Page 1: Why didn’t Mr. Edison invent Google first? › dosya › BuzzNews-2011-2012-1.pdf · marketing the patents of his inventions. Therefore, he moved to New York. Despite all these

Two factory workers are talking:

-I can make the boss give

me the day off.

-And how would you do


-Just wait and see.

Then he hangs upside-down

from the ceiling.

The boss comes in and


-What are you doing?

He answers;

-I’m a light bulb.

The boss then adds;

-You’ve been working so much that

you’ve gone crazy. I think you need to take the day off.

The other one follows him and the boss shouts;

-Where are you going?

He says;

-I’m going home, too. I

can’t work in the dark.

A man walks into a shop

and sees a cute little dog.

He asks the shopkeeper,

"Does your dog bite?"

The shopkeeper says, "No,

my dog does not bite."

The man tries to pet the

dog and the dog bites him.

"Ouch," he says, "I

thought you said your dog does not bite!"

The shopkeeper replies, "That’s not my dog.”

‘’Why didn’t Mr. Edison invent Google first?

Then he could look up how to make a light bulb.

The Illuminati is a name given

to several groups, both real

(historical) and fictitious. His-

torically the name refers to

the Bavarian Illuminati,

an Enlightenment-era secret

society founded on May 1, 1776.

In more modern contexts the

name refers to a purported con-

spiratorial organization which

is alleged to mastermind events and control world af-

fairs through governments and corporations to estab-

lish a New World Order.

Every Illuminati member vows

secrecy and obedience to those

who are higher than them. This

type of organization had been

famous with its satanic move-

ment. There had been rumors

about famous entertainers, like actors, actresses, ath-

letes and even politicians who have been engaging

themselves with or in other words selling themselves to

Satan through this Illuminati organization. The reason

for this selling of souls to the devil and eventually join-

ing the Illuminati organization is to gain recognition

and fame all over the world, for countless riches and

power in politics. Illuminati organization has a lot of

signs and symbols. You might even see these symbols

or signs being used to some of your favorite bands or

athletes or other media personalities.

In the second term of 2011-

2012 academic year, Ekin will

be planting another awareness

week to introduce Chinese Cul-

ture and customs to the school

and students. This will also

include different cultural activities.

Students will learn a lot about China

once the week starts.

Page 2: Why didn’t Mr. Edison invent Google first? › dosya › BuzzNews-2011-2012-1.pdf · marketing the patents of his inventions. Therefore, he moved to New York. Despite all these

A Scotsman who was driving home one night, ran into a car driven by an Englishman. The Scotsman ran out of the car to apologize and offered the Englishman a drink from a bottle of whisky. The English-man was glad to have a drink. “Go on” said the Scot, “ have another drink.” The Englishman drank greatfully. “But don’t you want one, too?” he asked the Scotsman. “Perhaps” he replied

“after the policeman have gone.” “Am I the first man you have ever loved.” John asked. “Of, course” Jane answered. “Why do women always ask the same ques-tion?”

Two guys were walking through the jungle. Suddenly, a tiger appeared from the distance, running towards them. One of the guys immedi-ately took a pair of trainers from his bag and started to put them on. The other guy, with a surprised look on his face exclaimed, "Do you think you will run faster than the tiger with those?" His friend replied, "I don't have to

run faster than the tiger. I just have to run faster than you."

Apple Inc. ( formerly Apple Computer, Inc.) is an

American multinational corporation that designs and

markets consumer electronics,

computer software, and per-

sonal computers. The com-

pany's best-known hardware

products include the Macin-

tosh line of computers, the

iPod, the iPhone and the iPad.

Apple software includes the

Mac OS X operating system; the iTunes media

browser; the iLife suite of multimedia and creativity

software; the iWork suite of productivity software;

Aperture, a professional photography package; Final

Cut Studio, a suite of professional audio and film-

industry software products; Logic Studio, a suite of

music production tools; the Safari web

browser; and iOS, a mobile operating

system. As of July 2011, the company

operates 357 retail stores in ten coun-

tries, and an online store where hard-

ware and software products are sold.

As of September 2011, Apple has re-

cently been the largest publicly traded company in the

world by market capitalization, and the largest tech-

nology company in the world by revenue and profit.

Edison was born in Milan, Ohio, in 1847. When he was seven, he started primary school. But 4

months later, he was dismissed from school because his teachers thought he was a slow learner.

Meanwhile, he established a chemistry lab, in house. After some time, he made a telegraph machine

and learned Mors alphabet by himself. During that time, he had an illness that caused hearing

problems. When he was 12, he started to work selling fruits at a train. He was also printing a news-

paper all by himself. Unfortunately, a fire in his train-lab caused his ears to hear even worse. By

1868, he was working in his own science workshop. He was very successful, but he had problems

marketing the patents of his inventions. Therefore, he moved to New York. Despite all these difficulties, Edison in-

vented the electric bulb in 1879. His other inventions include the carbon microphone, electric pen, dictating machine,

universal electric motor, and many other electric devices. The famous productive inventor died in 1931.

Will they or won't they? That's the

question Samsung Galaxy S and Gal-

axy Tab customers are asking with

respect to whether Samsung will

offer them the Android 4.0 Ice

Cream Sandwich update.

Samsung will likely not update those

devices to ICS, but older Galaxy owners may not be en-

tirely out of luck. There is apparently still a chance that

Samsung is preparing a "Value Pack" with ICS features

and functionality, just scaled for less robust hardware. had the news, citing a Korean site as a


Ever since Ice Cream Sandwich was

announced for the Samsung Galaxy

Nexus, customers have been waiting

to hear which other phones

and tablets would get the upgrade.

But Samsung remained tight-lipped on the subject.

Samsung may offer a taste of

Ice Cream to the Gal-

Page 3: Why didn’t Mr. Edison invent Google first? › dosya › BuzzNews-2011-2012-1.pdf · marketing the patents of his inventions. Therefore, he moved to New York. Despite all these

Ekin’s DI students proved

their high challenging

talents once more when

they came the second in


competitions in Istanbul.

5th grades presented

another glorious night at

school. They prepared

and presented a

w o n d e r f u l

performance, gathering

a big applause from the


3rd grades (left) as well as

the 2nd grades (right)

p r e s e n t e d a n o t h e r

successful n ight of

performance. Both groups

made Ekin proud once

more with their command

of English.

English Drama Club is preparing another magnifi-cent Musical for the second term. This year the club will be staging Cinderella.

Page 4: Why didn’t Mr. Edison invent Google first? › dosya › BuzzNews-2011-2012-1.pdf · marketing the patents of his inventions. Therefore, he moved to New York. Despite all these

...AND…some information you may

never ever need in your life?! But...

It had snowed on Sahara Desert on 18 Feb-

ruary 1979.

Albert Einstein could not speak

clearly until the age of nine.

The American Airlines had profited 40.000 $

in 1987 with taking an olive from each plate

that was served to the passen-

gers at the flights.

A horse has got 18 more bones than a hu-


Owl is the only one bird that can see blue


Beethoven used to put his head into the cold water before


When a glass breaks up, the broken particles go away with

a speed three miles an hour.

The amount of saliva that a human excretes

in a lifetime, can fill two swimming pools.

Butterflies taste with their feet.

Electric chair was invented by a dentist.

Elephant is the only one mammal that can’t


Amy Jade Winehouse was an English

singer and songwriter. She was known

for her powerful vocals and her studies

about R&B, soul and jazz.

She was born in the Southgate area of

North London to a Jewish family .Her

family influenced her interest in jazz. Her

father, Mitchell, is a taxi driver and her

mother, Janis, is a chemist and they have

got a son. Her father was singing Frank Sinatra’s songs to

Amy in her childhood.

Her first debut album (on

2003),Frank, was very successful

in the UK and it was nominated

for the Mercury Prize. Her next

album (on 2006),Back to Black,

led to six Grammy Award nomi-

nations and she won five of them.

Then she beat the record for the

most wins by female artist in a

night and she became the first

English singer who wins five

Grammys. Her own style inspired

fashioners like Karl Lagerfeld. In

2008 , she had bad diseases.

She was found dead on 23 July 2011 at her home in London.

On 26 October a coroner ruled that the reason of his death

was alcohol poisoning. Her family and her friends attended

her funeral on 26 July 2011.

Did you know that:

Kevin Wayne Durant (born September 29, 1988) is an American professional bas-ketball player for the Okla-homa City Thunder of the National Basketball Associa-tion (NBA). A 6'9" small for-ward/shooting guard who is

also capable of playing power forward, Durant was the consensus 2007 National College Player of the Year and the 2006–2007 Big 12 Player of the Year, amongst other awards. After a standout freshman season at the University of Texas, Durant opted to enter the NBA Draft, where he was selected second overall by the Seattle Supersonics. There he went on to win the NBA Rookie of the Year Award after his de-but season. In 2007, Durant signed an endorse-ment contract with Nike. In the 2009–10 season Durant led the NBA in scoring and became the youngest player ever to win the NBA scoring title. He would later be named to the 2010 All NBA

First Team.

Water is blue. The Earth has got 7 satellites.

Substance has got 15 forms.

People have got 9 senses.

Highest mountain is Mauna Kea.

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