Download - Yes there are trout

Page 1: Yes there are trout


Fish Origins of the fish

Rivière Doubs Doubs River Fresh water

Lac Leman Lake Geneva Fresh water

Mer méditéranéen Mediteranean sea Salt water

Océan atlantique Atlantic ocean Salt water

Answer the questions Where do your fish come from? Our fish come from lake Geneva. What type of fish are perch? The perch are freshwater fish from lake Geneva. Can you tell me the name of a local fish from lake Geneva? We also have pike and whiting from lake Geneva. Are there any fish in the Doubs river?

Yes there are trout.

Objectifs évaluateurs

Je peux traduire le vocabulaire professionnel dans une deuxième langue: ... 30 poissons, crustacés et mollusques ... 10 méthodes de cuisson ... 15 mets de poisson, crustacés et mollusques ... 5 menus ayant pour thème le poisson, les crustacés et les mollusques

Sur la base du niveau d’apprentissage des langues A1

Je comprends les bases de la grammaire et je peux construire des phrases au

présent en utilisant la forme positive et négative ainsi que l’utilisation dans mes questions de prépositions.

Je peux utiliser les verbes de modalité. ... comprendre des textes simples concernant la branche. ... avoir des conversations de vente ou téléphoniques avec les hôtes de manière indépendante.






Page 2: Yes there are trout


Translate the cuts and pieces of fish into english

Coupes et morceaux de poissons Cuts and pieces of fish

les goujons goujons/ small slices

le filet fillet

la fricassée fricassee

entier whole

la paupiette rolled (paupiette)

la papillote wrapped in foil

le médaillon medallion

les quenelles dumplings (fish)

la darne fish steak

la mousse mousse

le ragoût stew

la tranche slice

l'escalope escalope

le tronçon tail piece

la brochette skewer

le roulé rolled

la terrine terrine

Match the French cooking method by numbering the English. Then write the Cooking method in the correct order in the middle column.

1 Pocher Poach 11 Bake

2 Sauter Sauté 9 Boil

3 Griller Grill 7 Glaze

4 Etuver Stew 10 Gratinate

5 Rôtir Roast 3 Grill

6 Pôeler Pot roast 1 Poach

7 Glacer Glaze 6 Pot roast

8 Vapeur Steam 5 Roast

9 Bouillir Boil 2 Sauté

10 Gratiner Gratinate 8 Steam

11 Au four Bake 4 Stew

Page 3: Yes there are trout


Translate the names of the fresh water fish

Les poissons d'eau douce Fresh water fish

La bondelle The local name for trout from lake Neuchatel

La carpe Carp

La perche Perch

La truite arc-en-ciel Rainbow trout

La truite du lac Lake trout

La truite saumonée Salmon trout

L'anguille Eel

Le brochet Pike

La féra/ la palée Whiting

Le sandre Pike perch

Le saumon Salmon

L'esturgeon Sturgeon

L'omble Brook trout

L'ombre Grayling

Do you recognise these fish?

Salmon Pike

Perch Trout

Page 4: Yes there are trout


Watch the video about, English chef Rick Stein in Puglia, and then answer the


How long does it take sea urchins to grow to size?

It takes six months for the urchin to grow to size.

What part of the sea urchin do they eat?

They eat the roe of the sea urchins.

How are sea urchins traditionally eaten?

With bread and a glass of wine.

What is Rosa going to cook?

She cooks spaghetti with sea urchins and garlic.

What so special about Italian food?

Italian food is simple, truthful and delicious.

What are the ingredients of Rosa's pasta?

Garlic, oil, roe, and wine.

At what time do they need to arrive at the terrace restaurant to get a table?

You should arrive at 12h00 sharp.

What sort of clients did Rick expect?

Rick expected grizzled sailor's.

What does Puglia's coast line remind Rick of?

The coast of Spain in the sixties.

What do people really like on holiday?

To keep it simple and to keep it local.

Page 5: Yes there are trout


Complete the crossword with the names of the salt water fish




9 F L O U N D E R





5 S E A B R E A M







22 H E R R I N G




4 T U N A



21 K



3 R E D S N A P P E R







6 D R I E D C O D




2 T U R B O T










7 H A L I B U T

1 S E A B A S S


19 S




D 8 S H A R K










1 Loup de mer 8 Requin 15 Sardine

2 Turbot 9 Flet 16 Congre

3 Vivaneau 10 Sole 17 Citron

4 Thon 11 Raie 18 St-Pierre

5 Daurade 12 Baudroie 19 Aile de raie

6 Morue séché 13 Œuf de poisson 20 Anchois

7 Flétan 14 Colin 21 Rouget

22 Hareng

Page 6: Yes there are trout


London fish market, follow the link and watch the video. Write a sentence to answer the questions?

What did they invent in London?

They invented fish and chips in London.

What does Les Ironman do?

Les buys fish for London hotels.

For how many years has the London fish market existed?

The London fish market was built 220 years ago.

Where does Tilapia come from?

The tilapia comes from Israel.

Why do they breed Tilapia in the canals?

They breed the tilapia in the canals to eat algae’s.

Where is the grouper imported from?

The grouper is imported from Uruguay.

What is the largest flat fish?

The largest flat fish is halibut.

Where does Mark Page work?

Mark Page works for Selfridge’s hotel.

Page 7: Yes there are trout


Translate the classical fish menu below.

Truite au bleu, pochée dans un court-bouillon, beurre fondu à part 28.00 CHF

Poached trout 'au Bleu' in a fish court-bouillon melted butter on the side Omble à la zougoise poché, sauce au vin blanc et herbes 34.00 CHF Poached brook trout with white wine and herb sauce

Filets de fera Orly, frits dans de la pâte croustillante, sauce tomates à part 35.00 CHF Deep fried whiting fillet Orly style, deep fried in batter until crisp, tomato sauce on the side Flet à la grenobloise, sauté, avec câpres et dés de citron 32.00 CHF Pan-fried fillet of flounder with capers and lemon dice Truite meunière, sautée au beurre 30.00 CHF Pan-fried trout, sautéed in butter Goujonettes de sole Murat, sautées, avec pommes de terre et artichauts 38.00 CHF Pan-fried goujonettes of sole Murat style, sautéed with potatoes and artichokes

Filets de sole Marguery, pochés, sauce au vin blanc moules et crevettes 40.00 CHF Poached fillet of sole Marguery style poached with a white wine mussel and shrimp sauce

Sole Colbert, entière, panée, farcie avec un beurre Colbert (Beurre aux herbes avec estragon, jus de viande) 38.00 CHF Deep fried Dover sole Colbert style, whole, bread crumbed, stuffed with Colbert butter (Whipped butter with herbs, tarragon and gravy) Darne de saumon grille 30.00 CHF Grilled salmon steak Tranche de turbot grillée 48.00 CHF Grilled turbot slice Sole entière grille 36.00 CHF Grilled whole sole

Coquilles Saint-jacques gratinées 32.00 CHF Gratinated King scallops Moules marinières, moules avec coquilles, sauce au vin blanc et persil 22.00 CHF Mariners style mussels, in their shells with a white wine and parsley sauce Escargots à la bourguignonne, dans un beurre aux fines herbes 16.00 CHF Burgundy style snails, in a tender herb butter Ecrevisses servies dans un court-bouillon 28.00 CHF Cray fish served in a court-bouillon

Homard à l'américaine 48.00 CHF Grilled Maine lobster Homard thermidor, demi-homard gratiné 32.00 CHF

Lobster thermidor, gratinated half of a lobster

TVA 8% est service incluse 8% VAT and service included

Page 8: Yes there are trout


With a colleague write a short conversation suggesting different fish dishes to a client. Use the above carte Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Would you like to hear about our fresh fish arrivals? We have Norwegian salmon which is grilled flown in this morning. And from France we have excellent Turbot which is grilled and portion sized sole that are prepared whole or in fillets. Our lobster tank was also freshly stocked yesterday. Name the crustaceans in the pictures

King crab Cray fish / Ecrevisse Lobster

Shrimp Spiny lobster Scampi/ Dublin bay prawn

Black tiger prawns Prawns

Answer the question. My favourite crustacean dish is “Lobster thermidor”, what is your favourite crustacean dish? My favourite dish is baked crab. Can you eat crustaceans? No I am allergic to crustaceans.

Page 9: Yes there are trout


Name the molluscs on the tray

Oyster Scallop Mussels

Squid Clam Snails

Answer the client’s questions about molluscs: What is served with the oysters? The oysters are served with rye bread with salted butter and raspberry vinegar with shallots, sir. How are the scallops cooked? The scallops are sautéed and served with a butter sauce. Do the snails have a lot of garlic on them? Yes they are strongly flavoured with garlic. Where do the mussels come from? The mussels come from the “Bay of St Michel” in France.

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Complete the crossword



13 B R A I S E
































E 2


K 5





11 W R A P P E D I N F O I L 14 R O E









12 S T E A M







F 15 S T E W




1 Etuver 6 Goujons 11 Papillote

2 Rôtir 7 Mousse 12 Vapeur

3 les quenelles 8 Paupiette 13 Braiser

4 Fumer 9 En fritot 14 Œuf de poisson

5 Frire 10 Entier 15 Ragout

Answer the client’s questions. What is a darne? A darne is a fish steak sir/madam. Can I have my trout poached please? Yes you can madam. How are the fillets of perch meunière cooked? They are sautéed in butter sir.

Page 11: Yes there are trout


Translate menu’s 1 and 2 into English Menu 1 Mardi, le 3 septembre 2015 Tuesday 3rd of September 2015 Soupe de poissons d'eau douce Fresh water fish Chowder *** Filets de truite à la grenobloise Panfried fillets of trout with lemon and caper butter Carottes vichy Vichy style carrots Pommes nature Boiled potatoes *** Framboise fraîches et leur sorbet maison Fresh raspberries with homemade raspberry sherbet Menu 2 Mardi, le 15 septembre 2015 Tuesday 15th of September 2015 Avocat et crevettes géantes sautées, vinaigrette aux fines herbes et noix Avocado and sautéed prawns, tender herb and walnut vinaigrette. *** Consommé aux paillettes Beef consommé with pastry straws *** Médaillons de turbot, sauce au champagne Poached turbot medallions, champagne sauce. Légumes printaniers Spring vegetables Riz Créole Creole rice *** Parfait glacé, coulis aux oranges Iced parfait, orange coulis Service and 8% VAT included

Page 12: Yes there are trout


Write a short conversation to present menu 3 to a client, practice with a colleague.

Menu 3 Mercredi, le 22 septembre 2013 Wednesday, 22nd September 2013 Salades de doucette (rampon, mâches) et dents de lion avec filets de perches frits Lamb's lettuce and dandelion salad with deep fried perch fillets *** Potage à l'oseille avec goujons de fera sauté Sorrel soup garnished with sautéed whiting goujons *** Goujons d'omble et de sandre Prince Murat Panfried goujons of brook trout and pike perch 'Prince Murat' Fonds d'artichauts et pommes parisienne Artichoke hearts (bottoms) and Parisian potatoes *** Blanc mangé, coulis de mûres Blanc mange, blackberry coulis Service and 8% VAT included

Example Good morning madam/sir. I am …………your waiter, Would you like to hear today’s specials? Our specials are made with today’s catch which was delivered by the fisherman this morning. Our starter is a lamb’s lettuce and dandelion salad topped with crisp deep fried perch fillets. Our soup is Sorrel and potato soup garnished with whiting goujons. Our main course is sautéed brook trout and perch goujons topped with artichoke hearts and parisian potatoes. As dessert we have bitter almond blancmange on a coulis of blackberries from the garden.

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Translate menu’s 4 and 5.

Jeudi, le septembre 2015 Thursday the September 2015 Menu 4

Carpaccio de thon et de baudroie à l'ail d'ours et huile d'olive Tuna and monkfish carpaccio, olive oil and wild garlic dressing Consommé de poisson au safran et quenelles de brochet Fish consommé scented with saffron and garnished with pike dumplings Médaillons de homard pochés sur un lit de fenouil, sauce à l'aneth Poached lobster medallions on a bed of fennel, with dill sauce Sole sautée, sauce hollandaise, asperges vertes et riz sauvage Panfried sole, hollandaise sauce, green asparagus and wild rice Fraise marinées et glace à la rhubarbe Marinated strawberries and rhubarb ice cream Menu 5 Filets de poisson mariné et fumé, chantilly au raifort Marinated and smoked fish fillets, horseradish cream Filets de perche à l'Orly (Enrobés de pâte à frire et frits, servis avec sauce tomates.) Deep fried perch fillets Orly style (Dipped in frying batter and served with tomato sauce on the side) Feuilles d'épinards et pommes nature Spinach leaves and boiled potatoes Flan caramel Caramel flan Service and 8% VAT included

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What time is it? (Page existant dans support de cours)

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Page 16: Yes there are trout



Telephone numbers

Page 17: Yes there are trout


Answer the telephone, the caller’s has called the wrong number

JD Allô, Jacques Dupont. Qui est à l'appareil?

Hello, Jacques Dupont. How may I help you? Who is calling? Who am I speaking to?

CJ Bonjour Monsieur Dupont, Claire Jourdan au téléphone.

Good morning Mr. Dupont, Claire Jourdan here.

CJ J'aimerais réserver une table pour deux personnes pour samedi soir.

I would like to reserve a table for two on Saturday evening.

JD Bien, mais ici c'est Dupont et chez moi vous ne pouvez pas réserver de table.

Good, here is Dupont's, there are no reservations for my house.

CJ Je n'ai pas composé le numéro du Restaurant ‘Au cheval Blanc’?

Is this not the number for the ‘White Horse’ restaurant?

CJ Je suis vraiment désolée, j'ai fait un faux numéro.

I am so sorry, I must have dialed a wrong number.

J.D Quel numéro est-ce que vous avez composé?

Which number did you dial?

CJ J'ai composé le numéro 026 954 12 37

I rang/dialed zero two six nine five four one two three seven.

JD Mon numéro est le 026 954 12 35

My number is zero two six nine five four one two three five.

CJ Oh, je suis vraiment navrée. Excusez-moi Monsieur. Bonne journée!

Oh, I am very sorry. Excuse me sir. Have a nice day!

JD Ce n'est pas grave. / Cela ne fait rien! Au revoir!

No need to worry about it / It does not matter/Never mind! Goodbye! have a nice day.

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Translate the sentences used to make a reservation.

Restaurant de la Couronne, Bonjour. Restaurant de la Couronne, Good morning

Que puis-je faire pour vous? What can I do for you?

Puis-je vous aider? How may I help you?

Vous parlez avec You are talking to. / You are speaking with

Pour quel jour aimeriez-vous réserver? For which day would you like to reserve?

Oh, je suis désolé, mais ce jour-là nous sommes complets.

Oh, I am so sorry, but on that day we are fully booked on that day.

Est-ce que ce serait pour le repas de midi ou celui du soir?

Would it be for the lunch or dinner service?

A quelle heure aimeriez-vous venir? At what time would you like to come?

Combien de personne serez-vous? How many persons (people) will you be?

Fêtez-vous une occasion spéciale? Are you celebrating a special occasion?

Aimeriez-vous une table au restaurant ou sur la terrasse?

Would you like a table in the restaurant or on the terrace?

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Y a-t-il des enfants parmi les invités?

Are there any children among the guests?

Pourrais-je, s'il vous plaît, noter votre nom?

Can you please, give me your name?

Excusez-moi, je n'ai pas très bien compris.

Sorry , I did not understand / I did not catch your name

Pourriez-vous répétez s’il vous plaît ?

Can you repeat please? / Would mind repeating please?

Pourriez-vous parler un peu plus doucement

Can you speak slowly please? (Louder please)

Pourriez-vous, s'il vous plaît, épeler votre nom?

Can you spell your name please?

A quel numéro êtes-vous atteignable durant la journée?

At what number can I reach you during the day?

Aimerez-vous manger à la carte ou puis-je vous proposer un menu?

Would you like to eat à la carte? Or can I suggest to you the menu?

Nous aurons une table de libre à 8h30.

We will have a table at eight thirty for you.

Vous êtes deux adultes et deux enfants.

You are two adults and two children.

Oui nous avons un menu enfant varié.

Yes we have a children’s menu with a variety of dishes.

Permettez-moi de répéter votre réservation en entier: Une table pour 4 personne le lundi 24 septembre au nom de M. Raoul Votre numéro de téléphone est le 021 111 48 52

Let me please repeat your reservation details: One table for four people Monday, the 24th of September For M.Raoul Your telephone number is 021 111 48 52

Nous nous réjouissons de pouvoir vous accueillir dans notre établissement.

We are looking forward to welcoming you at our establishment.

Page 20: Yes there are trout


The telephone rings in your restaurant. A client would like to make a reservation. Use menu’s 4 and 5 as menu suggestions. Good morning, Sleepy Hollow seafood restaurant Good morning I would like to ……………………………………………

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