Page 1: What Causes Anxiety and What You Can Do About It

What Causes Anxiety and What You Can Do About it

Most people simply dismiss anxiety as nothing more than an emotional disorder and let it go at that. They accept it as a part of life and resign to the fact that it will never go away. Don’t fall into this way of thinking. The truth is, there’s way more to consider. This article will show you how you can stop letting anxiety consume YOUR life. Fight back with tactics that work and start feeling better immediately.

Yes, anxiety is a recurring emotional disturbance which can lead to irrational thoughts and reactions, seemingly beyond your control – but that’s not the whole story.

Did you know Anxiety is actually caused by a tiny little organ in your brain, no bigger than a pair of almonds? It’s true. The organ is called the Amygdala and it serves as your “anxiety barometer”. The purpose of this little organ isn’t just to make you feel nuts. It serves in cooperation with your body’s fight or flight response when danger is present.

Unfortunately, chemical imbalances, traumatic events, deep rooted fears, drug and alcohol abuse, even genetic factors can all throw this little anxiety meter out of whack and force you to feel neurotic 24/7.

It’s also important to know that anxiety can be a blanket term for other conditions which include phobias, panic disorders and even post-traumatic stress disorders. The root cause of the problem is organic, meaning that it happens within you. The undesirable behavior is simply your reaction to the anxiety trigger. Here’s an example:

Susan (the subject) has a phobia (anxiety) of dogs. A large dog, (the trigger) comes toward her, tail down and ears back. Susan suffers a serious panic attack (her reaction). The example put more simply would look like this: Subject + Trigger = Anxiety.

Knowing what YOUR anxiety trigger is and what it looks like is one of the first things you can do to live with it and handle it better.

Your particular anxiety can stem from anywhere. It’s up to you to recognize when and where it comes about. How can you do this?

Speaking to a doctor or therapist may be a good place to start. Make sure that you keep a journal of your anxious episodes. Try to keep track of the time, place and what you were doing when you felt anxious. Who were you with, how did you feel before hand? This will help the doctor guide you to best plan of action for you. The idea is to track down the culprit so you can eliminate the root cause.

Page 2: What Causes Anxiety and What You Can Do About It

Also, there’s no reason to feel embarrassed or try to hide your anxiety from others.

Allow yourself to reach out for the support of friends and family. They all love you and want you to be well. Make sure that you have at least one person that you can call whenever you feel like you might be having an anxiety attack.

Know your triggers and let that person know that you might be facing one that day so they can be ready. Having a “go to” person is a nice safety net for when panic strikes.

Seek knowledge. Read up on the latest news about anxiety and anxiety treatments online and in magazines. Ask your doctor for information that he might have. Go to the local library and check out their reference section. The more you know, the less you will be ashamed or afraid of this condition. You will be able to fight it face on.

I’ve made this incredibly easy for you with a FREE video I’ve created called Anxiety Free Tactics. This video is posted right on my website…

Check it out here ---

The video gives you over 21 proven tactics that you can perform right at home, within minutes, to overcome bouts of panic, anxiety and stress. There’s nothing to lose and everything to gain with this free information so definitely check it out here right now. All the best!

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