
What have you learned from audience feedback?

Daniel Hickey

Audience Feedback Our first feedback was taken from an audience of peers when

we presented our pitch. The feedback was mostly positive, peers saying that our pitch was “good” and that it will appeal to our target audience. With this we realised we were heading in the right direction for our genre, our music video conventions and our stylistic choices such as ‘Sad Robot’ motif and colour theme. Importantly, our peers agreed that our storyboard would suit the music track.

“Really like the first shadows & last bit looking into camera.”

“Lots of good action shots.”

Audience Feedback/Critisisms

There were improvements that could be made though, and what we learned from our peers is that we needed to develop our narrative to be more understandable and interlinked, more so we required to focus on our star image. We took that into heavy consideration when developing our storyboard after initial filming, assuring we got plenty of close-up shots.

“Perhaps more closeups” “Editing is good, however long cuts need to be shorter.”

Audience Feedback/Critisisms

During rough cut stages we showed our rough cut to our peers and gathered more feedback, this time, the constructive feedback was focuses on editing. Some of our shots required shorter durations, and more importantly we needed to acquire more variations of shots to keep the song flowing naturally and rhythmically. As a result of this, we re-watched and made decisions to change shot lengths, we even went back to location and filmed more varying shots to give us a larger variation that the shots could cut between smoothly.

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