
This DPS features just the article and the masthead of ‘Elle Goes Solo’. The questions in the article are in bold, to stand out from the response. The Masthead has the first and last word in a dark red text, to match the colour used on the front cover and throughout the magazine. It also draws attention to each word and their importance and significance to the storyline.

Upload: catereidy

Post on 05-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Dps

This DPS features just the article and the masthead of ‘Elle Goes Solo’. The questions in the article are in bold, to stand out from the response. The Masthead has the first and last word in a dark red text, to match the colour used on the front cover and throughout the magazine. It also draws attention to each word and their importance and significance to the storyline.

Page 2: Dps

This DPS features an article that covers the two pages, with an image used in the right hand corner on the second page. It was a border of a dark red, this is to match the colour used on the masthead and throughout the magazine. The questions are spaced out with the question being bold to stand out from the response.