


Engaging Today’s Employees

David Lee

To watch the opening video, click the


Want Get



The Epic Employee Engagement


Source: The Worldwide Employee Engagement Crisis, Gallup Journal, January 4, 2016

Years Engaged

Today’s Program




1. Why Bother

2. Translating the Opening Video Into…

3. Five Guiding Principles

• What matters and what doesn’t; what builds and what destroys…

• Why…

• How…


4. How to have engagement conversations

5. Intro to Inspiring U: How to keep your keeping your own energy, enthusiasm, and engagement high

When You Leave

• Put what you know… back to “top of mind”

• Renew commitment to doing the things that work, even…

• Discover what the research says…and how to apply it

• Cultivate greater awareness and self-awareness




1. Why Bother

2. Translating the Opening Video Into…

3. Five Guiding Principles

• What matters and what doesn’t; what builds and what destroys…

• How…

The ROI of High Engagement

Why do YOU care?

Becoming More Skilled at Fostering

Greater Engagement




1. Why Bother

2. Translating the Opening Video Into…

3. Five Guiding Principles

• What matters and what doesn’t; what builds and what destroys…

• Why…

• How…


1. Why Bother

2. Translating the Opening Video Into…

3. Five Guiding Principles

• What matters and what doesn’t; what builds and what destroys…

• Why…

• How…

Why Did I Open with the Video and

How Does That Relate to You and


Lessons from the Video Exercise

1. People can be inspired even when the work might not seem inspiring.

2. Excellence fosters inspiration and is self-reinforcing.

3. It’s hard not to feel uplifted and inspired when you see, or hear about, people being awesome.



Lessons from the Video Exercise

4. Enthusiasm and passion are contagious.

5. Energy and emotion affect how we think, how we act, and the quality of our performance.

Energy and Emotion Affect




“Our nervous system needs to be in

a specific physiological state to

promote bold ideas, creativity, and

positive social behavior.” Dr. Stephen Porgess

What All Peak Performers Know

“Your state determines your performance.”

What All Peak Performers Know

“Your state determines your performance.”

We’re doomed.

We can do this!!!



Great managers, leaders, and role models know how to elicit positive emotional, energetic, and mental states in others.


All Other Factors

“Every time I meet with him, I feel like I’m giving blood…”

“Guys on our team would run through walls for Jerry.”



“How can managers elicit these

emotional, energetic, and mental


• Enthusiasm

• Determination

• Optimism

• Curiosity

• Joy

• Others that lead to high morale, high productivity, and resilience

Being an Energizer “was four times greater a predictor of performance than any other factor measured.”

Dr. Rob Cross, Univ. of Virginia

The Energizer Effect

"The effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is.“ Jim Carrey

"The effect you have on others is the most valuable

currency there is.“ Jim Carrey



Energizer Behaviors That Foster

Engagement and High Productivity

• In General

• Shift Briefings

• A Difficult Change is Being Implemented

• A Team Member Suggests an Idea That You Don’t Think Will Work

• Giving Performance Improvement Feedback

• Other Important Moments of Truth

The more you engage in Energizer

behaviors and avoid De-Energizer

behaviors, the more productive,

engaged, resilient, and “Can do”

your team will be.

Next Steps

1. Compile and distribute list.

2. Make a list of the Energizers you MOST need to implement. (Pg. 4)

3. Continue exercise by exploring De-Energizer behaviors and make a list of those you need to eliminate…

4. Pay attention to people and interactions and notice who and what energizes you and who and what de-energizes and then…


1. Why Bother

2. Translating the Opening Video Into…

3. Five Guiding Principles

• What matters and what doesn’t; what builds and what destroys…

• Why…

• How…




1. Why Bother

2. Translating the Opening Video Into…

3. Five Guiding Principles

• What matters and what doesn’t; what builds and what destroys…

• How…

Higher engagement doesn’t come

from “Goodies, Gimmicks, and

Gala Events,” it comes from an

intrinsically rewarding work




“What program will solve this nursing

turnover problem?

“Trust between managers and employees is the primary defining characteristic of the very best workplaces.”

Source: The Connection Between Employee Trust and Financial Performance, Harvard Business Review Online

What Creates a “Best Place to Work”?



“Trust between managers and employees is the primary defining characteristic of the very best workplaces.” and…because of that, accounts for 2/3 of their scoring.

Source: The Connection Between Employee Trust and Financial Performance, Harvard Business Review Online

What Creates a “Best Place to Work”?

“So…what creates an intrinsically

rewarding workplace?”

The Belief That What They Do—

Individually and as Part of an

Organization—Makes a Difference in

the World

Does the mission/purpose of your company make you feel your job is important? - #8 of Gallup’s Q12

Employees can deal

with almost any What

if they understand

and believe in The




Connecting with The Why is Crucial With

Your Millennials

“I was raised to believe I could change the world. I’m desperate for you to show me that the work we do here matters, even just a little bit. I’ll make copies, I’ll fetch coffee, I’ll do the grunt work. But I’m not doing it to help you get a new Mercedes.

I’ll give you everything I’ve got, but I need to know it makes a difference to something bigger than your bottom line.”

“I was raised to believe I could change the world. I’m desperate for you to show me that the work we do here matters, even just a little bit. I’ll make copies, I’ll fetch coffee, I’ll do the grunt work. But I’m not doing it to help you get a new Mercedes.

I’ll give you everything I’ve got, but I need to know it makes a difference to something bigger than your bottom line.”

“I was raised to believe I could change the world. I’m desperate for you to show me that the work we do here matters, even just a little bit. I’ll make copies, I’ll fetch coffee, I’ll do the grunt work. But I’m not doing it to help you get a new Mercedes.

I’ll give you everything I’ve got, but I need to know it makes a difference to something bigger than your bottom line.”



One of the Surprising Benefits…

How to Connect Them

with “The Why”

Continually Share Customer Stories

Adam Grant, PhD



“What’s Your Why?”

The Opportunity to Use Their Brain

at Work, Solve Important Problems,

and Have an Impact

At work, do your opinions seem to count? - #7 of Gallup’s Q12 In the last year, have you had opportunities to learn and grow? - #12 of Gallup’s Q12

“What do you think your new team MOST wants from you?”



“Of all the qualities in a manager conducive to innovation and initiative, a degree of uncertainty may be the most powerful. If a manager is confident, but uncertain – confident that the job will get done but without being certain of exactly the best way of doing it – employees are likely to have more room to be creative, alert, and self-starting.”

Langer, Ellen. Mindfulness, NY: Addison-Wesley, 1989

“Of all the qualities in a manager conducive to innovation and initiative, a degree of uncertainty may be the most powerful. If a manager is confident, but uncertain – confident that the job will get done but without being certain of exactly the best way of doing it – employees are likely to have more room to be creative, alert, and self-starting.”

Langer, Ellen. Mindfulness, NY: Addison-Wesley, 1989



“We’ve always done it this way.”


The Opportunity, and

Encouragement, to Grow


Is there someone at work who encourages your development?

In the last six months, has someone at work talked to you about your progress?

In the last year, have you had opportunities to learn and grow? - # 6, 11, & 12 of Gallup’s Q12

What Millennials Want Most From

Their Manager

1. Will help me develop my career.

2. Will give me straight feedback.

3. Will mentor and coach me.

4. Is comfortable with virtual and flexible work schedules.

5. Will sponsor learning and development opportunities.

Source: Meister, J. and Willyerd, K. The 2020 Workplace: How Innovative Companies Attract, Develop, and Keep Tomorrow’s Employees Today

Next Steps

• Engage employees in professional development conversations

• Work together to look for opportunities to learn and grow on the job.

• Encourage them to look for other professional development opportunities



The Ability to Feel “The Thrill of

Victory” and the Joy of Efficacy,

Rather Than the Daily “Agony of


Do you have the materials and equipment to do your work right? - #2 of Gallup’s Q12



Next Steps

• Engage employees in “What do we/I do that drives you crazy?” conversations, or…

• “Help ME, Help YOU (Help Us)” conversations

• Cultivate the skills that create Psychological Safety

Autonomy: the Chance to Make Their

Own Decisions and use Discretion, to

“Own” Their Job Like a Small




Next Steps

• Engage employees in coaching conversations about where they would like to have greater autonomy and how to make that happen.

• Examine fear around giving greater autonomy

– My need to control?

– Needs more coaching?

– Wrong person in position?

Good Communication and Regular

Constructive Feedback

What aspects of

communication do you

wish YOUR manager

would be better at

(and/or past managers)?



Next Steps

• Ask employees about where they see greater communication being helpful.

• Practice giving ongoing feedback.

• Grow your feedback skills.

Appreciation and Recognition

In the last seven days, have you received recognition or praise for doing good work?- #4 of Gallup’s Q12

65% of Americans

received no recognition

in the workplace last


Source: Gallup Organization

“Lack of appreciation”: #1 Reason

employees left. Source: DOL

79% - among top five reasons they’d

leave. Source: SHRM’s Survey of Human Resource




Next Steps

• Look for opportunities to express appreciation and give recognition.

• Encourage team to do the same.

• Ask employees about what approach is most meaningful to them.



Operationalizing the Needs, Wants,

and Drivers

1. With a partner or two, pick one of the research findings that you’re most drawn to.

2. Brainstorm managerial practices that satisfy those drivers.

3. Compile results.

Higher engagement doesn’t come

from “Goodies, Gimmicks, and

Gala Events,” it comes from an

intrinsically rewarding work


Because Everything Matters when

it comes to employee

engagement—and because

managers are so incredibly busy—

it’s critical to cultivate the faculty

of mindfulness and an awareness

of “The Secret Life of Employees.”





4 Years Later



How Have YOU Experienced Employees

Being Taught NOT to Care? Next Steps

• Practice mindfulness and greater situational and self-awareness.

• “How will the way I’m about to handle this affect this person?”

• “What message am I sending by saying (or doing) this, or…not bothering to say or do this?”

Because Everything Matters when

it comes to employee

engagement—and because

managers are so incredibly busy—

it’s critical to cultivate the faculty

of mindfulness and an awareness

of “The Secret Life of Employees.”

The “Dirty Little Secret” about why

employee engagement remains so

low: most workplace environments

are transactional rather than




“I’d like to replace this skill with one that is more hard-edged, more tangible, but there’s no getting around the data… Marcus Buckingham in “The One Thing You Need to Know: ... About Great Managing, Great Leading, and Sustained Individual Success”

Managers Caring About Employees

…a multiple of research studies confirm that employees are more productive when they feel that someone at work cares about them...



“Employee who feel cared about are less likely to miss work, less likely to have accidents, less likely to file workers compensation claims…

…less likely to steal, less likely to quit, more likely to recommend the company to friends and family.” Marcus Buckingham in “The One Thing You Need to Know: ... About Great Managing, Great Leading, and Sustained Individual Success”

If your employees are “just not

that into you,” perhaps they

don’t experience you as being “into them.”

For Employers and Managers…

When we are careless in our

treatment of others, we teach

them to care less about us.

For Employers and Managers…







• NOT “Let’s be BFFs”

• Courtesies, civilities, and pleasantries we (hopefully) do in our personal lives that help keep “the fabric of society” from unraveling

• Demonstrate recognition of, and concern for, one’s impact.



“Relational” (continued)

• Acknowledging “You are a human being not a robot, app, or machine” whose only value is…

• Showing interest in the person as…a person.

• Showing you care about that person as an individual with a life.

The Top 5 Drivers of Millennial

Employee Engagement

1. I feel I am valued in this organization.

2. I have confidence in the leadership of this organization.

3. I like the type of work that I do.

4. Most days, I feel I have made progress at work.

5. This organization treats me like a person, not a number.

Source: Unlocking Talent 2015 by The Center for Generational Kinetics

Next Steps

1. Use awareness to cultivate mindfulness.

2. Look for opportunities to be more “relational” rather than transactional and “all business.



Because Everything Matters when

it comes to employee

engagement—and because

managers are so incredibly busy—

it’s critical to cultivate the faculty

of mindfulness and an awareness

of “The Secret Life of Employees.”

The “Dirty Little Secret” about why

employee engagement remains so

low: most workplace environments

are transactional rather than


If your employees are “just not

that into you,” perhaps they

don’t experience you as being “into them.”

For Employers and Managers…



When we are careless in our

treatment of others, we teach

them to care less about us.

For Employers and Managers…

If you want greater engagement,

you need to have better


Being an engaging leader requires

keeping your own energy,

enthusiasm, and engagement high.

Becoming More Skilled at Fostering

Greater Engagement



Energy and Emotion Affect


What All Peak Performers Know

“Your state determines your performance.”

Being an Energizer “was four times greater a predictor of performance than any other factor measured.”

Dr. Rob Cross, Univ. of Virginia

The Energizer Effect

"The effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is.“ Jim Carrey



Post Program Is the Perfect Time to Talk

with Your Team

Higher engagement doesn’t come

from “Goodies, Gimmicks, and

Gala Events,” it comes from an

intrinsically rewarding work


The “Dirty Little Secret” about why

employee engagement remains so

low: most workplace environments

are transactional rather than


If your employees are “just not

that into you,” perhaps they

don’t experience you as being “into them.”

For Employers and Managers…



When we are careless in our

treatment of others, we teach

them to care less about us.

For Employers and Managers…




If you want greater engagement,

you need to have better


Being an engaging leader requires

keeping your own energy,

enthusiasm, and engagement high.



Next Steps

1. Check out Laying the Groundwork for Stay Interviews and “Help me help you help us” Conversations Pg. 18

2. Read the “You know I went to the seminar” Conversation article Pg. 8 and have that conversation.

Next Steps

3. Practice Stay Interviews and Engagement Conversations

4. Do the Action Steps on Pg. 21

5. Stay connected with the MaineHealth Revenue Cycle page

Feel Free to Reach Out And Ask


David Lee, HumanNature@Work

Email: [email protected] LinkedIn: Twitter: Phone: 207-571-9898

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