dr judith audin, researcher, cefc hong kong, chief editor ... · 2015; woodworth and wallace 2017),...

Download Dr Judith Audin, researcher, CEFC Hong Kong, chief editor ... · 2015; Woodworth and Wallace 2017), and visual studies (Lam 2013a; Ortells-Nicolau 2015). Urban exploration – the

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Post on 09-Sep-2020




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    CEFC, 20/F , Wancha i Cen tra l Bu i ld ing , 89 Lockhar t Road , Wancha i , Hong Kong

    Tel: 852 2876 6910 Fax: 852 2815 3211 Email: [email protected] Website: http:// www.cefc.com.hk

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    Rubbles,Ruins!"#$! !"#$%#&$’!"#$%&!!"#! !"#$%&’($#

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    !"#$%&!""#$"%&’ !!"#$%!&&!’(!!"#$%!"#$%"&’()#*"!"#$%&!!!"#$%&’()! !"!"#$%%&"Nicolau2015)!"

    Urban exploration #! the visit and documentation of derelict man"!"#$% &’()*’)($&% "+#%


    !"#$%&’ !#$()#(! (Garrett 2014a, 2014b; Offenstadt 2018). This alternative approach has!


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    CEFC, 20/F , Wancha i Cen tra l Bu i ld ing , 89 Lockhar t Road , Wancha i , Hong Kong

    Tel: 852 2876 6910 Fax: 852 2815 3211 Email: [email protected] Website: http:// www.cefc.com.hk

    ! !

    and offer a critical understanding of the Chinese city (Lam 2013b; Audin 2018). In the


    !"#$%!" #$$%" ! !"#$%"&’()*! !"#$%&’() *+,-. , to romanticize them as aesthetic objects (Wu

    2012; !"#$%%&"!"#$%&’( )*+,-( !"#$%&%’%#(#$)*+ ,-./0!" #$! !" ! consider them as specific

    landscapes : “ruinscape”. This last term refers, like "landscape", to a subjective social!"#$%&’!%("#) *"$%+,)!""#$%!&’(! !"# $%&’()*+$+! of perception! !"#$%$&’()* +,-,.* /01#)2&*

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    CEFC, 20/F , Wancha i Cen tra l Bu i ld ing , 89 Lockhar t Road , Wancha i , Hong Kong

    Tel: 852 2876 6910 Fax: 852 2815 3211 Email: [email protected] Website: http:// www.cefc.com.hk

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    CEFC, 20/F , Wancha i Cen tra l Bu i ld ing , 89 Lockhar t Road , Wancha i , Hong Kong

    Tel: 852 2876 6910 Fax: 852 2815 3211 Email: [email protected] Website: http:// www.cefc.com.hk

    ! !


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    CEFC, 20/F , Wancha i Cen tra l Bu i ld ing , 89 Lockhar t Road , Wancha i , Hong Kong

    Tel: 852 2876 6910 Fax: 852 2815 3211 Email: [email protected] Website: http:// www.cefc.com.hk

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