Page 1: Words for Production 1. phenomenon [ f1`nAm1&nAn ] n. [C] something that happens or exists, especially something that is studied because it is not understood

Words for Production

1. phenomenon [] n. [C]something that happens or exists, especially something that is studied because it is not understood 現象Acid rain is not a natural phenomenon. It is caused by pollution.

* acid rain 酸雨

Page 2: Words for Production 1. phenomenon [ f1`nAm1&nAn ] n. [C] something that happens or exists, especially something that is studied because it is not understood

Words for Production

2. distinct [] adj.which is important and cannot be ignored; clearly different or belonging to a different type 重要的,不容忽視的;不同的,有區別的


Page 3: Words for Production 1. phenomenon [ f1`nAm1&nAn ] n. [C] something that happens or exists, especially something that is studied because it is not understood

Words for Production

2. distinctBeing tall gave Jim a distinct advantage when he made the basketball team.To their surprise, the twins have quite distinct tastes from each other. 詞類變化

* to one’s 情緒 N 令 ( 某人 )… to my disappointment to your satisfaction

Page 4: Words for Production 1. phenomenon [ f1`nAm1&nAn ] n. [C] something that happens or exists, especially something that is studied because it is not understood

distinction [] n. [C][U] 不同,差異

There is a clear distinction between the dialects spoken in the

two regions.

Page 5: Words for Production 1. phenomenon [ f1`nAm1&nAn ] n. [C] something that happens or exists, especially something that is studied because it is not understood

Words for Production

3. formation [] n. [C]something, especially a rock or cloud, that is formed in a particular shape 岩層,結構物

Before the typhoon, enormous cloud formations formed a purple mass.

Page 6: Words for Production 1. phenomenon [ f1`nAm1&nAn ] n. [C] something that happens or exists, especially something that is studied because it is not understood

Words for Production

4. layer [] n. [C]one of several levels of substances lying one on top of another 層

After coming back home, he pulled off layer upon layer of clothing.

Page 7: Words for Production 1. phenomenon [ f1`nAm1&nAn ] n. [C] something that happens or exists, especially something that is studied because it is not understood

Words for Production

5. skeleton [] n. [C]the frame of bones supporting a human or animal body 骨骼

Children drink milk to help them develop strong skeletons.

Page 8: Words for Production 1. phenomenon [ f1`nAm1&nAn ] n. [C] something that happens or exists, especially something that is studied because it is not understood

Words for Production

6. sheer [] adj.(used to emphasize the size, degree or amount of something); complete 十足的;全然的The habitat of the fish is under threat from the sheer number of tourists visiting it.It was sheer luck that I learned of your new address from a friend of ours.

* 所有格代名詞 = 所有格 + 名詞 a friend of ours = a friend of our friends

Page 9: Words for Production 1. phenomenon [ f1`nAm1&nAn ] n. [C] something that happens or exists, especially something that is studied because it is not understood

Words for Production

7. range [] n. [C] (sing. only)a number of things which are all different but of the same general type; the limits within which amounts, quantities, ages, etc. can vary 種類;變動範圍、幅度

* a number of 一些 ; 很多


Page 10: Words for Production 1. phenomenon [ f1`nAm1&nAn ] n. [C] something that happens or exists, especially something that is studied because it is not understood

Words for Production

7. rangeThe international summer school has students from a wide range of backgrounds

The father is looking for a bike in the range of $200 to $250 as a birthday gift for his son. 詞類變化

Page 11: Words for Production 1. phenomenon [ f1`nAm1&nAn ] n. [C] something that happens or exists, especially something that is studied because it is not understood

range [] vi. ( 在某範圍內 ) 變化

The students in the school range in age from 16 to 19.

Page 12: Words for Production 1. phenomenon [ f1`nAm1&nAn ] n. [C] something that happens or exists, especially something that is studied because it is not understood

Words for Production

8. exotic [] adj.strange and unusual; from a distant country or culture 奇特的;異國風味的

At the Taipei International Food Show, you can taste not only local but exotic foods from different countries.

Page 13: Words for Production 1. phenomenon [ f1`nAm1&nAn ] n. [C] something that happens or exists, especially something that is studied because it is not understood

Words for Production

9. battle [] vi.; participate in a fight or contest; to fight hard 爭鬥,競賽;奮鬥The two teams battled for the championship in the final game.More than 1,000 firefighters battled the forest fire in the national park. 詞類變化 * participate in = take part in

Page 14: Words for Production 1. phenomenon [ f1`nAm1&nAn ] n. [C] something that happens or exists, especially something that is studied because it is not understood

battle [] n. [C] 爭鬥,奮鬥

After three years, the woman lost her battle against cancer.

Page 15: Words for Production 1. phenomenon [ f1`nAm1&nAn ] n. [C] something that happens or exists, especially something that is studied because it is not understood

Words for Production

10. title [] n. [C]a word that shows a person’s rank or profession 頭銜,稱號

“ Doctor,” “Lady,” “Mrs,” and “General” are all titles.

Page 16: Words for Production 1. phenomenon [ f1`nAm1&nAn ] n. [C] something that happens or exists, especially something that is studied because it is not understood

Words for Production

11. breeding [] n. [U]the act or process of animals producing babies 繁殖

In spring, the birds fly north to their breeding grounds. 詞類變化

Page 17: Words for Production 1. phenomenon [ f1`nAm1&nAn ] n. [C] something that happens or exists, especially something that is studied because it is not understood

breed [] vt.; vi. 繁殖

Cows that have been treated with a growth hormone are bred to produce high yields of milk.

This kind of exotic plant breeds so

quickly that it upsets the balance of nature in that area.

Page 18: Words for Production 1. phenomenon [ f1`nAm1&nAn ] n. [C] something that happens or exists, especially something that is studied because it is not understood

Words for Production

12. frantic [] adj.that is done hurriedly and in an energetic but disorganized way 狂亂的,急促而忙亂的

After a frantic search throughout my bag and pockets, I found the key right on the table.

Page 19: Words for Production 1. phenomenon [ f1`nAm1&nAn ] n. [C] something that happens or exists, especially something that is studied because it is not understood

Words for Production

13. reproduce [] produce young plants or animals 繁殖

Human beings are reproducing at such a fast rate that our numbers threaten the ecology of the planet.

* human beings 人類

Page 20: Words for Production 1. phenomenon [ f1`nAm1&nAn ] n. [C] something that happens or exists, especially something that is studied because it is not understood

1. coral[] n. [C][U]a common name for members of a large class of marine invertebrates characterized by protective calcium carbonate skeleton; also the name for the skeleton 珊瑚

Words for Recognition

Page 21: Words for Production 1. phenomenon [ f1`nAm1&nAn ] n. [C] something that happens or exists, especially something that is studied because it is not understood

2. reef[] n. [C]a line of rocks or bank of sand on or near the surface of the sea 礁

Words for Recognition

Page 22: Words for Production 1. phenomenon [ f1`nAm1&nAn ] n. [C] something that happens or exists, especially something that is studied because it is not understood

3. limestone[] n. [U] a type of rock that contains calcium 石灰岩

Words for Recognition

Page 23: Words for Production 1. phenomenon [ f1`nAm1&nAn ] n. [C] something that happens or exists, especially something that is studied because it is not understood

4. polyp[] n. [C] a very simple sea animal that has a body like a tube 珊瑚蟲;水螅

Words for Recognition

Page 24: Words for Production 1. phenomenon [ f1`nAm1&nAn ] n. [C] something that happens or exists, especially something that is studied because it is not understood

5. tentacle[] of the long thin parts of a sea creature such as an octopus, which it uses for holding things 觸角

Words for Recognition

Page 25: Words for Production 1. phenomenon [ f1`nAm1&nAn ] n. [C] something that happens or exists, especially something that is studied because it is not understood

1. take upto occupy; to use a particular amount of space or time 佔用 (空間、時間 )Forests take up around a third of the world’s land but have decreased by 2.4 percent since 1990.

Idioms and Phrases

* take up = occupy* a third of : 1/3 三分之一

Page 26: Words for Production 1. phenomenon [ f1`nAm1&nAn ] n. [C] something that happens or exists, especially something that is studied because it is not understood

2. fall over oneself be eager to do something, especially something one does not usually do …竭盡全力去

The girls fell over themselves to reach the pop singer as he entered the room.

Idioms and Phrases

* be eager to V 急切地要做… * pop singer 熱門歌手

Page 27: Words for Production 1. phenomenon [ f1`nAm1&nAn ] n. [C] something that happens or exists, especially something that is studied because it is not understood

3. have/take a look (at)to look at something or someone 看

The dentist had a look at my teeth and set to work.

Idioms and Phrases

* have / take a look at = look at* set to 開始

Page 28: Words for Production 1. phenomenon [ f1`nAm1&nAn ] n. [C] something that happens or exists, especially something that is studied because it is not understood

4. out ofbecause of 因為,出於

The manager took up office out of a sense of duty.

Idioms and Phrases

* out of + 抽象名詞 = because of + 抽象名詞 出於…

* sense of duty = sense of responsibility 責任感

Page 29: Words for Production 1. phenomenon [ f1`nAm1&nAn ] n. [C] something that happens or exists, especially something that is studied because it is not understood

5. knock intoto bump into 碰撞,撞上

The boy knocked into his teacher while running out of the classroom.

Idioms and Phrases

* knock into = bump into

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