dps: cocktails and conversation with neil chase and todd sawicki

Todd and Neil Present The Conference: Driving You to Drink Digital Publishing Summit Spring 2013

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Post on 08-May-2015




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Neil Chase and Todd Sawicki will moderate this interactive session in which they discuss with attendees the five pain points publishers face today. Moderators: Neil Chase, former svp, editorial, Federated Media @chaseneil Todd Sawicki, former CRO, Cheezburger @sawickipedia


  • 1.Todd and Neil PresentThe Conference: Driving You to DrinkDigital Publishing SummitSpring 2013

2. Todd Sawicki@sawickipediaNeil Chase@chaseneil 3. Had to mention 4. RulesDrink every time one of the following words describing a publisher pain(Inspired by the Official Conference Agenda) 5. This is you on Tuesday 6. Swag(every time you grab a piece - drink) 7. Double Shot Special: Oreo 8. Mobile(as in mobile advertising, mobilemonetization, mobigeddon) 9. Private/Privacy (as in private exchange, marketplace; alsocan include privacy and cookie discussions) 10. Premium(as in premium advertising, premium publishers, premium inventory) 11. Real Time*(as in real time marketing; includes RTB) 12. Engagement(as in engage your audience;engaging brands, customers) 13. Programmatic(as in programmatic buying;includes programmatic guaranteed) 14. Native (as in Native Advertising;synonym Content Marketing) 15. Todd Sawicki@sawickipediaNeil Chase@chaseneil