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Information Newsletter of

Rotary E-Club of the Caribbean, 7020


A compilation of information that all our E-Club members should know.

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ARTICLE PAGE Welcome 3Happy Hour Hangouts 3Best Practices 3Responsibilities and Reminders 4Announcements

Happy Hour Hangouts 4Charter Gala – January 4Board Meetings 4Monthly Teams’ responsibilities 4Butterfly Storybook Project 4Monthly Teams identified 5Where to find Club Information 5

ACTIVITIES - Ongoing and still to do…Member Passport 6Visioning 6Award Criteria Monitors 7Club of the Month 7Sergeant-at-Arms 8Updating our Bylaws 8

ACTIVITIES - NewTwinning with E-Club of District 9220 9Formal Letter from E-Club of District 9220 10

PROJECTS - Current Project Updates 11Butterfly Storybook 11International Pen-Pal Pilot Project 11Global Grant Information 11

Become Familiar with ClubRunner 13Complete the District Survey 15Our Club Committees 16New member Packages to come 17Responsibilities of individuals within the Club 17Other Announcements and Reminders 19Learning about Rotary 20Our Members 21Committee Responsibilities in the Club 22Fun Stuff 24


For those with a short memory –

One-third of the membership shall constitute a quorum at the annual and regular meetings of this club.

A majority of the directors shall constitute a quorum of the board.

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Newsletter of Rotary E-Club of the Caribbean, 7020

December 18, 2013

Greetings to all our Rotary E-Club members!

Welcome to December – The Family of Rotary MonthJanuary will be Rotary Awareness Month. Our goal is to learn as much as we can.


The links for these meetings will be sent out just prior to the dates. They will also be posted at the end of the weekly meeting.

This monthly newsletter will serve to update our club members on the happenings at Rotary E-Club of the Caribbean, 7020. It will help to keep everyone informed and in the loop. Discussions about the various topics mentioned here are ongoing.

Committees can provide our President with updates about their work – and those updates will be posted here. This can be an excellent tool for bringing the club together and keeping us all up to date.

Also, members can share ideas, and through the newsletter everyone will have the opportunity to share their thoughts.


The major responsibilities of a Rotarian are (a) Regular Attendance (b) Prompt Payment of Club Dues and (c) Active Participation on a Service Committee.

Our goal is to become a Most Effective Rotary Club. An Effective Rotary Club

Sustains and increases its membership Implements successful service projects in their local community and in other countries Supports the Rotary Foundation both financially and through program participation Develops leaders capable of serving in Rotary beyond the club level

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Happy Hour Hangouts

Happy Hour Hangouts are scheduled for Saturday mornings at 9:00 a.m. Atlantic Time (GMT-4)

That translates to 8:00 a.m. Eastern Time (Miami) (GMT-5) You can find the link for the HHH at the end of the weekly meeting

Club Charter Gala

The entire month of January will be a Celebration of our Club Charter Gala.

We will invite guests from the district to join us on every Saturday through the month of January. When we have a specific schedule, we will distribute the information.

The actual Charter Gala Weekly Meeting will be posted on January 17 and run for a week.

This event should be an enjoyable time, and we hope for as complete attendance as possible through the month.

Board Meetings. Board meetings will be scheduled for the second Saturday of each month.

Monthly Teams. These teams are progressing well, providing excellent speakers for the Saturday morning Happy Hour Hangouts.

These speaker-sessions are being recorded and placed into the weekly meeting. We hope you can plan to attend. However, if you cannot, then you won’t miss anything. You can view it in your visit to our Weekly Meeting at

Butterfly Storybook. Butterfly Storybook entries are being submitted this month. More information will be forthcoming.

We will be asking all members to participate by reviewing the stories and helping us to choose the Top Ten for publication. Several stories have already been submitted, and they are such a delight to read! It will be a challenge to select only 10 to publish!

NOTE: The Butterfly Storybook is our signature project. It covers several areas: Youth, Literacy, International, and Fund-raising.

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Team1 –September

Team2 –October

Team3 –November

Team4 –December


KittyWeinKeturahDenise West

AmarylisChristyHenrietteDenise Hibbert


Team1 –January

Team2 –February

Team3 –March

Team4 –April


KittyWeinKeturahDenise West

AmarylisChristyHenrietteDenise Hibbert


Where to find information on our Club

The club has several websites. Please become familiar with all of them. These links can be found posted on the Weekly

Meeting – along the right side. You can refer to these links so that you won’t ever be without them.

The weekly meeting website is:

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A Passport for New Members. Training of our members is something we need to include in our program. Rotary International asks us to ensure that we have a training program in place.

What does a Rotary Club member need to know?

About Rotary International About the Rotary Club About Rotary Manual of Procedure About the District, the Zone About The Rotary Foundation About Grants About Service Projects About Opportunities to Service About Opportunities for Fellowship

We need input from our members to create a “training program” for new members – in fact for ALL our members.

Some clubs have a Red Badge program – but we don’t have badges (yet). We can, instead, call our Rotary New Member Training Program a Passport.

What is a Passport?

It is a checklist of things that every Rotary member should be doing – preferably in the first six months of joining the club. Following the list – and completing each task – will help to educate you about Rotary. The more you learn, the more you will understand and enjoy Rotary.

If you are interested in taking on this responsibility, please contact us. We need your input and we need your help to get involved and to make our club the best it can be.

This is one way in which you can get involved, learn more about Rotary, and become the best Rotarian you can be!

Visioning. I will send out a “Visioning Questionnaire” which will ask questions about where you see our club in a few years’ time. What will we have accomplished? What programs will be in place? What will we be known for in the District? What will be our grandest success?

I’ve not sent it out just yet because we seem to have so many other activities on the go.

However, your help with this process will be an important factor in determining what success we can have as a Rotary Club and, more importantly, as an effective E-Club.

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Award Criteria Monitors

There are several awards we can try to achieve. Please review and stay up to date!

The District Governor’s Award

The Presidential Citation

The Zone Public Image Award

The Best Youth-at-Risk program in the district Awards for Best Facebook Page and Best Website

The awards above are awards for our achievement through the year – July through March.

Area Club Award Monitor

Overall Chair – Award Criteria Monitors Paul

Community Service Awards Criteria WeinFamily of Rotary Awards Criteria Lou and VincentHumanitarian Service through TRF Awards Criteria AmarylisMembership Awards criteria CamillePlanning-Training-Technology Awards Criteria DianaPublic Image Awards Criteria Denise West & KeturahYouth Service Awards Criteria Paul and MiocheBest Youth-at-risk program in the district ?

Club-of-the-month program – This program is part of the DG’s Award, and each month has a specific focus. Monthly teams will focus on the monthly teams for the Rotary Calendar and Club-of-the-Month. Points earned through participation in this program are part of the overall District Governor’s Award.

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Develop a job description of the Sergeant-at-Arms position for our E-Club.

This information – the description and duties – will be part of our Rotary E-Club Bylaws.

Updating our Club Bylaws

We will schedule a meeting in the spring to update our club bylaws. This will be an annual event. You can find the current E-Club bylaws posted at the link below:

Below is the link for the updated Recommended Rotary Club Bylaws at August 30, 2013

We will have to look at the Recommended Bylaws and make adjustments and revisions to our current bylaws to comply with the Rotary guidelines.

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Twinning/Partnering with Rotary E-Club of District 9220

On the next page is a formal letter to our E-Club requesting a formal partnering relationship. We must respond to this request. I’m looking for members who would be interested in getting involved – planning, meeting, and communicating with the committee from District 9220 to consider how we can benefit each of our clubs.

The first consideration is to develop a committee to take some initial action as indicated in the body of the letter:

Please contact me if you would like to be involved with this project.

The E-Club of District 9220 is a French speaking club – and it seems that a partnership could be very helpful in translating our Butterfly Storybook to French. This could be one of the first projects to bring our two clubs closer together in a most meaningful and beneficial way!

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The Butterfly Storybook. Ongoing currently. Our signature project.

Paul is receiving the entries, due to be submitted to us by December 20. All members will be asked to get involved with reviewing the stories. Diana will again do the graphic work for the storybook and prepare the certificates. All students will receive certificates of participation. Published authors will receive certificates as winners. Lou will be in charge of distributing the certificates and letters to each club/participant.

We need advertisers/sponsors.

Ideally, we would have two sponsors of about $500 each. If you have any ideas, please let us know.

When we publish in French, we should consider having sponsors in French, perhaps.

Please let us know if you want to be part of the Butterfly Committee. More information will be forthcoming as we will need the help and co-operation of all members.

International Pen-Pal Project. Ongoing currently. Promises to be an excellent project.

Devorath is doing an outstanding job as Chair of this project. Mioche Rock is the Haiti Country Monitor – partnering with Nischal Pandey in India

from the Rotary E-Club of District 3170 Denise West is the Jamaica Country Monitor – partnering with Olivier Rose of Rotary E-

Club of District 9220 in Mauritius

Global Grant Application Information

There is no due date for global grants. (There is a due date of March 1 for District Grants.)

If we can find a project that we can work toward – to engage all our members and benefit our District 7020 – then we can consider putting together a Global Grant request.

For a Global Grant, we need partners – and we have already two possible partners in Nischal’s Club (E-Club of District 3170) and Rachid’s Club (E-Club of District 9220). We just need to put together a project.

Devorath has asked for suggestions, and so far, we have the following:

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A mobile library, preferably in one of our Pen-Pal areas (Haiti/India) (Jamaica/Mauritius) Organic herbs and vegetable garden (Grow/Cook/Eat/Sell/Teach others)

I’ve attached the criteria for a Global Grant below and on the next page so that you can review it and start thinking about how we might proceed.

Definitely, a Community Assessment is required in order to put together a viable project – one that is truly required – not just one that we think might be helpful.

So, get your thinking caps on – and we can grow as an E-Club in our influence in this world!

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Our ClubRunner website –

You will have to log in as follows:

If you do not know your login name and password, please contact me at [email protected].

The public will not see the Members-only information. Down the right side, they will see only the following Site Pages.

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The information available to the public is basic information.

However, when you log in to the site, using your ID and password, you can see – and access –the information for members only.

See next page:

Click the link above to Members-only meetings & videos to see the recorded meetings. You can see archived newsletters, our Bylaws, Happy Hour Hangouts, Committee and Board meetings.

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It will take only a few minutes of your time.

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Rotary E-Club of the Caribbean, 7020 at November, 2013

• Membership – Camille SeatonThis committee should develop and implement a comprehensive plan for the recruitment and retention of members. Duties will be listed in a Club Administration manual.

• Public Image –This committee should develop and implement plans to provide the public with information about Rotary and to promote the club’s service projects and activities. Duties will be listed in a Club Administration manual.

• Administration – Wein DimetrosThis committee should conduct activities associated with the effective operation of the club. Duties will be listed in a Club Administration manual.

• Service Projects – Devorath ElcockThis committee should develop and implement educational, humanitarian, and vocational projects that address the needs of its community and communities in other countries.

• Club Wellness – Lou deLagranThis committee should develop and implement ways to help keep our members happy and contributing to the success of our E-Club.

• Youth Service – Mioche RockThis committee should encourage the involvement in youth programs of RI (Rotaract, Interact, RYLA and Youth Exchange); support the personal and professional success if young people while recognizing the diversity of their needs; work with other club directors to involve young people in the activities of the club. Members include Paul.

• The Rotary Foundation – Amarylis DavilaThis committee should develop and implement plans to support The Rotary Foundation through both financial contributions and program participation.

• Fundraising – Devorath Elcock and othersThis committee will investigate how to raise money for our administrative needs and for other projects. Members include Amarylis, Henriette and Lou.

• Sergeant-at-Arms – Anita Jourden (an ongoing discussion of what this committee will do)

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Our E-Club will be compiling a “package” of Rotary materials and information to distribute to all members and new members. Each member should arrange to print the documents and post them where you can see and refer to them easily and conveniently.

A partial list of the document to be included in our package is shown below. Each member will be asked to print the documents for your own use.

Four-Way Test – Brochure – Object of Rotary – New Member Proposal Form – Rotary Code of Conduct –

More information will be forthcoming on this topic.


As a review, the members of the Board and responsibilities are listed below:


Based on the recommended Rotary Club Bylaws, the club’s Board of Directors should have the following responsibilities:

Overseeing all club officers and committee members Electing a member of the club to act as Sergeant-at-Arms Overseeing the club’s budget

o Ensuring the budget includes realistic amounts for club operations and service projects

o Approving all expenditures not accounted for in the club budget Informing those who propose members of the board’s decision, through the club

secretary, within 30 days Reviewing the policies of the club to ensure they’re being implemented as intended Considering new and creative ways to fulfill the Object of Rotary Examining the needs of the community and the world and establishing club goals to

address them

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The club secretary has much of the administrative responsibility for the day-to-day club operations.

Based on the recommended Rotary Club Bylaws, the club’s secretary should have the following responsibilities:

Maintaining membership records Recording attendance at meetings, and reporting monthly attendance figures to the

district governor within 15 days of the last meeting of each month Sending out notices of meetings of the club, board, and committees Recording and maintaining minutes of club, board, and committee meetings Making required reports to RI and your district, including the semi-annual report (SAR)

of membership, and paying dues to Rotary International on 1 July and 1 January Working with the club officers Performing any other duties that usually pertain to the office of secretary


The President should be aware of the financial condition of the club at all times by meeting regularly with the club’s treasurer.

The club treasurer should manage the club’s financial transactions, maintain club financial records, and help plan the club’ budget. The recommended rotary Club Bylaws lists the following responsibilities for the treasurer:

Maintaining custody of all club funds Accounting for all club funds, books of accounts, or any other club property to the Board

of Directors, incoming Treasurer, or the president at the end of the year Working with the successor to ensure a smooth transition between Rotary years Performing other responsibilities related to the office


The Sergeant-at-Arms must keep the meeting running smoothly, with few interruptions. The Sergeant-at-Arms has the following responsibilities:

Helping to maintain orderly and effective Rotary club meetings Working to prevent any occurrence that might detract from the dignity or prestige of the


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The club trainer should work with the club’s board and committees, your assistant governor, the district training committee, and the district governor for support and ideas.

The training plan for the club should ensure that

Club leaders attend district training meetings Orientation is consistent and regularly provided to new members Ongoing educational opportunities are available for current members A leadership skills development program is available for all members


Weekly meeting. Note that our main meeting is – the blog website at

Please attend the weekly meeting at the blog website every week and register your attendance.

We are evolving. Because we are so new, we are flexible so that we can produce the best program for everyone. If you have suggestions, please do let us know!

Happy Hour Hangout. Attending the HHH is an excellent way to meet others from the club and enjoy fellowship. It is also a very good opportunity to meet a “live” guest speaker when one is scheduled by the monthly team.



As a member of the Rotary E-Club of the Caribbean, 7020, be familiar with your meeting website.


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ATTENDANCE - You MUST attend the weekly meeting at

It requires a minimum of 30 minutes each week. That is a very small commitment to Rotary on a weekly basis. Every single member must meet that commitment for our successful club – and to meet

Rotary International requirements.


The meeting website – and other of our websites – contain much Rotary information.

At left – This is the links of Pages and Links available along the right side of

Click the links to view all the important information provided for you.


At right - A little further down the page, you can find the links

(Relevant Links) to other resources as shown here. These links provide

much information that can help us to become a better club.

Click the links to view the information provided at each point.

Investigate the links at your convenience, but learn what is there and you can become a better Rotarian. The more informed you are, the better you can become.

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Our ClubRunner website -

Each member should log in and complete your profile.

DG’s AWARD FOCUS - The three main focus areas of the DG’s award are

Strengthen your clubs – through membership growth and engagement, and through planning, training, and technology – and that latter its well into our E-Club. We can become very innovative and creative!

Foster and Increase Humanitarian Service – by engaging the club in greater-impact community service, supporting and benefiting from TRF, and through Youth Service

Enhanced Public Image and Awareness – through enhanced PI and improved awareness

1 Wein Dimetros [email protected] Diana White [email protected] Paul Amoury [email protected] Kitty Bucsko [email protected] Christy Almeida [email protected] Vincent Wheatley [email protected] Camille Seaton [email protected] Lou deLagran [email protected] Amarylis Davila [email protected] Keturah deWeever [email protected] Nadine Alexander [email protected] Devorath Elcock [email protected] Mioche Rock [email protected] Henriette Raccah [email protected] Denise Hibbert [email protected] Anita Jourden [email protected] Denise West [email protected]


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Service Projects/Committees. A review of what each area of service can achieve within our E-Club was printed in the September issue of the newsletter. Please review it for more information.


The Club Administration Committee has the following responsibilities:

Helping the club secretary track club attendance Maintaining club membership lists and reporting to Rotary International Helping the club treasurer collect dues Organizing weekly and special programs Promoting fellowship among club members Producing the club bulletin and website


The Club Membership Committee has the following responsibilities:

Achieving the club membership goals for the coming year Educating and training club members about the importance of recruitment and retention

of qualified, diverse members Conducting classification surveys to ensure the club’s classifications are relevant to

current business trends Conducting club assessments to ensure membership development efforts are effective


The President-elect should work with the Service Projects Committee to determine whether current club projects will continue into the coming year. The Service Projects Committee has the following responsibilities:

Achieving club service project goals for the coming year Conducting a needs assessment of the community and the club Planning service projects, both local and international, using club district, and RI

resources, and ensuring that promotion is planned


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Implementing service projects and involving all members Evaluating all service projects and using the findings to strengthen future service projects


The Rotary Foundation Committee has the following responsibilities:

Achieving club foundation goals for the coming year Educating club members about the foundation Encouraging club members to participate in Foundation programs and support the

foundation financially Communicating the foundation goals of the district and the Trustees of The Rotary

Foundation to club members Ensuring proper stewardship of Foundation grant funds


The Club Public Image Committee should develop and executive a plan to inform the public about Rotary and promote our club’s service projects and activities. The club Board needs to implement and continuously evaluate the club’s PI plan.

The club’s PI committee has the following responsibilities:

Achieving club public relations goals for the coming year Familiarizing ourselves with RI resources Creating awareness of club activities among club members,

media, and the general public Enhancing projects and activities to make them more

appealing to the media Helping to create a public image conducive to membership


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