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“Neurodegeneration” is a commonly used word whosemeaning is believed to be universally understood. Yetfinding a precise definition for neurodegeneration ismuch more arduous than one might imagine. Often,neurodegeneration is only casually mentioned andscarcely discussed in major medical textbooks and iseven incompletely defined in the most comprehensivedictionaries. Etymologically, the word is composed ofthe prefix “neuro-,” which designates nerve cells (i.e.,neurons), and “degeneration,” which refers to, in thecase of tissues or organs, a process of losing structureor function. Thus, in the strict sense of the word, neu-rodegeneration corresponds to any pathological con-dition primarily affecting neurons. In practice, neu-rodegenerative diseases represent a large group ofneurological disorders with heterogeneous clinical andpathological expressions affecting specific subsets ofneurons in specific functional anatomic systems; theyarise for unknown reasons and progress in a relentlessmanner. Conversely, neoplasm, edema, hemorrhage,and trauma of the nervous system, which are not pri-mary neuronal diseases, are not considered to be neu-rodegenerative disorders. Diseases of the nervous sys-tem that implicate not neurons per se but rather theirattributes, such as the myelin sheath as seen in multi-ple sclerosis, are not neurodegenerative disorderseither, nor are pathologies in which neurons die as theresult of a known cause such as hypoxia, poison, meta-bolic defects, or infections.

Among the hundreds of different neurodegenera-tive disorders, so far the lion’s share of attention hasbeen given only to a handful, including Alzheimerdisease (AD), Parkinson disease (PD), Huntingtondisease (HD), and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

Many of the less common or publicized neurodegen-erative disorders, though no less devastating, haveremained essentially ignored.

The most consistent risk factor for developing a neu-rodegenerative disorder, especially AD or PD, is increas-ing age (1). Over the past century, the growth rate of thepopulation aged 65 and beyond in industrialized coun-tries has far exceeded that of the population as a whole.Thus, it can be anticipated that, over the next genera-tions, the proportion of elderly citizens will double,and, with this, possibly the proportion of persons suf-fering from some kind of neurodegenerative disorder.This prediction is at the center of growing concerns inthe medical community and among lawmakers, for onecan easily foresee the increasing magnitude of emo-tional, physical, and financial burdens on patients,caregivers, and society that are related to these dis-abling illnesses. Compounding the problem is the factthat while, to date, several approved drugs do, to someextent, alleviate symptoms of several neurodegenerativediseases, their chronic use is often associated withdebilitating side effects, and none seems to stop theprogression of the degenerative process. In keepingwith this, the development of effective preventive orprotective therapies has been impeded by the limita-tions of our knowledge of the causes and the mecha-nisms by which neurons die in neurodegenerative diseases. Despite this bleak outlook, several neuro-biological breakthroughs have brought closer than everthe day when the secrets of several neurodegenerativedisorders will be unlocked and effective therapeuticstrategies will become available. In this Perspectiveseries, selected genetic and molecular advances relevantto the biology of neurodegeneration — e.g., to apopto-sis, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial dysfunction —will be reviewed. While some of these will be discussedin terms of generic mechanisms underlying neuronaldeath, others will be discussed in the context of a spe-cific disease such as ALS or HD. From the various Per-spectives in this series, readers may obtain a compre-hensive update on prominent neurodegenerativeconditions from both a clinical and a molecular view-point. As a preamble to the series, however, it would beuseful to discuss some general notions related to neu-

The Journal of Clinical Investigation | January 2003 | Volume 111 | Number 1 3


Neurodegeneration: What is it and where are we?

Serge Przedborski,1,2,3 Miquel Vila,1 and Vernice Jackson-Lewis1

1Department of Neurology,2Department of Pathology, and3Center of Neurobiology and Behavior, Columbia University, New York, New York, USA

J. Clin. Invest. 111:3–10 (2003). doi:10.1172/JCI200317522.

PERSPECTIVENeurodegeneration | Serge Przedborski, Series Editor

Address correspondence to: Serge Przedborski, BB-307Columbia University, 650 West 168th Street, New York, New York10032, USA. Phone: (212) 305-1540; Fax: (212) 305-5450; E-mail: [email protected] of interest: The authors have declared that no conflict ofinterest exists.Nonstandard abbreviations used: Alzheimer disease (AD);Parkinson disease (PD); Huntington disease (HD); amyotrophiclateral sclerosis (ALS); neurofibrillary tangle (NFT); superoxidedismutase-1 (SOD1); programmed cell death (PCD).

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rodegeneration that should help set the stage for themore detailed articles to follow.

Classification of neurodegenerative diseasesThe number of neurodegenerative diseases is currentlyestimated to be a few hundred, and, among these, manyappear to overlap with one another clinically andpathologically, rendering their practical classificationquite challenging. The issue is further complicated bythe fact that, in diseases such as multisystem atrophyin which several areas of the brain are affected, differ-ent combinations of lesions can give rise to differentclinical pictures (2). Furthermore, the same neurode-generative process, especially at the beginning, canaffect different areas of the brain, making a given dis-ease appear very different from a symptomatic stand-point. Despite these difficulties, the most popular cat-egorization of neurodegenerative disorders is still basedon the predominant clinical feature or the topographyof the predominant lesion, or often on a combinationof both. Accordingly, neurodegenerative disorders ofthe CNS may, for example, be first grouped into dis-eases of the cerebral cortex, the basal ganglia, the brain-stem and cerebellum, or the spinal cord. Then, withineach group, a given disease may be further classifiedbased on its main clinical features. For instance, thegroup of diseases that predominantly affect the cere-bral cortex may be divided into dementing (e.g., AD)and nondementing conditions. Of note, while AD is byfar the most frequently cited cause of dementing cere-bral cortex pathology (3), dementia can apparently beobserved in at least 50 different diseases (4). Moreover,dementia is not exclusively observed in neurodegener-ative disorders; it is also frequently observed inischemic, metabolic, toxic, infectious, and traumaticinsults of the brain.

Diseases that predominantly involve the basal ganglia(a series of deep nuclei situated at the base of the fore-brain, including the caudate nucleus putamen, globuspallidus, substantia nigra, subthalamic nucleus, rednucleus, and some thalamic and brainstem nuclei) areessentially characterized by abnormal movements. Yet,based on the phenomenology of the abnormal move-ments, diseases of the basal ganglia can be classified ashypokinetic or hyperkinetic. Hypokinetic basal gangliadisorders are epitomized by PD, in which the ampli-tude and velocity of voluntary movements are dimin-ished or, in extreme cases, even nonexistent, causing thepatient to become a prisoner within his or her ownbody. Aside from PD, parkinsonism — which refers toan association of at least two of the following clinicalsigns: resting tremor, slowness of movements, stiffness,and postural instability — is found in a variety of otherdiseases of the basal ganglia as well. In some (e.g., stri-atonigral degeneration), there is only parkinsonism,but in others, often called parkinson-plus syndromes,there is parkinsonism plus signs of cerebellar ataxia(e.g., olivopontocerebellar atrophy), orthostatic hypo-tension (e.g., Shy-Drager syndrome), or paralysis of ver-tical eye movements (e.g., progressive supranuclearpalsy). Because, early on, parkinsonism may be the only

clinical expression of parkinson-plus syndromes, it isdifficult to reach an accurate diagnosis before thepatient reaches a more advanced stage of the disease.This problem is well illustrated by the fact that morethan 77% of patients with parkinsonism are diagnosedin life as having PD (5), but as much as a quarter ofthese are found at autopsy to have lesions incompati-ble with PD (6). At the other end of the spectrum arethe hyperkinetic basal ganglia disorders, which are epit-omized by HD and essential tremor. In these two con-ditions, excessive abnormal movements such as choreaor tremor are superimposed onto and interfere withnormal voluntary movements. Although hyperkineticbasal ganglia disorders are probably as diverse as arehypokinetic basal ganglia disorders, their accurate clas-sification, even during life, is less problematic, in partbecause specific disease markers such as gene muta-tions exist for several of these syndromes.

Classification of neurodegenerative diseases of thecerebellum and its connections is particularly chal-lenging because of the striking overlap among the var-ious pathological conditions. Indeed, some diseases ofthe cerebellum can readily be grouped into three mainneuropathological types: cerebellar cortical atrophy(lesion confined to the Purkinje cells and the inferiorolives), pontocerebellar atrophy (lesion affecting sever-al cerebellar and brain structures), and Friedreich atax-ia (lesion affecting the posterior column of the spinalcord, peripheral nerves, and the heart). However, sever-al other diseases of the cerebellum and its connectionscannot be situated in one of these categories such asdentatorubral degeneration, in which the most con-spicuous lesions are in the dentate and red nuclei, andMachado-Joseph disease, in which degenerationinvolves the lower and upper motor neurons, the sub-stantia nigra, and the dentate system.

Among the neurodegenerative diseases that predom-inantly affect the spinal cord are ALS and spinal mus-cular atrophy, in which the most severe lesions arefound in the anterior part of the spinal cord, and thealready cited Friedreich ataxia, in which the most severelesions are found in the posterior part of the spinalcord. Finally, there is one group of neurological dis-eases that are often, but not always, considered neu-rodegenerative because of their chronic course andunknown etiopathogenesis but that, unlike thosedescribed above, show no apparent structural abnor-malities. These include torsion dystonia, Tourette syn-drome, essential tremor, and schizophrenia. Variousbrain-imaging studies and electrophysiological inves-tigations have revealed significant functional abnor-malities in all of these singular neurodegenerative dis-orders but have not yet enabled us to unravel theirchemical neuroanatomical substrates.

Over the past two decades, significant advances inneurohistological techniques such as immunohisto-chemistry have replaced or supplemented many of theclassical histological approaches. Unquestionably,these new techniques have improved the sensitivity andspecificity of neuropathological diagnostic criteria andconsequently the accuracy of classification of neu-

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rodegenerative disorders. However, despite the fact thatthese new methods can now determine the presence ofparticular inclusions or deposits or the degree of glio-sis in specific brain areas, none of the already refinedclassifications of neurodegenerative diseases is entire-ly satisfactory. On the other hand, the incorporation ofstate-of-the-art basic science techniques such as genearray, PCR, Western blot, and laser-guided microdis-section into our arsenal of neuropathological diagnos-tic tools should provide, in the near future, new cluesas to how to effectively classify neurodegenerative dis-eases. Based on the use of some of these novel tech-nologies, a new school of thought favors classificationaccording not to the diseases’ neuropathological hall-marks, but rather to their molecular characteristics. Inthis novel approach, neuropathological entities thatused to belong to very distinct categories are lumpedtogether because of a common molecular defect. Forexample, HD, spinal cerebellar atrophy and myotonicdystrophy fall into the category of the trinucleotide-repeat diseases (7); Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Gerst-mann-Straussler-Scheinker syndrome, and fetal famil-ial insomnia fall into the category of the prion diseases(8); PD, progressive supranuclear palsy, and diffuseLewy body dementia fall into the category of the synu-cleinopathies (9); and corticobasal degeneration,frontotemporal dementia with parkinsonism linked tochromosome 17 (FTDP-17), and Pick disease fall intothe category of the tauopathies (10). Although the juryis still out on whether this new classification will alle-viate the problems previously encountered, we believethat it promises to be less ambiguous and more clini-cally and therapeutically practical.

What causes neurodegeneration?With few exceptions, the causes of neurodegenerativediseases are essentially unknown, and even when theyhave been identified, the mechanisms by which theyinitiate the disease remain, at best, speculative. Forexample, while the etiology of HD was identified morethan two decades ago, we still do not know with cer-tainty how mutant huntingtin provokes the disease.

One of the most ferocious debates surrounding theetiology of neurodegenerative disorders concerns therelative roles of genetic and environmental factors inthe initiation of these diseases. Some neurodegenera-tive disorders have a clear familial occurrence, suggest-ing a genetic basis. Among these affected families, thedisease runs as an autosomal dominant trait, as in HDand dentatorubral pallidoluysian atrophy. Less fre-quently, the disease runs as an autosomal recessive trait(e.g., familial spastic paraparesis), an X-linked trait (e.g.,spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy), or even a mater-nally inherited trait (e.g., mitochondrial Leber opticneuropathy). In addition to these “pure” genetic neu-rodegenerative diseases, others are essentially sporadicbut show a small contingent of patients in whom theillness is inherited. This is true for PD, AD, and evenALS, of which about 10% of all cases are unequivocallyfamilial. Although rare, these familial cases representpowerful resources to elucidate the molecular bases

and, more importantly, the neurodegeneration mech-anisms of their respective sporadic variants.

For those in whom the disease is truly sporadic, whichis the vast majority of patients, it appears that any genet-ic contribution to the neurodegenerative process is min-imal (11). Instead, toxic environmental factors may bethe prime suspects in initiating neurodegenerativeprocesses. Supporting this view is the observation thatsome neurodegenerative conditions arise in geographicor temporal clusters. This is the case for the PD-ALScomplex, which is, presumably, due to a toxic compoundcontained in Cycas circinalis, an indigenous plant com-monly ingested as a food or medicine by the Chamorrosof Guam (12). Intoxication with 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine, a by-product of the synthesisof a meperidine compound, is also known to produce asevere and irreversible parkinsonian syndrome, which isalmost identical to PD (13). While many other examplesof toxic exposure–related neurological conditions exist,all occur within a specific geographic, social, or profes-sional context, which is missing from the medical histo-ry of most patients suffering from a neurodegenerativedisorder. Moreover, several large-scale epidemiologicalstudies have failed to show any definitive associationbetween environmental factors and occurrence of dis-eases such as PD (14). Collectively, these findings arguethat sporadic cases are neither clearly genetic nor clearlyenvironmental, but that, possibly, they result from acombination of genetic and environmental causes. Inthis vein, the demonstration of a nonsyndromic familialdeafness linked to a mitochondrial point mutation (15)provides a compelling argument. In this study, familymembers who harbored the mutation developed a hear-ing impairment only if exposed to the antibiotic amino-glycoside, illustrating the significant pathogenic inter-actions between genetics and the environment. Thepossibility that such dual mechanisms represent a valu-able pathogenic scenario underlying sporadic neurode-generation warrants serious consideration.

Cell demise in neurodegenerationAs mentioned above, only in a very small group of so-called neurodegenerative conditions are no apparentneuropathological changes found. In all others, overtneuropathology, mainly in the form of a focal loss ofneurons with reactive gliosis, is seen. Residual neuronsmay exhibit varying morphologies ranging from analmost normal appearance to a severe distortion with acombination of abnormal features such as processattrition, shape and size alterations of the cell body andnucleus, organelle fragmentation, dispersion of Nisslbodies, cytoplasmic vacuolization, and chromatin con-densation. In several neurodegenerative disorders,spared neurons can also present with various types ofintracellular proteinaceous inclusions, which, in theabsence of any definite known pathogenic role, arequite useful in differentiating neurodegenerative dis-orders. This is particularly clear in the case of the vari-ants of PD, which can be stratified based on the pres-ence or the absence of the intraneuronal inclusionscalled Lewy bodies (16).

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The diversity of cell death morphology in neurode-generation is often neglected, and many authors stillconsider only two types, apoptosis and necrosis. Theformer is universally recognized to be active in the senseof being mediated by intracellular signaling pathways,and the latter is traditionally considered passive. Thereis increasing evidence that this dichotomy is too rigid,especially for neurons, and readers interested in thisdebate are encouraged to consult the comprehensivereview written by Peter Clarke (17). In brief, there ismounting evidence that the mode of cell death in thenervous system, as it can be defined by morphologicalfeatures, is much more diverse than initially thought(18, 19). At least four main types of distinct neuronaldeath have been defined: apoptotic, necrotic, autophag-ic, and cytoplasmic; the detailed morphological descrip-tion of each of these goes beyond the scope of this arti-cle but can be found in ref. 18. The main reason whyattention to these different forms of cell death may beclinically important is that several of the distinct formsof cell demise are controlled by distinct molecularmechanisms (20–23). Another widespread misconcep-tion relating to the mode of cell death is the belief thatonly necrosis elicits inflammation. While the inflam-matory reaction is indeed generally stronger in regionsof necrosis than, for example, in regions of apoptosis,this may simply reflect the greater number of cells dyingin necrotic regions. Moreover, those who claim thatnon-necrotic forms of cell death such as apoptosis donot elicit inflammation are referring to “exudative”inflammation (24), whose hallmarks include the infil-tration of the diseased tissue by blood-borne cellsincluding neutrophils and monocytes. Yet, in the CNSand especially in neurodegeneration, even for necrosisthe inflammatory response is largely local, meaningthat it is mainly made of resident microglia and astro-cytes as seen in apoptosis. It is thus fair to conclude thatwhile the intensity of the glial reaction may vary amongthe forms of cell death detailed in ref. 17, the occurrenceof gliosis is not a hallmark of necrosis only.

With the few exceptions indicated above, neurode-generative disorders have in common that they affectspecific subpopulations of neurons at the level of spe-cific structures of the nervous system.

In some neurodegenerative diseases, such as olivo-pontocerebellar atrophy, multiple brain structureswithin the nervous system are affected, usually at sep-arate sites, while nearby and often intermingled neu-ronal subtypes are spared. In these so-called systemneurodegenerative diseases, the spatial pattern of thelesions often becomes better defined as the disease pro-gresses. It is clear that the distribution of blood vesselsis not essentially responsible for determining the spa-tial pattern of the lesions. On the other hand, in manysystem neurodegenerative diseases, as is emphasized inref. 25, the different lesions appear to be functionallyand anatomically interconnected. Such a “linked”degeneration is observed in ALS, in which both the cor-ticospinal track and the spinal cord lower motor neu-rons are affected, and in progressive supranuclear palsy,in which both the globus pallidus and the subthalam-

ic nucleus are lesioned. Although such transneuronaldegeneration is a well-recognized phenomenon (26),very little is known about its molecular basis exceptthat this trans-synaptic demise seems to occur by pro-grammed cell death (27, 28). As is emphasized byOppenheimer and Esiri (25), transneuronal degenera-tion does not account for all of the combinations oflesions that are found in system neurodegenerative dis-eases. For example, the authors point out that inFriedreich ataxia there is degeneration of the spinocerebellar tracts and the dentate nuclei, but not of thePurkinje cells, which, supposedly, constitute the linkbetween these two lesions.

Not in all neurodegenerative disorders are large num-bers of nervous system structures at risk. Indeed, in sev-eral neurodegenerative diseases the lesions appear to berestricted to one or a few brain regions, especially at thebeginning of the disease. This is particularly well illus-trated in spinal muscular atrophy, in which the degen-erative process is limited to a loss of lower motor neu-rons; and in ALS, in which damage to the upper andlower motor neurons may represent the sole neu-ropathological change at the beginning of the disease,and other areas, including the substantia nigra, maybecome affected later (29). Still, the initial site of neu-ropathology remains the most severely affectedthroughout the disease, forming a sort of neurodegen-erative gradient. In diseases like striatonigral degener-ation, the neurodegenerative process is quite symmet-rical from the onset, while in others like PD, one side ofthe brain is usually more severely affected than theother. This is clearly noticeable clinically and is demon-strable by brain-imaging techniques (30).

The locations of the principal lesions have been wellestablished in most if not all known neurodegenerativedisorders, but it remains difficult to determine theextent of degeneration that affects more than onegroup of neurons and, consequently, to define the exactneuropathological topography of certain diseases. Thisproblem stems from at least three issues. First, lesionsare often missed through incomplete examination ofthe brain and spinal cord. Second, quantitative mor-phology in postmortem samples seldom uses the rig-orous counting methods necessary to generate reliableneuron numbers (31). Third, sick neurons, which willnot necessarily die, often lose the phenotypic markersused to identify and count them (32). For these reasons,reported estimations regarding the distribution andthe magnitude of neuronal loss in neurodegenerativedisorders may, with perhaps a few exceptions, have tobe taken with a grain of salt.

Onset and progressive course of the diseaseMost patients suffering from a neurodegenerative dis-order know approximately when their symptomsbegan. Because, almost invariably, there is significantcellular redundancy in neuronal pathways, the onset ofsymptoms does not equate with the onset of the dis-ease. Instead, the beginning of symptoms correspondsto a neurodegenerative stage at which the number ofresidual neurons in a given pathway falls below the

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number required to maintain normal functioning ofthe affected pathway. This means that the onset of thedisease occurs at some earlier time, which, dependingon how fast the neurodegenerative process evolves, canrange from a few months to several years. In mostinstances, the lack of presymptomatic markers and ofknowledge about the true kinetics of cell demise pre-cludes our ability to determine disease onset.

It is also interesting to consider why a sudden wors-ening of a patient’s condition is sometimes observed.Although we cannot exclude that the neurodegenera-tive process may suddenly accelerate, especially underthe influence of intercurrent deleterious factors suchas infection, it is more likely that the rate of neuronaldeath remains about the same throughout the naturalcourse of the disease. Yet the relationship between theclinical expression of a disease and the number of resid-ual neurons does not have to be linear or even constant.So a patient may remain clinically unchanged during aprolonged period of time, despite a loss of many cells,and then abruptly deteriorate as the number of neu-rons drops below a functional threshold.

All neurodegenerative disorders progress slowly overtime, often taking several years to reach the end stage.Does this observation indicate that sick neurons suc-cumb to the disease only after a protracted agony? Itmust be remembered that neuronal degeneration cor-responds to an asynchronous death, in that cells withina population die at very different times. As a corollary atany given time, only a small number of cells are actual-ly dying; among these, many, if not all, are at variousstages along the cell death pathway. However, standardclinical, radiological, and biochemical measurements,which are so critical to assessing the disease, generateinformation on the entire population of cells. There-fore, the rate of change in any of the usual clinicalparameters essentially reflects the decay of the entirepopulation of affected cells and provides very littleinsight into the pace at which the death of an individ-ual cell occurs. Still, if one looks at the large body of invitro data, it appears that, once a cell gets sick, the entireprocess of death proceeds rapidly. Given these facts, theprotracted clinical progression may reflect a small num-ber of neurons dying rapidly at any given point in time.

Fatality in neurodegenerative disordersNeurodegeneration is thought to shorten the lifeexpectancy of affected patients. If this concept is unfor-tunately true in many instances, it should be empha-sized that not all “mortal” neurodegenerative disordersare fatal per se. Only those in which the affected neu-rological structures impair ability to control or executesuch vital functions as respiration, heart rate, or bloodpressure are unquestionably deadly. These include ALS,in which the loss of lower motor neurons innervatingrespiratory muscles leads the patient to succumb to res-piratory failure. Alternatively, in diseases like Friedre-ich ataxia, the association of neurodegeneration withheart disease (33) can also cause the death of thepatient, although, in this case, death is due not to anyneuronal loss but instead to serious cardiac problems

such as congestive heart failure. In most other neu-rodegenerative disorders, death is attributed neither tothe disease of the nervous system nor to associatedextra–nervous system degeneration but rather to theresulting motor and cognitive impairments thatincrease the risk of fatal accidental falling, aspirationpneumonia, pressure skin ulcers, malnutrition, anddehydration. Also, to our knowledge, there is no evi-dence that neurodegeneration increases the odds ofdeveloping comorbidity, such as with cancer, stroke, orheart attack, which remain the leading causes of deathin industrialized countries. In conclusion, while a fewspecific neurodegenerative disorders directly causedeath, most instead facilitate the occurrence of sec-ondary health problems that carry a high mortalityrate. Although this distinction may seem a matter ofsemantics, we believe that it is significant, not only forthe management of patients, but also for our under-standing of the actual consequences of the neurode-generative process.

Neurodegeneration and agingMany elderly individuals exhibit mild motor and cog-nitive alterations reminiscent of those found in neu-rodegeneration. This observation gave birth to the pop-ular idea that aging might be a “benign” form ofneurodegeneration. This idea was supported by thenotion, widely accepted until recently, that normalaging, like neurodegeneration, is inevitably associatedwith neuronal death. From as early as the 1950s,decreased numbers of neurons in different regions ofthe brain were reported in aged humans with no overtneurological or psychiatric conditions (34). Subsequentstudies have estimated these losses to be as high as100,000 neurons per day, which could easily explain thecognitive decline and decrease in brain weight tradi-tionally associated with normal aging (34). However,with the development of more accurate procedures forcounting neurons, this view has been modified over thelast several years, particularly as stereological proce-dures for estimating neuron numbers have beenapplied to aging research (35). As reviewed by Morrisonand Hof, the application of stereological techniqueshas shown in several species, including humans, thatthe age-related decline in neuron number via neuronaldeath is not significantly involved in normal aging, atleast with respect to the neocortex and to the hip-pocampal subregions most implicated in memory,such as entorhinal cortex and CA1 (35). These results,therefore, challenge the notion that neurodegenerationinvariably occurs in normal aging.

If significant neuronal loss is lacking, some otherpathological features of neurodegeneration, such as thepresence of Lewy bodies, so typical of PD, and neu-rofibrillary tangles (NFTs) and senile plaques, so typi-cal of AD, can be detected in brains of asymptomaticaged individuals (36, 37). The critical question thusbecomes: Do these changes occur “normally” duringaging or reflect a “presymptomatic” stage of these dis-eases? Because it is impossible to perform longitudinalneuropathological studies, it is impossible to deter-

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mine whether these individuals would have developedfull disease expression if they had lived longer. In fact,hitherto, there been no definitive evidence supportingsuch a progression (35). Instead, neuropathologicaland functional brain-imaging studies have revealedstriking quantitative and qualitative differencesbetween aged nondemented and demented individuals(35, 38), suggesting that aging and neurodegenerationmay represent very distinct entities. For instance, in thenondemented elderly, no NFTs are observed in thefrontal and temporal cortices and only a few NFTs arefound in the entorhinal cortex and the hippocampalCA1 subregion, even in the absence of any neuronalloss (35). Conversely, in the demented elderly, even withthe mildest cognitive impairments, some NFTs areobserved in the frontal and temporal cortices and highdensities of NFTs are found in the entorhinal cortexand the hippocampal CA1 subregion together with sig-nificant neuronal loss (35).

Therefore, the definition of normal aging is critical toany conclusion about the effect of the passage of timeon the brain. Despite intense clinical-neuropathologi-cal correlative investigations, to date, experts remainunsure about whether the fact that a change is com-monplace makes it normal and, conversely, whetherchanges, however slight, that are known to be associat-ed with definite diseases of the nervous system are nec-essarily pathological. It is still difficult to know exactlyto what extent neurons are damaged or lost in agedhumans as a result exclusively of the passage of time. Itseems clear, however, that the impact of the passage oftime on the number of neurons is much less importantthan was previously believed, and that compelling evi-dence is lacking to support the idea that aging is a formof neurodegeneration at minima.

ConclusionCurrent classifications of neurodegenerative diseasesare based on a clinicopathological approach, i.e.,defined by a presentation of symptoms and signs linkedto neuropathological findings. Without underminingthe usefulness of the clinicopathological approach fordiagnosis and treatment in current neurological prac-tice, this approach to classification should be reassessed.As indicated earlier in this review, it would probably bemore meaningful to classify neurodegenerative diseasesby their molecular characteristics, redefining the dis-eases as the consequence of biochemical processes, someof which may operate in more than one disease. Bydoing so, we may reveal pathogenic mechanisms thatare common to some of these diseases, and open newtherapeutic avenues that may be effective in severalunrelated neurodegenerative diseases.

In this introductory review, we have tried to provide anoverview of the complexity of the field of neurodegener-ation, as well as to lay the groundwork for the upcomingset of articles that will complete this Perspective series.

As we have mentioned, HD has received at great dealof attention in the field of neuroscience, as it is a pro-totypic model of a genetic neurodegenerative disease.While it is well established that a triplet-repeat CAG

expansion mutation in the huntingtin gene on chro-mosome 4 is responsible for HD, Anne B. Young (39)will bring us on the chaotic trail of research that aimsto define the normal functioning of this newly iden-tified protein, as well as to elucidate the intimatemechanism by which the mutant huntingtin killsneurons. Although much remains to be done, thisarticle provides us with an update on the most salientadvances made in the past decade in the field of HD,suggests pathological scenarios as to how mutanthuntingtin may lead to HD, and, most importantly,discusses the many steps in the process of functionaldecline and cell death that might be targeted by newneuroprotective therapies (39).

While HD is by nature a genetic condition, PD is onlyin rare instances an inherited disease. Despite thisscarcity, many experts in the field of neurodegenerationshare the belief that these rare genetic forms of PD rep-resent unique tools to unravel the molecular mecha-nisms of neurodegeneration in the sporadic form of PD,which accounts for more than 90% of all cases. Accord-ingly, Ted Dawson and Valina Dawson review, in theirPerspective, the different genetic forms of PD identifiedto date (40). They then summarize the current knowl-edge on the normal biology of two proteins, a-synucle-in and parkin, whose mutations have been linked tofamilial PD (40). The authors also discuss how these dif-ferent proteins may interact with each other and how,in response to the known PD-causing mutations, theymay trigger the neurodegenerative processes (40).

The recognition that many neurodegenerative dis-eases are associated with some sort of intra- or extra-cellular proteinaceous aggregates has sparked majorinterest in the idea that these amorphous deposits mayplay a pathogenic role in the demise of specific subsetsof neurons in various brain diseases. Along this line,what could be a better example of “proteinopathic”neurodegenerative disease than AD, which featuresNFTs and senile plaques? In this context, Todd Golde(41) reviews the presumed role of amyloid β protein(Aβ) in the initiation of AD and outlines the molecularscenario by which Aβ may activate the deleterious cas-cade of events ultimately responsible for dementia andcell death in AD. In light of this information the authordiscusses the different therapeutic approaches thatmay be envisioned for AD (41). He also summarizes thestate of our knowledge about risk factors and bio-markers for AD that can be used to detect individualsat risk for developing the disease, and to follow its pro-gression once it has developed (41).

Interestingly, in another dreadful neurodegenerativedisease, ALS, of which about 2% of the cases are relatedto a mutation affecting the enzyme superoxide dismu-tase-1 (SOD1), the presence of abnormal protein aggre-gates has also been hypothesized to participate in theneurodegenerative process. Nevertheless, the evidencesupporting such a role in ALS is much more tenuousthan in AD, and many appealing alternative pathogen-ic hypotheses have been put forward to explain themechanism by which spinal cord motor neurons die inALS, especially in response to mutant SOD1. For

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instance, Guégan and Przedborski, in their article (42),approach the pathogenesis of ALS in general and offamilial ALS linked to SOD1 mutations in particular,through the lends of programmed cell death (PCD)(42). In this article, we review the large core of data thatpertain to the question of PCD in ALS, covering mor-phological and molecular findings that support thecontribution of this molecularly regulated form of celldeath to ALS neurodegeneration (42). We also discusshow particular molecular components of the PCDmachinery can be targeted in ALS to develop new neu-roprotective strategies for the treatment of this invari-ably fatal disease (42).

Moving away from disease-specific pathologicalmechanisms, Eric Schon and Giovanni Manfredi (43)address the topic of mitochondrial defects as a poten-tial generic deleterious mechanism in neurodegenera-tion. In this article, the authors remind us that whilethere are well-defined mitochondrial diseases, whichexpress themselves most often as myopathies orencephalopathy or both, mitochondrial defects havebeen implicated in a dazzling number of neurodegen-erative diseases as well (43). To help the reader to betterapprehend the difficulty in readily recognizing the sig-nature of a mitochondrial component in neurodegen-erative diseases, Schon and Manfredi review key molec-ular principles that govern mitochondrial biology (43).Based on this information, they then discuss in depththe fundamental issues of how the proposed mito-chondrial alterations in neurodegenerative diseasesmay arise and whether these defects are the cause or theconsequence of the neurodegenerative processes (43).

To continue with generic cytotoxic mechanisms,Harry Ischiropoulos and Joseph S. Beckman review, intheir Perspective (44), the many lines of evidence sup-porting a role of oxidative and nitrative processes inthe pathogenesis of numerous neurodegenerative dis-eases. These authors review the various cellular path-ways that may be at the origin of the oxidative stressin neurodegeneration (44). They remind us that themost recent data have also identified nitric oxide–derived reactive nitrogen intermediates as critical con-tributors of protein modification and cell injury, andthat consideration should be also given to inappro-priate regulation of iron and other divalent redoxmetals, such as copper, as well as to redox-inactivezinc (44). Ischiropoulos and Beckman conclude bytaking the stance that oxidative processes are criticalin the pathogenic mechanisms of neurodegenerativediseases, and that promising therapeutic interven-tions geared toward mitigating oxidative processesmay represent valuable therapeutic avenues for bothacute and chronic neurodegeneration (44).

As this brief summary shows, each article in thisPerspective series will discuss in depth a selectedaspect of neurodegeneration. While each will focuson a very different topic, all will share a commontheme: the neurobiology of neurodegeneration, andtranslational research that, in our opinion, repre-sents the most effective way to bring basic sciencediscoveries to clinical trials.

AcknowledgmentsThe authors acknowledge the assistance of Brian Joneswith the preparation of this manuscript as well as thesupport of the NIH; National Institute of NeurologicalDisorders and Stroke grants R29 NS37345, RO1NS38586, RO1 NS42269, and P50 NS38370; USDepartment of Defense grant DAMD 17-99-1-9471; theLowenstein Foundation; the Lillian Goldman Charita-ble Trust; the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation; the Mus-cular Dystrophy Association; and the ALS Association.

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