dr . aaron jarden open polytechnic of new zealand

Dr. Aaron Jarden Open Polytechnic of New Zealand www.growhq.com The GROW Project: Building the world’s largest and most in-depth psychological study

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The GROW Project: Building the world’s largest and most in-depth psychological study. Dr . Aaron Jarden Open Polytechnic of New Zealand www.growhq.com. How can you assess and track 20 million peoples’ wellbeing worldwide?. Facebook? / Google? Research grants? Philanthropy? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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D r . A a r o n J a r d e n

O p e n P o l y t e c h n i c o f N e w Z e a l a n d

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The GROW Project: Building the world’s largest and most in-depth psychological study

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How can you assess and track 20 million peoples’

wellbeing worldwide?

Facebook? / Google?

Research grants?


Partner with government and global projects?



Start a business and foundation

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Page 4: Dr .  Aaron Jarden Open Polytechnic of New Zealand

GROW: HistoryBeginning in 2010, leading wellbeing scientists began to discuss, design, and forge collaborations with different psychology research laboratories in order to create an ambitious project to continually assess and track 20 million people worldwide using 20 languages. Rolling launch from 16th April 2012, soft launch till 16th May.

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GROW: The Basics

GROW does online wellbeing assessments for four target markets:

Individuals (16+) – get reports

Helping Professionals – get access to reports

Organisations – get group level (N = 15+) reports

Researchers (academic & commercial) – get data (raw & scored)

GROW is based in science, comprehensive, elegant and user-


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GROW Chief Scientists

Dr. Aaron JardenAssociate Professor Todd Kashdan Dr. Dan Wejeirs Dr. Jo Mitchell

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GROW: Overview

Modular survey




Real time results

Ideas for change

Privacy protected

3rd party providers

GROW Assessment

GROW Report

GROW Programs

High Wellbeing

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GROW: The basics

GROW Assessment

GROW Report

GROW Programs

High Wellbeing

Global Life Satisfaction




Meaning in Life



Life Domains

Temporal Life satisfaction


Emotions Balance

Life Position


Values Alignment

Valued Living (V2)

Competence (V2)

Autonomy (V2)

Grit (perseverance) (V2)

Resilience( V2)

Loneliness (V2)

Hope (V2)

Vitality (V2)

Gratitude (V2)


Personal Growth (V3)

Enviro Mastery (V3)

Strengths Use (V3)

Time Use (V3)

Work Satisfaction (V3)

Engagement (V3)

Trust & Belonging (V3)

Mindfulness (V3)


Physical Health

+ & - Events (V3)

Lifestyle factors

50 Free Text Questions

In all 69 Core Questions, 39 Optional Questions, 27 Demo & Lifestyle.

About 15 minutes per assessment if completed in full

Our goal is to have the most scientifically robust and comprehensive wellbeing

assessment in the market

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GROW: Assessment

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GROW: The basics

GROW Assessment

GROW Report

GROW Programs

High Wellbeing

Our goal is a simple tool to aid understanding and help individuals

decide what actions to take

Confidential to individuals – can be shared online

Individual and group scores over time

Simple explanations of why each measure matters

Science based recommendations for focus areas

Weekly, monthly, 3 monthly, 6 monthly, yearly.

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GROW: Report

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GROW: Report

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GROW: Report

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GROW: Report

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GROW: Report

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GROW: The basics

GROW Assessment

GROW Report

GROW Programs

High Wellbeing

Our goal is to point to the best 3rd party tools and programs, and to test and

prove their efficacy at raising wellbeing

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GROW: Programs

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GROW: Programs

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GROW: Working examplesHelping Professionals – managing clients:

Initially assesses their wellbeing before contact.

Tracks changes in their wellbeing and key indicators over time (email reminders).

Proactively identifies relapse (every 6 months).


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GROW: ChallengesHow do you build a multipurpose assessment, that is psychometrically sound, relevant and useful for multiple groups and purposes, brief, yet also flexible over time to capitalise on the best science?

How can you make such a tool widely available? - i.e., what are the current barriers (price, technology), what are the ideal enabling conditions for target users?

Speed of responding vs quality of response, and other psychometric issues?

GROW’s three guides: Technology, Entertainment, & Design.

How can you get respondents / participants motivated to continually come back?

SDT (autonomy, competence, & relatedness) and gaming.

Email reminders.

Sharing reports.

Accountable to person paying and sharing with.

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GROW: ChallengesLearning from one major precursor project – The International Wellbeing Study.

Stratified international sample.

Real time results.

Getting the scientists involved and on board – Researcher version, the GROW Foundation.

Adhering to best and ethical practice in a new area (online assessment).

Our goal is for GROW to be used by multiple groups in order to create a large international dataset, internationally useful for National Accounts of Wellbeing.

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Grow International ltd.

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