dps photoshop and layour

DPS Layout & Photoshop

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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Dps Photoshop and layour

DPS Layout & Photoshop

Page 2: Dps Photoshop and layour

I first typed out my interview onto Microsoft Office Word. I then copied the text and pasted it onto Note pad. I copied one interview question and answer at a time. I did this so it was easier to manage.After pasting the text onto Notepad, I then formatted the words. I did this by clicking the format option and then the word wrap selection. I then pasted the text onto Photoshop.

Page 3: Dps Photoshop and layour

When researching into music magazines I found that every magazine justifies their text. So to make my magazine more realistic I also did this to my text. To justify my text I highlighted the text which I wanted to change. I then selected the paragraph option on the side of Photoshop. I then clicked the justify option.

Before justifying text

After Justifying text

Page 4: Dps Photoshop and layour

I started the DPS by adding all of my text, as you can see I have placed all of my text within three columns. I chose this layout as this is a convention many R&B magazines have. The columns where also within my dps flat plan.

I then continued to add my stand first . The font of the stand first is different compared to the pages text. I got the fonts from Photoshop. The size of the stand first is also a little larger from the rest. This is because I want the stand first to stand out more so readers will read that first before the interview.

I also started to add a large quote. I got the font from DAFONT.COM. This font is also used within my font cover, by using this font it links the pages together.

Page 5: Dps Photoshop and layour

I added an artist quote within my dps. One of the main colours within my magazines red. I wanted to incorporate this colour so I experimented with the quote. I used this colour to highlight the words ‘music’ and ‘living’. I also made these two words slightly bigger compared to the other words. I wanted these two words to stand out because it again shows that this page is about music and how the artist feels about it. I also underlined the words ‘living’ as I feel that it is important.

I changed the colour of the words by selecting ‘Layer Style’. I then clicked the colour overlay option. Continuing from there I selected the colour red, I made sure that it was the same shade of red as my masthead logo. This makes my dps link more to my cover and contents

Page 6: Dps Photoshop and layour

At the bottom of the page I added the logo of my magazine. I did this because I found within my research that many music magazines have their masthead/logo within their dps. It shows readers what magazine the page belongs to. I also added which addition the magazine is (April 2016) this is again due to other magazines having this convention so by adding it within my work it makes it seems more professional.I also added a page number to indicate what page this Double Page spread is, it also makes it seem like it belongs to a real magazine.

Page 7: Dps Photoshop and layour

With one of my images, I decided to add a black and white filter. To do this I clicked on the images layer. I then clicked the ‘image’ option on the top bar. From there I selected adjustments and then Black and White. I was then able to change the level of black and white within the image by moving around the sliders given. After I was happy I clicked ok and the filter was then added over my image.

I decided to add a filter over my image as I didn't want to divert the attention of the reader away from the interview text. So I thought that having the image black and White would have the image blend in and not be a large distraction.

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I first had my main image of the page to be a long shot of my model sitting on a chair. I decided not to use this image as I already have used a long shot for my cover. I also think that the chair used is not a prop that would be used within a real music magazine.

I then changed the image to a close up shot of the models face. I thought that this image was better as it contrasts to the cover image. I think that this picture is more eye-catching compared to the other.

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Before Photoshop

After Photoshop

I first changed the levels within the image. I did this by pressing ‘ctrl L’ on my keyboard. I then changed the input levels using the sliders

I zoomed into the face of the mode. I then used the blemish tool, which is located in the tool bar on the side of Photoshop. I then clicked over small blemishes or spots on the model. I did this as many music magazines Photoshop the images of artist to give their skin a smooth finish.

I manipulated the lip colour on my model. Like my front colour I made the lip colour red. I did this so my image can link to the colour scheme.I selected the lips and then filled them with a solid red colour. I then changed the overlay selection to ‘Overlay’ this gave the lips a nice red tint.

I also changed the colour balance within the image. I did this so the image stands out more. I gave the image a more bluish tint, I did this by increasing the Cyan level within my photo.

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This is my final Dps. Compared to my DPS you can see that I made a lot of changes. This is because when researching more in depth within my music magazine genre I found that I was looking at magazines that were made based around other music genres. So to make my work link more to my chosen music genre I tried to follow the layout of ‘xxl’ or ‘vibe’ dps.

On the right page of the Dps I have included a close up of my model. From my research I found that the right hand side of the page holds an image of the artist and on the left hand side, there is text.

For my text I made them fall in a three column alignment, this makes the text look more neat and organised. I feel that it also adds a bit of a sophisticated look. Something I think links to my target audience. In the middle column I have included an image of my artist at the drums. This I felt communicated how this is a DPS for a music magazine.

Above the text I added a quote, I decided to have the quote in the same font used within the cover. The font is big and it stands out against the page, making readers drawn to the words.