  • 8/6/2019 Where is God in the good times?


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    This week

    I attended

    a number of meetings

    where plain speaking

    was in short currency.

    Not a particularly surprising problem

    since most professions,

    sports and groups

    cloth themselves in jargon.

    Needless to say,


    that is not a damning fault.

    But it can be

    a massive failing

    in the church.

    Because it can result

    in Christians avoiding

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    the big questions

    which ordinary people

    ask of them.

    And there is no bigger

    a question

    than where is God

    where is God in my good times

    where is God

    when I feel becalmed

    and drowning in mediocrity

    where is God

    when times are bad

    and life seems

    to be going down the tubes?

    Yet, despite its importance,

    that question

    can leave us flummoxed

    and quite frankly


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    it is a question

    that needs replied to


    as that alone

    honours the direct speaking

    of Christ himself.

    Let us then

    start by taking

    the first of these

    three sub-questions.

    The query of

    where is God

    in our good times.

    Well of course

    he is with us

    in those times.

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    We may not realise it

    but trust me

    he is there.

    It is simply a matter

    of us

    being distracted.

    For when things

    are on the up,

    we are too often


    by a sense of well-being

    and almost invincibility

    that achievement brings.

    As a result,

    we forget God

    we forget Christs past investment

    in us

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    from God

    in the good times,

    there is one more

    which is far more insidious

    even malignant.

    And the third distraction

    is a particular risk

    to those of belief.

    It was the very one

    that Job typifies.

    Put simply,

    we think to ourselves

    if things are going well

    when will they not?

    What is going on

    in the unseen world

    that will bring

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    my seen one

    crashing down?

    Is, in fact,

    God conspiring

    with the devilish

    to play havoc

    in my life?

    Certainly, there is no doubt

    that at times of success,

    contentment and celebration,

    we can be dogged

    with a lack of faith,

    with fear

    and with distrusting doubt.

    For who amongst us

    has not tinged

    their enjoyment

    of an achievement

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    we attribute to God

    what he has blessed us with.

    Not only that

    but in

    our gratefully refocusing on God,

    we bring alive


    the memory of his bounteousness;

    a level of loving

    that makes it unthinkable

    he would wish us ill.

    Next it is to think carefully

    why God has bestowed

    such blessings upon us.

    Needless to say,

    he gives us credit

    for our hard work

    and dedication

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    in the success,

    yet it has also been

    a team effort.

    For, he has bestowed talents,

    inspiration and opportunities

    to make the doors open

    and the crops bloom.

    And so, he would

    no more desire for us

    to lose out

    than we ourselves

    would wish that

    upon a beloved daughter or son.

    Finally, instead of fearing

    what is round the corner,

    we must push

    such ungodly thoughts


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    and live life to the full;

    the fullness

    that comes

    from using our gifts

    in the way

    God wants us to.

    For that is the best way

    give thanks for our success;

    that is the best way

    to repay God

    for his generous giving;

    that indeed

    is the best way

    to be a joyful one

    who has been bought

    at a sorrowful price.

    Well - to bring all this together,

    lets look

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    at the time of celebration

    that the Lord took part in

    and enjoyed for itself.

    Since, in the wedding in Cana,

    we do see Christ

    in celebration mode.

    Yet, we see also

    much of why

    we too should celebrate.


    in this passage of John,

    we find out how

    God works in good times

    for good times.

    Now, first off,

    this is a Jewish wedding.

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    And Jewish weddings

    during the time of Christ

    were gala occasions

    and grand parties.

    They usually began

    on Tuesday nights,

    and the groom and his friends

    would go over to

    the brides house

    at night.

    On the way over,

    the groomsmen

    would be swinging

    their olive-oil lamps,

    having a fun time.

    The men would gather

    in front of the brides home,

    and she would come out

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    to the front steps.

    Now, for the first time

    in her adult life,

    she would take off her veil

    and show off

    how beautiful

    she really was.

    This removal of the veil

    was a special event.

    Then, the groom

    and the groomsmen,

    would again

    walk down the streets

    with their olive-oil lamps swinging

    and they would go over

    to the grooms house

    to begin a seven-day party.

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    Yes, youve got it

    a seven day party.

    And during those seven days,

    family and friends

    would bring their gifts,

    their hot food,

    and their good humour.


    during this particular party time,

    something did go wrong.

    It was unfortunate

    because the host

    ran out of wine.

    Now this was

    a Jewish wedding

    and not a Jewish wake.

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    And so it was embarrassing

    to run out of the bevy.

    They didnt have

    a Tescos or M&S

    in Brook Street

    to rush out to.

    What to do?

    Mary, the mother of Jesus,


    Like so many mothers,

    she seems to ignore

    her son reticence

    and speaks directly

    to the servant,

    Do what he tells you.

    We can only guess

    the look on Jesus face.

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    Jesus, knowing his mother

    and perhaps rolling his eyes,

    said to the servant,

    Fill those big jugs

    out there

    with water.

    Next he turns

    their contents into wine.

    But these were very big jugs.

    And so he made

    a lot of wine

    enough wine for a whole city

    enough for the whole country

    enough for the whole world.

    Therefore we can imagine

    that wedding couple

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    many decades later

    thinking of that day.

    Maybe they still had

    one dusty bottle

    of Christs gift

    still in the cellar.


    in the intervening years

    that couple

    would have had

    their ups and downs,

    there would have been

    days of roses and ashes

    and they would have known

    celebrations and rotten times.

    Yet they would never forget

    how Christ

    made that day

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    so special for them.

    They would always

    recall that face saving gift

    which meant so much

    to their complete happiness.

    And it was his concern

    over such a little matter

    that would have

    given them confidence

    through the years

    that followed;

    confidence that Christ

    would look after

    the big questions

    whether celebrating

    or mourning

    and confidence

    that he would restore


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