



World Community Counseling’

Centre (W.C.C.C.)

CONTENTS Introduction Objectives Mission Location Area of coverage Statement of the problem Services Achievements Collaboration and networking Competitive comparison Fulfillment

Contents cont’d Strategy and implementation stage Advocacy strategy Community strategy programs Management summary Organization structure Organization chart Future services Contact details


WCCC, an acronym for World Community Counseling Centre, is a non-governmental organization, registered in Botswana.

Started in September 2005. Registered in February 2006. The Organization was founded by a group of Christians to

make positive change in the lives of children and young people in need (vulnerable children/young people) in the world.

Our focus is comprehensive community care and support programs to train, counsel, and deliver quality care and service for the children, youth, youth inmates and ex- convicts through establishment psycho social support and advocacy of strategic socio economic programs.


1. To carry our professional and general counseling and guidance in matters pertaining to human relationships; marriage and family units; courtship and dating, single parenthood, teenage pregnancy, human sexuality and sexual relationships among other forms of human interactions.

2. To promote and establish appropriate strategies for developing the necessary framework for counseling, rehabilitation and providing assistance to victims of drugs and substance abuse.

3. To pursue strategies and establish effective support systems for socioeconomic development in areas of poverty alleviation, gender development, HIV/AIDS healthcare promotion.

Objectives cont’d

4. To pursue human and economic empowerment within the framework of national and regional development including provision of social services to remote area dwellers, participatory democracy, civic education, agricultural development, self reliance and economic diversification.

5. To support and counsel orphans and vulnerable children, through establishment and advocacy of strategic socio-economic programs and a day care centre/s.

Objectives cont’d

6. To provide support in training and education of the disadvantaged people such as the youth, disadvantaged women care givers, peer educators and training of lay counselors from the community.

7. To promote effective healthcare programs through developing sound practices in matters related to early childhood health, sexual health reproductive health, diet and nutrition, use of medicine, hygiene and life skills that will make them generally better prepared to protect themselves form placing their lives at risk.

Objectives cont’d

8. To establish appropriate institutional infrastructures for the development of various activities of the organization, promotion of national development and support of different socioeconomic and human development programs.

9. To seek donor support in terms of funding and contribution in kind to support the running of the society’s programs and utilize the funds as prescribed by various donor contracts and agreements.


Mission Statement: The WCCC works to create a safer and more inclusive

society where children/ youth are able to employ sport and community processes as a means to reduce violence, intolerance, diseases and other anti-social behaviors (ASBs). The organization works to enhance the correctional capacities of prisons in Botswana and foster smooth re-integration of ex-convicts into the general society.

Vision: WCCC envisages a society where every child and young

person in the community has the opportunity to realize self-actualization. The WCCC works to create an environment where every child has hope and opportunity.


WCCC covers Botswana and the surrounding SADC areas.

CENTRE LOCATIONThe Centre is strategically located in

Tlokweng village, with two offices in the building, used as administration office, counseling room and a store.


This is an area where many people are highly vulnerable due to drug abuse, suicide, murder and rape. The area of coverage has high population, who we expect to have reached out to by the year 2016.

Statement of the problem cont’d

Drug abuse is rampant among the youth, who are mostly uneducated high rate of school drop-out as a result. After usage of drugs, the youth engage in careless behaviors such as unsafe sex. These practices end up in infections with STI’s and unwanted pregnancies. The end result is the male youth running away from responsibilities, leaving the girls with the burden of having to bring up the children on their own or at times with the little help of their other family members.

These young girls, having no income end up abandoning the growing up kids, who eventually become street children. Some of these mothers end up contracting HIV and so eventually loose their lives to the virus, leaving their children as orphans. This is where we come in handy to cater for these orphans.

SERVICES The primary services offered by the centre to its clients are

comfortable and free. Confidentiality is the function of both the organization and

trust between the staff and the clients. The package of services offered by WCCC includes

provision of basic services and counselling for children and their care-givers, youth as well as community outreaches and education and training in counselling skills and other relevant skills It recognizes the existing gaps in the current services which focus more on providing materials needs such as food and clothing and lack important services such as psycho-socio support, mentoring and empowering, HIV/AIDS Prevention strategy & Intervention strategy

Services cont’d Under Counselling, we offer the following Services: -

HIV/AIDS Information & Education, HIV Pre and Post –Test Counselling Services, Supportive Counselling and for PLWHA ARV Adherence Counselling, Skills Building Workshops Patient Home Visits, Pre and Post Marital Counselling, Social Counselling in General among others Case management rehalibitation

Children care and support includes: - Early Childhood Care and education, Psychological Support for Children, Positive Parenting Information and Education, Cooking and Proper Nutrition, Vulnerable Child Development Workshops, Children living with distress

ACHIEVEMENTS Free Counseling Spiritual & Social

So far we have served more than 2000 people with cases ranging from:

Domestic violence Rape Suicide HIV /AIDS Drugs and substance abuse Relationships Adolescence Family issues Robbery muder Spiritual counseling

Achievements cont’d

Prison ministry We have establish counseling centre in

prisons and a bible schools for prisoners and offered counseling ,bible studies and health education.

Achievements cont’d Youth empowerment programs

We have started youth club & children club with the view to making them run their own choice income generating projects and we are supporting them in research.

We hope to offer them support to run the projects though fund raising and give them training as well as offer them our technical support and advice as soon as research is complete.

Over 50 young people have shown interest and commitment.

Group counseling Health education

Collaboration and networking We are working hand in hand with and in support

from: - (in no particular order) Polices Clinics Social workers Tribal administration in the whole area The area Councilors VDCs BNYC Prisons Schools & Churches Other organizations as such as Marang,Bocongo etc...


The Center’s competitive advantage is as follows: - The organization’s entry into the society is focused on offering higher level of quality in its facilities than an average centre. The location is relatively closer to the people who need the services we offer. The director and administrator are well-trained professional with a wide range of experience.

Competitive comparison cont’d The staff and volunteers are also selected from a high

level of professionals, as well as community members well trained at the centre, hence quality assurance.

Location also is an important factor and acceptability that is a resultant factor. This was chosen in consultation with the community and local administration that helped find the premises.

Integrated psycho/socio-economic centre which is all in one place

These are the key competitive factors of the proposed development which is located within a well planned (and purposefully so) area with easy access from the villages, in all directions, close to the main road.


The Staff and Volunteers of the centre in the form of dedication to a higher quality of service will provide key fulfillment and delivery.

Fulfillment will be achieved through the solid network of counselors, trainers, social workers, networking and collaboration with other like minded organizations, donors and local benefactors, in funds and in kind, who are dedicated to help the centre achieve its goals.


The Centre focus on the previous mentioned areas. These are the segments that have a need for the extra incentives offered by the centre and as such will realize the availability of these as an advantage over setting it up in the city or any other urban areas.

ADVOCACY STRATEGY The advocacy is the key factor for the success of

this plan. The most consistent form of advocacy in this

industry would come in the form of: Use of volunteers to move in the community to

identify the needy. Touching base constantly with the council’s social

workers in order to get the data of the needy in the areas they cover.

Billboards and signboards enroute to the centre. Convectional media such as posters, leaflets, and

promotional items such as T shirts and Caps. Feedback from the clients.

Advocacy cont’d

Other major advertising will be propagated through- Television Newspapers Magazines. Direct advocacy


The volunteers act as community mobilization wheels of the centre and conduct all the outreach programs and schedules.

Direct advocacy initiatives to the institutions around the area.


The management of the organization consists of professionals such as medical doctors, professional counselors, psychologist and lawyer This is in the form of board of directors, where the organization as well as the centre draws its strength.

The day to day running of the centre is headed by the Director, is a Pastor who holds MD in counseling and Bible studies, and is in charge of the centre, and the training and counseling manager, holder of, Marketing and Diploma in Counseling and Certificate in Sign Language Counseling, in charge of administration, service and training programs delivery on daily basis.

In addition, all the management staff is mature, well experienced in the relevant fields.


The Center Director heads the organization, as stipulated above. However, there are other key personnel in ideal projected structure, such as: - One volunteer Doctor One volunteer lawyer & psychologist One social worker Two counselors One accountant One secretary / receptionist Two pre-school teachers. Five volunteer community workers. One storekeeper. one security personnel.




Volunteer Doctor, Nurses,

Counselors, social workers, Trainers

Accountant, Storekeeper,

Secretary and Pre-school teachers.

Drivers, Cleaners, And Cooks

Security Personnel,

Trainees Clients

FUTURE SERVICES In the future, WCCC intends to develop

more centers with the key focus being in the centre and self-sustained facilities targeting needy clients, low income, middle-income and corporate groups.

An effort to secure land for the captioned developments

Provide Rapid Test service at the Centre


The Organization’s contact address is:

The Director,World Community Counseling Centre2651, Methabeng,TlokwengP.O Box 137Gaborone

Cell: 72 238 753 / 71 913 193Email: [email protected]


Question time.

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