

The general advice is that babies should be kept

barefoot or in socks. Once they start learning to

walk, baby shoes from shoebaby become more of

a necessity. When that time comes there are a

number of factors to consider when making a



The soles of baby shoes should be soft and flexible

so that the feet can move freely. Pick the shoe up

and bend it, if it feels stiff move on to a different

one. They also need to have some grip to prevent

any unnecessary falls, so rubber soled with ridges

is the best way to go.


The material should be lightweight. Babies have

a hard enough time finding their balance without

any added weight. The material should also be

breathable so they do not get too hot.


Babies' feet are growing and changing all the

time so it is important to get the right fit. Many

stores will offer a free fitting service, and some

even measure width as well as length for an even

better fit. There will be no obligation to buy.


Feet can swell up throughout the day so shopping

is better done in the afternoon to be sure you get

the best fit, otherwise shoes that felt right in the

morning may be too tight later in the day.


Velcro fastenings are easier to use but the child

may be able to undo them on their own. While

this can be useful when they are older and you

want them to be more independent, if you have a

baby with a tendency to throw things out of the

pushchair Velcro may not be a good idea. Laces

are more difficult and can still come undone

easily so if you go for this option make sure there

is enough length to tie a double knot.


Open-toed footwear may look pretty, but when

children are first learning to walk they will fall a

lot and these will not offer the necessary

protection. Better to save those until she is a bit

older and more steady on her feet. For now, toes

should remain covered to prevent injury.


Second hand can be a cheaper option but is not

recommended. Infant shoes are very flexible and

mould to the shape of the foot over time, so

although the right size they may be the wrong

shape. Buying new is much better for your child's



Be sure to check the fit regularly, as feet grow

very rapidly at this age. Leaving a child in ill-

fitting footwear could lead to problems with the

development of his feet further down the line.

Keep a look out for any red marks on your child's

feet that may indicate rubbing.


Some can be very expensive but there are many

cheaper alternatives available like shoebaby.

Once you have had her feet measured you are

under no obligation to buy from that particular

store. Baby shoes will need to be replaced

regularly and the costs can quickly add up, so

look around.

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