dps analysis

Double page spread Analysis

Upload: vini95

Post on 29-Jun-2015




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Page 2: Dps analysis

The article is about the band Florence and the machine and their success in America and how the American audience have approved them.

The headline is titled ‘USA got the love' which is reference to their song ‘you got the love’. This shows that they have conquered the American audience which is an high achievement as once you’ve cracked, it will attract new audiences.

The article covers 2 pages which may suggest popular and their music can be described without too much emphasis on their background. The word count approximately is around 500 to 600. This is not displayed significantly as it is positioned on the right hand side of the copy with the image dominating the article.

The writer maintains the reader's attention by using standard English which may appeal to those who are intellectually capable and possibly older aged members of the target audience. The writer brings up a quote from the interview and then describes the interview therefore the reader can empathise with the writer and feel as though they are in the interview. The article is mostly positive and humorous e.g. ‘I always thought Letterman was like Santa’ This helps in communicating with its readers as it encourages the reader to read on and find out more about this band’s personality.



Page 3: Dps analysis

The introduction starts with a quote and then a description of the attire worn by Florence. The language used in the introduction is hyperbolic as it describe Florence as ‘ spinning into the green room... Tornado of crimson hair’. This provokes the imagination of the readers and helps evoke interest in the article. It also uses complex words like ‘nymph’ suggesting it is for the more intellectual people which represents the genre of the magazine in that it differs from mainstream music and articles.

… continued

I think that the article makes the assumption that the reader is interested in finding out what the band have been up to in America and that the readers can live through it vicariously. It also describes their hectic schedule making the assumption that the reader is intrigued to find out the different places the band have toured. This may not be representative of the reader's lifestyle therefore can influence their behaviour by urging them to visit some of the places the band have gone to.

The image is about 70 to 75% of the copy and the image is of the lead singer sitting on top of the American flag which fits in dynamically with the headline. This may connote that she is on top of the world or has won over America. Also her stance portrays dominance showing that her music has dominated America. Overall the image is minimal as there are no gimmics or outlandish props suggesting the genre of their music which is indie rock.

Page 4: Dps analysis

The article is about a new band that is going to support a tour and describes what their music is about and what they are looking forward to in the tour.

The headline is titled 'FIGHT CLUB' which is used to show their attitude to other competitions and artists and also the words are portrayed as aggressive and this may suit the genre of the magazine and what their music stands for.

The image is about 70 to 75% of the copy and the image is of the band looking directly at the reader and in the stance of people involved in a fight which fits in dynamically with the headline. They are dressed in rugged clothes and in white creased t- shirts which may imply their laidback attitude and the genre in which it is about the music and not

the presentation.

The writer maintains the reader's attention by using a mixture of colloquial and standard English to communicate with all aged members of the target audience. The writer brings up a statement and then uses a quote from the interview with the band to back up his statement therefore the writer is informing the reader about band and using it as facts. The article is mostly positive in that the writer uses many verbs to outline his appreciation for this new band by describing them as 'palpable' and 'bursting with confidence'. This helps in communicating with its readers as it encourages the reader to read on and find out more about this band.



Page 5: Dps analysis

… continuedThe introduction is a shock intro in that it uses phrases like 'explosion of raw' and 'scorn from the edges of society' to excite the reader and give a powerful introduction to the band. There are many adjectives to describe their music such as 'livid, rage and furious' which again reminds the reader of the genre of magazine which is rock. It may also appeal to the target audience of teenage boys who revel in rebellious attitude and may gain their attention.

I think that the article makes the assumption that the reader is interested in finding out about the background of this band and what their message is through their music. The article explains how different the band is from conventional rock bands however the image of the band contradicts this. This makes the assumption that the reader is intrigued to find out about this unconventional band in this type of genre but in reality, the band still holds the conventional image of a typical rock band. This may not be representative of the reader's lifestyle therefore can influence their behaviour.

The article covers 2 pages which may suggest that although they may not be the main aspect of the magazine, they are still popular and their music can be described without too much emphasis on their background. The word count approximately is around 1000 to 1500. This is not displayed significantly as they are spaced out in separate paragraphs.

Page 6: Dps analysis

The article starts off with a descriptive introduction with the band ‘The vaccines in a sold out show’. This shows the success of the band and immediately sets a tone of admiration at a successful band. It continues with an anecdote from the band combined with humour which furthers the reader’s attention. Humour is maintained i.e. Toilet circuit live shows’ which emphasises the laidback style of writing and also the band. The use of colloquial language i.e. ‘unless you have been living under a boulder’ whilst maintaing a sarcastic tone which makes the article a more intriguing read.

The article is about a new band ‘The Vaccines’ and how they differ from mainstream pop bands. This a conventional story that features in music magazines and will inspire my own article as the indie genre specialises in breaking mainstream culture.

The headline is titled ‘THE VACCINES' which is the name of the band being interviewed. This has advantages such as if the reader would to turn the page and discover this new band, the artcle would have fulfilled its purpose. However it does not exercise any negative or positive views which may attract the reader to read the article. My headline will include both the name and other literary devices to appeal to readers.

The image is about 60% of the copy and the image is of the band looking directly at the reader and in the conventional stance of a band. They are dressed casually perhaps inspired by the 80’s which may reflect their style of music. Their laidback attitude and the genre in which they represent portray that it is all about the music and not the presentation.

The lighting and the colour used are demur as it uses low key lighting and mainly the colour grey which initially subverts conventions of DPS pages as they should capture the reader’s attention. However in my DPS, I will balance the lighting and the colour to produce and effective page