

Om Sri Sai Ram!

Dearest Sai Youth,

Do you have a mesmerising, awe-inspiring and unique talent?

Do YOU want to be instrumental in connecting the youth to our dearest SAI through the art of your performance?

If your answer is YES... then

Sai wants you!

With Sathya Sai Baba’s loving grace, we invite YOU to showcase your talents through

When and Where?Youth will perform every evening at the “Double Decker” building, in Prasanthi Nilayam, during the Sathya Sai World Youth Festival from the 12th – 14th July, 2016.

Who?If you have registered, YOU can offer your Performance of Love!

All you need to do is arrive in Prasanthi by 8th July 2016.

What? If you’re good at singing, dancing, acting... even juggling, miming or magic… then this is your time to shine!

Remember, creativity, originality and contemporary performances are the essence of Puttaparthi’s Got Talent.

How else? Do you have a dynamic and enthusiastic personality? Then we are looking for YOU!

We require Show Presenters for Puttaparthi’s Got Talent to help introduce performances and interact with the audience. Simply fill out the form included below..

Guidelines1. Brothers and Sisters will perform separately on stage, adhering to the segregation rules of Prasanthi Nilayam.

2. Each performance can have a maximum of 12 participants. Please note that all of the participants need to be dressed appropriately and modestly.

How? 1. Complete the application form and send a link to your 2-minute YouTube audition video by 21st May, 2016.

Application for Performances for Presenters

The audition piece should be uploaded to YouTube as an unlisted link.

2. Provide a list of props (instruments, etc.) being brought in for the performance and items that will need to be sourced in India.

3. As these videos may be used for promotional material prior to or during the festival, please follow the guidelines when filming audition tapes. If you have any further questions, please contact: [email protected]

4. Youth can only participate in one performance, for a maximum of 8 minutes. All presentations will be performed live.

5. Respecting Prasanthi Nilayam guidelines, only brothers will be permitted to submit a dance performance. Email [email protected] for clarification.

3. Each country can send in 3 acts. Kindly include your Zonal Youth and National Youth Coordinators in your email.

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