

Whenever there is a call for Social and community work SMS Janak Puri has never left any stone unturned. We are aware of our social responsibilities and are trying to lend a helping hand to those less

privileged than us.

The school has always believed in saying “The hands that serve are more holy than the lips that pray “.


Students of our school showed their philanthropic side by buying the Diwali products made by specially challenged children of NGOs Muskaan & Prerna Niketan.

Visit to S.O.S Children Village

Students of our school visited S.O.S. Village . They had an opportunity to see for themselves children who are less privileged staying in a community under the guidance of a warden who acts as their mother, teacher and guide. They spent their entire day watching them at close quarters studying in their computer lab, library and music room. The visit was a very enriching experience as they saw even with meager resources how these children helped each other - an example of selfless living.

SOS Children's Villages is an independent, non-governmental international

development organisation which has been working to meet the needs and protect the interests and rights of children since 1949

Waste segregation is important it makes it easier to recycle and reuse. It also helps to create green jobs and to lower emissions. We can also avoid contamination and dangerous substances from getting mixed. To make the students aware of ‘SERACH” programme, which stands for Sensitization, Education and Awareness on Recycling for cleaner habitat, an initiative by TERI and TETRA PACK – a workshop was organized. It provided students of our school an excellent platform to come together for a green cause. They learnt the art of segregating dry waste and maintaining sustainable development.


‘GOONJ’ AN N.G.O., WORKING FOR THE UNDERPRIVILEGED CHILDRENGoonj is a voluntary organization known as one of the first organizations worldwide to take up “Clothing as a development subject”.In this regard the students of our school every year extend a helping hand in this noble cause by donating books, stuffed toys, shoes, clothes, stationary, etc.


May God Bless us in our Noble Endeavour's

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