Page 1: “Yes. Because I love Wild Bear.”

“ Yes I support the partnership. The idea of getting grass on the area is great. Wild Bear has the community’s best interest at hear so I trust them. I hope in the future to see the �eld evolve to be more than just a grassy �eld.”

“Yes. Movable gazebo. Sports �eld.”

“Yes. Because I love Wild Bear.”

“Yes. Leave Guercio Ball�eld open. Keep benches and tables out of �eld. Please leave the ball�eld empty.”

“Yes. It would be nice to have the trails and reservoir like a destination. Trees on the west side to block wind. De�nitely irrigation, xeriscape, revegetation areas of lawn. I would like to see frisbee golf baskets.”

“Yes. Stop planning every 5 years, execute a plan. More grass, less parking. Sculpt, irrigate, revegetation, enough power for festivals. Yes to trails redevelopment. More trails and a bike pump track.”

“Yes. Please revegetate Guercio Field. We would like just a nice place for people to congregate.”

“Maybe. As long as folks in town know that the Wild Bear area is there for them to use. Keep the “Great Lawn” area open for multi-use. I like the original idea of a low key acoustic stage/ small ampitheater. Ok with irrigation as long as users know where lines are. Big yes on picnic benches and tables. Plant aspens by the tables to shade, otherwise tables won’t get used as much.”

“Yes. No buildings on Guercio Memorial Ball Field. Leave space for portable stage. Work with NedFest for electrical location. Consider roof run-o� for irrigation from Teen Center and Treatment Plant. For trails, use natural surface. Signage about Native Americans, mill and mining history. No metal park benches, use wood.”

“No on partnership with Wild Bear - do not approve. Wild Bear is a fantastic organization, however the scope of Barker Meadows is large and we should not spread precious GoCo grants thinly.”

“Yes. I approve of re-vegetation of Guercio Field. I would like to see the nature center get funding they need. This seems like a good avenue to take.”

“Yes. I love it.”

“Yes. Partnerships make stronger relationships. You can do more with more. Yes to re-vegetation on Guercio Field. Yes to a dedicated event space to control impacts. Yes to trails development. Yes to picnic benches and tables.”

“I am in favor of having the grant application address the priority improvements on pages 46 and 47 of the 2013 Nederland Area Parks, Recreation, Open Space, and Trails Master Plan. I am not sure that Wild Bear ‘s Nature Center should be included in the grant. Remove noxious weeds.”

“Yes. I de�nitely support the funding of both parks, & co-partnering with Wild Bear center.”

“Yes. I like a dog park idea. Bridge across creek. Try to move propance company. Like stage area idea.”


“ Yes. I support general use policies.”

“Yes. I support your priorities. Restore the Great Lawn for multi-use. Include noxious weed control. Later involve individual opportunities for donations of speci�c parts. The public use of property adjacent to the Brown property could in�uence future acquisitions. No permanent amphitheater, use temporary stage.”

“Yes. I like the partnering idea.”

“Yes. I want Wild Bear to get the funding and it would be nice to see something �nally happen at the �eld.”Was there opposition? How will you overcome?If no opposition - discuss why none. Have you changed designs and learned from public input?There was community opposition for the 2018 plan prepared for grant application submission. Since that time, the PROSAB have been extensively reaching out for feedback among residents about what aspects of the 2013 Master Plan they would like to see. The vetted items will be included on the 2019 GOCO grant application. Wild Bear Nature Center have been pursuing the nature park with mass public vettings and county hearings for many years. The community support for Wild Bear and their mission is overwhelmingly positive. The PROSAB were asked to address why they should not apply individually for the grant and not share the funding.* Re vegetation, trails, and trees in the ball �eld are great. However don’t rush to put in grass/irrigation/etc until The “big” pieces are in place - otherwise it will be a hindrance/cost to getting “big” things in.* Things that should get done �rst, before grass/trails/etc. - pavilion for picnic tables / gathering space. pavilion near the road so that it’s easy access with a cooler and carload of “stu�”. Also good for ADA access. The cost for the currently vetted and planned line items based on quotes and bids in the budget is $200,000. The remaining $150,000 would go towards the beginning work of the second Nederland area park, maintained by Wild Bear Nature Center for the purpose of bringing children into nature. Waiting to apply for the “big ticket” items to be included on the grant application (i.e., picnic pavilion, permanent structures) is at this time not recommended by the Parks Board for the following reasons:1. Ground work and infrastructure is a vital component of park creation and has its own high costs to consider. The laying of irrigation, or the grading of ground and improvement of soil will not interfere with future potential additions. If any structures are eventually incorporated into the park, they will be located around the perimeter and so would not be a�ected by irrigation on Guercio Field.2. Beginning groundwork will allow the community to see that the 2013 Master Plan is �nally being implemented. It’s likely that community members will be re-inspired to get involved and this could result in re-engagement and more input on park elements that the 2020 Nederland community want to see. These priority improvements may not necessarily comprise all of the elements to eventually be included in the future park, but a phased park design in this case is logical and recommended when certain design elements are not fully ready for implementation. Other Colorado towns have proceeded with phased park creation successfully in this manner. The PROSAB have been assured by GOCO that applications are judged from year to year and entities can and have secured parks funding in consecutive years. So long as the need is demonstrated and the application is presented competitively. “I am not sure that Wild Bear ‘s Nature Center should be included in the grant. I suppose some criteria should be developed to determine when the town will partner with local nonpro�ts for grant applications. I would think if the nonpro�t’s project aligns with the town’s vision and plans, and if the nonpro�t has a record of responsible fund usage, it would qualify to partner with the town on grants. Also, I am wondering if $350,000 will be su�cient to fund both Barker Meadow Park and the Wild Bear’s Nature Center.”

A non-pro�t creating a park or recreational opportunity within Nederland which falls within the scope of the PROSAB’s mission would be eligible for a partnership. In this scenario, the non-pro�t in question is creating a new public park. Wild Bear has a strong and positive presence in Nederland. It has conducted its own extensive research and vetting into the Wild Bear Nature Center park. Wild Bear has independent funding and strong community connections. A partnership between an eligible governmental entity and an ineligible non-pro�t signals to GOCO reviewers a sign a of strong community relationships, which makes for a more competitive application. The Nederland PROSAB and GOCO believe that community vetting and public input is extremely valuable and important. Therefore we would like to move forward with the items that have been publicly vetted and with proven results of majority community support. These priority improvements may not necessarily comprise all of the elements to eventually be included in the future park, but a phased park design in this case is logical and recommended when certain design elements are not fully ready for implementation. A phased park creation can make it easier for small towns and entities to realistically achieve the work to be done in a timely manner within the two-year completion timeframe. Annual costs to maintain. Do the research. Who will provide maintenance? What will that consist of?You can consider hiring a Youth Core (the Colorado Youth Core Association). GOCO encourages youth participation. This can look di�erent. From kids planting trees and helping with labor or children and youth can help pick out components or help with fundraising. The Town of Nederland has been long planning for the restoration and creation of the Barker Meadows Park area. Maintenance on this phase of the plan will be minimal as special attention has been given to preference for hardy native mountain plantings and trees. The main resource for maintenance of the Barker Meadows Park will be the Nederland Public works. On Guercio Field, the turf will be monitored in the same manner it is over at Chipeta Park, to much success and with credit to our Public Works. Events will have space away from the irrigated Guercio Field at the events area/ community gathering space. The community gathering space, Barker Meadow, will be functional year round as a multifunctional natural open area for residents to enjoy while walking their dogs, �ying kites, picnics, etc,. Restoration of this area of ground and trails and beauti�cation with aspen, pine and �r will make the area pleasant and accesiblefor general recreation but also be open for existing or future potential events and festivals. Events like the Farmers Market, FDGDs and NedFest are valuable community assets which are being taken into account but also come with impacts to factor into the park maintenance plan. The PROSAB are collaborating with the SAB and have been brainstorming long term sustainability goals and ideas to incorporate into the park like composting and collection for dog waste. The PROSAB are current;y exploring the potential use of local labor youth cores, including through Teens Inc,. and local church groups. Wild Bear have enlisted Nederland Area Trails Organization (NATO) to help build trails. Children will be involved at every level of the creation and maintenance of the Wild Bear Nature Center, from land clearing to picking individual components of the park. Children consistently join in with fund-raising e�orts such as the annual Enchanted Forest event on location. Nature education is a major part of Wild Bear’s mission and volunteer e�orts comprise a part of long term maintenance. Events are well attended by supporters of the organization.











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