Page 1: What Can Strong-Motion Data Tell Us about Slip-Weakening · Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 90, 1, pp. 98–116,


Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 90, 1, pp. 98–116, February 2000

What Can Strong-Motion Data Tell Us about Slip-Weakening

Fault-Friction Laws?

by Mariagiovanna Guatteri and Paul Spudich

Abstract We consider the resolution of parameters, such as strength excess,ry � ro, and slip-weakening distance, dc, related to fault-constitutive properties, thatmay be obtained from the analysis of strong-ground motions. We show that wave-form inversion of a synthetic strong-motion-data set from a hypothetical M 6.5 eventresembling the 1979 Imperial Valley earthquake cannot uniquely resolve bothstrength excess and dc. Specifically, we use a new inversion method to find tworupture models, model A having dc � 0.3 m and high-strength excess, and model Bhaving dc � 1 m and low-strength excess. Both models have uniform initial stressand the same moment-rate function and rupture time distribution, and they produceessentially indistinguishable ground-motion waveforms in the 0–1.6 Hz frequencyband.

These models are indistinguishable because there is a trade-off between strengthexcess and slip-weakening distance in controlling rupture velocity. However, fractureenergy might be relatively stably estimated from waveform inversions. Our ModelsA and B had very similar fracture energies. If the stress drop is fixed by the slipdistribution, the rupture velocity is controlled by fracture energy.

We show that estimates of slip-weakening distance inferred from kinematic in-version models of earthquakes are likely to be biased high due to the effects of spatialand temporal-smoothing constraints applied in such inverse-problem formulations.

Regions of high-strength excess are often used to slow or stop rupture in modelsof observed earthquakes, but our results indicate that regions of long dc and lowerstrength excess might alternatively explain the slowing of rupture. One way to con-strain dc would be to model ground-motion spectra at frequencies higher than thoseat which waveform modeling is possible. A second way to discriminate betweenregions of long dc and large-strength excess might be to assume that dc is long wherethere are no aftershocks.


Two major goals of seismology are to discover the stressconditions on faults before and during earthquakes and toinfer a constitutive law that characterizes the material re-sponse to the applied stress. A constitutive relation repre-sents the governing equation of the failure process and spec-ifies the dependence between stress, fault slip, slip rate, andother relevant physical properties. While theoretical, nu-merical, and laboratory simulations of earthquakes have ledto tremendous insights into possible constitutive laws, theultimate test of a constitutive law is its ability to model thebehavior of real earthquakes occurring on real faults in theEarth.

The constitutive relation is a key element of dynamicdescriptions of the seismic source which are based on mod-els that satisfy the elastodynamics equation (e.g., Andrews,1976a; 1976b, 1985; Mikumo and Miyatake, 1978; Miya-

take, 1980; Day, 1982; Virieux and Madariaga, 1982; Dasand Kostrov, 1987; Harris et al., 1991). In the framework offracture mechanics, an earthquake may be considered as adynamically propagating shear crack that radiates seismicwaves. The resulting motion (slip history) on the fault isrelated to a drop in shear stress. The slip evolution dependson the failure criterion, the constitutive properties and theinitial conditions on the fault surface. In contrast, kinematicmodels of the seismic source (e.g., Haskell, 1964) prescribethe displacement history of motion a priori, without an ex-plicit attempt to investigate the physical causes of the ruptureprocess.

In some previous works of dynamic simulation, the con-stitutive relation is assumed to be a simple slip-weakeningmodel (Ida, 1972; Andrews, 1976a; 1976b; Day, 1982)which is completely characterized by initial stress ro, yield

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What Can Strong-Motion Data Tell Us about Slip-Weakening Fault-Friction Laws? 99

Figure 1. Slip-weakening friction law (Ida, 1972;Day, 1982; Andrews, 1985). The curve represents thetotal shear stress as a function of cumulative slip.

stress ry, dynamic frictional stress r f , and slip-weakeningdistance dc (Fig. 1). In this model the fault begins to rupturewhen the yield stress, ry, is exceeded. As the slip grows tothe critical slip-weakening distance, dc, the strength of thefault decreases to the dynamic frictional stress, r f . Thestrength excess, ry � ro, is the difference between the yieldstress and the initial stress (Boatwright and Quin, 1986). Thestress drop is ro � r f .

Strength excess ry � ro has been estimated for manymoderate earthquakes by Quin (1990), Miyatake (1992), Fu-kuyama and Mikumo (1993), Ide and Takeo (1996), Berozaand Mikumo (1996), Bouchon (1997), Day et al. (1998), andothers. Of particular interest are two articles that also esti-mated slip-weakening distance dc. The first is Ide and Takeo(1997), who derived a constitutive relation from inversionof strong-ground-motion data from the 1995 Hyogo-kenNanbu (Kobe), Japan, earthquake. They inferred a dc � 1mfor the shallow part of the fault, and they estimated an upperbound of 0.5 m for dc on the deeper part of the fault. Thesecond article is by Olsen et al. (1997), who estimated dc �0.8 m for the 1992 Landers, California, earthquake by dy-namically simulating previously obtained kinematic modelsof the Landers event. These estimates of dc are quite highcompared to values measured in the laboratory, typically ofthe order of 10 lm (e.g., Dieterich, 1978). While there arereasons to expect that dc on real faults might be much largerthan in the laboratory (Scholz, 1988; Okubo and Dieterich,1984; 1986), it is also important to assess the reliability ofthe estimates of dc derived from strong-motion data.

The primary purpose of this article is to answer the fol-lowing questions. (1) Can the slip weakening distance andstrength excess be uniquely determined by modeling groundmotion data? (2) Can the slip-weakening distance and thestrength excess be inferred uniquely from a kinematic sourcemodel? and (3) How wide a range of these parameters isconsistent with a given ground-motion-data set?

Of course, although slip-weakening distance is probablya material property, strength excess and stress drop are notmaterial properties because they are defined with respect tosome unknown initial stress level. If slip-weakening is theconstitutive law that governs real-fault friction, then the pa-rameters that yield stress ry and dynamic-frictional stressr f

would be material properties. However, lab experiments onhomogeneous rock samples (Okubo and Dieterich, 1986)show that even yield stress and dynamic friction stress arenot material properties because they vary from place to placeon the homogeneous rock samples.

More complicated fault-constitutive laws are requiredto explain some aspects of earthquake behavior, namely, therestrengthening of faults between earthquakes. However, re-sults of laboratory experiments on rock-on-rock frictionalsliding at high-speed slip (Okubo and Dieterich, 1986) andof numerical modeling of dynamic rupture with laboratory-derived constitutive laws (Okubo, 1989) suggest that slip-weakening is the prevailing constitutive behavior duringdynamic rupture. Therefore, in this article, we adopt slip-

weakening as a relatively simple model for which we cantry to recover the defining parameters from observations ofearthquakes.

In this article, we present an inversion method for de-riving dynamic rupture models that satisfy both a given ki-nematic source model and constraints on desired propertiesof fault-constitutive parameters. This inversion method canbe generalized to invert seismograms. We use this procedureto demonstrate that there is a strong trade-off between thestrength excess and the slip-weakening distance in control-ling rupture velocity. We find that many different combi-nations of these two parameters cause the same rupture timedistribution, and consequently radiate similar ground mo-tions. We show that this trade-off might be equivalent toconsidering that, if the stress drop is fixed by the slip distri-bution, a unique constitutive parameter, the apparent fractureenergy, controls the rupture velocity. We show that wave-form inversion of a synthetic strong-motion-data set from ahypothetical M 6.5 event in the frequency band 0–1.6 Hzcannot uniquely define stress parameters and slip weakeningdistance dc. Specifically, we use our inversion method toproduce two rupture models having a dc � 0.3 m and dc �1.0 m, and we find that these two rupture models produceindistinguishable ground-motion waveforms in the 0–1.6 Hzband. Moreover, these rupture models have identical rupturetimes and very similar slip distributions and rise times (thetime required to accumulate 10 to 90% of the total slip atindividual points). Given these difficulties, it may be nec-essary to resort to broadband spectral domain studies in or-der to define constitutive relations for moderate-sized earth-quakes.

We will demonstrate our results using theoretical seis-mograms from a hypothetical test earthquake designed toresemble the M 6.5 1979 Imperial Valley, California, earth-quake. Our initial goal had been to apply the new inversionmethod to the observed ground-motion data from the Im-perial Valley earthquake in order to determine the constitu-

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Figure 2. Map showing surface trace of the Im-perial Fault and the stations that recorded the 1979earthquake. In this study we have calculated syntheticseismograms at the stations shown in bold characters.The thick line corresponds to the fault plane used inour modeling, and the arrow shows the direction ofrupture propagation. Cross is the hypocenter.

tive law. In the process of preparing synthetic test rupturemodels in order to test the inversion method, we discoveredthe nonuniquenesses that we present in this article.

An Ideal Test Case

Our approach is to show that, in general, the relevantkinematic properties of a source, such as rupture velocity,final slip, and moment-rate function are consistent with abroad range of slip-weakening constitutive laws. In general,slow rupture velocity is caused by either a long slip-weak-ening distance or a high strength excess, and the opposite istrue for a fast rupture propagation. A simple way to statethis type of ambiguity is that a high strength–short slip-weakening distance model is equivalent to a low strength–long slip-weakening distance model. We have generated twodynamic models that represent these two extremes and con-form equally to the important kinematic parameters. The firststep to accomplish this task was the design, by means of aspontaneous rupture calculation, of a reference model whosedynamic properties lie between those two extreme charac-terizations. The resulting rupture velocity, moment rate func-tion and final slip represent the reference kinematic proper-ties which the two equivalent dynamic models must bothsatisfy.

Ideally, an earthquake that has relatively long rise times(the duration of slip at individual points) and ground-motiondata that can be modeled accurately at high frequencieswould present the best opportunity to resolve details of therupture process. In order to decide which earthquake weshould try to simulate, we surveyed published waveform in-version studies. We visually examined the waveform fits ofHartzell and Heaton (1983), Archuleta (1984), Hartzell(1989), Beroza (1991), Steidl et al. (1991), Wald et al.(1991), Fukuyama and Mikumo (1993), Cohee and Beroza(1994), Wald and Heaton (1994), Cotton and Campillo(1995), Wald (1996), Ide et al. (1996), and Ide and Takeo(1997), and we determined that for all of these, with thepossible exceptions of Ide et al. (1996) and Ide and Takeo(1997), the shortest modeled period was equal or longer thanthe main asperity rise time in the published kinematic model,meaning that these studies cannot be used to infer fault-con-stitutive relations. In the latter two papers on the Kobe earth-quake, almost all the modeled data were long period, buttwo short period stations were modeled to periods of about2 sec. Cotton and Campillo (1995) showed spectra of theirwaveform misfits, a laudable practice that should be en-couraged in future inversions.

We chose to simulate an earthquake that resembles the1979 Imperial Valley earthquake because that event offerspossibly the best data set for determination of constitutiverelations. In fact, Hartzell and Heaton (1983) obtained agood waveform fit at a 1.5-sec period at several stations, andthey and Archuleta (1984) found a rise time of 1.7 and 1.8sec, respectively, on the main asperity. Given the excellentstation geometry (Fig. 2) and the approximately laterally ho-

mogeneous local-velocity structure (Fuis et al., 1984), thereis hope that its waveforms could be modeled to periods of1 sec or shorter at many stations.

Figure 2 shows the map view of the Imperial Valleyarea with the station distribution, the fault trace, and theepicenter location. The Imperial Valley earthquake had sub-stantial surface slip (Sharp et al., 1982) and a well-deter-mined epicenter (Archuleta, 1982), thus giving a fault lengthof about 35 km northwest of the epicenter (Archuleta, 1984).The inversion results of Olson and Apsel (1982) indicate thatslip occurred also on a 10-km segment south of the epicenter.

For the parameterization of our models, we assume afault plane that extends about 33 km north of the epicenterand 8 km south of the epicenter along a strike of 323�, andreaches a depth of 14 km with a 80� NE dip. We used thehypocenter of Archuleta (1982) at depth of 8 km. We grid-ded the fault plane into 988 subfaults (52 along strike and19 along dip) each about 0.8 km square.

The first step in our investigation was the creation of areference dynamic rupture model. Specifically, on our sim-ulated Imperial Fault we had to find distributions of strength

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Figure 3. (a) Rupture time distribution for bothmodel A and model B. We impose the rupture-timedistribution of the reference model on both models(constraint K2). (b) Moment rate function for modelA (dashed line) and model B (continuous line). Weforce both models to be consistent with the momentrate function of the reference model (constraint K1).

excess, stress drop, and slip-weakening distance, whichwould lead to a rupture that had approximately the same slipand rupture-time distributions as those determined by Ar-chuleta (1984) for the 1979 Imperial Valley earthquake. Thistask was accomplished by trial-and-error forward modelingusing the boundary integral spontaneous rupture computercode developed by Boatwright and Quin (1986), Quin andDas (1989), Quin (1990), and modified by Spudich et al.(1998) to include free-surface reflections and vertical vari-ations of the velocity structure.

We assumed a uniform initial shear stress field and weapplied the method of Spudich et al. (1998) to derive thestress drop ro � r f distribution from the slip distribution ofArchuleta’s model (1984), and by trial and error we foundthat a spatially uniform strength excess of about 4 MPa anda uniform slip-weakening distance of about 0.5 m yieldedslip and rupture-time distributions similar to Archuleta’s ki-nematic model. Our reference model lacked the super-shearrupture velocity observed by Archuleta, but this discrepancywas irrelevant to our subsequent use of the reference model.

Then we used the inversion method described in theAppendix to generate two rupture models—one character-ized by a short slip-weakening distance (�0.3 m) and high-strength excess (model A), and the other by a long slip-weakening distance (�1 m) and low-strength excess (modelB), both of which are consistent with the moment rate func-tion, rupture time, slip, and initial shear-stress distributionsof the reference model. Although these values of slip-weak-ening distance are large compared to the values implied byresults of rock friction experiments, the scaling of this con-stitutive parameter for real faults during dynamic rupture isstill not known, and recent proposed estimates based onwaveform inversion are of the order of 0.5 m (Ide and Takeo,1997; Olsen et al., 1997). In general, using waveform in-version, we can only resolve these very large slip-weakeningdistances from bandlimited data. Then, if we cannot distin-guish a slip-weakening distance of the order of 0.3 m fromone of about 1 m, clearly slip-weakening distances shorterthan these values cannot be resolved from narrowband data.

A uniform initial shear stress might not be a realisticinitial condition for a dynamic representation of a real event(e.g. Spudich et al., 1998; Olsen et al., 1997). Within thiscontest, Olsen et al., (1997) proposed a dynamic model forthe 1992 Landers earthquake in terms of true constitutiveparameters of the fault (in the framework of a slip-weak-ening model), by assuming a nonuniform initial shear stressand uniform material properties (peak stress, frictionalstress, and slip-weakening distance). Of course, a generalcharacterization of seismic source should account for het-erogeneities in both the initial stress conditions and in theconstitutive properties.


In this section we analyze the characteristics of the twodynamic models A and B obtained with the inversion de-

scribed in the Appendix. These models are kinematicallyequivalent because both have the same moment-rate func-tion, slip distribution, and rupture time, but they differ in thetwo critical parameters of the fault-constitutive relation, thestrength-excess distribution and the slip-weakening distance.We shall show later that their ground motion waveforms arevery similar.

Figure 3a shows the rupture-time distribution commonto both models imposed through constraint K2 (Appendix),and the similarity of the moment rate-functions is evident inFigure 3b. Figure 4 shows all the relevant dynamic and ki-nematic parameters for the two models. Note that the largevalues of stress drop (and fracture energy) on the left sideof Figures 4c and 4d are only due to an edge effect in thenumerical computation. The final slip distribution (Fig. 4a,b)is remarkably similar—model B shows larger slip maximathan model A—but these differences would probably be toosmall to be resolved by either geodetic observations or lowfrequency waveform data, given that both models basicallysatisfy the same moment rate function (Fig. 3b). The staticstress drop distributions (Fig. 4c,d) are bounded by thestatic-stress-drop distribution of the reference model (con-straint D1, Appendix). They have small differences causedby the different scaling used in the two cases.

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Figure 4. Distribution of kinematic and dynamic parameters on the fault plane (theasterisk indicates the hypocenter location) for model A (left) and model B (right). Slipdistribution (a) and (b); stress drop distribution (c) and (d); strength excess distribution(e) and (f); slip-weakening distance distribution (g) and (h); apparent fracture energydistribution (I) and (l). Note that the two models have very similar slip and stress-dropdistributions, as required by the constraints imposed, but they have very differentstrength excess and slip-weakening distance distributions, due to the existing trade-offbetween these two parameters in controlling the rupture velocity. The similarity be-tween the apparent fracture energy distribution for the two models suggests that thisparameter might be relatively stably estimated from waveform inversions.

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Figure 5. Slip-weakening curves at selected subfaults for model A (dashed line) andmodel B (continuous line) at different position along strike and different depths. Weimpose a fast weakening to model A (resulting in a slip-weakening distance of about0.3 m) and a slow weakening to model B (resulting in a slip-weakening distance ofabout 1 m). Note that for model A the strength excess is systematically larger than thatfor model B.

Trade-Off between Strength Excess andSlip-Weakening Distance

The strength excess (Fig. 4e, f) and the slip-weakeningdistance distributions (Fig. 4g, h) differ substantially, andtheir analysis is important to understand the origin of non-uniqueness in the problem of fitting kinematic propertieswith spontaneous rupture modeling. Model A has a slip-weakening distance of the order of 0.3 m (as required byconstraint D3, Appendix), and for model B this constraintresults in a slip-weakening distance of the order of 1 m; onthe other hand the strength excess in model A is substantiallylarger than that in model B. It is important to note that thestrength excess is not directly constrained by any imposedrequirement; at each point it is simply the stress at the instantthat point is allowed to rupture (Miyatake, 1992). In Figure5 we depict the slip-weakening curves for selected subfaultsover different depths and distances along the strike of thefaults. From this figure it is possible to appreciate the dif-ferences in the rate of weakening as imposed by constraintD3.

Let us consider the strength parametery or � r

S � o fr � rand its role in controlling the rupture velocity. Andrews(1976b; 1985) showed that for S values greater than 1.77,the limiting rupture velocity in plane strain is the Rayleighvelocity. If S is less than 1.77, however, when the crack haspropagated a sufficient distance, the rupture velocity can be-come larger than the S-wave velocity (Andrews, 1976b; Dasand Aki, 1977; Day, 1982). In a slip-weakening model thetransition in rupture velocity depends on the half-length ofa critical crack Lc (equation 10 in Day, 1982 and equation43 in Andrews, 1985), and therefore on dc. This means that

in these studies the separate effect of dc on the rupture ve-locity was implicitly taken into account through the lengthscale Lc. Our simulations show that, in a spontaneous rupturecalculation of a finite source, a subshear rupture velocity canbe equally attained by combining a relatively low S param-eter and a large slip-weakening distance, or a high S with ashort slip-weakening distance. If the stress drop is fixed, thenthe relevant parameters that trade off are the strength excessand the slip-weakening distance

Apparent Fracture Energy

Figures 4i and l show the distribution of the apparentfracture energy Gc for the two models. The shear-fractureenergy is defined as the amount of energy needed to createa unit area of fault by shear fracture, and in a simple slip-weakening model is calculated as

1 y fG � (r � r )d (1)c c2

(Andrews, 1976a).Estimates of shear-fracture energy have been calculated

for many earthquakes (e.g., Ida, 1973; Husseini et al., 1975;Aki, 1979; Beroza and Spudich, 1988), yielding a rangefrom 102 to 108 J/m2. Our models yield an apparent fractureenergy of the order of 106 J/m2, and this value may providea rough estimate of this parameter for a moderate-size eventsuch as the 1979 Imperial Valley earthquake. The distribu-tions of Gc for the two models are remarkably similar andresemble the respective stress-drop distributions, suggestingthat the apparent fracture energy might be stably estimatedfrom waveform inversions.

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Radiated Waveforms and Spectra

We compare the seismograms and the spectra calculatedfrom model A and model B up to �2Hz at 14 observerlocations well distributed around the rupture area of the 1979Imperial Valley earthquake (Fig. 2). We first calculated syn-thetic ground motions for both a right-lateral, strike-slipdislocation and a normal (east side down) dislocation ofconstant amplitude over each of the subfaults and for eachobserver. These seismograms were calculated using themethods of Olson et al. (1984) and Spudich and Archuleta(1987) assuming the velocity structure of Archuleta (1984).We calculated the seismograms in the frequency band 0–1.8Hz and we lowpass filtered them with a cosine taper between1 and 1.8 Hz. The waveforms radiated by model A andmodel B are calculated by properly summing over the timesteps the contributions of each subfault synthetic weightedby the respective slip increment.

Figure 6 shows the seismograms calculated from modelA and model B. In general they are nearly identical, espe-cially for the low frequency part of the signals. This simi-larity shows that it will be very difficult to resolve consti-tutive parameters from waveform inversion in this frequencyband. A detailed analysis of the waveforms reveals somedifferences. In general, the seismograms from model A arericher in high frequency than those from model B. This en-hanced short-period content is particularly evident for sta-tions close to the fault (e.g., EMO) that are in the forwarddirectivity region (BRA and PTS), and at stations like AGRand MEX which fall in the backward directivity zone wherethe details of the rupture process (close to the hypocenter)are better resolved.

For waveform inversions, these distinctions would notbe sufficient to discriminate the details of the rupture pro-cess, mainly due to the inherent difficulty of modeling highfrequency signals given our usually inadequate Green’sfunctions. The differences between the model A and modelB seismograms are substantially smaller than the misfit usu-ally accepted in modeling real waveform data. However, thisanalysis suggests that the frequency content of accelerationdata might help bound the parameters of interest of faultconstitutive behavior.

In Figure 7 we show the displacement-amplitude spectrafor the three components of ground motion at some stationsin different positions around the fault. The differences infrequency content and relative amplitude already discussedin the seismogram analysis are especially evident in the spec-tra. Above � 1 Hz the amplitude spectra from model A arelarger than those from model B, especially at stations closeto the fault (e.g., EMO and AGR), in the forward-directivityregion (BRA), and in the backward directivity region (AGRand MEX). However, neither the spectra nor the waveformsfor stations distant from the fault (e.g., E05 and E11) showsystematic differences.

Figure 8 summarizes the spectral content of the threecomponents of motion for all 14 stations used in this study.

For each component we show the ratio of the smoothed am-plitude spectra of model A and that of model B; the thickline represents the mean of these ratios, and the dashed linescorrespond to the mean � the standard deviation. For thevertical component, the differences in the spectral ampli-tudes between the two models are negligible, as shown bythe ratio of amplitude spectra having a mean value of about1. On the other hand, for the two horizontal componentsthere is a systematic increase in the ratio of amplitude spectraabove 1 Hz, reaching a mean value of about 2.5 at 1.6 Hz.This analysis demonstrates that the two dynamic models areequivalent from the point of view of fitting the low fre-quency content of the observational constraints, while thespecific characteristics that distinguish them affect only theshort period part of the data.

In the following section we analyze the resulting dis-crepancies in the source-time functions in order to explain,in term of the physics, the differences noted in the wave-forms and in the spectra.

Source Time Function and Rise Time

The analysis of the resulting source-time functions(STFs) highlights that the two source dynamic descriptions,although consistent with the kinematic constraints K1 (mo-ment rate) and K2 (rupture time), differ in other, more de-tailed, kinematic parameters that mostly affect the short-period content of ground-motions data. The features thatcharacterize and distinguish the source-time functions of thetwo models (Fig. 9) can be generalized as follows: for modelA the source-time function follows a typical Kostrov-likefunctional form with large peak-slip velocity (and fast de-cay); for model B the source-time function shows a typicaltriangular shape (or an overlapping of different triangularfunctions) with lower peak-slip velocity than for model A.The large peak-slip velocity in model A is related to a large-peak stress (strength excess) as shown by Andrews (1976a)and Ohnaka and Yamashita (1989). At every subfault thetotal slip implied by each model is about the same, meaningthat the zero frequency part of the data is not affected bythese differences.

The STF for model B can be interpreted as a low-passedversion of the STF for model A, therefore, the ground mo-tions calculated from the two models are equivalent for thelow frequency part of the signal (in this case up to �1 Hz).At higher frequencies, the differences in the details of therupture process will affect the seismograms.

The differences in the shapes of the STF resulting fromthe two models suggest that there might be a specific timeparameter that distinguishes the two cases. The rise times(here defined as the time required to accumulate from 10%to 90% of the total slip) for both models are very similar(Fig. 10). The similarities between the two distributions im-ply that the analysis of this parameter (as it is defined here)would not help resolve the dynamic nonuniqueness dis-cussed in this study, at least for differences in the value of

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Figure 6. Synthetic seismograms resulting from model A (dashed line) and modelB (continuous line). We show the three components of ground velocity (cm/sec) cal-culated at the stations shown in Figure 2; the number on the upper left corner of eachtrace indicates the respective maximum amplitude. The synthetics are calculated up to1.8 Hz and then lowpassed with a cosine taper between 1 and 1.8 Hz. The similaritybetween the Model A and B waveforms shows that it would be very difficult to distin-guish between these models by waveform inversion.

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Figure 7. Amplitude spectra resulting from model A (dashed line) and model B(continuous line) for selected stations. In general, model A radiates more energy atfrequencies above about 1 Hz than model B. This is particularly evident at stations inthe forward directivity region (BRA), close to the fault (EMO), and in the backwarddirectivity region (AGR and MEX), and the differences between the two models arealmost negligible at stations more distant from the fault (E11). These amplitude spectraare derived from synthetics calculated up to 1.8 Hz and then lowpassed with a cosinetaper between 1 and 1.8 Hz.

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Figure 8. Ratio between the smoothed am-plitude spectra of model A and those of modelB. For each component of motion we show theamplitude spectra ratio calculated at each sta-tion (thin lines) and the mean calculated amongall the observations (thick line). The thickdashed lines are the mean � the standard de-viation. For the two horizontal components themean of the amplitude spectra ratio is above 1for frequencies larger than about 1 Hz, reach-ing a value of about 2.5 at 1.6 Hz. This meansthat model A radiates more energy above about1 Hz than model B, and that the two modelsare equivalent at low frequencies, and the dif-ferences in the details of the rupture models areevident only at high frequency.

Figure 9. Slip-velocity histories (or source-time functions) for model A (dashedline) and model B (continuous line) at different positions along strike and at differentdepths as in Figure 5. The source time functions for model A have larger peak-slipvelocity, faster decay, and the same total slip as those of model B, for which the slipvelocity follows a typical triangular shape (or an overlapping of different triangularfunctions).

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Figure 10. Comparison of rise time distri-bution (calculated as the time required to cu-mulate 10 to 90% of the final slip) betweenmodel A (a) and model B (b). The similaritiesbetween the two distributions imply that theanalysis of this parameter would not help distin-guish the two models. (c) Rise time of model Aplotted as a function of rise time of model B.

Figure 11. Comparison of local breakdowntime distribution (defined as the time overwhich the weakening occurs) between modelA (a) and model B (b). The local breakdowntime for model A is systematically shorter thanthat in model B, as we should expect from thedifference in the rate of weakening character-istic of the two models. (c) Local breakdowntime for the two models relative to the respec-tive slip histories.

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Figure 12. Slip-weakening distance resolution asa function of the maximum frequency contained inthe data used for inferring a source model. The dif-ferent lines correspond to different values of averageslip-velocity in the early part of slip as representativeof average slip-velocity during weakening.

slip-weakening distances such as those considered in thisarticle.

Local Breakdown Time and Slip-WeakeningDistance Resolution

An important time parameter that characterizes and dis-tinguishes the two dynamic models is the local breakdowntime Tc, defined as the time over which the weakening occurs(Ohnaka and Yamashita, 1989) (Fig. 11). In a slip-weaken-ing model, this is the shortest period that characterizes therupture process. Because the generation of high-frequencyradiation is directly related to details of the rupture process,the larger generation of short-period radiation of model Acompared to model B is caused by the rate of weakening(and therefore the breakdown time). From Figure 11 we ob-serve that Tc for model A is much shorter than that of modelB over the fault plane, this short breakdown time beingcaused by both a short slip-weakening distance and a high-strength excess (Figs. 5 and 11). The differences in the rateof weakening between model A and model B are evident inthe rate of decay of their respective slip-velocity histories.

The local breakdown time is the period that we mustresolve if we aim to learn something about the weakeningprocess. The shortest modeled period in the ground-motiondata is the shortest resolvable period in the rupture process,Tcmin. From Tcmin it is possible to estimate the shortest re-solvable slip-weakening distance dcmin from a given data set.At a given point on the fault, let Tc be the true breakdowntime and be the average slip velocity over Tc; then the true¯sslip-weakening distance dc is . If we can roughly¯d � sTc c

estimate from ground motions data, then¯s

¯d � sT (2)cmin cmin

This relation is plotted in Figure 12 for different values ofand gives a rough idea of the level of resolution of slip-¯s

weakening distance based on the maximum frequency in thedata.

Based on the above results, it appears that the estimateof the slip-weakening distance from a kinematic sourcemodel might be influenced by the specific source time func-tion chosen to parameterize the time dependence of the slip.


Interpretation of Previous Estimates of Slip-Weakening Distance and Strength Excess

Stress drop and rupture velocity are relatively well de-termined by fitting narrowband waveforms. On the otherhand, the slip-weakening distance is not uniquely deter-mined because in a dynamic slip-weakening model, resis-tance to rupture is obtained either from large-strength excessor large slip-weakening distance.

Regions of high-strength excess are often used to slowor stop rupture in modeling observed earthquakes. For ex-

ample, the numerical methods of Fukuyama and Mikumo(1993), Mikumo and Miyatake (1993), Beroza and Mikumo(1996), and Ide and Takeo (1996) all use a critical-stress-fracture criterion, in which there is no slip-weakening dis-tance, so only a high-strength excess can be used to stoprupture in these models. The levels of strength excess ap-pearing in their models are upper limits on the values con-sistent with the data. Because the fracture energy in thesemodels of critical-stress-fracture criterion is ambiguous, wecannot estimate plausible combinations of strength excessand nonzero slip-weakening distances for their models.

Our results suggest that slip-weakening distances in-ferred from kinematic-inversion models of earthquakes arebiased high because such inversions are typically con-strained to have a fairly smooth slip-rate functions. Clearly,a slip-rate function that initiates with a Kostrov-like t�1/2

singularity will have a slip-weakening distance of zero. Anyslip-rate function initiating more gradually will have a longerslip-weakening distance. Slip-rate functions consisting ofoverlapping triangular (e.g., Wald, 1996; Ide et al., 1996) orboxcar functions (Yoshida et al., 1996) necessitate a slow-weakening behavior resulting in relatively long slip-weak-ening distance compared with the final slip. In addition, thespatial and temporal smoothing constraints applied in suchinverse problem formulations average the slip-velocity, low-ering possible high initial peak-slip velocities typical of fastweakening. These effects combine and bias the estimate ofthe slip-weakening distance to one extreme (i.e., to largevalues) of the range of possible solutions consistent with thedata. Moreover, from relation (2) and Figure 12 it appearsthat the limited temporal resolution imposed by the shortest

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modeled period in the ground motion introduces anothertype of systematic error in dc distributions inferred from in-versions of narrowband strong-motion data. This systematicerror causes dc to be correlated with the average slip-velocityand possibly with the total slip in each subfault.

The use of triangular slip velocity functions and of tem-poral smoothing probably explains the inability of Ide andTakeo (1997) to resolve slip-weakening distances less than0.5 m. However, as they emphasize, the inferred differencesin the rate of weakening between shallow and deep subfaultsmight be more informative of different slip-weakening be-haviors than the estimated values of dc, which could be bi-ased as previously indicated. Their results indicate that shal-low subfaults are systematically characterized by a slow rateof weakening, which they attribute to constitutive propertiesthat might stabilize the rupture.

The 0.8 m slip-weakening distance obtained by Olsenet al. (1997) for the 1992 Landers earthquake is not wellconstrained (as they themselves noted) because these authorsdid not explore the range of strength excess and slip-weak-ening distance consistent with Wald and Heaton’s (1994)kinematic model. Olsen et al. (1997) found a dynamic modelwhich duplicated Cotton and Campillo’s (1995) rise times,but our models A and B have the same rise time and showthat the rise time parameter is not adequate to discriminatebetween long and short slip-weakening distance models inthe range of variation considered in our and their study.However, we should clarify that they formulated the prob-lem in terms of constant constitutive parameters such as thepeak and the frictional stress, and a nonuniform initial shearstress.

Consequently, with the possible exception of Ide andTakeo’s (1997) 1-m slip-weakening distance (slow rate ofweakening) for the shallow Nojima Fault, none of the pres-ently available determinations of slip-weakening distance orstrength excess based on waveform inversion is unique.

Implications for Resolution ofSource-Time-Function Parameters

The lack of resolution of constitutive parameters suchas strength excess and slip-weakening distance from narrow-band waveform inversions implies that the inferred param-eters of the source-time function, such as peak-slip velocity,duration, and time function, are also poorly constrained.

The peak-slip velocity is an important strong-motionparameter in broadband simulations of ground motion forengineering applications. Yet, from the comparison of theSTFs of model A and model B (Fig. 9), it is evident thatconstraining the slip-rate to be temporally smooth wouldlikely cause its peak value to be underestimated from nar-rowband ground-motion data.

The STFs of model A and model B are both consistentwith a slip-weakening behavior, and therefore the slip du-ration at a point on the fault in both models is controlled bythe rupture dimension. In the two models, the total slip ateach subfault is about the same, but in model A large-slip

velocities occur over a much shorter period of time (con-trolled by Tc) than in model B. This difference affects theresulting ground motions only at high frequency, implyingthat the rates of growth and decay of slip velocity are notuniquely constrained from narrowband ground-motion data(Spudich and Archuleta, 1987). Nonetheless, the shape ofthe STF may greatly affect the ground motion at high fre-quency.

As shown in Figures 9 and 10 and as expected fromtheory of crack propagation (e.g., Andrews, 1985), as thecrack length increases, the STFs are characterized by a rela-tively high peak-slip velocity and fast decay, and by a tailof low-slip velocity. The total duration of slip is still con-trolled by the rupture dimension, but a very low-slip velocitytail might be seismically invisible, causing these STFs to beseen as narrower slip functions such as slip pulses. There-fore, in cases in which the recorded ground motions are dom-inated by energy radiated by regions of the fault far awayfrom the hypocenter, an inferred slip-pulse behavior over theentire fault might be the result of a biased resolution. In thesecases, a simple slip-weakening model characterized by ashort slip-weakening distance might be consistent with ob-served slip pulses and the associated important directivityeffects and their significant hazard.

For the 1984 Morgan Hill earthquake for which there isstrong evidence of a short rise time (Beroza and Spudich,1988), Beroza and Mikumo (1996) have shown that a dy-namic model governed by a critical fracture criterion canexplain the observed waveforms. The slip-rate function as-sociated with a critical fracture criterion can be consideredas an approximation of the slip-rate function resulting froma slip-weakening model with an extremely short dc. There-fore, assuming that slip-weakening is the prevailing consti-tutive behavior during dynamic rupture, a short rise time andpulse-like slip function needed to fit the observed groundmotion (Heaton, 1990) might suggest that dc is short ,of theorder of cm or less, at least over the region of the fault thathas the largest contribution to the recorded seismic radiation.

How Can We Reduce the Dynamic Nonuniqueness?

One way to learn more about slip-weakening distancewould be to attempt to simulate the ground-motion spectrain the frequency band above that in which waveform mod-eling is possible. Figure 8 shows that ground-motion spectraare systematically elevated at high frequencies when slip-weakening distance is short. It might be possible to combinewaveform and spectral criteria into the misfit function offuture inversions.

Ohnaka and Yamashita (1989) found theoretical and ex-perimental relations among strong-motion parameters andfrictional properties of the fault. By analyzing the high-fre-quency radiation, these relations might help narrow the spaceof dynamic solutions consistent with low-frequency data. Wewrite their equation (50) that specifies the relation betweenthe local breakdown time Tc and the yield strength ry, therupture velocity v and the slip-weakening distance dc:

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Figure 13. / (ry � ro) for model A as asd fc max

function of / (ry � ro) for model B, wheresd fc max

(Ohnaka and Yamashita, 1989). This figuresfmax

shows that this ratio is roughly the same for both mod-els. In fact, following Ohnaka and Yamashita (1989),this ratio is a function of the rupture velocity andshear modulus, and therefore is expected to be thesame for both models. This constrain might be usedto apply spectral analysis to broadband data to reducethe dynamic nonuniqueness discussed in the article.

C(t) lT � d (3)c cyt r

where C(v) is a function of rupture velocity, and l is theshear modulus. From this relation they found that Tc be-comes shorter as both v and ry get higher and as dc becomesshorter. From equation (3) the ratio

d tc � (4)yT r lC(t)c

is expected to be equal for models A and B because therupture velocity and the elastic properties of the medium areidentical. We investigate the validity of this relation for ourmodels by calculating the corresponding ratio in equation(4) at each subfault using, instead of the yield strength, therespective values of strength excess, which is more relevantto seismic rupture propagation because the process is pri-marily controlled by stress differences. We estimate Tc fromthe slip and stress histories of the two models (Fig. 9). InFigure 13 we plot the value of equation (4) calculated ateach subfault for model A along the x axis and that for modelB along the y axis. From this plot we can conclude that therelation in equation (4) holds for the two models analyzedin this study, and from this result, we can envision a feasibleway to reduce the ambiguity in inferring a dynamic descrip-tion of the source consistent with observations.

Ohnaka and Yamashita (1989), on the basis of empiricaland theoretical results, determined as the cutoffsf � 1/Tmax c

frequency of the power spectral density of slip acceleration,and they argue that f max � , where f max is the upper limitsfmax

of frequency of spectral band of strong-motion accelero-grams recorded in the near-source region from an earthquakesource (e.g., Brune, 1970; Ida, 1973; Hanks, 1982, Papa-georgiou and Aki, 1983). Therefore, from relation (4) wecan find a lower bound on the ratio between the strengthexcess and slip-weakening distance

y o(r � r )� f T(t,l) (5)maxdc

where T(h,l) is a function of rupture velocity and the shearmodulus. Once estimates of rupture velocity and slip distri-bution for a given earthquake source are found by waveformanalysis, we can speculate that the nonuniqueness of the cor-responding source-dynamic description can be reduced byimposing the lower bound from equation (5) on the ratio ofstrength excess and slip-weakening distance that character-izes the fault-constitutive behavior.

A second way to resolve the trade-off of slip-weakeningdistance with strength excess might be to follow a suggestionmade by Scholz (1988) and Ide and Takeo (1997) that slip-weakening distance is long where there are no aftershocks.Such an interpretation might resolve some paradoxes. Ideand Takeo (1996) correlated high-strength excess in the

1993 Kushiro-Oki earthquake with an abundance of after-shocks, whereas Fukuyama and Mikumo (1993) correlatedhigh values of strength excess on the 1990 Izu-Oshima rup-ture surface with a lack of aftershocks. Note that, under theassumption of uniform initial-shear stress, the strength ex-cess is an indicator of the relative distribution of peak stressover the fault plane only for the regions that slipped duringthe mainshock. For the areas with no slip, the strength excessis only a transient quantity, which might be simplisticallyconsidered as a lower bound of the local peak stress. Thespatial correlation of Ide and Takeo (1996, their Plate 2) israther problematic because they show a region of high-strength excess on the west part of the fault having manyaftershocks, but they show regions of high-strength excesson the east corner of the fault having very few aftershocksand a region of low-strength excess around the hypocenterhaving very few aftershocks. Given this type of ambiguityin correlating strength excess and aftershock occurrence, theinterpretation that regions of long slip-weakening distancerather than high-strength excess stop the rupture in regionswhere there are few aftershocks (Scholz, 1988; Ide andTakeo, 1997) might be preferable for both earthquakes. Thispossibility must not be ignored in future dynamic modelingof earthquake ground-motion data.

Moreover, we can obtain the distribution of the upperbound of slip-weakening distance over the fault plane fromthe distribution of slip implied by the smallest detectableaftershocks mapped over the fault plane where the main-shock occurs (Aki, 1987). Of course, such an estimate of the

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upper bound should also account for the effects of the earth-quake detection threshold, the time of surface contact onthe slip-weakening distance (Nakatani, 1997; Aochi andMatsu’ra, 1999), and the structural changes of the fault sur-faces occurring during rupture. Nevertheless, it would pro-vide an estimate of the order of magnitude of the upperbound of slip-weakening distance that would certainly helpreduce the nonuniqueness discussed in this article.


At present, from strong ground motion studies, we havevery little information about constitutive relations because,with a few possible exceptions, it is not clear that any wave-form-modeling inversion of an earthquake source has re-solved time scales shorter than the rise time.

The main result of our article is even more gloomy thanthe above conclusion, namely, waveform inversion of thebest existing strong-motion-data set will probably be unableto determine the strength excess and slip-weakening distanceuniquely. The fundamental ambiguity is that strength excessand slip-weakening distance have competing effects on rup-ture velocity, which largely controls the waveforms. In ourinversion, we modeled the waveforms at periods that wereone third of the rise time, and we found two rupture models,A and B, having different strength excesses and slip weak-ening distances, but both models produced waveforms thatwere essentially indistinguishable.

However, our work shows that fracture energy might bemuch more stably estimated from waveform inversions. Ourmodels A and B had very similar fracture energies. Althoughwe did not invert real data, our models A and B show thatan event of the size of the Imperial Valley earthquake has afracture energy of about 2–6 � 106 J/m2, which agrees wellwith the 2 � 106 J/m2 obtained by Beroza and Spudich(1988) for the Morgan Hill earthquake. However, during theImperial Valley event the rupture velocity was inferred tobe supershear over a portion of the fault plane (Archuleta,1984; Spudich and Cranswick, 1984), and in the models pre-sented in this article, the rupture propagates at a subshearvelocity. Due to this discrepancy, our estimate of apparentfracture energy probably overestimates that for the 1979 Im-perial Valley earthquake. Previous theoretical studies ex-plain why fracture energy might be a stable inversion param-eter. These studies show that rupture velocity is controlledby fracture energy if stress drop is fixed. For a slip-weak-ening model, Ida (1972) and Andrews (1976a; 1976b) giveanalytical expressions that relate the apparent fracture en-ergy to rupture velocity in the case of uniform stress drop.In these relations the rupture velocity is determined by theratio of the apparent fracture energy Gc with a parameter thatdepends on the square of the stress drop. Thus, if we knowthe stress-drop distribution for an earthquake from its slipdistribution obtained by a ground-motion inversion, theearthquake’s rupture velocity will constrain the apparentfracture energy for the event. As a given kinematic model is

consistent with a broad range of values of strength excessand slip-weakening distance, so also is a given distributionof fracture energy nonuniquely related to these two param-eters. Nevertheless, the fracture energy is a fundamental pa-rameter for describing earthquakes in terms of the physicsand provides important insights into the rupture process.


We thank G. C. Beroza for helping rewrite parts of the manuscript.We are grateful to J. Boatwright for providing the original version of thespontaneous rupture code and for helping improve the manuscript and clar-ify the focus of the article, and to R. Harris for her helpful review and forher suggestion that fracture energy might be important. We also wish tothank R. Madariaga, E. Fukuyama, and S. Day who reviewed the paper andmade very valuable comments and critiques, and J. Andrews and T. Mik-umo who made general comments on our work and its implications. Wealso would like to thank Paul Segall for inspiring our skepticism. M. Guat-teri was supported by NSF Grant EAR-9614168.


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Method of Calculation

Our method uses a dynamic approach for the modelingand parameterization of the seismic source and is based onthe boundary integral spontaneous-rupture code (Boatwrightand Quin, 1986, Das and Kostrov, 1987; Quin and Das,1989) that was incorporated into an inversion procedure bySpudich and Boatwright (1990) and Guatteri and Spudich(1996). First, we briefly describe the method to calculatespontaneous rupture. A more detailed description can befound in Guatteri and Spudich (1998). In this method a shearcrack lies in the plane x3 � 0 in a Cartesian coordinatesystem. Let us discretize the crack plane onto a rectangulargrid at locations ij (subfaults) and let the k-th time step betk. Let uaijk be the �-component of slip of the crack face atlocation ij and time step k, and let saijk be the �-componentof stress change at location ij and time step k caused bymotions on the fault. The motions of the crack face at timestep k is determined from stresses on the fault at previoustime steps by:

u � DtG s � L (A1)aijk 0 aijk aijk

where Dt is the time step tk�1 � tk and DtGo is the compli-ance of the medium (Andrews, 1985). Laijk is the load (An-drews, 1985), and it is the dynamic quantity that includesthe contribution to slip caused at time step k by stresschanges at previous time step. Equation (A1) is the unload-ing curve, which relates stress change to total slip at timestep k, depending on the load exerted on point ij. Given aparticular value of load Laijk, several pairs of stress changesaijk and slip uaijk can satisfy equation (A1); stress changeand slip are uniquely specified only when a boundary con-dition is specified. In forward-dynamic modeling this bound-

ary condition is given by the assumed constitutive relation(or failure criterion) relating slip, slip-velocity, stress, andany other relevant physical quantities. Therefore, the slip andstress change that occur at a point on the fault at time stepk are given by the intersection of the unloading curve andthe curve that parameterizes the constitutive relation. Theforward calculation proceeds by looping over all points onthe fault for each time step, and for each fault point it de-termines the intersection of the unloading curve and the as-sumed friction law.

We convert the spontaneous rupture code into an inver-sion algorithm based on the idea that, rather than a com-pletely specified constitutive law, we can impose the slip thatsatisfies other desired constraints as boundary condition toequation (A1), and solve this equation for the stress changeconsistent with the calculated value of load. In this way wefind the slip and stress change that must occur at each timestep in order to satisfy a given set of desired properties. Ateach point on the fault, the load Laijk is determined fromstress changes at previous time steps, according to equation(1) in Guatteri and Spudich (1998). For the first time step,the load is zero.

Let s be the subfault corresponding to the indices ij, andlet us assume isotropic friction. This assumption means thatthe slip velocity is collinear with total traction (friction), sothat the slip direction is predetermined at each time step.Therefore, we can remove the slip-direction parameter (theindex � in equation A1) from the problem, and for subfaults and time step k define the slip increment Dusk along thedirection determined by the total traction vector. We use alinear programming algorithm to solve for the slip incre-ments Dusk for the set of subfaults s that we place into a Ns-dimensional solution vector m at time step k. At each timestep we select constraints to apply to the motion of the faulton any point depending on the previous rupture history.

The general form of a linear minimization problem isstated as follows. Let x be the solution vector composed byN independent variables; we find the x that minimizes theobjective function w � cTx subject to the primary con-straints

x � 0, i � 1, . . . , N (A2)j

and to equality constraints

Bx � d, (A3)

where d is the Nd-dimensional data vector, and B is the(NdxN) matrix that maps the model space (x) into the datavector d. Inequality constraints can be easily included bymeans of slack variables (Luenberger, 1984). In the follow-ing we discuss the choice of the constraints and their imple-mentation in a linear minimization problem.

The application of constraints allows us to obtain a setof dynamic models consistent with required properties. Ourgoal is to show that a broad range of dynamic models sat-

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What Can Strong-Motion Data Tell Us about Slip-Weakening Fault-Friction Laws? 115

isfies important kinematic parameters such as rupture veloc-ity, moment-rate function, and final slip. We accomplish thistask by generating two source models satisfying the samekinematic constraints and subject to different dynamic prop-erties.

It is important to note that at every time step k, the loadvector Laijk is completely determined by quantities calculatedat previous time steps; this means that the information aboutthe past rupture process constrains the solution at the currenttime step.

We separate the constraints into kinematic, smoothing,and dynamic constraints.

Kinematic Constraints

K1. Total slip increment at time step k equals a givenmoment-rate function. At time step k the moment rate func-tion Mk of the reference model is applied as a constraint to

both models. We require that .Ns

M � DUk � sks�1

K2. Rupture velocity. We impose the reference model’srupture-time distribution on both models by prohibiting slipon each subfault until a desired time.

Smoothing Constraints

S1. Minimize the first difference between cumulative slipon adjacent subfaults. At each time step k we smooth thecumulative slip on adjacent subfaults along the strike anddip of the fault. us(k�1) and u(s�1)(k�1) are the cumulative slipat the previous time step at two adjacent subfaults, and Dusk

and Du(s�1)k are the respective incremental slip (unknown)at the current time step. Let rs(s�1)k be the first differencebetween cumulative slip on adjacent subfaults:

r � (us(s�1)k s(k�1)

� Du ) � (u � Du ). (A4)sk (s�1)(k�1) (s�1)k

The objective function w is the L1 norm of the vector ofresiduals r formed by the rs(s�1)k for all the pairs of adjacentsubfaults that enter the solution vector m at time step tk. Toexpress the L1 minimization problem in the standard formof the linear programming, we represent the residual vectorr as the difference of two vectors with nonnegative com-ponents (Das and Kostrov, 1990), r � r� � r�. Appendingthe vector r to the vector of unknowns m, we form the so-lution vector x � (m r� r�)T. This constraint together withthe requirement K1 specify the basic formulation of our lin-ear minimization problem. For each time step k, let hq �us(k�1) � u(s�1)(k�1), q � 1, . . . , Nq where Nq is thenumber of pairs of adjacent subfaults that enter the solutionvector m. Then, in equation (A3) d � (Mk h)T is the Nd �Nq � 1 � dimensional data vector, x is the N � Ns � 2� Nq � dimensional solution vector, and

1 , 0 01�N 1�N 1�Nq qB � , (A5)� �D I �IN �N N �N N �Nq s q q q q

where D is the first difference matrix, I is the identity matrix,and 0n � m and 1n � m are the n � m matrices of zeros andones.

From the following dynamic constraints, we calculatelower and upper bounds on the solution vector m.

Dynamic ConstraintsD1. The stress drop is bounded. At any time step k,

stress drop can be calculated from the stress change calcu-lated using equation (A1). We impose an upper bound onthe stress drop in each subfault, which is the static stressdrop of the reference model, so that the stress-drop distri-bution of the two extremal models has similar characteris-tics. Moreover, we can use this upper bound of stress dropto implement the constraint D3. The imposed maximumstress drop for the two extremal models follows the samespatial distribution, but is scaled differently in order to obtainthe desired final-slip distribution.

D2. Slip velocity is bounded. We assume isotropic fric-tion (i.e., slip velocity is always collinear with total traction).This is a fundamental physical constraint that applies at allpoints and all time steps and determines the slip direction ateach time step based on previous conditions. From this re-quirement Spudich (1992, equation 4–7, 8b) derived an up-per bound on the slip velocity.

D3. The rate of slip-weakening is bounded. We imposedifferent bounds on the slope of the slip-weakening curvefor the two extremal models. In particular, we force onemodel to have a steep slip-weakening curve (fast weakening)resulting in an average slip-weakening distance of �0.3 m(model A), and the second model to follow a slow weak-ening with an average slip-weakening distance of �1 m(model B). These values for slip-weakening distance aremuch larger than the estimates obtained from laboratory ex-periments (e.g., Dieterich, 1979; Okubo and Dieterich,1989). However, in the context of waveform analysis andnumerical-rupture simulation, in principle, only slip-weak-ening distances of the order of cm can be resolved.

For simplicity here we show how the bounds on the rateof weakening are imposed for a pure strike-slip case. Themore general case in which the rake of slip is not fixed apriori is easily approached using the collinearity requirementbetween slip velocity and friction (constraint D2). At a givensubfault s let Drmax be the upper bound on stress drop fromconstraint D1, ry be the yield stress found as the value ofstress at this subfault at the onset of slip, and dcmin and dcmax

be the minimum and maximum slip-weakening distances,respectively, that we wish the resulting slip-weakening curvegoverning the dynamics of the model to have. From theseparameters we can calculate the maximum rate �1 and theminimum rate �2 of weakening that we impose to our so-lution at each time step:

yC(r � Dr )max�� �1 dc min (A6)

yC(r � Dr )max�� � , where C � G Dt.2 0dc max

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116 M. Guatteri and P. Spudich

From these we can derive an upper and lower bound to theincremental slip Duk that is the solution of our linear pro-gramming problem at time step tk at the given subfault. Infact, once the subfault starts slipping, we want that

T � Tk k�1�� � � � � , where T � Cs , (A7)2 1 k kDuk

and from equation (A1) substituting Tk � Lk � uk, anduk � uk�1 � Duk we obtain

T � u � L T � u � Lk k k k k k�1 �1 �1 �1� Du � , (A8)k1 � � 1 � �2 1

where we have omitted the s subscript for simplicity.

Department of GeophysicsStanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-2215E-mail: [email protected]


U.S. Geological SurveyMenlo Park, CAE-mail: [email protected]


Manuscript received 15 April 1999.

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