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My time in austin’s colony

Soc. Stud. 311/28/11

By Jared White


I came to san Felipe to have a fresh start. My wife left me and I took the kids. I only had $1,000 and had to pay $67.2 a year. I was working with $932.8 trying to make a living.


• I traveled with a group of Spanish men. It was a hard travel but worth it in the end. I qualified for land because I was a black smith ,and they could use one. Finally I qualified for 1,680 acres of land, because it was me the kids and a couple of the Spaniards,

Year of 1822

• In 1822 I put almost all my money in lumber, and good thing I did. There was houses being made so lumber was very needed.

Year of 1822

• There was a harsh winter so lots of cattle died and the lively arrived late. My competition was dead and I ended the year with $2,700.

I was starting a life.

Year of 1823

• In 1823 I put my money in cattle. Which was another success. The winter had very few storms so the cattle arrived.

Year of 1823

• The lively sank so cotton failed again. Also there was few houses being made so lumber was not that good. I ended that year with $7,575. My life was getting really good.

Year of 1824

• I put all my $7,575 in cotton. Big risk I know, but it paid of. The colony thrived for cotton crop.

Year of 1824

• There was high demand for lumber, and high demand for beef, but like I said they thrived cotton. And I ended 1824 with $22,987.2.

I was filthy rich!

Town I lived in

• I lived in San Felipe and at the end of that year I got a $600 bonus for living there. I started with $932.8 and ended with $22,700.2. It hade been a good 3 years

Decision of where to live after 1824

• I decided to go back home with the kids. And try to patch it up with my wife. I think coming here was the best decision I have made in a long time, but not marrying my wife. We got back together and are happily married again. (I wonder why). I do recommend going to austins colony but only to good business men and women.


• "" N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Nov 2011. <>.

• "" N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Nov 2011. <>.

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