polypharmaceutics” approach (where one individual is on a long list of drugs) comes at a terrible price. We do not really know the potential effects of the polypharmacy approach—we do know that tens of thousands of people each year die of medication errors and because of drug interactions. (6-11) It is the goal of this book to help stop, heal your leaky gut syndrome without the use of drugs. Many people are resistant to the notion that a disease or syndrome can be healed without the use of drugs, but it IS


Solid nutrition combined with your approach to food can transform your health in dramatic ways. It is important that you have these tools in your "toolkit" so that you can reduce the stress on your body, increase your health and boost your immune system. This information, combined with discovering which foods to eliminate from your diet are a powerful "one-two punch" and will serve you in healing your leaky gut disease.

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You can heal yourself naturally from leaky gut disease, and a key part of the process is to embrace a willingness to change your mindset. If you believe that it is impossible to change your health with your food choices, then this process will be more difficult. Are you committed to a future where drugs are the only path for treating your leaky gut syndrome? If so, then this process will likely not work for you.

Do you really want to deal with unknown side effects for the rest of your life? This can cause a "vicious cycle" where you are constantly taking new drugs to try to fight the side effects caused by the drugs you were initially taking! This can turn into that vicious cycle for people who don't proactively try to stop the cycle. If you have decided to heal your leaky gut, we are ready to turn our attention to the foods that fight inflammation. Some foods work incredibly well when it comes to fighting inflammation. Many have been stunned by just how well some of these foods work and how much they can contribute to human health.

You may discover through the Elimination Phase that you are sensitive to an inflammation fighter that we recommend. This is, of course, fine. But, most of the foods that we discuss in this section will be foods you can safely consume— and they will help you fight inflammation effectively. Remember, diseases use inflammation to spread because it weakens our defenses. However, by incorporating these anti-inflammatory foods into your diet, you can help your body fight inflammation and thus fight your leaky gut syndrome!

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The Benefits of Organic Eating

Before jumping into our list of inflammation fighting foods, we should pause to discuss the importance of "going organic." If you are already not eating organic food, you should seriously consider starting. Non-organic food uses pesticides and chemical based fertilizers. Shockingly, hundreds of different chemical pesticides are used in the production of your foods. If your body is having a reaction to just one of these pesticides or fertilizers, then leaky gut syndrome could be the result. It is important to note that you may think that you are sensitive to a specific food, when, in fact, you are simply sensitive (or allergic) to the pesticides and chemicals put on that food. The complexity of the modern food supply no doubt makes it more difficult to determine where food sensitivity and allergies ultimately come from. The Elimination Phase, which we will discuss in more detail later in the book, outlines the process you will need to go through to discover what foods or agents are contributing to or causing your inflammation. Eating organic food is an easy and smart way to help safeguard your health. By making organic choices, you are protecting your body from pesticides and artificial fertilizers. You may even discover that by switching to organic, you are able to eat foods that once caused adverse reactions.

18 Inflammation Fighting Foods that can work for you 1) Macadamia nut oil 2) Turmeric

3) Ginger

4) Tart cherries

5) Avocados 6) Beets 7) Walnuts

8) Ground flax seed and

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flax oil 9) Sardines 10) Salmon

11) Purified fish oil 12) Krill oil Broccoli 13) Garlic

14) Pineapple and bromelain (an enzyme naturally found in pineapples)

15) Celery seeds

16) Blueberries

17) Saffron

18) Coconut oil

Inflammation Fighting Foods-Turmeric and Ginger

Turmeric and ginger are great foods for fighting inflammation, as they can be consumed in so many different ways. Ginger is amazingly versatile and is widely available in fresh, powdered and in tea form. Turmeric and ginger have made our list of anti-inflammatory foods because they are safe and highly effective. Turmeric in comes with some additional benefits as study after study has shown that turmeric is not just a top-notch inflammation fighter, but can also fight cancer and help stop tumor growth. When possible, add a little black pepper to your turmeric, as this helps the body make the most of turmeric's beneficial properties.(12)

Ginger should be of particular interest for most people who have leaky gut

syndrome. Why? Ginger has been shown in studies to do something very remarkable and very useful for those with any sort of digestive issue: it reduces inflammation particularly well in the intestines.

Inflammation in the intestines is a key factor in leaky gut syndrome and other issues such as celiac disease and irritable bowel syndrome. Fresh

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ginger, which can be juiced or grated and put in a range of dishes, as well as ginger tea and ginger supplements, can all help combat inflammation in the intestines. In short, ginger is truly something special. The combination of turmeric and ginger is something that anyone suffering from leaky gut syndrome should consider. Of course, it is possible that you are sensitive to one or both of these spices, but for most people, turmeric and ginger will not be a trigger food. These two spices can usually do wonders to improve your health as they boost the immune system, fight cancer and reduce inflammation. As an added bonus, they are high in antioxidants and can even improve brain health and reduce the effects of aging.(13)

Try cooking foods with curry to get more turmeric and ginger into your diet at the same time. If you don't like cooking, try a healthy Indian restaurant. Indian food is famous for its curries that use turmeric as a main ingredient. Inflammation Fighting Foods-Cherries

In a true stroke of luck, the very tasty cherry is also very good for you. Anthocyanins, a phytochemical found in cherries, has been shown to fight both inflammation and pain. Of particular interest is the tart cherry. Studies have shown that tart cherries have a powerful ability to reduce inflammation.(14)

Over the counter anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, do work but

FYI: Turmeric and curcumin are the same spice. Also, curries use turmeric/curcumin as the main spice!

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there are concern about NSAIDs and their potential impact on the liver and kidneys. As a result, many health conscious people want natural alternatives for fighting inflammation. Whether it is recovering from an injury or dealing with chronic pain and inflammation, many people wish for an alternative to NSAIDs, as its long term side effects concern many. Luckily, there are all-natural alternatives that rival the anti-inflammatory activity of over the counter drugs.

The anti-inflammatory activity of tart cherry was studied at the Oregon Health & Science University.(14) The research showed a significant link between tart cherry consumption and post-exercise pain reduction. The

researchers concluded that tart cherry juice was able to reduce inflammation and that it did so in impressive fashion. Other researchers are looking into the ability of tart cherry to fight chronic pain issues, such as fibromyalgia and arthritis. Any natural alternative that can address the intense inflammation that comes along with conditions like fibromyalgia is worth the attention of anyone suffering from leaky gut syndrome. It should be very obvious why tart cherries have made their way onto our list of inflammation fighting foods that leaky gut syndrome suffers should consider. In a press release, Kerry Kuehl, M.D, Dr.PH., M.S at the Oregon Health

& Science University stated, "With millions of Americans looking for ways to naturally manage pain, it's promising that tart cherries can help, without the possible side effects often associated with arthritis medications. I'm intrigued by the potential for a real food to offer such a powerful anti-inflammatory benefit - especially for active adults." (PRN Newswire, 5/30/2012). In the same article, Leslie Bonci, MPH, RD, CSSD, LDN who is the Director of Sports Nutrition at the University of

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Pennsylvania Medical Center for Sports Medicine added "Why not eat red (cherries) when there's so much science to support the anti-inflammatory benefits of this Super Fruit? And for athletes whose palates prefer the tart-sweet flavor profile of tart cherries, it's the optimal ingredient."

Tart cherries are most commonly available fresh, frozen and in bottles of juice, but they can also be found in powdered form. Frozen cherries are a great way to get them year-round, so you can eat them even when they aren't in season. You can also pick up some dried cherries in the bulk section of your local health food store. Either way, these tasty little treats provide a surprising level of inflammation fighting punch. Tart cherry juice is easy to use and store and can easily be added to any diet. NSAIDs, like all drugs, may have serious side effects, especially with prolonged use. An all-natural alternative, like tart cherries, which have been proven to have strong anti-inflammatory activity, is a very attractive option. The evidence that tart cherries are a great way to combat inflammation is mounting rapidly. Anyone with chronic inflammation, athletes looking to boost performance or even individuals suffering from a headache will want to consider consuming more tart cherries. They are also great, by the way, for decreasing the risk of bladder infections and have been used to treat these infections as well.

Inflammation Fighting Foods-Avocados

The nutrient packed avocado is one of the world's most amazing fruits. Rich in a very wide array of vitamins including B vitamins as well as vitamins K and E, avocados also contain healthy fat. Studies have concluded that avocados inhibit interleukin-6 (IL-6) which is a chemical messenger that promotes inflammation.(15)

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Reducing inflammation in the body and keeping it in check is essential for anyone with leaky gut syndrome, and avocados are a delicious way to help. Avocados are also a very flexible food. They can be consumed in many different ways helping boost their overall usefulness.

Inflammation Fighting Foods-Beets

When it comes to fighting inflammation, it is tough to “beat” some of the inflammation fighting foods already on our list, but beets (and beet greens) are a serious contender. They are a key way to fight inflammation. Beets are often overlooked when it comes to their nutritional benefits, but they are a real standout in fighting inflammation. Beets will also help your improve your health in a range of other important ways. For example, beets are excellent for detoxifying the system. Compounds found in beets have also been shown to stop tumor growth and fight cancer.(16)

Beets are easy to roast. Toss them with some macadamia nut oil, salt, pepper and walnuts. These are great as a side dish or in salads. If you don't think you like them, try giving them another chance. Often people decide that they hate beets as kids, but don't try them again as an adult. You may find your taste buds—and your mindset—have changed.

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