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Welcome to Sling Strong

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01 What is Sling Strong?

Combining fitness, toning, strength, stretching and movement, this class will help to strengthen all of the muscles

weakened by pregnancy and childbirth.

The classes are carefully structured to have your baby in a sling throughout the duration, so not only do you have extra

weight for our workout but you can steal a quick kiss whenever you like.

There are obviously no nursery fees or guilt of leaving your baby… you can actually do something for YOU that benefits

you both.

All classes are taught by fully qualified fitness instructors and Babywearing peer support workers.

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02 a. Meet Your Founder and Brand Creator

Hello and welcome to Sling Strong!

I set up this class after having my 3rd baby and realised there were so many lovely classes for my baby to enjoy but nothing really just for me. The beauty of this class is that there’s no ‘guilt’ for the new mum of leaving her baby. She will get a full fitness workout and baby

bonding class. If you already teach fitness classes this is a fantastic way of offering pregnant clients a way of

staying with you postpartum; maintaining relationships with the client and allowing new mums to

continue their fitness journey.

Laura Lacey

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02 b. Meet Your Founder and Brand Creator

First of all, I’m a mum to 3 lovely children- Teigan, Autumn and Bohen. Secondly, I’m an ex-professional dancer, Fitness Instructor and Pre/Post Natal Instructor, who is hugely passionate

about fitness, health and wellbeing. I discovered babywearing with my third baby as I found that having two free hands was essential! I soon began to love having him so close to me and the lovely bonding experience it gave us

both. Being a mum means it can be hard to find time to do something for yourself, so I love to help mums steal some time back and feel good!

That may be by helping them get back in shape, feel comfortable babywearing or just get out the

house…we can do it together. My qualifications include - pre and post-natal fitness instructor, dance teacher, babywearing

peer support worker, exercise to music instructor, gym instructor and I am a member of

the Register of Exercise Professionals. ‘Sling Strong’ is a combination of all the things I

love and I really hope you love it too.

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03 Class Snaps


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04 Our Aims and Objectives


To provide participants with the skills and awareness to understand and convey movements and choreography, leading baby-wearing sessions, in order to improve coordination, aerobic fitness, flexibility and muscular toning and strength.


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

• Understand the ethos and approach of Sling Strong• Understand the principles of exercising whilst baby-wearing and the important of adherence to relevant checklists for safety and effectiveness• Understand the importance of maintaining the standards of the Sling Strong brand; whilst applying an individual approach to session design and delivery to suit a diverse audience of participants• Understand how to make use of Sling Strong specific session planning to prepare and plan effective sessions• Understand the Health and Safety aspects of instructing an effective session for a wide range of participants adhering to the Sling Strong approach• Instruct suitable Sling Strong group exercise sequences to improve individual’s flexibility, muscular strength and tone, aerobic fitness and coordination through a variety of fitness moves• Understand the value of reflection and evaluation when supporting Sling Strong participants and the on-going development of our brand.

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05 Entry Requirements

We welcome applications from Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing graduates

and a range of experienced professionals with dance and/or fitness backgrounds.

To attend our practical course training day, you must be a minimum of 16 years; writing and numeracy skills are also recommended for presentation of assessed work however

help is available if needed. You will also be a Babywearing Peer Support

worker or signed up to our partner Sling Smart to complete the training.

On your training day you will meet a wide range of other instructors; everyone will have a varied background and experience which

may include working with pre- and post- natal clients; previous work as a presenter/

performer or similar in dance or fitness and/or committed student looking to enter the world

of teaching.

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06 How to get Started

Familiarise yourself with the content of this introduction pack. Ensure you have sent your p r e r e q u i s i t e c e r t i fi c a t e s t o [email protected]

Ensure you have completed the Babywearing Peer Support Worker Training, either previously, or with us through Sling Smart.

On the training day you will learn all you need to get started and revise your full package.

Your Sling Strong Package includes:

• The Sling Strong Instructor Manual• Branded Stretchy Wrap Sling• Resistance Band• PDF for Pull up Banner• PDF for A5 flyer• Access to our branded clothes• Website portal• Ongoing Support• Full representation • Network of instructors• And much more….

If you have any questions regarding the r e s o u r c e s p l e a s e c o n t a c t [email protected]

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07 Instructor Training Day

This is a one-day course of approximately 7.5 hours comprising of a mix of practical and tutorial-based activities, allowing for all learning styles and to provide variety to the teaching day. The courses contain group activities and all participants are expected to take an active role in tasks and activities throughout the day. Breaks are integrated into the schedule with a lunch break. Appropriate practical clothes and shoes should be worn.

In order to get the most from our training course, we highly-recommend that you have a doll ready for your practical.If you are attending a Face to Face training day you will receive your Sling Strong Learner Manual on your training day, and also a ‘Sling Strong’ branded sling and resistance band. If you are attending an Online training day your Sling Strong Learner Manual will be emailed beforehand and your branded sling and resistance band sent in the post.

Participants are required to have tablets, laptops or pens and paper as appropriate. Participants are requested to identify any individual learning needs, medical conditions and/or injuries that may affect participation or the assessment process on the course application form, and also bring to the attention of the lead tutor on the course day.

The course day concludes with each participant teaching a sequence to the group to fulfil the learning outcomes of the practical part of the course. This practical assessment allows us to give feedback on the quality of your delivery, and ability to teach to the level of the group and/or individuals within the group.

Finally, you are required to submit a session plan to the course tutor prior to sending the final filmed submission. This can either be submitted on the course day or sent to [email protected] within 7 days for formal assessment prior to the final filmed submission. All assessment components must be passed successfully in order to complete the training, and certificates will be issued to evidence your achievements.

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08 Assessments

The course consists of two assessment features. Successful completion (minimum of 70% to pass) of both areas is required to gain course certification:

1. On-going, continuous assessment during the Sling Strong training day

2. Post-course - Video Submission to demonstrate practical delivery of a Sling Strong class, no later than 4 weeks of course completion

Assessing is undertaken by our qualified tutors and assessors. The assessment paperwork needed to complete the course will be made available to you in advance of your assessment activities.

Should you be unsuccessful in any of the assessment elements, you will have the opportunity to retake the relevant parts of the course assessment on the course training day where suitable/ possible. Should participants require further time to prepare, and wish to return at a later date, an additional cost may be payable.

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09 Learner Support

To help participants complete this course our tutors can offer more specialised learning support if required. We can support you for a specific reason such as Dyslexia or a learning difficulty or a physical/sensory disability, which may or may not be temporary. To support you in the best way, you will need to tell us about any difficulty or disability that might affect your learning. All disclosures are treated sensitively, and we respect your confidentiality by only telling people who need to know in order to help you. It is our aim to make it easy for all participants who are eligible for additional support or special considerations to access our training without compromising the assessment of the skills, knowledge, understanding or competence being measured. Participants will need to complete assessed elements during the course day or through home-study. If participants are unable to meet these assessment elements, certification will not be awarded until all sections are completed successfully.


APPEALS AND COMPLAINTS Appeals Policy and Complaints Policy can be obtained from [email protected]

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10 Whats Next?

You will be able to gain full insurance from UK Coaching and

many other insurers


Approximately 2 months before the end of your licence period, we will contact you and provide renewal quotations in order to support your continued use of our brand and name

for your classes.

We offer both monthly and annual fee options for you to keep in touch and continue to use the Sling Strong brand and offer

our classes.

Upon successful completion of our training course you will receive your Sling Strong Instructor licence - valid for a full 6 or 12 months. This

means that you are entitled to set up your own classes, teach in your own choice of venue and

advertise Sling Strong classes.

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Once you have decided to join our network you will have full representation on our website so that Mums can book your classes

online, via the website facility or via a redirect to your own web pages.

We also offer the use of the Sling Strong brand, name and logo for your marketing materials (leaflets, banners, uniform etc).

There will be regular releases of interactive class content and networking support events on offer too. We will release materials for the classes every month. These will be made available to you via our

Instructor Group page.

Initial membership with the Sling Strong Network is for 12 months Payable by monthly direct debits of £15.00 or an annual payment of

£180.00 per year.

If you choose to cancel your membership, we require one full months notice in advance.

If you choose to discontinue Sling Strong classes, you will need to notify us in writing and return your branded sling and cease usage of the Sling

Strong name and classes.

11 Membership

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12 Next Steps to Prepare for your Training Day

Now that you have read our Welcome Pack

make sure that you have:

Lastly, I want to say a huge “Thank You” for choosing to join the Sling Strong Network. I want to wish you all the luck in the world at the start of your new venture! I can’t wait to meet you on the training day! All my love, Laura Lacey

• Check the date and time you have booked for your chosen venue for your practical training day (if this is you)• Check you have a Zoom account, good Wifi and know the date and time of your Online training day (if this is you)• Completed your Babywearing certification, either previously or through your Sling Smart link emailed.• Watch our class clips on Instagram and Facebook• Received your Training Course Guide if you are on the Online Training course• Received your Sling Strong sling and Resistance Band if your training Online• Asked any questions you need to at [email protected]• Have your doll ready for the practical!

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