UntitledWhether it’s reading a Bible verse
other, and you, with our family’s
God’s Great LOVE being at the centre of everything
we Learn about and the way we Live it out.
Every Christian Studies lesson, students will be
LEARNING ABOUT a Bible story and how this piece of
the puzzle fits into the BIG PICTURE of GOD’S GREAT LOVE.
Students will then consider how they, too, fit
Into that BIG PICTURE. What part can we play
Let’s Rather…?
separate us from God’s love?
Let’s listen to the song “Rise Up and Shine” by Rend Co. Kids
Who’s there? Let’s talk about the changes we
Who’s there? Let’s discuss what we want to put
Lord, how faithful you are… The
So I will put my hope in him.”
aware of God’s Unstoppable,
I’ll tell you next year
Let’s talk about God’s Great Love,
really thankful for God’s Love this year? How can we share God’s
This month we celebrate how God’s Great Adventure continues through us.
What part can you play in God’s Great Adventure of Recue and Love?
This year, in Christian Studies, Division 1 and 2 students will study a selection of the following:
Unit One: God’s Great Adventure Begins
Unit Three: God’s Great Adventure Continues
Unit Two: Christ at the Centre of God’s Great Adventure… and Ours.
• The Beginning – A Perfect Home
• The Terrible Lie – Adam and Eve
• A New Beginning – Noah’s Ark
• God’s Great Promise –
• The Forgiving Prince – Joseph
• God to the Rescue,
God Makes a Way
Perfect — Moses and
the Ten Commandments
• Speak Lord - Samuel
Young Hero and the Horrible Giant-David
• The Good Shepherd/ the Book of Psalms
• The Book of Proverbs/ King Solomon
• The Brave and Beautiful Queen - Esther
• A Little servant Girl and
the Proud General - Naaman
• God’s Messenger - Jonah
• The Woman Caught
Breaking the Law
• The Man who didn’t have any Friends - Zacchaeus
• Parables about the
Kingdom of Heaven
• Parables about Loss
• The Body of Christ
• God has no Favourites
• God’s Great Love
• Christian role models
As a family, this year can you aim to make eating and talking together
part of your daily rhythm? Whether it’s reading a Bible verse, praying before dinner, making one another laugh, or simply discussing your
day, at MSCS, we pray this resource might help as you make a little
time for each other with a Daily Dinner Table Discussion and Devotion.
This month, different grades (in Divisions 1 and 2) will be studying
one or more these Bible stories in their Christian Studies lessons:
The Beginning – A Perfect Home
The Terrible Lie – Adam and Eve
A New Beginning – Noah’s Ark
God’s Great Promise – Abraham and Sarah
The Girl No-one Wanted – Leah
The Forgiving Prince – Joseph
God to the Rescue, God Makes a Way and Ten Ways to be Perfect — Moses and the Ten Commandments
Let’s Rather…?
Let’s Don’t Laugh
heart and mind. They didn’t claim I’ll meet you at the corner
“Together you are the body
is part of his body.”
Let’s each say one thing we like family. This week, let’s take a look
“Love is patient. Love is kind. It
It does not dishonor.” Bananas can’t talk
Let’s make a practical plan to be
… and let’s start doing it today.
“Love does not easily become
other people’s wrongs...
then let’s start trying to use
can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life…
God’s Great Love
How do
What are we most looking
forward to this school year?
What are we most nervous about?
How did our first day back go?
to the funny bunny?
You quack me up
we take towards our goals?
What part can we play in God’s Great Adventure this school year?
No School 6
Genesis 2:15
“The Lord God put the man in the Garden of Eden. He put him there
to farm its land and take care of it.”
the Garden of Eden?
care of God’s creation today?
Finding half a worm
Let’s discuss how our family can care for the environment.
Now let’s choose 3 actions we can take next week that care for God’s creation and let’s try doing them.
from all the work he had done.
Do we have a time that is holy?
A time that we protect and keep
aside for something special?
peanut butter?
next week, to do something
special, together, as a family.
Genesis 2:18
The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make
a helper who is just right for him.”
When we are struggling,
what can we do?
and servants too?
pig with three eyes?
No School: Division-Wide PD day 24
Did you know that “helper” here can also be translated “warrior”?
How can we also be helpers,
servants and strong warriors?
Let’s each do one new thing this week to help and serve our family.
the clouds or under the sea?
Casual Day 29
commands us to? Do we love,
serve, and forgive others? Do
we help those in need? Do we
follow the example Jesus set? Let’s celebrate our actions together.
A walky-talky
This month, different grades (in Divisions 1 and 2) will be studying
one or more these Bible stories in their Christian Studies lessons:
God to the Rescue, God Makes a Way and Ten ways to be Perfect - Moses and the Ten Commandments
Wherever You Go - Ruth and Naomi
Speak Lord - Samuel
The Teeny, Weenie, True King and the Young Hero and the Horrible Giant - David
The Good Shepherd - a study of the book of Psalms
Let’s Rather…?
Because it wasn’t
“Here is my command.
Let’s put others’ needs before our
Let’s choose something
you and always be with you.”
have an elephant’s ears or a horse’s tail?
God’s Great Love and Rescue.
Monday’s Bible verse. from Monday’s Bible verse.
Let’s Read
How do
What part in God’s Great Adventure can our family
play - even next week?
How can we share God’s Great Love and Rescue with others?
Exodus 3:7
The Lord said, “I have seen how my people are suffering in Egypt. I
have heard them cry out because
of their slave drivers. I am
concerned about their suffering.”
in the lives of loved ones?
In our city? In our world?
How can God use us to ease
the suffering of others? What
can we do to serve them?
of others. What can we do
next week, as a family, to
serve those in need?
But Ruth replied, “Don’t try to make me leave you... Where you
go, I’ll go. Where you stay, I’ll stay. Your people will be my people.
Your God will be my God.”
faithful to Ruth and Naomi?
How is God faithful to our family?
totally see through?
Let’s listen to the song, “Go Anywhere” by Rend Co. Kids.
What does the song mean and
how can we apply it to our lives?
1 Samuel 1:15
“That’s not true, sir,” Hannah replied. “I’m… deeply troubled. I haven’t been drinking wine or
beer. I was telling the Lord
all my troubles.”
How did Eli (the priest) misjudge
Hannah? If you’re not sure, read 1 Samuel 1: 9-17 to find the answer.
How and when do we misjudge
others? How can we avoid
misjudging others?
organization that works with
women in difficult circumstances.
support them in their work?
people look at. People look at the
outside of a person. But the Lord
looks at what is in the heart.
If God looks at what is in the heart,
what will he see in our hearts?
Read Psalm 23 and/ or listen to the
song “Need to Know You” (by Rend Co. Kids) together. Discuss
the words/ lyrics. If you did both,
can you find any comparisons?
This month, different grades (in Divisions 1 and 2) will be studying
one or more these Bible stories in their Christian Studies lessons:
The Good Shepherd - a study of the book of Psalms
The Book of Proverbs
Speak Lord - Samuel
The Brave and Beautiful Queen - Esther
Daniel and the Scary Sleepover - Daniel and the Lion’s Den
Let’s Rather…?
Let’s play some listening games
‘This son of mine was dead.
was lost. And now he is found.’
outrun God’s love? Let’s discuss how we can
“Which of the three do you think
was attacked by robbers?” The authority on the law replied, “The one who felt sorry for him.” Jesus told him, “Go and do as he did.”
God’s Great Love with even when it’s least expected?
silver coins and loses one. Won’t
house? Won’t she search
in a Parable, she’s always the hero. Why can’t Elsa have a balloon?
The Lord’s Prayer
Some of Jesus’ Parables about Love and Forgiveness
Some of Jesus’ Parables about Loss and Redemption
Let’s Read
How do
gives me everything I need.
a good shepherd? How can
we be like a shepherd to
others too? Who can we love,
accept, and look after?
Early Dismissal 5
Together, let’s list all the things we need (not want) in any
given week. Then let’s thank God that we have
everything we need.
No School 8
fun of their Maker.
player on a team that always wins
or the best player on a team that
always loses?
we be more accepting
fun of other people?
more accepting towards
people less fortunate than us?
How can we share God’s Great Love in practical ways?
No School 15
1 Samuel 3:10
“Speak Lord, I’m listening.”
on a scooter?
Between us,
something smells
next week to listen more
carefully, to God, and
Ruth 2:10
She asked him, “Why are you being so kind to me? In fact,
why are you even noticing me?
I’m from another country.”
expect him to. Who are we
not expected to help, but
could help anyway?
Because she
was stuffed
perhaps someone from far away?
Pray for those who hurt you.”
a new language?
This month, different grades (in Divisions 1 and 2) will be studying
one or more these Bible stories in their Christian Studies lessons:
The Brave and Beautiful Queen - Esther
God’s Messenger - Jonah
Operation No More Tears! The book of Isaiah
Advent, Service to Others, and the First Christmas Story
Let’s Rather…?
Let’s Don’t Laugh
“The Samaritan woman said to him, “You are a Jew and I
you ask me for a drink?” (For Jews don’t associate with Samaritans)” people don’t always get on today?
“Since they could not get
the man was lying on.”
butterfly’s wings or a kangaroo’s legs?
“Let any one of you who
Jesus took a moment in today’s
The Lord’s Prayer
How do
Naaman, yet when he was ill, she
was kind to him (2 Kings 5).
When could we be more forgiving?
and a snowman?
for those who hurt you? How can
our family put this into action?
How can we also follow the little
servant girl’s example?
Esther 4:14
“Who knows? It’s possible that you became queen for a time just like this.”
funniest person alive or
the smartest person alive?
time just like this too.
This week, what can we do to
join in God’s Great Adventure?
to the other plate?
Dinner is on me
Let’s discuss our skills and interests … How can we
use them to benefit
They found out he was running
away from the Lord… So, they asked him, “How could you
do a thing like that?”
run from God… Can we ever outrun God’s love?
Where and when do we try
to hide from God’s love?
like Jesus? How can we meet
people, where they are at, with
love and forgiveness?
No School 21
living in darkness will see a
great light... a light will
shine on them.
No School 22
Would you rather
be a hummingbird
or a cheetah?
No School 23
light a candle (adults, please).
Discuss how the tiny flicker
overwhelms all the darkness.
onto the floor. What did
one say to the other?
Dill with it
No School 25
or difficult time? How can we bring
them some hope and light this
Christmas? Like Jesus, who met us
in the chaos of a stinky stable, who
can we meet where they are at?
No School 27
your light shine before men, that
they may see your good deeds
and praise your Father.
new toy or direct
hope to those in need?
How can we let our light shine?
How can we be more like
Jesus, the Light of the World?
No School 30
droid that takes the
No School 31
What “good deeds” would we like to do in the New Year?
Who can we help or serve?
How can our family be more
Christ-like next year?
This month, different grades (in Divisions 1 and 2) will be studying
one or more these Bible stories in their Christian Studies lessons:
The King of all Kings - The 3 wise men
12 Years Old - Young Jesus in the Temple
Heaven Breaks Through - Jesus’ Baptism
Let’s Go! Jesus chooses his helpers
The New Birth - Jesus and Nicodemus
The Captain of the Storm - Jesus Calms the Storm
The King and the Kingdom - The Sermon on the Mount
Let’s Rather…?
Let’s Don’t Laugh
“Why were you looking for me?” Jesus asked. “Didn’t you know I
had to be in my Father’s house?”
and doesn’t say a word?
“A voice came from heaven. It said, “You are my Son, and I love you. I am very pleased with you.”
Jesus understood he was God’s
forget that we are God’s children,
How can we share God’s
“Come and follow me,” Jesus said. “I will send you out to fish for
people.” At once they left their I’ve a lot of problems
Jesus’ example
“Blessed are those
children of God.”
“In fear and amazement, they asked one another, “Who is this?
the water, and they obey him.”
Jesus’ Baptism
Let’s Read
How do
out? 3
Luke 2:49
“Why were you looking for me?” Jesus asked. “Didn’t you know I
had to be in my Father’s house?”
animals or be
was in the Temple?
enjoy hanging out whilst your
family looked everywhere for you?
and doesn’t say a word?
A River
Luke 3:22
“A voice came from heaven. It said, “You are my Son, and I love you. I am very pleased with you.”
inventor or a doctor?
Jesus understood he was God’s Son, and he knew how well loved
he was. When do we sometimes
forget that we are God’s children, and He loves us so much too?
Always and Forever Love,
with others next week?
Mark 1:17-18
“Come and follow me,” Jesus said. “I will send you out to fish for
people.” At once they left their nets and followed him.
once to follow Jesus.
They were so excited!
How can we share his message
and his love with others?
say to the other Math book?
I’ve a lot of problems
They will be called
forward to the future?
lack peace? Which relationships
How can we work to make
peace this week - with
ourselves and with others?
Luke 8:25
“In fear and amazement, they asked one another, “Who is this?
He commands even the winds and
the water, and they obey him.”
This month, different grades (in Divisions 1 and 2) will be studying
one or more these Bible stories in their Christian Studies lessons:
The Captain of the Storm - Jesus Calms the Storm
The Woman at the Well
The Woman Caught Breaking the Law
The 4 Friends - Through the Roof
The Big Picnic - Jesus Feeds the 5,000
The Thankful Leper
Jesus Teaches us How to Pray - The Lord’s Prayer
An Introduction to Parables
servant girl’s example?
“Who knows? It’s possible that you became queen for a time just like this.” join in God’s Great Adventure?
Let’s discuss our skills and interests … How can we
away from the Lord… So, they asked him, “How could you
do a thing like that?”
run from God… Can we ever outrun God’s love?
to hide from God’s love?
What “good deeds” would we
God’s Messenger
Let’s Read
How do
When life is difficult, how can we
remind ourselves that Jesus is with
us? Who else can we ask for help
when we need it? Who can we
also help and/ or mentor?
freshen their breath?
waves obeyed Jesus.
and follow His example?
John 4:9 “The Samaritan woman said to him, “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can
you ask me for a drink?” (For Jews don’t associate with Samaritans)”
speak every language or play
every musical instrument?
did not get along. What groups of
people don’t always get on today?
Because 7 ate 9
equally (even people we might
not normally be friends with)?
Who can we surprise, even
this week, with love?
Mark 2:4 “Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd,
they made an opening in the roof
above Jesus by digging through
it and then lowered the mat
the man was lying on.”
butterfly’s wings or a kangaroo’s legs?
Casual Day 16
get their friend to Jesus. They knew
He would help him. When we need
help, who can we ask to help us?
Whose needs can we also put 1st?
Who can we help and mentor?
serve this week?
No School 21
John 8:7
“Let any one of you who is without sin be the first
to throw a stone at her.
No School 22
the lady. How does it feel when
others judge us? When do we
misjudge others? How can we be a
mentor and not judge others?
No School Teachers Convention 24
What did the little corn say
to the Mama corn?
Where is Pop corn?
No School Teachers Convention 25
Jesus took a moment in today’s story. He paused, writing in the
sand, before answering the crowd.
When we are making important
decisions, what can we do to just
pause and take a moment?
ears should listen.
This month, different grades (in Divisions 1 and 2) will be studying
one or more these Bible stories in their Christian Studies lessons:
Jesus Teaches us How to Pray - The Lord’s Prayer
Some of Jesus’ Parables about the Kingdom of Heaven
Some of Jesus’ Parables about Love and Forgiveness
Some of Jesus’ Parables about Loss and Redemption
Let’s Rather…?
Together, let’s list all the things
given week. Then let’s thank
How can we share God’s
The Lord said, “Samuel! Samuel!” Samuel replied,
“Speak Lord, I’m listening.”
She asked him, “Why are you
I’m from another country.”
Why couldn’t the teddy
“Here is what I tell you.
Pray for those who hurt you.”
Daniel and the Lion’s Den
Let’s Read
How do
to those around us?
Let’s play some listening games and then discuss the theme of
listening. Who should we listen
more to? Who might we
want to listen less to?
it was because people could relate
to stories? Jesus related to others
and always met them where they
were at. How can we do the same?
explore what is important to each
other and those around us. To
relate better to one another, we
first need to get to know each
other and what is important to us.
Luke 15:24
‘This son of mine was dead. And now he is alive again. He
was lost. And now he is found.’ So, they began to celebrate.
very small pony?
Casual Day 16
Which character from this story
are we most like? Why?
Early Dismissal 17
No School: Division Wide PD Day 18
Let’s discuss how we can follow the example of the
Father who forgave and
always loved his sons,
John 15:12-13
“Which of the three do you think was a neighbour to the man who
was attacked by robbers?” The authority on the law replied, “The one who felt sorry for him.” Jesus told him, “Go and do as he did.”
No School 22
Jewish man. Nobody expected
the beaten man as he lay on the
floor. So, why do you think he
stopped and helped him?
a ladder to school?
No School 25
Good Samaritan did? How can
we also surprise people with our
willingness to serve? How can we
also break down barriers and share
God’s Great Love with everyone -
even when it’s least expected?
No School 28
Or suppose a woman has ten
silver coins and loses one. Won’t she light a lamp and sweep the
house? Won’t she search carefully until she finds the coin?
No School 29
Would you rather
shovel snow or
mow the lawn?
No School 30
Whenever Jesus features a woman
in a Parable, she’s always the hero. This was radical in the culture and
context of his day. Why do you
think Jesus chose to do this?
No School 31
Because she will let it go
This month, different grades (in Divisions 1 and 2) will be studying
one or more these Bible stories in their Christian Studies lessons:
Holy Week and Easter
The Helper Came - The story of Pentecost from Acts 2
The Fruit of the Spirit - Galatians 5:22-23
Let’s Rather…?
What part in God’s Great
How can we share God’s Great
The Lord said, “I have seen how my
concerned about their suffering.”
But Ruth replied, “Don’t try to
go, I’ll go. Where you stay, I’ll stay.
Your God will be my God.”
Let’s listen to the song, “Go Anywhere” by Rend Co. Kids.
“That’s not true, sir,” Hannah replied. “I’m… deeply troubled. I haven’t been drinking wine or
all my troubles.”
song “Need to Know You” (by
Let’s Read
How do
Great Adventure for our world.
He invites us on a journey of
Great Rescue as we share His
Great Love with others.
gave his one and only Son.
Anyone who believes in him will
not die but will have eternal life.
or on an island?
What do we believe in?
Do we truly believe and know,
deep down, how much
to show love for someone else?
And/ or listen to and discuss
the song “Story of the Cross” by Rend Co. Kids.
“Here is my command. Love one another, just as I
have loved you. No one has
greater love than the one who
gives their life for their friends.”
do we show them?
up for our friends and family?
How will we celebrate Easter
this weekend?
driving customers away?
An Uber driver
No School 15
put others’ needs before our own - this Easter and always.
Let’s choose something from the list to do together.
No School 18
John 14:16
“Then I will ask the Father to send you the Holy Spirit who will help
you and always be with you.”
have an elephant’s ears or a horse’s tail?
comfort? How can we give help
and comfort to others?
better followers of Jesus?
They wave
follow Jesus. How can we
follow Jesus? Let us ask
the Holy Spirit to help us in
our Great Adventure of sharing
God’s Great Love and Rescue.
faithful and gentle and having
control of oneself.
qualities, or fruit, from
Can you give examples?
grizzly with no teeth?
Look at the qualities, or fruit,
from Monday’s Bible verse. The Holy Spirit helps us to have
more of those qualities in our
lives. Which qualities would
you like to develop?
This month, different grades (in Divisions 1 and 2) will be studying
one or more these Bible stories in their Christian Studies lessons:
The Body of Christ
God has no favourites
God’s Great Love
Let’s Rather…?
What part can we play in God’s
“The Lord God put the man in the
to farm its land and take care of it.” care of God’s creation today?
Let’s discuss how our family can
Now let’s choose 3 actions we can take next week that care for God’s creation and let’s try doing them.
The Lord God said, “It is not good
a helper who is just right for him.”
Did you know that “helper” here can also be translated “warrior”?
Let’s each do one new thing this
follow the example Jesus set? Let’s

How do
All the believers were agreed in
heart and mind. They didn’t claim that anything was their own.
Instead, they shared everything.
with others? Why do we
sometimes not like sharing?
to the other wall?
to make a real difference?
1 Corinthians 12: 27
“Together you are the body of Christ. Each one of you
is part of his body.”
or a pet zebra?
When do we feel undervalued?
Let’s each say one thing we like about each other and one
thing we are thankful for.
without wings?
A walk
We all need to play our part in a
family. This week, let’s take a look at the household chores and divide
them so that everyone plays a part
and helps look after our home.
1 Corinthians 13: 4-5
“Love is patient. Love is kind. It does not want what belongs to
others. It does not brag. It is not
proud. It does not dishonor.”
triceratops or a robot triceratops?
(Both are the same size)
How can we honour others?
who sat on him?
No School: Site Based PD Day 20
Let’s make a practical plan to be more patient and kind and to
share better with those around us
… and let’s start doing it today.
No School 23
1 Corinthians 13: 4-5
“Love does not easily become angry. It does not keep track of
other people’s wrongs... Love
always protects. It always trusts.
It always hopes. It never gives up.
Love never fails.”
No School 24
you draw become real or become
a superhero of your choice?
Casual Day 25
Do we keep a record of how
other people do wrong or hold
it against them? When do
we hope, protect and trust?
Let’s talk about different strategies we can use when
we are feeling angry and
then let’s start trying to use them this week whenever
we start to feel annoyed.
I am convinced that nothing
can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life…
our fears for today nor
our worries about tomorrow.
or go underwater?
After a fantastic year at MSCS, Christian Studies teachers will be taking the
month of June to round the year off well. Students will be developing their
knowledge of recently studied topics or beginning something new.
This month we celebrate how God’s Great Adventure continues through us.
What part can you play in God’s Great Adventure of Recue and Love?
This year, in Christian Studies, Division 1 and 2 students will study a selection of the following:
Unit One: God’s Great Adventure Begins
Unit Three: God’s Great Adventure Continues
• –
• –

• –

part of your daily rhythm? Whether it’s reading a Bible verse, praying
God’s Great LOVE
Let’s Read
How do
Because they
use honeycombs
Let’s listen to the song “Rise Up and Shine” by Rend Co. Kids
and discuss the lyrics together.
How can we put them into
action next week?
preach in the synagogues.
the Son of God.
was dramatically changed for
for the better this year?
After meeting Jesus, Paul was
determined to take his message
of hope and love everywhere he
went. Nothing stopped him.
new creation has come. The old is
gone! The new is here!
for the better and some for worse.
Can you give an example of
each? In what ways are we
changing for the better?
Candice. Candice, who?
school year already? No way!
Let’s talk about the changes we want to make as a family and then
pray, asking Jesus to help us as
we go on a Great Adventure to
change for the better.
what is behind me. I push hard
toward what is ahead of me.
giant muddy puddle or
a clean paddling pool?
want to put behind us?
What are we most looking forward
to in the summer and next year?
Summer Holidays are soon?!
Let’s discuss what we want to put behind us. Do we need to be more
forgiving? What are we hoping and
praying for as we look towards the
summer and next year?
loving concern never fails. His
great love is new every morning.
Lord, how faithful you are… The Lord is everything I will ever need.
So I will put my hope in him.”
Last Day of School 28
Would you rather have a
puppy the size of a dragon
for a pet or a dragon
the size of a puppy?
No School: Collective 29
Agreement Teacher Directed Day
aware of God’s Unstoppable, Unbreakable, Always and
Forever Love? How can we share
that love with others this summer?
No School 30
turkey in suspense?
I’ll tell you next year
Let’s talk about God’s Great Love, as a family. When have we been
really thankful for God’s Love this year? How can we share God’s Love with others this summer?
Father God,
to us when we speak to you.
Thank you that you love us with
an Unstoppable, Unbreakable,
love to one another.
other, and for you, each day.
Please help us this year as
we aim to make eating and
talking together part of
our family’s daily rhythm.
Whether it’s reading a Bible verse together, praying before dinner,
making one another laugh or
simply discussing our day, we
pray this resource might help us
as we make a little time for each
other, and you, with our family’s Daily Dinner Table
Discussion and Devotion.
Thank You, God.

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