Page 1: xxxxxxxxxxxxx* · xxxxxxxxxxxxx* OUR RflTESON Tft E * BASIS * ARE THE CHEAPEST. **XXXXXXXXXXXX* DOVER, MORRIS

xxxxxxxxxxxxx*OUR RflTESON Tft E *



DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY^ NBWSplRSEY; FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1891. NO. 42T H E ^ m m A _*an*.tiM,' in.iwa.iiit*. i-iio,

S'|iS,*A^ic(Ue:^fc"B;_prloe $25; reduoed to

«^ ;i±±,,-i pair Bedroom Suits, regular




: vfPWHiiyf,ar D{ffiB4nra <w MQUJLIIS THROAT.

Parlor Suita in coveririgs of Plxish and Silk



v-• • 'Contract.1 Isien ind'miterisli '.tornlihrd.-•" ^Btoneand brick work, nlsiteriUK ana Jobbing*- ' promptly tttteuded to. < Otdars left at my OHM'•Vfim Ktuex flt., n(*r Canal ;Ba»lD,-;T»lll,t«OMve

Ejjtfsjbi,to o a l l ^ e o i a l attention t o my larjjeline ot Ranges of all the latest •• patterns andat euoli iow• prices;^-;ThS^Portland Ranget a k e s t h e lead;y S,odoisold l t S i f Ki &

^^TOpM^BtooSl^^.^r^^^'^K'- • .C^l

'^'''^OSw'hettsi-^I^W'to 13',ii.'«vsrj Satatr; . ; | ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^ " O s C « ^ - C o r B « p t - :

• i . ' " ^ : - ' - ^ . ' " ; • • ' " • ' - ' ' ' •=" • '

. ' ^ K a f i ' B f f y "fe"PHR5^5s*?

-.'.^ttae-wiBltr. .*Jnf»l'*OT* ei;BU o n e . u ,


:to^sti^v^e:'.&lI,1xadeJ'''vgill''miake.f; aid^lay Oarpet, with Paper, without*,H :h oharge,; which Is equal to a reduc- y••••'•'.vyY • 'tion of 15 dents per yard. ;. '

; yy . ; v 'yv .yvv o;.-;;;-'y<}-."-.i;:--.yi*/"fn.:,,j.*-1:.., ,;_• ;••.-••• :

My stookconsistsof M<3quets, Velvets, Bodyand Tapestry Brussels aad Three and Two-ply IngraiDS'of all the latest fall styles and.

,?86 'AiitignejOak?Bedroom Suits, regular

; Folding Beds, Ohiffo'niera; Sideboardis Man-?eianJPierjQlasses at greatlyrediiwdpripesj




sjjo:^\7VA.i:ia5; BL;£±vvAXt3ei I IXJUV


lolthiparolaolDOT*;art_TlBtiltr;v;._3Vj. •>..-;•„


jH•'-V:iVJJon- certainly'.wUl :kiiOTf.'"ftem in the future i: Thoj.k/..y;{>want to knoff. you a» well as ha?e you knoir. them and the >.<

best m y to briDgabont this mutaalacquaiat»ncei«.to treat yon fairly.

have therefore detarmined to adhere to all their.forroor business praoL .;^;iie&5wMdl£Kavs/gata^.for': them ;^- •::":'•"*;•nnilitjr-hpiiBa of . tha; Stot^'r'-^'Btut ,o(* olbthM.'ft;''. i"*,"s'",;•<y:';;•;.- ;^i'miiglepB&of pants/or ft:'cbat',ahd:.Teat;;will.iu i^Hy.'/1'^*

; .y.>-^~^";yS'i.'.^Mwa^.itey"4r:^v^:.v^y !*>y-* y.-^A?ppr?¥ii*^ '"b0rny.'y' r:z: ^ . ^ w ; y ^ y ^

TTHEKICKBRThe following Jinea are qpii&, appropriate to the ASTtal condition olbirBin pnr oomntnnity:: ->': ' ,|::;:';

Wa know aoioe nwa who alwafi ldck >w matt«p what ypfi do,.Who kick irtth B O * pridlgtaU eua t ie whole tag ««ict< tbiotwb,Wbo U c t « nojtolne t o a » B P I u d kick tt nil JOMI right," :Wbu kick. IWSHM tbej like to kick nod kick wltb Bli Uielrmtght.

.. There <v» Borne awful klcknn on bbltirfckol aiaadaiui' qjieie,Whounw^^onottrthbyocddeutMdkick bgosuaotbey'nliero,

- Tlnjy make ttaemHslvea unoomZortabla nnd other pooplfl sick,'..They drive tholr frla&da (OKUlddfl tnd Btill tlujr Alwsy> Mek-Ttey kick and kick and kick the bloood II™ long oVfcftifi

' And U there's neught to kick about they're Mejdng tamVtAt time* wbm thloga are going right and other men i w l d Mnlio,l iny kick ongeoeral principle and keep kicking all S ^ b J I

Apropos oftheaboyo.we rise to remark, wo are-no, kickers,all'over the country, especially the shoe trade, lias' been depressed*but our badness has not only held its own but shows a subBtautial in-croKBe over past seasons. To be sure we bore, .done considerablehustling,, and sold our shoes eheapur thau ever before, and in muuyiusliuiues at tlie unoriiico of our prolits, lime sliod wliotetiimilius athalf pries, hut feel rewarded in Uie inoreaBed popularity of our houBe.OedasioniUly we have a customer, that does Borne M$dDg, sometimeswith justice, but tosuoh would Bay, "don't kiok" give u» the ohancoau'u wo'll make you suoh a liberal allowance on aiijthing you par-olttae of us uusatjafaotoiy that you'll never kiok agaltii -

LuillcH' klioos,sizes 2ii 3 aua.34.,»1.25; rcauced. , 9 , > y

Misses' Shoes, sizes 11 to 8, $ 1 ; reduced from $2.Chlltfs 8lH>es, sizes U to 104 75«.; reduced from $1.50




Tliero'a a name that's naver Bpokon,There's another idol Lroken,

From tie free trade ranki, that a l l ;Tbougb they ouc« were street u hotaoy,They're opposed to hoaeat tncmey,And they've turned poor Cleveland's plotur*

to U» wall.

The only ease I have beard of late whenprotection foiled to protect ti one that bainoeaUricandaliHdUaclcettstoira. TtaaCouc-d l hired a big pollcemaii, owned Hubert,, toprotect tbeir homes wid people, and be rv

raodtlioeonBiloiiMthru ropotod Iu Urn byiradlng tbo bowo of one DE tba memban otis Council and aHenatlnji the sffeotiona of thi

wife of the Councilman aforwald. A trap•maa luiJ for him and Uio burl; guardian oft ie peace fall rJgbt Into it, by m y of thenor door, when tho susplciom CoanoHotaurapped one nlglit at tha front portal. Butwben you come to wjiutiler tho matter it wu'not root proUJctioa tint tbey hut. Tbey onlypaid the policeman $VJ a month (or hti•ervlcett, and you could hwdlj expect him, forttiflt money, to dsvate all his tlmn to the proUctlou uf innocenco and vlrturc. It vrat thoIdnd of cUeop, lon-prloed proteatioa that theCemocratio party is alway* olamorlng for,and anything better ouuld h»nUy nave beencspeoted of ft, The only eHootual proteoUouIs tim kiwi that protacte. 1 hopathfi Inddint,

p p i K ; MuoM- at boiuoj willbavaabenoQ-ocnt elTeot on tbe Hftokettstown Quetta, andtuoh it that the onl? true protection U thet ull-fledged, unadultemtal arUda.

' . • • V •

TboDgh they propbealed d l tu terBut one abort year igo,

"We're ouly gulug tasterAud.tbrivhig, daatcherlmon-. -.

'• Our fantorlQB are booming,There's plenty In the land; '

Frotwtion'B BtUl In budaea. At the same old stand. ,

*,•The entorprislPg borough of Uodlsoo la get-ng along rapidly, but i t baa a oolored barberh s to puibing ahead itill faster. - A

" * UBLubt?d

Ifcis. of the Sest^

each fi

oupls of wecltHUgo a colored maoroBi the face with amzor in this ehop, forrefusing to invest more money la a gamblinggamo run In the rear (If tho ibop. and lastweek JoBoph Hamilton, a butclor, ssyi be hadf 7 ttolau from but pocket while asleep In tolashop. If they nil! only let u.m alone a littlelonger It it poanlble that. thla oaterprlalugbarber "111 make both blmsaH and Afadbon

Whan a railroad undoi-takea to do a job' ItBeldoin bnltates or adopts half tray meamirea.A calf went out upon tUaliUjkowajjoa tracksjait tola tide of Hopatoong Btatbn tho othernight to Ke how things wore running. Tbsfirst thing that It saw runulug was tho Hack-ttatowo mailj going Weet, whldj kaooked tt

wu the bank,ffhere it fell, irith its head and_i'aero«athe£utboiuidtrack.-' Afaatlloa

MUUO along'Jact thoo aad ihoared oil lie headand log*. Iu 1U aoatortloui tiie body »wuag-aruund'and ripped the >t«pi from a pauengerpoach. ThocalflearneJBometlilaii,butatanuunooBssary Dxpense of Teal and woodwork.

• ; • ; • - " • • ' r i , ^ \ » ' . . ' ' . • • • , • ' - - : • '

'Of oour»,»iaid UiecaUtnity editor, la a•appwed sareoiUo Vela the other night, " Ioweltall to tbe McKfulor blU. The grain,fruit and vegetable wojw ore enormous, mak*Ing iha ooit of Ilring Ins, bat J don't suppmt h o r o p B would have bean w largo if ths

U bill hadn't pM«d,n " I don't knowyu'sappoM^-repll^d Fbll ;PraetWl,

fcut I do know that If theaftcrops had failed;and tbe coat of UTIHR bod been greater hi con-•equeno«,erery tnotberVma layour free trade

d H b d It t th M K i t e•equeno«,erery tnotberVma layour free tcrowd wauHbaMouarged It to tha M c K i ybill;.You mntod the people, to suffer dlua-t , - to proTt tbe wisdom ot your prediction*;ndjomW.KTTj'tUat itiMu'tcmne. Youowled that tbe prtow of frerytUng the Wo,


leapt It forebest'ahc

[r:eyer"issued, sent tp any'.aaddress FREE.'pne^cent postJ cari.wif 'u.-;>VR1TE F O R J T

direct-from factory ^ ^ K dicesy^qf 555!}Ipr upon:an easyitalliftentjlah to suitallpockets.

rW T«I MTMlClllt.^,1 • . ! »O PROFITS nnd Ccmmis-



•iTp'reiaoe^^Btook-and for want 6f itorago room.l>ffl atti at Bpooiallyiwyand'BBDppEp:PEIOE8my:oomplete8tookof .;.,';•';.,.

y; Cream Freezers,

MoWer,Off Stoye^i jGa|piihe'''Wiruioiw ari^bpbr Sc||ens.

Also tB« moat complete line of BA^GE^ and loweBt prices. TUBS,




•e'foniad a complete stoot in 6veiy dopftrtment, snch aa .

^ ^ f l o f l ^ viNott?ii8,y/Hosiery,' Carpefa.|oil Cloths,:"% ^yJjBngs'^loaks'infl/Jersey:Jiokets^ • ; "

We towp ^ybMtgoodaTthe market can oiford, and priooa defy i

con be oxftotly veracioiu when telling theweightofafiah.

VAll tlio weather prophots, I notluo, are prog-DiUcatlng what the ooinlng WlDter will be,ad they are quit* uiumfmouj in ths prediction

that It will be o severe one. They say thewallow come ooenionthearller In tLeBprlogi

that tbe mushroom put in an appearance aith sooner than usual, and that the katy-

did's Kong came In advance of t^e cuitomorytUnp, oil being promoniUoni of a cold Winter.Tiie corn IIUBIU ore also buldlag tha ears in athick blanket of beavy folds, so It Is sold

' [oh 1* bUll another alga «1 a MVOFO, far all tbli, I fmagloe that It will beTory much the kind of a Winter that Naturewill Beud us, without referent* to all theseprognostications.

oaafgna tho duty ft rcgalotlug Now J&rwyoilUe. Is quite contldentUiatir Sflnator WorUi uoiniDrital for Governor next joar U*yor>.lbrlsht, of Uodltou, will be a luted by tha

Democrats at tola county toiucceod him in ths6UU Senate ' This a very pleasant arrange-ment, for Mayor Albright la ono of tlio moetgeulol men in his party, but there are quite aDumber of obstacles lu tho way of its fulUl-ment. In the flnt placo tho Dsmocnits'oCthis dud of tho county ore becoming clamor-oui UintaU tbepatrunagaoEthecountjahQuldnot lie distributed ID the vicinity ot tbe count?eeat, but some of It should go around to therural districts where large Democratic ma-Jorltle* abound. In thenoit plsca I bellesthen are a number of good ftapublioant who

ui beat Mr. Albright In tbe race.

A larger number or guests than uaual arelingering through the early Fall at Lake Ilo-pateoog and other resorte, but tho great ma-jority have returned to their city homeg. Yet,to my thinking, tbe beat waton ottheyoarforrelaxation and ,euJoymoLt U just beginning.The air Is pure and bracing, the fruits deli-clous, the Dihlng ths finest, and all nature willsoon be gorgeous In' her autumn robes, A

* ol late September weather is worthmore for tbe recuperation ot the human iyg

il tuau tha wholfl ot July or August, but 1>poM It would ho hard to make city peoplelave it. AOUUBSTONB 0B8BBVKE.

The thirty-third annual axhibltlou of theBtate AgriotUtura! Society will be hold atWaverloy l'ark, on tho lino of tba Peniuyl-vanlA Ilallroad, between Keirark and EUia-beth, on Monday, fiepb Hist, and will be con-tinued Cor five days. Blnoe the last fair washeld Uioso beautiful grounds have been mademore so by the construction of other buildingsand renovating the old OUBS. These improve*wenU will add largely to the comfort and nt-tractlanjoftheoowiDgetUblUoji. Thebultd-ngkt oil ths grounds,- Inalmllng the horsestables, cattle sheds, sheep and sniiie petu,have all been, put ta thorough repair. Thegrandstand has been overhauled and strength-ened, maklnjc It oso ol tha'most comfortableo£ iu kiwi la this State. Its Hating capacityhas beau Indreaied, aud from It the visitor has

commanding view of tbo track ami thewholft of the fair grounds, The new mdn ex-hibition building is now In oomplote order,affording rare ad vantage* for showing domes-tic and manufactured goods to the very bostadvantage. Betides the" improveinonU men-tioned, a number of oomniodbus cloaets barebeen built for the comfort of vlsitars.' TheprospeoU for a laiga exhibition were never,more promising than they ait a t present. Theentries are larger than usual In erery^depart-uieut.. The hone department will have sped-uum from tho best breeders lu our own andadjoining States, both for oarriage, roadstersand speed, j The Mhlbitioa of neat, thorough->red cattb will far itirpasa any previous ex-

hibition bald on tbe WaVerky pjroundi, Thoentries of sheep," swine and poultry are num-erous, eomlng fiotu the boat breedera la thisState, and oompetition will be'llnly aad'es>

Fed so wra becawe they haven't tMen, t U t chUw>,rou wsOl/ can't enjoy the prosperity natur*sends you. By the way," continued Fbil, " Iwouldn't hare lxwn greatly aurprlssd, to seetbe crops fall short this ?rar if w« bad fnr-tbendfrea'trade by falling to, pass U» Ko-Kluley bill. A people: that 'would, be foolsenough to through away the' but .inarltet inUte world shouldn't exp^ot elUierrProrldsticeor Nature to help them,"- Calamity sneakedout of the door to avoid the^laugtu ,y J •

V,The value of tbe sheep dtitroyed by doga InWashington township during toe past yearnjpresents Jurt $U0 far each cur_withJn, HifaotindsriM. :.'i wouldn't be' aXrili ta wager e,

pippin tlwt'Jtownship were put OR *t 'pAblfc unction • timywould not brl,og40 %rtngeot HMcaoli. Bothey kjm in « stogie year iuora than th«y or*worth' cellectiyely, baaldes preventlna; th*growth of a great and valuable industry.' Isometime* wonder!thst' the farmers of thecounty do not start but onaorutiideof canineextermlniUon,...:-••'..'",.;'/ '/:,,.-' '-,'••

• inkipeach atKsasanH Grow UUtwsdtB.E. Potter accused the Uorrb oounty presi pt

' aatements: Thlit* quite Temtlle friend q g g grtlit pollUcayy, that It'hihard.for weekly

panen tflkespinp with him.' 'A paper' mightreport him vutBATlOH AT, LTTEBATIV, but assome days would elatwe before Uio pajier wasIssued It U probable that by that time he wouldbe oft* upon another tangent and wouldn'trecognize the accuracy of his own atterances.It isn't the faultoftbenawipapenj butts duoto tho root that Totter couldn't i tandlaonepoaiUaalongenoUghforaacountentiortorlal

. Anumber.of tbBfantienln tha vielnty ofDover are sitootlng tta iparrowa. which doootulderable destruotioa to their buckwheatfleldi T^esablrdsat-tbiB.seasonotthfl ytiarare Tory Bne eating; either broiled or In a |K>tpte, and many .of them thmihotiire oaten. I tlias been an open secret for some Urns tbatmost ol' the reed birds served ID Eew Yorkretttaurants ore sparrows. - . ' ,'-.

Great o.uai»tit}M of peaches that have (tone»waste in Morris county orchards this year,1Bht hare been n'tlUud with profit it there

bad been canning factories in this vi.dni.tjr.Peach culture bai grown to such tremendousproportions In this secUonof New Jeney, thattturewtUbea glut ever; proliQo season nn-

a the canning lndujtrj- ta itarUd. whlobw'onW redvee shlpraenU and enable them to

It li onrioui to note how the sales of Build-ing and Loon Association. Tory. ^ In Doverthe loans seldom If ever command apremlun,but at tha last meeting of iheKetrton Associa-tion $3,000 was Hid at a premlnm, of 16K pare u b , I t Beems yery odd that thsre shoold besuch a difference In the value gt mousy in twooommanlttee pot twentyjlre inllui apart.

• - • • • : •• • ' " ; ' • - V - - : • ' : , ;

Tba selection of Hon. John Keon, Jr., uOhairmon uf the New Jersey State RepublicanCommittee la a good one. He It a IlepubUcanto the ewe, and (iaggresaive,lii telligent, f orco.ful. P l ll th Olfltl Jleader,

all.the quallQcttttons the oonfldenw nf his party,

the interests ol Republicanism in Hew Jarovgn't to be safe In bis hands. Hel s Interestedto the Dover rolling mills,

V ' . . ' \ . . - • • • • , ; • • • . V -

TlteiinpIaawatcoudlUonoeaffalraexlitingbetween CoL W. M. Force, of Newark, and theBait Jersey Proprietors, as noticed elsewhere,Is not altogether surprising. For years thereproprietors, In this section, bavo been buntingand searching the titka of lands In this vicinity

i the hope of finding flaws or defect* thatwould enable them to omt the holders andtske possession. They have oren gone so Caru to erect shanties on properties and squaton them, and In at least one Instonea theyrentsnranurily ejected from the property who had a dearer title than they sup-

posed. The downfall of the whole concernwould not be mourned by many people in tbli•ertloiv

-That a Osh story nerer loses weight by circu-lation Is proren la tho caw of Hani. Decker1!big baas. In traveling from Lake Hopatooogit so Increased ID she that the Const, tutloual!smnoonees Its weight a t ten pounds sod four

ItIs y « y strug* that iofew pwplt

Tha n to whom tha Dew York TVgrli



Of TUE litox Ea*v:in.—ID making a retrwpecti vo view cf tlio

uast hkrLqry of thia plaoe, and ahw oita iirmtent condition aa an industrial center,with a view to tue future, I take pleasure Jupresenting tbe following;

In 1800 the number of dwelling house* InFort Orain was lu t a dozen, tbe Industries ofthe place were exclusively thuce pertaining totolnlug, anil only a tingle railroad track con-nected it with the ouUldo world. The miningproperties operated were tbe Iroadole, Orch-ard and Mt. Pleasant. These properties werethen in tha first stages of development;rich and easy of oi>oraUon because of theminaral being noor tho surface, and the treat

ind for Iron, together with the enormousprice of tlio product, made it the beet payingbusiness in tbe country for a few jcara.

But from this period to 1881 or 1B83, greatcbangoe wero brought about, Tbo TIIODIOBIron Company hod terminated ita leoue of tbeIrondala property, supjiouiug tbe outlet for

future was hiJpoloRS, aud tlie mlnidle for sotno time. Tlio Mt, PI.

ine had also seen lti best dajrs. It had gotbe much deeper, which with tho increase ofiter luada the machinery Inadequate, and

tue price of ore had declined. The OrchardalnD.kept slapping at Intervals, owing to tin

quality ot tho ore. Tims matters itoodat tho Uroo moutlonod, about ton years ago.

Our condition is muoh more encouragingnow, for under tha wiu and far-neelng iiiaiagemeutof Mr. Blerwirth ttie Iroadale prop-erty has boun uiaUo to yield tons of thousandi

tons of splendid ore. This has been acoom-jdiahed only by the exercise of a great deal of

on bis part, audavait outlay of moneyon the part of tbo company. He has altoerected a iww separating plant, hi utilila all

IBOU ores ou tbe property, and has madesther extensive and oostly improvements,looking to a long o-nttnuance of activeltlona,

The Orchard mine during these yoars baideveloped to a depth, of seven or eight

buudred tout, and lu ilse of vein and qualityore there bas been an improvement wuiob

i likely to bo lasting and productive.The lit . Pleasant mine during these years,

under the management and peraovaranoe. ofCapt Richards, has undergone a very materialchange, not only in development, uut in ma-chinery as welL No mine lu the Btate canboast of such mechanical appliances. Herewe have the locomotive doing active dutyevery day, without; a depth of

hundred feet, drawinjto the new slope iicars the ore that liH been'mlned below that

'el, out hauled up with the aid of a hojitingiglne by way ot ft deep slope. The enginesUio top are rery powerful and complete,

iut to doeorilw this mine In dotoU U) manban I can hope to do at this writing, BuOloe

It to say that a miner in the full aense of theword must bare directed this work;

Oar furnace, forgo, silk uillla and railroadixmhccUons, i s conjunction with our miningindustries, hive Inspired our people to renewedictlvity. Lots are taken up, houses are beingiiiUt at a rapid rate, and tho end Is not yeLThe project of converting the Knlghta olythlas Hall Into a tliree-etory building U ine hands ol the building committee, who are

low ready to report, and all tbo members are•equated to attend tba meoUnga and discuss;fae propriety of going On with.thll^worlt,rhDUMnds of doilors will be lnvoiyed and aaorttage will probably ba'tho roeult,

' • ; • : ' , ;:." . HARDS Orr. •.Port pram, K. J., Bept Mtb, 1801. •

of th« State Pair, will have huge-suldltloasthis year from the beet inunfactuWs in theocmntry.^The departments locludlps homeand domestic goods will be Interesting andInstructive to visitors. The display of fruits,flowers, grain and vegetables will be nnutuallywell represented tills season, both in tbe ui»,quantity and quality.. In fact, the display offruit at Wavorley for the last five or aU years

far aurpaued. any. other held on the Ai-lantlo B«a.board, The raUrouls-wilt sail ex-ounilon tickets to tbe fair groundi at reducedrates from all parts of the Slates, and a dayor two. spent on the groundi during tbe fair

rel; will prore to be time And money welliveated. One con see there, our oest hones

for driving and speed, tba choicest bred, neatbattle, sheep, twine and poultry, the beet andrarest products of tbe farm, garden andorchard, with all of the modern Improvedlai»rMvtngmscbinerync)wln\ue... -

, w in StoekaWsvy ."The Rockaway bicycle factory haa enough

orders ahoad to keep It humming with Indus-try for at least in year, and as tha annualproduct Is about 4,000 machines, it will beseen that their buftaeea Is in a. very fltmrlah-Ing condition. The Importanoa of this Indus-

y to Rookaway Is increasing rapidly, andthere-is every prospect of a bright future.Tbe-works now employ about 3SS men, and

isburae about to,«0 per moaUi In wages ' "The Union Foundry and Machine Sbops areaw engaged in building a rolling mill for therand Trunk, Railroad Company, which wille located at Montreal, Canada. This con-

cern has a eonilderable,trade with Canada,and upon oil tha machinery, tbsy ship there:tbsy have to par tie Canadian government aduty of thirty per cent The "market* ofthe world" are not as free as some of our

emocrats friends would hare us believe.

- St>att V otatoos.Mr. TTm. H, Castartlne hw rabed ujwn hla

>lara near tha Union School Bouse, this teaun,crop of two hundred bushels of potatoea

from a single aore of ground, and bos Mid themfor 60 oentj a bushel, realiohig $130 from on

of ground ami showing that Intelligentfarming pays. ThB tubers •>« of the "WhiteStar'.' variety, were planted ID hiUsani wereforUliowl wltb a. iaauutactured fertlllier, of

rhlcb he is the agent Mr. Coitorllne broughtto the ERA office lu t Saturday nine of thesepoUtoeo,;which weighed from \X to.lj^poundB each and filled a pefch measure. They

s a long, amooti potato, and ot the varyfinest table quality. We doubt If thU recordcan bo beaten In tie county. Goo. Minn, ofthis place, has raised this. teason from seedobtained of Mr. CotUsrllne potatoes, of thisvariety which have weighed over two pounds

..Tbe Old Conduotoxi to Beorganite.Some time ago,' on account of a strike reso-

lution adopted by the NaUoual Order ot Bail-way Conductors, a majority of tbo conductoreof tho M. & B Division withdrew from tt»national organisation with others, and or-gaalied a Divlston of ths Itulependont Orderof Railway Condaatan, which raiised- thelocal division ot the old order to go out. exist-anoe. Of late tbe memben who did not lealtbe aid organization, have been making aneffort to revive it, and a moating for that pur-pose will beheld in HobokononBDnday, fiOtb.Theyclalmi that a conildarable number of theconductors of thtorood have withdrawn fromthe Iodependont Order onl that It cannot is

The Victim of tho Lake. .Coronar Foncber on Priday hut viewed the

body of Oscar Mielke, theyoongro&nwhowaBdrotrusd In Loko Hopatcong on Labor Dayand decided that an Inqueatwas unneoeesaryIn his pocket waa a floe sold watch; bat he hodnn money frith him.' His remains were tokento WatMsstng, when they were buried withHaaonlo honors, A peculiarity ot the cose wastbat quite a number of people did not believeanybody bad been drowned until the body was

SdNot Leirol to W p P n l .

State BQperintendent of Schools. Chapman•ays that a school teacher baa no right towhip a scholar, and thai they a n llobla forusoolt and battery, u a Btate law prohibicorpora, punUhcaent, even though tttparehteg i n their consent, wbJoh they hav« no right

COMMON OOTJNOIL FB0OSSDINO&The September meeting of the Common

Counoll was held on Monday, evening. Prss--Mayor Dunham, Aldermen Pollard and

McDoTlt, and Coundunen Heddon, Wtloox,Bun- and Spongier. The minutes of twoprevious meetings were read and approved.

J i u t t Brannln and George KcCracken re-unted permlaalon to trim tree* In front ofiolr plaoDS af reatldenae and tha request of

each wns granted.

M^nhfil Hagan's report for August, show-Ing seventeen arrests and fines imposed to themount of $83, was read and accepted.Tha report of Polioe Justice Gage showing

Iue» impowd to the amount of *S8, of which ,88 had boon collected, and accompanied by

chock for tho latter amount, was received andmoney ordered covered into the Treasury,The report of Police Justice Williams, ihow-1K Ones Imposed to the amount of VZ8, ofhich $25 had been paid, and won accom-

panied by the cash, took the some ooune.Upon requnt of Justice Williams a fine of

13 imposed ou Thoo. Harrison was remitted.A petition from B. Fltsherbert, counsel for

E. H. Budlue, was nad, etaling that tbe soldRudino in poddllug papers did not know tbat

ras violating any law, as others bad donethe same far years without molettation, andasking that the fine of *20 imposed upon byJustice Gage be remitted. Upon motion the

, % : ; BA0BBALL. , -On Baturtaylset the Mulligan Gaardu andit. fleaiant teams pl&yect thoir second gameths Beaeon, en tue' Mt rieasant grounds.

ames, formerly of t& Guards, wailn the boxhla old d Uf > f d Udl

seraral of their men bdogjiurt in various ways.Toe game, though* tJfb spore, was very ex-citing, tbe Gusjds winning by ibis score i; 'Uulligan QumlsV....:. 1 1 8 0 3,2 0 4 3-17ML tfeawnt..,.,.,.... 8 0 1 8 0 0 1 0 0 - 8

Umpires, Williams and Daley, Struck oat,t>y James, 0; by Kottrlck, U,' In the Uoekaway Raooril of last week, I we:ha editor has it that ; the llockaw.y clubpliyed .at Port pram on labor Day anddefeat*! t ie Port Oram club, by • score of IStofl." Is tbe Reoord BO poor as not to afford •repprter to the same, or does it take someone's word for their, newsl.. Tbe fact Is tbettocfcaway dub did not play at Fort Oram,

did Uiey*p.oy with tho Port Oram tesmi-ne Will give this alleged .newspaper tbee Information free ot ohar£e. It was thePleasant team they played and. on Mt,

Pleasant grounds. It seems the bail thatNale baa In bis ponesdon keeps working uponhim, hence his mistakes.

One word to the ML Hope correspondent*>f ths Record: The first one who endeavors

show his knowlsdgs of tha game says, " theValley Eotes won by a score ot a to fi, it falrljdecided, but of oourso we oonldn't expectnothtog elaefrom the Fort Own ktoken^aithey bad tbe umpire bought." How, pray,whodid.tbo Hoklngl Who was wilting topmoeed with tha game and avannad the Rostascored djc runs, who bad another inning to tiethem? You show your Ignorance, by aO'onstog UmplreHawkeoIbaingbought. If so,be did tot boast of bis unfair decLdotu, ai

ou would say, as your own umpire did. Yonty have known1 something about the rules,

ten or twenty yeah, "go, bat now shouldstudy them up before giving yoiinelf away.To the second we would say.'betblnk youraeltif what won the flnt game for ML Hope.SOU the Record Is kept alive by printing such.

i > Pirn PLAY,Tba Uorriatown Athletic* went down to

grange hut Saturday' afternoon 'and lockedhorns with the crack Athletic team of tbatcity. O-.-cr BW spectators were present, inciadbg many ladle*, and tbe game was avery close and exciting one. When tho Jtor-rli county .champions went to the bat for theirhalf of the last innlog they needed a run towin, and Shannon settled It b> driving a ballclean over the left field, fence, upon which hamade a home run. Day pitched fortbeUor-rietoWna and Gilroy for the Orange dub. Tbes c o r e i • ; . : . •' , • •

raugeA-C.....O 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1-3[orriatownA.C.S 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1—1TJift-Hadfjoc AthleUo AsaoolaUon'a nine

went to Hoatclalr hut Saturday afternoonand played the Wcmtelalf Club AthloUo A»-soclaUon's nine on the Valley road ground*.The MoatcUlrs won by a soore* of 6 to 2, :*

A petition cf tha Dover Beef Oo. tad rest-dente aikel Uat the rood way on Dickarsonstreet, oo the aoutb side of tbe D., L. £ W. R.

tracks, bo accepted froca Ifoiris strest toand Including the property of Tbos, OTfefland worked a*ona ot Uu streets of the fanro,

'a* resolved that the communication beaccepted and that the Ordinance CommltUeprepare an ordinance on said street ta andDeluding the property af John Vcnuer. .

A communication waa received from ChiefEngineer Lambert approving the election ofPhilip Blundoll as * member of Olty of Do-ver Euglni Co., HO. 1, which m i accept*!and action confirmed.

Bills as f ollona were ordered paid; EugeneL Coopor, 111.50 4 Pay roll for August »7UT.«J

aud 110.87; B . C. New kirk, (11,10 j William 'King, $10 ; Dover Printing Co., SS0.95 ( J. J.Vreeland, KIM; Dover Water Co., 1008.05;C. S. Gage, 131.60; The Oeo. Richards Co.,CS5.18 and (3.CQ; D, C. Uoyt, f80; Wm. H.Brram, f3; Jan. Hagan, |60; Jas. H. Weigb-our, 110.53; p. j . Corcoran ft Co.. 167,80;

a Benjamin, 110.00.Under.Binpeitfikin of rules Wm; W, Sickles

ras heard ia reference to work on Park Ave.Over a year ago ho had, in oompllanoa with a,notice, set his curbing to grade, but the street

front of the same bad not been worked andu lu bad condition/ He would re*et hi*

curbing, if necessary, providing they wouldOx,that end or the street Tbe matter WMreferred to the Street OommitUe with power/and witb Instructions to act Immediately..

Mayor Dunham said a party iiad caUnd tosee him regarding the license of a merry-go- ,round. They would probably stay la towntwo weeks. I t was moved and carried thathey pay a Uctwue ot two dollars per day.'

ItoHpeatiEg a hydrant broken on BlackweUstreet by a runaway toam id waa resolvedthat tbe Mayor appoint a special committeeto Investigate tbe mattor and report at nextmeeting. Huear*. Spanglar and Wiloox wtra :appointed such committee. ' ' ••• '••

A supplemetit to the ordinance rtlaUng to ,hawkers and peddlers and a supplement to tbe .ordinance concerning Tloe *od, Immoralitywere both pasaed and are publbbsd slMwhera.

The 8(awtbComtnIttm r*port*i tt»y hwlgiven a contract tot tba utensJon of the Sod-'''.orsr ditch to George C^ystaL- In construct-ing the nme be found the flow of water sogreat that he hsd to build a dam to turn 16off. He has built 858 fett of ditch, and in <that swampy land liere is water saooih to;:nil the nuns without t ie How, from above,'whlob, U turned in the dltcn woold fill It with 'sand. They will either h*TC to turn-the -w«Ur.over on other lands, or build • daep

i o o 5 t t i ^ r^r^jI^-^.'&~

A St&rtli&K Annonnoemflnt.A friend bands the BOA. the following, ss

particularly good, and it Is: A story Is toldof a young city1 merchant who lived In tbesuburbs. His wife was taking an active partin decorating the church and told him onemorning that he mtut, as soon as be reachedthe city, send her outan evergreen motto fromthe florist, to hang on the church wall. Bnewould telegraph to him the sin) at soon as shegot down to the church, and could measure thowall She would also send him the text ofBcriptura that the committee should decidenponasmcttappropiiata. He forgot all aboutthe oomminlon of course, and was considerablystartled about noon, by receiving tbe follow-ing telegram over bis wife's name: -'Untous a child Is born, unto na a son is given, M>feet long by two feet wide." "• ; :

Kow Try Thla. ;.It will coot you nothing and will surely

you good, If you have R Congo, Cold, or strouble with Throat, Chest or Lungm. Dr_King's Hew Discovery for Consumption,Coughs and Coldj is guaranteed to giro relief,or money irlU bo paid back. Sufferers fromLa Grippe found it just the thing and underita DflO had • speedy and perfect recoverr.Try a sample bottle at our expanse and learnfor yourself just bow ecod a thing It Is. Trialbottles free at Robert KUlgon's Drug Btore.Dover, Omm, Hanoe Si Co1! Drug Store, PortOram, and F. N. JenUni1 Drag Store, Chester,Large stsa, 60c, and |1.0l\

The SlorUU Steam *Tor Ulnitratel drcnlart send to Frad.teDhsnt, Gwman V*tlav. N. J.

x&mv»a YUituur Oarda,ttIBai

a ^ wthey should do. 71* matUr was rsfemdtothe StmtCammltt* with power..'.: ., \ \ -

Tbe matter ot thorn who bad not compiledwith nottow to lay flag walk, oo Hudson;.'G ttndTJnku streeU WM dlacasMd, MMI ;'

i U U a t d i h U B *aid b* ord«nd to prnsun ..

and lay the sanwtn snah cases. ' :Mr. Wilcox thought the people oo Morris

street should b» helped,out 'wlib their, Ud*-wslln, and that tio<» i»ho hod not oomplW .with the ordinance should be made lu pottheu-wsJtalnotmdlUon. • •' V - : v . , y "

It wai resolved ttoat an orduwooa be pn* -pared to roquln Uw Oagglng of U» sldewalka ,;.-

both rid« of Mor^Htroet,' to Park'Aye. :

The sewer question came';up,and was 'dls-y"Mr. WUoox stated ihat Beoonlsr.'-

Smlth hsd Informed him that the town had noright to run all their water In Uw railroadpond, - A motion to lay the matter on tbaUbleUUtbeueitmoeUDgwMloslbya voU "or 8 to 4. ItwutlioorosolvedthattbeBpwklcommittee on sewer confer with the railroadcompany respecting the proposed sewer'on.',Morris rtreet, vhdt other places where sowers) '

hi use and report a plan at tbe n u t meet-.<;

i n g . y ' - .- - : '-. . ; . . . - • • • . ' . - • ' • . : "

The Clerk reported tbat L. Lehmaa A Co.hod withdrawn their apnlication for • whole*sale liquor lloeuie. • .' ^ / ; ^ , ' "., ,•

It was resolved tbat a grade bo established ,and map made of Central Ave., from theturnpike to Bunex street; also the uune from ;Pequannoo street; and that aa ordinance beprepared accepting that portion of-Central;,Aye.fromBequannoc streettoBusseistreet.-,;

Stranjre Death, at jtorri*wira.|;;>-;.. The body of an unknown man was found

about OoVilocklartSunday monUng,.withWi\iarau hoBghig over A a fence, at the corner c«.:£Hill street and Franklin plow, MorristowsV.";with the blood pouring from, hla month «•»::'•

' ld M h h U ' l l ^saw the man approach the fence, but tkougktv >r Vhe was merely rerttog himself., Ottdosescro- T.ytiny ho saw the man was suffering from •;/: -i;hemorrhaga and went to oil aMlitane*. Mr. ; -Marsh found Urn too weakened to answer hi* ;•';,quesUonStSDdcalleduelp; Boforaaphysfclaa'' r-.could reach tho spot life was extinct. Tbe man • ,•was probably thirty-flva years old. Hisfeature! give no ' evidence of pulmonarytrouble. He was B feet 0 inobet tall. He had . y,Ilght-hlueorhaMl eyes, bUck hair and mus-y.tacbe. On hb right forearm Is an imprint ot "a Email anchor la blue ink. The body wai~; -'•taken charge of by Coroner Haghsoo, and ;althinigh visited by a creafr many people ooMonday ana Tuesday oone were able to idea-;:tify iL" Nothing was found upon his person ythat would in any way lead to hlii idetititlca-'a .Uon. In Us pockets wore a razor and a small ;'porte containing 70«nt»- On tie man's foto* 'bead, about an Inch above Uie right eye. Is asmall dlamood-sbaped scar. His haads wars);well fomwdand the palms were soft, showing "tbrthebaddoiwnomanuallaborrecantly.y II ' . ' ,Is thought he might have been * printer. * ;;;,;

A Bandar Wl«ht Bow. T - \- - . ..:Thomas Kelley, who ke«pi a plaip* near S t :

Mary's Church, caused the arrest by• MarahalHagan on Tweday of Barney Cexr and Jal. 'Sbdsn, of Mine Hill. Edley OompUlra t ia l :on Bunday sight theae two young men C U Mto his place and wanted somemortbeer. Theboja saystbey bad been there belore and"camebaefc for fivo more beeri"; In some -1

way a row began, In which Kelley struck Can-over the hoad with a bottle, Kolloj.saTBthedefendants then went ontalds, when they .found two boxes of empty beer bottles, withwhich they pelted tha house and. broke tha :windows. Carr-and Boden'dsny that theywen the ones who threw the bottles. Joatioo- yWilliams required them toflndballlnthanun :of $200 each to answer to tha Grand Jury;which they furnished. Kelley has no license -,to keep a saloon or sell beer, so we a n in- ;formed, and it is sold that the parent* of the;;'boys will endeavor to break lip this and twoother places In that neighborhood Is >•lleged b«er is sold Indhjcrlmlnately .to any- :body, on Bunday as well as other days. AndIt ii high time that somebody took hold of UMnatter. On Sundays drunken men a n ft*.;quently seen reeling from that direction,.and ,If there Is any law In Harris county to stopi -•uch open lanlessaen it ought to be put in :.operation., A little ftttntion paid to thislocality might proVe u imieQctal to puhlla:.:morals aa some other methods of Umperaass^ ;

S^feM^^SB^SjaSj^S^^^i^L?^ ' •«'•:• '-::. . '1 ]

Page 2: xxxxxxxxxxxxx* · xxxxxxxxxxxxx* OUR RflTESON Tft E * BASIS * ARE THE CHEAPEST. **XXXXXXXXXXXX* DOVER, MORRIS

THE ERA.The Dover Printing Company

Frldny.Sept, 18,1891.



Tbe old and venerated eburoh of the ltocka-way Pnubyteriau congregation, after baviugbseu flh^od a couple of montbti for a coiujUGtj

renovation Bjidnxieooratlou,w«i*oi«uH<loEttiitu puWio worship au Sunday morning lustand the hearts uf the people were Indeed re-joined at tho beautiful changes that bad been•wrought.

Tbe ilecArations of walla anilwrought by Mr. W. T. CngtiUn, otown, are artistic In tbe highest noneof tbe pulpit Ii a very pretty conceit of thoartist, reprwsonting drapery, apjiartnlmipportal by inarblelaxi columns. The fiwork, heavy banning curtains and foldingdrapery at tba tup are all very natural, aswell as original and tasteful. Over allgraceful scroll tearing tliu words, "Wornblptho Lord in the beauty uf HuUness." Tliobody ol tbe null in a reddish ilrab in ouland the roliuf dodgus aiv uf gold, old bluidrabs, etu., anil all tbt borders are of rich andexquisite designs. The neuter piece is veryeffective. It is fourteen foot iti diameter, per-feet In shading, and present* a (hie cove elloct.AU Is douo In oil colors and (he blending pro-ducoa n soiiBo (if harmony that In twtter foltthan described. Tbe pews and gallery frontare painted white, and the lvliolo 1M llgbt aiitl

. beautiful without Lefng obtrusive. Tho seat,have been newiy cushioned and wltb new carpet on tbe pulpit iilattunn tlio wholu intorioilooks warm and inviting,

BUI1 further eiibaticiuit tha genera] effectare new wfmioBi uf ituiued eutbedra! glum,of ebast* deatgii, coloring tbe light nf the In-terior so us to bring out utones of the decorative work. Tho soveitrustees nf tho church—Mowirs. II. HoaRlund,Sr., K. D. Hnhtey, John Norriii, Chas. C. Dc-ttart, Kiwi. II. lloacb, J . Wripjht Bui [I

, H. D. Tiittlo—wirii gave a window, and Liraeighth, which will Iw nil II muni riaburato aiu!ei|Knislvo, Js given by Altwun. B. K. aud G.AV. Stickle as a memorial to their motlior,lately deixioscd. It will bu located near thoplace wliere she was accustomed to alt, audwill bear her name,

The total cost of the work was about |1,HW.The Ladles' Hewing Society gave tbe cushionseuid raiwd tbe money necessary for tho lin-

1 provciutnta lundo, except tlio cost of. tho' wludoni.

The church won completely filled itt Uioiwulug Bervkfi, HUJ tliu ]mnU>r, Ilev. C T.AlidonsoD, profon*! bis sermon with tliremarks;

Wo liavo entowd this bouse this morning• with more than ordinary luLorwt. Two

months ago we vacated it that needed repairsmight be mode. The ordor end dignity ofpublic worship have been maintained in thelecture room. But ft wns not the accustomedplaoo, and we were always lookiDg for wardto re-entarios; tbe eburoh. We realize thatour church is not a stately and imposing edl.Dee. We know that it docs not compare with

. many more modern nouses ot worship, Hutit ii our church, Imilt by our fathers withtoil and self denial, hallowed ly tholr jireft-ence, tbelr silicon) worship, ami their iiluidevotion. It is our cburcb w'UB have experienced the forgliand the bopc of wJvnlion. It Is our churchwhere we havo been accustomed to worshipanil where we rofore

' love it and are glad that, it Is onco more openfor service. We loved it before we vacated it.We love It still more to-day. We havo alsocome to-day with interest In the repaint Thointerest deepens Into thanlttulniws and joytout we are all here, and that go much baabeen done to beautify the bouse ol Uod andminister to tbo spirit of devotion. Tbo wallsand wood work have been refrescood andpainted In brighter and warmer tints, but tbe

- artlrt has mUdued aud Imnnonlwd the wholowith pleasing effect Tho old windows havobeen replaced by windows of Btaiued trans-luctnit glass, moat agreeably softening thelight, lie eeaU have been newly cushionedthroughout. Tbepolpltplntformwi'ltieoDdgallery have been rocarpeted. The pulpit hagbeen refurahbed. The sloves have been re-moved. A now heater has been placed In thecellar, But tbe interest In these repairs liawakened and deepened not so much becauseof beaut; of form and oulur im-nimnllng us•or because of utility and comfort, but be-cause of the piety and devotion of which allthis Is the manifestation. In tho work whichhas been done tbe whole congregation baa hada ehore, responding cheerfully and generouslyto the solicitation of tha committee of ladleswhich connived and eugguted the improve-ment*. The cushioning and heating of thechurch in particular ia t manifestation of thefaith and perMverance and unwavering devo-tion of tha LftdiW Bodety. Tbe pulpit fur-niture aud the communion table with chairslithe generous gift of the Kings' Daughters.The new windows will ever declare Jo bright-E»t colors the official and individual interestand teal for the house of God which cbarao-terlies tin Trustees. Upon the deck lies abnnutiiQl hymn book tha gift ol tho Y, P. S,0. E. •While here and there we discoveripedol evidences of Individual generosity, BOthat we feel to-day that our boautiful sur-roundings are but tha apprnnriateadomraent,the proper setthig o[ N pious, liberal, conw-crated spirit, animating tha coDgrcnatJou.

Our interest Is still further awakened by UIBfact that the idea ot this improvement origin-ated spontaneously In the heart of tbo people.They were not urged to it by tho pastor. Ihave been during my ministry pastor of twodifferent Idndaof churches. One In which t iepastor nai been obliged to pretty largelymanage both tbe spiritual and temporal affairsof the church. The other In which there woromen and women of intelligence and thought-fulness who were fully capable of lookingafter the temporalities and who always refuseto allow the pastor to be burdened with any-thing more than his proper spiritual duties.ImuchprcferUielatterkinl '

I have no doubt that the temporal!tie* of(he church of Rockaway would be properlycared for If It hod no pastor. .

To tbo older members of this congregationand to those who are familiar with the historyof the ennren of, Rockaway this occasion willfee still farther interesting as they contrast In

POET MORBIS.The shaft that runs through adrutu iu plane

bouse No, 1 west at this place brnku but Sat-urday i>. H. Tlio level awn tilled with omptioaU and it WHS miaorwJ Uint it HOI:a weak buforo tbo rejiairs could but-oii

Sunday i\ ll thoy had the matmunliig order ugalu aud were pasting Luul

Tbo story tbat the L. V. Itailrund Co.going to lay a railroad track iu tho l«d ufeaiial is abuut as uu«, 1 guess, us ihe otlintury K">»g t l l e rounds nf tbe press tliai1)., L. & W. folks ore IUUIUUB to [*v 4*Ufor ll.Ttxaml'n IHIDIKI, when it is iwll ktittlmt Uiny LIIU (jot lauil enough for dopiit iHwiU'h room without paying iw much. 'L. V. pooplu might lay rails ou tbe townbut how are they going tu manage alxiutchange bridges, Ute locks and plane* I

On Monday *. H. 14th imrt. J. Raml Kiwid kU wife, Mrs. Tb«>dore F. KingdauifbUir, uf Dreluwville, and two yciluilw who worn vUitlugat Mr. KDiit's,Win. Martin Kt-.nt, a young; man of -4, *out In a Mill boat for a skim over tbe bliwaters uf Lako Hopatcong. There was abreeio on tho lake when thoy wore conback (between T'J and I o'clock) aud their beupset within 100 yards or no of tbo *

Back The oMnim cllmhed nn tha boat but ymiiKeut. who was au expert s^lmmor, etarU

for tbe t.horo sn as t« got .\ rovto rescue the othors. Hofcot within al)yards of the sbnro whmi h« throw up his hnodi

it under and was drowued. It wan soimitaftdr!) P.M. when tbej recovered tbebod1

Wm. UUu:k cl&itnBto hava found It by graililiuff for It. This is said to liavo been tlfourth time thut same boat has upset, atthis Is iht third purwin wbo bus been dmwm" iv tba ujisuiUu , It win int>jM>rt*d here tbi'lioudure King WHS among tho ]M*scnRC!lit ho was at Drokoovillo. Tho othorsapod with a pretty gnnd wetting. '.

bereaved parents have tbe sympathy ofenimunlty.'Xlie Htanliopo Gitizons Rand nrlvortifi

jranii lialoiuy cotirert next Saturdaymorrow) evening at the residence ot R."alunUno of thai town.

Tbe EnworUt I^Kiie of thin tnnrn addi1-10,70 Iu void cuh U> tbelr Tnyuniry an a r

lit of their eutertaiauieut on Tburwlay ilaat week. I suggest thej roiteat it at au earday with a tllght change In tbe program.

The Uaflroad UIDJIIOVM Is out us a 13 tw,paper iLis month, lidltar Chu)((u deaeigreat credit for bis grit, to say nothing of

vividly all the B«*l editing and roako HI*. The i»j>er'lieaji at Ml cents a year and VVCIT roilin)ilnyoo Blinulit 1m a miliMTitKir.Tim Mr. IDuiirhnnl, whi> diwl iirarTl™

ii Tuowlay, waa tha father of Mm. FrankMow, of Allentown. He was HI yonrsoldjoliitxl tho Itocknway cliurcti 4'2 yoarn iHow much ho hail w n of the growth of tl

lie saw ft lieggliiR for mutioy atpur cent and ha saw fcteurotary Foslur goltliall tha mnnny be asked for ut2]wrcent. Ituot Ulioly tic could mmomber much of tho i»fl8l2, Kwiiiig ho wan born In IHIO, butcould tell some stories of tbo wur of 1K0bave no doubt, before ho was callod tofathurH.

Yflime; Mr. Neighbour, ol your town,bora on Wulnenday.

Tho Hummer gtiont, on well nn the Bummgirl, linn gono Into Winter qunrtors, aud smr lnrco hfitul will lm oa a cniletasl-ofore'(iiiiiiiior IMNUIIH rnnin tt rocelvo good•xcullunt wnt^r, ^KHI milk mid butter,

renewed enorgy In uxchauife for Illtliy lucre"io mnminou of unrlBhtixiuamwB, tnaybe.

How about tlio church membor, now, namis ae BtralgUt as a mm road and bellov

that when tho Jiord fors&re him liis singlucludod bis drinking hatilto with the rest,when ho repented La pmywl that he mightforgiven nil hlHBlnianil tlinttooand wlodtnot think it necessary to provtf toworld by his own example that tha Lorddoes things T A good many of the gentlenxwho B io* r ot the church member because IIIOOB not do tholr bidding might do woitbltigH thnii join tbo army uf the Lord. Otthey lielutig to tho nnuy already might II

rcb where muiy of profit in vacating tlio ldRheet uuata Insynngogua and uiinglo with tho rank and

nee.Ned. Wills, eon of ths late J. Bewanl Wilh

went to MorristowD to school on Wednosda]morning. Ned Is a bright, intelligent bo; nmhe won't be left behind much.

John Bent has tbo frame up for bis mhouso at Btanhope.

William UrolT Is going to move to JoreojCity from Stanliope about the first of OctoberHe has a position wltli thogaj comiiOQy there

It is said the Fireman MoDtvIt is golug iIOVO back from Hackettstown.By tbo way, that Hackettstown scandal

they had In tho World last week has two eldosto i t TheotbersIdDlBthatpoilcamnaHuuertnever had any character to lose and thaiBeatty put up tlio job on fats wife in order Uput the odium of It on hsr and smirch hecharacter by uownpaper flrat. Any cowardljour could do that. And any man capable odoing that sort of thing dosarvee a dose owhite cops. I don't know any of tin partleexcept Hubert, anil he never bad any charac-ter to lose. Boitwon'tbarmhfmmucbeithervay.I am right glad to eee Kngluoer Crono aboul

again. He has boen quits sick. BOBS Da;used Io flro for him in the long ago. I reckoibe Is ooo of tho oldest engineers on tha road.

The Presbyterian Handay school of Stanlopo sent Hiss Ella O. Stackhouse, Mlso Nelih

Knight, MISB Auoa Cose, and John BUtellancA. B. Copa as delogatM to the Bussex CountBunday School Association, or convention,which mot at Sparta on Thursday of this

reek.The tnutoes of the Stanhope Fml>yterlai

Church net at the parsonage on Tueada;evening and authorized the repair comto bave the parsonage painted.

corrwtpnnieer of tb<

thought Unhr present indlnga with thecondition ol things In the paet Tbe fl rat churchtbat was buUt on this grand, 1U3 years ago,cost less thin it coat to refrweo these walls.It had no plastering or celling, no stoves orflre-plMw, and only plants laid on blocks /orseate. For sixty-two yean It contained noheating apparatus but the little foot rtoveawhich were brought and carried away everyBabbath. Thosa who are familiar with thehistory of the church will recall that tils firstbuilding waa, improved In 17W when It wasceiled and galleries put in. That In 1820 ablgstove was bought and set up in thecburcli, tinpipe running out of a window. The elderspassed a resolution that a stove be allowed, butdeclared in the resolution their fears that Itwould prove pernldous. The nature of thepuraJclousnen which was feared does not ap-pear in tbe record. It is probable tbat theelders feared that the people would becomeenervated and perhaps aleepy In swflce fromtbe warmth and comfort of a. stove. I t ts saidthat It did prove peralcftnis, often almost itnot quite smoking out ministers and people.

There are these stiU living .some of whommust be ben todaj.who wiU recollect thethe dedication of this present building, SeptOil), 1833, jurt «> y t*" ago last Bunday. Tbe—J—'—ol those present will recall the re-

DElfVlLLE.If any otto Item in tbo loat issue of the En

ileawd me more than another It was tbe onstating that there Is a movement on foot toriuniform system ot text books in our publlschools, If "D. J.," the talented cordent from l'ort Morris, Is the pioneermovement ho dwarves tha tbanks o( unto]numbers. I have long been of the oplnlafrom observation and experience that thlsystem would be of immonw value to thatlarge class of people who ara striving aculnsiodds to give tbelr children an education,

'mown pareiita with a large familym attending school, well supplied wl

books, whose occupation compelled themmove— perhaps but a short distance, butanother school district—whom an entinchange of books would be required wtaloh theparents were unable to procure for some time,thus throwing their children behind in their•kdleeu well as &sc«nccrtng the teachers,also believe It would be of great advantagetho teachers, as each new scholar whocamothe school would then have proper books andno trouble would be experienced In assigningthem to tholr proper claeeee, and no annoy-ance from borrowing books from otherpupUs,By all means let the measure be agitated to e

majority, pairs and Imtrovemanta In ISM,'whan tTilate

rorf was paton tho church and tbe galleriesaud pulpit wore lowered and this room WMreseated and the whole Inside waa frescoedand. painted at anezpetue of 15,000, a sumequal to lta entire first coat. And now It hasbent again renovated and doubtless looksmore attractive and Is really morecomfortable than when it was flrat erected.Thankful for the pott, hopeful for tie. future,we ore gathered here to-day. We bave en-Bagod In worship, let ui now seek Instruction.On the wall above the pulpit has bean paintedtbe words," Worship the Lord in tho beautyafholineM." I t i s a t e i toF Scripture foundin First Chronicle*, 18th chapter and 20thvena.

The pastor then spoke of his text as a por-tion of that Faalm which King David put Intothe hand ot Asapb, the chief singer, and hisbrethren, to be snog on tto special occasionwhen be brought the Ark from Obed Edotn,and lnangmmted with great poaip and cere-mony and festal rejoicing the public worshipof God In JertualeaL Tbe text suggested tbetovallnen of spiritual wonhtp, of which" the

: perceptible beaaty of the sanctuary worshiplabatat jpo, and this was the Uwnu the pas-tor elaborated in his sermon as a fitting onefor tli is'fxyi* frinn, - ' - " - • ' '

In tbe erenlng anothar tarrice of Jnteratwms faeM, at which Ifev. Dr. Halloway, ofDover, preached a very able MTUOA from theteat contained In the 17th ran of the 17th

'chapter of John.

successful termination.Mr. Leonard Brown'* surplus horse, which

was raffled for on Monday night at the Den-till* House, was won by Nathaniel Dfckenon.

Uessrs. D. U. & J. H. Righter hare the con-tnct for plumbing and heating the handsomecottage of Dr. F. W. Flaggoat Rockaway.

On Monday afternoon Charles, t ie young•on of Walter O. Freeman, n w two largeJirda In the act of devouringa fine pullot neorill father's barn and succeeded In frighteningthem away. A few mlnuta later G. flylvenFreeman, the noted rifle shot of Rockaway,who was hunting ground bogs near tha JDen-

aet«ry, i aw ths pair, one of which lit") yards away, and succeeded

In bringing hfm to earth with a well directedbulletin hii breast. It prored tobsabugeben hawk and measured 6 feet and 8 inchesfrom tip to tip.

The Hew Church League's committee on en-tertainment are working hard to make theirnext monthly meeting, at the house of E. D.Earls, on Friday night, Sept. EStb, a grand

.Among entries for Wavtrly Fair are tbe. iballian Doc Femble, by E . B. Combs, of l i t

'" Freedom, the road tnan Fanny by LotdaDavenport, of Now. Foundtant, and broodn u n with fool, by Frank Tiger, of Chester

Master Marvin Blckerson la attending theUorristown public school.

Eugene and Claud Miller spent Thursday oflartweekatLongwood Lake and succeededin capturing a fine string of basaof good aiie.

Ur. A. H. Begutna thinks he has a genninerelio of the revolution In Uw *hapB of a cannonball which was found on his farm one day last

It Is reported tbat ooa of our young men•hot dx grey squirrels on Monday last.' Iwonder If he UdoJu what an expensive day'sgunning It could be roada to him I

Will not tome of our influential aporUraentake the Initiatory iteps to form a fish andgame protective association In tills township fDon't delay, gentlemen, until there Is nogameto protect

Hiss Nellie Husk is seriously 111 at tbe homeof her uncle, W. H. Peer, of the DanvilleHouse.

W.B, Green is grinding apple* at thoratoof auo buibehs par day.

Frank DIcienon is buying up dder apples,which he intends to ship to aome port of NewYork State.

ML Tabor la fait becoming depopulatedmoat of the people leaving for their city homes.

Since tbe above wag written we have learnedthat tbe bird shot by Q. 8. Freeman, iuteadof a hawk, has proved to b» a bald etgls.Sjlren Is prowl of Us prtxe, which be nassent to a taxidermist to be mounted.

On Saturday, Sept. 10th, Ue Uncas boysexpect to cross b*t« with tbe Rociaway clubon t ie Denrilio grounds. Much talk haabeenIndulged In regarding tail gama and partisanfeelings run high. When Orok mseuQreekt b a oomes Uw tug of war and nodoubt a froodCms will be tha remit Tbe Uncat boy* havecertainly tried to have til thslr gunea thisseason deddedontbdrmerlti. MtytbetanMftfeling prevail between those rival dabs andmay tbo best team win. ;

Ladles'Balx ,Jiim BOUMT Halmaa baa opened * hair

dressing parlor next door to UM D M IUTSstart, Danr ,

E00NT0N.There was a very pretty woddlug iu

Presbyterian Church Tuureitay afterulast. Tbe contracting parlies were UiBAIIIUPI l'avia, our |M>jnilflr dnicKiht, aud billJulia itiguntoU Brown. Tho uliuruli, i "WILS lUlui with frleuihs, loottul very JIwltb dvcorsliuus uf buuiuc aud Hulduwhli'li fomied a Inuhgiuiiud near Qto \iMini whi'ii tto church tvoe darkoniMl, awulu-tricllglib, turuiil mi tliu cirwt wasl)],.ju.iuS. At 4:VA) u-clock tbe w«I(lli,B («rtult-rwi tbu chunh, »hiie llm Uraini of Wl

ttirong, uud told of the approach of the bapcouple. Thuy wereprocedod to tho ollnrtlio unlicrs. Mr. H. R. Jmnos, Mr. C. A. 1Camp, Sir. Harry Davis, son of the prooinam) a Ur. Davis of Oranco. Inline " 'fnllowidK «nm the inaiils of honor. HitLucy and IJEZIS Itnmn. HIBIITS uf the briwho wore attirwl In whIU). TheKor.TbiCArt«r oillflated, uslr.^ (ho E])Uoo|inl ,tnoDT. At tbe do** of which tbe couple leitjio church, while tlio nrjrun pealed fortMendlpssohn's march. Dr. E. F. Coojwr.cbureh orpanlst, prcsldod at tlie orsran InmnaL e*«illi'ril inniiuur. A reception itondorod the brMo and RToom at her futber'h'lue on AisshiuRtin street, after wbiolideimrtol on an fivonlnp train for an exlendiwwldlnjr trip. TTpon their return thoyoccupy tho {[roam's house on William it:Tbe hrltle wan dreaded in white nil It

urt train, trfturned with tullf, uml vaveil. Mr. R. H. Jninon actal m !x*t tnan.

JIIO and Ford wnro nt the opera bMonday nlgbl with tholr comnany and |uu unUirtaiuuiQut. Tbtt house was crowdsthere IH.IIIK bardly HUndljijr room. Justforo tho last act was plavtd it was announced,fiat tine ot the leadina lartifs had tteen taheucmldonly 111 and could not n))IR«r ntfain,the last act was run through without icbamctor of Efllo, Dr. Carpenter, who woiIn the audience, was called mid attendod *mlTorinp actress.

Ijist Hunilay Hocmed tolto an off dnriii«t of our Hixjiitou {HIHUH-K. nn thn» of

cburclicfl m m filial hv (iiitflldo [iruanhTlie Hoc Dr. Dannls, a Missionary to Syria,preachod in ths lVtwhvturian Uliurcli; tbcpastor of tbe Moatville oburch tilled thMathodist pulpit, and Ilev. A. A. KIQR. OPiterson, tlis lleformcd Limrcli. Mr. Kiwll] supply the above pulpit agalu ueil 8day.

Gur MetlimliHt fronds am prepnring for iHarvest Home" supper to bo [riven In tb<vituro room of tlie church to-morrow (Thurti

in c:oiil weather wlilnii hns liwn wltlii f«w tlay* jinHt, has about cleared outi

dly folks wlm hnva Iwoii minimerlng In o\niltlst. Tim dniuirLnrra (hlKwrah ImvoKvery lnrgo, but it utrikoH mo they mltMbutt ixirL uf tho ymr by kaving m early, iuot wultlng until tlio fOIIURU hoginti to turn

Great Ilarulng pAfltorn aro scattered alMtorra auuounciiig tlio fact that there willtha greatOKt unction sola itf bujldiiid lutdOklnhoina tills wnok Kutunlny that wu In

1 board of. Ptvo rido from Itoonhinplace of fioli), free lunch, brawi lutnd, g<Hjioakern, and I don't know whet all It dosay. But wbere Is Ohlalioum 1 I am askeWell, It's a Htrip of land Iwtwi-on DoontonMontvillo, »u tho lino of Um rdlrond, wher1I>IH bavu Iweti lnid out anil muiifl dmen ninoitt luiueofl already built, and now thoy wanb> liulld mnro mid got a little tstUuiiwnfthulr own, no tbo owuor of tho iimiwi-tjliiiHtliufi around, mid munns Ui Mil IfoucHou Bale will doit.

Ur. and Um. Earl Qre<mnmn, who bbeeu upending the suininur in Eurono, milon Friday last and nra DX|>eatcd Lomelatter part of this week.

Mr. W. IV. Hlddle has sold two lots (rhundred foot front) oa William street,Mr, Vaiidoruofr, who will build a house inear future. The property odjolus Mr, WBeers' notv residence.

Mre. J. AldDti Geylord has a frieud vlsltlilierfroaiBvvltKorlainl, Mra. Oaylonl's nati'linno.

Tbo IIUUHQ of Ur. Lozlora in tho mrknearly roods for occuiunuy.

Thoro aro four jmtatoes In thostora wind<of 0. J. Hammond, taken from the farmWalter A. Young, near Lower Woiitvitlut weigh eight pounds and one ounce, tlargest weighing two pounds and a half. The;are flco looking potatoes, and differ from mostof the large ones, because they aro suiootb,and look like one potato, without the appeor-auoe of half a down littlo fallows nttakiog tothe large ooo, like some I hava seen.

Mr. Frank Cook, of Orange, Is clerking :Samuel Vavii' drug store during Ur, £«vlabsence.

A bard rubber factory for Bwutuu- s»imtobeasctUedfact from what I can loom,aUhoughlcaunotasyetgivaltauthoritatlvely.Tba concern cornea from Mew York city anaUr.FmnkBvorettsiBnttheho&doflt Iis aid they will occupy tho building know:-( the little nail factory building.

Tho young matt FellTer, who outorod „Interchangeable Tool Co'a stock houso a shoitime since, wu yeatorday sentenced to sixtdajB in tho county Jail, and the coloredttftMoan, who cooll? ntoknl un nomebod'gold watch and pawnod it, gats a sentencethree months.

George Galloway has moved hlsflshbualnosJto the basement of the cemout building, cor-ner and Main aud Mechanic Btreota,

Prof. D. V. Wood and familyhave returnedfrom Saratoga.

The Jlev. Mr. Watson, ot tbe Mt OliiBaptist Church, preached In the MotliodWChurch at this plaoo on lost Sunday evening,

The Rev. A. M. Sherman, of Morrletowo,ocoupled the pulpitof the Presbyterian Churohon last Sunday morning and delivered a verable discourse. There were no service* In thaichurch In tbe evening.

JJru. D. B. Fr&mboti returuod from Howlurgh-ou-tbe-IIudsoit, last week, after spend

\UK several doyn there and at Warwick.Air. Ueo. Crater, of Denver, Col., did m

leave Flanders until Saturday, although"lUoded leaving inuub earlier in tbe week.

Tbe trunk, conducting the water to MessmDorland & Carlson's grist in 111, has been com-pleted and the water was turned In on Tues-day, Thorn have boen several Improvementsmade on that property recently. The work ofbuilding new Hood gates was greatly hinderedby the heavy rains this season, which washedout so mucn of tbq work, but they too afinished and the whirr of the machinery willnow doubtless be heard all day and Into tbe

Mrs, John Doering has returned from Sparta,where she has been spending a few weeks.

Mr. and Mra. Fred. Dlckenon aud chilient a short time here this week.Ur. and Mrs. Frice, Mm. Thomas Sovereign

and Miss Grace Sovereign spent Sunday lastat Fottersville as tho guest* of Ur. Henry II.Sovereign and family.

A call has been extended to the Rev. BakerSmith, of Sparta, by theTresbyterian Churchof this place. It is expected that Ur. Stnltb

ill preach Iu the Presbyterian Cburcb onunilay nest and it may be that his decision'UI then be made known.If the readers of the ERA want to have

good time, an opportunity for it is offered by9 Girls' Mission Band of tho Presbyterianlurch at this place,. Anotlier social is to be

ield at tbo home of Ur. D. A. Nicholas on'edneoday evening, Sept. 23d. Proceeds for

the parsonage. There Is to be Ice cram,peaches and cake oa refreshment* and a novelfeature Is to be introduced with the nerving.

programme of inurfa Is to be rendered ande UEitu of the entire evening promises aaaoaut time, TbB girls a t the preliminary

meeting voted the content* of tbe treasuryFor a covering for the chapel floor.

Miss Qertnida Tfanrne Sovereign left lastweek for Newark to enter school there the14th. The family expect to move the latter

J of the month. lnooanrro.

KIDDLE VALLET.When there Is a plenteous supply of one

irtlcls then Is generally aBcarcity of another.Take lor Inatance the peaches and news(shipped) from this place dining the part fewwoeks. Nevartbulesa we hope as the poachCrop fades tho news will coma forth In fallbloom,

H. P. Dufford and wife spent Bunday lastbating with relatives at Washington, If, J,Ulaa Ullle Apgar has taken ths position ot

asslstontteacher in thoMilltown pnbho school.Dr. Farrow made a flying visit to TrentonEonday.UISMS Lulu Farrow and Ethel Trimmer

a few dayt last week voting with rela-[resi at Pleasant Qrave. . ••. <J. yt. Farrow, of Flanders, spent a fewaye ot last week In town,John P. Button and Cbaa. Ford have

changed stock, John getting the cow andCharlw getting the hone.

Who can explain when that peach basketraking match, so much talked of in the

' opera, between Burd and Ader came11 gome one pleaao enlighten as and

»U how Burd mtdeKmonrmonthaaAder,rbon the latter li and h u tbe title of Cham-Ion.-- Result of one day's work, Bard 505,dor tits, each working tame time.Ed. Trimmer was making farewell calls In

lennan Volley, He experts to return toiiiladelphU Sent, 19th, wb&n be will remain

a few days, when be will return to Tnntonsjid take a bnsiiMttooursa in that place. Bno-cea to yon, Ed. ; "

G. S. Dufford bas been oonQned to his homenth asflrare a.taok of 'asthma for ths pertrMk,bntbinowocuvalesceot •Many of oW townsmen attendod the Fleas-nt Grove fair Wednesday bu tUinas Ida Neighbour, Ann* Bwackhsmer1 Lulu Farrow, of this place, left for Trai-Monday, where they will each attend theta Modal BchooL • . '

a. Stepbenl & Oo*i "UzeaUor" Itcpandlour makes C M bltonib Try It,

A OrsTans andB. JSDSUW, Apart, Cawtsr, a . 4,

GERMAN VAIXEX".MranlMrs O.Latourette.of IVhltoIIoos

spent Saturday with tbelr daughter in towilira. Jjewis DufTord and Urs. Todd speti

TbunJay with friends at PottenvJHe.A procnurtlvQ uuchre party was held

Tliursduy (jvciiltig lit the home of Misses ItaiAbout eight vuuplu wero present and apliMuautevuning uiu tpeut. Mr. Yettwairs. Jauob W. Wilibt wero awarded firniHjuBiMlMlasKflle Naughrlgbt recdvBd

-joobj prim.Mr. aud lire. William Woodruff, of Ha

tttfitawn, npoat Suuilajat Mr. A. P. DowMrs. William DufTord and brother, Ilobei

Uiller, of Hartwlci. N. Y., *pont a few dllant woclt with relatives in Clinton.

Rev. \V. 8. Dolp and Nation Anthonyoipgate are attending; Synod at Saddle ItiviiU week.Th« Woman's Home and Forolpn Mieaione

Hocloty will convene tbU we«k, iwglnnlnRFriday and continuing over tiundav. Thecloty of tliig place hOH apaolnted Mrs. L.Bchwuboit to attoud as delegate. Conventic

rill IHI hold at Rarnspys.Mrs. Kieo mid Mrs. Htepboiw, accnmpanl

V tLelr gucyU, spent last Friday at I.okio(ta(cang.A very enjoyable evening was spent

iluut forty young people of tills place aMiddle Valley last Friday evening st thome of Mrs. ?,. li, Naugbright. Tiia paiwos gtwn in honor of Mm. Naugbrlgblnephews and uicoes boforo loaviug for sabc

Fifty peoplo from thtB plnco went withccurslon to Ulehl&nd Beach on WedncediQuite a mirobor of our cltlwns attended i

Harvest Home at Fulrnioitut on Wednwdajevuiiinjr.

Mr. and Mrs. Kloo aud company spentSatunlay at repack.

Rome of our town jwoplo nt ton tied Samfile fulr on Wednesday aud Thursday.Miss Corn Mottler is visiting friends

Uioomstuirg.Mr. ami Mrs. F. I). Stephens spent Tuosdaj

at Wellington.

STANHOPE.> man iu Stoubojte probably can to

about Iba hooks and croolra cf I>ako ITopatCOUK tuau Alfred Uuluies, of Ureat Joiicstreet, Boutb Btanhope. He waa reared atNortherly end of said lake. Ur. Hulraea <catch more trout out ol the streams runniugiuta tbo said Inks tlian any Ifving penthough over seventy years uf aRO. Notaiau;years ngo be caugbt botwoeu gJtty and aarent:lar«a ones In one 'lay. Probably David Conlno nnd lloi.'t Hlionw aro tho nuit 1

lintel nround mid liiko, or nny JUTSTIIHtbiH vicinity. Each furnish muck ueedfulformatinn tvlion callM upon to do no,

Tho young man Kant, lately, drownednlca Hujiatcoiig, wm wnll nnd favnrntj

known in thin place, as lie lived here a feyears ago. He tvasa young man of temperababite.

John Blnnchnrd, the father of Mrs. FroniMOBO, of "Sunny 8ldo,"al(»nBI«l(oMusconet

;, ditKl on Tiutoiny of this week. Iliit BHI ymiu Ho ennui to Mr. Maws'g fm

Brooklyn, N. Y., uunio time ago aud reniulithere till tlio tlmo of bis death.

At tho Uox[)eirem[)erouconieetlnglastsday afternoon Mra. Wni. lHuck related « cithnt hn])pciiorl int long ago, where a fatbiwnfiHo drunk at bts child's Imrinl that ho fiInto tlio grave nt Btiinlin|». Mrs. Imo of tho moHt rcllahlo ChrlxtlGiiH IIVIDRIbis fnuntiiuiilty ami what xhoBajM can 'lk-d ti]Hin.

The jwlltiral pot in Busses mi tbo Domocitlosido Is already at tbe dbulUtlou poiutsouid ouo will HOOU havo to stiifcr fri'Vieffucta tboreof.

No one BOOHU to get a pension around hoimy more.The rowdy olcnientof Btauhopeand vlcfnll

kept up their drunken brawl and gamblingday iflHt Hmiduy, Some uf UIBDI are vimuch eoared now, fearing thoy may get Itho dutches of the h v . Auicue

S T . ARLINGTON.Mr. William Btlll, of Dover, Is vinltl

uncle, Mr. Edgar Hoary.Mian Mlunle Jackson, ot New York, wl

has been visiting her paretits, Mr. and AltJohu Jackson, returued home this week.

A littlo stranger Loa taken up her abode itho residence of Mr. Charles Dobtn. A b<also mode his appearance at Mr. Jacob Bakeion Monday. Congratulations.

Hotel Urofllin closed UM doors on last M,day morning utter a very ploasant andoaHful sooHon.

Tbo Commop Council of the borough of MtArlington will hold a meeting on tbls-Frlda]—evening.

Ur. Clurles I i t t nud daughter are vfdtingitMr.DavidTrundy'B.Mr. E. P. Merritt and Hiss Bnyder, of Nt

York cit.y, niadoa visit to Alt. ArUagtonlaat Monday.

Mrs. Charlt-a lioll, of Landing, is vlilti:or mother, Mr*. Bmltb.i lr . C. A. Baker anil famUy, Mr. R.

Baker aud [atnlly, Ur. and Mrs. It. 8. HakMr. and Mrs. W. Byeraon aud Air. A. Wfleld spent last Sunday with MIM Addia"_!„ . »> ruint niauani,'L*ke Hopntoong.

Mr. Q. G. Green and family nave vacatoitheir onttage on Ut, Harry, and returned tWoodburj, H. J. RDBTIOATK.

Mra. Grochong, of Brookfield, Bpent thlw«k at S. Clark's.

Mm. Tfaeo. Slock bower, of Kew York, Is>r mother's, Mrs. Bowman.Mr. HoIIInsbod and Elder Younga (the del-

egates), attended the Presbytery at Bummlilast Tuesday.

A large number from this vicinity attendedtha funoral of Chas. Dickeraon, at Chatham,last Thursday, Interment at Mt. FreedoM. H. Cemetery.

Mm. Sylvester Clark, Mrs. H. T. BowmanMrs. Holllnshed and Mrs. Jeff. Youngs an

II the dok list this wook,Our pastor delivered a speech at the con-

vention hold at Sparta laat Thursday.Tho c-orrwpondont was rcqn«t«l by one

the B. B. C, to put the following among tbiitems: The M t Freedom B. B. 0. dofeatecthe Mendham B. B. 0. atMendham oa Saturday, Sept IStb, by tho score of 0 to 6. Th<feature of the game waa the battery workRooney ana Ayors, ot Uie ML Freedoms, 1Noble brothers of the Mendaams, and thecellont third base work of M, Jjewls. of thiMt Freedoms.

The Mt. Freedom B. B. O. is In trim t o . . .From all un-untformod teams in tbe vicinity.

Miss Laura Totten, of Middletown, N. toe guest of Mrs. Peter Tolten.


BUC0A8UNNA.Miss Jennie Ruuta spent Bunday with her

Bister, Miss Mamie Kush. 'Mr. Tbos. FltEherberthaa taken charge of

school at Bchoolev's Mountain..Mr. Oliver Marsh was in town Sunday,.Our Young People'! entertainment promisee

i bo a great success. Come one, come allMr. Fred. DeCatnp is upending a few day*i New York City. ^Matter Bertie Curl while playing on'the

mil ground was hit with a bat and hurt qnttabadly, but Is Improving. ' ' EUTX.

Mr. Beaumont, of Morristown, supplies UiPresbyterian pulpit during Dr.- Btoddard1

vacation.Dr. Wolfe and family have returned froi_

Lake Lupus, Conn., and are' now occupying;their cottage la Uib place.'

Mrs. Philip Corwinand eon, of Newark, amat Cherry farm. ' • :

An entertainment will be given in tha Fie*-'lyterian Church Tuesday evening, Sept 83d.Mary Jane" and "Lord Mortimer" will

entertain; also tbe "Peak Bisters.'' .Wacanpromise an enjoyable evening. Admission ten

* Of teen cento. ' -i . - ,

L1N00LM PAKK, 'MantioD ia mode In the last lame of tha BnAt

>y your Hill town correspondent, of the model>f machinery used at the Georgia mines, madepy Mr. Merton. W« have sevrralIraea and agree wltb the writer, tbat It woulde a good thing to exhibit at tbe World's Fair.Bup't Cooper gave our public school a visit

Friday morning. Thli nukes tha third Urnsiiir school b u been visited since the Ont, notby the Hup't only, but by others interested in»pupils.- • - • • ' • . . •

Mr. A. V; ZeliahM parted with a fine young;ilt, but has others left, just as promising,.Potatoes are turning out, corn being out,le weather fine, cabbage and other Fall cropsnod and our farmers happy. , .Every fine day. our flag nay be seen SoatUigithebreem ...-Tbe Union people gava up tbelr preachingirvice to accept tha Invitation extended to

o attend a prayer meeting after SundayJI a t tba Reformed Chapel. Remarks

w e made by Rev. Mr. Landrr and Bup'tooder, which wore both Intonating and in-

structive. I t was Ilvelr and spirited, and we" there's more to foliow.™ Utzwarox

ICOTTWATIW.The pubUoicbool commenced on Monday

ast with Mr. Thomaa Fitxhorbet, of Flocden,lor teacher. -

Sirs. J, W. Kostlce, accompanied by MastersUBsell Justice and.Percy Hoiking, spent

Junday wltb her father, Mr. Bamuel Bcadden.Uiss Anna Fraoe bu boen making her

needle Mrs. Idof Htut.'rMr. Charles Rollnwn spent Bunday-atboater. .We understand tbe DoHnoourt closed onueadaylart.Mr. James Banks tpoot Sunday at home."Wo are sorry to state that Miss Peggy Bow-

ian ia very sick.Mr. Extern Taylor b u so much Improved

'faecantakeadailvwalk. X I B X M .

. HOUSE TO LET.bouse of seven roums, la a good locattcn

Dovor. Aprfvto


FunmroiiE •> UFHOLSTEBEB,Aim DSAkiB n




OTexi io rank* <f OlarVa.)

Cttern reiuuiutus uuclaliueiIn tUe Paul OUIceat Dover, N

DOTEH, K. J., BepL 18th, 1891,Jeuuis Baldwin O. W, Butlar,Wins MllUe L. Canon, M A. Drake,MIBB Jane Ellis, • Mrs. J. L. U Lam __Frank Millor, Miss Jtoma MatlhowiPa t MoLaughlln, Frederick Howe,'Vm. Hloharde, Mrs. Carrie Smith.

To obtain in* of llie above letters say *'verUBid"*nd£lvedtteoftni*llBt.

DAVID 8. ALLEN,Aotini Fostmasl


terian parsonage, Budd's Lake, Sept. Stu,by IUvVjoboH. Hobodeld, John Kennybrook and Mies Pbobe Perry, all of MounlOlive township.

LOST.On Thursday, Sept. 10th, a SMALL HAM

SATCHEL, between the Hockaway Axe Feetory and Dover. Tha Under will be llberalljreworded by leaving the same nt mv factorjor bouse. WM. F. BR&UN,

42-lw ILockaway, N.

FOR SALE 0 B BENT.A residence In Rnckuwfty, which has been

street and contains vinven rail in, mm mera conveniencatf. Upon tho premises abarn, Ice bouBO,etc. Forpartlculaniapjjly4l-ivt J. J. PEER, Dover, N. J,



Post-Offioe Building,

, xi. U.H»vl»c rental tlio nuiraovorTulllo'. «lor».

In the uld nost-ulUw bulldlDK, am] compluthe nlUratlunfl, I am now prepared to doklndi of llnt-claiM l'Lotograiiliy, aud for•liortUmooiily will innks

Full-Sized Cabinet Pictures—FOR—

$1.25 Per DozChiMrons1 aud Babies1 Pictures a epedaltiN. B.-Open TUESDAYS and BATU.

DAYS only, until further notice.

A Supplement to an Ordinanentitled "An ordinance to prevent vice aImmorality, to preserve tlio public peaceand good order and for other purposes,"passed May 17th, 1S0U.

l'ABBP.u SEPT, 14th, IS!)]SKO, 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor,

corder, Aldsrmea and Common Oounclliof Dover, That section two of tho ordlnr__to which this is a supplement be and the sonii

... maintain within the limliDover a disorderly house or bouse of ill-famior hawk or peddle or traffic

gjujur, IHKIH, JIIULUI. , m _ . m . .

anr klnJ, or that may contain obscene,moral or indecent printed matter, lllnstnUoos or picture*, under a penalty of twentyfive dullare lor each otTence to be recereroifor tbe uso of the town.

HOHADX L. DuKQAit, Major.AtUstt-JoiM B, GrssoK, Clork.

A Supplement to an Ordinancentitled "An ordinance concerning llamato hawkers and peddlers," passed June 18tl

i 1$91.PASSED SKPT. 140), 1801,

BKC. 1. Bo It ordained by tho Mayor, Hcordor, Aldermen and Common Councllmiof Dover, That BeotkMt seven of the ordii

Seo. 7. No person shall hawk or peddls i-—•—•«' ' - irartfolesof anydeta

, of. Dover, or shall dnany peddlers' cart or wagon within aoid ki\without being lloansed as a hawker or ped-dler as herein provided under a penalty of notlees, than flva dollars or more than twentydollars for every offence; provided, however,that the provision* of this ordinance shall notapply to tho hawking and peddling of news-papers or periodicals,

BRO. a. And be It further ordained thatmuch cf all ordinances and parts of ordltianias may be inconsistent with or repugnant Ithis ordinance be and the same are berebrepealed. - -



SAYIN3S BANK. MonRisTowN. rr. j .


PresMtnt-HBNRT W. MILLER.Vios President—AUREL1TJ8 B. HULL.BeareUryannTresjarer—0.T.HULL. .

MANAGERS;Henry 0. Pitssy, Henry W. Millar,Angn.tas O. O»ofluid; -Anrellus II. Dall,Umptnn O Mar h. Philip D. Hoffman*

Chu. Y. Bwon, I t D. John 0. Uealtj,Pwl Bevcr*.

ASSETS. •Aptlt 1st, 1801 ....»l,U3465.O-

• . LIA.BIUTIES..Dae l)«posUors....fl,OM.tWI.01Kstiaated expomti ,..

and aoerned later- -''eet on depotltors'acooanUfromJio--Ut to April l i t , ,. 7.U0O0^ f j j • ; | i ran xii lit


Jnttrestls deolared and paid in J u a s r y toJalj 6f esau year rron the protlts of th* pitT1OBB six months Insloeu.• Depotlts msee on or before the Sd days o:Muary.AprlUulj' and October draw In tens:

fiosa the first dsya al said month (respectively.. . BAHK1NG IIOUltBi

0. JL K. to 4 P. H. dillj, uioept BMordiy, 6*t-ttiiltj* liomOi «. tola v. (noon) t~'

froin7toBp. x.


FRIDAY, Sept. 25th.

PAT & fHote Distinguishing Featurei!More |

•lways the

letter Sterling Specialties!

'reeentiog the laughaDle, soaring, screainliiK,. comloalplay, .u-'- •• •

'JEBElilfun with my Irish Relations 1

•AT.MALOHEtii Jeremiah MoKatnare,

'ou smite Wbem you see him 1

Ton hugh, when ho sings I • - .

'-' , Too roar when he'talks 1 " •.•;•.

'•.',j,.Vr T o u shoat when ha dances I ':•

'•-":•?'• J T o u applaud to see

AJ1MU5HI0N, - . - »and 85 cents.

V;- - -'- MusnU.KOW'JBM BALI AT ; ' , , :




18i70 " . . . .

TIDIES, 16i27 "




40a each.

60o. ••

20o. «

. „ . . .16o. "

80o. pair.

25o. each,


DOYLIES 13o. each.

JIATTS 25c, .«.

SOAHFS, 18i54 inches COo. «..'.'

0DSHI0N COVEKS ...- 4Oo.' "


Embroidered Flannels,- WHITE AND COLORED.






Children's School ShoesAT GEEATLY DEDUCED PEIOEa -;•'',/''

Child's Grain Tipped School Shoes,

8 to IOJ, reduced from $1.00 to 7 4 c '

Misses' Grain Tipped School Shoes,

H'to'Sf reduced from $1.16 to 95c.

Youths' A Calf Shoes, Laoe^aiid

Button, reduoed from $1.2o! to 97cE

Women's Oil Grain Button; Shoes,

reduced frcjmj $1.90 to-$l 6?; / i j i ;

All kinds of Boots, Shpes and pver-

shoes for Men, W omen and Children

for Fall and Winter wear at t ; ^ low-

est prioes for reliable goods. > '•• ;


'.'.' LOADED SHELLS. ; :f

P O W D E R ; i i i 5

SHOT PpUdHES, ; • :

.-•;• GAME BAGS, "-':-. ,/:J;-

'. .5^ | ; /^-H^NTING: 'COATS.Every thing for the sportsman: at low-

:-'/'.-[;\- • :.'• . ;est'Prices. . ; : ^ ' ' 'C( '

THE GEO. RICHARDS CO.;.;•; .v. • ? > , ' • " ; c : ! V ' - •

— A T -




Our styles, prices, assort

meiit and workiimnsbip

cannot 'be;beat.


i ' AND "WINTER •£$



DUNLAP, MILLER & YOUMAN BLOCKS; " " ; • - ••:•••:•••••• , V : ( N p w B E A D Y . )

M ^ ^ :

Iron Frame, Overstrung Bass, BeautifulnFidl-Tone,All Modern ImprovementSi Warranted; 10 Years,

two Bote of BeoilB, iwo•'•• ''-. wommted 10yeato,•••Bfi^.'ifi


Kemembcr we only malw



Ws.tch rnovoment* of all'tho Iwuiw Aarelgn.makera from onllnary to best qua

keepers, u31 In good rnnnlnp: o n or aad wamnremind my ctstomeri andQje pnbllo that 1 a

l b h l s my rtock in all i t J d e p a r t t e


Page 3: xxxxxxxxxxxxx* · xxxxxxxxxxxxx* OUR RflTESON Tft E * BASIS * ARE THE CHEAPEST. **XXXXXXXXXXXX* DOVER, MORRIS

THEFriday, Sept. 18,1891.

Entered at t U Port Offloe at Dover, N. J.u HWond-claos matter... . •

I J O O ft.T i


V Now !• the toe to trim the trees, before tbe' sap runs to the roota.

Itli 'sukt that the old Boonton paperwiUsOonresumeoperations. : •

J, J. Vnelaod haa the contract to bond"''Alex. Mott's new houta In Bockaway.X$". Hachettatown has W naw dynamo of 9,600

.candls power capadlj, oosttog 98,000.-.Tha HorrlB Countv W. 0. T. TJ. convention

; iriU be held at Chatham next Tuesday.-V .TbaWreceipU of the M t Oljre festival

A half-mile trotting track, with fcoso tailgrouikls Itulde, la toba bnllt at Usokettsto'

H. McK. Twombly, at Madison, is areadnghla lawns with tnuckbrougbtby railroad fromPeapaot -

Allle DeCeaip bos raised on ttie DunUpfarm this Summer 100 bogs from tut refusefood at Hotel Breslin.

JunttOttJon.aEocltawaytowEfhlp former,had hii face laoerated by the born of on ox bewas driving on Wednesday.

The late aeason at tit. Lake U excellentThe Park Housa Is filled and S3 guests wen

There will be a re-unlon sociable at theFirst H. EL Church at 7:B0 this evening,memhors and Mrade of the church m* invited.

The bunttugsBaaonapproachee, and baggagemaster* say that'they prefer to handle hun-ter's dogs ratiiw than the big trunksBummer travelers, -

v ' Tbi Obathoin school opened with 'fifteenmore scholars than It contained1 lost year,

' Walter Ultonel, of Whfppany, h u the oon-'.. tract for repairing the Diamond piper mill.

Tb» . Mitchell, o£ Hockaway, baa a cheesepumpkin that was raised, hurt year and la still

• a o a n d y ' . ' . , , " ;;•".• :••~ \ . , - . ' , ' • -

- Alodgoof the Junior Order of American' Itochanlca will be instituted at Stanhope.aadrUy. , . . ' . - ,"- . . -.

• Tba days and nlgbto Will bo of equal length• twit-Monday, and the equinoctial storm la

:envil haa bean od-' aurtea'and paid in full through!!, h. Bun-bsnVi agency./ ' ',-' ,. . ' ,* •,

-1 TbetruBteMof tbeDrakestownM.E.Cbureb

in a naw beater. . - :

.judge Kanousaj'dt Boonlon, raised a tomatool tbe "Henflonion'a 400^. variety, wutcb

T h e p r o i ^ f t o d e u n ,

'•', of Harrlsfemn, to'Bordoutown, has beeuin-

^:-,''' ReiiiBinl«r the great Rale of honm, wfigous,-? ^furniture, etc., ot tho Foreat Houao, Budd'a;"'. . lake , next Tgowtay,'1/^; . ".

McCouuel], tbo teuiperunce orator, is booked." for aeries of noting* at tV«htagtonvtobeghi

' Tbe excursion of tbe Bockaway aodettos toHlgbland Bench on Wodiicaday carried 40Tproplonnd nottod *1H.OO. ' ,

•V of thai First rresbylerioii Cliurdi, Morristown.will tie hold Out 11th and IStb. .. ; ]

". The noted Ofans, T. Ellia -will appear in his' faratws personation of " Caspar, the Yodler,"

In Baker Opera Houae, put, 6th. 't ' A train en tbe N. Y. Central Raliroad on

Mouday made tho rud from Now York toBufTaln^Sfi)^ miles, in liO minutes.

" - ; The 'mineral wool works at Stauhopo, al-•'. v thonsjb working two sots of bands,, night and,'. d*/, are unable to supply tbe demand.

Uozriay.morning's Lreakfast was the lost1 meal Mrved for the season at Hotel 'firesllu,

Tbur hail about 100 gueste over Butulay., ; A. correspondent of the Peterson Press says-.' \*lP«juanao''ia the original .and proper, way

1 of spelling what we new spoil Fequaonoa,Adam w u the first odd fellow, but when lie

- i took Ere into partnership bo ceased to be.of, the independent order.—TobkenGaiwttfl.

' -Marshal Hsgan more than earned his salary: during the month of August, the' Ones Imposed.'-..- on arraU made by him tunounUng to (80. '

';.* -JOB. Vail, employed by J,: Wesley BaranilB,; .wai kicked and severely hurt last Sunday

morning by a horse which ha waj grooming.*' - Tbe neld day gainBe ot thaMorrlrtown Y.

M. O. XV which were to have been bald Wed-nesday,' were postponed on accouut of the roll'

' Tbe fourth annual.'convention..of.1 theWortbernN.JiAasoQiaUonUniouEx-PrfionerBor War will be beld In Morrfstowti next 'Chim-day. Vv ; i l" '%^:-; ;^'^ '^ '

" . -Wblla digging taeweufor the.Hatncawanna-v Jnn,atBudd1iI*ko1 the workmen bare struck:'•; •otno v«T rich Iron ore at a dopth of seventeen

'.•; • OultB a number;ol KnighliofPytliiaifroin- thliTidnlty wehttoTlalnfleld Wednesday to, witiieM tha grand parade .ot loo uiilforiutx)

Atwo-vear-olddaughter of WUbnr Oollarf,of Lower Hontville, strayed away from homolast Sunday and after a search of hours w ufound In the mountains. -

Wilbur Card, while tearing down an. oldhouse la Wbfpptny, found three old coins—

e dated 1810, another 1630, and.ona fromwfaieb the date had been worn. <

There is aold to be a lively school war atHilton. Two dlttrlota buve been joined andtboy cannot agree on a place to build. They

iay not hava any school thia Winter.'The dirt 1B all on tha big dam a t Oak Ridge,

and they are now sodding it. They now pro-pose to extend tbe core fifty feet further latbe bank to increase the strength of tho dam.

Tha Bockaway Valley railroad ha* been*t*d to its full opacity during the peach

jieriod. They bad oue peach car off Uie trackind Uie oar Is there yet—too liuay to put Itock. . ' '•

Keep in mind the excellent peach and Icecream festival af Uie CathoIIu BenevolentLeglou In St. Mary's Hall Ui morrow evening.It wJH be OUB at tha duett (ilttuurs «

T a * r - ''.' •' • '• ' . • ; •

The Prohibition convention In tbfs place ounominated for Aawiublyineu A,of Mt, Olive, In the FJrst Uii-

trlot,. and D. H. Smith, of fioonton, In theSecond District. . ' ," . ' .'•' Oscar Smith Is daveioplng n Hnijuarry on Uie D., I* &: W. Una noor Olad-

HIO. ApKor's t|uarry,of flnered atone, Islulllue devoloitoieut, beiug two or throe

thousand feot from a traclh •' .;

The Ouanclal condiUon of Chatham town-ship Is bettor thin In many year*. There Is

ifllclont money on band to operate the entirest«iu of mails under the new roail Ian nlUi-

ttiit uuliiiig loauB and a baUiioe ou bawl. u a t t ) u l

ruj jilecea of property sold for taxos havemtcemed. '. .;

White House Lodge, I. O. 0. P., will con-[act an excursion, stopplug s ta l l itatioua onlie UigU Bridge Branch, to tbe interstate

r at Trentou on Thursday, Oct. 1st. Trainrea Rockaway at 0 and Doverat 0:03 A. i

Faro for tlie roiina trip" *2.W ; rbllilron *l.«i,which alao includes aduilislon to tha greatfair. Sooposters.' r • '• ': .. '

Wfl] J, KoComwil, a professional temper-ance revivalist, terminated a three weeks cam-paign. In Dover at a union meeting in tbePresbyterian Church on Bunday evening.When be came here be won favor by announc-ing that lu^ wort would be conducted on non-partUan principles, and being an earnest andbrilliant speaker his meetings were crowdedand his success so grant that something likesir hundred people are said to have signed thepledge, many of whom ware aooustanud tothenseoflliiuor. I t is also'believed that theveutura wai profitable to him la a financialsense- At s car shop meeting fST -wu raisedfor bun and a lady waa engaged last weak incollecting ITS for bun. Beside* there wethe collections at Uie meetings, making la ia very comfortable mm aa Uie result of btathree weeki' work. Be waa to go to FortOram un Monday evening tor an engagementof three nlgbbs. when it la said be hod beenguaranteed at itexb S10 a night

At a Httls after five o'clock on Mondayafternoon UcConnoll approrod et tlie L*ck-awanna depot In this place in a condition thatbore all tbo outward symptoms of grots intox-ication, and a little lat*r walked In a stagger-ing way along Blackwell street, attractingUie attention of a great many observers, untilhe was taken off Uie street and Into Mrs.Smith's restaurant. Around this place agreat many people collected, and speculationauto tbe man's condition ran hlsb. Many peo-ple were of the opinion that he wai drunk,but others Insisted that he bod taken an orer-doao of bromide or chloral to (toady Ills nertwhich hsd liaeb oporetrained ay filu work.

WblleUoCounell w u <mgsged In bla workrord came here trow a former resident of

Dover, who profeseed to know McConcell,that the town would be lucky If be got nway-trom It wlUioutgetUug drunk. •'clol travelerwboliappeuedalougfsame prediction, aaylng he tiad boon arrestedn number of tliuos lu Elmira, N. Y., fordrunkenness, Atonutline last week he wasaim In a condition Uiat led sonie to bellovethat he wai cither undBr the influence ofliquor . or. drugs. ^Most people kept Uiwethluga to thetoaclvea and hoiml be would get

it of town before an unfortunate dampershould ba put on Uie work be hod been doinghero. Thoou who c

learning of hla ©ondlilou say they found bot-tles which bad . contained a preparation ofbromide, oonQrmlng their bullet tbnt be wai, rlntltn of drugs, reibcr than of liquor.

tltuer Muse tbo olTnlr Is n moat unfortu<

The following petit jurors for the Octoberinn of Morris County Courts were drawn en'ueaday: -Itandolpb-Wm. Bennlnghom, PUlIp J, H.laasett, Win. Bray, John H. admin, Wra, O,

HummeU, Thoa, Kinney, Frank MoNally,Andrew G. On-; John Hlchards.'. On;

Possalo-Thos.ohnVaniler.Mt. Ollve-Chnj. IJndd, Wm.Wftck. .

, Hanover—Samuel J, Benjamin, Stephen H,3ard, Jonathan Ulron, Aaron K. Fairchlld.Hontrtlle—Aaron Baldwin, PbnipB, Rogere.Rockaway—Wm. B. Bryan, John Date. '•-Minrls—Eugene A. Aarwll, TTm. 0. Caskey,

ci K U i H D l J h J P l

.,.^-_T.ii,Ai5T ,: ( HJbBrniav wjilob.tbty have l»en operailng as

;••'. Tbe New Jersey and renniyjTanla Ckracwn-' tratlug Co., whoai' works are at Ogdan, havei- luereawd tbelr capital stock f roin |500,0GO* to

: ;0ur'•^oa;;iti6a^^^toii;th6Tnuteeiare.looking: for,.gUllanotheramiej,

; to bo .usedUlI Kiboolbuiltllng U' ' e i e d . " ^

1- / - / '

1 ','

:; ' - . > • ••- ' '^•.• . - . ' '••• ' ' '



1. ; ; . '•

ering mws for mcdlcfatai a e js an in,: - 'Gathering mws for mcdlcfatai ate js an in--' duitry In tb» vicinity of Dantnwk.: - Several; ] d h b b l d to NewYork

~ V 1

n .Allen, Newbury Qoble,

ois U. Uanlfl, Henry Dsvla.JohaJ.Mey,Biro, Jos. TimmouB,.

Roxbury—D. JudsonCoblt, BonJ. 0. Gordon,

iTBon -Riohard CJbriBtie, - Daniel Hat-. Edward H. Norman, Join D, Builth.;

Mendboui—Jeasle U. Formytb, Wai Tilarrabraut; Alfred D.WaUlng,:," -, • •Washington—Win,- FUnw, El Us Wack,

Cltoa, Y. Wan), ••'•: ' - '•-. . . . . . .i. B, Bowell, John H t Vander-

Pequannbo—Johu^Bloppor;' Oed. H. Hax-eUl, Wra, H. WUlioioW"• , • .Boonton-Alien i looker, : Jr., 0»car W.[yer, Bamual Timbrook. .'. .

.•A. Oompliaatad Oaae.:: • ••.-'.-,"',Tha Miu ncLal last w**k UM nniOTal of

tfr; a S. Arnold as Central station agent'atBookawayupon iho l«uiof.:a;.deflctoiioy to

toexplain. _ Binoe then' Mr. Arnold,eajs behas found a receipt for; |2tS-In tto-stationagant's boolc, for which he has not been givencredit by Uie company, whlah when dons willibowabahuceoftllHn btt favor Instead of» a^ftctency. • :Tbe receipt In the sUUon mai-ter*s book purporbi to have been given byBaggage: Muter, BlanchanV of CaoduetorCrook's ±r*Ib, .'Tb* luggage mawW admitsthat tbe signature tajiks hk, but aava ho haanV/reoolIection of,dgniug'a reooipt for. thataVountjandbWnooccaslontotlow.aar "

: : , _ . : V.V/,•;.'- ..Ihe tflffmhlpol, FreliagbuyBen In Warren

ootlat^oltered a bounty of ten cepbj for ground* hojiklllod, and 12,050 have bwnr slaughtered

•- :the«rtliia yeaf.!..7-.r-''; iVi-H1- /,.-:-..'••;••.'.)'\xjpiiwim League will serye'dliraer to/thei. Northem New. Jeriey FrlBODen of .War As-'.aoclatlonatlUBnnualintwtliigatHorrii;! ' '

• / j m t b e M t t i n a i .i

' ; . . V ;1

/ ; ; •• •'•' . ; : ;':. . .

/ '.AnumbOTof UiepfflcW)* and Kuette of tho: • Bnalln wonnd up UIB season on Tuesday with

»Taryf ino 'd^erprerar^atBohafer )aUt

. . . . . . -.-"for.1

lie receipt Is alleged to hkve been betweenKvs-29thn£d.3lat,btit~Uiu books>bow thatjie only Bums^or which the baggage muteriliould have receipted for/at tbatltime weremo of |0 on Aug. 20th, another of W) on Aug.list, and one of 134.63'on'Sept. 1st. It is!urthar alleged that Uie station agont bad noroucher for the sum for which It is claimed« baggage master reoelptal. . •; - . . ;• -.

'"-''• :^The Y^kCathollo;AwocisUonroi^ HorrU-/town, htre flxedtipon Rtiwtou «i the placo of

-:',ttwlr fuutiial target eicuraloo' thli year aid• ; ; 'Oot j3th;Utl»date ' ;" ;"-Vv--• : • ;>• ; : ;;

The (act that Plaindeld's new••' daily jjatier'wlll bii homed from the office of the•• Times, is'a guarantee, that It 'dean,

. WillFifrit theWaUrCompany. .",-Andrew J. Slingerlond, ctPoraptoD, objeoti

to tbe aWord made him by Cororalasloner* forallowing t ie water mains of the Eoct JerseyWater Company to cross Us Uods, and haslotifled Uie coinjiany that bo will appeal. Baiaa alao certlflea •;the , proceedings to Uie

Supreme Court for aa'opinion on tbe right ofthe water oontpany to take bis property.: The

• • - • - it of eminent

" 'goUatlBg for. Bertrand'i Island, Lake Uopat-;.OO*DK, la now denied. "II couldn't make a morep ^ i a ^ I n T e j t n i e B t % J y ; ^

'; *' ~i it i i rumored'tiat a Catholic initltuUon ofV; ediic«Uon.will, be •reoted on the land reoenUy•: puicbated by Bishop. Wlggcr at Sit Arllng-

;;tori^Hoi>atc»Dg^>;jv::-;=;;::-; :";:>' *At tha recent Morris conoty teachers'ei

:':,; unlnsUon In Dover twelve candidates pasud,- ' two were: reiected foi communicating-endftqqrolnia^teenf^^ •'•••';', < I*keHopatoong -was lowered sis Incbea;: Uoaday nlghtln consequence of a break ona

plane, which iieuBSBitated a great nmount'of

.' rrof, Monon, ifce oJebrated orgoiikt.ol'••- New.Tr6rk,has'b«en:ei)ii*ed"for the opening,rbCthtj new pipe organ'-ln thiBamton M. E,

*"*: Cburcbi'Uie Arai'of nexttoonth.' . "•••-'- • A^horso belonguia; to DiyiJOlasB got out of

•:ott«JBtaV> Konday.night, wandered into tbe• '•'<•caxai and wai drowned. DaVeatyaWwajaJ]•v i right wbenbe '^ th ta tobed. 1 1 . . :. . ; .:;.,

" 'JIayor J . P. Albright hsi dlmctrf tha st-£ tratlon.of UuKad|son Ceundl toUienecesslty. s <rf naming and changing the namea of yaHons

^atoktswltblnthebomigh limits, -s' •'.*.• 1'. •;./ ^ T l w i JL^A E. Employee.1, Mutual Betieflt: rjU»ois.tton now. hai 3,101 membera, a gain of

'•I'- IS diirlbs the month of August' Tbe Asaoda*•. tioa bad.$9,087ondepWtBtpt. let. ..);'T;:'(:A11 being ligraed ihera is nothiug toprevent

t4*j contained a card itatlogthat It haI i d from Allentown, Pa.,byB.

0 > -; I t landed 2tf hoiui^ X v ^ . - j . V 1 ' - ' ' . ; '.•••'.'•;.i1 •;;..• "

^Anow"coil'company ts "laUcg orders';-;' delinrlng coal in Harrbtoirn fram y*piThani$i.•iitblrtj oenu leaa cm ihe' ton tban the same•,:.."ai. be purchased In Momrtotm from local

having been given to Newark for ttis purposef securing a water company; Nowark lahting tha case for the water campany, butr. eUngerland olslma ,thet the I^gUUturo

bad no right to give away ito right of eramc^tdoinahu' He Is willing to.sell bis propertyCar|10,000anddoeii not propoea to penult aptpo lino to crc8B jor lets than that mm,,

Another Xad, Dos; Excitement,A rood dog ran amuck.last week through

neighborhoods of Pine Brook, Qlen View,Bockaway Valley'and Brook ValUy. 'Atleast twenty-flve dogs, aome of them vmlttabletaro known to have beed bitten, and'tlure' IsnQ tolling how many more, AtJohn J..Vree-Und'aplaceflve very valuible blrd.dogt. Incharge "o( a trainer, i e bitten. At Brook

•Jlay, aiUr nHJng the dog of Mr. Abraham\ It came after Mrs. loach In a -uVageer; bot she putithraugh a gate, which

lortunately closed between her and tbe dog.Her son shot and wounded the animal | but hemadB.hls escape..11 Several of the bitten dog»that were tiedilp have BUM gone mad. - "

:-,. Pa t JCalonoy la Ooralna-. ,PatUaloney's; show Is booked for aboQwr

appearanca a t Baker Opera House, tbe datebeing Friday evening, Sept. 25th..- TbU'com-pany bag been here so many; time* that' theydo not need special commendation—«TerybodyIn this vicinity knows that they are the sreaUeat merry maker* on the road, and give theiraudiences the full, worth of their money ininnocent fonV'1 The play fa '* Jerry's Visit, orFunWith My Irish notations,11 and is^repletewith langbable situations from beginning toend. .The prices ot admlsslna are 2S, 85 aod60 cent*, and the house will bo packed, be-

a^Maloney's reputation iijtnnicient to dp

• The Soagland wnrki at'Ebcktway have'• oboneof construction aportable stone crash> jnonntsd on wbeds and especially adapted (or• fw-.tbe work of tOwmUp roads,'.bdnc'easTty^SnioVed from point to point. : . : , • . :^j^to'trit^'ta'ma^jis^'ftritcMi.';.*•,!» hod for,;Uw'aslrii«t.'1 That la, manyrpcfdi BroTTors and owners of apple orchards

" poorer neighbors helpUtenualvei to

This la the natne which la propoied to, begWento the locality heretofore known aaOjrden Mine. Some time ago appIIcaUon wasmade tor apoit offloe to be located then andcalled Ogden, but tfaB department declined tharequest, owing to the dmilarttyof tbe namewith Ogdansburg, but a litUe ways distant.Hence application will be made for tha officennderthenameofMtEdison. ThlalocalitywtUbeslad to hare the name of the distin-guished scientist bonferred.npon ono of 1U

.- '.[.'-/JsueaHaU, UorristawiiJBwelert dlsooverad'^ ;=-that'scWk.whoririie" had; some time before'-'"' dbebargod had'tyrtctattJcaliy 'pOferod from• ' h i m ; ' Many of thoWatcbeB and iboch of the.-/•. jewelrjr stolen oaa been recovered.

' H r . n . W . Mlllor, of UisHorriBtownGtB; - IJghtCa,inan^apt«poslOontotlw Madison' ^Coiinca.laat»iidar"i)lght,-tp mfaply g a r t

' that 'pUos for; street Ughlinjt and domertl<

'-- • An ZnteresUng Series of Games.>Thefoartb gam»,of ball betireen the Uor-

rlstown Athletio.dnb and. the,Brighton!, ofBrooklyn; waa playBS at aftornocm and. resulted' In faror of theformer team,'T to <• TbeSrstgame wasatison thirteen' innings. Of the sext two eachdub won one.: Tbe Uoniitowa Club won Uie

••'•.!-••'•. BedncUon I s Oorsots.iVL the Oorsetsi formerly aold a t TBo. and 11

reit^idtoSOcJkt.ilieBaeHivaBtore, Dovar

^ .. ,8i>6Oboys a f oar shalf flower siand •«s; BerryCo's.DoTWHardwaraetaraJ






Lake Hopatoong on Monday hut was theOMnecfanothu-fatalBBjIboatacddtnt, U aTheo. P. King, wife of the Praddeot of thetake Hopatoong Bteamboat Company, wasentertainms; Mrs. Herrlck, ot Newark, andHrs. Chandler at her cottage near the lowerend of tba lake, and to entertain bar guestastarted out for A trip about tbs lake la herhusband's Baiting- yacht- The three kdlwwere accompanied by Mrs. icing's littledaughter, Louis, aged 11 years, and J . RandKent and hla son Mark went along to sail tbeboat. Tbe yacht was a round-bottomed one,with center board, and believed to be perfectlysafe, as the elder Kent had spent aereraweeks In putting I tin condition. When the;started there was a fair breeze, but not irough one, and no danger waa anticipated.

They left the doct at Mr. long's boat bouseand started across the laks towards Holler1!Hotel, on the SOBBex side. When just abovLthe outlet lock the rather, who had been •all-ing the boat, called his son to take the saltwhile he balled out a little water In the bottomof the craft The young man bad hardly takenthe sail, however, when a sharp and whollyunexpected gust of wind struck the yacht tfndturned it orer upon Ita side. All were throwninto tba water and all caught hold of the sideof tbe boat and held on, except Mn. Chandler,who lost her bold and fell six or eight feetaway. The alder Kent, by a great effort,caught her and held her up by one band,rhlle with the other he cluog. to tho boat,The place where they went over was proba-

bly nftt more than two hundred and uftyyards from tbe ihoro, upou the bank of whichwas a youpg lafl, to whom they called, but hedid not seem to have gumption euougb toknow what to da. although there was a smallboat n*ar by. Ho one elbe was In a'lgbt towitneeM their dilemma, »ud give them aid.Mark Keut awam around to the other nlda otthe boot to keep it from going over further,Tbo Indies took Uie (Itpat)on coaly and brave-ly, but tbo littlo girl was naturally umuhfrightened and began to cry. Young Kent,who was a muscular, athletic young, man,and an expert iwimmar, caki' Do would Bvlmashore and gat a small boat to take them off.Ufa father adfisud bltn b> take olT his coatand he succeeded in doing so. Next he at-tempted to take ptf his shoe*, but they wereelostlo gaitora, aud being wet wore bard to

If thoinou baa to uustaiii Ula lui-palmlforuosuy tbo uid of drugs, in order tostimulate him for the work, he ban no bital-

lo ba utiKdged in it, for one who hi tbeVictim of such powerful drugs, is probably in

worse condition of bondage tbaU Uie victimof on alcoholic appetite, and lew likely toabandon bla craving for such stimulation.

It is only another Instance of tbolollj oftotting up far a l«der In tua work of rel

man wkotieautcoodentaarBiiotfuUyiiniWith people of sense the actions of any oneman will not militate against tbe cause oltemperance, but with others ouly a bad offsetcan be croated. Tbo trouble la that people ofultra tendencies, particularly Uiooo vtho arealways trying to guide Uie work in politicalchannels, are likely to betaken in by any glibtalkurwfau will create a furore, Otheiv-ram-

epeaultT, who bavo tha real cause attorapsrance. juab as muob at heart—are ob»mado vloUnu because they cannot utter oppo-tdUou to such wildcat schemes, for fear thaitbuy nUlboaucused.of opposition to ths work.

Ou Xuestlav morning Uobonaell was taken) Hew,York by Kev, J. B. Bmlbrook

>hicedlu a hospital. : . , .., r

' . - ", r . M, o . A . WOM». =•••'On Wednesday sreulng tbe iloard of Dlreo-irs and the members of the various commit-

tees met at Uie residence of Mr. J. It. Qeorgeand spent the evening discussing plaus tor tboFall and Winter, Mr. W. A. Venter, Becre-tary of tbe Trouton aiutooiatlon, H U present,and told of Uie work of that association audurged all present to aggreastve work during

» coming Winter for young man. After auntUul lunch bad been served by Uie U d W

Cominittee,' tbe bominltteeaieo pljed Mr. Veo*tor with queMlons and saoceeded In elidttng

very valuable Information ooncemloctheir work, ' .

AU niiiu who Iu»«Uie temperauoB meetings are oordUUy invited

\ the -gospel masting for-man only in ourpomsOTi*in<k«yTatMf.' ' '" "'

eome out and,wa will have a rousing goodmeeting and atari the Fall mooting*, oil with• big boom. BecreUry Taylor will le*d ttie

' Don'c forget that the {Tew York SymphonyClub OOUMI on October17th.: AOready peopleare befllnnlng to make lnqulrlat aa .to seats,itc.1, and tickets will be K U Tery fait;:- '. '••.

AU memberi of the Gymnasium Oomintttae111 meet Monday evening to complete «r-kugomentaI'fcr Ute symi-aslum opening on9pt. 28th, 'i All wbo intend entering tba daw

should hand their names to tns General Seo-retary or Mr. Einil Btumpt, clairoian of the

Hia efforts to get them off whileholding fast to the boat rockud tbemuob Uiat ho won afraid <>f turulug It overstill more, ami (old bis faUiur that be could

Buboro wllb bis sboott ou. lie Btartodout vigorously end liatl covered nioeb of tliodiulutieu, balug witblu ubuut forty foot of Uieeboro, wbou bo assumed a perpoudicular jioel-tiou aud trlbd Ui touch bottom, but without

Suddenly lie turobd his face towardhia father, and throwing blniselT backwarddisappeared beueath Uie surface without a

ry, while hla hat flostod away on Ute water.Too agonlied father waa ia a position wberea could sec Uto whola occurrence plainly, and

men- perfectly well tbathts son was drown-

big. Tho<ladles, 1

t w i , . : ; . . . .4uy young uiaii'of good moral characUr

may have the privilege of using the parlors,reading room, gymnasium, games, eTenlngclasses in arithmetic, penmanship, book-keep-ing orchemi<try,attondlngtbeenterUiDmentaand Bodabloa provided during the year, ba*aides tbe great enjoyment 61 meeting and

ingling with the best youog1 uieu in Dover,nd aU for «3 per rear. No it is the thno too i u ^ - . - - • • . ' - ' - • - - . • ' \ : " - • - . - ' • ' :•.'-.'••

;> ~ 'BusUaeas Ken In Tronhle. - / ,Beveral azecutlona have been Issued agaloit

Maurice Fltaglbbon and Uoorga B, Barcalow,whocbmposed.tbe firm of 1L Rtiglbbon &Co., manofaotorers of atraw-boanls and paperat til and 83 Croeby'etreet, New York, and atBoonton, K. J. Tbe business ts being .woundupbytheexwator of the Culver BaroeJow

. Tbe mill a t Boonton wai saidont by the" Bherlff and 'bonght In for.tbeeetaie. It b add the firm owed the Barcalowestate 100,000. Ur. FlUglbbon bad been inUie buahieBa About twenty yean, with severaldifferent 'partners. Culver .Barcalow, of

Ib, prominent bi New Jen»y raUroadphodjodin June,"l8M,wo>apsx

for several years, and his son, George B.( auc-oeedod to hla interest. Tbe nalU property atBoonton, with machinery, la said to have costtiwjjaO, and was encumbered for about •<»,-K» to ths Barcalow estate. , • ; ,'

:'-''•-'.- U g h t a i n s r I n a Mine.: ,During tba thunder shower of Tuesday at-

ternoon a bolt of lightning struck lu thevlciuity of the new elope of theIrobdale mine,mndfollovflngelthBTtho rails or pipes downtbe slops Ored -hree out of twelve blast holeithat had been charged. Patrick Canton ie-betred a'; cat In t ie leg froiri a' fragment ofrock and two other minors wera ilfghtly In-jarid byithenylag pieces., If the bolt hadstruck- flv* minutes wooer It I* probableseveral men would been'klUed, as tlieynod only just goue away from the holes,' Twoother men In the Burd mine,.near by, wsroquite shocked by electricity from the gamebolt, which btuppond to have followed'the

- Edward Murthi had bis leg broken In tbenew slop* of tbe Irondale mine l o t Fridaytry a piece of lagging which had fallen down

: fltlll ;Xhranderatood.'We may not be tai'y of, comprehanulon, tint

the Basset Beghrter makes na deny that whichwBdld not deny,' We simply'cUlmed thatthe mgbye I t assigned to ua f or saying"* wordIn defence of Conductor. Sprigg was nntrueand'disconrteima.::Ws amid wbat'.wedul be-oausa we knew tba conductor to be a gentle

m ot good joputaUon la thia town' where hes lived so loiv/ and not for the wnltd

reason rdtargsd b y t a e Begistar. We havenothedtatedto criticiaethe rallroadia'ques-tion when WB;felt.that just.oriUdain was

, Wall Attended Z«otnrM.^.ue lectures ol Walter, F.Friww st Mill-

brook and Mt. Freedom on tha OUi and 7th'but. wen greeted bj ezoellant bonsai.'. Tbeaudlutcesaannblad in t ie respective Iff. E.churcfaca, reodend eioeUant attention to theiltnstratel portrayal of, Uwt. "Life of theTemple,11, and gave anrVB toward th't enter-prise which the lecturer has In hand, nunely,Uw building of a. chnrch la MontvOle.

-. Would Ton Enjoy Youmlf fThen attend Uie peach and lea cream fertU

•nl of Us Catholkt Benevolent Legion In theSt. Ifarj'a parochial school hall on Bat-

t j r d a y « v w i l n f . ' .".•.• ' ' . ' ' ' . •'• . • • •

Overcoat* I Overcoats IIUgbtsodHMvybvermtatomitaJl, nobby

stylus. CaU and see them. Taylor Bros.-"

J, H, Hnrton will not he nspcosibls for

lament, to oncsp* the eSecta of a nudden •cumulation of heat, be doffed hlicoat, leavlm.the badge pluued to It. Some hours later hiWAB asadder and a wiser man. He donnedbl« coot-but tlie badge was gone.'

Hence the question, " Where is It rRumor nos it that, on Tuesday last, a small

man with o smoothly shaven face was seen Infront of Councilman Schafer'a wearing the tostlwdge.nnd that tbe Right of It struck torrorInto tba heart, and B*v» apoed to the legs ofan unlicensed peddler who had Invaded (hesaucUty of tbe borough..

Our advf oe to the manual la " Look out fortho small man. wltb the moustacheless face.FJud him and sit ou him." - '

a preventedf tba soelng him by a portion of tbe orer-

turned boat, Mr. Kent waa still holding tothe lady be bad rescued, and could not leavebor fur fear Uiat obe would drown, and becould not express bla grief leal It would sofrighten tba others Uiat they would lope tbelrpresence of mind, In which alone was tbolrsafety. So with Uia greatest'self-oontrol herefrained from telling them what hod hap-pened his son. He thinks It WM a half hournearly before help came to them and he wyatbe agony ho endured during Uiat timo is in-deecrlbablo, which may readily be believed,'

At l ie King cottage Mrs. Klgga and UlssPascoe saw the yacht after it bad gone overand hastened to flnd some one to go to theirrelief, In Uie meantime* gentleman belong-ing to the Forest Club bod started to theitaUon with bis wife and two children hi a•ow boat, and at he came out from behindIViliow Inland he saw the peril of those who

ne clinging to the overturned yacht, : Put-X bis wife and child rea on Willow.Island

he pulled to their rescue, and succeeded lagetting aU to abore. . *

The werkof dragging t ie bottom ot the lakefor the body, of the berolb.but uutortuntteyoung man waa at once coriunenoed, and about3:40 o'clock In tbe afternoon Joseph Btanbur-rough and another nun succeeded In reoo*s*i>

; It, 'Coroner J . W.-Eoneher,*.of Buoca-iittj was aot|flc4i and aftar \lawtnj; ^W

iody o>cldedUiatBnmc4UAst'waaunneoea«ary1'HorkKentwas iM years of age and those

The Bockaway Valley's Extension.A mooting of UieExocutlvo Comnilttee of

tuo llockanay Volley Itallrcad Company washeld in Morris to wo on Tuesday. The Secre-tary reported that taf.OOO had already beenubscribed for the eifanalon of the rood from

Mfflidhfim to Morrlslown, anjl that $14,000, thenecessary amount to comply with the Uwgoverning tiie cons.(ruotlon of railroads In theBtate, bad been dopostted with ttie Secretaryof State at Trenton.: Tbo number of mllaa ofrood to bo built is seven, nud at the coinple-tlon of the line the amount placed with Secre-tary Calsey will'be refunded. Tho amountof money yet needed to Onlsh the road la ISO,-000, which b expected to be in hand uulde ofaraontU. ^ Buperlotaudent Uelick will beginwork OD too new branch at once, and prom-ises to have It oomplsted within sixty days, t

QIED—At Chester, N.:J.,'0ii Friday, Bept.llth, iwi, Harriet A. Budd.Tender memorlea fill my heart at I write theante of Harriet Budd, !and realise that It Is

to toll you of her death, in parting from tbedevoted daughter and Bister and tbe loyalfriend, whoso mind was aa keen aa her heartwai true, and whotedallyllfe wai a testimonyof her Christian charuter, we, can but fedthat our loot la one that will never be forgot-ten. We cannot1 regret, however, that hersufferings, endured to bravely and patJenUy,are over, and aha

l A Ur, a a n q . ght

no loogw.-At Uat tie" mysteries ot lifo aremadocloar tobtr^ and'jber friandsaredearer*—lovar to her. •} •'.' , ' . . , :

" To us the silance in tiie house,To her the choral iiirjglog." - . *

man, which fact U Bvldehoed- by hhj barolooonduet'on this occaulon, when he riakod hislife to save U» Urea ot others. His principaloooapation was to provide musio for parUetat the hotels and pott^ea,'and hU'father.whQla itiurt a Ufuil fte t d hirt a Ufusiclan, often

l k lhim.f , f ip ,

Hla funeral took place on Wednesday morn-ing and was attended by many sincerely aor-

Preabyterr of Morrin and Oranre. t i,Tbe Fall mooting of the Presbytery of Mor-

ria and Urango waa held on 'Tuesday In tl»eCkutral Ohursb of Summit, Bev.' Dr. Whitep a s t o r , - ' - -- .•• ••.'. ..-'- ••'••• • - ; • . - ••_-

Bev. Henry A, Harlow,: of the Mendhsm, was elected Moderatorand Ber. HUnley White, of Oraugo ElllsideChurch, Clerk. • ,; '•;••. . '•

Her. W. W. Halloway, Br., wai appointedwrite an obltusry notice of Rev. John h.

Chapman wha died at Irving, K. J., on JulyS7tb, 1801, aged 70. .Church: records war*oTorhauled, standing committees elected andvarious routine buainoM performed, lire.Atkman, Storra and Blokok, and EilderaDurnbaiu and • Morah were appointed to oon-sider General Assembly's overture on revisionand report to a special meeting of Prwby torytobebBldatJfofrlstotnioaOct. Wth. *,;

Rev.' Mr, Mewhimwy asked parintnlon toresign the pastoral charge ol the church atWhippany, which wai regretfully granted, Inorder to accept the unanimous call of thechurchat'Ploaaattt.Orove to become Ita psa"-tor. Preabytory placed.tha call In hla bands,and it w u by blin accepted. Theforworpw-

r'of the Qrove, Mr. MoCIenagban, h u goue) hsbor at the Elm wood Chapel, East Orange,Er. Mewhuuiej will be Installed Oct. 28th,ThB Installation of Bev. Edward P. Gardner

over the church at Chatham was fixed forctTth / , . , - .r<- y: . - ' . . . -.••.' •.-. •In the evening Rer, Dr. AtUs, profeasor and

missunary of Santiago, Chili,' gave an ad-dress on Chill and the South. Amerioan Re-publics—the coloolea'of .the Iberian races,their moral,' mental and political conditionsafter three hundred' years of unopposedloyalty to .tlie teaching* and traditions ofSpain and Portugal. W«UtnotaTery attrac-tive . pletore. Ttte LliUirioal arguuwut is aaaavenaj i l l s conclusive: The nunistoi ofeducaUon la the cabinet of Chill chose theeducational -system-of Yankee Michigan, InpreforanoB to the world. - Although la rd onHpeiuthatfdlowhai a level-head.' In the

ojfhaUona ChlH,;wiU yet be beardtatd th and

g jffrom.:•Ttatmaoeda

Ghaiun i n the Post Oflka.An Inspector of tb« post oOoa departmant

vlaltad Dover on Tuesday and removed Post-master Jas. 8. Mfllck from his position. Theo l n ' w u then put In charge of Mr, Meliok'sibondsmen, whoouTv^ediieadayinQmlug placodIta management temporarily In tha haitdj ofCapt. D. S. Allec, amd he assumed the dutiesof the position at once. ' Capt Allan Is also aoandidata for permasent appointment to &eposition and In all probability-will be success-ful. Be is an old soldier, who w u woundedIn t i a serrleaj a Bttanch Hepubllcan "and agentleman of high character. I t la only fairto say that Postmaster. Melielft removal wasnot due to any political complication*. He

appolnted.bTPrcaidentClaTelandln 1838,and bad between nine and Ian months yet toserve before tbe expiration <* W 8 term. Heh u many strong personal friends hi bothparUM and hia remoTal would not have been•ought on political ground*. .' - .

• WUaKB 19 IT PEvery dtieeu of Mt. Arlington Ig proud of

hlscldunihlp. Andnowouder. Eacfadtkancan point with pride to the Borough Marshalandsay : "Tbars, lownaomeof that" Per,be It known, Mt Arlington h u the biggest,fattest, most rosy and most rotond marshal fnthe Btate of New Jersey.

AU through tba Summer the genial marshalh u watched over the peace of the borough.Mt Arlingtonbunolock-up. Itdoeantneedone. TheUireatofUtemanhalto<'sItuponn

evil-doers makes erll-doarB give MtArllnntoi]awidsbirth. BtflL the good nature of themarshal Is practically tmxhaustlble. Onlythrioe haa bis majeatio brow been clouded witha frown sluoe be donned the blue and gold.Mot long ago tbe marshal waa moving alongthe boulevard with that majeatlo slowness sobecoming to targe bodies. Two or threesmall boys followed In MB wake. Wistfullyand earnestly they gawd upon him, Finallybe came to a fall ftop sear the Park Hotel. SodJdtbeboyiandtheystillkeptgsxing. "Whatare you looking at t youngrtersf' queried themarshal "A t the balloon, mister; whenlsit i Ati hl t dit going up r l


, ;marahal got mad.

t i l tg g p r gAgain, when the lake was at its lowest, the

marshal stood on the dock, pensively notingthe falling waters and bewailing the fact thattbe big white steamer was stuck In tbe mud." X toll you what to do, marshal," said of oneof the by-standera," Jump hi; the water willrise high enough to float an Ironclad." Again,tho marshal got nud.-

A third tune—tba marshal got mad—and isstill mad. A complete change hu come overtha spirit of hUdream, Heisgrowing visiblythinner. The gleaming electric llgbta are nolonger dimmed by tbe brilliancy of hUglltter-lag brass buttona, - For the season U at an endand there Is no oltttrlo light at Mt. Arlington.Hut tlie marshal la badgelew. Tha-goldenshield of authority that one* knew his magnifi-cent expanse of bosom now knowa It no more.Thereby hangs a tale. i unguarded

big of Uie license were made, and Tuesdaywas used for the heariug. A large number ofMadison people appeared as wltueuea totain the protest, among them Rev. Fatherfiolaudo, Edward V, Tbebaud, Cbarlee Davli,William H. Byram and others who 11 ve in tteneighborhood ot tbe applicants' place. JudgeChild refused to grout Uie license. Wlian theUppllcantj, wbokoepatMUilngeetaUlifltiniBrit,itened that they had soM liquor at retallfromtheir place of busluees and Uielr wsgoni, tfaeJudge cornered them and gave Instance wherethey bad aold Hijuor in that manner. AlterrefusliiK tba aiipltcatloa, Judgt Child placed

aiiplicAntauHdarboudstoawaJtLbuacliunot tbe Urand Jury on a charge ot keepingdinorderly bouae. ,

Wedded at OrakesvUle.'. The weddJug of Ulaa Friederlke Uelster, cfNow York, and Ur. Henry Bcheer, of Drakeu-vllle, which occurred on Tuesday eveningtbe latter place, was an event of unalloyednjoyment to all who had tha pleasure vtdug Iu attewluui*. The wedding party;Iven by Mrs. Bcheer, Diotiier of ttie groom,

\ the buepilahle mansion was filled withmonyguetu. Uer. Dr. Btoddard performed

cortnwny and after ttie ccDgrttutatioimtbero waflaBcaaoa of social enjoymoutwWoiiiotjualled In that vlclulty. Tbo wedding sup-pur was u gem and tbo gifts to the bride woreon pretty and useful as they wara numsruusand valunblo. We heartily join luthechorusof Rood wIsboB and hope their entire uulun

iiy ba as bright and hippy as this suspicious

ItupacilnsT County Post Offloes,Posunuter Youngblood h u vlalted a m

ber of the GO post ofllces Iu the county andfinds thorn woll kept ami tulnpted to tbo needuof tho comrauiJty, some ore in stored others

lu private houses and in some Instancesdditions have bton built to houseo, giving

separate eutranoea to the post oOlcea. ThaSenator will continue his vului uutU all Iu thBcounty aro liupWUxl. Oue of the grate t tbeaeQtt Ii tbe faot ot each postmaster la thaounty .haying an opportunity to get infor-ation relating to their business such as tbe

Senator through his Interpretation of tbopostal laws and Urge experience lu the olltoahere la able W givo.—Banner.

anxious thoughtteri t l f

6or Overcrowded School.The TruBtoeB of the Dover school bnvo beau

unable to obtain a stubild place for anotfawinex, and will have to crowd foralltUoUmas old buildlug. In room No, 0, whichto grates, the capacity la only 48, white Uw

attendance la 79. Aaareeulttheinembervofone doss study at their homea in tbe morningand recite In Uie afternoon, while toe pupilsof Uie cUiar study at fanme la t te after-noon'and reclto in the morning. Seat* havsbow ordered, and when UiBy arrive, one olthese clawM will hi taken to tbe aecond ito'ryof the annex la Mr. Hopler't building on SUB-s e r r t r e o t • • • , • - • . -

. - M i u sUl le r i BuoceM. • r"The many frienda of Miss Minnie C KeUey,

who felt that aha wu BBJuitly tnitcd In tbemanner of bar release from the Dover publico^hnol, wUl bo Rlitt toi^ani Uiat r l^hnsrs .oeired,'a better 'i'hiA';bnch more lucrativepceiUontiau aneMd.her*.' Bhe beoome an

Island City, and passed the beat uammatlon'of any candidate la that city this year. As aresult she was olt<f»d ttte highest room In thegrammar department'bf .one, ol the largestcity scfcooU, whlcai employs, seventeen ladyteacher*, which she aonpted and left thliweek: to assume her daUet, ,W« congratulateber upon ( t b high recngnltiott'of her merit

AnAooldeottoanOldrriand.' O u r townsman sir, E. 2ji Jackson, foi1 manyyears tha D(, L. A; W. station agentat.PortOram, mut with a Were injury M the latterplace Iwt BulUTilay.. n jumping' f m a s carthe heel of bis shoe caught In a projebUug boltlutueatepand threwi him with great force,Be fell uj»n the rail of tfro opposite .track in-

jring hla tide severely, and orating his headmawhal. .He reached hit homo la great pHo,

aod was not able,to rise from his bed tillWednesday of lh(»:.week> .We ore' glad toknow that hU imnrpTement oontkutM and thaihe la likely to soon be around again. - "-

Mayor Johnson, of Washington, has againcaused tbe arreet of the editor of the vile Phil-ilpaburg Telegram/ this time for. publishingobscene literature. A boy who sold tbe paper,and would not heed a warning, wualsoboundover to answer i t coort. • An ordinance w ulike wise passed by the Dover Common Councilon Monday evening to prevent tbedroulatlonof ohaceae or Immoral literature and any who

andle the sheet In this place after this dataar find more trouble oo their hands than

they can to contend wlthi ; ;•

A Pool and HU b o are Soon Parted,When the Dover 'AooommnflaUon was mak

ing IU East hound trip on Tuesday tho trainwas boarded at Summit by Edward Carr, ofMlllburn. Tn« man; who was Intoxicated,annoyed Conductor Horgon greatly by refus-ing to give up his ticket, and made himselfdisagreeable to all by hli noisy talk. Whentbe train reached Jlowark Carr jumped off Uielatform before It stopped, fell under tberheels and bad both legs cut off above Utenee. He was taken to the hospital.

' JLOotilaion. - .. 'Two oars of a freight train' were left itand-

Ing In front of^o IJwkawanna depot at Doveron Wednesday eyeomgwbUe^ Uie remainderof tbe train waa engaged In drilUng. A'atocktrain coming East.nn.lnto Uuse cars, Uwrearmost one of wnich'wu loaded with wood,Besldai piling up the wood around UM front ofthe engine and breaUoglU bead]!8ht but littledamage wiu done. The fault Is attributed toa neglect of dutyjbn Uie part of Uie brakemanwho was sent back to flag ttie stock train

' ',•:•• AnoUiesTMtponement. 'Wehkvobeen delayed1 by a series of unto-

ward clrcutturtaneM in patting our new andspeedy two-revolution.Cottrell press, whichwe expected to be using before this. I t «shipped from Westerly,-R.' 1 , on Tuesday oflost weslt, but did not reach Dover UII Mondayoftorooon of this wedf. .But It is hen aud Uiework of putting it la will begin to-morrow, sottiat wo able to use It for our next

a TanaarlvSAia Klas .A warrant w u reoenUy Issued for John

Connors, of Mine BUI, who la charged withhaving assaulted tbe bouse of Peter Tieman,between Dover and 'Port Oram, on the nightof August 1st. . But tha warrant could not be•erred, for the reason that tho defendant hadleft this vicinity. Word h u now boea re-ceired that OoUlne has been •arlmuly Injuredby en explosion in a.Pennsylvania coal mine.

-. A Harrow Escape,

way w u made~to

-'• • -.; " . A Bad Runaway.-UIM Ida MMBler, daughter of Asrislant

OhiefUesaler.ofUiaHorristowiiIrlraDepart-maat,andUisa Q«rtl«KoUer,of Botith Orange,on Monday Tialted Mrs. Esgene WoodbuII, ofthis place, and ID the afternoon started to re-turnhome. As'tboyneored the bridgeonsrthe Central Railroad, x w ' t t i e residence ofJohn S.Dlckeraon, a brain came rusaicj undertho bridge. Tnefrigbtened horse turned starpihUieitsep roadway, overturning Uie carri-age, and then ran away toward Dover, com-pletely wracking Uie carriage and breakingthe harness badly before ho was caught.Bothofthaladlts, although thrown ontvlo-kntiy.escapedverrfortaMtely with butsllgbtbruises,'and want home by train. , ..

• - ':' Hats. Ha't«. Hats.; All Uie< latest rtyl« fn Fall Hafai a n now to

he aean at.Taylor Bros,' Drop In and tee Vbm. made aapecUlyforassiidoancuaraDteeUietn

,of the Bode ties of Bocko-Jghland Beach on Wednes-

day. When jurt thia aide of Fort Onun theexcursion train cama very near running Intothe ore train on tbe Mt, Hope Railroad. ItIi told that'only a few feet separated themwhen they ware stopped, and that thay couldnot have stopped afl soon u they did exceptfor the beary grade they were cllmmng, •

Cloaks I (Hooks 11 •-The acknowledged baadquortera for Cloaks,

Jackets, Capes, &&.', Is Dlckenon's, Dover.He h u now on exhibition all the newstylish garments, for the eomlng PmUWinter, ; A* herotofore oar garments are

trouble About a Horss DeaLThe papers on appeal la tho case of Aliram

Ruscoe agaitut Jeremiah P. Kanlper from thedecision of Justice of the Peace James Sextonhave been filed. It appears from the papersla tbe oase that Ruscoe resides near Kaw-Foundtand and that some weeks ago be pur-cbaaed ahorse from Kaniparfor $123, Konlperwarranting t be horse to be kind, Bound andgood in every respect. Busooe clalma that theboras proved to be rick and a bad Ideker. andconsequently he appeared before Justice ofthe Peace Sexton at Bloomingdale and swnreout a warrant for tha arrest of Kantper underproceedings In capias. Kanlpar is not a resi-dent of thi« Btate, but came here from Penn-sylvania for tbe purpose of selling borses.Eonlper WM arrested and In default ot bail

» committed to the custody of a oonitable,and so remained until the cue waa tried,when after bearing a number of witnesses theJustice rendered a judgment In favor of Rus-coe for fTD and the costs. Kanipar did notpropose to pay this amount and consequentlygave bonds to abide by tbe judgement of tinCourt of Common Plea*.

Ins; his parents andMrs. Dr. Feanlmi

An Application that w u Applied.:Webber & Connors, against whom a com-

plaint w u recently made for keeping a disor-derly house on tha Convent rood, Madison,made application to tbe Common Fleas CourtFor a liquor lice Objections to the gront-



For other personals sae lout poxe*Ira Coa wUl enter Cornell Col legs for bi

ilrd year.Fi«d. Srons arrived home yesterday from

bis Western trip.Ur. and Hra- Amcm Dodge will return to

New York city October 1st.Tbe Free Htthodttt Cocf ereooe accepted U>e

rettgnation of Rev. J. B. Bradbrook.Ulsa Ida Bowel], asslitant in the Chatter

post office, haa rodgaed hw pcaitlon.E. B. Hand,of Uilluurn,laapendtngasa

among his old friends a t Budd'a I*ke.Cbos. L. Dodge and family have been visit-

' and sister. Mrs. A. K. Baker,inlman, of Boston, Is visiting

ber sister, Mrs. R. B, Fennhnan, of Prospecl*«et.Tbe mother of Warden Evertt, cf the Hor-

rts Flaiu i Aaylum, died in Huntordon countylast week.

The friends of Justice John Cook, of PortOram, were glad to see that he was able toTlsit Dover yesterday. ,f (Col. E. L. Dobbins, of Morristown, boa;one on a business tdp to Bt. Paul, Ulnne-ipalli and Kansas City,Jas Colllgan, of Ulbornla, tbe old veteran,

whose leg was amputated l u t week, is re-ported as doing vary nioely.

Allle DaCamp, of Succosunna, left yester-day to attend Uie excursion of the TblaUe~tub, of Hobokun, to the flahlng lwnks.

Jofin S. Blokford, of Morristown, h u gone) Denver for a three months stay. Wm. I*

King la making a trip to tbe same city.Ur. John O. Dodge, wife and daughter,

kavv been spending a few dayi with blabrother, Ur. Amoa Dodge, of this place.

Mr. and Mm. Wm. M. Bhalley, of Littleton,will oelebrato the flftlpUi annlTersary of tbalrwedding on Tuesday next, 8epUuul»r lEM.

Iter. Ur. Halloway boa Item eleuted Presi-dent of Uie Y. P. B. U. E. to iiU Uie vacancy- —sd by the reaignaUoa of Mr. Fred. Cox.

u . Tan Winkle, wbo has engaged la thelumber business iu Michigan, Is visiting bisfather, e*-Alaeraau Von Winkle, of Morris-

tin. J. L. Btoutaju] daughter, now reoldiuttIn WiwUlngton, 1). C , URVO UOU apoudlug U

lUir part of the p u t MMISOU at Lake Ui

, Court Sentences.In Quarter Sessions .'on Tuesday Judge

ChUds imposed the foUowlng aentonow tFrank fcoflerand Jessie.Warner, for steal-

ing a hone and carriage of J. M. Medlok, pro-prietcrof tho8ta«loyMitl8,pbad«l gnUtyand were aantenced to five yean each In Btate

" 'f::m&>: •

Ulues Lizile Conipton, Bdltli Young, BodleAxtoll and Lillle Kenting, all of Morrktown,have eutered tlio State Nurmal School atTronton.

Itev. B. Fay Ullls, tlio nuted evangelist, haaurvliawd a Hlahtly homo near 1'awtuiut

hbods Island, and Is now located there iwr-uiauouUy,

Hamuel M. Clark and Caspar Jonoe went toJamilen ou Wednoaday as delegates fruinlover Council to Uio Btate Convention of the

Vice Chancellor Pitney and hla party, con-BUoguf. members of tils family aud friends,

arrived hujne from Europe Weduesday, IDbe Teutonic,The Kroo Methmllat Conference appointed

[Ur, Ur. JOUM, late of Dover, to u cdorga InPhiladelphia, and llov. Jolin T. Uavlhuid, ofilahway, won appointed to Dover.Him Kuwright, oue of tbe Uwihera of our

.ublio sohool, waa eo hurt by a fall In Jerwy]>ty on Bunday Uiat abo was unabb to returni) uor duties tbts week, allliough wo bear nlio

Jotui Blcklog, who llvoa noar the Govora-noilt l»wder depot and Is W yoars of ago, Is

a flrst-clau wood choppor, worka every day,aud b? still so vigorous that few equal him Intlie woods with on axe.

Cards are oat far Uio marriage of m « MaryLouiw, daugutorof Mr. and Mrs, P . Burke,or Wulppany, to Mr, John X, Ford of thatplace. The ceremony will toko place on Wed-naaday evening, Bept aid.

Bamuel V. Walter, of Irvlugton, died ouSaturday night at tbe homeoC bis daughter," - Cbaa. P. Bowen. He wan in his 8Stb

He was born In Mortis county andcsiua of Itevolutlouary stock,

M. W. Carr, a guntlemon wlio la iu chargeif Uie oowtruutiun of Uia rallronda now builU-ug In Africa, was at Joliey'g Hotel oa Wed-

Q<ad»y, n oompany with Bupt. Bryant audatber Central lUllroad oflloera,

Dr. Wm. J. Pormolee, who haa been prao-tislng medlclna slnoe reUring from the pastor-ate of Uie Morristown Congregational Churchhat accepted a position In New York city, andwill soon assume Uie duties of the now charge.

Mr* Hannah Il*ymoud,of Trenton, |* vis-iting bar niece, Mrs, Jnoob Ruth, of this place.She is 83 years old, but travels alma to anypart of Uie Btate, readi the daily papers everyday, nod sews and performs other work withe a s e . . - . • - • • • , . • . , •

lter. Frederick N. Upham, son of Ber. Dr.F. Upturn, ot Drew Seminary, wai recent-married to Miss Ida L. Basaett, daughterEdwin BaMBtt at the Utter'g residence ia

was discharged upon noils prossqui proceed.I n g * . . • • • ' •:•. , . - , • ; . • , : • ;, • '.;•, • •

I«ui* H. aarrlaon, of Boonton, oturgedwith steaUng a watch from Marinda Dowe,w u triBd and fonnd gnilty." Sentence, threemonths, in tfae.oounty Jail.

T h e M t a n m M a n ..• Tte following item, written by Bill Ny<, haiNin'golag Ute rounds of tba preset "Amaomay ute a wart on the back of hia neck for acollar button, ride on t ie back coach to save

a Intenot on his money until tbe conductorits around, stop hla watch at night to a»vasar and tear, leave his, Va and t's withoutjta" and . crottas to save iuk, |MuLur« kis

mother's gt*ve to save oorn, but this sort of aan te a'gflnUeinon and a scholar comparedlUi the feUaw who taketa newipaper liroor

Uiree years, and when he la aaked to pay forIt, puu It book JD the office and baa It marked

' . . SDBI It Xean a Obansre f; The Bister* of Charity of Madison ore nego-

tiating for too purchase of tbe England hune-stead nsar; Rldgewood, Bergen county., TheMother Superior and several:of, Uie atsten

ire already vlalted tbe beautiful place, Itu reported tome Uma.ago that H. McK.

Twombly had offered a fabulous price for theconvent property near Madison, in ordsr toenlarge his estate, and It is thought this may

the reason why a now location la being• o u g h t . • - •• t ^ m ' ' • ,

A X u c h X a r r l e d K o n .Bai.niiBl Porter w u locked up Ust'month In

Newark upon the' charge of using threats tohis'wlfe.., At that time Porter admitted that

had another wife living at Bockaway,Wednesday night the wife who caused bis ar-rest, presented herself to Justice Hayes andexhibited the copy of a certificate showingthat Porter bod been married In England be-fore coming to thb country, making in allthree wives for thia young carpenter.

, The Dead l U a Identified.Tbe identity of the man who died suddenly

OD Bunday morning from hemurrnages, cornerHill street and Franklin Place, Morriatown,h u at last been established. His name IsJames Cunningham. Hbt regular place otresidence is unknown.' Be w u Identified by

saperintandeEt at the Morris Plains Asylum,rbere he waa employed aa a laborer a fei

years ago. " He was buried Wednesday.• •__ * - * - • . -

: lAokawonna Iiaprovementa.A Urge number of workmen were relaying

the tracks between Madison and Summit lastBunday with hoary new rails. The weir <therallaon the o e and heavy grades bsomething terriuo. Tbe rood bed of tha D,,

<£ W, hi equal to any of the large trunklines running out of Hew York city, and It Is•old that before long there will be four tracksthrough tin Oranges,

Bicycle Baoe at Xorrlatown*An interesting bicycle race took place Tues-

day afternoon between Harry Dobblni andHarvey Oeoung, two of the most inpertwheelmen of the Morriatown Bioycla Club.The run waa to. Madison and return, a dls-

ince af elght'miles, which was accomplishedi just thirty-aavon and qne-aalf mlnuleaby

Genung, wbo beat bia opponent by 8 nUnutor,

1 year tlBattle]

Miss Jennie Lake h u returned to her schoolat Pine Brook. This Is ber third

Miss Emma Parka and Miss "aro attending the Normal School at Trenton.

Mr. William Homer Axford attends UieModel Bcbool at Trenton.

Musi Sadio Dilly, of Flanders, spent TuudayWIUJ friendi in this place, •

One hardly knowa now-a-days wUch fair orexountan to go to. They all come in onemonth It seem*. . .

Kr. WiUIft Force baa reoovered front hsickness end Is around again. .-,

Peaches are very plentiful this year arounda r e . " - , •" "• -'-• . . . • ' • • '

For fruit of all ktods and of Uie Qrst qual-ity It pays one'to visit ttie fanni of IsaacEoloefaon, Undo Isaac always weloomesvisitors and snows them around. PeachesplentT, pears, applw, potatoes aU in abund-ance. He stowed two potatoes this year Uulpulled Uie balance at 3X pounds, and boa apumpkin (bo says It la only six weeks old) that( y y

M a bushel basket,ppIs aal

Will »e Blefrant fand other attractive features at tbe pand I n cream festival, of tho Catbollo Benei



Fall Overcoats,Winter Overcoats,

lotto and Overooata for everybody I All gradei at tlie low-est oash prioes I It you want to iee an auortmtnt that

ia an assortment call on us! One prioe to all.

EsssjrWni. MoCune, formerly in tbe employ of

Swiry Bfttfu-, but wUu oCUrvmrd ncut luUth d d b i in Hew York and did



well known to many uf our oldar people.There was a brilliant wedding at BuUirredntsday eTentng. Mr. A, O, Knapp, of

Fktonou, waa married to Miss Glare White,daughter of a pratnlnentrcaldeofi of Butler,whosegUttofal* daugktar waa a check for ahandMine amount. There were many otherelagont and costly present* displayed.

PORT OBaK.John MoDooald wrns able to rerume bla

work again on Mouday but, after being Idlefor sereral weeks with an ukar on one of hit>yea. -• .'• •• . . .

William J. Jamas U again abletogetoutcnlie street after his Injury two weeks ago,Juha Hughe* and wife expect to leave here

In a couple of weeks to make their home avldt, in Wbolw. - . .

Several attended theuutou eieunlon of theRockaway lodges to Hlghbud Beosh onWednesday »nd report having a verypleasant time.

•Dick Worna t»Mme Intoxicated lost Satur-day night and disturbed Uie. peace of falsneighbor* at a very- late hour. We ore In-formed that he made vile and abusive threatsagainst hut wife, whereupon Bhe took refuge In

le house of Mr. Stephen Woolcock. Aftertbli Dick's rage became so vehement that becould not control 1b and he began Mr. Woolcock's door, which causedqnite a UtUe excitement for a short time. Butafter all no one was Wiled by Dick, and badIt not been.for hla family auSering la oon-awmence he would bare to have served a termn prison, ' .Why ts it Uiat Fort Oram cannot have a

constable f Here we are about one thousandand two hundred InbabiUnte, with a 'Squireto issue warrants, but no constable to

Rumor has ft that tbero la a wedding to takeplace In town in tbe near future.

Messrs. John Abbott, Hairy £ , Williamsand BeuJ. Flortey, Br, attended the annualparada of Uie Uniformed Rank, KnJgbt* ofPrthlsx, at Plalnuildhut Wednesday; Theday was perfect and they had a fine time. I tw u aa Imposing affiilr. The parade, whichwaa four abreast, was aboutone and a halt mileslong. I t js estimated that from six to eightthousand Knfghta uniformed and unnniformod

ere hi procession.Eddie Murtiia met with a very severe aod-

deotot tba Hunl mine lait Friday WhUehewith bis comrade waa engaged in loweringsome lagging (small poles) down Into tbe mine,one of them became loosened by acme meansfrom tbe car, and It fell striking Eddie a tcr-rifio blow on the leg, breaking it Just aboveUie knee. - - ^

We notice Uiat friend Potter had a big timet Plfisjant Grove Uio other .day, where head-

dressed Uie people of Uiat vicinity on theFarours Alliance question. Ur. Potter Isosrtalnly feeding well on Uie farmers, and ifba oonUnuas much longer he will have aa largea corporation as Uie beat of them.

JaTLLTOWV AND VICINITY."More idiers" are beoomhiK oommtn

household words sow. ' 'Beeding will soon be a thing of Uie past." Tatars n are on tbe ro tMr. Henry Doering h u moved bis steam

I I U . • •

Wm. Berry w u tha guest of hU father, l u tSunday. .

The Improvement BSociety a n at work onthe ittewtlks In Chester.

The moon U a welcome guest to the wearypedestrian as be slowly wends hla way throughUte.bHlllanUy. lighted (I) street* of Chester.The street lamps ore Use a candle placed undera bushel to g l " O bghtto the household. Ha t* M 1 • • - . ' • • .

" The Telegram " h u many customers nabout bore. It la the vilcet ol the Tile, not fitto be looked at, lot alone read.

Miss Grade A. Bunn, at Parker; h u beenquite rick with the pneumonia, bnt owing Wthe proficient skill of Dr. B. W. Bums, theIs convalescing nicely.

Mr. J. DltobReld, of Trenton, h u been en-gaged, by Mr. H. P. Sanderson, to do, hlatinning, etc Mr. Sanderson never h u but A1 workmen to work for him.

Mies l i ly Apgaf, of Middle Valley, la at-tanding our school. Bhe boards at Mr. JamesWiggins'. We welcome ber'In our midst.

Messrs. Wiggins and Henderson have just•old 400 tan* of red ore. Oood luck, boys I

Peaches a n OD the wane,t f Gitroupe of Gypsies campedrn " hut week. Bearch well

at "Burntfor another

perfume mine I •MinKlliaBtrubleii teaching ttie "young

Idea " how to shoot, at Chaster Croas Beads.Whooping cough still on the rags. Parentsloufcl uaB caution now, ~~


JnatBlcht.Tbo Fall and Winter Clothing at Taylor

Bros, is Jurt right In stylo, finish and price.clent LegioQ lQ St. Haryl cow pwoobtol Dont forget the place. Uussc Unet, atar

' sdwwi haJI, B»tunUy rmln i . ' ' ' emalbridfffl.DoTsr.n, J, - *


Kmgore's Corner Drag Store!AND HE WILL

mm Ji i i i

P a s s \i ji>*\iw/v i%!2? Vcvi£*&• DISEASE™ HE




Drugs OP Medicines!


Killgore's Corner Drug Store,D O V B R , isr. ar.





















Page 4: xxxxxxxxxxxxx* · xxxxxxxxxxxxx* OUR RflTESON Tft E * BASIS * ARE THE CHEAPEST. **XXXXXXXXXXXX* DOVER, MORRIS

"Baal Bata ta Txaaaiar*.Following are some of the latest roO catate

t rawfun ID Munis county; Tbouuui B.Bwtt f to Walter R. Day, Roibury U>WUH1I][I,*4U0; Ju i iw J. Braunan to I'atnck andCathurius U. O'Ouuor, Hanover township,(U50; LuuUa M. UritU'ndcu and otfaet-B toJeannotto 13. rjaiimiiii, Dover, *l,n(M); AIDI .

-W. K«nt to .Edward K. Ball, I'equauuocikfanrmUn, $ffiS: 0 ,o . Stephana to N. Howlanu*Brown, Mt. Olive township, #**); HeiiryConger tu4Ierraan Bohr, Hanover township,(12,000; James H. Carrel! to JeannetteBHUIIUIB, Randolph totrnalilp,*fW ; UuyMIntoa tu Luwia P. WUwni, MurrUtowu, fair,JeonoetU B. Bammlit to U. L. Fulmar, Ran-dolph township, J27S; Mary A. fheJfa urn)otlion to Hannah J , Hamilton, Chathamtownship, f 1,800; Elizabeth Wnguor to Edw.V. Thelmtid, MoirCstown, (2,00(1; "Evniu to Lock wood U. May, Peqiwmichip, 15,(100; Tunis R. Hill to Anuie K. Smith,H«ndhani towmhip, |l,00O; Goo. Mattoi toIsabella Media took, Morris township, #75;Snmiiol Neighbour to David Beam, I V Rton townthlp, t$0; Martin J . O'Brien andJaueti Lawless to Louisa M. Boll, Uorrhtovni,*!>W i ThB Butler Hani Hublwr Co,, to An>drew Bhento, Butler, »SO0 j Honry M. Sover-eign to Emnilne, Martin, Flanders, fc'iOO;Edward A. Willlwra to Robert A. Bonnett,Hanover and Morris towr.ehlpx, Vm ; DavidBwm to Lovi Farrow, Wwhinfrtoo township,t 10, hev\ Furrow to Mnrgnrot Buani, "Wsch-itiRtnn township, f 10; Byron K. ond Ron, IV.BUckla to Jos. F. Tuttle, Rockaway, 13.000;Omar Llndsloy, RhorifT, ta Chan. C. DuHart,ITaKlilngtoii townalilp, #2,813IB ; Gertrude A.Donnall to JDH. R. Evans, Fomptoa Plait™,•1,100 j Fred. W. Payne to Win. H. Norrt*and 17m. Bowern, Chatham tnwnahfp, (1 .



Dr M. 11. Woodruff, of Boonton, has bwito Cbuutuut|uu.

IPlains, o

They Stuck to their Principle!.Prohahly on» of rhe stronjrM as well us the

most harmonious dklelounof tbo Brctharhoodof I.flcnrnnH'0 Knrfnoern In Hobohon D| pinionTJo. 171. Thl* division wai organized Octoberltt l i , 18T3, with UIBVIHI cliartermBniborB.from•which time tintll 1877 its growtb wan phenom-enal, wlien, owing to the (prat strike* whichoccurrwl In that year, its membership de-ctvawxl to KIKIIUMHI, tills baiug t i e only lodgeon the D., L & AV, system that retained itsch&rtor and remained true to the ardor.

In April, 1B8S, through the Influenro nf thisdivision, a new division was o

.Bcranton, Pa., which was closely followed bythe organization of other lodgoa ou tlie ytem- To-day there are over WO members oftlm IJ, of h. E. ou the D-, L. & W. tytAetn, atwblubUT belong to Division 171. In I860 asick tenoilt was orgatilEed, which ban provenof g rwt practical iienoflt, over 120,000 havingbeen paid since that data to stele and dicabledmembers. Since 1873 the largo sum of 1(0,000has been paid by the Brotherhood to tinwidows and orphans of tbfidlviHlnn'sdecoasndn»mbers, which sjienki In the highest formof tha worth and etobillty of the Brotherhood.—liallrooj Employee.

A Noted Morxistown Lady.Mrs. Q. W. CfilleB.ofMorrbtown.N. J.,haj

boon dected to the faculty of Rutgers Femali, College, «t Wo«t t»th street, How York, whenshe !• U> lecture to the girls OD " Social Culturaand Current E vents " oTery weok for this year.Tbla la to be a regular department nf tbocollege course. It) January l u t Mrs. Collwwas elect*! a member of tha Hew Jersey His-torical Society. She read before the PamgnipliClub, Df .Newark, a short time ago, her papenon " Authors' Association with Nawark," atthe bouse'of Mrs. F«yett« Smith, Washingtonplace, and her papors on a similar mibjoct laMorrirtown, read aud rupeated hi the publicball, are to be published ID book: form, with alist of lflO Bubtcrihers. At the Berkley, 20Filth avenue, New York, gbe Is engaged forton lectures, Ove on " The IVODULQ of tha Era-

' |>Ire,"«odnva on other aubjecU; one being" Goethe," which she is asked to prepara, Shehat a good voice, is not In any way tiresome,and h d i l i t e i

II. liojtuoudouil(umilj-.of Morris-o at Kiuiiii, Millie.Murphy, of Muadliam, lias bot-i

rnuiLud a pttuaiiru uf eJ8 iwsr limulh.Louis Unnisoii, of Muriiuoii, Las tutored

Ptnniiiijtou Semi nary ox u tstudunL.Miss Nora Dilly, of llntkoUinrj, Hpunt

iiiHith with frauds a t Uethlelu'n], l's.Mhu Laum Hammond, or Uoonton, in takiun

i course of organ study in New York.l'rof. J. Ii. HuUart, our nt-v iichoul jiriuc

pal, in a local prenclicr of tbo M. E. Church.Mr. aud Mrs. C. A. Kairchlld, uf MorrlatowMr. au s. C. A.

have been spending aJ b H f iave beJobu

, r a ,n In the Cattakllls.

hng Cattaklll.

, uf ilorristowu, hot gone tol f th b t l t f hi h l t hDenver, Colorado, fur the bouotlt of bis health.

Conductor Win. Colliflon is enjoying a tonday's vacation and Uiuduclor H'ID, Hprigg Isruiiuiug hit) train.

Mrs. Tooke Htrnker, of Boonton, baa t*onenjoying much of tbeSuwiueraUhoOrieuial,Manhattan lioacli.

lira. M. 8. HoJmfs, of Connecticut, lion tweiiisitlug her futlier-iii-lasr, ui-Hayur JOB.

Iluluies, of Boouton.Mrs. Albert Llmlslcy, o( Now Veruou, loft

this week far Denver, Colorado, whom sbe-will stay BOIHO time. i

Postmaster Talking, of Port Oraru, has boon Ipending a few days with hb brother, John A.

TonkiiiK, a t Bcranton.Canblor M. 8 . Cundlt, of tbe Dooutou hank,

'III soon occupy tba fine uow residence he labulUIup io that j.lace.

ROT, Dr. Huftboa, roctor of tho Church of*~ " ', Morristown, 1B CX]>OOUK1 homo

from Europe this week.Mr*. JaniM Albright, of Cedar Rapids, la.,

p visiting tho fnmllfoi of Dr. Jchn at Madison.

The Patenon Press says that Ufa* T. Hun-ltolo, of Boonton, la Eivinu: Rroat satlnfactionus orgimfnt of Bt Agues' CLurch, In Puterson.

Ooo, Iticuarttfl, Esq.. and tbe other membersof tbe Btato Asylum Board are making theirannual Inspection of tho Insano Institutions ot

"DB State.Mtn Iletta Whits left on Wednesday for

Chicago, to visit her brother, Jos. B. White,nil before her return may take a course I:focal Instruction.

Miss Edith Nart, o( Worristown, will bennrried to Mr. Itoliert I'orlor, on tliu snth of

Sapteinber. The ceremony will be tierfornieda t the bride's homo.

A daughter of Councilman Enoa Wilder, ofSlaiijson, who hm bwn in Europo for tue pasttwu yean with Urn family uf Gw>. H. Dawforth, ban returuml borne.

William Elliott baa Iran elected to fill tho

The Children's Home,addition, W) by 40 fast, is being built

the West side of tbe Children'* Home, nt Par-slppany. I t will 1M three stories, with attio,

'pie floors and yellow pine UblU«vo & liurrare the corpocUira, John Car-

of Uoontoo, niosun, Tuoa. B. Pie:jilumbor. The luipromujent will oust about?;>,UJU, of which mm (a,r>00 have been raised

ice last May, leaving <1,.'>OU,itlud to cumpluU1 thu work wliii-L In to bo

d by u xlCbristm i. Tin.1« usvd fur a curnory and rcbool room, andtbe nld ectiocl rouiii will be tukeu for a Uinlug

There are at proncut nearly eoveuty cb!Uit the Hone , all uu<lur 10 years of age

twunty uuder nix years. Tlila inatltulion in»bly doing more good than any otlior

nocosBory oncouroguimid Bhuuld ruculve


ttxplred torni made

r G S Lnt by tbo resigna-h f L l

g , I y wand her papert are exceedingly eitine,having all that is good, with the tedlotinu*sand dullness left out.

The Plenitude of Babbits., Itabbitaara oart«i,i1y more abundant than' nniol, bat It Is folly to publish tho current

reports that are causing tbo farmers 'graveapprehBMious. They vtlll be greaUy reducedin number* by tho end of tie first day of tbe

. thooling season it not eleaued out beforehand. by law-breaklng gunners and by tlie trap set• by the country boys. There ii DO danger of

tha little cottonttiili ever overrunnlBg tblicountry, ai tha EngUsh robblbi have Austra-lia. The'cottontallB live above ground and

( (TlP» birth to nrly two yma$ nn« at « Umo.They ares pray to cats, hawks and weasela,

L as well as to gunnen and trappen, and it is awonder, tfcat they were not extermimitedyean ago In thickly tattled parts of tho coun-try.—Call

tiou or Goo. B. Ljon an Sodium of Loan t leaTrilw of Itod lion, of UoouUm.

Jos. Boyne, SujwJiitentlent of tho DiamondPupor Mill Co. a t Wliippauy for the [mat so vonyears wilt noon sever bis conneoUon with thatfirm, but linn not docldol whore he will locate

Willlnm Duun, Nicholas Lowlow and Wui.Kelley, three IKJJB of Mnrrlntown, linveonten-dthe Cntboltc College nt Eumiettiibuj-g, Mil., topursue R tfaedogical counw for the priesthood.

JIIBS Itcllo Dodd, of Boouton, who recentlyntunuxl from CoiisUmtlnoiile, Turkey, wheresli<3hna«[wut several yearrsltimlttslimQry work,bag docUled to return to that in-wlon mripring.

Senator Werta on joyed lilmwlf last week bycmiBiug iu tbe lower Dalatrare lUver, infipect-ing tbe riparian front a t Fenu'e Orovo andvicinity, In company with GOT, Abbott and'be lUjx.rJnn Commlnslonyrs.

Prof. DeVolson Wood, of Boonkui, at -moettug of tbo J [fills to rial Association, n tSamtofca, delivered an address upon "Tl ieRotation of tho Fulpit nud tho row." Il lsrecent experleuws should give Prof, Wood aknowledge of bin subject.

Tha Ror. 0. Clark, of the Newark Confer-ence, and wife, greatly mourn the lota of theiraeeoutl daughter, Ada, eighteen years of age,who died at the home of her father, Ml I ford,Pa., Sept Sd, after a long illness. Bbo w ugood and studious, and had bean fitted forteaching.

Mm. Hnmflton McK. Twombly, of Madison,gorernoas that sbo paya *40 &ar housekeeper, a gontlewnmnn

who mot with reverses that compelled her to

Specimen Cases.H. H. Clifford, New QUBOI, Wkeaudn, was

troubled with Niiurnlgiii and lUietunntism,bis Btotnacb v.nn cllsnitlerwl, bis Uvor wasaftoctod to an alarming dogroo, apiwtlto fullaway, aai ho woo terribly mlucod in flesh

nd tiLroiigth, Three Lotties of Electric Bit-en curixl hbu.

Edward Uhci>bonl, narrlxburg, III., hud arunning Boro ou his leg of night years' utand-iug. Used throo lwltlea of Ulectrlc BitUirsaud Bovcn boieti of Itucklon'i Arnica Salve,and lite k-g Is sound and well. John Bi«okcr,Catawba, O., bad live largo Fuver Bores onhis log, doctors uM ho wan ineurnhlo. OnobotUa Elwtrlo lilt tors and ono box Jlucklou'

a Bttleo cured him ouUi-oly. Sold byllobert EiBgorc'a Drug Store, Dover, Oram,Uunco & Co'a Drug Hloro, I'urt Orom, aud F.N. Jenkins' Drug Store, Chester.

HEATH & DRAKEhave received their first im-

portalion of foreign

Dress Goods.Also their early deliveries of

domestic manufacture for the

Fall Season of 1891.The assortment is very com-

plete, including all the novel-

ties of the season. An early

inspection is invited.


A Raul Balsam l a Kemp's Balsam.Tho dictionary nays, "Abaluuui h a tulclc,

pure, aromatio Bubutiuico (lowing from trees.'Konip'u Bnlsom for the Throat and Lungs is

>uly cough medicine that is a real balsam.y thin, watery cough romedia* arc calledams, but such nro not. Look tlirou_

bottlo (if Kemp's Balmin aud notice n h a t apuru, Llilck prej>arotlon It is. If you cough

K B A ll d, pj

iso Kttup'g Bnlsobottles Wo. and «L

. At . Largo

From my knowledge of Uio valuo of Dr.Dcane's Dyspepsia I'll Is, derived as well fromuy own oiperionco as from tbo testimony ofnany wbn hnvo trailed their merits, I am sst-

inflwl tliattbey wall dosorvo tbo ample patrouage they arc receiving.



Itctween William I I . Force, complainant, andl l k b l B b l a u ft di O r J U OOi

ealo.WiLLAiiD W. CUTI.KII, 8ol'r.

Irtuu of n tlwroo mmlo by the CbnuUor of the State of Now Jersey In tlie

cause above stated bearing dnta the twenty-!lr . t .ck ?»[ AU2U.J. A. 1). • " J j . j j ^ O ^ W«l"


of tbu Urs of tboker Jiiitmnri, uiiu ui LNU DJNJCIUI juiiswrs oi moCourt of Chancery of Bald Ktatfl will sell atnibllo vouduo to tho lilgliest bidder at..night's Uotel, a t tStanboixi, fu tbo County ufIUBSOX, on ~

MONDAY, the 13th day of OCTOBER,18m, between tbe hours of Vi mid 5 o'clock,that Is to Bay at two o'clock in tha afternoonit &nlil day, all that certain lot or tract of laudand ureraltiea lying and being In the Ton-ii-Bhips of JJyram aud JelTersnn, la the Countyof Sussex and Morris a u d S t a t * ' " ' - - * - - — -beloK near tho hood

latdBtataotNeiv Jersey,of Lake Hupntcong, bo-ree marbed on four sides

with a large hlaxo and three botches uudoreath hlau, staudlng on tbe southwest eido of a

hai a nursery govimonth, and her hi

relinquish bar position In one of tbo most ex-clusive clrclu of New York society, draws asalary of $250 a month.

; • ' About t h s SI«e of I t . ," T h e loose charpm of Um B u t JerseyFro-prietors against Wiutam 1L Faroe would notreceive publiooontidBratiOD in tbit oommun-Ity BYta If the Board of Proprietors bid abetter reputation a s a body. The method* of

t that unvraerabl* relic of ancient ipeouUUonare, however, ihown in a rather intonatingnunner in tha bosrd<a eo-npldut Th« boarddidnH know that I t owned anything, but It

'sgraed to-pay sixty dollars out o( avery baa-• dred that could U collected from land-fa oldenwho would rather pay aomctiiiag than have sl i t M UiU oluwky claim company.—Newark Call

A. Taloable Aid to Taaohlar.AUtU« work on"CapiUta and ruoctoaUon,!

with three hundred tenteDon for practtoe InU S B O f l h h b b l U b d b. M c p u b l U b e d b y o n e of

' oar Morrii county teachers, Mr. loaic B.•King. .The form is very conTenlsnt for nn

d i U ig . is

and an inipecUon DonvliioM that It mut tprove a valuable aid to th» teacher in present-ing t h W tnbjecU to pnplb. Mr, Elmer E,BtmnaM, principal of Naughrlght achool, labandllng the work, and for purpooos of In-troductloQ will send a sample copy tor ten« n t a , or one dwten eopfat for one dollar.

i ,' v . ' Axreated-fbr Thoft.Harlon SUtea, • boy living oh Spring street,

•wai arrested last Friday by Marshal Hagan,upon complaint of florist Spangler, whocharged him with cutting off, pulUnjC andbreaking down a great lot of flowers. Someof the; flowers were found a t the hams ofjonngBUte*. Th» hoy admitted going to theplace. . Ha said his mother sent him out for afcoquetl,batlaldtheBtealingand destructionof flowers to a younger boy who was withbun. Justice Gage required the boy to fur-

, nlita ISO wearily to answer «t Court

A Beranado a t Xt, Preedotn.TheNewarkNewBBays: "ANowarkerwho

ba i j iu t re tu rnedf roma Bojournat UielltUevllligo of Mt. Freedom, In Morris county, hasbrought back in his mind's eye a picture of ascene a t ones humorous and touching. I t lathat of a country bride standing on a plena,arm and arm with ber young huaband, lu tbelight uf the new moon, her head reatlBg onhis tnoulder. The young husband is the Mt,Freedom corraspondant of a Dover piper, andall the countryside known ho w u married afew days ago. He had bspt announcing Ittor the p u t few week* in bin column of Ibepaper for which ho writes in this fashion:"Tha happy dayts fast approaching;" "Soundthe timbrel, the joyoiu event is but twoweeka off;» "Hai l to the bride, tbooontom-platod marrisge Is a t band," etc. Some ofbill frtandi prepared a surprise for the happyoouple. On tUa night of the happy day therewai a lecture on "Solomon's Temple" in thevlllige church. About thir ty young farmersmade this lecture a gathering point. Theycauie with old muskets, horse pistols, bassdrums, tin kottlos of various sites and de-scriptions, in abort anything that could mafaea uuW. Aftcrtheleoturetheymarclieddown.the dark country road to the house of thocorrespondent, surrounded It and then beganwhi t they called a ••Bkimmerton." TheyOral Uie -guns and pistols, hammered tbBdrums and kettles and set up such a howl thattbe towarkor hod Jean for the rest of thadead in the church-yard, a itone'i thro w downtlie road. All tfas midnight Indian attacks ofthe dime novels of his boyhood w a n recalledby the fearful racket Tho newly-marriedman came out and passed around tbe cigars,b u t t b s t was not enough. The crowd bad tosee the bride. Bfae came down also, and arm-io-arm they stood In the dim moonlight, whllotbe > a r a r « | p iumpod and yelled and shot to

' » W H I . v ^ v • . »—.. ** a>,w>4 b«aaatn4 • M U

Duynes lAndlng also distant about three-quarters of a mile on a coureo of north onedegree and thirty minutes west from a pointof laud called Racoon 1'olnt; thence (1) north

tity doKreei o u t trfxtoon chains; thenceuortb Sweaty-el* degrees east eUteeiius anil ton linltB ; thonco (8) north forty

degrees east twenty chains nnd eighty links;thence (•.) nortli sixteen dograes west thirteenc b a h u ; thonce (5) north tUty-seven 'west twenty chains; thenco It!) BOUI',1ofl.uaa *un_* al.f_* H n | . A | _ _ _ at..

n degrotU tHlrtchalnB; thenco (t!) soutU tElrty

Jegrees west thirty chains ; thence (T) northatxty degrBes wert ten chains j thence (8) northtwelve degrees aud thirty minutes east twon-ty chains; thence [If] north lifty-elght decreeswest twoaty-four chaltu; tbeuco (10) couththirty degrees weet fifty-four chains; thence.11) BOUUI seven degrees weet fifty clmiwi undforty Unlu; thenoe [Y£) uortb eigbty-ulua de-(trees east thirty-nliio chains and alxty llnlca iijoneu (18] uorui tblrty-flvo degrees east thir-ty chalua aud toventy links to tha place of be-ginning, containing live hundred and thirteenacres and eigbty-bUQuredtks ol an acre, butift«r deducting a tract of GUty-eli acreu andilsbty-hundredths of an acre iuolitdod thorc'wliluh wai r t i tumul tu iaraot t'ttnlloM i>u t i _fourteratii day ot August A. D. 1B07, and re-cordod la tlie Surveyor General's OIUCB, IUtook B, IS, pago 200, there remains four hun-

dred and lorty-aeveu acres more or lest awlthat from the aforesaid described tract thereihould bo deducted twenty-four and th i r t j -two one-hundredthH acres of a survey of twoI . . . J ^ - J -.- . . .- -mracres and ninety-two—. . _ . jreturnod to Robert It.Uvlngsuin, April IU, 18W, and recorded In theSurveyor Qeueral'a Office In Dook B, ID, page407; also ono hundred and ninety-five and oev-

"- ' ' ' itiis acres oil a survey ofid fifty-four end forty-threereturned to Robert K. Liv-

Heath & Drake,

777 & 779 Broad St.,


Samples sent upon application.


New Fall Dress Goodsdisplaying aa enormous lino of


QennaAmorii -foreign quail

lng Uie l a t n t productionfl of Bn^litb,nud French mauufactuFen, also many

* the latter f(unrldK themvui. tho latter equaling tbe- „ ,- -Itlos, but at about ona-hnlf the

cost. We Invite the ladles of Kern Jertwy toInspect our lines, assuring thorn that neverbefore h u such a diiplny of

Fine Dress Fabricsbocn Bliomi In lionark. From our oztenBlve

tmeota ve bave selected M U reproeenta>irsluo. todiowwliat can twezpocted from

thl» department

A I L W O O L SUITINGS.In Plain fl'lalil CftiCheviot, Bouoltt Dcdford Plaid, Flaid crinln CuKhmere ftirgw nnd Flannel,inches wide. ^ e d M S l c l i n t ^ g


is the time to buy" your

Clothljig cheip, as I have

reduced my Sainiuer Cloth-

ing below cost, ou account

of uiaking room for onr

Fall ana Winter nothing.

Please call and see me be-

fore purchasing elsewhere,


S. LEVINGTOJV,Opp. Baker Opeia House,


DE '•i&Kir( AND Etafc.V )

Depot in Nsir Tork, foot of OtteUj Bt. toe1

foot of OnnitopborBl.8UMUEB AIUtAKQEMEHTe.

Ooffloieaeing UOUDiV, JUNE 22d, 1891.


A.H. mUTIUtlKD I .M.Bttffalu flipres!* 6:86Oiirego Expresi* 0:10Borer Kipreis CMH*ukottik»wiiEir.7;83WasbiBgtvn Bpl.» " ' "~ IklaEzprasu'

too EijminBintop Ex.* I

Anh mr ngenti Tor W. L. Ilnuslns Hlioei,If tint fur m i l Iu rnur pluec nxlt yourIrnter to Htiitl tar niiiilituiic. •eoiii-o ibe

••'•^••TAWK'H'SllWlVutE. J*


THE B E S T S H O E IH THE VfDlUJ) TOR TIE MQflEVPitlanwamluianbaD, wllb uolockiur « n tiirnul

U> hurt ti)<i tcun nmilg of (lid bctt'Iluo calf, MTlliliana unir, mul bteauu ice make more iAon iiftM*l/niiff 1httnut*u p/hrrtuanij/urliirtr, Itoauatfl baud-mnvfaiWucoillni fmni«l.U0lu»5JJ0. tiSK OUUonii lpnl lnmii ierU, iLoflnpstcnlf

CQUI^I Frenchto Hl.UJ.





407; also ono hundredouty-gix bundredtiiBhreehundrod ani" "

returned to Robertme III, lblU, la Uaok B, 17,'louuUj'uuf jiart o i tuii lo


la aok B, 17, paxe 6T,louuUijuuf jiart o i tuii loud, tbure

reualus two hundred and twenty-six acrestnd uinety-two ono hundredth* acres mi

r 'tnoludlttK the Inchoate esUte of dower ofJennie Bhipman tbereln.

MorridWwD, N. J . , September 2d,lB»l.OEO. WALKBK JiSWKINS, •

Bpeclal MwUr j n Chancery.


WEDNESDAY, Sept. 16th.TUB CUUltaa OF STUDY include* the

studios required for admission to college and;!eutlflo schools. Tboroueh instruction laa In Aritbmotlo, Algebra, Oeometry',

lingonometry when required), Latin .Qrock,EdcliBh, Frcncti, German. Phfrice, Chemis-try. Atoluit and Motleni Hlilorj, Uitt etetueutaol Uoology,' Physiology nnd Iwtany. and 1DrawliieandElooQUoo.

yOUHGER PUPILS, (0 yean old and up-wards), are trained In tho rudiments andpreinted to'take up with advantage thehigher Btudlos of tha courae,' Our graduate*stand well In College.

ABUZ TBACHimS adepartment. .

The Principal. Mr. CharioB D. Platt, A. M.

BEDFORD CORDS,The latest In I'lain Fabric*, in beautdfulshndos €f tan-ny bronus (representing tbeebnJoo of falling leave*), hliiw, golden tant,broiuta browpn, lawny browns and roddlthbroffiiR, 40 luch wide mid all wool, equal intl.00 vnlue usually altered. Wo Bhall sellat 73 dt l .0 nlue usually alteat 73c. yard.

I M P O R T E D C A M E V S H A I R -BaudBOiiio BM\KS and. rialds, 40 lacheswide, choice colorings, good value a t Jl.25.

In iionnitctlou with tlie above Lieu class Nov. jcity ijuftlug, wa are Hbowlnz a vary laresand fluu lint of Plain Materiafs, tltat throuulidirect Imporbitiou allows us to olTor al tlasame low price vt Q A A

DOMESTIC CHEVIOTS-50-luch ell-wool, IIIJB lineuf miIn ono of tbo fp.brlca equal to the foreignthat would mUU for about $1, Look at

"""'""""98c. yard.MATLESSE SCIT1KG9.

Imnortal emd« liiOamol'l Utlr Meet Irorycliolce), and fancy vmvea of eorpoiitineyniio wslo, duudM uud hr-rringbono, In allcolo™-«$l24 yd.A DLAOK SILK DEPAUT1IENT COIL

pluto In all Its dutallf, embracing all qualitiesof Black Gro« Grubs, Faille*, TuidtouolM.Ihailaines, ItidBliiiorm, Uarnllloux, Mourn-ugBUIts, Slolrea,. Musoovlto, BiirnUs, Hstlnt,

Taffetaa, oto. .l u o above list, while short, Is comprehen-

Blve enough to anow ths capobilltlOB of thisnew department In Ba^orlmantand price. TUBPUS thing that can alwayu be depended uponla tlte fact that whatortu-Is newond novel (nhe lines at Ueuara] JJnaa or Dry (loads can

be looked for on our counters.-i«,WBtTB FOR SAlirLEB.>i-

_JUI- ioepectinn Invltol to our iihpUy ofFull GanneutB and HUlluery.




SUSSEX S T R E E T , D O V E R , N , J .

fa stocked with tha beet o! ererf tblng In Ih'e

, nail iiold i t living: prices. CkU nad e u n

inomjBtoosnadprioofl.. all good a delivered

to iny p*rt of tht town i t ibort notloe.


Dorar Aaoom.ElmlriEx.*E M I O L HkllO JG


Oiwega JGtprcst i:(H)U'tettslown fipl.* fi;00DoTar Aooom. E i p r m * 0:lSDjver Accom 0.63MUkExprnse' 6:07EutonAcooin. « ; «Milk Bxpreaa* 0.10

*Yli, Bciunton Brsiioli. .

Milk Ksprou* 6:5.aUk E*presi u.Si

E*.a\oa U»il 9-MBuffalo Eip.* 10:18

utrtiiA|l8& uicaOoiEuti

i c 0 o n i . la.-uKipratt S:M

umir» EiprD»*9:16>QVcrAcooni. «:1B

Jiiton £iprB |» 8^9Scranton Ex.*i-kettstownKiEDo»erBxpre««-. . . . .Wuh. Hpeoiil 8-04Jaffalo Exp." , 8:81BnffiloEi." ' : M&Doveraooom, io:lo


Leave.Dover,0;C0 A7*2 "



7*2 BriM)8:10 •• 9:0f <•:

11:30 " ll!48 •'-19:17 p. u . 1:17 r.2-M •' 8:16 ••0:00€-M816

1:17 r .v8:16. ••0000:007:33B:lfi





707 to 731 BBOAD St ., N. J.

DR. A. 6. FREEMAN, DENTIST,bai psrmusnil; looitad Ms offlce In UOVBB, M.

>oslt>Uislloatoae«jlnroaaaDrprJoiinA.. . store, ina invites a mere of tbe public

{••troriaga I alitlJ oonttoiJe, Mbetotclore, taoVn,od?»Ujjrtcj«.^l|j motto h*i

*tn tt»tih««ri_.__rfalf ihlH Itl IM«>. -- - -


.lorrla 0 tjutpIiQU, A. II. (Princeton^ andMr. Cecil K. Uarcroft, A. B, (Yale).

Prof. Henry VV. Smith, A, M. (a graduateI tbo Boston School of OraNory), will give

Instruction In Elocution \ Miss Ague* Dodd,In French anil Gorman ; and JSr. Walter LLow. A. B, (Yale), in drawing.

Addroas, ,

CHARLESD.TLATT,Gl VTcstflrn A v c , •

Uorrlstowa, N. J .

,LWhat«royouraimslnllfat Doythat a thorough business educationyou need to Bucoeod to your lifejouraeU ol the

itiou IB wlwork/ Av

Wil l iam K. Force Aecuied.A bill was filed in tbe Court of Chancery at

Trenton on tho 10th' lust, by tho Board ofProprietors of Ea»t J e n o j , againstM. Force, of Nowark, a foi r Regiitrar oftbe Board, la which many of Mr. Force's aottoni whllo be beld oillce a n called in ques-tion. A demand lialaa made upon nlm. for alarg« turn of mon<? irhloh It Is alleged heappropriated to himself and others from thesale of lands belonging to tbe Board.

Tbo Board of Proprloton of East Jersey,which was created In 10,44, claltni tho owner-ship at all unappropriated lsnds In tho State.

Ban Into the p ra l sb t Xrain.A wreck occurred last Friday on th* P

atlo and Delaware branch of ths D., L, & W.Boad, tunning from Bammlt to Bernards-vlUa. It 1A a tingle back line aud a upodoJloaded with peacbea was rounding a curvenear Wilmington. I t crashed Into a freightwhich was ahnnUng to*, rfdetrack to glp•pedal a dear track. Sereral freight canwere torn to pieces and the track was strq<with debris. Passenger traTttl waaMTera) hours.

For Alraaluff Hit yFor some time past, it Is alleged, Charlca

rtilpp, ol Chatham, fau made frequent threat*•lalnsbthamBiiibenothlifainlly. Hiafather«od mother lira with him, and'more thanonoe, It li smld, be hat threatened to kill them.It l l l dIt

, to ill them.s also alleged that he made similar

t hl ifg d that he made similar

tfaroati to hli wife, u d b u abased hsr andfall children. Hit fajnlly gnw tired of tbla•ort of thing, and his father made a oompltbtbefore Jostioe Bathbun at Madison. PhjppTO arrestod and committed for the v\courts.

o t » TJnlforued.All ths1: employee* oj the United Stat«a

Sxpresa Company *r« to be nnlfornwd at«xpenM of t ie oinupany by October 1st, toeuniform otnuUU of a double-breostod coat ofdark navy bias, wlUt brass buttons oonUln-Ing tha monogram " u . 8. E." On the lapelof tha coat mill .be worn the trad* mark oftha company, a.borttBhoe and fire-proof tsiewith esgh wings utBodmg tterafrom..

B a r w u cHenry Kay, a colored barber, eighteen ytara

of age living at'Mobt tk t

The ofQco of tha concern Is at Perth Amboy.Forco was elocted Itegister la 1331 aud re-dgued In IBM, Helsreporbdtobetheownerof large tracU of land In various parts of theBtato. While be was registrar for the Board,It Is alleged, he sold conirfdenbla property be-longing to the Board and did not aooount forall the proceeds. Mr. Force contends thatthrough a miitakB be did not account for11,000, which he Immediately made good,deducting the Co per cent, which' he asserts

na due him on the ealo of all laods,Mr. Force, who has property in teresta In

this section, and U well known hem, Bold to areporter that his course had been a porfeotlyhonorable one in connection with (he affalnof Us Board, and that be was justified In allthat he had done. He courted an investiga-tion, be added, and didnot fear tha results.

Beffalnlur Her Health.Mn. D. H. Ualetto, of Brooklyn, daughter

of John A. Wilson, formerly of Dover, hasbeen In poor hnalth for the part ton yean. Shehas been treated by the most celebrated doorton in How York and Brooklyn and nonohave seemed to understand her case. Shecams to Oak Ridge to visit ber relatives.The? Insisted at once that aba should consultDr. Pellet of Hamburg, N . J . He understoodbar trouble at once and b u performed a mostsncOMBfalopperaUon. SbelsBatnlngveryfastShe U a t tbe residence of her uncle, JacobTaUmaa, at Oak IUdgv, convalescent, andwill soon be abh> to go back to her home InBkl h i

New Jersey Business College,7«4TS6BB0AD ST., HKWABK,

Orrosmt Tin KJEW PaoDurrai, BDILDIHO.

Day and Sight Sessions, '•Shorthand and Typo-wrltlng Dept,

Business Studies,Tuition very low,

Catalogua free.0. T. MILLER, Principal,

N. B.—PALI, SISSIOXS IDay OIOBS opens Baptember 1stKlgbt class opens September 7th.

fEB'S SALE.Notice Is tierebyglven that thB understened.

Becdver of the Continental Dynamo Com-P«ny, by order of the Court of Chancery, willsell nt public auction at tho Continetal D

«ny,ell nt

order of the Court of Chancery, illublic auction at tho Continental Dy-ctor I D v e N J THURS-


Bt J .

y y, ,of age, living at'Morrbrtown,Kewark Thnraday afternoon


ytaken to

Isrt we«k,ld

J2MU* SlncUlr, 'ot'Ho. 173'Thctmu «tr«t,Newark. Ray w u discharged, aa it was thowQ

thatb*lwd not aeen Uie girl;In three montb*.She la working a» a domeatio la VVycioff,BeTgeo count j , . •'•••--• . '. .-

1 BaeUan'a Axnioa- SalTel ' -H » best mire fa tbo world for Cat*, Bant,

Bruise*, Uloera. Batt Bheam, Fern- Son-Tetter, Chapped Hands, ObUblalns^'Cobru,and all 8Un Bnrptioni, and podttTBlj curea

tit* rthi t

IT"**v*1mr r rfl* omt b

p jXtbgnanatoedto

fit r r y lhiot twenty-flr* omts per box. For sal* byHobart SiOgan, Dcmr, Omn, Haaco & Oo.,Port Qnm. anil F. 5 . Jnnlrfni.fTlyW.

Brooklyn, much improved la health.

Offlco of J . M. B. ROBINSOH,101 Raat lacth Bt. '

Retidence, 065 £ast liSd Bt•• « i w Tome, Jan. Slot, 1890.

Alvi's Brarillaj! Bpedflo Oo,-Oen«omen:Havlni; auffared tor tbe part two j ean withrtoumatlsm, indigestion, aora throat and acomplete breaking down of my whols ijitem,I w u ioduced. (aftor treatlcg with Mreralprominent doctors) to t*7 tbe Cactua BloodCure,'1 which11 eontinaod to use for abouttblrty days, dnca which UmelbaTO been en-tirely tree from tbe above mentioned tmablea,aod bare more »mb4Uon to-day man any ttmeIn the part f our j e a n r I can neartUr reooin-mend tbo WUM to an j rou harlng tbo tanutroobtoa. J . M. B. Bosmsoir. •

For sale by Robert KiUgan, DOTCT, N. J.

Tbe fact that Hire*' Boot Beer la so nibbedbjaJl who try it Is that i u fame b u nowreadied orer this whole continent, and mil-lion* speak It* praise In almost every tonjua.A packaga makes fire gallou, M deUdnca,

Bvurdealsri Dover, N. J.,DAY. BEPl'EUllKR 2-ith, A . li. 1801, a t 9o'clock in the afternoon (3 p. IL) all the reaestata anduiachlnerr plant of tbe ContlnentaDynamo Company a t Dover, consisting ofabout an acm *n<l a half of land with allBlom, buUdlngfl, railways and appurtenances,floginn, boiler, baiting, shafting, tools andnwchlueiy. A U oiTke iarnlture. ' " T 1 ( m a

Dated Sept. eth, 1801.Jos . P . HANDOLI-H, neoalver,

• , „ No. 1 Montgomery B t ,^l-2w Jersey City; H. J .

Boaled proposals ana invited for the.ereo-Uon of a stone retaining .wall along the castHide of tbo HuBNx street road beiT north olMcFarlanatreet,inthBtownofDoTer. Speci-fication! may be seen a t Dr. O. W, JfcDaviysDitntal Rooms, on BlacktreU i t rea t Pro*

W. H, 8PAITOL13, J R . , : "0 . W. MeDAvirr, -N A T I U H Wjifloii"-•'• '

• , Street Committee,




Painter and Paper HangerMURAL DECORATION, ;



Braia and Wood Curtain FUturei, .

Tfud WBX Finish for Ilomiiw, 'pointa. Oils,Ul/un, &o. Artist's colon* and bnuuW -

1ST* Cojuimteut wen aent to any part of the8tat« or cliwwhcns. - . •


: ' JlqiutjBTOWff, N.Cop. ,WAfi»mayo\ AMD COUIJT STS. Jli



LEATE KSlf I0I1K FOB DUVEB.Al a :» . 1:10, 73IF, 0:00". 9:00, ».SW, 10:10,

A. ».i 18:00 II,. liOO", J:JO. 8:10, 4:10., »:a[

CHESTER BRANCH.Wetlmril. Salknu. . Butuari.i . M. V: U. P. M. A. M. P. M, p . M10:318:05 0:17 Olu.Mr ' 7.-SJ 13:001,10

H ilorton 7[33 12:08 <fiaj lronl» . 7:87 1S:18 4:i«

»:10 3:S5 S,« rtO MS uJo SiS8:8s S:SO t :« uavn 1:00 12,85 SiSMo n.oketlilo«D Kipreu Hop. n Port

"a™ »°'»8 B."t« » ! . « . ! gofcj Wo.l it


OF HEW J E K S B T . -'*'



For Now iprl,'- Newark ana Eliz-lietVat 6:41;"11:42 A, jr.; 3:31.5:62

P. M. ;:B((m«tj, 5:48 p. H. '

. For Philadolphin at 0:41, 11'42A,: if; S:31, 6:5'Jp. if. •••:.-•

For XoDg Dranob; Ocean Qroye,Asbury Park nnd points on NewYork and Long Branch Railroad

t 3 8 1 ; '



IRON liEROHANT,Carriage afssers*. filsjxkisiltbs',

Omuiotorav Mldng u l HJunuKWrera' Bop-pUas, lUnti , oils, eto.

AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTSked i *nd Pertillwrs, Balei and Boales, Blew-

d e i . Triojoioi. Fishing T w k « and Bporu-men'i Qnodti, HnusekeeplDB; Goods, \ -


line of UtKi Balea, Berrigerators and ffalarlBrij BabT GtrrlkRes, eio.

Igapl or Uorrts and Bdjotniothe Oliver ciiilled Plow, S|BOEagle WfaDelOsWTatars-W

naroonntlM or" • " " wum«u ciuw. BIDU Acme Harroir,

„ J Wheel OnlUvatori, Wntw A. Woodawen, Beaneri asd Bujdon.Hurto Dikes,merican and Ballard'* Say Teddf" *

(SDCtJIMOll TO At mSBTOK,)'; ''_'. -


Steam Heaters,Dnples uttas ud Hot Wi


T«, Oona «JT» S u n IMM Boora**:

Sheet Lead,-


at3i8].p :

For till Btoiona to. 1 Bridge5 2 r i u

tothonundefar wham I" issUfy to i u merit. T «.„„

ailed i l about btlf tb« rates ofaaifidlD,JT«IUM. T n i h t u f o r Ui»palalMi m"iofttetMth.'Ah*namMHrif|«Mfaaiew-wmm buDem mj

tlsi, tut >lia for ttis hoaltfInilflate 1or ths put Iwelrs

and tobaiara of theyean. It Is a grett? • » « a « h l , co

peuatand rollililo dn«T. uca.itT, Vnmnv, V. D,(D*ckol UtOtm Oolltg Utt la i Ut u IM with Dr, Freeman bb.«tended

- - 8rtvnops,A. O. Fnuiuitt—D(ar Hlri-I i

•nybocefltu a nferuoe.TOD art veloone I' 0. B. NKLDIN, V. D.

- - •• I h a w

REAL ESTATE!Tbe Bubscribers, executore of Stephen Clck-

rson, deo'd, mill olTer at piililin sn'o on

SATUBDAY, Sept. 19th,1BD1, a t 11 o'clock A. if., a t

M. S. Condlt's Store,rARSIPPANY, the folbwlng doscrihod lotsof land. The first lot coutaum about S3 acresof tillable land, sltmital near Fox Hill Sta-tion, adjoining lands uf David Audmvr I t vmaiuo and cSe Howell The Bcooml Int isaltuatoi a t Troy Mead owe and contaiui abontI acres of meadow laud, adjoining hinda of

Eugene Quimliy and the late Hiram Smith.A l » TO the lame day. AT PR ANKUN, a to'clock p. JL , upon tbo premises to be sold,

near the residence of William Avres, a lotcontaining about SI acres of Una cUcstnutTimber, a? about SO years growth bales tobs made, rain o r shine Conditions will benude known on day of mle by


L few nuatu «f Donr ptoplo tar nae work In tha p#nt U^Uljto IU «<o



CHAB. u. uy


v.T ;^v: :'. —im- '•-,.. '


81p 9te6 AD St.

atB:41 ill:42A.M;SUSDAJB, 6:48 p. JC

For Lako Hopatooii, at 6:41.8:H),'ll!42 A. M.j 2:85, 331, 5:52 r.M. , BUHpAY8, 10:03 A.H. V. .: {

; .'!.Jor aU stotionBto bgdei, 6:41."

8^»Ai - l ( ; j^ lp; i f ; :* ! : ; ; ! r iW: ''.' For Eooknway. atJ^O.12:09,. 2:58, 4iO>, -6:15.,

For Boston, Allentown a ManoliOhank »t"6:41 A. K.: 3:31,,6:62 r.k., Stmom, 6:48 p. ar. ? :

Jj.ojve Now York nt 0:00, 8:15 A.if; ;QP, #:30 i. u, 3DKDAY8, 7:Q0* ' * - '• ' •

; ; / :: ' r ; : •


• lieuye SmSimm'at O;33, 8:42,11:35 A. «.;• 2:27, 3:23, 5:46 P. i

; t b . leading Eoroptta u d &aloan CanpaalN. .• ':> •• •-:.

: • • ' . . • ! - ; ' " • . ' . : • ; • • • • • - « . » ! . ? - ' - ! y ' i ' ' : .

Losses promptly adjusted and.' paid In oath.


Cor. Sussex and Blickwell Sts.

PRON/ISJQNSPill8bury'8 Best Brand

of Flour, '


Nit MflMi f4\lt to BlAasa attd

uaoui im " STOOI m ih. «uu

I«ovo Port Onim at 7:55, 9:12 A.K j 1205; S-64, i-m, 610,710 v»"7SDiifa, 10 21 A. a , 6 08 p. «.

Leave Lalte Hopatoong at 730,1130 A. IL, 2 21, 3 20, 5 40, 0 48,p. n HUNDAIB, 5 43 p. it

Leave High Bridge at 810,11A.H, 3-00,0171 K SmniAYS, B!l6A. it. I .

H. P. BAtDwm. V 1

J. H OLHADSBN, ' | j ' ' ( ' '

Gen'l Saot1 '!' ' *' "


RheumaticSpecificOOHI»OXraDEl> WITn THR OREATKST


';' Woaiua*owir,H. J ; July 15th,IBM.

ARcr » yewV great arrTniIng from RcIitJoBhenmtUsnii dnrioK wblol) tltno erory step w ua.psinia] effort, I oommeuiwd on jour ipecand now artsr a few weski, Utlng U ultlifulljas advised, I feel better In arcrr *-vj iban I

TBiurtite par t two 7s«rs. Soars Terj truly.

FAEMEE WANTED,. ToUfc,da>niof>!r!41 Mockod/armorrant It w wore i t oo musrea. Fann of £

~~mlocated«t E^kflHopatoooff. Ooodraafor milk and produoe. CalToQ or adilra. ..•;;••• I » D . BOBWiU.SnaaeiBt

- • ' • • • • • • • -••- • • • - • • : - D o T a r , K , J ,

QUALITYwa/lWn. llmidnp.


1. E.HOLT. D.D.B. . . . . ManijM-


Doy£R, jr. j ,>le<tte slid tetail dealers and bottler*

ftieoanb? tor MUmlmed Co'a ObondifijHjti mi Lager Bttr, mipplitd tn oay

quantify Jram a box to a oar load, j


a r Wa gmmnteo sjl qu foojU to M«tnotlr pore sad to U« intfri uSSUan,

STDitrrT Butro.


• ; . • • • . ' '': \ . - D E A 1 . E B S I N - ••• • - :


Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, &c.BHACKET AND SCROli SAWING DONE TO ORDER.

C.W. B0WLBT, Agent,OmoB nr WRIQBT ?& ^




Masons and Builders,DOVBR, H. J .

Contracns foralllriDaBOl'warktakenaadn m.fawi.if (umliksd.J Pnotiotl ezparisnos

jOTmma PROJUTLY ixnamao toBoor OH BiiuiKfl Bi&m,

M7 HEXT TO D , L. 4 W B. B,


Insurance and Real

n B. i t BnlttUng,

t i a bsigaln throo clioloo tulJJIng sites onPtnn Afe .tlwoUiutt »U<J ]»rKa lut on Mt Hopekvf> j i l ioa l i t rgolo tcD tblihTaanoi dvcUlai

Ladie»' and ChUdren'i Springand Bummer Underweur,

Table Linen, Laoei,Kid Olovea, Tidies,

Handkerchiefs, Books,

Material for Fancy Work,STAriONERT,

Fancy and Staple.Work and Sprap Basket*,

o proMrtlet mnat be to d and willP«Ddoaeurhrtni



>iit,»aall3sUina lor bnl dlus, eoittuu• utnuMrUU rtnuUlitKl.

JokklBs prosavt lr at tended ID.

sod putcnsliteroorsbT good muahtnlea'auu i , shuthim Apuii«T» o n t u i

,JKW* p °'»l"«™l «adB.i.• . B . VIEAOX & B B u l l


Tinners and Plumbersare prepurd to do all Hods of

Plumbing, Hoofing, Gutteringand Sheet Iron Work,

awl REPAIRING A lonu and practical itpurlrao- as worknoo S J SSlfSto £an, the Induoements wo odor /or mtniuwShop on Morris St., oSdOT t r S ? Stonord u s nrer 10>lr


W0HK9-0o«.'Jfoii«r« Br »m Tax,

24-1T • lIOBatmwir. H, J . , • -


20,000 . _BEEF AND CALF SKINS i | 2 ^ !



" HOWOK!-'-A.Qood.Chance for an Enter-

, priiinj Kan to-Kaie", . / 'Money.I I H jmuaoribernlabinK to rtrto from active

farm lib and ontertalffig d r r boardsrs DMTUw Tllugtt otoralusTlll^-wonldlet bla taouaoaandbotballaniBstontberiritbaerai acresof land far one yearwlth tha prMleM u an,

peoplt, would g|Te possession tbs first of.rember.lSOl HorommnnkaHonsaoiirersd.

Host •pplylq perton to™ ** A. D SALMON,

r ~ Dra»«mi^ i l J .


, DR.iEDWAffD3' \<



OOlonlty. B SKURIHQ,*• ' DovmN j I- i

HaM dlk wfadora'uii 'dmWBn B t n d rwork and good Traga i i , ^ ' | ^

. . . . ' JJOOHTON BILK MILLS,- •"• •;'i~r-$$£i$'iif'-: BogntMi, H J

•ivajfloBsand.. HarlnglateiyarMtoaalarBand a eapaoUj or ana hnndn4 can,


Fraa:. >to K> aeras of Moond gnmth chat .

itUmrje)74oi|iB1POIII<ra1iroad. Address

'rf"-yir'}%VV' ' " t l U . OFHCE,'

'W.- ,v | i^ . ; : . ' - 1 ' . . ' : ' • Dovar.lf

FOR RENT!Block t i m doors

r b r ida l formorly oetrnptetl byVf*l. • Mm font* wjotn* on thn metrmdr.tto ooruw-rtoro viiit all pudem


, Writ* tot u uit, dietpen ma

, g HtpaiUMDt tiB. Ooumur, P r w t

ooniaf of Ctvkwsll ind Benreti StJ JDomTliB butnesa ti la obtrgi o r * prtctioat an(oxpuleite»d borser-ihoer «n4 I reipecUnllj•ouelt k uirc) of poblle p«troD»ge

Qeo. McCraoken.


MILLINERY GOODSfor Summer -wear, eonstsfcjog of a pretty dla-Pl«j: Ot namldea and naiTrfape* la SnrnmsrLffilmta anil Ttmtm otal.t. —mTrii-i.lf JiTT^•outlets and Huti, uhli



LURCH,837, USD, Ml rODBTH AVK., COB. Sola Br,


J. J.CARPENTER""' BUILDER,haa remored.lda olllco and abop to bla newbuilding oa£Uclnnll abvet. nan to tbn Blao.tri Liht Blt4 B t a S X

IF YOU WANTBeoond hand ToinlinM of^all Unasnd STembUt else: or If yon wan

-for lonplrorio/alt Mods, geltJAB E 1KUDOIAH

On Ena m; D « I Ihg sink, Dofar, N J.P O HoilM. jifc

dtoru* good

Bolting, Fishing and Pleasure., ,1 , '«?« taken for Uiossajoo-tk.lxitaattlnBudd Dock, Budd^ lake, and ivillsnoxlv the

Por aibenoen X will &o topnfull • r - K - - 'Bait kmdiriaUQg Tiwkle of « • -

tnrtinuiner GivatnemtaaT»Wto 1 i JACOB A



andallvorklnatarbleandOmilte. Allwol



^ qoTO flip, (tj.



Upholstering and Turnltwa^Wort,MmauaST.prBiBTniRim), Dorer

JOEN {^EGKHAST.(BMOMsot U Bmltb It Jofcgirt,),


A good. BBnerBl*BUoknniUi, In t etgood wnfces, and *Hth stoaulf enjj

fora other need maJia applk*tlom.

* 7 S ApplytoA *


Top Related