Page 1: What have you learned from your audience feedback

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

• Audience Feedback Questions• (by Arun Bhullar, Irving Sewell, Reshayl Anjum and Kamran Ali)• · Was the 5 minutes documentary was interesting enough to make you want to watch the rest of

the documentary?• · Are there any parts of the documentary that stood out or you really liked? E.g. • interviews, Music, message etc. Explain why? • · Is there anything you didn’t like about it? Explain Why?• · Do you think the music was appropriate for the message?• · Do you think the expert interviews helped reinforced the severity of cyber bullying?• · What was good about the magazine?• · What was bad about the Magazine?• · Would you buy the magazine on the basis of the article• · After watching the radio trailer would you be inclined to want to watch the documentary?• · What did you like about the radio trailer?• · What did you dislike about the radio trailer?

After completing the documentary I handed out a number of audience feedback questionnaires (25 people). The majority of the results were positive and what me and the group expected.

Irving Sewell

Page 2: What have you learned from your audience feedback

2 of the 25 answer sheets

Page 3: What have you learned from your audience feedback

Results(Yes or No Questions)




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Audience feedback results(would people watch the rest of the documentary after watching the first five


The results show that majority of the people questioned said after watching the first five minutes of the documentary that they would watch the full documentary.

This shows that the opening five minutes of the documentary was good and it was detailed enough and portaged in a good enough way the to the viewer to make them interested in the topic and make them want to watch the rest of the documentary.

Some people questioned said that the documentary could have gave more facts at the start of the documentary.

They felt if more facts had been added to the ones that were already there it would have made it better for them because then they would have fully been able to see the seriousness of the issue more than what they did

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What people liked about the documentary

A lot of the people questioned said there favourite part of the documentary was the vox pops and the interview of the cyber bully victim.

I think this is because they felt it gave the documentary more a realistic feeling to it because it showed a victim voicing his opinion on his experiences of cyber bullying. This showed the viewers the seriousness of the issue and what the effects can be.

I think the viewers seemed to like the vox pops interviews because similar the victim interview it showed the opinions of many people and how they thought cyber bullying could be dealt with and gave their experiences if they was any.

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What people didn't like about the documentary

A couple of people said that they didn't like the way how the documentary gave little facts about cyber bullying and thought more facts were needed.

They also said after the facts instead of starting the documentary with voxpops that the documentary could have started with an expert interview to se the topic more.

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Background music People thought that the background music wasnt

appropriate for the topic of cyber bullying. They thought that the music didn't overpower the voices on the documentary or distract them from the documentary.

I agree with the comments because I think the music was appropriate and fitted the documentary because it was a calm instrumental in the background so it didn't really affect the footage in the documentary.

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Expert interviews People thought the expert interviews were good because they were very factual so they

gave a viewer who knew little about cyber bullying some common facts that would make them realise that cyber bullying should be treated as a serious issue and should not be ignored.

I agree with this because the expert interviews were decided by the group and a lot of time went into deciding who we should interview and who would be the most effective person to interview that could give a different insight on cyber bullying. I think the interview with Paul Ashdown (the Solihull Sixth Form Principal) was the best expert interview because he is someone who is knowledgeable in the area of cyber bullying and gave his experience student that have been cyber bullied and how it could be prevented.

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Magazine listing (double page spread

People said they liked the use of colours, images and texts used on the magazine. However the said the layout was simple and the quality didn't really match the standard of the documentary and thought it didn't really look professional.

The people questioned said they would watch the documentary after seeing the double page spread because it was eye catching and the images and logos looked interesting.

I agree with the comments about the documentary and think it was not as good as the documentary. I think the main reason for this was due to the lack of planning the group did and leaving it too late before the deadline to start making the double page spread. If more time was spent planning the double page spread and looking at real double page spreads from TV magazine I think the quality of the documentary would have been much better than what it was because more codes and conventions would have been used.

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Radio trailer Majority of people liked the radio trailer, they like how there was voices

from the actual documentary in the radio trailer what made it sound interesting .

Some People did not like the background music used in the radio trailer they said the music was overpowering and it meant that they wasn't able to hear some parts of trailer. They though that a calmer background instrumental would have been better. All people questioned did say they would watch the documentary after hearing the radio trailer.

This shows that the radio trailer was good enough to want the listener to watch the documentary so there was good things about the radio trailer.

I agree that a more suitable background song could have been used for the radio trailer which would have made it clearer and more easier to listen to.

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I think the audience feedback showed that the people like all three of the media products and the comments were predominantly positive.

I was not surprised by the negative comments, because I think the group could have spent more time planning and looking at real media products, which would have made ours better.

I think as a whole the audience feedback shows they responded how the group thought they would and that there was a few things we could have done better but enough was done to still make the media products good.

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