Page 1: WICHITA KENNEL CLUB, · 2019. 7. 14. · Officers and Board Mike Williams, President Tom Chase, Vice Bev Benjes, Treasurer Jackie



From the Editor:

• All opinions

expressed or

implied in this

publication are

those only of the

author(s) of that


• The deadline for

submission of

articles in the

newsletter is on

the 28th of every


• Your brags or

news items can be

sent to:

Leanne Chase

12626 SW 160th St.

Rose Hill, KS




Inside This Issue:

WKC Member Brag 2

Cluster Mtg, Nose Work Class, & WKC Announce. 3

Word from the President 4

December Mem. Mtg. Minutes 5


2018 Membership

Renewal Form

Best Wishes for 2018!

January 2018 Membership Meeting

Topic: Service Dog Training

Time: 7:00 PM

When: Monday, January 8, 2018

Where: Wichita Kennel Club, 3448 North Emporia

Page 2: WICHITA KENNEL CLUB, · 2019. 7. 14. · Officers and Board Mike Williams, President Tom Chase, Vice Bev Benjes, Treasurer Jackie


February General



February 12th

7:00 PM

Review of the 2017

World Dog Show


Please see the membership form at the end of this newsletter.

Membership renewals were due by 12/31 Please send your renewal and $20 dues to:

Wichita Kennel Club

c/o Bev Benjes, Treasurer

2704 Tyler Street

Hutchinson, KS 67502

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WKC Members’ Brag

From David Greer and Stephanie Sexton: Octavia Ter'Avalon (call name Nix) earned her Beginner Novice Obedience title at the Joplin, MO show on November 5, 2017.

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Page 3: WICHITA KENNEL CLUB, · 2019. 7. 14. · Officers and Board Mike Williams, President Tom Chase, Vice Bev Benjes, Treasurer Jackie

WKC Nose Work Class

Charlotte Norris has graciously agreed to teach a six week nose work class beginning Wednesday, January 17, at 7:00 PM at the club building. This will be an introductory class. The aim of the class is to guide prospective exhibitors through the rules, types of trials, and what is expected of nose work teams. The fee for the class is $55 for WKC members and is limited to six teams. If you are interested in learning more about nose work, please contact Leanne Chase at 316-650-8463, email [email protected]. There are a few slots open.



When: Saturday, January 27, 2018 at 2:00 PM Where: Hutchinson Kennel Club’s new building at 119 S. Washington Street in South Hutchinson. Washington is one block west of Main Street, and 119 S. Washington is between Avenue A and Avenue B. All members are invited. This meeting is a great chance to hear what is being planned for this event and to get to meet dog lovers from other clubs. Contact Mike Williams ([email protected]) about carpooling. If you have any suggestions for agenda items, please contact Treva Faires ([email protected]) or

phone 316-644-5568. Feel free to bring snack items.

WKC Conformation Classes

Sally Fletcher has scheduled the next

conformation classes to begin on Thursday, February 1st at 7:00 PM.

Classes will be held at the Wichita Kennel Club building, 3448 N. Emporia, Wichita.

If you are interested in attending, volunteering, or have any questions,

please contact Sally at 316-258-4161 or

e-mail her at [email protected]

Match Volunteers Needed

The annual WKC B Match is on

Saturday, April 7. If you would like to volunteer to help with the day-of-

match registration, ring stewarding, or judging, please contact Leanne

Chase at 316-650-8463 or by e-mail at [email protected].

The match will include FSS and Miscellaneous breeds.

Page 4: WICHITA KENNEL CLUB, · 2019. 7. 14. · Officers and Board Mike Williams, President Tom Chase, Vice Bev Benjes, Treasurer Jackie


A Word from the President Mike Williams

Many thanks to each and every Wichita Kennel Club member for all your hard work that makes our club so successful.

2017 was a busy and a productive year. I am always sad to see members leave the club, but I am happy for our new members. When you see a new member at a 2018 general membership meeting, please make them feel welcome.

This is the time of year to pay your membership dues. Please send them to Bev Benjes in Hutchinson.

At the end of each newsletter there is a form you can fill out to tell us how you would like to serve your Kennel Club in 2018. If there is something you would like to do that is not listed, please write it on the form and let us know.

Sally Fletcher will be starting a new handling class in February. If you know of a candidate for this class, please tell them about the class and let Sally know.

I encourage each Kennel Club member to make an effort to attend our general meetings in 2018. We have the very best meetings that are very informative. There is always things to learn, and it gives all of us a chance to visit with one another.

Happy New Year to each of you and we’ll seen you all soon!!!! Mike

Trick Training—Teach Your Dog to Identify Toys by Name By Milena Barreto

With the days being short and chilly, here’s a fun activity to fight boredom and cabin fever.

Teach your dog to identify and get his toys by their name. It is a fun game, and it keeps him thinking.

Start with a favorite toy with a name that your dog already recognizes, like a ball. Put the ball on the floor, and ask your dog to get it. 1. Praise and treat the moment he gets the ball. Repeat a few times until he gets the ball every time, and you are

sure he knows it by name. 2. Now add a couple of objects that are not as exciting as toys, such as a brush or magnifying glass. Ask him to

get the ball and reward if successful. 3. Try adding a second toy and still ask for the ball. If he gets the ball, praise and treat each time he gets it

correctly. 4. Pick up the ball and repeat the process with another toy, until he gets to know the name of that toy. 5. Lay both toys and a different object on the floor. Ask him for either toy by name, and praise and treat every

time he gets it right. 6. Repeat the process with a third toy and then other toys, until he knows all the names.

Remember, our dogs learn by repetition, so keep practicing! Keep sessions positive and short.

Page 5: WICHITA KENNEL CLUB, · 2019. 7. 14. · Officers and Board Mike Williams, President Tom Chase, Vice Bev Benjes, Treasurer Jackie

Wichita Kennel Club General Meeting Minutes

December 3, 2017


President Mike Williams called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM. Mike thanked Leslie Weber and Sally Fletcher for hosting the party, decorating the club and cleaning the building for the annual Christmas party, and thanked all those who prepared food for the event. The November WKC General Membership Meeting minutes were approved by the members. Report of the President: Mike Williams thanked everyone for coming to the Christmas Party. Mike reminded everyone to fill out the form on the back of the newsletter and let your board of directors know what it is you would like to help with for the new 2018 year. If there is something not listed on the form, please write down how you would like to help. Mike reminded everyone that this is dues paying time and asked all present to please send in their dues. Dues should be sent to Bev Benjes in Hutchinson, KS. Dues are $20.00 per person. Corresponding Secretary Report: Nothing other than junk mail has been received. Recording Secretary Report: Nothing to report. Treasurer: Mike Williams had received a report from Bev, and there had been no changes since last report. The first half of 2017 taxes will be due by Dec. 20, 2017, and our annual insurance will be due in January. Committee Reports: Nomination Committee reported there were no nominations from the floor in November 2017 and that the members nominated to officers positions and board members at large could be voted on at this time. A motion as made and seconded that the following officers and board members be voted in for the 2018 term of office: President ----------------------------------------- Mike Williams Vice President ----------------------------------- Tom Chase Treasurer ----------------------------------------- Bev Benjes Recording Secretary --------------------------- Jackie Storrer Corresponding Secretary --------------------- Pat Deshler American Kennel Club Delegate ------------ Treva Faires Board of Director Members: Joann Fletcher, Patricia Holmes, Deborah Bartlett, Sheryl Wineburner, and Treva Faires. Unfinished Business: None New Business: None Meeting was adjourned at 4:47 PM. Respectfully submitted, Mike Williams, President

Page 6: WICHITA KENNEL CLUB, · 2019. 7. 14. · Officers and Board Mike Williams, President Tom Chase, Vice Bev Benjes, Treasurer Jackie

Wichita Kennel Club

Officers and Board Mike Williams,


Tom Chase, Vice President

Bev Benjes, Treasurer

Jackie Storrer, Recording Secretary

Pat Deshler, Corresp. Secretary

Treva Faires, AKC Delegate

Deborah Bartlett Treva Faires

Joann Fletcher Patricia Holmes

Sheryl Wineburner

We’re on the Web! See us at:

Leanne Chase, Editor 12626 SW 160th St. Rose Hill, KS 67133 Happy New Year!

Good for Your Dog

Good for Your Breed.

The benefits of feeding Purina brand dog foods go beyond great food and nutrition. Now, by simply clipping the weight circles on Purina bags you can support the valuable programs and research projects of the AKC Canine Health Foundation.

You can participate in this valuable program by collecting weight circles and sending them to:

Wichita Kennel Club

3448 N. Emporia

Wichita, KS 67219

Your weight circles will support the AKC Canine Health Foundation. That means funding for the health of Dogs.



Smart, Courageous,

And Determined

Page 7: WICHITA KENNEL CLUB, · 2019. 7. 14. · Officers and Board Mike Williams, President Tom Chase, Vice Bev Benjes, Treasurer Jackie



NAME ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

ADDRESS __________________________________________________________________________________________________

CITY & STATE __________________________________ ZIP________ e-mail ________________________________________

PHONE (HOME)_____________________________ (WORK) ________________________ (FAX)_________________________

BREED(S) OF DOGS OWNED _________________________________________________________________________________

Wichita Kennel Club dues are payable by January 1, 2018 Dues are $20.00 per member.

Note: All members (unless they live outside Kansas) are expected to ACTIVELY SERVE on at least one Standing Committee and TO WORK IN

SOME CAPACITY in the Spring All Breed Dog Show.

Please indicate your preference to serve as a chairperson or member by putting an X on the line of the committee(s) you wish to join along with

your initials.

I would like to volunteer to work on the following:


Awards Dinner Leslie Weber _________________ __________________

Budget and Finance Bev Benjes _________________ __________________

Building Management Tom Chase __________________

Building & Grounds Mike Williams _________________ __________________

Furnaces & A/C Tom Chase _________________ __________________

Landscaping & Improvements Mike Williams _________________ __________________

Lending Library Pat Behrns _________________ __________________

Security _____________ _________________ __________________

Kitchen (Organization & Maintenance) Bev Benjes _________________ __________________

Finance (Budget, Bill Payment) Bev Benjes _________________ __________________

Fund Raising Jackie Storrer _________________ __________________

Conformation Classes Sally Fletcher _________________ __________________

Eye Clinic Nancy & Larry Moody _________________ __________________

Historian Pat Behrns _________________ __________________

Judges’ Selection Treva Faires, Doug Matson _________________ __________________

Juniors’ Project Arleen Berry, Alyssa Mosley, Pat Deshler, Liz Cowman

_________________ __________________

Legislative Committees _______________ _________________ __________________

Matches (Sanctioned) Leanne Chase, Pat Behrns

Membership Leanne Chase _________________ __________________

Microchip Clinics Tom Chase _________________ __________________

Newsletter Leanne Chase _________________ __________________

Nominating Committee Treva Faires

_________________ __________________

Program Committee Joann Fletcher _________________ __________________

Public Education Coordinator Deborah Bartlett, Kat Farres _________________ __________________

Publicity ______________ _________________ __________________

Refreshments (Meetings) ______________ _________________ __________________

Supplies and Equipment Mike Williams _________________ __________________

Trophies, Spring Show Sheryl Wineburner _________________ __________________

WDTC Representative Mike Williams _________________ __________________

Website Tom Chase _________________ __________________

2018 Sunflower Cluster Coordinator Treva Faires _________________ __________________

2018 Spring Show Secretary Bev Benjes _________________ __________________

A brief description of committee duties is included with this form

Please mail this form and your dues check made payable to the Wichita Kennel Club, Inc.

Mail to: Wichita Kennel Club, Inc., C/O Bev Benjes, Treasurer, 2704 Tyler Street, Hutchinson, KS 67502

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