
What will I need if I go study outside Nogales?

Studying outside your hometown

•For many people studying outside home is a way of gaining freedom, because they are sick of their house rules.

•For others is a test, which tells them how independent they are, and if they are able to start making their own life.

•For the last type of people it is scary but essential to be capable of reaching their dreams.

Why is it scary?

•Food▫Most of us are used to arrive home, then

immediately head to the kitchen, look at what mom prepared and if we are hungry start eating right away.

•Laundry▫We don’t even have to ask someone for our

clothes to be washed, and we barely have an idea of how to wash our clothes.

Why is it scary?

•Loneliness▫Lets face it, you are used to be surrounded

of your beloved ones, talking with them, laughing and even crying, and just thinking about how you can’t take them with you is depressing

▫For those who could say: “I’ll be staying with other relatives”, keep in mind that you are not used to live with them every day, and there may be some problems because your lifestyles could be different

Why is it scary?

•House cleaning▫It may not be that difficult, but with all the

studying, washing, cooking, and the times you got to go out, you probably won’t have time to do it.

Going study outside

•It may look like we are trying to discourage everyone from studying out of Nogales, but it isn’t like that. Just like there are some things that may scare us, there are others that may make us want to leave.

Motivations to leave

•Desire to leave▫Some of us may just want to leave, not

because their career is not here, but because they just have the whim of leaving Nogales. Some reasons may be: Become Independent Looking for freedom Sick of their own home. Staying here is for “losers”

Motivations to leave

•Because of their career:▫Some others would really prefer to stay, but

accept that they have to follow their dreams, and realize that if they stay, the may not be able to make them come true.

Myths about leaving.

•Society has made us believe that if anyone stays here to study is only because he/she is a loser, or even worse a failure, who couldn’t get any better or was just to scared to leave.

True about leaving

•Staying doesn’t automatically makes you a loser, either leaving makes you successful.

•A lot of people who leave doesn’t passes of two semesters before returning, because they couldn’t keep up with the school and the loneliness.

Why does plenty of people in Nogales leaves?•Educational offerings:

▫Nogales’ economy is fully based on the maquila, so the educational offer isn’t very wide, supporting mainly all the physical engineer –Mechanical, electronic, systems – and the economical careers.

▫But for those who’d like to study something related to natural sciences, medicine or fine arts there isn’t any option here in Nogales, and have to leave the city.

Places people usually go study to

Hermosillo Obregon Guadalajara Mexico City Other places0












Students leaving Nogales

Students leaving Nogales

Most popular careers

•We investigated about the currently ten most popular careers among senior students, nationwide. Next we’ll show you the results we obtained.

Business administration








Chemical engineering








Mechanical engineering


Political sciences


Most popular careers

•If we analyze the information we just saw, we can notice that not even the half of these careers are available in Nogales, so we can conclude that even though these aren’t Nogales’ main focus, they are what people are claiming for, and if they want to study them, they have to leave.

What will we need?

•Focusing on our main theme, there are basic things that everyone who plans to leave must consider taking with them, here we will show you some examples:


Laptop Car Mp3 Player Food Video Games Others0







Things you'd take with you

Things you'd take with you

What will we need?

•After hearing what people thinks, we did a little research, on the internet, and on other people’s experiences, and here are what we found out:


•Now that you are livingalone, your parents won´t be responsible of keepingyour papers and documentssafe. By then, you are your own secretary, so be sureyou keep those really safe.Without them, “you don´texist!”

Credit Card

•It is essential to carry with you a Credit card, not for you to pay with it, but for your parents to deposit you money when you need it.


•Don’t bring all your closet, but clothes for one or two weeks and constantly wash it.


•It’s a prime need, so you can do your homework research, also it will help you keeping in touch with family and friends, driving away the loneliness.

Memories from home

•I think they are very helpful, because they will make you feel at home and keep you from missing you old life.

Bed clothing

•Surely any place you are going to live you will need to take your own, because it is a personal article, most likely everyone has their own.

Cell phone

•It is the most practical way of keeping in touch, as it is cheaper than a land line.

Health Kit

•This is one of the most important things to have with you, have the basics:▫Aspirins▫Tylenol▫Band-Aids▫Oxygenated Water


•It’s time to face it, you have to take care of yourself, because if you don’t do it, nobody else will. That means cooking, eating healthy, take care of your health, etc.

Personal Hygiene articles

•Nail clippers•Combs•Razor•Towels•Toothbrush


•You won’t need a lot of it, just few of them, but it would save you some unnecessary costs.

Recommended but no essential stuff.

•There are some things that will help you to get through it easier, but there is no problem if you are not able to bring them with you.

Multiple Outlet Strip

•You never know how many outlets are there going to be, or where they will be located, but this one will really help you out.


•It would be good to start capturing your new memories, as well as taking pictures as a hobby to entertain you.

Mp3 Player

•Somewhat like the last point, it will help you focusing on other things, or get distracted for a while.


•It will really help you out on some situations, to do the basic home repairs. It will save you contracting other people. Unless you live on a department

Mini Fridge

•Most likely, anywhere you will live won’t be furnished and this won’t occupy many space, and will work for you if you are going to live alone.

Alarm clock

•In case you phone’s one won’t work, you can always rely on the louder one


•The perfect mate for those moments of loneliness, or when you have time to spare


•Either an umbrella or a raincoat will do, depending on where you are going, but it will really help you out.


•This will depend on the place where you are going to live, but most likely you need it, especially if you have to get to school on noon.

Things that aren’t recommended to bring with you•Some other things might be brought by

everyone, but truth is they wouldn't help you as much as the would distract you.


•You might want to take them with you to fight the loneliness, but it actually be harder to take care of them at the same time you deal with your own issues.


•You are going to study, not to party or things like that; it isn’t forbidden to have fun, but this may be too much.

•Too much value.

Factors that may affect your needs:

•In many cases you won’t need the same things, depending on some different factors that we will explain next

The distance

•There are some things that vary according to where you are going to study, for example: if you live on the other side of the country, probably some furniture or appliances may have to be bought there.

•On the other hand, if you live few hours from home, you could spare a washer and dryer, and have your clothes washed at home.

Where are you living?

•Dorms, departments, with family or with friends?

•If you live in the school’s dorms, they will most likely be furnished and you will just need the linen and personal belongings

Where are you living?

•Living on a department will require spending a little more, because most of them are not furnished, and the ones that are, cost too much.

•Finally, living in a house with someone else will help splitting costs between everyone.

Type of school

•This may seem irrelevant, but could represent little changes.

•Some careers have special requirements for students.

•If you are already spending more than you planned on fulfilling this requirements, then you should spend less on luxuries.

Your own economy

•This last point is related to the previous one.

•There are some luxuries you could enjoy in college, like having your own latest model car, using a just-bought mac or showing off your brand new Blackberry; but you need to see how is your economy adjusting to all these expenses.

Tips if you’re planning to leave

•Optimize your time, if you have free time between classes you should start pending homework.

•If you plan to work at the same time, you should wait minimum a year, so you can get a complete idea of how it will be.

•Stay over there at least for a whole semester before deciding to come back due to loneliness.

Tips if you’re going to stay.

•Don’t feel like a loser just because people say so, there are a lot of great opportunities here.

•If you were looking for independence you can always take more responsibilities in here.

•Give your best effort, so you can take advantage of the opportunities you’re given.


•Leaving your home is a quite difficult process, it may cost you some tears, sadness. But all that is temporary, and you’ll be able to make it through, and by the time you have done it, you will be a completely different person, who has grown up and become responsible.


•On the other hand, you are as equally capable of becoming a big and successful person. You just need to give your max effort and learn how to use your opportunities

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