


Lucrind impreuna pentru a asigura Necesitatile educationale speciale in Lincolnshire

Informatii pentru parinti si tutori

Indrumar pentru copiii prescolari care

Necesita ajutor special

Support for pre-school children whomay have special needs



Lucrind impreuna pentru a asigura necesitatile educationale speciale in Lincolnshire

Informatii pentru parinti si tutori

Ce se intimpla din momentul in care copilul

Meu poseda o decizie finala?

What happens now my child has a statement?

The information in this booklet is based on the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice. You can get a free copy by phoning the Department for Education and Skills on 0845 602 2260.


Informatiile din aceasta brosura au la baza Codul de Practica pentru Cerintele Educationale Speciale.Puteti obtine o copie gratuita telefonind la Depertamentul pentru Educatie si Calificare la nr.0845 602 2260

� You can get useful names and addresses listing the local voluntary-sector support groups and organisations from:

Children’s Information Service Phone: 0800 1951635


GlossaryThe pre-school years

Your child’s pre-school years are very important. All children develop in different ways and learn at different rates. However, you may have concerns about:

� talking;

� feeding;

� toilet training;

� physical skills such as walking;

� getting on with others;

� listening;

� behaviour;

� vision; or

� hearing.



Anii prescolari

Anii prescolari ai copilului d-voastra sunt foarte importanti.fiecare copil se dezvolta diferit si invata la nivele diferite.Oricum,ar trebui sa aveti grije la urmatoarele:

• Vorbire

• Cum maninca

• Necesitati fiziologice

• Abilitati fizice ,ca de exemplu mersul pe jos

• Relatia cu ceilalti copii

• Capacitatea de concentrare

• Comportament

• Capacitatea de a vedea sau

• Capacitatea de a auzi

� You can get useful names and addresses listing the local voluntary-sector support groups and organisations from:

Children’s Information Service Phone: 0800 1951635


GlossaryThe pre-school years

Your child’s pre-school years are very important. All children develop in different ways and learn at different rates. However, you may have concerns about:

� talking;

� feeding;

� toilet training;

� physical skills such as walking;

� getting on with others;

� listening;

� behaviour;

� vision; or

� hearing.




People who can help

There are many people who you can talk to about your concerns, and who can tell you what steps you can take. These may include friends and relatives, health visitors, social workers, doctors and pre-school staff.

Talking with these people could give you some ideas about how to help your child, including:

� play activities for your child at home, and in his or her pre-school group; and

� keeping a note of your child’s progress.

Does your child go to a pre-school, playgroup or nursery?


Follow the blue pages (pages 3 to 6).


Follow the pink pages (pages 7 to 11).


If you would like to talk to someone about this leaflet, or you would like more information about anything in this leaflet, you can contact any of the following:

� Linda Özmen Parent Partnership Co-ordinator 4 Lindum Road Lincoln Phone: 01522 553351

� Sarah Dean Senior Educational Psychologist - Early Years Lincolnshire County Psychology Service 49 Newland Lincoln Phone: 01522 553341

� Pat Soar Head of Early Years Support Service County Offices, Newland Lincoln Phone: 01522 587575




Persoanele care te pot ajuta

Sunt multe persoane cu care poti sa vorbesti despre grijile tale,si care iti pot spune ce masuri poti sa iei. Acestia pot fi prietenii,rudele,consilierii de sanatate,asistentii sociali,medicii si personalul raspunzator cu activitatea prescolara.

Discutia cu aceste persoane, poate sa va ofere solutii cum sa va ajutati copilul, cum ar fi:

• Tipuri de jocuri pentru copilul d-voastra acasa sau in grupa prescolara a lui/ei

• Pastrarea unei evidente in ceea ce priveste progresul copiluluid-voastra

Copilul d-voastra frecventeaza o gradinita sau o institutie prescolara?

No Yes

Urmareste paginile albastre Urmareste pag roz

(de la pag 3 la 5) (de la pag 6 la 10)


Persoanele care te pot ajuta

Sunt multe persoane cu care poti sa vorbesti despre grijile tale,si care iti pot spune ce masuri poti sa iei. Acestia pot fi prietenii,rudele,consilierii de sanatate,asistentii sociali,medicii si personalul raspunzator cu activitatea prescolara.

Discutia cu aceste persoane, poate sa va ofere solutii cum sa va ajutati copilul, cum ar fi:

• Tipuri de jocuri pentru copilul d-voastra acasa sau in grupa prescolara a lui/ei

• Pastrarea unei evidente in ceea ce priveste progresul copiluluid-voastra

Copilul d-voastra frecventeaza o gradinita sau o institutie prescolara?

No Yes

Urmareste paginile albastre Urmareste pag roz

(de la pag 3 la 5) (de la pag 6 la 10)


Persoanele care te pot ajuta

Sunt multe persoane cu care poti sa vorbesti despre grijile tale,si care iti pot spune ce masuri poti sa iei. Acestia pot fi prietenii,rudele,consilierii de sanatate,asistentii sociali,medicii si personalul raspunzator cu activitatea prescolara.

Discutia cu aceste persoane, poate sa va ofere solutii cum sa va ajutati copilul, cum ar fi:

• Tipuri de jocuri pentru copilul d-voastra acasa sau in grupa prescolara a lui/ei

• Pastrarea unei evidente in ceea ce priveste progresul copiluluid-voastra

Copilul d-voastra frecventeaza o gradinita sau o institutie prescolara?

No Yes

Urmareste paginile albastre Urmareste pag roz

(de la pag 3 la 5) (de la pag 6 la 10)


Masuri pentru cei care nu frecventeaza institutiile prescolare

Etapele pe care trebuie sa le urmeze acesti copii

Exista situatii cind alte persoane devin implicate in ajutorarea copiluluid-voastra. Aceste persoane pot lucra impreuna cu d-voastra pentru a va ajuta in continuare si a va acorda suportul necesar.

Aceste persoane pot fi:

• Un consilier de sanatate • Un logoped • Un fizioterapeut • Un profesor din cadrul serviciului de vizite la domiciliu • Un profesor specializat in activitatea copiiilor cu handicap visual sau

auditiv • Un pediatru si • Un terapeut occupational

Glosarul de la sfirsitul acestei brosuri explica rolul fiecaruia.

Where can I get help and support?

You can get help and support about all aspects of your child’s special educational needs from:

Parent Partnership Service 4 Lindum Road Lincoln Phone: 01522 553351

The Lincolnshire Parent Partnership Service aims to make sure that all parents of children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) have access to high quality:

� information;� advice; � guidance; and � support

so they can be fully informed and involved in decisions affecting their child.


Glossary Early Years Action


Next steps for children who do not attend a pre-school setting

There are times when other people may need to become involved in helping your child. They can work together with you to give you further help and support.

These people might include:

� a health visitor; � a speech and language therapist; � a physiotherapist; � a Portage home visitor; � a sensory-impaired service teacher; � a community paediatrician; and � an occupational therapist.

The glossary at the end of this booklet explains the roles of these people.



Masuri pentru cei care nu frecventeaza institutiile prescolare

Aceste persoane pot fi capabile sa va indrume cum puteti sa va ajutati copilul respectind un anumit plan, cum ar fi:

• Sa hotariti care necesitate are intiietate • Sa hotariti un program de activitati • Sa creati un program de jocuri acasa pentru copilul d-voastra • Sa pastrati o evaluare a progresului copilului • Sa gasiti o institutie prescolara; si • Sa programati verificarea copilului d-voastra la date exacte

Aceste programari va vor ajuta pe d-voastra sip e toti cei implicati sa decideti daca:

• Copilul a facut progrese si deci nu mai este necesar un alt plan • Copilul a facut progrese ,dar continua sa aiba nevoie de ajutor • Copilu d-voastra are nevoie de ajutorul altor profesionisti,cum ar fi

medicul pediatru sau psihologul in probleme de educatie


These people may be able to give you some ideas about how to help your child and help to form a plan, including:

� deciding which concerns to target first;� devising a programme of activities; � creating play activities for your child at home; � keeping a note of your child’s progress; � finding a pre-school place; and � arranging a time to review your child’s progress.

This review will help you and those involved to decide whether:

� your child has made progress so that there is no need for a further plan; � your child has made some progress and continues to need a plan; or � your child needs help from other professionals, such as the community paediatrician or an educational psychologist.

Early Years Action

Physiotherapists Physiotherapists specialise in physical development. This means they may help to develop a treatment plan that might include helping your child to control their head movement, sit, roll over, crawl or walk.

Occupational therapists Occupational therapists are concerned with difficulties that children have in carrying out everyday activities. This could include sitting in a chair, holding a spoon and fork or drinking from a cup.






Masuri suplimentare pentru cei care nu frecventeaza institutiile prescolare

Apelind la ajutorul unui medic pediatru si al psihologului pe probleme de educatie

Vi se va cere aprobarea pentru a implica in ajutorul copilului d-voastra un psiholog in probleme de educatie.deoarece acestia nu pot fi implicati fara acordul d-voastra prealabil.

Psihologul in probleme de educatie face parte din grupul de persoane care decide impreuna cu d-voastra caile si metodele de ajutor pentru copil si stabilesc nivelul de progress realizat.

Psihologul in probleme de educatie si medicul pediatru vor colabora permanent pentru binele copilului d-voastra..

Pentru cei mai multi dintre copii sprijinul acordat la o virsta frageda ii va ajuta sa progreseze si sa fie pregatiti pentru integrarea intr-o institutie prescolara sau scolara.

Sensory-impaired service teachersThese teachers have had specialist training in the areas of hearing and sight in children. They work mainly as advisers, to help teachers and parents in supporting children with hearing or sight problems, or sometimes both.

Early years support service teachersThese are experienced teachers working mainly as advisors to help pre-school staff develop support for all children including those with special needs.

Community paediatricians The Community Paediatrician is a doctor who specialises in children. They will discuss your child’s development with you and may examine your child.

Speech and language therapists A Speech and Language Therapist specialises in communication development and disorders (and associated eating and swallowing difficulties).



Involving the community paediatrician and educational psychologist

You will be asked for your permission to involve an educational psychologist because they cannot become involved unless you agree.

The educational psychologist becomes part of the group of people who plan with you ways to help your child and review his or her progress.

The educational psychologist and the community paediatrician will have regular discussions to update each other on the support in place.

For most children this early support will help them to progress into a pre-school setting or school.


Early Years Action Plus

If your child goes to a pre-school setting

All children develop in different ways and learn at different rates.

Pre-school settings will look at children’s needs in a variety of ways.

If either you or the staff have concerns about your child it is important to talk about these together. This discussion may be with the child’s key worker or the pre-school’s Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo). All settings will have one person you can talk to about your child’s needs.


Early Years Action

Portage home visitors‘Portage’ is a home-visiting educational service for pre-school children with special needs. The Portage home visitor visits the family at home every week or fortnight, and plans activities for the child with the parent or carer. There are eight Portage teams in Lincolnshire.

SENCo (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator)The person with responsibility for co-ordinating arrangements for special educational needs. Each pre-school setting has a named SENCo.

Educational psychologists These are psychologists with teaching experience and specialised training in child development. They work with pre-school children and their families to put together a plan to support learning, behaviour or other issues likely to affect your child’s progress.

You will find more information about our educational psychologists in a leaflet available from the Lincolnshire County Psychology Service.



If your child goes to a pre-school setting

All children develop in different ways and learn at different rates.

Pre-school settings will look at children’s needs in a variety of ways.

If either you or the staff have concerns about your child it is important to talk about these together. This discussion may be with the child’s key worker or the pre-school’s Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo). All settings will have one person you can talk to about your child’s needs.


Early Years Action

Portage home visitors‘Portage’ is a home-visiting educational service for pre-school children with special needs. The Portage home visitor visits the family at home every week or fortnight, and plans activities for the child with the parent or carer. There are eight Portage teams in Lincolnshire.

SENCo (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator)The person with responsibility for co-ordinating arrangements for special educational needs. Each pre-school setting has a named SENCo.

Educational psychologists These are psychologists with teaching experience and specialised training in child development. They work with pre-school children and their families to put together a plan to support learning, behaviour or other issues likely to affect your child’s progress.

You will find more information about our educational psychologists in a leaflet available from the Lincolnshire County Psychology Service.




Masuri pentru cei care frecventeaza institutiile prescolare

Daca copilul d-voastra frecventeaza o institutie prescolara

Toti copiii se dezvolta diferit si invata in diferite etape.

Institutiile prescolare vor urmari necesitatile copilului in diferite moduri.

Daca d-voastra sau personalul din institutia prescolara aveti ingrijorari in ceea ce priveste copilul,este important sa le discutati impreuna.Aceste discutii pot fi purtate cu educatorul sau cu cu persoana care coordoneaza cerintele Educationale Speciale la virsta prescolara din institutia respective.(SENCo).Toate institutiile vor avea o persoana cu care veti putea discuta despre necesitatile copilului d-voastra.


Masuri pentru cei care frecventeaza institutiile prescolare

Este o tactica graduala hotarirea cerintelor educationale speciale pentru fiecare copil in parte.

In toate institutiile , personalul va lua in considerare cerintele individuale ale fiecarui copil. Daca activitatea prescolara atinge aceste cerinte educationale,atunci copiii fac progrese.

Tactica graduala va asigura ca personalul implicat in activitatea prescolara va adopta metodele corespunzatoare necesitatilor particulare ale copilului d-voastra.Ei vor lua in considerare masuri diferite capabile sa ajute nevoile fiecarui copil.

Aceste masuri pot fi :

• Activitati si materiale atent planificate • Tinte planificate individual(de

exemplu,comportament,comunicare,capacitatea de autoajutorare) • Diferite materiale de studio sau echipament special • O varietate de schimbari organizatorice(de exemplu marimea grupului

sau locul unde va avea loc activitatea), • Vizita unui professor responsabil cu ajutorul la virste fragede sau • Reevaluarea profesionala a personalului.

If you are happy with your child’s progress, you can continue with the support you are getting. For most children, this level of support is enough to help them move successfully into school.


Early Years Action Plus

There is a ‘graduated’ approach to meet each child’s special educational needs.

In all settings, staff will take account of children’s differing needs. If the pre-school meets these learning needs, then children make progress.

A graduated approach will make sure that what pre-school staff provide will match your child’s particular needs. Pre-school staff will consider different actions to meet the needs of each child.

This may include:

� carefully planned activities and materials; � individually planned targets (for example behaviour, communication, self-help skills); � different learning materials or special equipment; � a variety of organisational changes for activities (for example group size, or where the activity takes place); � visits from an early years support service teacher; or � staff training.


Early Years Action



Masuri suplimentare pentru cei care frecventeaza institutiileprescolare

Personalul va utiliza un Plan Educational Individual (IEP) in care va inregistra scopul ,o data pentru pentru verificare si rezultatul masurilor luate. IEP va inregistra numai actiunile care sunt aditionale sau diferite fata de ceea ce normal se foloseste pentru toti copiii.

Profesorul vizitator din cadrul serviciului de suport la o virsta frageda, ajuta institutiile prescolare cu sfat si suport pentru copiii cu necesitati speciale.

De asemenea ,in afara de profesorul vizitator ,mai pot fi implicate si alti specialisti,cum ar fi:

• Serviciul de profesori pentru copiii cu handicap sensorial(auz-vaz) • Portage Home Visitor(Vizitator educational la domiciliu) • Psiholog in probleme de educatie • Logoped • Fizioterapeut • Medic pediatru • Psiholog in probleme de sanatate • Terapeut occupational

Dictionarul de la sfirsitul acestei brosuri explica rolul acestor specialisti

Staff will use an Individual Education Plan (IEP) to record the targets set, a time for review and the outcome of the action taken. The IEP will only record action that is additional to or different from what is normally provided for all children.

The visiting teacher from the early years support service provides the pre-school setting with advice and support for children with special educational needs.

As well as the early years support service teacher, other outside professionals may need to be involved. These people might include:

� a sensory-impaired service teacher; � a Portage home visitor; � an educational psychologist; � a speech and language therapist; � a physiotherapist; � a community paediatrician; � a clinical psychologist; or� an occupational therapist.

The glossary at the end of this booklet explains the roles of these people.


Early Years Action Plus

Other professionals will work with you and the pre-school staff to help your child, and help to form a plan including:

� putting together a programme of ‘targeted’ activities for pre-school; � creating play activities for your child at home; � keeping a note of your child’s progress; and � arranging a time to review this progress.

This review will help you and those involved decide whether:

� your child has made progress so there is no need for professionals from outside the pre-school setting to be involved (move to Early Years Action); � your child has made some progress and continues to need a plan which involves professionals from outside the pre-school setting (continue at Early Years Action Plus); or � there is a need for everybody to discuss further options to make sure your child’s needs are being met.


Early Years Action Plus



Masuri suplimentare pentru cei ce frecventeaza institutiile prescolare

Alti specialisti vor lucra impreuna cu d-voastra si cu personalul implicat in acivitatea prescolara prentru a va ajuta copilul si pentru a stabili un plan care sa includa;

• Un program de activitati tinta pentru prescoala • Crearea unor acivitati de joaca pentru copilul d-voastra acasa • Pastrarea unei evidente a progresului copilului d-voastra • Fixarea unui termen pentru evaluarea progresului copiluli d-vaostra

Evaluarea progresului copilului va va ajuta pe d-voastra precum si pe cei implicati sa decida daca:

• Copilul d-voastra a progresat si atunci nu mai este nevoie ca specialistii din afara institutiilor prescolare sa fie implicate(muta-te masuri pentru anii prescolari)

• Copilul d-voastra a facut progrese, dar continua sa aiba nevoie de un plan care sa implice specialistii din afara institutiilor prescolare(continua cu masuri suplimentare;sau

• Este nevoie de toti specialistii pentrui a discuta noi planuri pentru a fi siguri ca nevoile copiluli d-voastra sunt atinse.

Staff will use an Individual Education Plan (IEP) to record the targets set, a time for review and the outcome of the action taken. The IEP will only record action that is additional to or different from what is normally provided for all children.

The visiting teacher from the early years support service provides the pre-school setting with advice and support for children with special educational needs.

As well as the early years support service teacher, other outside professionals may need to be involved. These people might include:

� a sensory-impaired service teacher; � a Portage home visitor; � an educational psychologist; � a speech and language therapist; � a physiotherapist; � a community paediatrician; � a clinical psychologist; or� an occupational therapist.

The glossary at the end of this booklet explains the roles of these people.


Early Years Action Plus

Other professionals will work with you and the pre-school staff to help your child, and help to form a plan including:

� putting together a programme of ‘targeted’ activities for pre-school; � creating play activities for your child at home; � keeping a note of your child’s progress; and � arranging a time to review this progress.

This review will help you and those involved decide whether:

� your child has made progress so there is no need for professionals from outside the pre-school setting to be involved (move to Early Years Action); � your child has made some progress and continues to need a plan which involves professionals from outside the pre-school setting (continue at Early Years Action Plus); or � there is a need for everybody to discuss further options to make sure your child’s needs are being met.


Early Years Action Plus


If you are happy with your child’s progress, you can continue with the support you are getting. For most children, this level of support is enough to help them move successfully into school.


Early Years Action Plus

There is a ‘graduated’ approach to meet each child’s special educational needs.

In all settings, staff will take account of children’s differing needs. If the pre-school meets these learning needs, then children make progress.

A graduated approach will make sure that what pre-school staff provide will match your child’s particular needs. Pre-school staff will consider different actions to meet the needs of each child.

This may include:

� carefully planned activities and materials; � individually planned targets (for example behaviour, communication, self-help skills); � different learning materials or special equipment; � a variety of organisational changes for activities (for example group size, or where the activity takes place); � visits from an early years support service teacher; or � staff training.


Early Years Action

If you are happy with your child’s progress, you can continue with the support you are getting. For most children, this level of support is enough to help them move successfully into school.


Early Years Action Plus

There is a ‘graduated’ approach to meet each child’s special educational needs.

In all settings, staff will take account of children’s differing needs. If the pre-school meets these learning needs, then children make progress.

A graduated approach will make sure that what pre-school staff provide will match your child’s particular needs. Pre-school staff will consider different actions to meet the needs of each child.

This may include:

� carefully planned activities and materials; � individually planned targets (for example behaviour, communication, self-help skills); � different learning materials or special equipment; � a variety of organisational changes for activities (for example group size, or where the activity takes place); � visits from an early years support service teacher; or � staff training.


Early Years Action


Masuri suplimentare pentru cei care frecventeaza institutiile prescolare

Daca sunteti multutmit de progresul copilului d-voastra puteti continua cu ajutorul pe care l-ati primit.Pentru marea majoriate a copiiilor acest nivel de ajutor este suficient pentru a fi pregatiti pentru scoala.


Masuri suplimentare pentru cei care frecventeaza institutiile prescolare

Daca sunteti multutmit de progresul copilului d-voastra puteti continua cu ajutorul pe care l-ati primit.Pentru marea majoriate a copiiilor acest nivel de ajutor este suficient pentru a fi pregatiti pentru scoala.


Glosar (dictionar explicativ)

Portage home visitors-Serviciul de vizite la domiciliu

‘Portage’ este un serviciu de vizite la domiciliu din domeniul educativ pentru copiii prescolari cu necesitati speciale.Vizitatorul la domiciliu viziteaza familia la domiciliu in fiecare saptamina sau o data la doua saptamini, stabilind cu parintele sau tutorele activitati pentru copil. In Lincolnshire exista opt echipe in cadrul servicului de vizite la domiciliu.

SENCo(Coordonator de necesitati in educatia speciala)

Este persoana cu responsabilitate in coordonarea necesitatilor speciale educationale.Fiecare institutie prescolara are un numit astfel de coordonator.

Educational psychologists (Psiholog in probleme de educatie)

Acestia sunt psihologi cu experienta in domeniul didactic si cu pregatire speciala in dezvoltarea copiiilor..Ei lucreaza cu copiii prescolari si parintii lor pentru a elabora un plan menit sa ajute in procesul de invatare,comportament Sau alte obiective menite sa ajute la progresul copilului.

Veti gasi mai multe informatii despre psihologii nostril in probleme de educatie intr-o brosura pe care o puteti gasi In cadrul Serviciului de Psihologie din Lincolnshire.

If your child goes to a pre-school setting

All children develop in different ways and learn at different rates.

Pre-school settings will look at children’s needs in a variety of ways.

If either you or the staff have concerns about your child it is important to talk about these together. This discussion may be with the child’s key worker or the pre-school’s Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo). All settings will have one person you can talk to about your child’s needs.


Early Years Action

Portage home visitors‘Portage’ is a home-visiting educational service for pre-school children with special needs. The Portage home visitor visits the family at home every week or fortnight, and plans activities for the child with the parent or carer. There are eight Portage teams in Lincolnshire.

SENCo (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator)The person with responsibility for co-ordinating arrangements for special educational needs. Each pre-school setting has a named SENCo.

Educational psychologists These are psychologists with teaching experience and specialised training in child development. They work with pre-school children and their families to put together a plan to support learning, behaviour or other issues likely to affect your child’s progress.

You will find more information about our educational psychologists in a leaflet available from the Lincolnshire County Psychology Service.





Serviciul de profesori care se ocupa de copiii cu handicap sensorial

Acesti profesori au pregatire de specialitate in ceea ce priveste auzul si vazul copiiilor.Ei lucreaza mai mult ca si consilieri, indrumind profesorii si parintiicum sa ajute copiii cu probleme vizuale sau auditive sau uneori amindoua.

Serviciul de profesori pentru ajutor prescolar

Acestia sunt profesori cu experinta care lucreaza in special ca si consilieri.Ei ajuta personalul din invatamintul prescolar sa organizeze ajutor pentru toti copiii, inclusiv pentru cei cu nevoi speciale.

Pediatru comunitar

Pediatrul comunitar este un doctor specializat in medicina pentru copii.Ei vor discuta cu d-voastra stadiul de dezvoltare ale copilului si il vor examina.


Logopedul este specializat in dezvoltarea vorbirii si afectiuni ale vorbirii(si alte afectiuni associate ca deficientele de hranire si deglutitie).

Sensory-impaired service teachersThese teachers have had specialist training in the areas of hearing and sight in children. They work mainly as advisers, to help teachers and parents in supporting children with hearing or sight problems, or sometimes both.

Early years support service teachersThese are experienced teachers working mainly as advisors to help pre-school staff develop support for all children including those with special needs.

Community paediatricians The Community Paediatrician is a doctor who specialises in children. They will discuss your child’s development with you and may examine your child.

Speech and language therapists A Speech and Language Therapist specialises in communication development and disorders (and associated eating and swallowing difficulties).



Involving the community paediatrician and educational psychologist

You will be asked for your permission to involve an educational psychologist because they cannot become involved unless you agree.

The educational psychologist becomes part of the group of people who plan with you ways to help your child and review his or her progress.

The educational psychologist and the community paediatrician will have regular discussions to update each other on the support in place.

For most children this early support will help them to progress into a pre-school setting or school.


Early Years Action Plus




Fizioterapeutul este specializat in dezvoltarea fizica a copilului.Asta inseamna ca ei pot ajuta prin dezvoltarea unui plan de tratament , care l-ar putea ajuta pe copilul d-voastra sa-si controleze miscarile capului, pozitia corecta in timpul studiului,cum sa se rostogoleasca si cum sa mearga .

Terapeutul Ocupational

Acestia sunt preocupati cu dificultatile pe care le au in activitatea de zi cu zi. Acestea pot fi statul pe scaun, folosirea adecvata a unei linguri sau furculite sau modul de a bea dintr-o ceasca.


These people may be able to give you some ideas about how to help your child and help to form a plan, including:

� deciding which concerns to target first;� devising a programme of activities; � creating play activities for your child at home; � keeping a note of your child’s progress; � finding a pre-school place; and � arranging a time to review your child’s progress.

This review will help you and those involved to decide whether:

� your child has made progress so that there is no need for a further plan; � your child has made some progress and continues to need a plan; or � your child needs help from other professionals, such as the community paediatrician or an educational psychologist.

Early Years Action

Physiotherapists Physiotherapists specialise in physical development. This means they may help to develop a treatment plan that might include helping your child to control their head movement, sit, roll over, crawl or walk.

Occupational therapists Occupational therapists are concerned with difficulties that children have in carrying out everyday activities. This could include sitting in a chair, holding a spoon and fork or drinking from a cup.





Unde pot gasi ajutor si suport?

Puteti beneficia de ajutor si suport in toate aspectele de educatie speciala a copilului d-voastra de la:

Serviciul de Relatii cu Parintii(Parent Partnership Service)Str Lindum nr 4 Lincoln Telefon:01522 553351

Serviciul de Relatii cu Parintii din Lincolnshire doreste sa se asigure ca toti parintii copiiilor cu nevoi educationale speciale au acces la:

• Informatie • Consiliere • Indrumare si • Ajutor

Astfel ca ei sa poata fi informatii total si implicate in deciziiile care afecteaza copilul lor.

Where can I get help and support?

You can get help and support about all aspects of your child’s special educational needs from:

Parent Partnership Service 4 Lindum Road Lincoln Phone: 01522 553351

The Lincolnshire Parent Partnership Service aims to make sure that all parents of children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) have access to high quality:

� information;� advice; � guidance; and � support

so they can be fully informed and involved in decisions affecting their child.


Glossary Early Years Action


Next steps for children who do not attend a pre-school setting

There are times when other people may need to become involved in helping your child. They can work together with you to give you further help and support.

These people might include:

� a health visitor; � a speech and language therapist; � a physiotherapist; � a Portage home visitor; � a sensory-impaired service teacher; � a community paediatrician; and � an occupational therapist.

The glossary at the end of this booklet explains the roles of these people.



People who can help

There are many people who you can talk to about your concerns, and who can tell you what steps you can take. These may include friends and relatives, health visitors, social workers, doctors and pre-school staff.

Talking with these people could give you some ideas about how to help your child, including:

� play activities for your child at home, and in his or her pre-school group; and

� keeping a note of your child’s progress.

Does your child go to a pre-school, playgroup or nursery?


Follow the blue pages (pages 3 to 6).


Follow the pink pages (pages 7 to 11).


If you would like to talk to someone about this leaflet, or you would like more information about anything in this leaflet, you can contact any of the following:

� Linda Özmen Parent Partnership Co-ordinator 4 Lindum Road Lincoln Phone: 01522 553351

� Sarah Dean Senior Educational Psychologist - Early Years Lincolnshire County Psychology Service 49 Newland Lincoln Phone: 01522 553341

� Pat Soar Head of Early Years Support Service County Offices, Newland Lincoln Phone: 01522 587575





Puteti obtine lista cu adrese si nume folositoare ale organizatiilor si grupurilor de ajutoare voluntare de la:

Serviciul de Informatii pentru Copii Telefon: 0800 1951635

� You can get useful names and addresses listing the local voluntary-sector support groups and organisations from:

Children’s Information Service Phone: 0800 1951635


GlossaryThe pre-school years

Your child’s pre-school years are very important. All children develop in different ways and learn at different rates. However, you may have concerns about:

� talking;

� feeding;

� toilet training;

� physical skills such as walking;

� getting on with others;

� listening;

� behaviour;

� vision; or

� hearing.


� You can get useful names and addresses listing the local voluntary-sector support groups and organisations from:

Children’s Information Service Phone: 0800 1951635


GlossaryThe pre-school years

Your child’s pre-school years are very important. All children develop in different ways and learn at different rates. However, you may have concerns about:

� talking;

� feeding;

� toilet training;

� physical skills such as walking;

� getting on with others;

� listening;

� behaviour;

� vision; or

� hearing.


� You can get useful names and addresses listing the local voluntary-sector support groups and organisations from:

Children’s Information Service Phone: 0800 1951635


GlossaryThe pre-school years

Your child’s pre-school years are very important. All children develop in different ways and learn at different rates. However, you may have concerns about:

� talking;

� feeding;

� toilet training;

� physical skills such as walking;

� getting on with others;

� listening;

� behaviour;

� vision; or

� hearing.


The information in this booklet is based on the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice. You can get a free copy by phoning the Department for Education and Skills on 0845 602 2260.



Lucrind impreuna pentru a asigura necesitatileeducationale speciale in Lincolnshire

Informatii pentru parinti si tutori



Lucrind impreuna pentru a asigura necesitatileeducationale speciale in Lincolnshire

Informatii pentru parinti si tutori

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