  • 8/6/2019 Year 2 Newsletter WWAIPT


    Year 2 Newsletter

    9 May 2011

    Where We Are in Place and Time

    Dear Parents,

    Unit of Inquiry

    Our last Unit of Inquiry for Year 2 is Where We Are in Place and Time. The central idea is:People

    migrate in response to societal and environmental factors.

    The students will inquire into:

    y Migration chosen and forcedy The changes that occur due to migration

    The key concepts being emphasised in this unit are:

    y Causation - consequences & impacty Change adaptation

    How Can You Help atHome?

    You can help strengthen the key concepts at home by talking with your child about their own family

    history. Share old and current family photos and discuss the different family generations seen in them.

    Talk with your child about the various reasons family members may have moved (migrated) to a new

    location or country.

    These are the key vocabulary words that will be presented in this unit:

    migrate/migration permanent

    local (where you go within a weekend) society/societal

    move/shift environmental

    temporary political

    native adaptation

    choice forced

    Links with the Unit of Inquiry

    This unit lends itself to the development of speaking and listening skills. The students will have an

    opportunity to listen to guest speakers and will practice interviewing techniques. You can help your child

    at home by encouraging him/her to ask questions that encourage the flow of conversation, rather than

    a simple yes or no answer.

  • 8/6/2019 Year 2 Newsletter WWAIPT


    Open-ended comments such as these work well:

    y What was it like?y How did it make you feel?y Can you tell me more about that experience?y I am wondering...y I am thinking

    In writing we will explore personal narratives. Well also be using a wide variety of literature to look at

    migration stories from around the world. These personal stories will allow the students to better

    understand the consequences and changes that occur when people move from place to place.

    In Maths the children will continue to apply their knowledge of place value while working on different

    math activities. They will also begin to explore basic multiplication and division concepts.

    What can you do at home to help your ESL child?

    As parents you can help your child by reading books relating to people leaving their homes for new

    countries. In addition, you might have letters from family members or friends who have shared theirstories of life in a new land with your family. These would be wonderful to share with your child whether

    it is in your first language or English. Similarly, in your home language we encourage you to discuss some

    of the vocabulary in this unit. Discuss with your child the central idea in your mother tongue as it relates

    to your own family or others you know. This is a very oral and visual unit and lends itself well to looking

    at photos or newspaper headings that relate to our central idea. Discuss with your child the emotions of

    such a move and the adjustments that have had to be made. Perhaps even write your own family story!

    A note about YR2 reading:

    Our students have made great leaps in their reading this year. We are all very proud of their hard workand the progress they have made. We just want to remind you of the value of parents reading aloud

    and discussing books with their children. We hope that you are continuing to enjoy the daily book

    sharing time with your child, and we encourage you to make it part of your daily routine throughout the

    summer holidays.

    Kind Regards,

    The Year 2 Team

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