
Modul Antropometri dan Desain Produk Praktikum Genap 2010/2011


Laboratorium APK & Ergonomi ~ Universitas Islam Indonesia




1. Students are able to know the interaction between men, machines,

equipments, materials, also the work environment.

2. Students are able to understand the anthropometry data and use it for

work system design/arrangement.

3. To give students the thinking (procedural) concept of analyze and


4. Students are able to design the product with anthropometry data using

autoCAD/CAM software.



Terminologically, anthropometry comes from the word “anthropos” which

means human and “metron” which means measurement (Bridger, 1995).

Anthropometrics can be defined as a study which related with the measurement

of human’s body dimension. Widely, Anthropometry can be used as an

ergonomics consideration in product design or work system that needs human

interaction. The ergonomics aspects in a facility build and design process are

very important factors in support the development of production service. Every

product design, whether simple or complex design, should be oriented to the

users’ anthropometry. According to Sanders & Mc Cormick (1987); Pheasant

(1988), and Pulat (1992), anthropometry is body dimension measurement or

other physical body characteristics that relevant with the design of something

that used by people.

There are 3 basic philosophies of design that used by ergonomics expert

as anthropometry data application (Sutalaksana, 1979 dan Sritomo, 1995),

Modul Antropometri dan Desain Produk Praktikum Genap 2010/2011


Laboratorium APK & Ergonomi ~ Universitas Islam Indonesia

which are:

1. Product design for individual with extreme dimension.

Example: determining the minimum width and height of emergency door.

2. Product design that can be operated in certain range measurement.

Example: car chair design that can be slided forward or backward, and the

angle of the back rest also can be changed.

3 . Product design for the average measurement.

Example: public facility design, such as restroom, waiting chair, etc.

To get the optimum design of a room or accommodation facility, certain

things that we should consider are factors such as the length of body dimension

whether in static or dynamic position. Other things that we should consider are

weight, and center of gravity of body segment, body shape, distance for

angular motion from hand and feet, etc.

Besides that, we also should get the appropriate data for human body. The

measurement is relative easy to get if applicated in individual data. More

number of people that measured the body dimension, then it can be seen the

variance between one body to another. Whether for overall body or each

segment (Nurmianto, 1996).

The antropometric data that we already get will be applicated widely,

which are

1. Work station design (work station, car interior, etc).

2. Work equipments design (tools, mesins, dll).

3. Consumptive products design (clothes, chair, desk, etc).

4. Physical work environment design.

Anthropometry is a science that related with human body measurement,

especially body dimension. Anthropometry is divided into 2 parts, which are:

1) Anthropometry statics, where the measurements are taken to human body

in static position. The measured dimension are taken linearly and in the body

surface. In order to make the measurement result more representative, the

measurement should be done using certain method toward various

Modul Antropometri dan Desain Produk Praktikum Genap 2010/2011


Laboratorium APK & Ergonomi ~ Universitas Islam Indonesia

individual, and the body should in static motion.

2) Anthropometry dynamics, where the measurements are taken in various

body position while moving, so it will be more complex and difficult to

measure. There are 3 class of dynamics measurements, which are:

a ) Measurements of skill level as an approachment to understand the

mechanical situation of an activity.

Example: Learning the athlete’s performance

b) Measurements of area reach that we needed while working.

Example: the reach of hand and feet motion while working should be

effective whether in sitting or standing position.

c) Work variability measurements

Example: Kinematics analysis and the ability of hand fingers of a typist

or computer operator.

There are several factors that influence the human body dimension,

which are:

a ) Age

Human body dimension will be grown since born until around 20 years

old for man and 17 years old for woman. And then it will decrease in

age 60 years old.

b) Gender

Generally, man has bigger body dimension except for chest and hip.

c) Ethnic

Dimension variation will be emerged, because of ethnic influence.

d) Work

Daily work activities also causing the differences in human body


Besides the factors above, there are certain condition that can influence the

variability of human body dimension which also need to be considered, such as:

a) Physical Defect

Modul Antropometri dan Desain Produk Praktikum Genap 2010/2011


Laboratorium APK & Ergonomi ~ Universitas Islam Indonesia

Anthropometry data will be used to design a product for people with

physical defect.

b) The thin/thickness of clothes that should be wear

the factor of climate differences will give different variation in the

clothes design and specification. It means the dimension of people will

be difference in one place and other places.

c) Pregnancy

such condition obviously will influence the human body dimension (for

woman) and will need specific consideration for product that designed

in such segmentation.


The objective of this measurement is to know the human body dimension,

so it will create comfort and pleasure feelings.

There are 5 comfort level, which are:

5 – Unbearable discomfort/pain

4 – Bearable pain

3 - Pain

2 - numb

1 – sensation that we felt

0 – no sensation

For example, if we want to measure the comfort level of chair, there are 9

important meet points between body and chair to determine the comfort level,

which are:

A- protruding part of scapula

B- shoulder base

C- bending back area

D- waist curved area

E- bottom

F- under thigh

Modul Antropometri dan Desain Produk Praktikum Genap 2010/2011


Laboratorium APK & Ergonomi ~ Universitas Islam Indonesia

G- thigh base

H- the middle thigh

I - thigh point

3. Body Position While Working

Too long working in sitting position can cause abdominal muscle become

weak and the backbone will bend so it will cause fatigue. Clark (1996),

declared that the work station design in sitting position has higher stability

degree of body; decreased subjective complain and fatigue if working for more

than 2 hours. Besides that, the workers also can restrain the feet to do motions.

Because sitting position has advantage and also disadvantage, therefore to

get the better work result without bad effect to the body, we should consider

what type of work that appropriate to be done in sitting position. For that

purpose, Pulat (1992) gave several considerations about the best type of work

that can be done in sitting position:

1. A work that needs an accurate control on feet;

2. The main work is writing or needs an accuration on hands;

3. Do not need large force;

4. Do not need hands to work on more than 15 cm height work base while

holding the object;

5. Need high level of body stability;

6. The work takes long time to be done.

7. All the objects that being done or supplied are still within reach in sitting


When working in sitting position, it should be possible to do variation of

position changes on the seat. The size of seat should be adjusted with the users’

anthropometry dimension. The knee flexion should in 90° position with sole of

feet resting on the floor or foot pedal (Pheasant, 1988). If the work base too

low, the backbone will bend forward. If too high, the shoulder will be lifted from

relax position and can cause the neck and shoulder become uncomfortable.

Sanders & Mc Cormick (1987) gave the guidance to arrange the height of

Modul Antropometri dan Desain Produk Praktikum Genap 2010/2011


Laboratorium APK & Ergonomi ~ Universitas Islam Indonesia

work base in sitting position as follow:

1. If it is possible, provide a table that can be adjusted upward and


2. The work base should be possible for arm to hang in relax position from

shoulder, with forearm approach to horizontal position or sloping down

slightly; and

3. The height of work base does not need excessive flexion of backbone.

Besides sitting position, many numbers of standing position also found in

company. As well as sitting position, standing position also have advantages and

disadvantages. According to Sutalaksana (2000), standing position is an alert

posture either physically or mentally, so the work activity can be done faster,

more accurate and powerful. However, changing sitting to standing position but

still using the same work tools will be exhausting. Basically standing is more

exhausting than sitting and the energy expenditure to stand will be 10-15%

much more than sitting position.

In standing work station design, if worker should working for long time

period, then fatigue become the main factor. To minimize fatigue and

subjective complain, the work should be designed so there will be less reach

motion, bend or doing motion with unnatural head position.

For that purpose, Pulat (1992) and Clark (1996) gave several considerations

for the best type of work that can be done in standing position:

1. No space for feet or knee rest;

2. Should hold object with more than 4,5 kg weight;

3. Often to reach upward, downward and sideward;

4. Often to work with pressing downward motion; high mobility required.

In designing height of work base for name anf standing position, basically

it similar with the design of work base height in sitting position. Manuaba

(1986); Sanders & Mc Cormick (1987); Grandjean (1993) gave an

ergonomics recommendation about work base height in standing position

based on the standing elbow height, as follows:

Modul Antropometri dan Desain Produk Praktikum Genap 2010/2011


Laboratorium APK & Ergonomi ~ Universitas Islam Indonesia

1. For work which need accurateness to reduce the static allowance in spine

muscle, the work base height is 5-10 cm above the standing elbow height.

2. During manual work, where the works are often need an area for

equiments; materials and kontainers standing elbow height with various

types, the standing elbow height is 10-15 cm below the standing elbow


3. For work which required powerful pressure, the work base height is 15-40

cm below the standing elbow height.

4. Work Station Dedign and DynamicsWork Posture

Work station design is very determined by the work types and

characteristics. Work station design either for standing or sitting position, both

have advantages and disadvantages. Clark (1996) tried to take the advantages

from both position and combine the work station design for sitting and

standing position as one design.

While Das (1991) and Pulat (1992) stated that the combination of sitting

and standing position is the best position than only standing or sitting. This is

because the possibility of workers to change the work position to reduce muscle

fatigue because unnatural posture in a work position.

Helender (1995) and Tarwaka (1995), gave the limitation of work

base height measurement to the work that only required small pressure, which are

15 cm below the elbow height for both work position. for the next, then high

chair will be made and adjust the height of work base. It will be completed with

foot rest so the feet will not hang. Because the human body dimensions are

different between another, so the work station design should be consider the

users’ anthropometry (user oriented).

While in choosing work posture, it should appropriate with the type of

work that being done, such as these follows:

Tabel 1 Choosing Work posture toward Various Type of Work

Modul Antropometri dan Desain Produk Praktikum Genap 2010/2011


Laboratorium APK & Ergonomi ~ Universitas Islam Indonesia

Type of Work

Choosen Work Posture

First Choice 2nd Chioce

Lifting > 5 kg

Bekerja dibawah tinggi


Menjangkau horizontal

di luar daerah

jangkauan optimum

Pekerjaan ringan

dengan pergerakan


Pekerjaan perlu ketelitian

Inspeksi dan monitoring

Sering berpindah-pindah









Sitting -


Sitting -


Sitting -


Sitting -

Standing Sitting

- Standing


Source : Helander (1995:60). A Guide to the Ergonomics of Manufacturing.

According to Helender (1995), sitting-standing position already tried in

industries, but in fact have the biomechanics advantages where the pressure in

bone is 30% lesser than only standing or sitting position. this can be used as

consideration in ergonomics intervention, so the implementation of this position

can give more advantages to workers.

From those statements can be concluded that a product design should be

centered only in the user (user’s centered). To get more dynamics of ironing

work posture it will be needed work station design that have possibilities to

change between standing position, sitting and sitting-standing position.

Anthropometry data are clearly needed si a product design can be

appropriate with the operator. The designer should be able to accommodate the

body dimension that can be used in large number population. At least 90-95%

of population that become the target in product user can use the product

normally. That is why the anthropometry data are better if normal distributed.

In statistics, normal distribution can be formulated based on mean and standard


Modul Antropometri dan Desain Produk Praktikum Genap 2010/2011


Laboratorium APK & Ergonomi ~ Universitas Islam Indonesia

Data antropometri jelas diperlukan agar suatu rancangan produk bisa

sesuai dengan orang yang akan mengoperasikannya.

“percentile”. Percentile is a value that shows certain percentage of people

that have the size in the percentage or below the percentage. For example, (95th

percentile shows that 95% people are in or below the value and can use the


To determine the anthropometry data in normal distribution, it can be

formulated from mean and standard deviation of the data. From the value, it can

be determined the percentile value according to the probability tabel of normal


Tabel 2Persentil dan Cara Perhitungan dalm Distribusi Normal

Percentile Calculation Percentile Calculation






5. Design Method using Anthropometry

The steps of work system design by considering the anthropometry factor

generally are as follows (Roevuck, 1995):

1. Determine the design needs (establish requirements)

2. Define and describe the users’ population.

3. Sample selection that will be taken the data.

4. Determine the required data (body dimension that will be used)

5. Determine the source of data (body dimension that will be measured) and

percentile that will be used.

6. Prepare the measurement tools that will be used

7. Data acquisition

8. Processing Data

- Normality Test Data

Modul Antropometri dan Desain Produk Praktikum Genap 2010/2011


Laboratorium APK & Ergonomi ~ Universitas Islam Indonesia

- Uniformity Test Data

- Sufficiency Test Data

- Percentile Calculation Data

9. Design Visualization by consider:

- Normal body position

- Allowance (Clothes and clearance)

- Motion variation

10. Design result analysis

There are several step of processing data that should be done to

anthropometry data (Nurmianto1996 & Tayyari), which are:

1. Sufficiency Data

N’ =

222 )().(/



k = confidence level

if confidence level 99%, so k = 2,58 ≈ 3

if confidence level 95%, so k = 1,96 ≈ 2

if confidence level 68%, sehingga k ≈ 1

s = degree of error

if N’ < N, then the data will be sufficient.

2. Uniformity Data

Upper Control Limit/Lower Control Limit (UCL/LCL):

(UCL/LCL) = X + kS

S =


)( 2



S = deviation standard

3. Percentile

Generally, the percentile that we used:

P5 = X − 1,645σ

Modul Antropometri dan Desain Produk Praktikum Genap 2010/2011


Laboratorium APK & Ergonomi ~ Universitas Islam Indonesia

P50 = X

P95 = X + 1,645σ

It can gives allowance toward the differences that might be seen wiht the


Normality Processing Data and Percentile using SPSS:

1. Input data of dimension value in data view

2. Enter to variable view, change the collumn with dimension name.

3. Data Processing :

1. Click analyze, choose descriptive statistics, then explore.

2. Input all variables as dependent variables.

3. Checklist both to toolbox display.

4. Choose statistic: checklist descriptive, percentiles, then continue.

5. Choose plots: checklist none to boxplots, stem and leaf to descriptive.

6. Checklist normality plots with test, then continue.

7. Choose options: checklist exclude cases listwise, then continue.

8. Click continue. Processing Data Results are shown in the output.


In this practicum, the equipments that we should prepared:

1. Anthropometry Chair

2. Ruler

3. Weight scale

4. Flexible curve

5. Measurement tape

6. Back rest and chair cushion

7. Stationery

8. Mistar

Modul Antropometri dan Desain Produk Praktikum Genap 2010/2011


Laboratorium APK & Ergonomi ~ Universitas Islam Indonesia

9. Papan Flexible curve

Contoh soal.

It is known that the number of students in SMA sukamaju are 150 students. 20

students of the population become sample and being measured the body

dimension. One of the dimension is Popliteal height (tpo). After doing

measurement, we get the data as follows:

165 165 162 163 164 162 162 158 165 165

165 163 162 160 158 157 165 162 167 160

Determine the Sufficiency, Uniformity, Normality of data and P95, if the

confidence level is 95% and the degree of error 5%!

Problem Solving

1. Sufficiency Data

N’ =

222 )().(/



N’ =




N’ = 0.6

2. Uniformity Data

Standard deviation



)( 2



S =


)1605.162(...)1655.162()1655.162( 222

S = 2.76

Modul Antropometri dan Desain Produk Praktikum Genap 2010/2011


Laboratorium APK & Ergonomi ~ Universitas Islam Indonesia

Uniformity Data

Upper Control Limit

UCL = X + kS

= 162.5+3.2.76

= 170.78

Lower Control Limit

LCL = X - kS

= 162.5-3.2.76

= 154.21

3. Percentile

Generally, percentiles that we used are:

Where :

X = Mean

1.645 = See normal distribution table

Therefore, precentile for the data above are

P95= 162.5+1,645.2.76

= 167,04


For Anthropometry Practicum, Untuk praktikum Antropometri, prosedur

pelaksanaan praktikum yang harus dilaksanakan adalah:

1. Divide groups, contains 2 students. 1 student as research object, the other

student measuring the body dimension.

2. Take notes about the measured data

3. Write in observation sheet according to the measurement that have been


Modul Antropometri dan Desain Produk Praktikum Genap 2010/2011


Laboratorium APK & Ergonomi ~ Universitas Islam Indonesia

C. The Measurement of the Body Dimensions

1. Sitting Side Position


Modul Antropometri dan Desain Produk Praktikum Genap 2010/2011


Laboratorium APK & Ergonomi ~ Universitas Islam Indonesia

Body Dimension Measurement

Sitting height (tdt) Measure the vertical distance from

the surface of cushion until the head.

Shoulder heigh (tbd) Measure the vertical distance from

the surface of the cushion until the

protruding shoulder bones when the

subject sat upright. Eyes heigh (tnd) Measure the vertical distance from

the surface of the cushion to the eye

when the subject sat upright.

Elbow heigh (tsd) Measure the vertical distance from

the surface of the cushion to the

elbow. Subject sat upright.

Thigh heigh (tp) Subject sat upright, measure the

distance from the surface of the

cushion to the upper thigh. Popliteal heigh (tpo) Measure the vertical distance from

the floor to the bottem of thigh.

Buttock-popliteal (ppo) Measure the horizontal distance from

the outer of the buttock to the inner

side of the knee. Thigh and leg are in

the 900 position.

Buttock-knee (pkl) Measure the horizontal distance from

the outer of the buttock to the knee.

Thigh and leg are in the 900 position.

Modul Antropometri dan Desain Produk Praktikum Genap 2010/2011


Laboratorium APK & Ergonomi ~ Universitas Islam Indonesia

NO. Body Dimension Measure

5 Height of hand grasp Measure the vertical distance of the height

hand grasp, hand grasp in downward relax


18 Thickness of abdominal Measure the horizontal distance from the

backbones to the front of abdominal.

13 Height of knee Measure the vertical distance from the

fingertip to the knee when leg is in 900


19 The distance from elbow to

the fingertip

Measure the horizontal distance from the

elbow to the middle finger when the hand

is in 900 postion.

24 Height of the grip, body in

stood upright position

Measure the vertical grip when the hand is

in the upward position and the body sat


25 Height of the grip, body in sat

upright position

Measure the vertical distance of the hand

to the hip base and the body sat upright.

Modul Antropometri dan Desain Produk Praktikum Genap 2010/2011


Laboratorium APK & Ergonomi ~ Universitas Islam Indonesia

2. Standing position

Body Dimension Measurement

Elbow height (tsb) Measure the vertical distance from

the floor to the meeting point

between the upper arm and the

lower arm. Subject stand upright.

Length of the lower arm


Measure the distance from the

elbow to the wrist. Subject stand


Modul Antropometri dan Desain Produk Praktikum Genap 2010/2011


Laboratorium APK & Ergonomi ~ Universitas Islam Indonesia

Height of eye (tmb) Measure the vertical distance from

the floor to the tip of inner eye

(near the base of the nose). Subject

stood upright and looked straight


Height of an Upright


Measure the vertical distance from

the sole of foot to the top of the

head, while subject stood upright

and looked straight ahead.

Height of the shoulder (tbb)

Measure the vertical distance from

the floor to the protruding shoulder

when the subject stood upright.

The thickness of the

body (tb)

Measure the distance from the

chest to thebackbones horizontally.

Tinggi mata berdiri (tmb)

Ukur jarak vertikal dari lantai

sampai ujung mata bagian dalam

( dekat pangkal hidung ).

Subyek berdiri tegak dan

memandang lurus ke depan. Tinggi badan tegak (tbt) Jarak vertikal telapak kaki

sampai ujung kepala yang

paling atas, sementara

subyek berdiri tegak mata

memandang lurus ke depan Tinggi bahu berdiri


Ukur jarak vertikal dari lantai

sampai bahu yang menonjol

pada saat subyek berdiri

tegak Tebal badan (tb) Ukur jarak dari dada

sampai punggung secara


Modul Antropometri dan Desain Produk Praktikum Genap 2010/2011


Laboratorium APK & Ergonomi ~ Universitas Islam Indonesia

3. Standing position with hand straight ahead.

Body Dimensions Measure

Hand Reach (jt) Measure the horizontal distance from

the backbones to the midle of the

finger. Subject stood upright, with the

legs, buttocks, and the back againts the

wall, hands strecthed forward.

Modul Antropometri dan Desain Produk Praktikum Genap 2010/2011


Laboratorium APK & Ergonomi ~ Universitas Islam Indonesia

4. Sittting Poition facing forward

Body dimensions Measurement

Hip width(lp) Subject sat upright, measure the

horizontal distance from the outer

of the right-side’s hip.

Shoulder width (lb) Measure the horizontal distance

between the upper arms, subject sat

upright, the upper arms against the

body and the lower arms stretched


Modul Antropometri dan Desain Produk Praktikum Genap 2010/2011


Laboratorium APK & Ergonomi ~ Universitas Islam Indonesia

5. Standing Position and the arms stretched

Body Dimension Measurement

The stretches of the hands (rt) Measure the horizontal distance

from the tip of the longer finger

(the right and the left hand),

subject stood upright and hands

stretched horizontally.

Modul Antropometri dan Desain Produk Praktikum Genap 2010/2011


Laboratorium APK & Ergonomi ~ Universitas Islam Indonesia

6. Hands Antrophometry

NO. Body Dimensions Measurement

1 Length oh hand Measure the vertical distance from the

middle of the finger to the wrist, when

hand extended.

2 Length of the metacarpal Measure the vertical distance from the

wrist to the metacarpal, when hand


3 Length of the thumb Measure the vertical distance from the tip

of the thumb to the base of the thumb,

when hand extended.

4 Length of the index finger Measure the vertical distance from the tip

of the index finger to the base of of the

index finger, when hand extended.

5 Length of the middle finger Measure the vertical distance from the tip

of the middle finger to the base of the

middle finger, when hand extended.

6 Length of the ring finger Measure the vertical distance from the tip

of the ring finger to the base of the ring

finger, when hand extended.

Modul Antropometri dan Desain Produk Praktikum Genap 2010/2011


Laboratorium APK & Ergonomi ~ Universitas Islam Indonesia

7. Foot Anthropometri

7 Length of the pinky finger Measure the vertical distance from the tip

of the pinky finger to the base of the pinky

finger, when hand extended.

8 Thumb width Measure the horizontal distance at the

joints between the bone segment of thumb.

9 The thickness of thumb Measure the thickness of thumb at the

joints between the bones segment of


10 Index finger width Measure the horizontal distance at the

joints between the bone segment of index

finger, which is aprroaching of the body.

11 The thickness of index finger Measure the thickness of index finger at

the joints between the bones segment of

index finger, which is aprroaching of the


12 Metacarpal width Measure the horizontal distance of the

edge of the Metacarpal to the outer of the


13 Palm width (to the thumb) Measure the horizontal distance from the

edge of the palm to the outer edge of the


14 Minimun palm width Measure the horizontal distance from the

edge of the palm to the outer edge of the


15 The thickness of the

metacarpal (Metacarpal)

Measure the vertical distance from the

back of the hand to the Metacarpal, when

the hand stretched.

16 The thickness of the palm (to

the thumb)

Measure the vertical distance from the

back of the hand to the lower of the thumb,

when the hand stretched.

17 The thickness of the palm


Measure the vertical distance from the

back of the hand to the nearest part of the

palm (mminimum).

18 Maxsimum width Measure the horizontal distance of the

farthest from the thumb to the pinky.

19 Functional maxsimum width Measure the horizontal distance of the

farthest from the thumb to the other finger,

when hand perform its functions.

20 Minimum rectangle can be

passed by the palm

Modul Antropometri dan Desain Produk Praktikum Genap 2010/2011


Laboratorium APK & Ergonomi ~ Universitas Islam Indonesia

NO. Body Dimension Measurement

1 Length of the sole of foot Measure the vertical distance from the tip

of the heel to the tip of the toe.

2 Length of the sole of feet arm Measure the vertical distance from the tip

of the heel to the arm leg.

3 Length foot to the pinky finger Measure the vertical distance from the tip

of the heel to the tip of the pinkie finger.

4 Foot width Measure the vertical distance from the arm

leg foot to the outer of foot’s sole.

5 Arm leg width Measure the horizontal of the inner side of

the foot to the outer part of the arm leg.

6 Height of the ankle Measure the vertical distance from the sole

of foot to the lower part of the ankle, when

subject stood upright.

7 Height of middle part of the


Measure the vertical distance from the sole

of foot to the middle part of the foot, when

the subject stood upright.

8 Horizontal distance between

the stalk ankle

Measure the vertical distance from the sole

of foot to the ankle.

Modul Antropometri dan Desain Produk Praktikum Genap 2010/2011


Laboratorium APK & Ergonomi ~ Universitas Islam Indonesia

8. Measurement of Body Dimension

Subject sit on the antrhopometri chair with a certain slope and use the

flexible curve, so that the posture of the back of the body can be obtained.

Then, draw it on the whiteboard, drag the horizontal line which

represent the bottom of the knee, the name of the line is line A (see the

picture below).

Do this calculation :

tk : vertical distance from line A to the outer back of the head.

tlh : vertical distance from line A to the inner side of the protruding


tpu : vertical distance from line A to the protduring back.

tpl : vertical distance from line A to the maximum point of the

sunken waist.

From the posture of the body, pull forward slash with a slope of the body

(see the picture) and do the calculations below:

pk : the distance between the line B to the outer protruding of


Modul Antropometri dan Desain Produk Praktikum Genap 2010/2011


Laboratorium APK & Ergonomi ~ Universitas Islam Indonesia

plh : the distance between the line B to the maximum sunken point of

the neck. ppl : the distance between the line B to the maximum sunken point of

waist. ppb : the distance between the line B to the outer of the buttock.

Then pull a horizontal line which is offending the buttom line, this line is

called the line C (see the picture), then do the calculations below:

km : the distance between line A and line Cas the maximum

depth of seat.

ppt : jthe horizontal distance between offending point line C and

the outer side of the buttock.

Modul Antropometri dan Desain Produk Praktikum Genap 2010/2011


Laboratorium APK & Ergonomi ~ Universitas Islam Indonesia

9. Fingers measurement

Modul Antropometri dan Desain Produk Praktikum Genap 2010/2011


Laboratorium APK & Ergonomi ~ Universitas Islam Indonesia

1. wrist rotation: measure the rotation angle of the wrist from the initial

position to the maximum rotation, bend the left wrist as much as possible,

then turn right as far as possible, the total rotation is α = α1 + α 2.

2. Cengkeraman jari tangan : ukur sudut putaran cengkeraman jari

tangan, posisi awal jari-jari mencengkeram batang tengah kemudian

diputar kanan sejauh mungkin, ( pergelangan dan lengan tangan tetap

diam ), lalu dengan cara yang sama diputar ke kiri sejauh mungkin.

Modul Antropometri dan Desain Produk Praktikum Genap 2010/2011


Laboratorium APK & Ergonomi ~ Universitas Islam Indonesia

3. foot rotation: measure the vertical rotation angle of sole of foot, sole

of foot is in the 900 position with the calf (initial position), then rotate

it down as far as possible, foot back to the initial position, then raise it

as high as possible, the total rotation of the vertical foot is β = β1 +


10. Head Anthropometry

Keterangan :

NO. Body Dimensions Measurement

1. Head length (pk) Measured from the backside of the

protruding head to the front side of head.

2. Head width (lk2) Measured from the right side to the left

side of head.

3. Maximum diameter from chin Measured the head diameter, from chin to

the back side of head.

4. Chin to head Measured the head diameter, from chin to

the top of head.

Modul Antropometri dan Desain Produk Praktikum Genap 2010/2011


Laboratorium APK & Ergonomi ~ Universitas Islam Indonesia

5. Ear to the top of head Measured from the center of ear to the top

of head.

6. Ear to the back of head Measured from the center of the ear to the

back side of head.

7. Between ears Measured from one ear to another.

8. Eye to the top of head Measured from the eye to the top of head.

9. Eye to the back of head Measured from the eye to the back side of


10. Between the pupil Meaured from one pupil to another.

11. Nose to the top of head Measured from the nose to the top of head.

12. Nose to the back of head Measured from the nose to the back side of


13. Mouth to the top of head Measured from the mouth to the top of


14. Mouth width Measured from the right side to the left

side of the mouth

The example of antrhopometry data application for product design:

D. Recommendation of the height of door

In the recommendation of the door height is using the 95th

percentile because

people who have high above the average population (extreme high) can use it

conviently, the dimension of the body which is used is the height of upright

(tbt). It is known that the mean of height of (tbt) is 165 cm, and the standard

deviation is 2,235 cm.

Percentile value of 95 = 165 + 1,645(10,33) = 181,99 cm

It needs an addition of 30 mm for shoes thickness, 50 mm for hat height and 50

mm for dynamics clearance (dynamics allowance). because the human height

will relative increase when running or walking, the total door height is:

= 181,99 + 0,03 + 0,05 + 0,05 = 182,12 cm.

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