dps mock up

Bands name will be placed here, will be spread across the page over the split in the page. The title of the article will sit just underneath this. I will place the interview inside a black box with a white outline so it stands out from The articles title will be placed here with explanatory text This will be a quote from the article ; it will be This is the “C” line, A way the reader will naturally read things on a double page spread. This will start at the Title of the article then move to the My background will compromise of one main image from the The secondary images on the page will be related to the

Upload: jokerlove

Post on 22-Nov-2014



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Page 1: Dps Mock Up

Bands name will be placed here, will be spread across the page over the split in the page. The title of the article will sit just underneath this.

I will place the interview inside a black box with a white outline so it stands out from the background image.

The articles title will be placed here with explanatory text sitting underneath it.

This will be a quote from the article; it will be positioned here on the “C” line

This is the “C” line, A way the reader will naturally read things on a double page spread. This will start at the Title of the article then move to the pull quote, before following the line of images back to the interview.

My background will compromise of one main image from the bands gig.

The secondary images on the page will be related to the gig