Page 1: Why Electric Skateboards are Fun

Why Electric Skateboards

are Fun

Page 2: Why Electric Skateboards are Fun

A few days ago I was met with an absolutely amazing discovery. I decided that I would go over to a friend’s house and hang out with him as usual. It was the usual Friday routine where I would go to my friend’s house and play videogames or something along those lines.

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Page 3: Why Electric Skateboards are Fun

At first, I thought that my friend had just picked up regularly old skateboarding. I wasn’t too impressed if this was the case, to be honest. However, upon close inspection I realized that he was riding on an electric skateboard.

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Page 4: Why Electric Skateboards are Fun

I was intrigued and I decided that I would give the electric skateboard a go. I wanted to see how well I would do skating on an electric skateboard. I was a little bit nervous at first, as I had never really learnt how to skate well.

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Page 5: Why Electric Skateboards are Fun

The last time I skated was on a normal skateboard my brother had borrowed to me, where I skated down the hill and fell face first in the pavement. Remembering this occasion, I was very weary when trying out my friend’s electric skateboard.

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Page 6: Why Electric Skateboards are Fun

The electric skateboard was much, much easier to skate on than a regular skateboard. I was so shocked to see that I was able to skate around my friend’s neighborhoodwithout getting close to any type of fall or danger at all. I was thoroughly impressed at what the electric skateboard could do.

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Page 7: Why Electric Skateboards are Fun

After that experience, I bought an electric skateboard for myself. I was happy to see that it was actually very cheap in comparison to many of the high end regular skateboards. The electric skateboard was so fun to use because It was very compact, so I could take it with me to anywhere in public.

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Page 8: Why Electric Skateboards are Fun

I would rock up to school with my electric skateboard and have the time of my life skating around the campus. Whenever I had class, I would simply put it into my small locker, and when it was time to take the bus home, the amazing electric skateboard was small enough to fit into my backpack.

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Page 9: Why Electric Skateboards are Fun

Overall, using the electric skateboard is not only extremely fun, but extremely convenient. I would highly recommend anyone to go ahead and experience the amazing fun that comes with skating on an electric skateboard.

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