Download - Welcome to america

Page 1: Welcome to america

Kyzylorda region, Kazaly districtAiteke bi city

school №204 by I.Altynsarinteacher of English A.Bozayeva

The 6th formThe theme: Welcome to America!

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Welcome to America!

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Page 4: Welcome to america

Tongue-twisterTongue-twisterThree grey geese in the Three grey geese in the

green grass grazing,green grass grazing,Grey were the geese and Grey were the geese and

grey were the grazing.grey were the grazing.

Page 5: Welcome to america

Write what holidays American Write what holidays American people celebrate people celebrate on these dates.on these dates.

MonthMonth HolidayHoliday DateDate

January January February February

March March

April April

June June

July July

October October

December December









Page 6: Welcome to america

Modal verb: MayMay –рұқсат сұрау, рұқсат беру.

May I sit here?

Yes, you may.Of course, you may.You certainly may.

Do please.

May I go there?

I’m afraid not. It is cold.No, you mustn’t. You are


Page 7: Welcome to america

1. May I watch TV? ……… It is time to sleep.

2. May I go to the cinema? ………. An interesting film is on.

3. May I prepare turkey? ………. It’s in the fridge.

4. May I play the piano here? ……… The child is sleeping in the room.

5. May I sell this book? ……… I’m going to give it to you sister.

Answer the questions Answer the questions using:using:

Yes, you may / No, you mustn’t.

Page 8: Welcome to america

Proper Names:Proper Names:

New York [‘nju:’jo:k]France [fra:ns]The Statue of Liberty

[ðә’stǽtju:әv’libәti]The Star-Spangled Banner


Page 9: Welcome to america

Stripe [straip] жолақDisplay [dis’plei] ілуTo fold [fold] жинауEagle [‘i:gl] қыран, бүркітOfficial [ә'fi∫әl] ресмиOlive branch [оliv’bra:nt∫] зәйтүн

бұтағыArrow [ǽrou] жебеStrength [streŋθ] күш, қуат

New words

Page 10: Welcome to america

What have you learnt about American symbols?

The flagColour: …………..Name: ……………Number of stars: ………….Number of stripes: ………….Stripes stand for: ……………Stars stand for: …………….

The symbolYear it became the official symbol: …………An olive branch stands for: ………….Arrows stand for: …………….

The Statue of LibertyYear when it appeared in the USA: ……………..Country it came from: …………Reason it came to the USA: ……………Place it is now: ………………

Page 11: Welcome to america

Questions :How many states does the

USA consist of?Where is The Statue of Liberty?When do Americans celebrate Independence Day?The American flag has …What is the capital of the USA?Who was the first president of the USA?America was discovered by Columbus in …

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The lesson is The lesson is over.over.

Good – bye!Good – bye!

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