Page 1: What media institution would distribute my film

EVALUATION: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? Discussion of your production company name and logo and the role of such companies My production of ‘Axed’ would be distributed by Paramount pictures because they are often responsible for high budget horror films; such as the ‘Paranormal Activity’ franchise which when released grossed 193 million dollars in the box office. They then synergised with New line cinema to create ‘Friday the thirteenth’. This would be at a huge benefit because when they join together they can have a bigger budget and one New line cinema might have a distribution line; this would benefit both companies immensely.

My film ‘Axed’ would marketed by one of Viacom’s subsidiary. As Viacom is a big conglomerate we could synergies with another of their distributor companies. This will help us to cross promote by using they can use MTV and CBS (subsidiaries of Viacom) in order to promote the film effectively to my target audience. I feel my film will require cross promotion in order to reach out to my target audience and to fulfil my films potential in the box office. As many teenagers what MTV so we will easily be able to advertise the film to them directly. Additionally CBS shows mystery thriller programmes so this will be perfect to use as an advertisement company. I would really like my film to synergies with another production company in order to increase the budgeting in the marketing, distribution and exhibition areas.

Paramount studios would be perfect for mu product because they would be able to produce the film and handle the marketing and advertisement of the product well. They will be able to do this by using subsidiaries to produce games, toys, apps and costumes in order to attract the target audience (teenagers who use apps). As Paramount is renowned for its horror films then the audience will immediately associate the film as being good because of this reputation it has. Additional the app would be a huge hit as teenagers are always using the media so this will be a good way of advertising. Additionally a Facebook page will work well as people will search the

Page 2: What media institution would distribute my film

film and share, etc., they increasing the films popularity. Furthermore more review of the film can be published in horror film magazines in order to advertise to the secondary audience. So can Empire in order to appeal to a larger audience. My film contains some famous actors so this should appeal to the audience and even make lovers of that actor come and watch the film even if they are not horror lovers!

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