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    Empires, Capitals and Landscapes of Ancient Ethiopia Author(s): Karl W. Butzer Source: Archaeology, Vol. 35, No. 5 (September/October 1982), pp. 30-37Published by: Archaeological Institute of AmericaStable URL: 13-03-2015 20:58 UTC

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  • The largest standing obelisk ofAxum, which was once the capital of a world empire , simulates a nine-storied palace. Some 23 meters high , it was engraved on a single block of rock during the fourth century after Christ.

    Since in a forbidden



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    Ethiopia have been allowed only to a very few. Byzantine traders, mis- sionaries and diplomats traveled there between the fourth and sixth centuries after Christ, when the early Ethiopian state was reckoned one of the four world powers. Hundreds of years later, beginning in the four- teenth century, fabulous reports of a Christian king of interior Africa known as the Prester (Priest) John intrigued Europeans. Portuguese soldiers rescued Ethiopia from Somalian invaders in A.D. 1543, and Catholic missionaries followed to try to wean the conservative mountain people from their long tradition of Coptic Christianity, but they were expelled by the Ethiopians in 1632. The chronicles of the English- man James Bruce, dating to the 1770s, reported such bizarre tales of life at the royal court that they were received with much skepticism in enlightened Britain.

    Later, in 1869, a British-Indian force trekked into the rugged in-

    terior to rescue one of their consuls who had been held hostage. Al- though Ethiopia fended off the first wave of European colonialism by wiping out an Italian army in 1893, the country fell to Mussolini in 1935-36. Yet ironically this defeat served to open Ethiopia to the modern world. Because of this turbu- lent history, it was not until the early 1960s that Ethiopia's archaeo- logical heritage became visible to the outside world when, for the first time, the obelisks of Classical Axum, the rock-cut churches of Mediaeval Lalibela, and the castles of Renaissance Gondar became ac- cessible by air.

    Ethiopia, one of the oldest nations in Africa, is a land of con- trasting landscapes : hot dry low- lands are separated from temperate well-watered plateaus by steep and inaccessible escarpments with gorges rivaling the Grand Canyon. In the southern highlands the grazing herds and the tropical crops contrast dramatically with the Near Eastern plow agriculture of the north. Scholars were at first at-

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  • (Above) The steep and forbidding forested escarpment of the plateau near Adulis defended Axum and the later Ethiopian Empire during the last 2,000 years. (Below) Rounded wooden houses and storage buildings nestle in the luxuriant countryside ofBegemder, a little north of Gondar. This humid environment, with its bountiful soils and two or three crops per year, supplied the new Ethiopian Empire emerging during the Mediaeval period.

    tracted to Ethiopia to study its writ- ten Semitic languages - Sabaean, Gheez, Tigre, and Amharic. The tra- ditional view saw Ethiopia as a derivative sphere of the Near Eastern world. More recently, however, archaeologists and anthropologists have begun to project a new image of a rich indigenous culture. Al- though the early religious and politi- cal beliefs as well as irrigation techniques were evidently intro- duced from the area now called Yemen, many other aspects are uniquely Ethiopian. The domesti- cated plants are clearly native to Ethiopia, and such characteristic Ethiopian features as plow farming and the Semitic languages are very much older than the South Arabian colonists of the last millennium B.C.

    German and Italian explorations conducted in Ethiopia since 1906 and French and British excavations since the 1950s placed the earliest political and urban centers in north- ernmost Ethiopia. A systematic survey of the north by Joseph Michels of Pennsylvania State Uni- versity in 1974 identified strong Sabaean influences from South Arabia during a first period of seden- tary settlement between 500 and 300 B.c. These early settlements were dispersed and small. Subse- quently, from 300 to 100 B.c., settle- ment coalesced into larger towns centered amid irrigated lands. This integrated socio-political system later disintegrated, but a new cycle of urbanization began once again during the second century after Christ.

    By A.D. 300 a powerful kingdom had emerged in northern Ethiopia centered at Axum. Coins were minted, much of the Sudan to the west was conquered, and a dynasty of Axumite kings began to estab- lish strong commercial links via the

    September/October 1982 31

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  • Beit Gabriel, one of the younger Media- eval rock-cut churches at Lalibela , is literally cut down into red sandstone . Four " monkey heads" frame the door in ancient Axumite tradition , but the windows and their frames recall Gothic counterparts .

    Red Sea with the Mediterranean world, Arabia, Persia, and even dis- tant India. By A.D. 400 Axum had been Christianized and grew from a small ceremonial center to a popu- lous city. This metropolis reached its zenith of political prestige in A.D. 525, when the neighboring Arabian state of Yemen across the Red Sea was incorporated as part of Axum. Axumite kings continued to meddle in Arabian affairs on and off until a.D. 769. Axum 's unsuccessful attack on Mecca in A.D. 702 was fol- lowed by Arab retaliation. They destroyed the crucial port of Adulis and seized permanent control of the adjacent Red Sea islands by A.D. 715. Within a short time coins ceased to be minted, and after A.D. 765 Axum was largely abandoned. Herders from the lowlands to the north and west took advantage of

    this instability, raiding villages at will and settling much of the north- ern Ethiopian highlands before a.D. 870. Even the king gave up his residence at Axum, moving fur- ther south, and a little later the metropolitan bishop also took refuge in the distant mountain interior.

    TT he rise and fall of Axum can only be properly understood in an eco- nomic context. By 2500 b.c. the pharaohs of distant Egypt were al- ready seeking gold and ebony from inland areas south and east of the Red Sea. As early as the first century the Roman Pliny mentions Ethiopian trade; the third-century maritime manual The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea lists ivory, rhinoceros horn, hippopotamus hides, and slaves as exports from the Red Sea harbor of Adulis. Byzantine accounts of A.D. 525-30 specify large-tusked elephants, ivory, gold dust, and hides from Axum that were shipped out via the port of Adulis. During the same period, Axum also controlled trade in frankincense, a tree gum burned

    in Roman rituals; to this day ex- tensive stands of incense trees sur- vive along the escarpments of the northern plateau. Musk, extracted from the wild civet cat to make a perfume base, was probably ex- ported from Axum just as it was during the nineteenth century. In- cense, timber and elephants came from areas around Axum while ivory, horn, hides, civet, and slaves were obtained from the interior plateau; gold was mined near the distant Sudanese border. Since direct political control was limited to the northern plateau, it is prob- able that within Ethiopia many of these commodities were exchanged for the cattle, sheep and salt that Axum had obtained as tribute from lowland herders, or in exchange for the iron bars, metal tools and ornaments, and brightly dyed Egyptian textiles that had been pro- cessed in Axum.

    The metropolis of Axum flourished as a gateway city that funneled materials from the con- tinental hinterland into a maritime exchange network, reaching as far as Spain, the Crimea and China. But

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  • (Above) A 1640 castle at Gondar, built with battlements, sloping towers, arched doorways, and balconies, is sug- gestive of Portuguese architectural style . (Below) Soils commonly are thin on the lava plateaus that form the core of the Axumite Empire that once dominated Arabia and the Sudan . Climate today is marginal for agricul- ture in some years, but tropical woodlands thrived here prior to ecologi- cal deterioration .

    this maritime trade could function only while the sea lanes remained open, either through good interna- tional relations or naval strength, and only as long as Axumite luxury goods found demand in foreign empires. Axum's role as a leading entrepot of the classical world was severely weakened by the long Byzantine-Persian wars of A.D. 540-61 and 602-32, which impover- ished all of Byzantium and left hos- tile Persian fleets in control of the seas. A century later, it was the Arabs' turn to dominate the coast, and Ethiopia was once again land- locked with only intermittent authority over Adulis. As soon as international profits from its ex- change network declined, Axum lost its ability to dominate its disparate raw material suppliers.

    But the eclipse of Axum repre- sents more than the collapse of a gateway city severed from interna- tional trade outlets. The archaeo- logical record in and around Axum documents several periods of build- ing and population growth ending a little after A.D. 600. At its height Axum covered an area of 75 hec- tares (compared with only 53 in 1973), with numerous multistory stone buildings and even a subur- ban fringe of elite villas. Here resided at least 10,000 inhabitants, and possibly as many as 20,000. Yet by the eighth century after Christ, Axum had ceased to exist- except for a cathedral compound, a few satellite villages, and a temporary cluster of well-protected elite villas around the periphery. It was not until about 700 years later, during the fourteenth century, that building activity resumed.

    Traditionally, the decline in trade has been cited as the cause of Axum's decline. But in 1971 and 1973, geoarchaeological investigations in the area around Axum uncovered evidence of another cause. The strik- ing population changes were as

    September/October 1982 33

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  • much a matter of agricultural pro- ductivity as they were of external trade relations. This explanation is substantiated by the soils that cover the ruins of Axum.

    Today the humid plateau of northern Ethiopia is a denuded land- scape. Its stony slopes, stripped of soil by erosion, are covered only by shrubs and bush. Although this ecological degradation has not yet been documented by botanical work, the soil and geomorphic record serves instead. Vegetation, soils and erosion are interlinked by the hydrological cycle of ground cover, rainwater infiltration into the soil, and surface water runoff. Changes in hydrology affect soil formation and can cause erosion which rede- posits the original soil downslope or downstream. By studying the pro- file of disturbed or truncated soils, rainwash or stream beds, and ero- sional gullies in archaeologically controlled situations, it is possible to identify the deterioration of the landscape caused by human ac- tivities.

    The cumulative impact of land use, direct or indirect, is clearest in and around major occupation sites such as Axum. In abandoned living quarters or ceremonial areas refuse and rubble accumulated rapidly even prior to collapse. The cave-in of a roof or a wall- whether gradual or sudden- will eventually create large masses of stone, brick, adobe, and other rubble. Subsequent rainwash and soil movements further erode the ruins, progressively reducing the site's slopes and spread- ing surface sediment from the center to its peripheries. Sloping sur- faces of soil wash may feed into nearby stream channels, carrying with them debris that can be studied today as a stratigraphie aid as well as an index, far downstream, of indirect human activities. Such archaeological sediments in and around a site, and in combination with buried or truncated soils, offer an overview of the distribution of human occupation during specific periods.

    At Axum this geoarchaeological record is exposed in three differ- ent settings: on the banks of the small stream that cuts through the settlement center, in the faces of numerous natural excavations near the watershed within Axum, and along the foothills on either

    34 Archaeology

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  • side of the city. These many "cuts" document two phases of active soil erosion, the first between about a.D. 100 and 350, and the second from about A.D. 650 to 800.

    The first phase (called Aggrada- tion I) left a meter or two of dark clayey soil wash and related stream beds spread out along the foothills and filling the broad valley bottom; Axum's cathedral was built on top of this soil level during the late fourth century after Christ. Floods were unusually high during this period, and some slope soils show traces of viscous movements which could only have been caused by substantial amounts of water. This evidence suggests that topsoil erosion was partly due to unusually heavy or pro- tracted rains. Yet the amount of erosion within a few centuries is too great to be explained by physical processes alone. Clearing of the original forests and cultivation and grazing of adjacent slopes and hill- tops were certainly also involved.

    The second soil erosion phase (Aggradation II) includes one or two meters of light-colored, sandy soil wash spread out along the foot- hills, or locally concentrated in sheets of stony sediment or lobes of large rocks; these formations indi- cate strong flash floods and soil gra- vity movements, which were not impeded by ground vegetation. At this time, upland soils had evidently been largely destroyed, exposing the underlying rocks over wide areas. Within Axum, debris from deteri- orating buildings was incorporated in rainwash beds that now buried the abandoned villas and churches. These soil erosion phenomena as seen in Classical Axum are very simi- lar to those documented in many parts of the Mediterranean Basin in Late Classical or Mediaeval times from episodes of widespread land abandonment, or resulting from the devegetation of fragile environments.

    At Axum the two soil erosion phases had different implications for agricultural productivity. Al- though the first period endangered the slope soil balance, it probably did not change overall soil quality significantly. But the second phase was generally disastrous, remov- ing soil and rock from uphill and burying the fertile topsoils further downslope under stony and sandy material. The soil mixture of con-

    structional debris from abandoned living quarters, eroded soils, and rubble from monumental buildings link the final stages of this second phase with depopulation and land abandonment. Unused fields are par- ticularly susceptible to soil erosion, especially during the heavy rain- falls experienced in northern Ethiopia during July and August. A switch from crop cultivation to goat or sheep grazing would also increase pressure on the fragile hill- side ecosystems. But we know that the second erosion phase followed directly upon a major period of building activity and urban expan- sion at Axum. This historical fact implies a link between the soil erosion and ecological stress. The second erosion phase may have been triggered by overintensive land use, although the cumulative and disastrous impact was also height- ened by the ensuing land aban- donment. There can be little doubt that the final erosion phase exacer- bated Axumite economic decline.

    I-iooking beyond these develop- ments at Axum, the two erosion phases also had dire consequences for the surrounding region. The heavier rains during the first erosion phase meant that the lowland desert lakes held more water during most of the first millennium after Christ. The Nile floods, derived primarily from the Atbara and Blue Nile drainage of the Ethiopian plateau, began a long-term increase early in the Christian era, followed by a decline after A.D. 760 and abnor- mally low levels from A.D. 930 to 1080. The low water levels of the Nile itself, which are partly related to the early spring rains over Ethiopia, already averaged below normal from a.D. 730 to 805. Today in the area of the Axumite core settlement only one harvest can be cultivated per year on unirrigated land after the big rains of July and August. For the central and southern plateau, however, where reliable early rains fall during March and April, two or even three crops can be planted annually on a single plot.

    A traveler's report of about A.D. 300 alludes to heavy snows in the high Semién Mountains, a condition normally associated with spring rather than summer moisture. This report and the phenomena dis- cussed here suggest that rainfall

    once was heavier, with more relia- ble spring rains during the heyday of Axumite power until the early eighth century. If this is true, the length of the rainy season would have been doubled, vastly improving the water supply and soil moisture. Such a subtle environmental shift explains how one of the marginal agricultural environments of Ethio- pia could support the large popu- lations of the farflung Axumite commercial empire. It is equally plausible that the same rainfall anomaly ultimately accelerated soil erosion during the seventh-century population expansion. But it is im- possible to demonstrate whether or not increasingly unreliable rain- fall patterns during the eighth century actually created a crisis in Axumite agriculture and reduced its carrying capacity, precipitating population decline.

    Whatever the detailed causal in- terrelationships, at the time Axum was abandoned environmental pro- ductivity in terms of crop yields, grazing, timber and fuel, as well as wildlife had been catastrophically reduced. Before the eighth century, there was no attempt to colonize the moister, more fertile, and natu- rally more productive lands of cen- tral Ethiopia, judging by the absence of Axumite coins and pottery south of Nazret. By contrast, according to traditional Ethiopian histories re- worked during the late thirteenth or fourteenth centuries, royally sponsored, large-scale missionary activity took settlers into central Ethiopia as early as the mid-ninth century. A new royal residence and a major monastery with 300 clerics from Axum were established deep in the interior around Lake Hayq, probably before A.D. 870. At the same time, much of the Axumite core area seems to have been abandoned to invading sheep herders, judging by the almost total absence of ninth or tenth-century rock-cut churches in what is today Eritrea. Axum itself is again mentioned by Coptic- Arabic sources in A.D. 978 that record the destruction of the town by a pagan queen from the interior pla- teau, but this has not been verified archaeologically. Royal power was in fact assumed in the mountain re- gion of Lasta by a non-Semitic dynasty, the Zagwé, at some un- known point after A.D. 940. During this period the non-Semitic tribes

    September/October 1982 35

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    of Lasta became Christianized, while Semitic agricultural expansion con- tinued southward along the densely forested spine of Ethiopia to modern Addis Ababa, and westward to the shores of Lake Tana, where a radiocarbon-dated cave sequence records colonization by A.D. 1100.

    Mediaeval Ethiopia rose on a new interior power base, initially led by the tribes that supported the Zagwé in Lasta and later, after A.D. 1270, centered in the modern Amhara heartland of the fertile, rolling uplands of Shoa. Lamentably little is known about the Zagwé era because later manuscript copyists failed to preserve many contempo- rary records of what was considered a "usurping" dynasty.

    The 11 monumental rock-cut churches of the capital of Lasta are all attributed to a single king, Lalibela (ca. A.D. 1195-1235), who gave his name to the town. They include a variety of architectural styles ranging from such late ninth-century Axumite elements as alternating, recessed and project- ing wall levels and protruding stone "monkey-heads" at window corners, to mid-fifteenth-century painted walls and a single, non-basilica cruci- form ground plan which possibly dates to the fourteenth century. TVa- ditional Ethiopian documents claim that King Yimrha-Kristos, who is linked with the Egyptian Coptic patriarchs Cyril II (a.D. 1077-92) and Michael IV (a.D. 1092-1102), imported Egyptian artisans and special materials for church construc- tion. This chronology implies that building activity was underway be- fore A.D. 1100. Although Lalibela himself is also said to have welcomed Egyptian Coptic refugees, his rock- cut churches and those at other sites in Lasta and Tigré reflect a logical indigenous development based on Axumite prototypes. What Lalibela did attempt was to fashion his holy city as a "new Jerusalem,'' presuma- bly modeled on the reports of Ethiopian monks returning from the Holy Land: juniper trees were planted in place of cedars, the stream running through Lalibela was named the Jordan River, and a grove of African olives became the Mount of Olives.

    During the twelfth century, the Agaw of Lasta gave Ethiopia an unparalleled cultural heritage, but the political fortunes of the Zagwé were inauspicious. Little more than


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  • nominal control was exerted over Tigré and Shoa, and during the thir- teenth century both areas were penetrated by Islam. The eventual displacement of the Zagwé by a Semitic Amhara dynasty from Shoa signaled the beginning of a new ex- troverted political role. Emperor Amda Siyon (a.D. 1314-44) began to subjugate the south, and then de- cisively defeated the Muslims of eastern Ethiopia in a.D. 1332. A re- formed monastic movement under royal protection evangelized the frontier districts from Tigré to the Rift Valley. Round wooden and stone churches, emulating rural domestic architecture, were built on mountain tops overlooking the hot lowlands or on islands in the fever-ridden lake basins such as Tana or Zwai. Political subjugation accompanied these Christianization efforts. Throughout the fifteenth century, Amhara colonists continued to trick- le into southern Shoa, Gojam and the area between Lake Tana and the Semién Mountains. By the 1520s a Christian Amhara nation dominated the Ethiopian plateau and sus- tained a flourishing ecclesiastical art.

    But by this time a new constel- lation of political forces had emerged. The strong Islamic urban culture of eastern Ethiopia, supported by Somali tribesmen, found a charis- matic leader in Ahmed Gragn, who routed the Christian emperor in A.D. 1527. Subsequently Gragn ravaged one upland district after another, destroying the province of Shoa and all its priceless church art. Tigré and Axum were put to the torch four years later. After a Portuguese musketeer killed Gragn in A.D. 1543, the reunited Ethiopian armies were able to break the power of the Islamic East in a.D. 1577. But at the same time, pagan pastoralists from the south, the Galla, invaded the disor- ganized empire and uprooted Am- hara agricultural settlement in most of Shoa during A.D. 1545-70.

    In the early 1600s the Ethiopian emperors began to reconsolidate their power among the fertile plains and lush hillsides of Begemder, de- veloping a permanent royal residence at Gondar after 1636. Although a splendid secular city rose here, it was at the sacrifice of the traditional royal mobility and effective frontier control. Today the seventeenth- century walls of the residence still enclose a myriad of partly ruined castles. Several new monasteries

    were built around the town. At the monastery of Debre Berhan, artists recently recreated the incomparable Coptic paintings lost in the A.D. 1531 destruction of the Shoan mon- astery of the same name. This mural art is perhaps closest to the thirteenth-century Christian fres- coes uncovered in 1961 at Faras in Nubia. Yet Gondar architecture has a strong European flavor: during the first hundred years of construc- tion, a water castle and a library were erected, all reminiscent of fifteenth-century prototypes near Lisbon in a style that is sometimes attributed to the descendants of the Portuguese. The interiors and par- ticularly the sumptuous rectangular hall of Bakaffa (built in the 1720s), however, are in the Renaissance style. But the whole is unmistakably coherent, individual, and most of all, distinctly Ethiopian.

    The political power of the Gon- darine emperors was eclipsed in 1735 when Galla tribesmen penetrated the countryside and looted at will. It

    was not until 1889, with the corona- tion of Menelik II, that Ethiopia reemerged as a modern nation and resumed its historic role as a colonizer. Amid woods of freshly planted Australian eucalypts the modern Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa was laid out in 1893 on a hill- side below a destroyed Mediaeval monastery.

    The history of Ethiopia unfolds through a succession of new land- scapes. In each phase, church and state collaborated in evangelization, agricultural colonization, and the subjugation and assimilation of non- Semitic border peoples. Each new landscape became the fòcus of different cultural and artistic expressions- the ostentatious obelisks, palaces and basilicas of Classical Axum; the rock-cut churches of Early Mediaeval Lasta; the now lost monasteries of Late Mediaeval Shoa; the castle complex of Renaissance Gondar; and finally, the diversified modern capital of Ethiopia.

    ■ -yfHPRf wMãmWW&fm _ if 'Pil ffflriit vil laEwm Ethiopia: Jiumw Broce, Thiwfe ¿o ;

    111 Dublm 1790); David Buxton, 77u? il' ht tát nim ~ ̂ : ̂ «ri, uy&xtntuns tát fww iws 1970), give« «historical overview of art Mdw-cfeitecture; G.W.B. YLxmiin^oTÚ, The Prester John of ih* (The IWktayt Society, •

    G«imW^geíMl»2 volniiiesj.ifi a translaüonol Portligoese contri- butions: O.A. Jaeger and Ivy : ¥e*rce, Antiquities of Northern u ;

    iKsgaa Panl,London .i;* 1974), is a useful guide to the major

    D.N.Levhxe, Greater Ethiopia: The . ¿I Evolution of a Multi-Ethnic So- >


    . cùrfy ( University of Chicago Pren, Cfucago l974)vgive8 a frt»h an-

    Vma¡kkmt,AHlntrodactümtothe Economic History of Ethiopia , (Sidgwick and Jackson, London 1961),pi^de#aninformative,the- maticoutlbte of all aspects of eco- nomic life from Axumite times

    OntheAxumite period: K.W. Butzer, "The Rise and Flail of Axum, Ethiopia: A Geoarchaeological In- terpretation," American Antiquity 46 (1981): 471-96, is a discussion 6f historical land degradation and its

    ptogy as Human Ecobgy (Cam- ' bridgeUniversityPresSj NewYork 1982), develops Ute methods and goals of geoarchaeology; H.N. Chit- tick, "Excavations at Aksum," Azonie 9 (1974): 159-205, report* on the British excavations of 1972- '

    74; Y.M. Kobishchaaov, Axum (Pennsylvania State University Pmm», University Park, PA 1979), Is the authoritative volume for the Axamiteperiodbnèdi»ÍBiai8]rM written sources; Sergew hable Sellessie, Ancient and Medieval Ethiopian History to 1270 (Halle Selassie University Press, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 1972), brings to- gether translations from traditional Ethiopian sources on these periods.

    On Mediaeval Ethiopia: Mor- dechai Abir, Ethiopia: The Era of the Princes (Praeger, New York 1968), analyzes the decline of Gondar; Irmgard Bidder, Lalibela (Praeger, New York 1959), is án introduction to the rock-cut churches at Lalibela.; Georg Gerster, Churches in Rock (Praegen New York 1970), documenta the inaccessible rock-cut monu- ments of northern Ethiopia; ledesse Ihmrat, Church and State in Ethio- pia 1270-1527 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, England 1972), is the key study of Mediaeval Ethiopia.

    September/ October 1982 37

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    Article Contentsp. [30]p. 31p. [32]p. 33p. 34p. 35p. 36p. 37

    Issue Table of ContentsArchaeology, Vol. 35, No. 5 (September/October 1982) pp. 1-84Front MatterCURRENT EXHIBITIONS [pp. 2-6]LETTERS TO THE EDITORQuest for Fire [pp. 7, 65]

    In This Issue [pp. 10-10]ABOUT THE AUTHORS [pp. 10-10]Village Life in Late Bronze Age Bavaria [pp. 12-21]On the Threshold of Civilization: The Hohokam of Arizona [pp. 22-29]Empires, Capitals and Landscapes of Ancient Ethiopia [pp. 30-37]Understanding Aztec Human Sacrifice [pp. 38-45]Exploring the Burial Caves of the Baq'ah Valley in Jordan [pp. 46-53]ARCHAEOLOGY NEWSIndiana University Art Museum Opens [pp. 54-56]Qasr Ibrim: Watchdog of the Nile [pp. 58-60]Unraveling Tibetan Prehistory at Karuo [pp. 62-63, 81]

    LETTERS TO THE EDITORNuclear Waste [pp. 65-65]Picturing Cerros [pp. 65-65]

    ARCHAEOLOGY NEWSAbout Photography: Learning From Your Mistakes [pp. 66-69]Passport: Let's Explore Jordan [pp. 70-71, 81]Science Scope: Crumbling Facades: A Story of Pollution [pp. 72-73]

    ARCHAEOLOGY FILMSReview: untitled [pp. 74-75]

    THE BOOKSHELFReview: untitled [pp. 76-77]

    BOOK BRIEFSReview: untitled [pp. 78-78]Review: untitled [pp. 78-78]Review: untitled [pp. 78-78]Review: untitled [pp. 78-78]Review: untitled [pp. 78-79]Review: untitled [pp. 79-79]

    NEW BOOKS [pp. 82-83]WORDS TO REMEMBER [pp. 84-84]

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