
What To Do About Bullying!

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What is Bullying?

There are lots of ways

someone can be bullied:

verbal bullying (name-calling, put-downs, threats, unkind teasing…) Quit looking at me,


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physical bullying (being pushed, tripped, hit, having something of yours stolen or damaged…)

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social bullying (being deliberately left out of social activities, being ignored, having rumors spread about you…)

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psychological bullying (being given dirty looks, being intimidated, being manipulated…)

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Who Bullies?

A bully can be:

•one person or a group

•someone your age or older

•a “friend”

•brother or sister

•authority figure

Why Do People Bully Others?

There are lots of reasons some people bully others:

Maybe he was bullied…

Maybe she thinks it will make her more popular and seem cool in front of her


Maybe the bully wants attention or to make other people afraid of them…

Or maybe the bully is jealous

of the person he’s bullying…I’m sick of you answering

every question in class. You think you’re so smart!

How Bullying Can Make You Feel

You might think it’s your fault…

I better not answer any

more questions in science.

You might feel like you have to be the “class clown”

so that others will laugh at you rather than pick on you…

You might feel isolated or rejected…

You might feel unsafe or afraid…

What are some of the other ways bullying can make you feel?





So what can I do if I’m bullied?

1. Stay calm

2. Stay away

3. Hang out with friends

4. Have some brief comebacks ready

Hey – freaky tall guy!

The view is WAY better

up here

5. Don’t bring expensive stuff or lots of money to school

6. Talk to an adult!

So remember: To Handle Bullying

1. Stay calm

2. Stay away

3. Hang out with friends

4. Have some brief comebacks ready

5. Don’t bring expensive stuff/lots of money to school

6. Talk to an adult!

So what do YOU think?

You’re walking to your next class when you see a boy surrounded by a group at the

lockers. You can tell they’re not just fooling around – that boy looks scared!

What would you do?

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