dr. juli hinds using orange in the classroom

Orange is the new classroom? Juli Hinds, Ph.D. Prof. Communication, Medaille College

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Orange is the new classroom? Juli Hinds, Ph.D.Prof. Communication, Medaille College

how the use of the original Netflix series, Orange is the New Black can spark the goals of engaged pedagogy, where the focus is on the creation of a classroom experience that is more meaningful, and holistic. Orange is the New Black, is particularly compelling because of the rich characterizations of often marginalized, or even invisible women within society; while, at the same time the show exhibits stereotypical norms of race and ethnicity. These ideological contradictions, in the show, often function, however, as starting points for engagement and reflection on how issues of power, privilege, and identity become constructed through the business of new mass media, and as such play a role in our identity as subjects within society.


1) Course built around Orange using Engaged Pedagogy 2) Learning Outcomes 3) Classroom Approach & Classroom Exercises 4) Assessment 5) Engaged? 6) Conclusion 7) Bib

Engaged Pedagogy

Break down ofFacilitator & Student

Small group sharing to sparking(transparency & affinity)

Bias, Prejudices upfront unlearn, relearn, rethink & rethink

Prompts micro-macro dialectic on class concepts

Media (constructed reality) Reflection of self, & identity 3) Ideological contradictions 4) Be critical consumer/ power, privilege5) Our role as creators, producers and exhibitors of mediated textLO for Students & Teacher

TuesdayStudents do small group shareOrange and ethnicity/content analysis

Clips Regroup/sharing and exercises Eg. Storyboards/Casting

What is race?

Clips that need to be unpacked and explore theoretical underpinnings of the week or wherever..the clip serves as a template to talk in public (if wanted) about race and gender privilege..explore theoretical underpinningsone week mise en scence, rep, voice/dialogue, music (gillian rose)

Thursday: Reading, Richard Dyer Whiteness

Small Groups

Facebook responsesDo you fit into a category? What is your identity?

"We keep coming back to the question of representation because identity is always about representation. Richard Dyer

Assessment & Topics

1) Reflection journals2) Facebook Posts on Themes (not just theories)Eg. Netflix as a business (Distribution, Exhibition, Production) Television portrayal of prison systemStudents are encouraged to post random questions3) 3 foundational quizzes on theories (in own words) 4) Final project is a film on the series rooted in the theory/theme of choice\

So are they engaged?

ensure that environment is safe zone: Facebook page closed communityall comments stay herefolks watch shows on their own timereflect in diary, and what they want to in small


BibliographyButler, J. (1990) Gender Troubles: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity, New York

Dyer, Richard W. White: Essays on Race and Culture. New York: Routledge, 1997. page 45

Fiske, John. Introduction to Communication Studies. London: Methuen & Co., 1990.

Foucault, M. (1977) Discipline and Punish: the birth of the prison. London

Hall, S., Morley, D., & Chen, K.-H. (1996). Critical dialogues in cultural studies. London

hooks, bell (2010). Teaching critical thinking: practical wisdom. New York: Routledge.

Visual Bibliography

Orange Is the New Black (2014) Director Jenji Kohan

* All of the students in COR 113 at Madison College gave their permission to be photographed