


NAME: ___________________________________

TEACHER: ___________________________________



PR AYER Loving God,

Bless the traditional owners of this land, the Noongar people.

Thank you for our friends and families.

Thank you for the opportunities that Clontarf Aboriginal College provides us.

We pray that students here can always be proud

of who they are.

Please help us to make the right choices and keep

us safe from harm.

Help us to be like Edmund Rice, the founder of the

Christian Brothers.

He spent his life helping others by empowering them

through education.

May our College Houses remind us of the example set by our Elders and unite us in strength.

Bless the Christian Brothers who continue to help people

all over the world.

Bless the people of different cultures who gather at

Clontarf to teach and learn.

Help us to accept each other and to be proud of our diversity.

We pray for the past, present and future leaders of our communities.

We ask this through Jesus our brother and friend.



ASSESSMENT OUTLINE Week Assessment Weighting

3 SOURCE ANALYSIS- Living a Good Life 10%

6 SHORT ANSWER - Beliefs and Teachings 12.5%

9 INVESTIGATION- Social Justice Issues 10%

12 SOURCE ANALYSIS- Religious Identity 7.5%

15 SHORT ANSWER TEST- Religion in Australia 10%







REFERENCING Taken and adapted from the APA Referencing Guide, University of Notre Dame Australia, Schools of Health Sciences, Medicine, Nursing

and Physiotherapy.


It is important to rightfully acknowledge where you are getting your information from. Referencing is an essential part of all work and it must be done correctly, or penalties

may apply. Plagiarism is the copying or paraphrasing of work from another source without acknowledging the author of that work. Plagiarism affects the academic

integrity of both the individual and the body they belong to.


A BOOK Williams, D. (1997). Communication skills in practice: A practical guide for health

professionals. London: J.Kingsley.


Basser, S. (2005). Anti-immunisation scare: The inconvenient facts. Retrieved from


De Luca, S. (2019). Religion: Module 2. Year 11 R.E. Booklet at Clontarf Aboriginal College.


De Luca, S. (2019). Characteristics of Religion PowerPoint at Clontarf Aboriginal College.

The format for referencing is: AUTHOR, TITLE, PUBLISHER/WEBSITE/SOURCE






If you are unable to locate the date, you can write (n.d.).



AUTHOR: ______________________________________________


YEAR PUBLISHED: ______________________________________

PUBLISHER (WHERE/WHO): ______________________________



Access the following online article and complete the reference:

AUTHOR: ______________________________________________


YEAR PUBLISHED: ______________________________________





Juvenile offenders should be punished the same as adults. ________________________________________________________________________________



Australia has unemployment problems, but it would be unjust to turn away refugees. ________________________________________________________________________________



If I were a politician, the most important issue for me would be... ________________________________________________________________________________



Caning should be reintroduced into our schools. ________________________________________________________________________________



People who earn a lot of money should be taxed more to help the needy. ________________________________________________________________________________



If I won a million dollars I would... ________________________________________________________________________________




MORALITY AND ETHICS There are challenges that people will face when dealing with moral and ethical issues.

1. In your own words, and using your vocabulary definition in the Glossary, explain what ‘morality’ means to you.

2. As above, explain what the term ‘ethics’ means to you.

3. What are some examples of ethical issues?

4. Describe what you believe the ‘perfect world’ would look like.

5. Give 3 examples of current debates that involve ‘ethics. Refer to your vocabulary list if you need reminding about what this means.

6. What are some laws that exist in Australia that are influenced by ‘ethics’ and ‘morality’?


DEALING WITH MORAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES Moral and ethical issues can be complex and challenge our thinking sometimes. Usually, a

moral or ethical issue will have many solutions that each have pros and cons associated with

them. It’s all about making a choice. Sometimes, you will need to choose between multiple

options, sometimes you won’t know what the right answer is and sometimes, the right thing

to do might be a hard choice to make. This is why making these moral or ethical choices is


Catholic Understandings Every human being has the potential to do what is right – this lies at the heart of why

people act and behave the way they do. All people have this potential – whether they are

Christian or not. Many people feel this urge to do the right thing, and this can be shown in

many ways.

- Give 3 examples of ways people show their concern for what is right.







IDEALS To discover our own ideals, we need to ask the following questions of ourselves. Write your

own responses.

1 The kind of person I hope to become is…




2 I should change for the better by…




To discover our ideals we look to our reactions to people we admire. Think about a person

you admire and answer the following questions.

1. Why do I admire this person?




2. What is it about this person that inspires me?




3. How do I wish I could be more like this person?





LIVING IDEALS Through our conscience, God stirs people to do what is good. Reflect on the ideals you try

to live by in your life. Identify the actions of people who would not live by those ideals (refer

back to your Glossary to remind you what ideals are).

Ideal I live by this ideal by… People who do not live this

ideal would…


THE CATHOLIC UNDERSTANDING OF ‘CONSCIENCE’ The human conscience was created by God in human nature. People are in tune with their

consciences when they find emotions and thoughts pushing them to do what is good and to

show love to others.

Where have you heard the word ‘conscience’ before? What is your understanding of

our conscience?







The emotions that our conscience stirs always relate to giving love and seeking peace. When

people experience temptation to do the wrong thing, it’s our conscience that reacts to that

and counters the temptation. If you ignore these urges to do what is good, people often feel

guilty and have regret.

What may occur if a person is not ‘in tune’ with their conscience?





In the image above, a commonly used understanding of the human conscience is used. It

shows an angel, or “good”, on one shoulder, and the devil, or “evil”, on the other shoulder.

In the space below, explain how this image can be an accurate and inaccurate

representation of the human conscience.

Accurate Inaccurate


MORAL DECISION MAKING There are different ideas about what is right and wrong. For

example, some people base their views on feelings, others focus

more on whether or not a person intends harm, and others again

suggest that, as long as no one else is harmed, it does not matter.

Catholics understand that from the perspective of responsible

moral decision-making, three (3) factors determine whether a

thought, word or action is right or wrong.

These are:

1. The morality of the action itself

2. The morality of the intention

3. The morality of the circumstances (and the consequences)

The Morality of the Action Itself For Christians, it is God who determines what is right and wrong. God knows better than

anyone what is good for people and what is not. No one but God can foresee fully the long-

term effects of a human’s behaviour on people’s lives.

There are many actions that are morally wrong in themselves, regardless of any other

consideration. Murder and rape are examples of actions that are morally wrong under any

circumstance, regardless of the intention and circumstances. The Ten Commandments

define actions that are morally wrong.

The Ten Commandments were given to Moses by God as easy rules to remember for people

to live their lives by.




THE 10 COMMANDMENTS On the tablets below, list all of the 10 Commandments as they were given to Moses. On the

tablets below those, rewrite the 10 Commandments in a way that young people may be

able to understand and relate to them better.


THE MORALITY OF THE INTENTION For an action to be right, the intention must be morally good. So, to do something that

otherwise would be good but for a wrong intention, would be morally wrong.

A morally wrong intention to do a morally right action would be an intention to cause harm

to another person.

Give 3 examples of morally good actions that people may do with the wrong intentions.

1. _____________________________________________________________________



2. _____________________________________________________________________



3. _____________________________________________________________________



The Morality of the Circumstances (and the Consequences) Actions are morally right in some circumstances, and wrong in others. Driving a car is an

obvious example. Driving in normal circumstances is morally right. However, driving while

drunk, or under the influence of drugs, is wrong. An action is wrong if it risks unnecessary

harm to others.

Give of an example of an action that is good, that you could do with good intention, but may

be morally wrong in the wrong circumstances.








MUST ALL BE MORALLY RIGHT While the intention is important to any moral decision, it is not sufficient on its own. Many

people make the mistake of judging the morality of an action solely upon the person’s

intention. They fail to remember that the action and the circumstances must also be morally


On the basis of intention alone, many today suggest that actions such as euthanasia and

abortion are morally permissible. As the actions of these are morally wrong, the ‘end does

not justify the means’.

What do you think this saying, ‘the end does not justify the means’ is referring to?




To make a responsible decision, a person needs to be able to answer ‘yes’ to two questions.

Read the information below regarding these two questions, and complete the summary box

at the bottom of the page.



IN THIS SITUATION? People discover the morally right thing to do by studying the morality of the action, the

intention and the circumstances. To do so, they need to learn right and wrong.

God has revealed right and wrong in a number of ways. The most obvious are the Ten

Commandments and the moral teachings of Jesus, which are presented in both the New

Testament Letters as well as the Gospels.

To know what is morally right, it is necessary to learn the laws and principles of Christian

morality. Over the past two thousand years, an understanding of Christian moral teachings

has continued to grow. This has happened as Christians apply the teachings of Christ to the

moral questions of each generation and culture.

AM I ENSURING THAT I AM TRULY FREE? Sometimes our personal freedom can be limited – this usually occurs because of two

factors: External Sources and Internal Sources

1. Give three (3) examples of external sources, that may threaten our freedom to do

the right thing (and make good choices).




2. Give three (3) examples of some internal sources that may threaten our freedom to

do the right thing (and make good choices).




To become free as a person, an individual needs the inner strength to resist external and

inner pressures when making moral decisions, or to avoid situations in which such pressures

are likely to arise. Whenever people are feeling strongly tempted, they need to learn that

really it is their personal freedom that is being threatened.


EXAMINATION OF CONSCIENCE The examination of conscience is the process for evaluating deliberate thoughts, words and

actions. It involves arriving at a judgement about whether or not these were right, based

upon God’s laws. Whenever Christian people examine their conscience, they do so with

Jesus who is present within them. They look at their lives, deciding how their actions follow

God’s laws. They then seek God’s forgiveness. They will also seek forgiveness for serious sins

through Confession (the Sacrament of Penance).

Reflect on the following questions and write your own response.

1. What have I said or done today that was good?




2. One area of my life where I know I am already improving is…




3. Have I resisted temptations today? How?




4. Did I struggle against something that was wrong and succeed? How?




5. Did I struggle against something that was wrong and fail? Why?





6. Do I have any wrongs that I have done that I need to correct? How?




7. Do I have any bad habits that I need to work on to change? How?




8. Do I have any past thoughts, words or actions that cause me to have guilty feelings?





9. What thoughts, words or actions have I done wrong according to what God has

taught? Explain.




10. Which quality within myself do I need to work harder on so that my thoughts, words

or actions better express my goodness? What do I need to do?






TITLE: _____________________________________________________

AUTHOR: _____________________________________________________

YEAR: __________

WEBSITE: _____________________________________________________




SOURCE ANALYSIS PRACTICE While at the shops, Toby meets a friend who is very poor. The friend tells him he has

had no food that day because there was nothing to eat at home. Toby wants to help his

friend, but is not sure how as he had no money himself. As they are talking, Toby

notices the shopkeeper leave the store and walk to the laneway to take out the rubbish.

His friend beckons Toby to run in and grab some food for him. Toby knows stealing is

wrong and if caught he would find himself in trouble with the law. What should Toby

do? Should he steal to help his friend or not? Longaretti, L. (2008). witched-on Ideas: Knowing and Doing, Curriculum Corporation. Retrieved from

The morality of the action itself ____________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

The morality of the intention _______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

The morality of the circumstances (and the consequences) ___________ ___________________________________________________________________ Advice ____________________________________________________________


___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________


BELIEF AND TEACHINGS MODULE 2 All religions are based upon a number of important beliefs. Christianity is no different. In

Christianity, all beliefs point towards and speak about God and God’s activity in the world.

One important religious belief that affects the Catholic understanding of how people should

behave in life is that ‘all people are made in the image and likeness of God’.

This belief that all people are created in the image and likeness of God is expressed through

a number of Catholic teachings which promotes what?



Brainstorm: What do you think the statement “all people are made in the image and likeness of

God” means?


To best understand what this religious belief means and understand all the important

teachings that flow from this belief, we need to ask some questions. Follow the PowerPoint

in class to provide these four questions:

1. _____________________________________________________________________


2. _____________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________


4. _____________________________________________________________________


Throughout the Bible, there are lessons which explain important teachings about God. One

of these teachings is about God as the creator. This is most obvious in the book of Genesis.

There are four key stories within the book of Genesis which reveals how people are called to

experience creation. These stories are:

1. The First Creation Story

2. The second Creation Story

3. The Story of the Fall

4. The Story of the Flood

The first two creations stories can be used as teaching tools, instead of being read ‘literally’.

What does this mean?





What does the name Genesis mean?


THE STATE OF ORIGINAL JUSTICE In the creation stories, God’s original meaning of justice is revealed. The stories

which follow also elaborate on what this original justice should look like. God

reveals that humans have four harmonious relationships, each bringing with

them a set of responsibilities and rights which God wishes to be respected.

Use the notes to help you complete the following activities:

List these four relationships:

1. _______________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________

As people work on developing these relationships and keeping them all in

harmony, they will also develop their own sense of justice in the process.

Having the opportunity to develop this sense of justice will lead to a deeper

feeling of happiness and fulfilment in their lives.

On the following page, use the spaces provided to create a ‘logo’ for each of

the harmonious relationships and explain what each one means. Remember,

keep the explanations as simple as possible so that you could teach someone

else about these relationships if you needed to!




















































GOD CREATED HUMANS God created humans as the climax of His creation – it is God who supports and provides for

all people.

Read the following Bible references below to answer the following questions. Use a bible or to assist you:

Gen 1:27; Matthew 25:34, Wisdom 3:1, Corinthians 5:15;

Matthew 28:19-20; John 14:23-26; 1 John 3:1; John 4:7-8

Copy out one (1) of these Bible passages:

Bible Reference: ___________________________








HUMANITY By reading through the creation stories, we understand that God created humanity

differently from the rest of creation. This is emphasised in each of the two stories of God

creating the world. The following passages from Genesis, where the two stories about the

creation of the universe can be found, describe the special role and relationship God

intended for humans. Provide a summary on the lines provided.

Genesis 2:4-25







As part of God’s creation, we are also expected to show respect and recognise the

importance of other human beings. It is our responsibility to:

- treat others and ourselves with dignity

- respect and protect human life from its conception

- doing what we can to ensure that all have the resources they need for life

- doing what we can to ensure that future generations inherit a world that can

continue to be a sign of God’s goodness and love.




PEOPLE RECOGNISE GOD IN CREATION Creation is a permanent sign of the presence of the Creator; Creation is a permanent

reminder that God loves people and wants to be close to them. Read the following Bible

passages (from your bible or and identify the key message for each.

Psalm 104:24



Genesis 2:16



Psalm 8:3-6




CREATION What makes you different from the rest of creation?





How is God calling you to be involved in creation?





Discuss the idea of ‘stewardship’ – where have you heard it before? What do you think it




Provide a dictionary definition of the term ‘stewardship’ and then apply it to a religious





How can humans provide for their own needs and still be “God’s fellow workers”? Give

examples such as food, shelter/clothing and transport.








WHERE DID THEY COME FROM? Catholic Social Teaching comes out of the rich history of papal encyclicals, bishops’ letters and other official documents. These teaching have aimed to provide a response to the economic, political and social concerns of people. They are grounded in the Bible as well as in Tradition of the Church. In 1891, Pope Leo XIII issued an encyclical entitled “Rerum Novarum”, On the Condition of Labor. Since this first encyclical popes and other church leaders have provided additional comments and teaching about issues in society. Catholic social teaching emerges from the truth of what God has revealed to us about himself. We believe in the triune God whose very nature is communal and social. God the Father sends his only Son Jesus Christ and shares the Holy Spirit as his gift of love. God reveals himself to us as one who is not alone, but rather as one who is relational, one who is Trinity. Therefore, we who are made in God's image share this communal, social nature. We are called to reach out and to build relationships of love and justice. USCCB. (2018). Catholic Social Teaching. Retrieved from teachings/what-we-believe/catholic-social-teaching/



Access the following link which explores Catholic Social Teaching. Under each heading, read

the information and watch the clips to write your own understanding for each.




TITLE: _____________________________________________________

AUTHOR: _____________________________________________________

YEAR: __________

WEBSITE: _____________________________________________________





Earth Day Network. (2018). We must care for the Earth. Retrieved from Q1) Outline the main idea of this quote? Q2) Explain how this quote is useful in presenting the Church’s teaching of ‘Stewardship of Creation’?


These workbook resources have been created, produced and reworked by the HOLA R.E. and R.E. Staff of

Clontarf Aboriginal College (2017-2020). Some of the workbook resources have been adapted from the CEWA Syllabus as well as from various sources, acknowledgement is given to the original creators.

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